Sleazy Fork is available in English.

nHentai Helper

Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.

// ==UserScript==
// @name               nHentai Helper
// @name:zh-CN         nHentai 助手
// @name:zh-TW         nHentai 助手
// @namespace
// @version            3.19.0
// @author             Jindai Kirin
// @description        Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.
// @description:zh-CN  为 nHentai 增加压缩打包下载方式以及一些辅助功能,同时还支持一些镜像站
// @description:zh-TW  爲 nHentai 增加壓縮打包下載方式以及一些輔助功能,同時還支援一些鏡像站
// @license            GPL-3.0
// @icon     
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @include            /^https:\/\/([^/]*\.)?(nya|dog|cat|bug|qq|fox|ee|yy)hentai[0-9]*\./
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span.monospace[data-v-542f0ba0] {
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.filter-select[data-v-e2153767] {
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.filter-select[data-v-e2153767] .el-input__inner {
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@media screen and (max-width: 644px) {
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.popover-close-btn[data-v-92b53433] {
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.info-label[data-v-92b53433] {
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.lang-zh .info-label[data-v-92b53433] {
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.lang-en .info-label[data-v-92b53433] {
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.scroll-container[data-v-92b53433]::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
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.scroll-container-inner[data-v-92b53433] {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-descriptions__header {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-descriptions__title {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-descriptions__cell {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-descriptions__label {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-link:hover {
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.gallery-mini-popover .el-image {
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} `);

(function ($, vue, elementPlus) {
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  var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
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  var __typeError = (msg) => {
    throw TypeError(msg);
  var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function() {
    return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
  var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key != "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value), __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg);
  var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? : member.get(obj)), __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => member.has(obj) ? __typeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value), __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), member.set(obj, value), value);
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      const logger = {
        devLog: () => {
        log: (...args) => {
          console.log("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
        warn: (...args) => {
          console.warn("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
        error: (...args) => {
          console.error("[nhentai-helper]", ...args);
      (function($2) {
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   = new FormData(form), defaults.processData = !1, defaults.contentType = !1;
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   = $form.serializeArray();
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            throw "the container selector '" + options.container + "' did not match anything";
 || ( = {}), $2.isArray( ?{ name: "_pjax", value: options.container }) : = options.container;
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            title: document.title,
            container: options.container,
            fragment: options.fragment,
            timeout: options.timeout
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            url: window.location.href,
            push: !1,
            replace: !0,
            scrollTo: !1
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              direction = < ? "forward" : "back";
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                url: state.url,
                container: containerSelector,
                push: !1,
                fragment: state.fragment,
                timeout: state.timeout,
                scrollTo: !1
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                container.trigger(beforeReplaceEvent, [contents, options]), container.html(contents), container.trigger("pjax:end", [null, options]);
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              form.append($2("<input>", { type: "hidden", name:, value: value.value }));
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              form.append($2("<input>", { type: "hidden", name: key, value: data[key] }));
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          xhr && xhr.readyState < 4 && (xhr.onreadystatechange = $2.noop, xhr.abort());
        function uniqueId() {
          return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
        function cloneContents(container) {
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            this.src || $2._data(this, "globalEval", !1);
          }), cloned.contents();
        function stripInternalParams(url) {
          return =[?&])(_pjax|_)=[^&]*/g, "").replace(/^&/, ""), url.href.replace(/\?($|#)/, "$1");
        function parseURL(url) {
          var a = document.createElement("a");
          return a.href = url, a;
        function stripHash(location2) {
          return location2.href.replace(/#.*/, "");
        function optionsFor(container, options) {
          return container && options ? (options = $2.extend({}, options), options.container = container, options) : $2.isPlainObject(container) ? container : { container };
        function findAll(elems, selector2) {
          return elems.filter(selector2).add(elems.find(selector2));
        function parseHTML(html) {
          return $2.parseHTML(html, document, !0);
        function extractContainer(data, xhr, options) {
          var obj = {}, fullDocument = /<html/i.test(data), serverUrl = xhr.getResponseHeader("X-PJAX-URL");
          obj.url = serverUrl ? stripInternalParams(parseURL(serverUrl)) : options.requestUrl;
          var $head, $body;
          if (fullDocument) {
            $body = $2(parseHTML(data.match(/<body[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/body>/i)[0]));
            var head = data.match(/<head[^>]*>([\s\S.]*)<\/head>/i);
            $head = head != null ? $2(parseHTML(head[0])) : $body;
          } else
            $head = $body = $2(parseHTML(data));
          if ($body.length === 0)
            return obj;
          if (obj.title = findAll($head, "title").last().text(), options.fragment) {
            var $fragment = $body;
            options.fragment !== "body" && ($fragment = findAll($fragment, options.fragment).first()), $fragment.length && (obj.contents = options.fragment === "body" ? $fragment : $fragment.contents(), obj.title || (obj.title = $fragment.attr("title") || $"title")));
          } else fullDocument || (obj.contents = $body);
          return obj.contents && (obj.contents = obj.contents.not(function() {
            return $2(this).is("title");
          }), obj.contents.find("title").remove(), obj.scripts = findAll(obj.contents, "script[src]").remove(), obj.contents = obj.contents.not(obj.scripts)), obj.title && (obj.title = $2.trim(obj.title)), obj;
        function executeScriptTags(scripts) {
          if (scripts) {
            var existingScripts = $2("script[src]");
            scripts.each(function() {
              var src = this.src, matchedScripts = existingScripts.filter(function() {
                return this.src === src;
              if (!matchedScripts.length) {
                var script = document.createElement("script"), type = $2(this).attr("type");
                type && (script.type = type), script.src = $2(this).attr("src"), document.head.appendChild(script);
        var cacheMapping = {}, cacheForwardStack = [], cacheBackStack = [];
        function cachePush(id, value) {
          cacheMapping[id] = value, cacheBackStack.push(id), trimCacheStack(cacheForwardStack, 0), trimCacheStack(cacheBackStack, pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength);
        function cachePop(direction, id, value) {
          var pushStack, popStack;
          cacheMapping[id] = value, direction === "forward" ? (pushStack = cacheBackStack, popStack = cacheForwardStack) : (pushStack = cacheForwardStack, popStack = cacheBackStack), pushStack.push(id), id = popStack.pop(), id && delete cacheMapping[id], trimCacheStack(pushStack, pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength);
        function trimCacheStack(stack, length) {
          for (; stack.length > length; )
            delete cacheMapping[stack.shift()];
        function findVersion() {
          return $2("meta").filter(function() {
            var name = $2(this).attr("http-equiv");
            return name && name.toUpperCase() === "X-PJAX-VERSION";
        function enable() {
          $2.fn.pjax = fnPjax, $2.pjax = pjax, $2.pjax.enable = $2.noop, $2.pjax.disable = disable, $ = handleClick, $2.pjax.submit = handleSubmit, $2.pjax.reload = pjaxReload, $2.pjax.defaults = {
            timeout: 650,
            push: !0,
            replace: !1,
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "html",
            scrollTo: 0,
            maxCacheLength: 20,
            version: findVersion
          }, $2(window).on("popstate.pjax", onPjaxPopstate);
        function disable() {
          $2.fn.pjax = function() {
            return this;
          }, $2.pjax = fallbackPjax, $2.pjax.enable = enable, $2.pjax.disable = $2.noop, $ = $2.noop, $2.pjax.submit = $2.noop, $2.pjax.reload = function() {
          }, $2(window).off("popstate.pjax", onPjaxPopstate);
        $2.event.props && $2.inArray("state", $2.event.props) < 0 ? $2.event.props.push("state") : "state" in $2.Event.prototype || $2.event.addProp("state"), $ = window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState && // pushState isn't reliable on iOS until 5.
