Sleazy Fork is available in English.
Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
< Opinie na FetLife ASL Search (Reborn Edition)
As far as I can tell it doesn't work.
Hi Ben, That might be expected behavior. It depends on how many profiles we have scraped in your country.
We have 2 types of scraping: UserLists and Profile
userlist scraping only scrapes the absolute basics (age, gender, some parts of the location)
For Fetishes to be listed someone has to have actively visited said profile. Which is not often the case. I think 7-10 is a reasonably well result to be honest.
However once 0.6 is done I expect more people are going to use the script (as it has more profile info included and is a LOT (like 100 times) faster), which would improve the results by a HUGE margin
If there are any more issues, please create an issue at github. Feedback on other sites do not magically appear onto my to-do list ;)
quick question
Hi, I am struggling to get the script to find many members. For example when I put a fetish in to the search, it is only coming up 7-10 results or so. It also brings nothing up when i search solely by country. Any help or is this a bug?