Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Feedback de Handy Image


Publicado em: 13/08/2014

Doesn't work on pale moon ?


it seems this script doesn't work on pale moon, I don't know what's the problem, maybe it's an issue on my side.
Can you guys tell me if it works for you ?

Publicado em: 13/08/2014

This script only supports Chrome and Firefox, not any moons, sorry.
You could try user agent spoofing to Firefox in your moon if it's based on it to see if it was recognized not as firefox (and if it has everything alike) + disable all other scripts & plugins & extensions if you'd like to test that to get clean result.

Publicado em: 13/08/2014

Alright, i'll try what you say to see if it works.
it doesn't bother me to use firefox instead of pale moon but i'm used to it now.
Thanks again for your great script :)

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