        !navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]\D|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/), $ ? enable() : disable();
      const cssLoader = (e) => {
        const t2 = GM_getResourceText(e);
        return GM_addStyle(t2), t2;
      var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global, freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")(), Symbol$1 = root.Symbol, objectProto$i = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$f = objectProto$i.hasOwnProperty, nativeObjectToString$2 = objectProto$i.toString, symToStringTag$1 = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.toStringTag : void 0;
      function getRawTag(value) {
        var isOwn = hasOwnProperty$, symToStringTag$1), tag = value[symToStringTag$1];
        try {
          value[symToStringTag$1] = void 0;
          var unmasked = !0;
        } catch {
        var result = nativeObjectToString$;
        return unmasked && (isOwn ? value[symToStringTag$1] = tag : delete value[symToStringTag$1]), result;
      var objectProto$h = Object.prototype, nativeObjectToString$1 = objectProto$h.toString;
      function objectToString$1(value) {
        return nativeObjectToString$;
      var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]", symToStringTag = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.toStringTag : void 0;
      function baseGetTag(value) {
        return value == null ? value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag : symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString$1(value);
      function isObjectLike(value) {
        return value != null && typeof value == "object";
      var symbolTag$1 = "[object Symbol]";
      function isSymbol(value) {
        return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag$1;
      function arrayMap(array, iteratee) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, result = Array(length); ++index < length; )
          result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array);
        return result;
      var isArray$1 = Array.isArray, INFINITY$2 = 1 / 0, symbolProto$1 = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.prototype : void 0, symbolToString = symbolProto$1 ? symbolProto$1.toString : void 0;
      function baseToString(value) {
        if (typeof value == "string")
          return value;
        if (isArray$1(value))
          return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + "";
        if (isSymbol(value))
          return symbolToString ? : "";
        var result = value + "";
        return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY$2 ? "-0" : result;
      var reWhitespace = /\s/;
      function trimmedEndIndex(string) {
        for (var index = string.length; index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index)); )
        return index;
      var reTrimStart = /^\s+/;
      function baseTrim(string) {
        return string && string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "");
      function isObject$4(value) {
        var type = typeof value;
        return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function");
      var NAN = NaN, reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i, reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, freeParseInt = parseInt;
      function toNumber(value) {
        if (typeof value == "number")
          return value;
        if (isSymbol(value))
          return NAN;
        if (isObject$4(value)) {
          var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value;
          value = isObject$4(other) ? other + "" : other;
        if (typeof value != "string")
          return value === 0 ? value : +value;
        value = baseTrim(value);
        var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
        return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value;
      var INFINITY$1 = 1 / 0, MAX_INTEGER = 17976931348623157e292;
      function toFinite(value) {
        if (!value)
          return value === 0 ? value : 0;
        if (value = toNumber(value), value === INFINITY$1 || value === -INFINITY$1) {
          var sign = value < 0 ? -1 : 1;
          return sign * MAX_INTEGER;
        return value === value ? value : 0;
      function toInteger(value) {
        var result = toFinite(value), remainder = result % 1;
        return result === result ? remainder ? result - remainder : result : 0;
      function identity(value) {
        return value;
      var asyncTag = "[object AsyncFunction]", funcTag$1 = "[object Function]", genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]", proxyTag = "[object Proxy]";
      function isFunction$2(value) {
        if (!isObject$4(value))
          return !1;
        var tag = baseGetTag(value);
        return tag == funcTag$1 || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag;
      var coreJsData = root["__core-js_shared__"], maskSrcKey = function() {
        var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
        return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : "";
      function isMasked(func) {
        return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func;
      var funcProto$2 = Function.prototype, funcToString$2 = funcProto$2.toString;
      function toSource(func) {
        if (func != null) {
          try {
            return funcToString$;
          } catch {
          try {
            return func + "";
          } catch {
        return "";
      var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, funcProto$1 = Function.prototype, objectProto$g = Object.prototype, funcToString$1 = funcProto$1.toString, hasOwnProperty$e = objectProto$g.hasOwnProperty, reIsNative = RegExp(
        "^" + funcToString$$e).replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
      function baseIsNative(value) {
        if (!isObject$4(value) || isMasked(value))
          return !1;
        var pattern = isFunction$2(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;
        return pattern.test(toSource(value));
      function getValue(object, key) {
        return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
      function getNative(object, key) {
        var value = getValue(object, key);
        return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0;
      var WeakMap$1 = getNative(root, "WeakMap");
      function apply(func, thisArg, args) {
        switch (args.length) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
            return, args[0]);
          case 2:
            return, args[0], args[1]);
          case 3:
            return, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
        return func.apply(thisArg, args);
      var HOT_COUNT = 800, HOT_SPAN = 16, nativeNow =;
      function shortOut(func) {
        var count = 0, lastCalled = 0;
        return function() {
          var stamp = nativeNow(), remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);
          if (lastCalled = stamp, remaining > 0) {
            if (++count >= HOT_COUNT)
              return arguments[0];
          } else
            count = 0;
          return func.apply(void 0, arguments);
      function constant(value) {
        return function() {
          return value;
      var defineProperty = function() {
        try {
          var func = getNative(Object, "defineProperty");
          return func({}, "", {}), func;
        } catch {
      }(), baseSetToString = defineProperty ? function(func, string) {
        return defineProperty(func, "toString", {
          configurable: !0,
          enumerable: !1,
          value: constant(string),
          writable: !0
      } : identity, setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString);
      function arrayEach(array, iteratee) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; ++index < length && iteratee(array[index], index, array) !== !1; )
        return array;
      function baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex, fromRight) {
        for (var length = array.length, index = fromIndex + -1; ++index < length; )
          if (predicate(array[index], index, array))
            return index;
        return -1;
      function baseIsNaN(value) {
        return value !== value;
      function strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
        for (var index = fromIndex - 1, length = array.length; ++index < length; )
          if (array[index] === value)
            return index;
        return -1;
      function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
        return value === value ? strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex);
      function arrayIncludes(array, value) {
        var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
        return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1;
      var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1 = 9007199254740991, reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
      function isIndex(value, length) {
        var type = typeof value;
        return length = length ?? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER$1, !!length && (type == "number" || type != "symbol" && reIsUint.test(value)) && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length;
      function baseAssignValue(object, key, value) {
        key == "__proto__" && defineProperty ? defineProperty(object, key, {
          configurable: !0,
          enumerable: !0,
          writable: !0
        }) : object[key] = value;
      function eq(value, other) {
        return value === other || value !== value && other !== other;
      var objectProto$f = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$d = objectProto$f.hasOwnProperty;
      function assignValue(object, key, value) {
        var objValue = object[key];
        (!(hasOwnProperty$, key) && eq(objValue, value)) || value === void 0 && !(key in object)) && baseAssignValue(object, key, value);
      function copyObject(source, props, object, customizer) {
        var isNew = !object;
        object || (object = {});
        for (var index = -1, length = props.length; ++index < length; ) {
          var key = props[index], newValue = customizer ? customizer(object[key], source[key], key, object, source) : void 0;
          newValue === void 0 && (newValue = source[key]), isNew ? baseAssignValue(object, key, newValue) : assignValue(object, key, newValue);
        return object;
      var nativeMax = Math.max;
      function overRest(func, start, transform2) {
        return start = nativeMax(start === void 0 ? func.length - 1 : start, 0), function() {
          for (var args = arguments, index = -1, length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0), array = Array(length); ++index < length; )
            array[index] = args[start + index];
          index = -1;
          for (var otherArgs = Array(start + 1); ++index < start; )
            otherArgs[index] = args[index];
          return otherArgs[start] = transform2(array), apply(func, this, otherArgs);
