EH Plus

Gallery index/search: Improves appearance/layout, parses and cleans up titles. Can hide/fade galleries by tag (requires flagging perk). Can resort gallery thumbs which is useful when hiding. Gallery view: Can adjust thumb sizes to make neat rows (requires large thumb perk). General: Option for grey color scheme by rewriting css (might have a few issues). Settings panel pops out on the left on mouseover on pages where it works.

< Feedback on EH Plus


Posted: 02.02.2015

ERROR: after using "Show Tagged Galleries" can't use numbers to change page

Reproducing steps

click any galery, for example
click any tag and select "Show Tagged Galleries"

on search results, changing page by clicking any page number or arrows will ignore the search and go that page in exhentai without searching.

temporal solution: after using "Show Tagged Galleries", go to the search field with the tag and press enter, changing the url from

then changing page works correctly

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