F95zone marker JS - Marks F95Zone threads for future reference
F95 Zone Auto Redirect JS - Will auto redirect when clicking on download links
F95-Zone skipper JS - This userscript skips masked f95 links for you.
Steam Search Button for F95Zone (Deprecated) JS - Add a button to search Google using the title of the game on F95Zone, to see if it has been released on Steam
F95Zone Developer and Game Search on Steam and RyuuGames JS - Adds buttons to search for the developer on f95zone and the game title on Steam and RyuuGames
F95 Random Bookmark Picker JS - Randomly picks a bookmark from your f95-like bookmark page. Just press the 'Random' button.
F95 Random Latest Update Choice JS - Randomly selects a resource(e.g. game,asset,animation) from the 'Latest Update' page. Just press the '?' button in the filter drawer.
F95 Quick Game Templates JS - Adds more action buttons to the toolbar when making a game request on f95.
f95zone watched filter JS - f95zone filter only the watched threads.
F95Zone for RDLP torrent Search button JS - Adds a button to search on RDLP when you are on the game thread.
F95 Game Post Only JS - Display only the 1st post of a game thread. This completely removes all replies (and more) from the thread.
F95 Latest Update Saver JS - Save your current Latest Update Page configurations & load it when you need it!
तुम्ही लिहिलेली स्क्रिप्ट प्रकाशित करा (किंवा कशी लिहायची ते शिका)