      function baseRest(func, start) {
        return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + "");
      var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;
      function isLength(value) {
        return typeof value == "number" && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
      function isArrayLike(value) {
        return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction$2(value);
      function isIterateeCall(value, index, object) {
        if (!isObject$4(object))
          return !1;
        var type = typeof index;
        return (type == "number" ? isArrayLike(object) && isIndex(index, object.length) : type == "string" && index in object) ? eq(object[index], value) : !1;
      function createAssigner(assigner) {
        return baseRest(function(object, sources) {
          var index = -1, length = sources.length, customizer = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : void 0, guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : void 0;
          for (customizer = assigner.length > 3 && typeof customizer == "function" ? (length--, customizer) : void 0, guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard) && (customizer = length < 3 ? void 0 : customizer, length = 1), object = Object(object); ++index < length; ) {
            var source = sources[index];
            source && assigner(object, source, index, customizer);
          return object;
      var objectProto$e = Object.prototype;
      function isPrototype(value) {
        var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor.prototype || objectProto$e;
        return value === proto;
      function baseTimes(n, iteratee) {
        for (var index = -1, result = Array(n); ++index < n; )
          result[index] = iteratee(index);
        return result;
      var argsTag$2 = "[object Arguments]";
      function baseIsArguments(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag$2;
      var objectProto$d = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$c = objectProto$d.hasOwnProperty, propertyIsEnumerable$1 = objectProto$d.propertyIsEnumerable, isArguments = baseIsArguments(/* @__PURE__ */ function() {
        return arguments;
      }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && hasOwnProperty$, "callee") && !propertyIsEnumerable$, "callee");
      function stubFalse() {
        return !1;
      var freeExports$1 = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule$1 = freeExports$1 && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports$1 = freeModule$1 && freeModule$1.exports === freeExports$1, Buffer = moduleExports$1 ? root.Buffer : void 0, nativeIsBuffer = Buffer ? Buffer.isBuffer : void 0, isBuffer = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse, argsTag$1 = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag$1 = "[object Array]", boolTag$1 = "[object Boolean]", dateTag$1 = "[object Date]", errorTag$2 = "[object Error]", funcTag = "[object Function]", mapTag$2 = "[object Map]", numberTag$1 = "[object Number]", objectTag$3 = "[object Object]", regexpTag$1 = "[object RegExp]", setTag$2 = "[object Set]", stringTag$1 = "[object String]", weakMapTag$1 = "[object WeakMap]", arrayBufferTag$1 = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag$2 = "[object DataView]", float32Tag = "[object Float32Array]", float64Tag = "[object Float64Array]", int8Tag = "[object Int8Array]", int16Tag = "[object Int16Array]", int32Tag = "[object Int32Array]", uint8Tag = "[object Uint8Array]", uint8ClampedTag = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", uint16Tag = "[object Uint16Array]", uint32Tag = "[object Uint32Array]", typedArrayTags = {};
      typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] = typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] = typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = !0;
      typedArrayTags[argsTag$1] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag$1] = typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag$1] = typedArrayTags[boolTag$1] = typedArrayTags[dataViewTag$2] = typedArrayTags[dateTag$1] = typedArrayTags[errorTag$2] = typedArrayTags[funcTag] = typedArrayTags[mapTag$2] = typedArrayTags[numberTag$1] = typedArrayTags[objectTag$3] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag$1] = typedArrayTags[setTag$2] = typedArrayTags[stringTag$1] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag$1] = !1;
      function baseIsTypedArray(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)];
      function baseUnary(func) {
        return function(value) {
          return func(value);
      var freeExports = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports, freeProcess = moduleExports && freeGlobal.process, nodeUtil = function() {
        try {
          var types = freeModule && freeModule.require && freeModule.require("util").types;
          return types || freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding("util");
        } catch {
      }(), nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isTypedArray, isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray, objectProto$c = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$b = objectProto$c.hasOwnProperty;
      function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) {
        var isArr = isArray$1(value), isArg = !isArr && isArguments(value), isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer(value), isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray(value), skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType, result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [], length = result.length;
        for (var key in value)
          (inherited || hasOwnProperty$, key)) && !(skipIndexes && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
          (key == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
          isBuff && (key == "offset" || key == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
          isType && (key == "buffer" || key == "byteLength" || key == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
          isIndex(key, length))) && result.push(key);
        return result;
      function overArg(func, transform2) {
        return function(arg) {
          return func(transform2(arg));
      var nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object), objectProto$b = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$a = objectProto$b.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseKeys(object) {
        if (!isPrototype(object))
          return nativeKeys(object);
        var result = [];
        for (var key in Object(object))
          hasOwnProperty$, key) && key != "constructor" && result.push(key);
        return result;
      function keys(object) {
        return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object) : baseKeys(object);
      function nativeKeysIn(object) {
        var result = [];
        if (object != null)
          for (var key in Object(object))
        return result;
      var objectProto$a = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$9 = objectProto$a.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseKeysIn(object) {
        if (!isObject$4(object))
          return nativeKeysIn(object);
        var isProto = isPrototype(object), result = [];
        for (var key in object)
          key == "constructor" && (isProto || !hasOwnProperty$, key)) || result.push(key);
        return result;
      function keysIn(object) {
        return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object, !0) : baseKeysIn(object);
      var assignInWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) {
        copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object, customizer);
      }), reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/;
      function isKey(value, object) {
        if (isArray$1(value))
          return !1;
        var type = typeof value;
        return type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" || value == null || isSymbol(value) ? !0 : reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || object != null && value in Object(object);
      var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create");
      function hashClear() {
        this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
      function hashDelete(key) {
        var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];
        return this.size -= result ? 1 : 0, result;
      var HASH_UNDEFINED$2 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", objectProto$9 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$8 = objectProto$9.hasOwnProperty;
      function hashGet(key) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        if (nativeCreate) {
          var result = data[key];
          return result === HASH_UNDEFINED$2 ? void 0 : result;
        return hasOwnProperty$, key) ? data[key] : void 0;
      var objectProto$8 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$7 = objectProto$8.hasOwnProperty;
      function hashHas(key) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        return nativeCreate ? data[key] !== void 0 : hasOwnProperty$, key);
      var HASH_UNDEFINED$1 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
      function hashSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        return this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1, data[key] = nativeCreate && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED$1 : value, this;
      function Hash(entries) {
        var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        for (this.clear(); ++index < length; ) {
          var entry = entries[index];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;
      Hash.prototype.delete = hashDelete;
      Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;
      Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;
      Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;
      function listCacheClear() {
        this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
      function assocIndexOf(array, key) {
        for (var length = array.length; length--; )
          if (eq(array[length][0], key))
            return length;
        return -1;
      var arrayProto = Array.prototype, splice = arrayProto.splice;
      function listCacheDelete(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        if (index < 0)
          return !1;
        var lastIndex = data.length - 1;
        return index == lastIndex ? data.pop() :, index, 1), --this.size, !0;
      function listCacheGet(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1];
      function listCacheHas(key) {
        return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;
      function listCacheSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
        return index < 0 ? (++this.size, data.push([key, value])) : data[index][1] = value, this;
      function ListCache(entries) {
