Chaturbate Age-Filter & Locations

Age filter, Locations under each thumbnail, Locations list with links, and more!

< Valutazione su Chaturbate Age-Filter & Locations

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 16/09/2017

strip affiliate urls

Please also strip away affiliate URLs generated on alternate age filter [referer blocked via xww, don't need them knowing what we're up to here]

Pubblicato: 02/10/2017
Modificato: 02/10/2017

I'm sorry, I'm not sure to really understand your question... Can you add more details?
BTW... I'm not the author of and I am not affiliated with them in any way.

Pubblicato: 13/10/2017

the bubbleapps page opens links to a model's page but it is molested. Load it, click a channel, and observe the URL. Today I see it is also wrapped in an wrapper -- there is another userscript for removing url shortening anonymously

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