Eza's Image Glutton

Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments

< Valutazione su Eza's Image Glutton


Pubblicato: 02/10/2014

10/1/2014 Image Glutton bug

Pixiv is at it with changes again.
function scrape_pixiv() appears to not be working, though I can't immediately see why.
Tries to go to mode=manga on regular single-image submissions. Obviously this fails; still works on actual mode=manga pages though.

Pubblicato: 05/10/2014
Modificato: 05/10/2014

On the mode=medium pages, they added an ID to the <a> tag that links to the relevant mode=big page. Image Glutton wasn't expecting that, so it didn't find the "big" link, and redirected to mode=manga instead. It looks for a slightly different string now. Thank you.

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