Utilities Mod

Largest tool for CW. Largest active userbase and huge list of improvements. Relaunch your experience

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작성: 2025-01-24

Hi, I'm completely new to this "script word", I have already installed both Tampermonkey and your script, logged on Cw from Chrome but still haven't figured out how to us it, I'm only trying to see a video locked, but can't unlock it. I understood that I have to send a friend request but I didn't understood how the script can help me. Sry for bothering

작성: 2025-01-25

Ciao francè. The plugin won't help you see locked videos. See previous reply.
It does however have various improvements you can check out in the menu (tempermonkey icon > cw icon) where you can see some options. Many are turned on by default.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.

작성: 2025-02-19

Life in the UK can be a bit boring sometimes, so I decided to find a new hobby. My friends recommended Big Win Box, so I decided to give it a try. After making my first bet, I unexpectedly won! This incident was a real discovery, and now I know that in the UK you can not only enjoy the scenery, but also try your luck.

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