- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/3467
- // @description Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
- // @match *://*.donmai.us/*
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @version 2024.01.07
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- Settings are modified by clicking the "Tweaks" link at the right end of the navbar on most pages.
- You do not need to modify the script itself.
- */
- var showError = false, recursion, login, loginID, content, navbar, subnavbar, isApprover;
- try{
- initialize();
- loadTweaks();
- } catch(err) {
- showError = true;
- MS_alert("Error loading tweaks: "+err);
- }
- function loadTweaks()
- {
- var tweaks =
- [
- { name:"Show Errors", desc:"Display error messages if tweaks fail.", func:showErrorFun, version:0, args:[] },
- { name:"Add Tag Subscription", desc:"Adds pseudo tag subscriptions to your user page.<br>"+
- "<u>title</u>: Title of the subscription, linked to the first query. The title must be unique.<br>"+
- "<u>timestamp</u>: Appends a timestamp of the last refresh to the title.<br>"+
- "<u>refresh</u>: Hours to wait before refreshing the subscription.<br>"+
- "<u>thumbs</u>: Number of thumbnails to display.<br>"+
- "<u>maxExpanded</u>: Number of thumbnails to display when the subscription is expanded.<br>"+
- "<u>intersect</u>: Return posts matching ALL queries (using the order of the last) rather than ANY (sorted by post ID).<br>"+
- "<u>queries</u>: List of objects representing post searches.<br>"+
- "<u>search</u>: Tags to search for; the usual limitations apply.<br>"+
- "<u>pages</u>: Number of pages to collect for this query, each page containing 100 posts.<br>", func:addTagSubscription, version:2, args:[ { desc:"", value:[
- { title:"Recently Translated", timestamp:false, refresh:1, thumbs:6, maxExpanded:100, intersect:true, queries:[ { search:"order:note user:"+login, pages:1 } ] },
- { title:"Recently Commented", timestamp:false, refresh:1, thumbs:6, maxExpanded:100, intersect:true, queries:[ { search:"order:comment user:"+login, pages:1 } ] } ], getValue:getTagSubscriptions } ] },
- { name:"Blacklist", desc:"Blacklist implementation that replaces images with links labeled with the tags they matched in the blacklist. Clicking the link/image alternates between the two. Translation notes appear every other time the image is displayed. User and rating metatags are supported. Your own posts are exempt from the blacklist.", func:blacklistTags, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"Tag list:", value:[ "blocked_tag_1", "blocked_tag_2", "blocked_tag_*" ], getValue:getStringArray }] },
- { name:"Add +/- Links", desc:"Adds +/- tag links to the tag list.", func:addPlusMinusLinks, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"Make links add/remove tags from search box instead of launching new searches", value:true }] },
- { name:"Comment Listing Filter", desc:"Hides posts and comments in the comment listing for posts with any of the specified tags. Click the replacement text to reveal.", func:commentListingFilter, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"", value:[ "Spoilers" ], getValue:getStringArray } ] },
- { name:"Custom Taglist", desc:"Adds a new taglist section below tag lists, complete with +/- links. Tag types are supported.", func:customTaglist, version:0, args:[
- { desc:"Title of list", value:"Custom Tags", elem:"input" },
- { desc:"Tags", value:[ 'art:bomber_grape', 'char:maribel_hearn', 'copy:hidamari_sketch', 'order:score', 'order:comment', 'comm:'+login, 'rating:e', 'rating:q', 'rating:s', 'status:any', 'fav:'+login, 'user:'+login, 'pixiv:>0', 'arttags:0', 'chartags:1', 'copytags:1', 'gentags:1' ], getValue:getStringArray }] },
- { name:"DText Replace", desc:"Replaces text in DText-enabled textareas (to the 'Text' pattern) and the names of all links with DText or DText-like shorthand forms (to the 'Link' pattern).", func:dtextReplace, version:0, args:[ { desc:"", value:[
- { regex:"(^|[^:])(http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im(\\d+))$", text:"\"seiga #$3\":$2", link:"seiga #$3" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])http:..www.pixiv.net.member_illust.php.mode=(medium|big|manga)&illust_id=(\\d+)$", text:"$1pixiv #$3", link:"$1pixiv #$3" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])http:..www.pixiv.net.member_illust.php.mode=manga_big&illust_id=(\\d+)&page=(\\d+)$", text:"$1pixiv #$2/p$3", link:"$1pixiv #$2/p$3" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])https?:[^ \\.]+.donmai.us.(post|comment|pool|user|artist)s.(\\d+)((\\/|\\?)[^\\s]*)?$", text:"$1$2 #$3", link:"$1$2 #$3" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])https?:[^ \\.]+.donmai.us.forum_posts.(\\d+)$", text:"$1forum #$2", link:"$1forum #$2" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])https?:[^ \\.]+.donmai.us.forum_topics.(\\d+)$", text:"$1topic #$2", link:"$1topic #$2" },
- { regex:"(^|[^:])https?:..github.com.r888888888.danbooru.issues.(\d+)$", text:"$1issue #$2", link:"$1issue #$2" }
- ], getValue:getDTextArray } ] },
- { name:"Hide User Statistics", desc:"", func:hideUserStatistics, version:0, args:[
- { desc:"Stats to remove from your profile", value:[ "Statistics", "Inviter", "Approvals" ], getValue:getStringArray },
- { desc:"Stats to remove from others' profiles", value:[ "Inviter" ], getValue:getStringArray }] },
- { name:"Navbar Links", desc:"Adds links to the left side of the navbar.", func:navbarLinks, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"", value:[{ text:"Upload", href:"/uploads/new" }, { text:"IQDB", href:"http://danbooru.iqdb.org/" }], getValue:getLinkArray },
- { desc:"Links to remove from navbar or subnavbar", value:[ "Sign out" ], getValue:getStringArray } ] },
- { name:"Navbar Tag Search", desc:"Adds/moves the post search box to the navbar.", func:navbarTagSearch, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"Move the post search box when it exists", value:true },
- { desc:"Add to subnavbar instead of navbar", value:true }] },
- { name:"Post Queue Tweaks", desc:"Various modifications to the post moderation queue", disabled:!isApprover, func:postQueueTweaks, version:1, args:[
- { desc:"Highlight posts with these tags in red, and style the matched tags in bold/underline", value:[ "downscaled", "duplicate", "image_sample", "md5_mismatch", "resized", "upscaled" ], getValue:getStringArray },
- { desc:"Reject ('No Interest'/'Skip') posts containing any of these tags", value:[], getValue:getStringArray },
- { desc:"Swap thumbnail of top post in window with larger size when this key is pressed (list mode only)", value:"", elem:"input", getValue:getSingleChar },
- { desc:"Swap thumbnail with larger size when clicked (list view only)", value:false },
- { desc:"Automatically up/down vote posts when the approval/disapproval links are clicked (except 'No Interest'/'Skip')", value:true },
- { desc:"Posts per page", value:0, getValue:getNumber(0,200) },
- { desc:"Move buttons to above the tag list (list view only)", value:false } ] },
- { name:"Precision Time", desc:"Sets all time fields to the 'X units ago' form.", func:precisionTime, version:0, args:[
- { desc:"Precision", value:1, getValue:getNumber(0,6) } ] },
- { name:"Score Thumbnails", desc:"Displays scores and favorite counts below thumbnails.", func:scoreThumbnails, version:0, args:[
- { desc:"Show score", value:true }, { desc:"Show favcount", value:false } ] }
- ];
- var i, settings = MS_getValue( "settings", {} );
- for( i = 0; i < tweaks.length; i++ )
- {
- //Add tweaks to settings object if they don't exist, and reset those with changed versions or number of arguments.
- //Done in a separate loop since the function calls might modify the settings arguments.
- if( !tweaks[i].disabled && ( !settings[ tweaks[i].name ] || settings[ tweaks[i].name ].version != tweaks[i].version ) )
- {
- settings[ tweaks[i].name ] = { enable:!!tweaks[i].enable, version:tweaks[i].version };
- MS_setValue( "settings", settings, -1 );
- }
- }
- for( i = 0; i < tweaks.length; i++ )
- {
- try{
- if( !tweaks[i].disabled && settings[ tweaks[i].name ].args && settings[ tweaks[i].name ].enable )
- tweaks[i].func.apply( this, settings[ tweaks[i].name ].args );
- }
- catch(e) { MS_alert("Error ("+tweaks[i].name+"): "+e); }
- }
- settings = null;
- content = !recursion && navbar && document.getElementById("page");
- if( !content )
- return;
- var settingsLink = navbar.appendChild( createElementX({ tag: "li" }) ).appendChildX({ tag: "a", text: "Tweaks" });
- var settingsDiv = content.parentNode.insertBefore( createElementX({ tag:"div", style:"display:none; padding:0 20px 30px 20px;", id:"tweaks_settings" }), content );
- settingsLink.addEventListener( "mousedown", function()
- {
- if( content.style.display == "none" )
- {
- //Closing settings. Destroy the contents and unhide the original content.
- settingsDiv.style.display = "none";
- content.style.display = "block";
- settingsDiv.textContent = "";
- }
- else
- {
- //Opening settings. Hide the current content and reconstruct the GUI from scratch.