        var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        for (this.clear(); ++index < length; ) {
          var entry = entries[index];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;
      ListCache.prototype.delete = listCacheDelete;
      ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;
      ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;
      ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;
      var Map$1 = getNative(root, "Map");
      function mapCacheClear() {
        this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
          hash: new Hash(),
          map: new (Map$1 || ListCache)(),
          string: new Hash()
      function isKeyable(value) {
        var type = typeof value;
        return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null;
      function getMapData(map2, key) {
        var data = map2.__data__;
        return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
      function mapCacheDelete(key) {
        var result = getMapData(this, key).delete(key);
        return this.size -= result ? 1 : 0, result;
      function mapCacheGet(key) {
        return getMapData(this, key).get(key);
      function mapCacheHas(key) {
        return getMapData(this, key).has(key);
      function mapCacheSet(key, value) {
        var data = getMapData(this, key), size = data.size;
        return data.set(key, value), this.size += data.size == size ? 0 : 1, this;
      function MapCache(entries) {
        var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
        for (this.clear(); ++index < length; ) {
          var entry = entries[index];
          this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
      MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;
      MapCache.prototype.delete = mapCacheDelete;
      MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;
      MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;
      MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;
      var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1 = "Expected a function";
      function memoize(func, resolver) {
        if (typeof func != "function" || resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function")
          throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT$1);
        var memoized = function() {
          var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache2 = memoized.cache;
          if (cache2.has(key))
            return cache2.get(key);
          var result = func.apply(this, args);
          return memoized.cache = cache2.set(key, result) || cache2, result;
        return memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)(), memoized;
      memoize.Cache = MapCache;
      var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500;
      function memoizeCapped(func) {
        var result = memoize(func, function(key) {
          return cache2.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE && cache2.clear(), key;
        }), cache2 = result.cache;
        return result;
      var rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g, stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string) {
        var result = [];
        return string.charCodeAt(0) === 46 && result.push(""), string.replace(rePropName, function(match2, number, quote, subString) {
          result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, "$1") : number || match2);
        }), result;
      function toString$1(value) {
        return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value);
      function castPath(value, object) {
        return isArray$1(value) ? value : isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath(toString$1(value));
      var INFINITY = 1 / 0;
      function toKey(value) {
        if (typeof value == "string" || isSymbol(value))
          return value;
        var result = value + "";
        return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result;
      function baseGet(object, path) {
        path = castPath(path, object);
        for (var index = 0, length = path.length; object != null && index < length; )
          object = object[toKey(path[index++])];
        return index && index == length ? object : void 0;
      function get(object, path, defaultValue) {
        var result = object == null ? void 0 : baseGet(object, path);
        return result === void 0 ? defaultValue : result;
      function arrayPush(array, values2) {
        for (var index = -1, length = values2.length, offset = array.length; ++index < length; )
          array[offset + index] = values2[index];
        return array;
      var getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object), objectTag$2 = "[object Object]", funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto$7 = Object.prototype, funcToString = funcProto.toString, hasOwnProperty$6 = objectProto$7.hasOwnProperty, objectCtorString =;
      function isPlainObject$1(value) {
        if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag$2)
          return !1;
        var proto = getPrototype(value);
        if (proto === null)
          return !0;
        var Ctor = hasOwnProperty$, "constructor") && proto.constructor;
        return typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor instanceof Ctor && == objectCtorString;
      var domExcTag = "[object DOMException]", errorTag$1 = "[object Error]";
      function isError(value) {
        if (!isObjectLike(value))
          return !1;
        var tag = baseGetTag(value);
        return tag == errorTag$1 || tag == domExcTag || typeof value.message == "string" && typeof == "string" && !isPlainObject$1(value);
      var attempt = baseRest(function(func, args) {
        try {
          return apply(func, void 0, args);
        } catch (e) {
          return isError(e) ? e : new Error(e);
      }), FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
      function before(n, func) {
        var result;
        if (typeof func != "function")
          throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
        return n = toInteger(n), function() {
          return --n > 0 && (result = func.apply(this, arguments)), n <= 1 && (func = void 0), result;
      function basePropertyOf(object) {
        return function(key) {
          return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
      function castArray() {
        if (!arguments.length)
          return [];
        var value = arguments[0];
        return isArray$1(value) ? value : [value];
      function stackClear() {
        this.__data__ = new ListCache(), this.size = 0;
      function stackDelete(key) {
        var data = this.__data__, result = data.delete(key);
        return this.size = data.size, result;
      function stackGet(key) {
        return this.__data__.get(key);
      function stackHas(key) {
        return this.__data__.has(key);
      var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE$1 = 200;
      function stackSet(key, value) {
        var data = this.__data__;
        if (data instanceof ListCache) {
          var pairs = data.__data__;
          if (!Map$1 || pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE$1 - 1)
            return pairs.push([key, value]), this.size = ++data.size, this;
          data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs);
        return data.set(key, value), this.size = data.size, this;
      function Stack(entries) {
        var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries);
        this.size = data.size;
      Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear;
      Stack.prototype.delete = stackDelete;
      Stack.prototype.get = stackGet;
      Stack.prototype.has = stackHas;
      Stack.prototype.set = stackSet;
      function arrayFilter(array, predicate) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; ++index < length; ) {
          var value = array[index];
          predicate(value, index, array) && (result[resIndex++] = value);
        return result;
      function stubArray() {
        return [];
      var objectProto$6 = Object.prototype, propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto$6.propertyIsEnumerable, nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, getSymbols = nativeGetSymbols ? function(object) {
        return object == null ? [] : (object = Object(object), arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols(object), function(symbol) {
          return, symbol);
      } : stubArray;
      function baseGetAllKeys(object, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) {
        var result = keysFunc(object);
        return isArray$1(object) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object));
      function getAllKeys(object) {
        return baseGetAllKeys(object, keys, getSymbols);
      var DataView = getNative(root, "DataView"), Promise$1 = getNative(root, "Promise"), Set$1 = getNative(root, "Set"), mapTag$1 = "[object Map]", objectTag$1 = "[object Object]", promiseTag = "[object Promise]", setTag$1 = "[object Set]", weakMapTag = "[object WeakMap]", dataViewTag$1 = "[object DataView]", dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView), mapCtorString = toSource(Map$1), promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise$1), setCtorString = toSource(Set$1), weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap$1), getTag = baseGetTag;
      (DataView && getTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag$1 || Map$1 && getTag(new Map$1()) != mapTag$1 || Promise$1 && getTag(Promise$1.resolve()) != promiseTag || Set$1 && getTag(new Set$1()) != setTag$1 || WeakMap$1 && getTag(new WeakMap$1()) != weakMapTag) && (getTag = function(value) {
        var result = baseGetTag(value), Ctor = result == objectTag$1 ? value.constructor : void 0, ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : "";
        if (ctorString)
          switch (ctorString) {
            case dataViewCtorString:
              return dataViewTag$1;
            case mapCtorString:
              return mapTag$1;
            case promiseCtorString:
              return promiseTag;
            case setCtorString:
              return setTag$1;
            case weakMapCtorString:
              return weakMapTag;
        return result;
      var Uint8Array$1 = root.Uint8Array, HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
      function setCacheAdd(value) {
        return this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED), this;
      function setCacheHas(value) {
        return this.__data__.has(value);
      function SetCache(values2) {
        var index = -1, length = values2 == null ? 0 : values2.length;
        for (this.__data__ = new MapCache(); ++index < length; )
      SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd;
      SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas;
      function arraySome(array, predicate) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; ++index < length; )
          if (predicate(array[index], index, array))
            return !0;
