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Do any Twitter scripts work with Kiwi Browser on Android?

Publicado: 21/11/2021

Due to the lack of user script support in Firefox and Chrome, I tried the Kiwi browser.
It allows installing user.js extensions from the local filesystem.
I copied code from "@name promotion free twitter", "@name TwitterInstaCleaner", and from gist.github, "@name hide-promoted-tweets".

I copied all these as user.js files to the phone, and installed them (one at a time) in Kiwi, using the Extensions page and +(from .zip/.crx/.user.js).

The scripts appear on the extensions page, and can be enabled. I made the @match changes to include as well as

As I tried them one at a time, I deleted the prior script from the Kiwi Extensions.

None of them have any effect on the Twitter feed - there are just as many promoted tweets as without the user script.

Am I missing something in the Kiwi installation, or are these scripts simply not able to work on Android browsers?

Publicado: 22/11/2021

There are a few differences sometimes between the HTML in a desktop or in a mobile browser,that might be why it does not work on kiwi Browser.

I've made and used,and I'm using scripts for kiwi browser,so I know that user scripts works on the Kiwi browser.

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