Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Feedback op Handy Image


Geplaatst: 15-07-2015


Geplaatst: 16-07-2015

I updated the script but it still isn't working. (Win 7 -FF 39.0)

Geplaatst: 16-07-2015

how did you update it? I tried latest version from github and it worked in firefox https://github.com/Owyn/HandyImage/raw/413fddc9a972b12f72d369ecf51b6f036a99d5c1/HandyImage.user.js

Geplaatst: 18-07-2015

Yes, it is working now, I must have done something wrong. Thank you very much.

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