This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Get_all_img_Library
- // @namespace
- // @version 2025.02.11.01
- // @description 添加了downloader和Add_css;
- // @author You
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- function get_img_obo_sessionStorage(key,nums,geturl,getimg,putimg){
- if(window.location.href.indexOf(key)<0){return}
- var i = 2
- if(sessionStorage.num){i = Number(sessionStorage.num)}
- var oldimg = $(sessionStorage.img)
- before_reflash(i,oldimg,putimg)
- var state = sessionStorage.state
- if(state!='start'){putimg($(sessionStorage.img),0);sessionStorage.clear();return}
- if(i<=nums){
- var href = geturl(i)
- if(!href){putimg($(sessionStorage.img),0);sessionStorage.clear();return}
- $.ajax({
- url:href,
- success:function(){
- var img = getimg('')
- if(sessionStorage.img==undefined){sessionStorage.img=""}
- sessionStorage.img += $('<div></div>').append(img.clone()).html()
- window.location.href = href
- i+=1
- sessionStorage.num = i
- },
- error:function(){
- alert(href+' error')
- putimg($(sessionStorage.img),0)
- sessionStorage.clear()
- },
- })
- }else{
- putimg($(sessionStorage.img),0)
- sessionStorage.clear()
- }
- }
- function before_reflash(i,oldimg,putimg){
- if(sessionStorage.reflash){putimg($(sessionStorage.img),0)}
- console.log('before_reflash')
- window.onbeforeunload = function(){
- if(!oldimg){return}
- if(sessionStorage.state){return}
- sessionStorage.img = $('<div></div>').append(oldimg).html()
- sessionStorage.reflash = 'reflash'
- sessionStorage.num = i
- }
- }
- function get_img_obo_ajax_href(key,nums,geturl,getimg,putimg){
- var obo = function(i){
- var href = geturl(i)
- console.log(href)
- if(!href){return}
- $.ajax({
- url:href,
- success:function(data){
- var img = getimg(data)
- putimg(img,i)
- showmass(i+'/'+nums)
- i+=1
- if(i>=nums){return}
- obo(i)
- },
- error:function(){
- console.log('error: '+href)
- i+=1
- if(i>=nums){return}
- obo(i)
- }
- })
- };obo(0)
- }
- function new_bottom_bu(text){
- var bu = $('<button></button>').text(text).css({
- position:'fixed',
- bottom:0,
- width:'100vw',
- height:'10vh',
- 'font-size':'5vh'
- })
- return bu
- }
- function obo_sessionStorage_start_bu(){
- var bu = new_bottom_bu("start")
- if(sessionStorage.state!='start'){
- sessionStorage.clear()
- sessionStorage.setItem('state','start')
- location.reload()
- }else{
- sessionStorage.clear()
- }
- })
- return bu
- }
- function showmass(ms) {
- if($('.mass_top').attr('class')){$('.mass_top').text(ms);return}
- $('body').append($('<div class="mass_top"></div>').css({
- 'font-size':'2vw',
- 'color':'rgba(0, 102, 0, 0.5)',
- 'position':'fixed',
- 'top':'10px',
- 'left':'10px',
- 'font-weight':'bold',
- 'z-index':99999999,
- }).click(function(){$(this).hide()}))
- $('.mass_top').text(ms)
- }
- function add_css(tag,object){
- var style = $('<style></style>').text(tag+JSON.stringify(object).replace(/\"/g,'').replace(/,/g,";"))
- $('body').append(style)
- }
- function remove_sameimg(){
- var hs = new Array()
- $('img').each(function(){
- if(hs.indexOf(this.src)<0){
- hs.push(this.src)
- }else{
- $(this).remove()
- }
- })
- }
- function reflash_unloadimg(){
- var check = setInterval(function(){
- if(sessionStorage.reflashlock == 'yes'){return}
- var img = $('img:visible').filter(function(){return this.naturalWidth==0})
- img.each(function(){
- if(this.naturalWidth==0){
- //console.log(this.src)
- var clone = $(this).clone(true)
