Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< Opinie na Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version


Napisano: 26-12-2023

the winrate maths seems a bit off, i'm on floor 1700 of the Pantheon and i lost 18 time with a 66% probability

Napisano: 28-12-2023

Which skill does the Pantheon opponent use : shield, stun, reflect or execute?

Napisano: 28-12-2023

It's stun

Napisano: 29-12-2023

The problem with stun is the effect is very random. So, it's possible the probability with this skill is not accurate.

Just a question : do you use another script that simulate the effect of the mythic booster in Pantheon?
If yes, disable it to have the real probability

Napisano: 01-01-2024

No I only use your script


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