- var settings = MS_getValue( "settings", {} );
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"h4" }).appendChildX("Miscellaneous Tweaks settings", { tag:"hr" });
- var table = settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"table", width:"100%", style:"margin-bottom: 2em; vertical-align:top;" });
- var resetAll = false, resetButtons = [];
- //Clear old unused settings
- for( let sName in settings )
- {
- for( var i = 0; i < tweaks.length && sName != tweaks[i].name; i++ );
- if( i == tweaks.length )
- {
- delete settings[sName];
- MS_setValue( "settings", settings, -1 );
- }
- }
- for( let i = 0; i < tweaks.length; i++ )
- {
- if( tweaks[i].disabled )
- continue;
- let reset, body, check, title, tr = table.appendChildX({ tag:"tr", style:"vertical-align:top;" });
- let border = i != tweaks.length - 1 ? "border-bottom:4px solid #EEE; " : "";
- //Button to reset to default settings
- reset = tr.appendChildX({ tag:"td", style:border+"padding:1px 4px 1em 4px; width:1%" }).appendChildX({ tag:"button", title:"Reset to default settings for this tweak.", text:"Reset" });
- resetButtons.push( reset );//pad 1 4
- //Checkbox to toggle tweak
- check = tr.appendChildX({ tag:"td", style:border+"padding:0.3em 4px 1em 4px; text-align:center" }).appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"checkbox", title:"Toggle this tweak." });
- check.checked = ( settings[ tweaks[i].name ].args ? !!settings[ tweaks[i].name ].enable : !!tweaks[i].enable );
- //Tweak description and arguments
- body = tr.appendChildX({ tag:"td", style:border+"padding:1px 4px 1em 4px; " });
- title = body.appendChildX({ tag:"b", text:tweaks[i].name });
- title.style.setProperty( "text-decoration", check.checked ? "none" : "line-through", null );
- body.appendChildX(": ");
- body.appendChildX({ tag:"span" }).innerHTML = tweaks[i].desc;
- //When the Reset button is clicked, delete any custom settings for it and fall back on defaults.
- reset.addEventListener( "click", (function(tweak,check){ return function()
- {
- if( !resetAll && !confirm("Reset this tweak?") )
- return;
- if( !!check.checked != !!tweak.enable )
- check.click();
- var settings = MS_getValue( "settings" );
- settings[ tweak.name ] = { enable:!!tweak.enable, version:tweak.version, args:defaultArgs( tweak ) };
- MS_setValue( "settings", settings, -1 );
- for( let i = 0; i < tweak.args.length; i++ )
- tweak.args[i].save(true);
- }; })( tweaks[i], check ), false );
- //When checkbox is clicked, toggle the title strikethrough and save settings
- check.addEventListener( "click", (function(tweak,title){ return function()
- {
- var settings = MS_getValue( "settings" );
- title.style.setProperty( "text-decoration", (settings[ tweak.name ].enable = this.checked) ? "none" : "line-through", null );
- if( !settings[tweak.name].args )
- settings[tweak.name].args = defaultArgs( tweak );
- MS_setValue( "settings", settings, -1 );
- }; })(tweaks[i],title), false );
- //If the tweak takes arguments, create the appropriate input elements and listeners.
- if( tweaks[i].args.length )
- {
- var list = body.appendChildX({ tag:"ul", style:"margin:0 0 0 2em; list-style:disc" });
- for( var j = 0; j < tweaks[i].args.length; j++ )
- setupArg( settings, tweaks[i], j, list.appendChildX({ tag:"li", text:tweaks[i].args[j].desc+(tweaks[i].args[j].desc.length ? ": " : ""), style:"margin-top:4px" }) );
- }
- }
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"hr" }, "Questions? Comments? Problems? Leave some feedback at ", { tag:"a", href:"https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/3467", text:"https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/3467" }, "!" );
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"hr" }, { tag:"b", text:"Raw settings:" }, { tag:"br" });
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"textarea", type:"text", readonly:"true", style:"display: inline-block; width:98%; height:20px", title:"raw settings data!" }).value = JSON.stringify(settings);
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"hr" });
- //"Reset All Tweaks" button
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"button", value:"Reset All Tweaks", title:"Reset all settings." }).addEventListener( "click", function()
- {
- if( confirm("Reset all tweaks?") && confirm("...Really?") )
- {
- resetAll = true;
- for( let i = 0; i < resetButtons.length; i++ )
- resetButtons[i].click();
- resetAll = false;
- }
- }, false );
- //"Delete All Variables" button
- settingsDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"button", value:"Delete All Variables", title:"Reset all settings." }).addEventListener( "click", function()
- {
- if( confirm("WARNING: This will delete all variables associated with this script.") && confirm("...Really?") )
- {
- var varList = GM_listValues();
- while( varList.length > 0 )
- GM_deleteValue( varList.pop() );
- settingsLink.click();
- }
- }, false );
- content.style.display = "none";
- settingsDiv.style.display = "block";
- }
- }, false );
- //Returns an array with just the "value" properties from an array of arguments for a tweak
- function defaultArgs( tweak )
- {
- var defArgs = [];
- for( let i = 0; i < tweak.args.length; i++ )
- defArgs.push( tweak.args[i].value );
- return defArgs;
- }
- //Creates the input element for an element and sets up the appropriate settings/listeners
- function setupArg( oldSettings, tweak, argI, elem )
- {
- //Let the starting value be the custom setting, or default if nothing set
- var currentValue = tweak.args[argI].value, event = "input";
- if( oldSettings[ tweak.name ] && oldSettings[ tweak.name ].args && oldSettings[ tweak.name ].args[argI] != null )
- currentValue = oldSettings[ tweak.name ].args[argI];
- if( typeof( tweak.args[argI].value ) == "boolean" )
- {
- //Checkbox
- elem = elem.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"checkbox", title:tweak.args[argI].desc });
- if( !tweak.args[argI].getValue )
- tweak.args[argI].getValue = function(thing){ return thing.checked; };
- if( !tweak.args[argI].setValue )
- tweak.args[argI].setValue = function(thing,val){ thing.checked = val; }
- event = "click";
- }
- else if( typeof( tweak.args[argI].value ) == "number" )
- {
- elem = elem.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"text", title:tweak.args[argI].desc });
- if( !tweak.args[argI].getValue )
- tweak.args[argI].getValue = function(thing){ var val = Number( thing.value ); return isNaN(val) || thing.value.length == 0 ? null : val; };
- if( !tweak.args[argI].setValue )
- tweak.args[argI].setValue = function(thing,val){ thing.value = val; }
- }
- else if( typeof( tweak.args[argI].value ) == "string" )
- {
- if( tweak.args[argI].elem == "input" )
- {
- //Size element to fit the contents
- elem = elem.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"text", title:tweak.args[argI].desc });
- elem.addEventListener( "input", function() { elem.setAttribute("size", elem.value.length + 5); }, false );
- elem.setAttribute("size", currentValue.length + 5);
- }
- else
- {
- //Size to fit, with a timeout since hidden elements don't have a height
- elem = elem.appendChildX({ tag:"textarea", type:"text", style:"display: inline-block; width:95%; height:20px", title:tweak.args[argI].desc });
- setTimeout( function() { elem.style.height = Math.max( elem.scrollHeight, elem.clientHeight, 20 ) + "px"; }, 0 );
- elem.addEventListener( "input", function(){ setTimeout( function(){ if( elem.scrollTop > 0 ) elem.style.height = Math.max( elem.scrollHeight, elem.clientHeight )+"px"; }, 50 ); }, false );
- }
- if( !tweak.args[argI].getValue )
- tweak.args[argI].getValue = function(thing){ return thing.value; }
- if( !tweak.args[argI].setValue )
- tweak.args[argI].setValue = function(thing,val){ thing.value = val; }
- }
- else if( typeof( tweak.args[argI].value ) == "object" )
- {
- if( tweak.args[argI].desc.length )
- elem.appendChildX({tag:"br"});
- elem = elem.appendChildX({ tag:"textarea", type:"text", style:"display: inline-block; width:95%; height:20px", title:tweak.args[argI].desc });
- setTimeout( function() { elem.style.height = Math.max( elem.scrollHeight, elem.clientHeight, 20 ) + "px"; }, 0 );
- elem.addEventListener( "input", function(){ setTimeout( function(){ if( elem.scrollTop > 0 ) elem.style.height = Math.max( elem.scrollHeight, elem.clientHeight )+"px"; }, 50 ); }, false );
- if( !tweak.args[argI].getValue )
- tweak.args[argI].getValue = function(thing){ try{ return MS_parseJSON( elem.value ); } catch(err){ return null; } };
- if( !tweak.args[argI].setValue )
- tweak.args[argI].setValue = function(thing,val){ thing.value = JSON.stringify( val, null, 1 ).replace(/\s+/g,' '); }
- }
- else
- {
- MS_alert("Unknown argument type "+typeof( tweak.args[argI].value )+" ("+tweak.name+")");
- tweak.args[argI].getValue = function(){return null;}
- tweak.args[argI].setValue = function(){}
- }
- tweak.args[argI].setValue(elem, currentValue);
- tweak.args[argI].save = function(reset)
- {
- var settings = MS_getValue( "settings" );
- if( !settings[ tweak.name ].args )
- settings[ tweak.name ].args = defaultArgs( tweak );
- if( reset === true )
- tweak.args[argI].setValue( elem, tweak.args[argI].value );
- var value = tweak.args[argI].getValue( elem );
- if( value === null )
- elem.style.color = 'red';
- else
- {
- elem.style.removeProperty("color");
- settings[tweak.name].args[argI] = value;
- MS_setValue( "settings", settings, -1 );
- }
- }
- elem.addEventListener( event, tweak.args[argI].save, false );
- }
- function getNumber(a,b)
- {
- a = Number(a);
- b = Number(b);
