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議論 » Greasy Fork への意見

New feature: set the type of your script

投稿日: 2014/03/10
編集日: 2014/03/10

New feature: set the type of your script

When updating a script, you can now choose from four types:

  • Public user script - A user script for all to see and use.
  • Unlisted user script - A user script for (semi-)private use. Available by direct access, but not linked to from anywhere on Greasy Fork.
  • Library - A script intended to be @require-d from other scripts and not installed directly.
  • Deleted - Unlisted and uninstallable.
投稿日: 2014/03/10
編集日: 2014/03/10

Will the libraries also be listed on scripts page or on different page?
Found it

I also think library should be uninstallable (and has .js extension, not .user.js)

投稿日: 2014/03/10

Sure, libraries should not be installable as user scripts, but I don't want to vary the URL based on the setting, so I just took away the install link.

I've updated the text on to point to the @require docs for a full list of libraries available. I've also made browsable.

投稿日: 2014/03/10
Sure, libraries should not be installable as user scripts, but I don't want to vary the URL based on the setting, so I just took away the install link.

Fair enough.

I've updated the text on to point to the @require docs for a full list of libraries available. I've also made browsable.


