Dopamine Detox JS - Block entertainment, social media and porn sites. You can add more sites too.
hanime.tv - avatar & banner helper JS - This scripts lets you open avatar and banner in a new tab when you click on them.
Hanime Auto Like JS - Auto likes videos
Hanime Resumer and Hider JS - Store video timespamps locally, hide videos that have a timespamp, button to hide all videos in a playlist (all your liked videos)
Hanime: Likes and Dislikes as Percentages + Star Rating JS - replaces the amount of Likes and Dislikes with a Percentage, also adds a Star Rating that maps the Like Ratio to 0 to 5 stars
तुम्ही लिहिलेली स्क्रिप्ट प्रकाशित करा (किंवा कशी लिहायची ते शिका)