- return function(elem)
- {
- var num = Number( elem.value );
- if( elem.value.length == 0 || isNaN(num) || num < a || num > b )
- return null;
- return num;
- }
- };
- function getDTextArray(elem)
- {
- try{
- var list = MS_parseJSON( elem.value );
- if( list.length == 0 )
- return null;
- for( let i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
- {
- if( new RegExp( list[i].regex ).test("```````````") )
- return null;//Check for valid regex, reject those that match "everything"
- if( list[i].text && ( typeof(list[i].text) != "string" || list[i].text.length < 1 ) )
- return null;
- if( list[i].link && ( typeof(list[i].link) != "string" || list[i].link.length < 1 ) )
- return null;
- if( !list[i].text && !list[i].link )
- return null;
- }
- return list;
- } catch(err){}
- return null;
- }
- function getBlacklistString(elem)
- {
- try{
- if( !(new RegExp( "(^|.* )("+elem.value+")( .*|$)", "i" ).test("```````````")) )
- return elem.value;
- }catch(err){}
- return null;
- }
- function getLinkArray(elem)
- {
- try{
- var list = JSON.parse(elem.value);
- if( list.length == 0 )
- return null;
- for( let i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
- if( typeof(list[i].text) != "string" || list[i].text.length == 0 || typeof(list[i].href) != "string" || list[i].href.length == 0 )
- return null;
- return list;
- }catch(err) {}
- return null;
- }
- function getTagSubscriptions(elem)
- {
- try{
- var json = MS_parseJSON( elem.value );
- if( json.length == 0 )
- return null;
- for( var call = 0; call < json.length; call++ )
- {
- //Add missing properties
- if( !json[call].maxExpanded )
- json[call].maxExpanded = 0;
- if( !json[call].intersect )
- json[call].intersect = false;
- if( !json[call].timestamp )
- json[call].timestamp = false
- if( json[call].title.length == 0 ||
- typeof(json[call].title) != "string" ||
- typeof(json[call].refresh) != "number" ||
- json[call].refresh <= 0 ||
- typeof(json[call].thumbs) != "number" ||
- json[call].thumbs < 0 ||
- typeof(json[call].maxExpanded) != "number" ||
- json[call].maxExpanded < 0 ||
- ( !json[call].thumbs && !json[call].maxExpanded) ||
- json[call].queries.length == 0 )
- {
- return null;
- }
- //Titles must be unique
- for( let subCall = 0; subCall < json.length; subCall++ )
- if( call != subCall && json[subCall].title == json[call].title )
- return null;
- for( var query = 0; query < json[call].queries.length; query++ )
- {
- if( !json[call].queries[query].pages )
- json[call].queries[query].pages = 1;
- if( json[call].queries[query].search.length == 0 ||
- typeof(json[call].queries[query].search) != "string" ||
- typeof(json[call].queries[query].pages) != "number" ||
- json[call].queries[query].pages < 0 ||
- json[call].queries[query].pages > 1000 )
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- return json;
- }
- catch(err){ }
- return null;
- }
- function getStringArray(elem)
- {
- try{
- let list = JSON.parse( elem.value );
- if( !( list instanceof Array ) )
- return null;
- for( let i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
- if( typeof(list[i]) != "string" )
- return null;
- return list;
- }catch(err){}
- return null;
- }
- function getSingleChar(elem)
- {
- if( elem.value.length > 1 )
- return null;
- return elem.value.charAt(0);
- }
- }
- function initialize()
- {
- if( typeof(unsafeWindow) == "undefined" )
- var unsafeWindow=window;
- if( typeof(GM_getValue) == "undefined" || GM_getValue('a', 'b') == undefined )
- {
- //GM_log = console.log || function() { };
- GM_deleteValue = function(a){ localStorage.removeItem("danbooru_miscellaneous."+a); }
- GM_openInTab = function(a){ return window.open(a,a); }
- GM_getValue = function(name, defaultValue)
- {
- var value = localStorage.getItem("danbooru_miscellaneous."+name);
- if( !value )
- return defaultValue;
- var type = value[0];
- value = value.substring(1);
- if( type == 'b' )
- return value == 'true';
- else if( type == 'n' )
- return Number(value);
- return value;
- }
- GM_setValue = function(name, value)
- {
- value = (typeof value)[0] + value;
- localStorage.setItem("danbooru_miscellaneous."+name, value);
- }
- GM_listValues = function()
- {
- let j = 0, list = new Array(localStorage.length);
- for( let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++ )
- if( /^danbooru_miscellaneous/.test( localStorage.key(i) ) )
- list[j++] = localStorage.key(i).replace(/^danbooru_miscellaneous./,'');
- return list;
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest = function(obj)
- {
- //Unlike the Greasemonkey function, XMLHttpRequest can't access sites outside Danbooru
- if( !/^https?:..([^.]+\.)?donmai.us\//.test(obj.url) )
- return;
- let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- if( obj.onreadystatechange )
- obj.onreadystatechange( request );
- if( request.readyState == 4 && obj.onload )
- obj.onload( request );
- }
- request.onerror = function()
- {
- if( obj.onerror )
- obj.onerror( request );
- }
- try {
- request.open( obj.method, obj.url, true );
- } catch(e) {
- if( obj.onerror )
- obj.onerror( { readyState:4, responseHeaders:'', responseText:'', responseXML:'', status:403, statusText:'Forbidden'} );
- return;
- }
- if( obj.headers )
- for( let name in obj.headers )
- request.setRequestHeader( name, obj.headers[name] );
- request.send( obj.data );
- return request;
- }
- }
- recursion = (window != window.top);
- loginID = document.body.getAttribute("data-current-user-id");
- if( !loginID || loginID.length == 0 )
- {
- login = "";
- loginID = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- login = document.body.getAttribute("data-current-user-name");
- loginID = parseInt(loginID);
- }
- let navMenu = document.querySelectorAll("#nav menu");
- if( navMenu.length > 0 )
- {
- navbar = navMenu[0];
- subnavbar = navMenu[1];
- content = !recursion && document.getElementById("page");
- if( !subnavbar )
- {
- //Insert subnavbar if it doesn't exist but the navbar does.
- subnavbar = navbar.parentNode.insertBefore( createElementX({tag:"menu"}), navbar.nextSibling );
- //Add a dummy link element so the subnavbar is the right height.
- subnavbar.appendChildX({tag:"li"}).appendChildX({tag:"a", href:"#"});
- }
- }
- isApprover = ( document.body.getAttribute("data-current-user-is-approver") == "true" );
- }
- function showErrorFun()
- {
- showError = true;
- }
- /**
- Adds/moves the post search box to the navbar.
- */
- function navbarTagSearch(moveBox,useSubnavbar)
- {
- var targetBar = useSubnavbar ? subnavbar : navbar;
- if( recursion || !targetBar )
- return;
- var searchBox = document.getElementById("search-box"), value = "";
- if( searchBox )
- {
- if( !moveBox )
- return;
- if( document.getElementById("tags") )
- value = document.getElementById("tags").value.replace(/"/g,'');
- //To keep a consistent location for the search box, remove the original one wherever it appears.
- searchBox.parentNode.removeChild(searchBox);
- }
- searchBox = createElementX({ tag:"li", id:"search-box"});
- searchBox.innerHTML = '<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/posts" method="get"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" /></div><input id="tags" name="tags" size="30" type="text" ' + ( value ? 'value="'+value+'" ' : 'placeholder="Search posts" ' ) + '/><input name="commit" type="submit" value="Go" style="width:2.8em"/></form>';
- targetBar.insertBefore( searchBox, targetBar.firstChild );
- }
- /**
- Adds +/- links next to tags in the taglist to add/remove/negate tags from the tag search box. Tags cannot be added or negated more than once.
- */
- function addPlusMinusLinks(addListeners)
- {
- if( recursion || !document.getElementById("tags") )
- return;
- let boxValue = document.getElementById("tags").value;
- if( boxValue.length > 0 )
- boxValue += '+';
- setTimeout( function() //0-timeout to let the custom tags get added
- {
- for( let listItem of document.querySelectorAll("section .tag-list li") )
- {
- let links = listItem.getElementsByTagName("a");
- if( links.length < 4 )
- {
- var urlTag = boxValue + links[0].href.substring( links[0].href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, links[0].href.indexOf("?") );
- if( links[0].parentNode == listItem )
- links[0].style.marginRight = ".3rem";
- listItem.insertBefore( createElementX( { tag:'a', text:'+', class:"search-inc-tag", style:"margin-right: .4rem", href:"/posts?tags=" +urlTag },
- { tag:'a', text:'-', class:"search-exl-tag", style:"margin-right: .4rem", href:"/posts?tags=-"+urlTag } ), ( listItem == links[1].parentNode ? links[1] : links[1].parentNode ) );
- links = listItem.getElementsByTagName("a");
- links[2].innerHTML="–";
- }
- if( addListeners )
- {
- let tag = links[3].textContent.replace( /\s+/g, '_' );
- //Plus
- links[1].setAttribute("onclick","return false;");
- links[1].addEventListener( "click", searchBoxChange(" "+tag+" ", " -"+tag+" "), false );
- //Minus
- links[2].setAttribute("onclick","return false;");
- links[2].addEventListener( "click", searchBoxChange(" -"+tag+" ", " "+tag+" "), false );
- }
- }
- }, 0 );
- function searchBoxChange(add, remove) { return function(e)
- {
- let searchBox = document.getElementById("tags");
- let value = " "+searchBox.value+" ";
- if( value.indexOf(remove) >= 0 )
- value = value.replace(remove," ");
- else if( value.indexOf(add) < 0 )
- value = value + add;
- //Trim excess whitespace from search box and give it focus
- searchBox.value = value.replace(/(^ +| +$)/g,'').replace(/ +/,' ');
- searchBox.focus();
- }}
- }
- /**
- Adds a new section to the taglist, complete with +/- links.