        return !1;
      function cacheHas(cache2, key) {
        return cache2.has(key);
      function equalArrays(array, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$5, arrLength = array.length, othLength = other.length;
        if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength))
          return !1;
        var arrStacked = stack.get(array), othStacked = stack.get(other);
        if (arrStacked && othStacked)
          return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array;
        var index = -1, result = !0, seen = bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$3 ? new SetCache() : void 0;
        for (stack.set(array, other), stack.set(other, array); ++index < arrLength; ) {
          var arrValue = array[index], othValue = other[index];
          if (customizer)
            var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array, stack) : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array, other, stack);
          if (compared !== void 0) {
            if (compared)
            result = !1;
          if (seen) {
            if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue2, othIndex) {
              if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) && (arrValue === othValue2 || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue2, bitmask, customizer, stack)))
                return seen.push(othIndex);
            })) {
              result = !1;
          } else if (!(arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) {
            result = !1;
        return stack.delete(array), stack.delete(other), result;
      function mapToArray(map2) {
        var index = -1, result = Array(map2.size);
        return map2.forEach(function(value, key) {
          result[++index] = [key, value];
        }), result;
      function setToArray(set) {
        var index = -1, result = Array(set.size);
        return set.forEach(function(value) {
          result[++index] = value;
        }), result;
      var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$4 = 1, COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$2 = 2, boolTag = "[object Boolean]", dateTag = "[object Date]", errorTag = "[object Error]", mapTag = "[object Map]", numberTag = "[object Number]", regexpTag = "[object RegExp]", setTag = "[object Set]", stringTag = "[object String]", symbolTag = "[object Symbol]", arrayBufferTag = "[object ArrayBuffer]", dataViewTag = "[object DataView]", symbolProto = Symbol$1 ? Symbol$1.prototype : void 0, symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : void 0;
      function equalByTag(object, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        switch (tag) {
          case dataViewTag:
            if (object.byteLength != other.byteLength || object.byteOffset != other.byteOffset)
              return !1;
            object = object.buffer, other = other.buffer;
          case arrayBufferTag:
            return !(object.byteLength != other.byteLength || !equalFunc(new Uint8Array$1(object), new Uint8Array$1(other)));
          case boolTag:
          case dateTag:
          case numberTag:
            return eq(+object, +other);
          case errorTag:
            return == && object.message == other.message;
          case regexpTag:
          case stringTag:
            return object == other + "";
          case mapTag:
            var convert = mapToArray;
          case setTag:
            var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$4;
            if (convert || (convert = setToArray), object.size != other.size && !isPartial)
              return !1;
            var stacked = stack.get(object);
            if (stacked)
              return stacked == other;
            bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$2, stack.set(object, other);
            var result = equalArrays(convert(object), convert(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);
            return stack.delete(object), result;
          case symbolTag:
            if (symbolValueOf)
              return ==;
        return !1;
      var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3 = 1, objectProto$5 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$5 = objectProto$5.hasOwnProperty;
      function equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$3, objProps = getAllKeys(object), objLength = objProps.length, othProps = getAllKeys(other), othLength = othProps.length;
        if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial)
          return !1;
        for (var index = objLength; index--; ) {
          var key = objProps[index];
          if (!(isPartial ? key in other : hasOwnProperty$, key)))
            return !1;
        var objStacked = stack.get(object), othStacked = stack.get(other);
        if (objStacked && othStacked)
          return objStacked == other && othStacked == object;
        var result = !0;
        stack.set(object, other), stack.set(other, object);
        for (var skipCtor = isPartial; ++index < objLength; ) {
          key = objProps[index];
          var objValue = object[key], othValue = other[key];
          if (customizer)
            var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object, stack) : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object, other, stack);
          if (!(compared === void 0 ? objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack) : compared)) {
            result = !1;
          skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == "constructor");
        if (result && !skipCtor) {
          var objCtor = object.constructor, othCtor = other.constructor;
          objCtor != othCtor && "constructor" in object && "constructor" in other && !(typeof objCtor == "function" && objCtor instanceof objCtor && typeof othCtor == "function" && othCtor instanceof othCtor) && (result = !1);
        return stack.delete(object), stack.delete(other), result;
      var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2 = 1, argsTag = "[object Arguments]", arrayTag = "[object Array]", objectTag = "[object Object]", objectProto$4 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$4 = objectProto$4.hasOwnProperty;
      function baseIsEqualDeep(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {
        var objIsArr = isArray$1(object), othIsArr = isArray$1(other), objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(object), othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(other);
        objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag, othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag;
        var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag, othIsObj = othTag == objectTag, isSameTag = objTag == othTag;
        if (isSameTag && isBuffer(object)) {
          if (!isBuffer(other))
            return !1;
          objIsArr = !0, objIsObj = !1;
        if (isSameTag && !objIsObj)
          return stack || (stack = new Stack()), objIsArr || isTypedArray(object) ? equalArrays(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) : equalByTag(object, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);
        if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$2)) {
          var objIsWrapped = objIsObj && hasOwnProperty$, "__wrapped__"), othIsWrapped = othIsObj && hasOwnProperty$, "__wrapped__");
          if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) {
            var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object.value() : object, othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other;
            return stack || (stack = new Stack()), equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack);
        return isSameTag ? (stack || (stack = new Stack()), equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack)) : !1;
      function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) {
        return value === other ? !0 : value == null || other == null || !isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other) ? value !== value && other !== other : baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack);
      function baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData, customizer) {
        var index = matchData.length, length = index;
        if (object == null)
          return !length;
        for (object = Object(object); index--; ) {
          var data = matchData[index];
          if (data[2] ? data[1] !== object[data[0]] : !(data[0] in object))
            return !1;
        for (; ++index < length; ) {
          data = matchData[index];
          var key = data[0], objValue = object[key], srcValue = data[1];
          if (data[2]) {
            if (objValue === void 0 && !(key in object))
              return !1;
          } else {
            var stack = new Stack(), result;
            if (!(result === void 0 ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG$1 | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG$1, customizer, stack) : result))
              return !1;
        return !0;
      function isStrictComparable(value) {
        return value === value && !isObject$4(value);
      function getMatchData(object) {
        for (var result = keys(object), length = result.length; length--; ) {
          var key = result[length], value = object[key];
          result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)];
        return result;
      function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) {
        return function(object) {
          return object == null ? !1 : object[key] === srcValue && (srcValue !== void 0 || key in Object(object));
      function baseMatches(source) {
        var matchData = getMatchData(source);
        return matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2] ? matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]) : function(object) {
          return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData);
      function baseHasIn(object, key) {
        return object != null && key in Object(object);
      function hasPath(object, path, hasFunc) {
        path = castPath(path, object);
        for (var index = -1, length = path.length, result = !1; ++index < length; ) {
          var key = toKey(path[index]);
          if (!(result = object != null && hasFunc(object, key)))
          object = object[key];
        return result || ++index != length ? result : (length = object == null ? 0 : object.length, !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) && (isArray$1(object) || isArguments(object)));
      function hasIn(object, path) {
        return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHasIn);
      function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) {
        return isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue) ? matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue) : function(object) {
          var objValue = get(object, path);
          return objValue === void 0 && objValue === srcValue ? hasIn(object, path) : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG);
