Unlimited Paginator Works

Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages seamlessly or separate each with a paginator.

Pada tanggal 06 Februari 2015. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

Mango 2
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24 September 2014
06 Februari 2015
8,34 KB
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Default supported sites:

If you happen to frequent an unsupported booru, try just adding it to the includes list. Only the sites on the above list are directly supported, however--don't ask me to add or fix other sites.

I only use Danbooru, and even there my copy of the script is disabled on some pages, so it's easy for problems to go unnoticed.

Some functionality (tag scripts, blacklist sidebar hide/show, etc...) is lost on the loaded pages. This will not be fixed.

At the top of the script are three options:

  • pageBreak - If true, each added page retains its paginator. If false (default), elements are smoothly joined together.
  • scrollBuffer - Increase to decrease amount of scrolling needed to load next page.
  • timeToFailure - Time (in ms) the script will wait for a response from the next page before attempting to fetch the page again. Increase if the next page keeps trying to load but never completes.


  • Fixed Danbooru post searches not appending pages correctly when hitting blank pages.
  • Fixed pageBreak=true not separating certain pages correctly. I'm changing the default pageBreak setting to false.
  • Changed Sankaku URL to https.


  • Fixed second page being pushed down by the sidebar.