- */
- function customTaglist(title, newTags)
- {
- var tagList = !recursion && ( document.getElementById("tag-box") || document.getElementById("tag-list") );
- if( !tagList )
- return;
- var fragment = createElementX([{ tag:( tagList.id == "tag-box" ? "h2" : "h3" ), text:title, style:"margin-top: 1rem" }]);
- var newList = fragment.appendChildX({ tag:"ul", class:"tag-list" });
- var tagsValue = document.getElementById("tags").value;
- if( tagsValue.length > 0 )
- tagsValue = '+'+tagsValue;
- for( let i = 0; i < newTags.length; i++ )
- {
- let newListItem = createElementX({ tag: "li", class:"tag-type-0"/* general tag by default */ });
- let thisTag = newTags[i];//Make copy to avoid removing tag type from original settings
- if( thisTag.indexOf("art:") == 0 )
- newListItem.className = "tag-type-1";
- else if( thisTag.indexOf("copy:") == 0 )
- newListItem.className = "tag-type-3";
- else if( thisTag.indexOf("char:") == 0 )
- newListItem.className = "tag-type-4";
- else if( thisTag.indexOf("meta:") == 0 )
- newListItem.className = "tag-type-5";
- thisTag = thisTag.replace(/^(art|char|copy|gen):/,'');
- if( thisTag.indexOf(":") > 0 )
- newListItem.innerHTML = '<a class="wiki-link" style="margin-right: .2rem" href="/wiki_pages?title=help:cheatsheet">?</a>';
- else
- newListItem.innerHTML = '<a class="wiki-link" style="margin-right: .2rem" href="/wiki_pages?title='+thisTag.replace(/ /g,'_')+'">?</a>';
- newListItem.innerHTML += ' <a href="/posts?tags='+thisTag.replace(/ /g,'_')+tagsValue+'" class="search-inc-tag" style="margin-right: .2rem">+</a> <a href="/posts?tags=-'+thisTag.replace(/ /g,'_')+tagsValue+'" class="search-exl-tag" style="margin-right: .2rem">–</a>'+' <a href="/posts?tags='+thisTag.replace(/ /g,'_')+'" class="search-tag">'+thisTag.replace(/_/g,' ')+'</a>';
- newList.appendChild(newListItem);
- }
- tagList.appendChild(fragment);
- }
- /**
- Adds links to the navbar, and removes links from the navbar or subnavbar.
- */
- function navbarLinks(addLinks, removeLinks)
- {
- if( !navbar || recursion )
- return;
- var fragment = createElementX([]);
- for( let i = 0; i < addLinks.length; i++ )
- if( addLinks[i].text && addLinks[i].href )
- fragment.appendChildX({ tag: "li" }).appendChildX({ tag:"a", href:addLinks[i].href, text:addLinks[i].text });
- navbar.insertBefore( fragment, navbar.firstChild );
- if( removeLinks.length )
- {
- var navLinks = Array.prototype.slice.call( navbar.getElementsByTagName("a") ).concat( Array.prototype.slice.call( subnavbar.getElementsByTagName("a") ) );
- for( let i = 0; i < navLinks.length; i++ )
- for( let j = 0; j < removeLinks.length; j++ )
- if( navLinks[i].textContent == removeLinks[j] )
- navLinks[i].parentNode.removeChild( navLinks[i] );
- }
- }
- /**
- Removes the specified statistics from user profiles.
- */
- function hideUserStatistics(deleteMe, deleteThem)
- {
- var deleteArray, statBlock = !recursion && document.getElementsByClassName("user-statistics")[0];
- if( !statBlock )
- return;
- if( statBlock.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent == login )
- deleteArray = ( deleteMe instanceof Array ) ? deleteMe : [];//Your profile
- else
- deleteArray = ( deleteThem instanceof Array ) ? deleteThem : [];//Someone else's profile
- if( deleteArray.indexOf("Statistics") >= 0 )
- statBlock.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].style.display = "none";
- var statLabels = statBlock.getElementsByTagName("th");
- for( let i = 0; i < statLabels.length; i++ )
- if( deleteArray.indexOf( statLabels[i].textContent ) >= 0 )
- statLabels[i].parentNode.style.display = "none";
- }
- /**
- Appends images' scores and/or favorite counts below their thumbnails.
- appendScore: If true, append the score.
- appendFavcount: If true, append the favcount.
- */
- function scoreThumbnails( appendScore, appendFavcount )
- {
- if( recursion || ( !appendScore && !appendFavcount ) )
- return;
- setTimeout( function() { MS_observeInserts( giveSomething )(); }, 0 );
- function giveSomething(e)
- {
- if( e && !e.target.querySelectorAll )
- return;
- //Clicking on a vote link replaces the "post-votes" class element
- if( e && appendScore && e.target.classList.contains("post-votes") )
- {
- let score = e.target.parentNode.querySelector("span.post-score a");
- if( score.textContent < 0 )
- score.style.color = "red";
- return;
- }
- let articles;
- if( !e )
- articles = document.querySelectorAll("article.post-preview");
- else if( e.target.classList.contains("post-preview") )
- articles = [ e.target ];
- else
- articles = e.target.querySelectorAll("article.post-preview");
- for( let thumbArt of articles )
- {
- let outerBlock = thumbArt.getElementsByClassName("post-preview-score")[0] || createElementX({ tag:"div", class:"post-preview-score text-sm text-center mt-1" });
- if( appendFavcount && !outerBlock.getElementsByClassName("post-fav_count")[0] )
- outerBlock.insertBefore( createElementX({tag:"span", class:"post-score post-fav_count", style:"vertical-align:middle" }), outerBlock.firstChild );
- if( appendScore && !outerBlock.getElementsByClassName("post-votes")[0] )
- {
- let postID = thumbArt.getAttribute("data-id");
- outerBlock.appendChild( createElementX({ tag: "span", class:"post-votes inline-flex gap-1", "data-id":postID }) ).innerHTML =
- '<a class="post-upvote-link inactive-link" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" data-method="post" href="/posts/'+postID+'/votes?score=1">' +
- '<svg class="icon svg-icon upvote-icon" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><use fill="currentColor" href="/packs/static/images/icons-f4ca0cd60cf43cc54f9a.svg#arrow-alt-up"></use></svg></a>' +
- '<span class="post-score inline-block text-center whitespace-nowrap align-middle min-w-4"><a rel="nofollow" href="/post_votes?search%5Bpost_id%5D='+postID+'&variant=compact" aria-expanded="false"></a></span>' +
- '<a class="post-downvote-link inactive-link" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" data-method="post" href="/posts/'+postID+'/votes?score=-1">' +
- '<svg class="icon svg-icon downvote-icon" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><use fill="currentColor" href="/packs/static/images/icons-f4ca0cd60cf43cc54f9a.svg#arrow-alt-down"></use></svg></a>';
- }
- if( !outerBlock.parentNode )
- thumbArt.appendChild( outerBlock );
- }
- MS_usingArticles( articles, function(art)
- {
- let score = appendScore && art.querySelector(".post-votes .post-score a");
- if( score )
- {
- if( art.getAttribute("score") < 0 )
- score.style.color = "red";
- score.textContent = art.getAttribute("score");
- }
- if( appendFavcount )
- art.getElementsByClassName("post-fav_count")[0].innerHTML = art.getAttribute("fav_count")+"♥ ";
- } );
- }
- }
- /**
- Blacklist implementation that replaces images with links labeled with tags they matched in the blacklist. Clicking the link/image alternates between the two.
- Translation notes appear every other time the image is displayed.
- Your own uploads are exempt from the blacklist.
- blacklistTags: array of individual tags ('*' supported)
- */
- function blacklistTags( blacklist )
- {
- if( recursion || blacklist.length == 0 )
- return;
- let imageContainer = document.getElementsByClassName("image-container")[0];
- let exBlacklist = [];
- for( let tag of blacklist )
- if( tag.indexOf('*') >= 0 )
- exBlacklist.push( new RegExp("^"+tag.replace(/(\$|\^|\)|\(|\+|\.|\[|\])/g,"\\$1").replace("*",".*")+"$", "i" ) );
- MS_observeInserts( function(e)
- {
- let found;
- if( !e )
- {
- found = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("article.post-preview") );
- if( imageContainer )//Apply to image in single-post page
- {
- setTimeout( function(){ imageContainer.style.fontSize = "inherit"; }, 0 );//What is setting font-size to some small value???
- found.push( imageContainer );
- }
- }
- else if( e.target.tagName == "ARTICLE" && e.target.classList && e.target.classList.contains("post-preview") )
- found = [ e.target ];
- else if( e.target.querySelectorAll )
- found = e.target.querySelectorAll("article.post-preview");
- else
- return;
- if( !found.length )
- return;
- if( !found[0].hasAttribute("data-tags") )
- MS_usingArticles( found, applyBlacklist );
- else for( let target of found )
- applyBlacklist( target );
- })();
- function applyBlacklist(elem)
- {
- if( !elem || ( elem.getAttribute("data-uploader-id") || elem.getAttribute("uploader_id") ) == loginID )
- return;
- let tags = elem.getAttribute("data-tags") || elem.getAttribute("tag_string");
- if( !tags )
- return;
- var badTags = [];//List of all of this post's tags that hit the blacklist
- for( let tag of tags.split(" ") )
- {
- if( blacklist.indexOf(tag) >= 0 )
- badTags.push( tag );
- else for( let extag of exBlacklist )
- if( extag.test(tag) )
- {
- badTags.push( tag );
- break;
- }
- }
- var image = badTags.length && !elem.getAttribute("blacklisted") && elem.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
- if( !image )
- return;
- elem.setAttribute("blacklisted","true");
- let blackLink = createElementX({ tag: "a", href:image.src, text:('hidden ('+badTags+')').replace(/,/g,', '), title:( image.title || "" ) });
- if( elem.classList.contains("post-status-deleted") )
- blackLink.style.color = "#000";
- else if( elem.classList.contains("post-status-pending") )
- blackLink.style.color = "#00F";
- else if( elem.classList.contains("post-status-flagged") )
- blackLink.style.color = "#F00";
- else if( elem.classList.contains("post-status-has-parent") )
- blackLink.style.color = "#CC0";
- else if( elem.classList.contains("post-status-has-children") )
- blackLink.style.color = "#0F0";
- for( let parent = image; parent != elem; parent = parent.parentNode )
- if( parent.href )
- {
- //Thumbnails are surrounded by links. Hide those instead of the images themselves.