      function baseProperty(key) {
        return function(object) {
          return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
      function basePropertyDeep(path) {
        return function(object) {
          return baseGet(object, path);
      function property(path) {
        return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path);
      function baseIteratee(value) {
        return typeof value == "function" ? value : value == null ? identity : typeof value == "object" ? isArray$1(value) ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1]) : baseMatches(value) : property(value);
      function arrayAggregator(array, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length; ++index < length; ) {
          var value = array[index];
          setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), array);
        return accumulator;
      function createBaseFor(fromRight) {
        return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) {
          for (var index = -1, iterable = Object(object), props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; length--; ) {
            var key = props[++index];
            if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === !1)
          return object;
      var baseFor = createBaseFor();
      function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) {
        return object && baseFor(object, iteratee, keys);
      function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) {
        return function(collection, iteratee) {
          if (collection == null)
            return collection;
          if (!isArrayLike(collection))
            return eachFunc(collection, iteratee);
          for (var length = collection.length, index = -1, iterable = Object(collection); ++index < length && iteratee(iterable[index], index, iterable) !== !1; )
          return collection;
      var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn);
      function baseAggregator(collection, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {
        return baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection2) {
          setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), collection2);
        }), accumulator;
      function createAggregator(setter, initializer) {
        return function(collection, iteratee) {
          var func = isArray$1(collection) ? arrayAggregator : baseAggregator, accumulator = {};
          return func(collection, setter, baseIteratee(iteratee), accumulator);
      function isArrayLikeObject(value) {
        return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value);
      var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
      function baseDifference(array, values2, iteratee, comparator) {
        var index = -1, includes = arrayIncludes, isCommon = !0, length = array.length, result = [], valuesLength = values2.length;
        if (!length)
          return result;
        values2.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE && (includes = cacheHas, isCommon = !1, values2 = new SetCache(values2));
          for (; ++index < length; ) {
            var value = array[index], computed2 = value;
            if (value = value !== 0 ? value : 0, isCommon && computed2 === computed2) {
              for (var valuesIndex = valuesLength; valuesIndex--; )
                if (values2[valuesIndex] === computed2)
                  continue outer;
            } else includes(values2, computed2, comparator) || result.push(value);
        return result;
      function last(array) {
        var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;
        return length ? array[length - 1] : void 0;
      function castFunction(value) {
        return typeof value == "function" ? value : identity;
      function forEach(collection, iteratee) {
        var func = isArray$1(collection) ? arrayEach : baseEach;
        return func(collection, castFunction(iteratee));
      var htmlEscapes = {
        "&": "&amp;",
        "<": "&lt;",
        ">": "&gt;",
        '"': "&quot;",
        "'": "&#39;"
      }, escapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlEscapes), reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>"']/g, reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source);
      function escape$1(string) {
        return string = toString$1(string), string && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string) ? string.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar) : string;
      function baseFilter(collection, predicate) {
        var result = [];
        return baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection2) {
          predicate(value, index, collection2) && result.push(value);
        }), result;
      function filter(collection, predicate) {
        var func = isArray$1(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;
        return func(collection, baseIteratee(predicate));
      function baseMap(collection, iteratee) {
        var index = -1, result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];
        return baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection2) {
          result[++index] = iteratee(value, key, collection2);
        }), result;
      function map(collection, iteratee) {
        var func = isArray$1(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap;
        return func(collection, baseIteratee(iteratee));
      var objectProto$3 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$3 = objectProto$3.hasOwnProperty, groupBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {
        hasOwnProperty$, key) ? result[key].push(value) : baseAssignValue(result, key, [value]);
      function baseValues(object, props) {
        return arrayMap(props, function(key) {
          return object[key];
      function values(object) {
        return object == null ? [] : baseValues(object, keys(object));
      var nativeMin = Math.min;
      function baseIntersection(arrays, iteratee, comparator) {
        for (var includes = arrayIncludes, length = arrays[0].length, othLength = arrays.length, othIndex = othLength, caches = Array(othLength), maxLength = 1 / 0, result = []; othIndex--; ) {
          var array = arrays[othIndex];
          maxLength = nativeMin(array.length, maxLength), caches[othIndex] = length >= 120 && array.length >= 120 ? new SetCache(othIndex && array) : void 0;
        array = arrays[0];
        var index = -1, seen = caches[0];
          for (; ++index < length && result.length < maxLength; ) {
            var value = array[index], computed2 = value;
            if (value = value !== 0 ? value : 0, !(seen ? cacheHas(seen, computed2) : includes(result, computed2))) {
              for (othIndex = othLength; --othIndex; ) {
                var cache2 = caches[othIndex];
                if (!(cache2 ? cacheHas(cache2, computed2) : includes(arrays[othIndex], computed2)))
                  continue outer;
              seen && seen.push(computed2), result.push(value);
        return result;
      function castArrayLikeObject(value) {
        return isArrayLikeObject(value) ? value : [];
      var intersection = baseRest(function(arrays) {
        var mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject);
        return mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0] ? baseIntersection(mapped) : [];
      function baseInverter(object, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {
        return baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object2) {
          setter(accumulator, iteratee(value), key, object2);
        }), accumulator;
      function createInverter(setter, toIteratee) {
        return function(object, iteratee) {
          return baseInverter(object, setter, toIteratee(iteratee), {});
      var objectProto$2 = Object.prototype, nativeObjectToString = objectProto$2.toString, invert = createInverter(function(result, value, key) {
        value != null && typeof value.toString != "function" && (value =, result[value] = key;
      }, constant(identity));
      function isEqual(value, other) {
        return baseIsEqual(value, other);
      function isNil(value) {
        return value == null;
      function baseLt(value, other) {
        return value < other;
      function mapValues(object, iteratee) {
        var result = {};
        return iteratee = baseIteratee(iteratee), baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object2) {
          baseAssignValue(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object2));
        }), result;
      function baseExtremum(array, iteratee, comparator) {
        for (var index = -1, length = array.length; ++index < length; ) {
          var value = array[index], current = iteratee(value);
          if (current != null && (computed2 === void 0 ? current === current && !isSymbol(current) : comparator(current, computed2)))
            var computed2 = current, result = value;
        return result;
      function minBy(array, iteratee) {
        return array && array.length ? baseExtremum(array, baseIteratee(iteratee), baseLt) : void 0;
      function once(func) {
        return before(2, func);
      var nativeFloor = Math.floor, nativeRandom = Math.random;
      function baseRandom(lower, upper) {
        return lower + nativeFloor(nativeRandom() * (upper - lower + 1));
      function arraySample(array) {
        var length = array.length;
        return length ? array[baseRandom(0, length - 1)] : void 0;
      function baseSample(collection) {
        return arraySample(values(collection));
      function sample(collection) {
        var func = isArray$1(collection) ? arraySample : baseSample;
        return func(collection);
      var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$2 = objectProto$1.hasOwnProperty;
      function customDefaultsAssignIn(objValue, srcValue, key, object) {
        return objValue === void 0 || eq(objValue, objectProto$1[key]) && !hasOwnProperty$, key) ? srcValue : objValue;
      var stringEscapes = {
        "\\": "\\",
        "'": "'",
        "\n": "n",
        "\r": "r",
        "\u2028": "u2028",
        "\u2029": "u2029"
      function escapeStringChar(chr) {
        return "\\" + stringEscapes[chr];
      var reInterpolate = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, reEscape = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, reEvaluate = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, templateSettings = {
         * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        escape: reEscape,
         * Used to detect code to be evaluated.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        evaluate: reEvaluate,
         * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {RegExp}
        interpolate: reInterpolate,
         * Used to reference the data object in the template text.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {string}
        variable: "",
         * Used to import variables into the compiled template.
