Rule34 Favorites Search Gallery

Search, View, and Play Rule34 Favorites (Desktop/Androiod/iOS)

< Rule34 Favorites Search Gallery 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-12-11

Hi, your tool is great but it could really use a "redirect to original image" function when i click on one of my favourites. Thanks!

작성: 2024-12-11
수정: 2024-12-11

You want this function in addition to the gallery?
I could make ctrl-click redirect to the original image, and have everything else work the same.

작성: 2024-12-12

Thank you very much, that would work nicely!!

작성: 2024-12-12

No problem :).
I've added your idea to 1.17.2.

Update to 1.17.2 and the following should work:

  • Ctrl + Click: redirect to original image, but stay on current tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Click: redirect to original image, and switch to new tab
  • Works on both favorites and search pages
  • Works both in and out of gallery

It might be buggy, so lmk if anything breaks.
Appreciate your feedback, this was a good idea.

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