- image = parent;
- blackLink.href = image.href;
- //Comments have div.post-preview/div.preview/a/img
- elem = image.parentNode;
- elem.style.textAlign = "center";
- break;
- }
- var showNotes = true;
- if( elem == imageContainer )
- {
- for( let note of elem.getElementsByClassName("note-box") )
- note.style.display = "none";
- }
- image.style.display = "none";
- elem.insertBefore( blackLink, elem.firstChild );
- blackLink.addEventListener( "click", function(e) { if( !e.ctrlKey ) e.preventDefault(); }, false );
- elem.addEventListener( "click", function(e)
- {
- if( e.ctrlKey ) return;
- e.preventDefault();
- //Swap styles
- let oldImageStyle = image.style.display || "none";
- image.style.display = blackLink.style.display || "block";
- blackLink.style.display = oldImageStyle;
- if( elem == imageContainer )
- {
- let display = ( image.style.display == "none" || (showNotes = !showNotes) ? "none" : "block" );
- for( let note of imageContainer.getElementsByClassName("note-box") )
- note.style.display = display;
- }
- }, true );
- }
- }
- /**
- Sets all times to the "X units ago" form with custom precision.
- */
- function precisionTime(precision)
- {
- if( recursion )
- return;
- MS_observeInserts( function(e)
- {
- if( e && !e.target.getElementsByTagName )
- return;
- var timeNodes = ( e ? e.target : document ).querySelectorAll("time[title]");
- for( let i = 0; i < timeNodes.length; i++ )
- {
- //<time datetime="2013-02-26T22:16-05:00" title="2013-02-26 22:16:25 -0500">2013-02-26 22:16</time>
- var unit = "", title = timeNodes[i].getAttribute("title").split(" ");
- var duration = ( Date.now() - new Date(title[0]+'T'+title[1]+title[2]) ) / 1000;
- //new Date(timeNodes[i].getAttribute("datetime")).getTime() - 1000*parseInt( (timeNodes[i].getAttribute("title") || "0 0:0:0").split(/[\s:]+/,4)[3], 10 );
- if( duration < 60 )
- unit = "second";
- else if( (duration /= 60) < 60 )
- unit = "minute";
- else if( (duration /= 60) < 24 )
- unit = "hour";
- else if( (duration /= 24) < 30.4375 )
- unit = "day";
- else if( (duration /= 30.4375) < 12 )
- unit = "month";
- else if( (duration /= 12) > 0 )
- unit = "year";
- else continue;//Parsing error
- if( precision > 0 && unit != "second" )
- timeNodes[i].textContent = duration.toFixed(precision)+" "+unit+"s ago";
- else
- {
- duration = ( duration <= 0 ? "0" : duration.toFixed(0) );
- timeNodes[i].textContent = duration+" "+unit+( duration == "1" ? " ago" : "s ago" );
- }
- }
- })();
- }
- /**
- Adds a pseudo-tag subscription to your profile.
- title: Title of tag subscription; must be unique
- useTimestamp: If true, append a timestamp to the title with each refresh
- refreshInterval: Hours to wait before refreshing the subscription
- maxThumbs: Number of thumbnails to display
- maxExpanded: Number of thumbnails to display when the >> link is clicked
- isIntersect: If true, find posts that contained in all the queries. Otherwise, find posts in any query.
- queryList [ { search:"", pages# }, ... ]
- If isIntersect is true, posts will be in the order of the final query.
- Otherwise, posts are sorted by descending ID.
- The subscription title points to a tag search using the tags passed to the first query.
- When the subscription refreshes, all queries will be rerun with every page load until all
- have completed on the same page.
- */
- function addTagSubscription( title, useTimestamp, refreshInterval, maxThumbs, maxExpanded, isIntersect, queryList )
- {
- //Validate arguments
- if( recursion || !login )
- return;
- if( title instanceof Array )
- {
- for( let i = 0; i < title.length; i++ )
- addTagSubscription( title[i].title, title[i].timestamp, title[i].refresh, title[i].thumbs, title[i].maxExpanded, title[i].intersect, title[i].queries );
- return;
- }
- var varPrefix = "addTagSubscription."+title;
- var loadingMessage = false, subDiv = false;
- var queryString = queryList[0].search.replace(/,/g, ',\u200B');
- for( let i = 1; i < queryList.length; i++ )
- queryString += '\n***'+( isIntersect ? 'AND' : 'OR' )+'***\n'+queryList[i].search.replace(/,/g, ',\u200B');
- //Add the DIV to contain the thumbs to your own user page and append the thumbs if they already exist
- var userStats = document.getElementsByClassName("user-statistics")[0];
- var userContent = userStats && document.getElementById("a-show");
- if( userContent && ( location.pathname == "/users/"+loginID || location.pathname == "/profile" || userContent.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent == login ) )
- {
- subDiv = createElementX({ tag: "div", class:"box", id: varPrefix+"_thumbList" });
- var thumbList = MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_thumbList" );
- if( thumbList )
- {
- subDiv.innerHTML = thumbList;
- addExpandLink(subDiv);
- }
- else
- {
- subDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"h2", title:JSON.stringify(queryList) }).appendChildX({ tag:"a", href:"/posts?tags="+queryList[0].search.replace(/ +/,'+'), text:title });
- if( MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_lock" ) )
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_lock", true, 30 );
- }
- userContent.appendChild(subDiv);
- var subStat = document.evaluate(".//th[text()='Subscriptions']/../td", userStats, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
- if( !subStat )
- {
- var newStat = userStats.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].appendChild( createElementX({tag:"tr"}) );
- newStat.appendChildX({ tag:"th", text:"Subscriptions" });
- subStat = newStat.appendChildX({tag:"td"});
- }
- var para = createElementX({tag:"p"});
- var allTags = [];
- para.appendChildX([ { "tag":"strong", "text":title, "title":queryString }, " - " ]);
- for( let i = 0; i < queryList.length; i++ )
- {
- var tags = queryList[i].search.split(" ");
- for( var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++ )
- {
- if( tags[j][0] == '-' )//Don't list negated tags
- continue;
- tags[j] = tags[j].replace( /^(-|~)/, '' );
- if( allTags.indexOf( tags[j] ) >= 0 )
- continue;
- allTags.push( tags[j] );
- if( i > 0 || j > 0 )
- para.appendChildX(", ");
- para.appendChildX({ tag:"a", href:"/posts?tags="+encodeURIComponent(tags[j]), text:tags[j].replace(/_+/g, ' ').replace(/,/g, ',\u200B') });
- }
- }
- subStat.appendChild(para);
- }
- //If query string has changed since the last update, force another update. Change the #. prefix to force a refresh.
- if( "0."+JSON.stringify(queryList) != MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_lastQueries", "" ) )
- {
- MS_deleteValue( varPrefix+"_lastUpdate" );
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_lastQueries", "0."+JSON.stringify(queryList), 7*24*3600 );
- }
- if( MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_lock" ) || MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_lastUpdate", 0 ) + refreshInterval * 3600 * 1000 > new Date().getTime() )
- return;
- if( subDiv )
- subDiv.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].appendChild(document.createElement("span")).textContent = " [Loading...]";
- var postResults = [], currentResults = [];
- runQuery(0, 1);
- function runQuery( argIndex, page )
- {
- //Set 10 second lock every time a query runs, to prevent concurrent queries
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_lock", true, 10 );
- if( argIndex >= queryList.length )
- return subBuildThumbs();//No more arguments, start building
- if( page == 1 )
- currentResults = [];//First page, no results yet
- if( page > queryList[argIndex].pages )
- {
- //No more pages.
- if( argIndex == 0 || !isIntersect )
- postResults = postResults.concat( currentResults );
- else
- {
- //Find the intersection between the previous queries and this one, using the order of this one.
