Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Feedback em Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)


Publicado: 25/02/2019

high cpu usage

In recent update I noticed high cpu usage(100%) when there is image that fail to load It seems the image.onerror in addImage() will run constantly (Console shows thousands of "failed to load" message) current jankey solution: add the following script at the end of user script (after MLoaderLoadImps(nsfwimp);):

var IMAGES = { refresh_large: '' };

var addImage = function(src, loc, imgNum, callback) { var image = new Image(), counter = getCounter(imgNum); image.onerror = function() { log('failed to load ' + src); image.onclick = function() { image.onload = callback; image.title = ''; = ''; image.src = src; }; }; image.onload = callback; image.src = src; loc.appendChild(image); loc.appendChild(counter); };

Publicado: 05/03/2019

i have the same problem and this "solution" help me a lot Thanks, i was using the devtool in chrome to stop the script when this happen but while that help with the cpu usage but the memory usage goes higther

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