- var parent = $(this).parent()
- var pre = $(this).prev()
- var next = $(this).next()
- $(this).remove()
- setTimeout(function(){
- if(pre[0]){pre.after(clone);return}
- if(next[0]){next.before(clone);return}
- if(parent[0]){parent.append(clone);return}
- },500)
- }
- })
- },1000)
- }
- let addedKeyControl = false;
- function AddKeyControl(downItem,upItem,leftItem,rightItem,closew){
- if(addedKeyControl){return;}else{addedKeyControl = true;}
- if(!downItem){
- downItem = $('<a></a>').click(function(){
- // 获取当前窗口的滚动位置
- var currentScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- // 设置每次 PageDown 后滚动的距离,可以根据需要调整
- var scrollDistance = $(window).height()/2;
- console.log(currentScroll);
- // 使用 scrollTo 方法将窗口滚动到当前位置加上设定的滚动距离
- window.scrollTo(0,currentScroll + scrollDistance);
- })
- }
- if(!upItem){
- upItem = $('<a></a>').click(function(){
- // 获取当前窗口的滚动位置
- var currentScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0;
- // 设置每次 PageDown 后滚动的距离,可以根据需要调整
- var scrollDistance = window.innerHeight/2;
- // 使用 scrollTo 方法将窗口滚动到当前位置加上设定的滚动距离
- window.scrollTo(0,currentScroll - scrollDistance);
- })
- }
- document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
- if (event.key === 'ArrowLeft' && leftItem && leftItem.length>0) {
- // 用户按下了左箭头键
- leftItem[0].click();
- console.log('Left arrow key pressed');
- // 执行左方向键对应的操作
- } else if (event.key === 'ArrowRight' && rightItem && rightItem.length>0 ) {
- // 用户按下了右箭头键
- rightItem[0].click();
- console.log('Right arrow key pressed');
- // 执行右方向键对应的操作
- } else if (event.key === 'ArrowUp' && upItem && upItem.length>0) {
- // 用户按下了上箭头键
- upItem[0].click();
- console.log('Up arrow key pressed');
- // 执行上方向键对应的操作
- } else if (event.key === 'ArrowDown' && downItem && downItem.length>0) {
- // 用户按下了下箭头键
- downItem[0].click();
- console.log('Down arrow key pressed');
- // 执行下方向键对应的操作
- } else if (event.key === '0' && closew) {
- // 用户按下了下箭头键
- window.close();
- // 执行下方向键对应的操作
- }
- });
- }
- async function hold_and_zoom(img,name,GetBigImg){
- if(!$('.holdbox:first')[0]){
- $('body').append($('<div class="holdbox"></div>').css({
- 'z-index':'9999999',
- width:'100vw',
- height:'100vh',
- position:'fixed',
- top:0,
- left:0,
- display:'flex',
- 'justify-content':'center',
- }))
- $('.holdbox').hide()
- $('.holdbox').on('mousedown',function(e){
- if(e.button!=0){return}
- if(showimg){clearTimeout(showimg)}
- if(showimg){showimg = null}
- $('.holdbox:first').hide()
- }).on('mousewheel',function(){
- if(showimg){clearTimeout(showimg)}
- if(showimg){showimg = null}
- $('.holdbox:first').hide()
- })
- }
- var showimg = null
- var state = 'mouseout'
- img.on('mouseout',function(){
- state = 'mouseout'
- })
- let getting = false;
- img.on('mouseover',async function(event){
- state = 'mousemove'
- if(showimg){clearTimeout(showimg)}
- if(showimg){showimg = null}
- let _img = $(this);
- let iimg = $(this).clone();
- showimg = setTimeout(function(){
- if(state=='mouseout'){return}
- if(GetBigImg && img.attr('big-src')==null && !getting){
- new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
- getting = true;
- GetBigImg(function(src){
- if(!src || src==""){console.log('src error');resolve()}else{
- getting = false;
- _img.attr('big-src',src).attr('src',src);
- let mass = $('<p>loading...</p>');
- _img.after(mass);
- let ioo = new Image();
- ioo.onload = function(){
- iimg.attr('src',src);
- console.log('src success');
- mass.remove();
- resolve();
