Loop (and Mute) Video Files

Turns on looped playback and mutes in-player volume whenever a video file is opened.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Loop (and Mute) Video Files
// @namespace      idunnolol
// @version        1.2.1
// @description    Turns on looped playback and mutes in-player volume whenever a video file is opened.
// @author         idunnolol
// @author         segito10
// @author         WhatIsThisImNotGoodWithComputers
// @include        *.webm*
// @include        *.mp4*
// @include        *r34i.paheal-cdn.net*
// @license        GPL
// ==/UserScript==

const videos= [...document.getElementsByTagName('video')];
videos.forEach((video) => { video.loop = true });
videos.forEach((video) => { video.muted = true });
void 0;