EH Search Tracker

Track your searches on e*hentai

Dohen T. Ai
Pemasangan harian
Total pemasangan
2 0 0
16 Mei 2017
19 Juni 2017
30 KB
Berlaku untuk

This script allows you to subscribe to a search.

How to use:
Search for anything you want, hit the "Show Subscribe Dialog" button under the search bar and type in what you want to name it as. Refresh the page then hit the "Following" link at the top to see everything you've subscribed to. To remove a search, click on the the "Delete" button in the subscribe dialog.

---You must wait six seconds between each update, so you aren't spamming your searches.
---The search you subscribe to needs at least 10 results to work with the script properly
---It doesn't show a picture for brand brand new galleries (posted in the last 30 minutes)

Things that still need to be done:
---Ability to reorder searches
---Make it so that the "new galleries" number only goes to 0 if you've clicked on all five of the most recent galleries.

Things that would be nice if they were done:
---Copy the appearance of the front/favorites page so the "Following" page doesn't look out of place compared to the rest of the site.
---Make the "Last updated" at the top show the correct date (doesn't actually save anything yet).
---Make it so you don't have to click twice to show the subscribe dialog