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Chaturbate reloaded

새롭고 개선 된 Chaturbate 경험을 제공합니다.

< Chaturbate reloaded 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음


I've been using your amazing script for quite some time now but I have a little issue since previous update.
In Chrome (latest version) when I click on a roomname to open it in a new tab or in an anonymous tab it opens an url with my own roomname in it.
Here an example:

Any idea how I could solve this please?
Keep up the amazing work, and thanks for developing this great script!


작성: 2025-03-02

It looks like you're making a right click on the broadcasters name to open it in a new private window.
If you click the broadcasters name the script will show a special only profile page but you must be logged in to do that.
(It's using your own profile and re-writes it to the broadcasters profile)
In the new private window you are opening you are not logged in and in that case it will only show your profile (and asks to log in
if you have set a password on it)
The solution is simple , if you want to open a room in a new private window just right click the picture (and not the name).

Ahhhhh, thanks for your reply, you just made my day even better!
I clicked on the picture as you said and now it opens the model's room instead of my own profile. :-D
Many thanks for your quick response and for this great script!

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