Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability
< Opinie na Literotica Downloader
Give me a author page.
Your navigator.
and the output of your JavaScript console (F12)
Just re-installed it on my navigator. Don't see any problem.
I'm on Android mobile, so no JavaScript console (that I can access anyway) but, rickroller, if you follow the author whose story you want to download (and it's a new story) you can tap/click the link to the category page, and it'll either be on that page, or on the "recently popular" pages for today, the last 7 days, and 30 days.
Those pages all still have download links on standalone stories. I've been checking my lit dashboard regularly and doing it this way since my first post about this issue. It works! Just sucks if you miss one by a day, lol.
(meaning, you tap the link to the story on your dashboard, then tap/click the link for the "category" that story is in, once the story's first page opens. Clear enough? Hard to describe.)
Nevermind I reinstalled it and now its working. Thank you so much!
Reinstalled, still no dice on standalone stories. Damn. My "workaround" (using category "hub" pages to download new stories from authors I follow) is still working though, thankfully.
I have the same issue. Issue persists even when downgrading to older versions. So, I'm guessing literotica made some changes that break the script in some way :(
Looks like [class*='series_partsitem'] causes standalone stories to not be selected by querySelectorAll() in the function addDownloadChapterButtonTo(). Removing that from querySelectorAll() fixes the issue, but causes an extra download button to show up on multi-chapter series :/
Most likely literotica devs have been messing around with the CSS :(
Thanks Ajay M.
Can confirm its working after removing [class*='series_parts_item'] from the function addDownloadChapterButtonTo()
Many thanks from the whole community :)
@Ajay M. :
You got the problem right ! I had to do a workaround a bit more complex to have something I can maintain properly.
For me individual story and story pare were the same. Didn't notice. I follow people that doesn't do a lot of individual story. lol
Thanks! The latest version (5.10) is working correctly for me :)
Hey guys and @LiteroticaMaintener,
the script isn't working when using Chromium (Brave) based browsers in TAG mode. No download button comes up but in case of using Firefox it works to show the download button. Here an example of tag & author (just partial) URL's which isn't working...
...but the other category URLs are working... I really recommend you to test your script on both browser types (Mozilla & Chromium based) to verfiy whether both are working same good. I also did recongnized that the script version 5.9 didn't download the entire story pages and just did save 6 pages. As I said, just test your @LiteroticaMaintener and try to download any large story with more than 10 pages to see whether everything works fine. Thank you.
@TankThis the script is working fine for me on chromium. Since Google implemented manifest v3, you now need to enable "Developer Mode" on Tampermonkey (Or whatever extension you're using to manage scripts). It will work after that. This problem is a casualty of google's war against ad-blockers, not with the script :P
It's working for me again! Thank you!
Hi again,
I'm using Tampermonkey and I also have enabled the dev mode on extension window so this is not the problem but its still not working for all sites on Literotica. Today I also did notice that some sites aren't working in Firefox too.
Example: First one is working / second one with page X not working in both browsers.
Seems that some includes just not working correctly. Even if I enter user include with direct site like this...
...its not working when I call this page. I also tried it with ZEN browser (Firefox based) and there I get same problem. Why?
The script does not work with stand alone stories only series as of 5.9