- var oldPostResults = postResults;
- postResults = [];
- for( let i = 0; i < currentResults.length; i++ )
- {
- for( let j = 0; j < oldPostResults.length; j++ )
- if( oldPostResults[j]["id"] == currentResults[i]["id"] )
- {
- postResults.push( oldPostResults[j] );
- break;
- }
- }
- if( postResults.length == 0 )
- argIndex = queryList.length;//Intersection with empty set :(
- }
- return runQuery( argIndex + 1, 1 );
- }
- //Fetch next page
- MS_requestAPI( "/posts.json?tags="+encodeURIComponent(queryList[argIndex].search)+"&page="+page, function(responseDetails)
- {
- var result;
- try { result = MS_parseJSON(responseDetails.responseText); }
- catch(e) { return runQuery( argIndex, page ); }
- currentResults = currentResults.concat( result );
- //Go to next page if less than the maximum amount was returned, or if we have enough thumbs already
- if( result.length < 100 || ( queryList.length == 1 && currentResults.length > maxThumbs && currentResults.length > maxExpanded ) )
- page = 9999;
- //Get next page
- runQuery( argIndex, page + 1 );
- });
- }
- function subBuildThumbs()
- {
- //Sort union subscriptions by decreasing post ID
- if( !isIntersect && queryList.length > 1 )
- postResults.sort( function(a,b) { return( b["id"] - a["id"] ); } );
- //Remove duplicates
- for( let i = 1; i < postResults.length; i++ )
- {
- for( var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
- if( postResults[j].id == postResults[i].id )
- {
- //An earlier post already has this ID, so remove this post
- postResults.splice( i--, 1 );
- break;
- }
- }
- if( postResults.length > 0 && !postResults[0].id )
- {
- if( postResults[0].success === false && postResults[0].message )
- throw "Unable to build thumbnails; post result returned '"+postResults[0].message+"'";
- return;
- }
- if( subDiv )
- subDiv.innerHTML = "";//Remove the old title that may have been added at the start
- else
- subDiv = createElementX({ tag:"div" });//Dummy DIV, only its contents are used
- function zeroIt(a) { return( a < 10 ? "0"+a : a ); }
- var tdate = new Date();
- var timestamp = " ("+(tdate.getMonth()+1)+"-"+zeroIt(tdate.getDate())+" "+zeroIt(tdate.getHours())+":"+zeroIt(tdate.getMinutes())+")";
- subDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"h2", title:timestamp+'\n\n'+queryString }).appendChildX([ { tag:"a", href:"/posts?tags="+queryList[0].search.replace(/ +/,'+'), text:title }, ( useTimestamp ? timestamp : "" ) ]);
- subDiv.appendChildX({ tag:"div", class:"post-gallery post-gallery-grid post-gallery-180" }).appendChildX({ tag:"div", class:"posts-container" }).appendChild( buildThumbs( postResults, maxThumbs ) );
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_thumbList", subDiv.innerHTML, 7*24*3600 );
- //MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_lock", true, refreshInterval * 3600 );
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_lastUpdate", tdate.getTime(), 7*24*3600 );
- if( maxExpanded > maxThumbs )
- {
- postResults = postResults.slice( 0, maxExpanded );
- MS_setValue( varPrefix+"_JSON", postResults, 7*24*3600 );
- }
- addExpandLink(subDiv);
- }
- function addExpandLink(outerDiv)
- {
- var json = maxExpanded > 0 && MS_getValue( varPrefix+"_JSON" );
- var head = json && json.length > maxThumbs && outerDiv.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0];
- if( !head ) return;
- json.splice( 0, maxThumbs );
- var linkShow = head.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"a", href:"#", onclick:"return false;", text:" \u00BB", style:"display:inline" }) );//»
- var linkHide = head.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"a", href:"#", onclick:"return false;", text:" \u00AB", style:"display:none" }) );//«
- var spanMore = outerDiv.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"span", style:"display:none" }) );
- linkShow.addEventListener( "click", function()
- {
- if( spanMore.innerHTML == "" )
- spanMore.appendChildX({ tag:"div", class:"post-gallery post-gallery-grid post-gallery-180" }).appendChildX({ tag:"div", class:"posts-container" }).appendChild( buildThumbs( json, maxExpanded ) );
- linkShow.style.display = "none";
- linkHide.style.display = "inline";
- spanMore.style.display = "inline";
- }, true );
- linkHide.addEventListener( "click", function()
- {
- linkShow.style.display = "inline";
- linkHide.style.display = "none";
- spanMore.style.display = "none";
- }, true );
- }
- }
- /**
- Replaces text in DText (http://danbooru.donmai.us/help/dtext) textareas as it is being input,
- as well as the names of all links.
- Only the first match will be used for a given input/link.
- replaceList: An array of objects with the following properties (regex and at least one of the others):
- regex: Regex to match against
- text: Replacement for textareas
- link: Replacement for link names
- */
- function dtextReplace( replaceList )
- {
- var list = content && !recursion && ( replaceList instanceof Array ) && replaceList;
- if( !list ) return;
- for( let i = 0; i < replaceList.length; i++ )
- replaceList[i].regex = new RegExp( replaceList[i].regex );
- MS_observeInserts( subReplace )();
- ////////////////
- function subReplace(e)
- {
- if( e && !e.target.getElementsByTagName )
- return;
- var textList = ( e ? e.target : document ).getElementsByTagName("textarea");
- var linkList = ( e ? e.target : document ).getElementsByTagName("a");
- for( let i = 0; i < textList.length; i++ )
- if( !/(artist_url_string|post_tag_string)/.test(textList[i].id) )
- textList[i].addEventListener( "input", function()
- {
- for( let i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
- {
- if( list[i].text && list[i].regex.test(this.value) )
- {
- this.value = this.value.replace( list[i].regex, list[i].text );
- break;
- }
- }
- }, false );
- for( let i = 0; i < linkList.length; i++ )
- for( let j = 0; j < list.length; j++ )
- if( list[j].link && list[j].regex.test(linkList[i].textContent) )
- {
- linkList[i].textContent = linkList[i].textContent.replace( list[j].regex, list[j].link );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- Hides posts and comments in the comment listing for posts with any of the specified tags. Click the replacement text to reveal.
- */
- function commentListingFilter(tagList)
- {
- if( !recursion && tagList.length ) MS_observeInserts( function(e)
- {
- for( let k = 0; k < tagList.length; k++ )
- {
- let unwantedLinks = ( e ? e.target : document ).querySelectorAll(".post-preview .comments-for-post .list-of-tags span a[href$='="+encodeURIComponent(tagList[k].toLowerCase().replace(/ +/g,'_')).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { return '%'+c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); })+"']");
- for( let i = 0; i < unwantedLinks.length; i++ )
- {
- //Get container element for thumbnail+comments
- let mainCom = unwantedLinks[i].parentNode;
- while( !(mainCom = mainCom.parentNode).classList.contains("post-preview") );
- //If this comment block has already been hidden, just append this tag to the Hidden tag list for that block
- let hideList = mainCom.getElementsByClassName("hideList")[0];
- if( hideList )
- {
- if( !hideList.querySelector('a[href="'+unwantedLinks[i].href+'"]') )
- {
- hideList.appendChildX(", ");
- hideList.appendChildX({ tag:"span", class:unwantedLinks[i].parentNode.className })
- .appendChildX({ tag: "a", href:unwantedLinks[i].href, onclick:"return false;", text:tagList[k] });
- }
- continue;
- }
- //Hidden: [tags to hide]
- let hideBlock = mainCom.insertBefore( createElementX({tag:"blockquote", class:"inline-tag-list"}), mainCom.firstChild );
- hideBlock.appendChildX("Hidden (");
- hideBlock.appendChildX({ tag:"span", class:"hideList" })
- .appendChildX({ tag:"span", class:unwantedLinks[i].parentNode.className })
- .appendChildX({ tag: "a", href:unwantedLinks[i].href, onclick:"return false;", text:tagList[k] });
- hideBlock.appendChildX(")");
- //If the post has copyright tags, append them to the blockquote
- let copyTags = mainCom.querySelector(".list-of-tags .copyright-tag-list");
- if( copyTags )
- hideBlock.appendChild( createElementX([ ": ", copyTags.cloneNode(true) ]) );
- let thumb = mainCom.getElementsByClassName("preview")[0];
- let comments = mainCom.getElementsByClassName("comments-for-post")[0];
- hideBlock.addEventListener( "click", (function(link,prev,coms){ return function(){ link.style.display = "none"; prev.style.display = coms.style.display = ""; }; })( hideBlock, thumb, comments ) );
- thumb.style.display = "none";
- comments.style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- } )();
- }
- /*
- Tweaks the post queue page. Vote links are always added.
- badTags: Highlight (in red) posts containing any of these tags. The tags themselves are styled in bold/underline.
- disapproveTags: Reject ("No Interest") posts containing any of these tags.
- swapKey: Swap (with a larger size) the first thumbnail whose top is within the viewing pane.
- swapClick: Swap thumbnails when left-clicked.
- autoVote: Automatic up/down vote when approval/disapproval links are clicked (except 'No Interest')
- limit: Number of entries per page, applied to all modqueue links.
- moveButtons: Move buttons to above the tag lists
- */
- function postQueueTweaks( badTags, disapproveTags, swapKey, swapClick, autoVote, limit, moveButtons )
- {
- if( limit > 0 )
- {
- // Add limit=# to all /modqueue links
- for( let link of document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/modqueue"]') )
- if( link.href.indexOf("limit=") < 0 )
- link.href += ( link.href.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&" ) + "limit=" + ( limit > 200 && link.href.indexOf("mode=list") < 0 ? 200 : limit );
- }
- if( autoVote )
- {
- //Vote up for approvals, down for rejection/deletion (except "Skip"/"No interest")
- let linkDisapproval = document.body.querySelectorAll("a[href*='/post_disapprovals'], a.detailed-rejection-link, a[data-method='delete'][href*='/posts/']");
- if( linkDisapproval.length == 0 )
- return;
- let linkApprovals = document.body.querySelectorAll("a[href*='/post_approvals?']");//Doesn't exist for your own uploads
- let voteLink = document.body.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"a", style:"display:none", "data-remote":"true", rel:"nofollow", "data-method":"post" }) )
- function voteMe(link, inc)
- {
- voteLink.href = "/posts/"+( /^.posts.(\d+)/.exec( location.pathname ) || (/post_id=(\d+)/.exec( link.parentNode.querySelector("a[href*='post_id=']").href )) )[1]+"/votes?score="+inc;
- voteLink.click();
- }
- for( let link of linkApprovals )
- link.addEventListener( "click", function(){ voteMe(link,+1); } );
- for( let link of linkDisapproval )
- if( link.href.indexOf("disinterest") < 0 )
- link.addEventListener( "click", function(){ voteMe(link,-1); } );
- }
- let queueItems = location.pathname.indexOf("/modqueue") == 0 && Array.from( document.body.querySelectorAll( ( location.search.indexOf("mode=list") >= 0 ? "div" : "article" ) + ".mod-queue-preview" ) );
- if( !queueItems || !queueItems.length )
- return;
- //Hide posts matching any of the disapproveTags and schedule their disapproval
- if( disapproveTags.length > 0 )
- {
- let clickLinks = [];
- for( let i = 0; i < queueItems.length; i++ )
- {
- for( let tag of ( queueItems[i].getAttribute("data-tags") || "" ).split(" ") )
- {
- if( disapproveTags.indexOf( tag ) >= 0 )
- {
- let link = queueItems[i].querySelector("a[href*='/post_disapprovals'][href*=disinterest]");
- if( link )
- clickLinks.push( link );
- queueItems[i].style.display = "none";
- queueItems.splice( i--, 1 );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //Disapprove with delay
- let hiddenBlock = clickLinks.length > 0 && document.body.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"div", style:"display:none" }) );
- function disapproveChain()
- {
- let link = clickLinks.pop();
- if( link )
- {
- hiddenBlock.appendChild(link);//Move to hidden block to avoid scrollbar flickering
- link.click();
- setTimeout( disapproveChain, 300 );
- }
- }
- disapproveChain();
- }
- //Remainder only applicable to "list" mode
- if( location.search.indexOf("mode=list") < 0 )
- return;
- //Use mode=list for search results
- let searchForm = document.querySelector("form[action] > div.search_tags")?.parentNode;
- if( searchForm )
- searchForm.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"input", type:"hidden", name:"mode", value:"list" }) );
- //Sub-function to enlarge queue thumbnails
- function swapImage(post)
- {
- //First "picture" is the original thumbnail; the second is the "large" size added below this function
- let media = post.getElementsByTagName("picture");
- if( !media || media.length != 2 )
- return;
- if( !media[1].firstChild.src )
- {
- //large image hasn't been loaded yet; query again.
