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Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Feedback de Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado em: 21/08/2016

not working with 8muses

hello sir ,
script is not working with 8muses,com ... not loading images step by step ...

please fix it ...
thanks you

Publicado em: 01/09/2016

thanks very much ...

Publicado em: 10/11/2016

I'm afraid I have to inform you that it stopped working again.

Publicado em: 16/11/2016
Editado em: 16/11/2016

I found a fix. The entry for 8muses needs to be changed (twice, in the "@match" section up top, and in the more in-depth section further down) from ..."://*/*/*/* " to be ..."://*/*/*/* "
That fixes it for me.

If that's unclear, just slap "comix/" after the two places that "" appears in the source.

Publicado em: 16/11/2016

Many thanks!

Publicado em: 17/11/2016

hello sir,,,
again facing same problem .... script is not working with 8muses,com
try to fix it

thanks q

Publicado em: 17/11/2016
Editado em: 17/11/2016
I found a fix. The entry for 8muses needs to be changed (twice, in the "@match" section up top, and in the more in-depth section further down) from ..."://*/*/*/* " to be ..."://*/*/*/* "
That fixes it for me.

If that's unclear, just slap "comix/" after the two places that "" appears in the source.

hello ....

i tried with ur steps . not working for me

// @match *://*/*/*/*

name: '8muses',
match: "^http(s)?://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/.+",
Publicado em: 18/11/2016
Publicado em: 25/11/2016
Should be working in the newest version.

thanks buddy .... it's working .. thanks very much for grate work ...
hats off to u buddy

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