Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Handy Image 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2018-07-14
수정: 2018-07-14

Fix: deviantart.com

DeviantArt URLs have changed. For the @match section, add https://www.deviantart.com/*/art/* to the existing https://*.deviantart.com/art/* or replace it. That change at least makes the smaller image preview within the art page get replaced with a larger one.

However, to fix the script so it goes directly to the full image instead of the art page like it used to, the makeworld() section needs a change too, but this part is less obvious how to fix because the image URL is quite different now.

작성: 2018-07-14
수정: 2018-07-14

I see, fixed

작성: 2018-07-15

Thank you, but the makeworld() change doesn't seem to work for me. It still goes to the regular art page when I click on a thumbnail from a gallery page or my notifications page.

작성: 2018-07-15

Oops, never mind... it is working for me now. Nice!

작성: 2018-07-16

There appears to be another recently-introduced deviantart.com bug: if you click on a literature deviation, it redirects you to one of the thumbnail images in the right sidebar (if there are any images there)

Also, I'm not sure that the makeworld() change was necessary, because the previous script version seems to work okay. But maybe it was. I don't understand how the code works well enough to say either way. The reason it wasn't working for me was my fault... I use a custom-edited version of your script where I rip out everything for sites other than deviantart. But my version was messed up because I was missing some needed stuff. Sorry!

작성: 2018-07-16

so it even has literature... fixed

작성: 2018-07-19
수정: 2018-07-19

Hahaha, yep, I know it's not called Handy Text.

But the literature fix didn't seem to work. In the console, I get: "Didnt find image, waited 1000 ms to try again." "HJI is running on a custom website" "HJI is running on a custom website, showing biggest image"

So it just showing the biggest image on the page and never even makes it into the deviantart.com section of makeworld().

Also, I tried adding case "www.deviantart.com": to the switch statement, but that didn't fix it.

작성: 2018-07-19

You'r right, didn't notice it, now it should be fixed.

작성: 2018-07-20

Works now, thanks!

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