HaremHeroes Automatic

Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoContest, AutoMission, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle, AutoArenaBattle and AutoPachinko(Free). Messages are printed in local console.

< HaremHeroes Automatic 피드백


작성: 2018-09-17

AutoArenaBattle doesnt work

when is activated nothing happend

작성: 2018-09-18

I don't know what's going on, but the only temp fix I've found is uninstalling and reinstalling the script. It worked for a few days until it stopped working again.

작성: 2018-09-20

Locate the string:

var battle_price = battleButton.attr("price_fe");

and change it to:

var battle_price = battleButton.find('span').size()>0?battleButton.attr("price_fe"):0;

Should work for now

작성: 2018-09-20
수정: 2018-09-20

@"Dorten D" dijo: Locate the string:

var battle_price = battleButton.attr("price_fe");

and change it to:

var battle_price = battleButton.find('span').size()>0?battleButton.attr("price_fe"):0;

Should work for now

i dont know why, but not work for me

작성: 2018-09-21

What does browser console say?

작성: 2018-09-21
수정: 2018-09-21

Its > @"Dorten D" dijo:

What does browser console say?

i mean, i changed that line like you said, its number 610. Did it, but autobattlearena still not working for me

in fact, i tried this new version too, https://openuserjs.org/scripts/jayar911/HaremHeroes_Automatic

doesnt works AutoBattleArena neither, but autosalary works perfectly, on both scripts

Im doing this with Chrome last version

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