Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Feedback op Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)


Geplaatst: 29-01-2016

Yomanga stopped working

Button shows up but nothing happens when clicked

Geplaatst: 08-02-2016

Fixed in v1.0.29.

Geplaatst: 11-02-2016

happening again, guess they're doing it on purpose

Geplaatst: 18-02-2016

Yeah, haha, I think they are, although not very hard. I fixed it again, we'll see how it progresses. Changes.

Geplaatst: 22-02-2016

Sorry, I really don't like doing it but I have to. Owner's orders

Geplaatst: 06-05-2016

Seems like they're back at it again, this time more creative.

Geplaatst: 10-05-2016

To fix yomanga, change line 273 of the userscript to:

if(cur && cur.length > max && ! cur[0].url.match(/tired\.jpg/)) {

They are definitely breaking mangaloader intentionally by making little tweaks to their javascript.

Geplaatst: 11-05-2016
To fix yomanga, change line 273 of the userscript to:
if(cur && cur.length > max && ! cur[0].url.match(/tired\.jpg/)) {
They are definitely breaking mangaloader intentionally by making little tweaks to their javascript.

Thanks for your help. Its work

Geplaatst: 14-05-2016

thanks, it work again!

Geplaatst: 15-05-2016

Updated the script, thanks nobody123.

Geplaatst: 02-06-2016

They changed it up again. To fix yomanga, change line 273 to:

    if(cur && cur.length > max && [], function(pg) { return pg.url.endsWith(pg.filename); })) {

For some reason it doesn't work with just "cur.every(...)" in firefox, but does work with "[], ...)". I've no idea why.

Geplaatst: 02-06-2016

Thanks for saving it again. Do we really bother them that much?

Geplaatst: 30-06-2016

weird when i try using it on yomanga sites the images are always is as good as not working properly...what should i do to fix it??tnx on other sites it works fine though

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