Modal Image in rule

Add a modal image and thumbnails vertical-carrousel to rule34

< Feedback op Modal Image in rule

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 30-04-2021

This is great, BUT the arrow keys don't actually go to the next image. If I click one from the middle and press a key, it goes to the first one and reloads it whenever I press the key again. ESC to exit would be a nice shortcut to add, too. If that's fixed, it'd probably be the best Rule34 script so far.

Geplaatst: 16-02-2022

Since the update: arrow keys work as expected on the pop up screen, but behind the page actually scrolls every time you press it, so if you ESC out of it (which works now), you aren't in the same place as before, so you have to search the last image you saw so you can browse from there. Small, but annoying problem. Actually loads the correct image you click on the main page.

Features that would be nice, if possible: enter to open page so you can view the meta (or/and showing the meta on the pop up page, artist, character and copyright would be plenty; due to the scrolling problems, ESCing out to open the image to view meta is annoying), L to like and F to favorite or some other shortcut. I'm glad this script got updated.

Geplaatst: 16-02-2022

Update to the comment that I now can't edit for some reason: as it seems, merely clicking on an image already scrolls the page down, on top of the arrow keys.

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