ML based riddle master answering bot. Help novice to answer pony problem when encounter riddle master challenge.
< Opinie na Riddle Master Assistant Reborn
The bot is not fully accurate, the current accuracy is stated on the homepage
Since April, the bot has been verified to be no penalty, we have multiple users who use it for many grindfests everyday.
The bot is not fully accurate, the current accuracy is stated on the homepage
Since April, the bot has been verified to be no penalty, we have multiple users who use it for many grindfests everyday.
I tested it in isekai. All riddles were solved by this bot.
I noticed that sometimes(about 20%) it didn't select the answers and submit automatically, although status returned "ok".
If the answers were not selected, and there is no error messages, maybe your browser is not compatible. Try a different browser.
Stamina keeps red. From what I've seen, it does recognize the obvious ponies, but I don't know if it recognizes the illegible ponies right.