Apina.biz improved

Browse apina.biz with full-sized images. Plus other tweaks.

या स्क्रिप्टच्या अशा आवृत्त्या ज्यांत कोड अपडेट करण्यात आले होते. सर्व आवृत्त्या दाखवा.

  • v3.0 2017-11-15 Updated for GreaseMonkey 4, added randoms memory and zoom indicator
  • v2.2 2015-02-13 Added support for webm videos
  • v2.1 2014-09-09 No longer displays the medium-sized image for a moment before the big image has loaded
  • v2.0 2014-08-03
  • v2 2014-08-03