Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Feedback de Handy Image


Publicado em: 12/09/2020

Browser: Brave Browser (based on Chrome. I also tried Chrome itself and the same thing happened)

Images are loading full size rather than scaled to window. However, I tried in Waterfox and it scales correctly.


Publicado em: 12/09/2020

What about a script manager? do you have TamperMonkey on your browser for userscripts?

Publicado em: 22/09/2020

Yes, I'm using Tampermonkey.

Publicado em: 22/09/2020

Works fine for me in Chrome + TM, make sure you have appropriate settings to scale images on load


and that you actually load image hostings and not images directly so the script would run

Publicado em: 24/09/2020

This is very strange. My settings match yours:


But Brave still acts differently to Waterfox. Take Instagram, for example. If I load one of the images from the page below in a separate tab:


In Brave it loads zoomed in:


In Waterfox it fits to the window:


In Brave, if I refresh the actual page so the script is running (https://www.instagram.com/p/CFakGSOF5eU/), the same thing happens and the image is zoomed in. However, if I directly copy the image link and load it (https://instagram.flhr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s1080x1080/119993917_3551891071558893_8455624995516796141_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.flhr4-2.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=KhTgj2Qob4oAX_8QGrp&_nc_tp=15&oh=8c84ae8903fba9e83c347d93421764e3&oe=5F96284C), it then fits to the window.

Any ideas?

Publicado em: 24/09/2020

if I directly copy the image link and load it

script doesn't run on directly opened images

Try Chrome (portable maybe) to see if it works there for you, if it does (it does for me) then the problem is in that chrome fork called brave

Publicado em: 24/09/2020

It does the same in Chrome. I've also just freshly installed Chrome Portable (no extensions or add on's other than Tampermonkey with Handy Image added) and it also does the same.

This is very unusual!

Publicado em: 24/09/2020
Editado em: 24/09/2020

I thought I'd fixed it by changing the setting from "Larger than window both vertically and horizontally" to "Larger than window either vertically or horizontally", but it worked on that Instagram pic but didn't work on others (I guess it's because of the dimensions).

Publicado em: 24/09/2020

It does the same in Chrome.


my chrome 85

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