Fade or hide viewed galleries on e-hentai and exhentai. Now working with GM4
< Feedback op E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries
what view mode are you using? and are you using tampermonkey?
I'm using violentmonkey on waterfox. I tried all sorts of view modes, but I'm primarily using thumbnail mode.
i downloaded and tried, works fine. does console say anything. press f12 and reload site and paste what console says!
and i recommend u use tampermonkey cuz it will automatically fade instead of refresh when using voiletmonkey
Unfortunately I've had problems with tampermonkey on waterfox. I've been using violentmonkey for over a year now with absolutely no issues on 20+ extensions, so I'll try seeing what the console says first. It's probably in your best interest too-- most people are switching to violentmonkey because tampermonkey is close sourced. https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/b2r6b5/is_there_any_actual_difference_between_choosing/emk3btv/
i tried it on voiletmonkey and it worked, it just didnt refresh the fade automatically like it does on tampermonkey and greasemonkey :),
please let me know what console says if it says anything at all.
It seems like the issue that comes up when I press the show/hide button is the following:
Does this help?
btw are you on latest ver? if not
might be old code?, cuz that function was renamed because i now support all view modes. and the old code also broke at some point. so i fixed that.
try to copy past the latest code and see if that works,
if u can also backup ur current code to notepad or something on ur desktop if u want.
mby if a saw what code you have now.? copy to pastbin or something so i can see it!
I reinstalled the script from greasyfork but it still didn't work and I till get the same issue :( I even removed it once and re-installed it after, but I still get the same issue coming up in console. I even turned off all other extensions I have for exh. Strange.
https://pastebin.com/9kbzzyFt here's the code.
good news, i think i spotted the problem, dont know why but ur voiletmonkey is sensitive :P, i havent noticed it cuz mine is not so sensitive.
ill try to get a update out tomorrow mby it will fix
hah will even fix the hide button to work without refresh, thanks did not see that problem. old code that i forgotten how i used. :P and didnt remove so it triggered in ur sensitive but not mine :(
let me know if the update, is not working, and if there is any new console messages u can show, please do. It helped pin point problem :P, sorry it took so long
Unfortunately it's still not working for me. I'll try it again and grab console errors later today.
I tried it out but I don't really have any console issues specific when I press the show/hide button. I don't really see anything happening either....
What is the extension supposed to do exactly? Tag Flagging doesn't exist anymore so I assumed you are taking the tags marked as hidden in My Tabs and using that as a taglist to hide from any gallery view. Is this correct?
should hide tags that u have marked, but u can do that on website instead :P, and when u press gallery it just fades it so u can see its viewed.
and hide, just hides viewed galleries
and i just installed waterfox with voiletmonkey and it works fine, something is wrong with ur browser mby.
and btw if hide button shows up there shouldnt be errors? unless hide always showed up when u got the errors in the beginning
still not working @Yosh
No, it's not working. the hide button on the left does not hide anything, and nothing is toggleable when it comes to tags. Nothing in your extension is working.
It doesn't seem like any of the errors in the console correspond with the extension.
saying "something is wrong with ur browser mby" doesn't help or make me think that you have a serious idea of what's happening. I'll just try out different extensions.
strange i tried, it with your setup it worked fine... what is going on...
@alberttynzov ?
This extension is also not working for me, I've already tried switching from chrome to firefox, always failed to install the extension on greasemonkey, but it succeed on tampermonkey. visited both exhentai and e-hentai, still can't find the 'Hide' button.
do console say anything?, what version are you using? on browsers what os you are using?
script installs and works and not showing hide button? or script installs but not working and not showing hide button?
i think i have the answer but these questions would help if answered
Ok, after disabling all other userscripts, I decided to give this a try again.
The hide viewed galleries button works but there's an incompatible userscript, which is Wide Hentai 2019.
Honestly, for my uses, E-H Visited works as well and is less clunky.
The part about your script that I would really appreciate is the tag toggler. E-H Visited, nor does any other script that I know, have this function. By default, using My Tags (btw, Tag flagging is now defunct so you many want to change the description of your script), I can choose what tags to hide. But what if I want to disable it temporarily? That would be awesome.
Thanks. I'm using waterfox Classic on Windows 10.
A few minutes after I said that I realized E-H Better Gallery Hiding does exactly what I was looking for.
so ur saying script works?, or just the button showing up? Ah i see, so because u used wider.. my button is outside ur field of view -.-. so it dont show up
i will make new button that just static inside
@coldasice said: so ur saying script works?, or just the button showing up? Ah i see, so because u used wider.. my button is outside ur field of view -.-. so it dont show up
The script PARTIALLY works. As I said, there is no tag hiding going on from what I can tell. I can only see and use the hide viewed galleries button, when not using the "Wide Hentai 2019" script.
ah, i will look in to taghider and will add button for wide
added hide button and fix tag hider
now everything should work let me know if something dont ;)
tag hider is not working. As I said prior as well, tag flagging is not an approriate description for your script. I have no idea how a "tag hiding" system works.
It's ok, there are other scripts that can do it. I will use those.
well i just updated script, so update it. and color to it with any color u like
Of course I updated the script before I tried it. That's why I replied after you pointed out that you had updated the script. I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to be looking at in your image. what the hell do you mean by "color it with whatever color you like". What? Even the chinese script makers have better explanations than you.
Again, I have no idea what "tag hiding" feature you have. You haven't explained it in the script description. It's still outdated, mentioning an E-H feature that was made moot ages ago. I'm not interested in trying to use your script when you don't seem interested in actually explaining what the fuck the script is supposed to do.
It seems like English isn't your native language. There's nothing wrong with that, but I've gotten pissed off throughout these messages with your casual tone. I understand there's no obligation for you to do any of this work, so before I start sounding more like a thankless asshole, I'll just leave. I've found an alternative set of working scripts anyways from HEN-TIE, which I linked before. Have a good day.
well, you seem confused since this all started with u saying shit dont work that did. just u using mutiple script at the same time -.-. so its hard to understand what you mean. there is only 1 meaning of tag hiding. and i dont see what is clunky with it. all it does is fade what ever you view. this script is minimal not super feature rich which is the way i wanted it. mby i just didnt understand what you meant enough ;( bye, sorry for making u angry when u didnt explain ur self well enough.
well after playing around with my tags i see i need to remove my tagflaggin code since they hide it for you.
seems to not be working anymore?
I don't think the script is doing anything at this time... I don't see anything faded or even the hide button.