Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Feedback op Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 26-05-2023

Somehow Shortcuts/Timers switch now affects scroll buttons at PoP and girls upgrade pages in harem - pic related.
I continued to have issue from my previous topic about PoP - and eventually found its source
Thank you and hope i'm not annoying you with my requests

Geplaatst: 26-05-2023

For PoP scroll buttons, they have always been linked to the "Shortcut/Timers" feature since they are shortcuts.
For Harem scroll buttons, I recently moved this feature into "Shortcut/Timers" option as I should have done before.

Is it a problem? I mean "Shortcut/Timers" features is one of the main features of the script if not the main one.

Geplaatst: 26-05-2023
Bijgewerkt: 26-05-2023

Not a problem - this connections just wasnt visual for me - i thought this switch works only for main page - now when explained i just keep it in mind and go on
Thank you!

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