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Eza's Image Glutton

Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments

< Eza's Image Glutton 피드백


작성: 2018-06-09
수정: 2018-06-09

Pixiv changed, script doesn't work

So, looks like pixiv changed stuff again. I managed to fix the manga code by changing '<a href="memberillust.php?mode=manga' to 'href="/memberillust.php?mode=manga' in line 398. But God forbid me, I have no Idea what's happening on single page artworks.

Edit: I just realized the code is different when selecting an image from the front page (recommended works, followed users, etc.), and my temp fix only works when opening something from there.

작성: 2018-06-22

Pixiv changed everything. I rewrote the scrape_pixiv function completely, but now it treats animations like a single image. That will be fixed next. Sorry this update waited so long.

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