- let art = post.getElementsByTagName("article");
- if( art ) MS_usingArticles( [ art ], function()
- {
- let url = media[1].firstChild.src = art.getAttribute("data-720x720");
- if( url )
- swapImage(swapDiv);
- } );
- return;
- }
- media[0].style.display = media[1].style.display;
- media[1].style.display = ( media[1].style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none" );
- }
- let artSwaps = [];
- for( let post of queueItems )
- {
- //If this post has any 'bad' tags, bold/highlight them and shade the background red
- if( badTags.length > 0 )
- {
- for( let tagLink of post.querySelectorAll("a.search-tag") )
- if( badTags.indexOf( tagLink.textContent ) >= 0 )
- {
- post.style.background = "rgb(255, 230, 230)";//same as 'post-neg-score'
- tagLink.style.fontWeight = "bold";
- tagLink.textDecoration = "underline";
- }
- }
- if( moveButtons )
- {
- //Move buttons from under thumbnail to above tags/etc...
- let modButtons = post.querySelector("div > a[href*='/post_approvals?']")?.parentNode;
- modButtons.classList.remove("justify-center");
- modButtons.style.marginBottom = "5px";
- let textArea = post.querySelector("div.space-x-4")?.parentNode;
- textArea.insertBefore( modButtons, textArea.firstChild );
- //Split the Reject links into separate buttons
- let inverseLabels = post.querySelectorAll("div > span.text-inverse");
- if( inverseLabels && inverseLabels[0] )
- inverseLabels[0].parentNode.style.display = "none";
- modButtons.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].style.display = "none";
- for( let link of modButtons.querySelectorAll("li > a") )
- {
- link.className += " popup-menu-button button-outline-danger button-xs align-top";
- for( let label of inverseLabels )
- if( label.textContent.toUpperCase().indexOf( link.textContent.toUpperCase() ) >= 0 )
- link.textContent = label.textContent;
- modButtons.appendChild( link );
- }
- }
- if( swapClick || swapKey )
- {
- //Add hidden IMG with the sample size
- let art = post.getElementsByTagName("article")[0];
- let previewLink = post.querySelector("a.post-preview-link");
- let largeURL = art.getAttribute("data-720x720");
- let largePic = previewLink.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"picture", style:"display:none" }) ).appendChildX({ tag:"img", style:"max-height:850px" });
- if( largeURL )
- largePic.src = largeURL;
- else
- artSwaps.push(art);
- if( swapClick )
- previewLink.onclick = function() { swapImage( post ); return false; };
- }
- }
- // Load "data-720x720" and "source"
- MS_usingArticles( artSwaps, function(art)
- {
- //Add a "Source" line
- let sourceLine = createElementX({ tag:"span", style:"overflow-wrap: anywhere" });
- sourceLine.appendChildX( { tag:"strong", text:"Source" }, " " );
- let source = art.getAttribute("source");
- if( source.indexOf("http") != 0 )
- sourceLine.appendChildX( source );
- else
- sourceLine.appendChildX( { tag:"a", text:source, href:( art.querySelector("a[rel*='external'][href]")?.href || source ) } );
- let afterRow = art.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("div.space-x-4").nextSibling;
- afterRow.parentNode.insertBefore( sourceLine, afterRow );
- //Add the large image URL used for swapping
- if( artSwaps.length )
- art.querySelectorAll(".post-preview-link picture img")[1].src = art.getAttribute("data-720x720");
- } );
- //Press a key to expand the thumbnail whose row is closest to the top without going over.
- if( swapKey ) window.addEventListener( "keydown", function(key)
- {
- //Don't trigger if Alt/Ctrl/Meta are also being pressed, or if a text field has focus.
- if( key.key.toLowerCase() != swapKey.toLowerCase() || key.altKey || key.ctrlKey || key.metaKey || document.activeElement.tagName == "INPUT" || document.activeElement.tagName == "TEXTAREA" )
- return;
- let i = 0, j = 0;
- //Collect the queue elements that are still visible and have a 'large' size
- let shownQueue = []
- for( let item of queueItems )
- if( item.style.display != "none" && ( item.getBoundingClientRect().top || item.getBoundingClientRect().bottom ) )
- shownQueue.push( item );
- //Find first post whose top is isn't above the current window
- for( i = 0; i < shownQueue.length - 1 && shownQueue[i].getBoundingClientRect().top <= 0; i++ );
- if( i + 1 == shownQueue.length || shownQueue[shownQueue.length - 1].getBoundingClientRect().bottom > window.innerHeight )
- {
- //The bottom of the last post is outside the window, only swap the post found above.
- swapImage( shownQueue[i] );
- }
- else for( j = i; j < shownQueue.length; j++ )
- {
- //The bottom of the last post is inside the window; swap them all
- swapImage( shownQueue[j] );
- }
- } );
- }
- //=====================================================================================
- //=============================== HELPER FUNCTIONS ====================================
- //=====================================================================================
- function nbsp(count)
- {
- var result = "";
- while( count-- > 0 )
- result += "\u00a0";
- return result;
- }
- function createElementX(obj)
- {
- if( arguments.length > 1 || (arguments = obj) instanceof Array )
- {
- var fragment = createElementX(document.createDocumentFragment());
- for( let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ )
- fragment.appendChildX( arguments[i] );
- return fragment;
- }
- if( obj instanceof Element || obj instanceof DocumentFragment )
- {
- obj.appendChildX = function() { return obj.appendChild( createElementX.apply(this,arguments) ); }
- return obj;
- }
- else if( typeof(obj) == "string" )
- return document.createTextNode(obj);
- else if( !obj.tag )
- {
- if( obj.childNodes )
- return obj;
- if( elem in obj )
- return document.createTextNode(""+obj);
- return createElementX([]);// {}
- }
- var elem = document.createElement(obj.tag);
- for( var key in obj )
- {
- if( key == "text" || key == "textContent" )
- elem.textContent = obj[key];
- else if( key == "innerHTML" )
- elem.innerHTML = obj[key];
- else if( key != "tag" )
- elem.setAttribute(key, obj[key]);
- }
- return createElementX(elem);
- }
- function MS_setValue( key, value, expires, memObj )
- {
- //If 0 or less, value never expires
- if( expires > 0 )
- expires = Math.floor( new Date().getTime()/1000 + expires );
- else
- expires = 0;
- var i, keyList = [];
- if( !memObj )
- {
- GM_setValue( key, JSON.stringify({ "value": value, "expires": expires }) );
- try{ keyList = MS_parseJSON( GM_getValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList" ) ) || []; }
- catch(err){ keyList = []; }
- }
- else
- {
- keyList = memObj.keyList = MS_parseJSON( memObj.keyList ) || [];
- memObj[key] = { "value": value, "expires": expires };
- MS_setMemObj( memObj, "MS_setValue" );
- }
- if( !(keyList instanceof Array) )
- throw "MS_setValue(): Invalid keyList ("+typeof(keyList)+"): "+keyList;
- //Find insertion point, deleting duplicates along the way
- for( i = 0; i < keyList.length && keyList[i].expires <= expires; i++ )
- if( keyList[i].key == key )
- keyList.splice( i--, 1 );
- keyList.splice( i, 0, { "key":key, "expires":expires });
- if( !memObj )
- GM_setValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList", JSON.stringify(keyList) );
- }
- function MS_getValue( key, defaultValue, memObj )
- {
- if( !memObj && typeof(defaultValue) == "object" && defaultValue.saveName )
- {
- memObj = defaultValue;
- defaultValue = null;
- }
- if( memObj )
- {
- if( !memObj[key] || ( memObj[key].expires > 0 && memObj[key].expires < new Date().getTime()/1000 ) )
- return defaultValue;
- return memObj[key].value;
- }
- var value = GM_getValue( key );
- if( !value )
- return defaultValue;
- try{ value = MS_parseJSON( value ); }
- catch(e) { return defaultValue; }
- if( value.expires > 0 && value.expires < new Date().getTime()/1000 )
- return defaultValue;
- return value["value"];
- }
- function MS_deleteValue( key, memObj )
- {
- var keyList;
- if( memObj )
- keyList = memObj.keyList = MS_parseJSON( memObj.keyList ) || [];
- else
- {
- try{ keyList = MS_parseJSON( GM_getValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList" ) ) || []; }
- catch(err){ keyList = []; }
- }
- if( !(keyList instanceof Array) )
- throw "MS_deleteValue(): Invalid keyList ("+typeof(keyList)+"): "+keyList;
- var now = new Date().getTime()/1000;
- for( let i = keyList.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
- if( keyList[i].key == key )
- {
- keyList.splice(i,1);
- if( !memObj )
- {
- GM_deleteValue( key );
- GM_setValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList", JSON.stringify(keyList) );
- }
- else
- {
- delete memObj[key];
- MS_setMemObj( memObj, "MS_deleteValue" );
- }
- }
- }
- function MS_clearValues(num, memObj)
- {
- if( num <= 0 )
- return;
- var keyList;
- if( memObj )
- keyList = memObj.keyList = MS_parseJSON( memObj.keyList ) || [];
- else
- {
- try{ keyList = MS_parseJSON( GM_getValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList" ) ) || []; }
- catch(err){ keyList = []; }
- }
- var now = new Date().getTime()/1000;
- var oldLen = keyList.length;
