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작성: 2021-02-21

You really should be using the API for this instead of fetching the gallery page (loading its thumbnails too).

작성: 2021-03-03

At the time that I wrote this script, closing in on two years ago, I was unaware of the API. I'll likely update this one eventually or just roll it into EHx. A lot of my older scripts need work, but thank you for the feedback.

작성: 2021-03-04

Well, it took like an hour or two to completely rewrite, but now there's an option to maintain the vanilla experience, as well as the most current version that utilizes the gallery API. In terms of usability, they're functionally identical, however, I feel like I'll still use the "old" version as it properly displays low power tags, something the gallery API doesn't tell you. Honestly, it's a bit frustrating seeing a "better" version of the script be double the length with technically less functionality, but what can you do?

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