- }
- ioo.src = src;
- }
- })
- })
- }
- $('.holdbox img').remove()
- $('.holdbox:first').append(iimg.css({
- width:'auto',
- height:'100vh',
- }).attr('name',name(_img)).on('mousedown',function(){
- var src = this.src
- var n = $(this).attr('name')
- if($(this).attr('big-src')){
- src = $(this).attr('big-src')
- }
- GM_download({
- url:src,
- name:n,
- })
- }))
- console.log('show');
- $('.holdbox').fadeIn(200)
- },500)
- })
- }
- function Add_css(cssString){
- var style = document.createElement('style');
- style.type = 'text/css';
- style.innerHTML = cssString;
- document.body.appendChild(style);
- }
- /**
- * 通过iframe获取图片的类
- * @class
- * @param {string} key -跳过的条件
- * @param {number} nums -总页数
- * @param {function({index: number}):string} Geturl -获取每一页的地址的方法
- * @param {function({document: document}):JQuery} Getimg -获取每一页的图片的方法
- * @param {function({img: JQuery},{index:number})} Putimg -图片加载到主页面的方法
- * @example
- const key = "reader";
- const atag;
- const nums = atag.length;
- const Geturl = (i)=>{
- return atag.eq(i)[0].href;
- }
- const Getimg = (doc)=>{
- return $(doc).find('img');
- }
- const Putimg = (img,i)=>{
- atag.eq(i).after(img);
- }
- new Get_img_obo_iframe(key,nums,Geturl,Getimg,Putimg).Start()
- */
- function Get_img_obo_iframe(key,nums,Geturl,Getimg,Putimg){
- const gi = this;
- gi.Start = async()=>{
- for(let i=0;i<nums;i++){
- let url = await Geturl(i);
- //if(url.indexOf(key)>=0){continue;}
- let iframe;
- try {
- iframe = await gi.Add_iframe(url);
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('发生错误:', error); // 如果 Add_iframe 被 reject,错误会被捕获
- }
- let img;
- if(iframe){
- let My_getimg = ()=>{
- return Getimg(iframe.contentWindow.document);
- }
- await gi.WaitingElement(My_getimg).then(ele=>img = ele).catch(()=>img = $());
- await Putimg(img,i);
- gi.show_mass((i+1)+"/"+nums);
- $(iframe).remove();
- }
- }
- }
- gi.Add_iframe=(url)=>{
- return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
- // 创建一个iframe元素
- var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
- // 设置iframe的宽度和高度
- iframe.width = '1px';
- iframe.height = '1px';
- // 设置iframe的src属性,指向你想要打开的URL
- iframe.src = url; // 请替换为你想要加载的URL
- // 将iframe添加到页面的body中
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- // 等待iframe加载完成后再操作它
- iframe.onload = function() {
- resolve(iframe);
- };
- iframe.onerror = function(){
- reject(url);
- }
- })
- }
- gi.timeout = 5000;
- gi.WaitingElement=(GetEle)=>{
- return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
- let ele = GetEle();
- if(ele.length>0){resolve(ele);}else{
- let timeout = gi.timeout;
- let check = setInterval(()=>{
- let ele = GetEle();
- if(ele.length>0){
- resolve(ele);
- clearInterval(check);
- }
- timeout -= 100;
- if(timeout<=0){reject();clearInterval(check);}
- },100)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- Get_img_obo_iframe.prototype.show_mass = (mass)=>{
- window.GAIL.showmass(mass);
- $('.mass_top').css('font-size','10vmin')
- }
- window.GAIL = {
- get_img_obo_sessionStorage : get_img_obo_sessionStorage,
- get_img_obo_ajax_href : get_img_obo_ajax_href,
- Get_img_obo_iframe : Get_img_obo_iframe,
- new_bottom_bu : new_bottom_bu,
- obo_sessionStorage_start_bu : obo_sessionStorage_start_bu,
- showmass : showmass,
- add_css : add_css,
- remove_sameimg : remove_sameimg,
- reflash_unloadimg : reflash_unloadimg,
- AddKeyControl : AddKeyControl,
- hold_and_zoom : hold_and_zoom,
- Add_css:Add_css,
- }