- for( let i = 0; num > 0 && i < keyList.length && keyList[i].expires < now; i++ )
- if( keyList[i].expires > 0 )
- {
- num--;
- GM_deleteValue( keyList.splice( i--, 1 )[0].key );
- }
- if( oldLen != keyList.length && !memObj )
- GM_setValue( "Miscellaneous.keyList", JSON.stringify(keyList) );
- } MS_clearValues(1);
- function MS_setMemObj(obj,func)
- {
- if( obj._timer != null )
- clearTimeout( obj._timer );
- obj._timer = setTimeout( function()
- {
- delete obj._timer;
- MS_clearValues( 20, obj );
- MS_setValue( obj.saveName, obj, obj.expires );
- }, 1500 );
- }
- function MS_parseJSON(text,count)
- {
- if( !count )
- count = 1;
- else if( ++count > 20 )
- {
- MS_alert( "Dug too deep while parsing JSON: "+text );
- return text;
- }
- if( text instanceof Array )
- {
- //Parse all elements in arrays of strings
- for( let i = 0; i < text.length && typeof(text[i]) == "string"; i++ )
- if( isNaN( Number(text[i]) ) )
- {
- try{ text[i] = MS_parseJSON( text[i], count ); }
- catch(err){ throw "Bad JSON in text["+i+"]: "+text[i]; }
- }
- return text;
- }
- else if( typeof(text) == "string" ) return JSON.parse(text, function(key,val)
- {
- //Recursively parse strings that look like objects
- if( typeof(val) == "string" && isNaN( Number(val) ) )
- {
- try{ return MS_parseJSON( val, count ); }
- catch(err){}
- }
- return val;
- });
- //Not a string or array, so return unchanged
- return text;
- }
- function MS_alert( messageP )
- {
- if( !showError )
- return;
- //First call: Create a hidden container for all alerts
- var dialog = document.body.appendChild( createElementX({ tag:"div", style:"position:fixed; left:10%; top:10%; z-index:10; background-color:white; display:none; width:20em; height:20em; border:2px solid black; padding:20px 20px 20px 20px; overflow:auto" }) );
- var header = dialog.appendChildX({ tag:"h4", text: "Miscellaneous Tweaks " });
- dialog.appendChildX({ tag:"hr" });
- var text = dialog.appendChildX({ tag:"div" });
- header.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"button", value:"Clear", title:"Clear all warnings and hide this alert." }).addEventListener( "click", function(){ dialog.style.display = "none"; text.innerHTML = ""; } );
- header.appendChildX(" ");
- header.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"button", value:"Hide", title:"Hide this alert without clearing its contents." }).addEventListener( "click", function(){ dialog.style.display = "none"; } );
- header.appendChildX(" ");
- header.appendChildX({ tag:"input", type:"button", value:"Stop", title:"Stop additional alerts from being triggered." }).addEventListener( "click", function(){ showError = false; } );
- //Replace this function with one to just append to the above container
- MS_alert = function(message)
- {
- if( showError )
- {
- text.appendChildX(""+message, { tag:"hr" });
- dialog.style.display = "block";
- dialog.style.width = "80%";
- dialog.style.height = "60%";
- }
- }
- //Call the alert again with the new function definition to actually display the first alert
- MS_alert(messageP);
- }
- function MS_observeInserts(funcP)
- {
- if( !content || recursion )
- return funcP;
- //Listen to node insertions only under id=content node
- var funcList = [ ];
- function mutateManager(e)
- {
- for( let i = 0; i < funcList.length; i++ )
- {
- try{ funcList[i](e); }
- catch(err){ MS_alert("Tweaks - Insertion error - "+funcList[i].toString().replace(/\(.*/,'()')+": "+err); }
- }
- }
- var MutObj = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
- if( !MutObj )
- content.addEventListener( "DOMNodeInserted", mutateManager, false );
- else
- {
- var monitor = new MutObj( function(mutationSet){
- mutationSet.forEach( function(mutation){
- for( let i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++ )
- if( mutation.addedNodes[i].nodeType == 1 )
- mutateManager({ "target":mutation.addedNodes[i] });
- });
- });
- monitor.observe( content, { childList:true, subtree:true } );
- }
- MS_observeInserts = function(func)
- {
- if( !content || recursion )
- return function(){};
- funcList.push( func );
- return func;
- };
- return MS_observeInserts(funcP);
- }
- /** Makes request to API link, e.g. "/posts.json". If "limit=" isn't included, limit=200 is added to the end. */
- function MS_requestAPI( link, loadFun, errFun )
- {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest(
- {
- method: "GET",
- url:location.protocol+"//"+location.host+link+( link.indexOf("limit=") < 0 ? ( link.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&limit=200" : "?limit=200" ) : "" ),
- onload:loadFun,
- onerror:( errFun ? errFun : function(err){ MS_requestAPI( link, loadFun ); } )
- });
- }
- /** Helper method to construct a document fragment of thumbnails from post API results */
- function buildThumbs(json, limit)
- {
- var i, result = document.createDocumentFragment();
- if( limit <= 0 )
- return result;
- if( typeof(json) == "string" )
- try{ json = MS_parseJSON(json); } catch(e){ return result; }
- for( i = 0; limit-- > 0 && i < json.length; i++ )
- {
- if( !json[i].id )
- continue;//Connection problems?
- var borderColors = [], imgStyle = "", status = "post-preview post-preview-fit-compact post-preview-180", flag = "";
- if( json[i].has_active_children )
- {
- borderColors.push("#0F0");
- status += " post-status-has-children";
- }
- if( json[i].parent_id )
- {
- borderColors.push("#CC0");
- status += " post-status-has-parent";
- }
- if( json[i].is_deleted )
- {
- borderColors.push("#000");
- status += " post-status-deleted";
- flag = "deleted";
- }
- else if( json[i].is_pending )
- {
- borderColors.push("#00F");
- status += " post-status-pending";
- flag = "pending";
- }
- else if( json[i].is_flagged )
- {
- borderColors.push("#F00");
- status += " post-status-flagged";
- flag = "flagged";
- }
- if( borderColors.length > 1 )
- {
- // app/assets/javascripts/posts.js
- imgStyle = "border-color: "
- if( borderColors.length == 3 )
- imgStyle += borderColors[0]+" "+borderColors[2]+" "+borderColors[2]+" "+borderColors[1];
- else
- imgStyle += borderColors[0]+" "+borderColors[1]+" "+borderColors[1]+" "+borderColors[0];
- }
- let article = createElementX({ "tag":"article",
- "class":status,
- "id":"post_"+json[i].id,
- "data-id":json[i].id,
- "data-tags":json[i].tag_string,
- "data-uploader-id":json[i].uploader_id,
- "data-score":json[i].score,
- "data-flags":flag,//unused
- //Extra attributes, same as in MS_usingArticles():
- "fav_count":json[i].fav_count,
- "score":json[i].score,
- "source":json[i].source,
- "tag_string":json[i].tag_string,
- "uploader_id":json[i].uploader_id
- });
- for( let size of json[i]["media_asset"]["variants"] )
- if( size.type == "720x720" )
- article.setAttribute( "data-"+size.type, size.url );
- article.appendChildX({ tag:"div", class:"post-preview-container" })
- .appendChildX({ tag:"a", class:"post-preview-link", href:"/posts/"+json[i].id })
- .appendChildX({ tag:"picture" })
- .appendChildX({ tag:"img", class:"post-preview-image", src:json[i].preview_file_url, alt:json[i].tag_string, title:json[i].tag_string+" rating:"+json[i].rating+" score:"+json[i].score, style:imgStyle });
- result.appendChild(article);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /** Queries the post API for extra attributes, then passes the posts to the consumer function. */
- function MS_usingArticles(artNodes,artConsumer)
- {
- if( !artNodes || !artNodes.length )
- return;
- if( !Array.isArray(artNodes) )
- artNodes = Array.from(artNodes);
- //Array of extra post attributes used by this script, using the same names as the Post API
- const totalAttr = [ "score", "tag_string", "uploader_id", "fav_count", "source" ];
- //If the article has already been processed by this function or buildThumbs(), remove it from the array and pass it to the consumer.
- for( let i = artNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
- if( !artNodes[i] || artNodes[i].hasAttribute( "data-720x720" ) || ( !artNodes[i].hasAttribute("data-id") && ( !artNodes[i].id || artNodes[i].id.indexOf("post_") != 0 ) ) )
- artConsumer( artNodes.splice( i, 1 )[0] );
- if( artNodes.length == 0 )
- return;
- //Break up article array into 200-size arrays (the largest limit)
- while( artNodes.length > 200 )
- MS_usingArticles( artNodes.splice( 0, 200 ), artConsumer );
- //Build query string
- let query = "/posts.json?only=id,media_asset,"+totalAttr.toString()+"&tags=status:any+id:";
- for( let art of artNodes )
- {
- if( !art.hasAttribute("data-id") )
- art.setAttribute("data-id", art.id.substring(5) );
- query += art.getAttribute("data-id")+",";
- }
- MS_requestAPI( query, function(responseDetails)
- {
- let results = MS_parseJSON(responseDetails.responseText);
- for( let art of artNodes )
- {
- let artID = art.getAttribute("data-id");
- for( let post of results )
- if( post["id"] == artID )
- {
- for( let attr of totalAttr )
- art.setAttribute( attr, post[attr] );
- for( let size of post["media_asset"]["variants"] )
- if( size.type == "720x720" )
- {
- art.setAttribute( "data-"+size.type, size.url );
- break;
- }
- artConsumer(art);
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- }