         * @memberOf _.templateSettings
         * @type {Object}
        imports: {
           * A reference to the `lodash` function.
           * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports
           * @type {Function}
          _: { escape: escape$1 }
      }, INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT = "Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`", reEmptyStringLeading = /\b__p \+= '';/g, reEmptyStringMiddle = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g, reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g, reForbiddenIdentifierChars = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/, reEsTemplate = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g, reNoMatch = /($^)/, reUnescapedString = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g, objectProto = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty$1 = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
      function template(string, options, guard) {
        var settings2 = templateSettings.imports._.templateSettings || templateSettings;
        string = toString$1(string), options = assignInWith({}, options, settings2, customDefaultsAssignIn);
        var imports = assignInWith({}, options.imports, settings2.imports, customDefaultsAssignIn), importsKeys = keys(imports), importsValues = baseValues(imports, importsKeys), isEscaping, isEvaluating, index = 0, interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch, source = "__p += '", reDelimiters = RegExp(
          (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + "|" + interpolate.source + "|" + (interpolate === reInterpolate ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + "|" + (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + "|$",
        ), sourceURL = hasOwnProperty$, "sourceURL") ? "//# sourceURL=" + (options.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ") + `
` : "";
        string.replace(reDelimiters, function(match2, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) {
          return interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue), source += string.slice(index, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar), escapeValue && (isEscaping = !0, source += `' +
__e(` + escapeValue + `) +
'`), evaluateValue && (isEvaluating = !0, source += `';
` + evaluateValue + `;
__p += '`), interpolateValue && (source += `' +
((__t = (` + interpolateValue + `)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'`), index = offset + match2.length, match2;
        }), source += `';
        var variable = hasOwnProperty$, "variable") && options.variable;
        if (!variable)
          source = `with (obj) {
` + source + `
        else if (reForbiddenIdentifierChars.test(variable))
          throw new Error(INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT);
        source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, "") : source).replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, "$1").replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, "$1;"), source = "function(" + (variable || "obj") + `) {
` + (variable ? "" : `obj || (obj = {});
`) + "var __t, __p = ''" + (isEscaping ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") + (isEvaluating ? `, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, '') }
` : `;
`) + source + `return __p
        var result = attempt(function() {
          return Function(importsKeys, sourceURL + "return " + source).apply(void 0, importsValues);
        if (result.source = source, isError(result))
          throw result;
        return result;
      var without = baseRest(function(array, values2) {
        return isArrayLikeObject(array) ? baseDifference(array, values2) : [];
      }), commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
      function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
        return x && x.__esModule &&, "default") ? x.default : x;
      var eventemitter3 = { exports: {} }, hasRequiredEventemitter3;
      function requireEventemitter3() {
        return hasRequiredEventemitter3 || (hasRequiredEventemitter3 = 1, function(module2) {
          var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, prefix = "~";
          function Events() {
          Object.create && (Events.prototype = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), new Events().__proto__ || (prefix = !1));
          function EE(fn, context, once2) {
            this.fn = fn, this.context = context, this.once = once2 || !1;
          function addListener(emitter, event, fn, context, once2) {
            if (typeof fn != "function")
              throw new TypeError("The listener must be a function");
            var listener = new EE(fn, context || emitter, once2), evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
            return emitter._events[evt] ? emitter._events[evt].fn ? emitter._events[evt] = [emitter._events[evt], listener] : emitter._events[evt].push(listener) : (emitter._events[evt] = listener, emitter._eventsCount++), emitter;
          function clearEvent(emitter, evt) {
            --emitter._eventsCount === 0 ? emitter._events = new Events() : delete emitter._events[evt];
          function EventEmitter2() {
            this._events = new Events(), this._eventsCount = 0;
          EventEmitter2.prototype.eventNames = function() {
            var names = [], events, name;
            if (this._eventsCount === 0) return names;
            for (name in events = this._events)
    , name) && names.push(prefix ? name.slice(1) : name);
            return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? names.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(events)) : names;
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.listeners = function(event) {
            var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, handlers2 = this._events[evt];
            if (!handlers2) return [];
            if (handlers2.fn) return [handlers2.fn];
            for (var i = 0, l = handlers2.length, ee = new Array(l); i < l; i++)
              ee[i] = handlers2[i].fn;
            return ee;
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.listenerCount = function(event) {
            var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, listeners = this._events[evt];
            return listeners ? listeners.fn ? 1 : listeners.length : 0;
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.emit = function(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
            var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
            if (!this._events[evt]) return !1;
            var listeners = this._events[evt], len = arguments.length, args, i;
            if (listeners.fn) {
              switch (listeners.once && this.removeListener(event, listeners.fn, void 0, !0), len) {
                case 1:
                  return, !0;
                case 2:
                  return, a1), !0;
                case 3:
                  return, a1, a2), !0;
                case 4:
                  return, a1, a2, a3), !0;
                case 5:
                  return, a1, a2, a3, a4), !0;
                case 6:
                  return, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5), !0;
              for (i = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); i < len; i++)
                args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
              listeners.fn.apply(listeners.context, args);
            } else {
              var length = listeners.length, j;
              for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                switch (listeners[i].once && this.removeListener(event, listeners[i].fn, void 0, !0), len) {
                  case 1:
                  case 2:
                    listeners[i][i].context, a1);
                  case 3:
                    listeners[i][i].context, a1, a2);
                  case 4:
                    listeners[i][i].context, a1, a2, a3);
                    if (!args) for (j = 1, args = new Array(len - 1); j < len; j++)
                      args[j - 1] = arguments[j];
                    listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i].context, args);
            return !0;
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.on = function(event, fn, context) {
            return addListener(this, event, fn, context, !1);
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.once = function(event, fn, context) {
            return addListener(this, event, fn, context, !0);
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.removeListener = function(event, fn, context, once2) {
            var evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event;
