Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments
< Eza's Image Gluttonについてのフィードバック
I'm sorry, but that's Chrome's error. I tested several redirect methods and tried disabling the history.replaceState line that prevents multiple redirections. That browser inconsistently decides whether or not to provide a Back link, essentially at random. I can only guess that it's an over-eager attempt to ignore redirect "traps" like URL shorteners.
On the other hand I did add support for FA's Beta theme. Thanks for mentioning it.
Aw, well that's a shame. Regardless, thank you very much for looking into it.
Also, I should mention that the added support for FA's beta theme doesn't seem to work at all within Chrome. Would this be another instance of the browser not playing nice, perhaps?
Firefox accepted a sandboxed script reading a site variable from "window," while Chrome apparently insists on using "unsafeWindow." This has been corrected.
shakes fist at Chrome
Okay, there we go, haha. Thanks again, Eza.
Hi Eza, this plugin works on most sites just fine but there is some weird thing going on - on images are being forwarded to some website I never visited before ( which then throws out an error.
I didn't install any new addons and most of them shouldn't even mess with websites (except for ABL and Ghostery and website-specific stuff.)
Instead of getting a fullscreen image the URL will look like this:*some hash*.jpg
Using Pale Moon v26.2.1 x64 + GM v3.4.1 (with only this plugin enabled)
The site changed the format of their Download link. Tiny difference, tiny fix. Should work now.
Thanks :)
It's sometimes not working for me on danbooru. I'm not sure what allows it to work or not.
The site changed its label for images that were not resized. A tiny edit to a search string fixed it. Thank you for notifying me.
The redirect fails, but the link URL matches the detected URL. Weird. Ah: there's one '& amp;' which does not become '&' on an automatic redirect... for some reason. In lieu of proper decoding or evaluation I'm just gonna search/replace.
Thank you for mentioning this. That's not one of the sites I use regularly. DeviantArt is, and it's been broken for a while, so this was a good excuse to finally fix that nonsense again.
Not Working Like it Should on Certain Sites
Hey there! Just tested this script on a couple different sites I frequent and ran into some issues.
On Fur Affinity, the page redirects to the image page just fine, but I am unable to go back to the main submission page; going back is just not an option. My browser acts as if I opened a new tab directly to the image page and bypassed the redirect entirely even though my web history indicates otherwise. This is the same story for SoFurry and Inkbunny. The only way I can get around this with the script activated is to keep my history tab open, hunt for the relevant submission page and visit the link with '#dnr' appended to the end of it. Not as intuitive as just hitting the back button, but it works.
Weasyl, on the other hand, works perfectly fine. No problems to report there. Tumblr seems to be okay, too.
Oh! Another thing worth noting is that this script does not work at all when using Fur Affinity's beta theme, unfortunately. No redirects or anything. If you could make this script compatible with the beta theme, I'd be extremely grateful.