找出页面的磁力链,给出对应的种子下载地址//Find out all magnet links in current page and get their torrent download URLs. In theory, it supports many sites. you can add your favorites by //@include
< Feedback op All Magnet to BT
o, I changed the UI and replaced the BT_* with a small icon. It may be too small to be noticed... Ok, I have post a new version and changed the UI to make it more obvious. Just need a update.
Thank you again Wang- I don't know if my machine is cursed or something but it seems that every time this updates, it stops working. i.e. there is no icons anymore on any of the sites including torrentkitty... Is there something else I can check because I've made no other changes on this end :(
The screenshots that I mean are the screenshots of browser's console. You can press F12 to open your console and refresh your page, then catch the screenshot. Just something likes this:
Since update seems broken
Hi there- this has been a really useful script for so long, but since the last update I cannot get it to work which makes me a sad panda :( The script is installed but the BT_1 and BT_2 links no longer show.