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Chaturbate Full Page Video

Display the webcam video over the whole page (without fullscreen), in the correct ratio, with its controls.

< Valutazione su Chaturbate Full Page Video


Pubblicato: 04/10/2018

Yes! Best tweak for chaturbate.

Thank you for this. Watching like this is the only way anything should be watched ^^

James KossAutore
Pubblicato: 05/10/2018

Thanks! And yes, this is the only way to switch tabs quickly! :smile:

Pubblicato: 08/11/2019

Now is not supported, wating on fix after CB update

Pubblicato: 08/11/2019

@Heni0 said: Now is not supported, wating on fix after CB update

For a quick fix, in the script search for theese variables and change it to this: @Line 68: vidHolder = document.getElementById("jt"); @Line 72: vid = document.getElementById("En");

Not the best, but till' the official update comes, it will do the job.

James KossAutore
Pubblicato: 06/12/2019

@Heni0 said: Now is not supported, wating on fix after CB update

@ZaiKo said:

@Heni0 said: Now is not supported, wating on fix after CB update

For a quick fix, in the script search for theese variables and change it to this: @Line 68: vidHolder = document.getElementById("jt"); @Line 72: vid = document.getElementById("En");

Not the best, but till' the official update comes, it will do the job.

Updated and fixed for a while now. Still updating for any bugs found. Thank you and enjoy.

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