Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender

Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites, allowing double-page spread viewing for halved images. Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai, hentaihere, 8muses, Tsumino etc.

या स्क्रिप्टच्या अशा आवृत्त्या ज्यांत कोड अपडेट करण्यात आले होते. सर्व आवृत्त्या दाखवा.

  • v11.17b6 2015-11-27 Fixed Tsumino.
  • v11.17b5 2015-11-15 Added Tsumino
  • v11.17b4 2015-10-26 Just a quick bit of button optimisation
  • v11.17b3 2015-10-26 Button Fixed. Also found a way to share your setting choice for disable. Ignore message in settings panel if it tells you it can't.
  • v11.17b2 2015-10-24 Added start button. Will be able to disable in future.
  • v11.17b 2015-10-08 Added 8muses and HentaiHere
  • v11.17a 2015-08-31 Fixed. Should now work. Was missing Jquery in meta
  • v11.17 2015-08-24 wrong version number
  • v1.01 2015-08-24