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E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags

Highlights galleries with tag flags using the color(s) of their own tag flags.

< Valutazione su E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags


Pubblicato: 28/03/2019

Highlight tag when on the gallery's page?

Going through galleries now after the new UI I was wondering if highlighting the tag when on the gallery page would be possible?

etc 2Autore
Pubblicato: 28/03/2019
Modificato: 20/09/2019

Having this script do it would require some non-trivial changes, so no. The site's administrator did say that he's planning to add that feature in the future, though (ie the site's itself would do the highlighting, not a script).

Disregard the above I was missing this too so I figured a way to add it anyway

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