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Chaturbate Clean

removes all add's, sub-selector on the tab's, shows video if you have no access, full screen with chat

< Feedback op Chaturbate Clean


Geplaatst: 06-12-2020

Hello, thanks for the great script.
this part doesnt work anymore:

If you move your mouse on a thumbnail it will zoom and show a live preview

can you fix it?

Geplaatst: 08-12-2020

i made a fix but don't know if it will always work
(they changed the user info but sometimes also the old system is used )

Geplaatst: 08-12-2020

thanks a lot. in the meantime it has worked on its own again. i noticed that the design of cb was different when it did not work.
now it is the old design again and it works again.

i don't know what caused the design change.

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