Chaturbate Enhancer

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< Chaturbate Enhancer 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2024-05-23

You broke fullscreen and added a "support" dialog that NEVER disappears and wants me to make a new account when I'M ALREADY LOGGED IN. Clicking it doesn't make it go away, it just logs me out of CB.

작성: 2024-05-23
수정: 2024-05-23


Unfortunately latest CB update broke the compatibility with our enhancer.

Fortunately, we have fixed that in the latest version (v5.0.17)! Please update. Thank you for your report!

We are also quite proud that CB has implemented two features we had implemented in our enhancer before - interactive fullscreen by default and "clicking on live video feed doesn't pause it anymore". As a result, we had to remove the "Use interactive fullscreen as default fullscreen mode" option now.

Will look into support dialog issue.

Please support Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at

작성: 2024-05-23
수정: 2024-05-23

Have sent you PM. Will be glad if you reply.

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