
サイトのエクスペリエンスと負荷制御に重点を置いたコミック閲覧 + ダウンローダー。あなたが探しているサイトを見つけるのをサポートします。

< コミック織機についてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2024/06/28
編集日: 2024/06/28

Is there a way to prevent scrolling up and down from changing to the next/previous image?

投稿日: 2024/06/29

I didn't understand your meaning. If you mean that the page immediately scrolls down after changing to the next image when scrolling with custom keys, I have just fixed this issue.

投稿日: 2024/07/01
編集日: 2024/07/01

When you scroll up and down either with the up and down arrow keys or the mouse wheel, it changes the image if you reach the limit of what you can scroll while zoomed-in.

I wish to prevent this interaction with the mouse wheel and the up and down arrow keys, at least while zoomed-in.

投稿日: 2024/07/02

When you scroll up and down either with the up and down arrow keys or the mouse wheel, it changes the image if you reach the limit of what you can scroll while zoomed-in. I wish to prevent this interaction with the mouse wheel and the up and down arrow keys, at least while zoomed-in.

There is a configuration option min paging time that is used to prevent scrolling page flips. You can set it to less than 0, and then the mouse wheel (with Sticky Mouse disabled), ArrowDown, and custom keys will no longer flip pages, except for Space and PageDown.

投稿日: 2024/07/02

Thank you!

