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E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags

Highlights galleries with tag flags using the color(s) of their own tag flags.

< E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2019-03-21

Galleries reordering-filtering.

First of all I'd like to thank you for providing us with this script so quickly, as it is really convenient. I hear you want to keep the code simple and not turn this into Highlighter 2, so I perfectly understand if you aren't interested in implementing what I'm going to ask you about (I understand it must be hard work).

I wanted to see if there's any possibility that you could add a Highlighter feature I found rather useful: "Move filtered galleries to the bottom". Instead of filtering, I wonder if it would be possible for the user to set some sort of threshold value (say, 50 tag weight for example) so that any galleries with a tag weight equal or higher than said threshold are moved to the top of the page (as it works currently) while any with a weight lower than that are sent to the bottom of the page. Maybe galleries could also be sorted from highest to lowest by checking which of their highlighted tags has the higher weight (like it's done for colors), and assigning that value to the gallery instead of combining the weight of all tags (which I imagine would be more complex).

Example picture: Current vs Hypothetical tag weight threshold of 50, weights for "english", "chinese" & "translated" tags are 60, 25 & 15 respectively.

Okay, that was long and I hope I didn't word things too poorly (hey, not my native language). No matter what your answer is, I thank you regardless. Have a good day.

etc 2개발자
작성: 2019-03-22

Would if I could, but as far as I can tell the site doesn't include weight-related information in the gallery listings; that is to say, there is no way for the script to know the weight of a given tag unless it starts monitoring and saving the state of the "My Tags" page, which is beyond the scope of this script.

작성: 2019-03-22

Oh, that's a shame but I guess not much can be done about it. I thank you nonetheless for taking the time to respond, friend. Have a good day.

작성: 2019-03-23

Use a specific color instead. Would be cool to also add transparency to filtered items.

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