Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Handy Image 피드백


작성: 2016-03-17
수정: 2016-03-17

Can't install/update Handy Image from Greasy Fork

No idea why but when I click install it just opens up a page with lots of code instead of the usual install window, this is only a problem with Handy Image, all my other scripts install just fine on Greasy Fork. I have had to install HI from here: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/Owyn/Handy_Image

작성: 2016-03-17
수정: 2016-03-17
작성: 2016-03-17
작성: 2016-03-20
수정: 2016-03-20

I received an auto-upate on another unrelated greasemonkey script on my x64 firefox (but not the HandyImage update from 3.15 to 3.17) so I'm curious if the non auto-update for me is related to this issue.

edit: I'm assuming something like "// @homepageURL" wouldn't make a difference other than the related link only showing up in the script's description right?

작성: 2016-03-20
수정: 2016-03-20

You know I just realized something. The script title has the serrated caution black and yellow strips faded into the top section of the gui. I think firefox is treating this script as "unverified" for use because that imagery (and text "cautioning" you) appears on another unrelated extension I have that's currently unverified. My other 2 greasemonkey scripts don't have this imagery.

I think they started this in version 43 and basically forced you to use signed extensions from now on. There's a flag to override it for now, but apparently that will also be taken out in future versions.

작성: 2016-03-20
수정: 2016-03-20

I don't think I understand the reason you described or ways to workaround it

and yes, @homepageURL and others simular are gust for gui buttons in scripts managers

작성: 2016-03-20
수정: 2016-03-20

I don't think I understand the reason you described or ways to workaround it

and yes, @homepageURL and others simular are gust for gui buttons in scripts managers

Basically here's what I'm seeing: http://i.imgur.com/sSPpLIP.jpg
The first is an extension, and the third one is also a greasemonkey script. The "caution" hashmarks are subtle, but it's on yours for some reason. It was just something I noticed and have no idea how to solve, but honestly I suspect if firefox thinks a script is "unverified" or "unsigned", it won't install (update) it by default now -- and that may explain why the script isn't "auto-updating." I guess I need to ask around and see if their version auto-updates. OP @MrH says he couldn't "update" so I guess we need to see what people are saying.

작성: 2016-03-21
수정: 2016-03-21

Alright, I have a wild update.

I uninstalled the script and then installed it from @MrH 's site and the caution hashmarks are gone. Installed from greasyfork/sleazyfork (drag and drop the .js file into firefox), and the hashmarks are still there. My guess is there's bad crosstalk with greasyfork to sleazyfork, and since other scripts install normally on greasyfork alone, I don't think greasyfork is the problem. If the script checks greasyfork for an update, it silently errors since you need to "log in" to see the script.

Or perhaps greasemonkey doesn't "recognize" sleazyfork as an "official site to install scripts from", but does recognize greasyfork and openuserjs as "safe" sites.

Btw @Owyn , I saw your issue ticket on greasemonkey's site, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Owyn/HandyImage/master/HandyImage.user.js opens the install window for me on the first go.

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