Unlimited Paginator Works

Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.

< Unlimited Paginator Worksについてのフィードバック


投稿日: 2014/12/26

Images on Danbooru are loaded off-screen to the right in specific conflict

Don't know where else to post issues.

When used in conjunction with better_better_booru's "show loli","show shota", "show deleted", or "show banned" functionality on danbooru, images past the first page are loaded offscreen to the right.

If a link is clicked to manually advance to the 2nd page, pagination occurs as usual.

Mango 2作者
投稿日: 2014/12/29

I'm not familiar with that script. Try changing the relative execution order of the two scripts, or ask the author of that script.

Mango 2作者
投稿日: 2015/02/01
編集日: 2015/02/01

I stumbled upon a post search that I believe reproduces your issue. UPW relies on there being at least one post on a Post search in order to find the right 'main table'. If there aren't any posts, then UPW falls through to the wrong 'main table' and inserts subsequent pages in the wrong place. The BBB script is probably adding posts back in after this script has already determined which table to use.

投稿日: 2015/05/09

I have this problem as well. Is there no way to use UPW and BBB in conjunction with each other? BBB is a very useful extension...