            if (!this._events[evt]) return this;
            if (!fn)
              return clearEvent(this, evt), this;
            var listeners = this._events[evt];
            if (listeners.fn)
              listeners.fn === fn && (!once2 || listeners.once) && (!context || listeners.context === context) && clearEvent(this, evt);
            else {
              for (var i = 0, events = [], length = listeners.length; i < length; i++)
                (listeners[i].fn !== fn || once2 && !listeners[i].once || context && listeners[i].context !== context) && events.push(listeners[i]);
              events.length ? this._events[evt] = events.length === 1 ? events[0] : events : clearEvent(this, evt);
            return this;
          }, EventEmitter2.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(event) {
            var evt;
            return event ? (evt = prefix ? prefix + event : event, this._events[evt] && clearEvent(this, evt)) : (this._events = new Events(), this._eventsCount = 0), this;
          }, = EventEmitter2.prototype.removeListener, EventEmitter2.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter2.prototype.on, EventEmitter2.prefixed = prefix, EventEmitter2.EventEmitter = EventEmitter2, module2.exports = EventEmitter2;
        }(eventemitter3)), eventemitter3.exports;
      var eventemitter3Exports = requireEventemitter3();
      const EventEmitter = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(eventemitter3Exports), removeAt = (array, index) => array.splice(index, 1)[0];
      class AsyncQueue {
        constructor(thread = 1) {
          __publicField(this, "queue", vue.reactive([]));
          __publicField(this, "emitter", new EventEmitter());
          __publicField(this, "canSingleStart", () => !0);
          __publicField(this, "singleRunning", !1);
          this.thread = thread;
        get runningThreadNum() {
          return this.queue.filter(({ running }) => running).length;
        get length() {
          return this.queue.length;
        push(fn, info) {
            id: crypto.randomUUID(),
            running: !1,
        async start() {
          if (this.thread <= 1) {
            if (this.singleRunning || this.queue.length === 0) return;
            this.singleRunning = !0;
            do {
              if (!this.canSingleStart()) {
                this.singleRunning = !1;
              await this.queue[0].fn(), this.queue.shift();
            } while (this.queue.length > 0);
            this.singleRunning = !1, this.emitter.emit("finish");
          } else {
            const running = this.runningThreadNum;
            if (running >= this.thread || this.queue.length === running) return;
            const idleItems = this.queue.filter(({ running: running2 }) => !running2);
            for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(idleItems.length, this.thread - running); i++) {
              const item = idleItems[i];
              item.running = !0, item.fn().then(async () => {
                  this.queue.findIndex(({ id }) => id ===
                ), this.queue.length ? await this.start() : this.emitter.emit("finish");
        async skipFromError() {
          this.queue.shift(), await this.restartFromError();
        async restartFromError() {
          this.singleRunning = !1, await this.start();
      var __spreadArray = function(to, from, pack) {
        for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++)
          (ar || !(i in from)) && (ar || (ar =, 0, i)), ar[i] = from[i]);
        return to.concat(ar ||;
      }, BrowserInfo = (
        /** @class */
        /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
          function BrowserInfo2(name, version, os) {
   = name, this.version = version, this.os = os, this.type = "browser";
          return BrowserInfo2;
      ), NodeInfo = (
        /** @class */
        /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
          function NodeInfo2(version) {
            this.version = version, this.type = "node", = "node", this.os = process.platform;
          return NodeInfo2;
      ), SearchBotDeviceInfo = (
        /** @class */
        /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
          function SearchBotDeviceInfo2(name, version, os, bot) {
   = name, this.version = version, this.os = os, = bot, this.type = "bot-device";
          return SearchBotDeviceInfo2;
      ), BotInfo = (
        /** @class */
        /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
          function BotInfo2() {
            this.type = "bot", = !0, = "bot", this.version = null, this.os = null;
          return BotInfo2;
      ), ReactNativeInfo = (
        /** @class */
        /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
          function ReactNativeInfo2() {
            this.type = "react-native", = "react-native", this.version = null, this.os = null;
          return ReactNativeInfo2;
      ), SEARCHBOX_UA_REGEX = /alexa|bot|crawl(er|ing)|facebookexternalhit|feedburner|google web preview|nagios|postrank|pingdom|slurp|spider|yahoo!|yandex/, SEARCHBOT_OS_REGEX = /(nuhk|curl|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask\ Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/, REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS = 3, userAgentRules = [
        ["aol", /AOLShield\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["edge", /Edge\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["edge-ios", /EdgiOS\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["yandexbrowser", /YaBrowser\/([0-9\._]+)/],
        ["kakaotalk", /KAKAOTALK\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["samsung", /SamsungBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["silk", /\bSilk\/([0-9._-]+)\b/],
        ["miui", /MiuiBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)$/],
        ["beaker", /BeakerBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["edge-chromium", /EdgA?\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["chrome", /(?!Chrom.*OPR)Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["phantomjs", /PhantomJS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["crios", /CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["firefox", /Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/],
        ["fxios", /FxiOS\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["opera-mini", /Opera Mini.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["opera", /Opera\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/],
        ["opera", /OPR\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/],
        ["pie", /^Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer\/(\d+\.\d+)$/],
        ["pie", /^Mozilla\/\d\.\d+\s\(compatible;\s(?:MSP?IE|MSInternet Explorer) (\d+\.\d+);.*Windows CE.*\)$/],
        ["netfront", /^Mozilla\/\d\.\d+.*NetFront\/(\d.\d)/],
        ["ie", /Trident\/7\.0.*rv\:([0-9\.]+).*\).*Gecko$/],
        ["ie", /MSIE\s([0-9\.]+);.*Trident\/[4-7].0/],
        ["ie", /MSIE\s(7\.0)/],
        ["bb10", /BB10;\sTouch.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["android", /Android\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["ios", /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Mobile.*Safari.*/],
        ["safari", /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Safari/],
        ["facebook", /FB[AS]V\/([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["instagram", /Instagram\s([0-9\.]+)/],
        ["ios-webview", /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Mobile/],
        ["ios-webview", /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Gecko\)$/],
        ["curl", /^curl\/([0-9\.]+)$/],
        ["searchbot", SEARCHBOX_UA_REGEX]
      ], operatingSystemRules = [
        ["iOS", /iP(hone|od|ad)/],
        ["Android OS", /Android/],
        ["BlackBerry OS", /BlackBerry|BB10/],
        ["Windows Mobile", /IEMobile/],
        ["Amazon OS", /Kindle/],
        ["Windows 3.11", /Win16/],
        ["Windows 95", /(Windows 95)|(Win95)|(Windows_95)/],
        ["Windows 98", /(Windows 98)|(Win98)/],
        ["Windows 2000", /(Windows NT 5.0)|(Windows 2000)/],
        ["Windows XP", /(Windows NT 5.1)|(Windows XP)/],
        ["Windows Server 2003", /(Windows NT 5.2)/],
        ["Windows Vista", /(Windows NT 6.0)/],
        ["Windows 7", /(Windows NT 6.1)/],
        ["Windows 8", /(Windows NT 6.2)/],
        ["Windows 8.1", /(Windows NT 6.3)/],
        ["Windows 10", /(Windows NT 10.0)/],
        ["Windows ME", /Windows ME/],
        ["Windows CE", /Windows CE|WinCE|Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer/],
        ["Open BSD", /OpenBSD/],
        ["Sun OS", /SunOS/],
        ["Chrome OS", /CrOS/],
        ["Linux", /(Linux)|(X11)/],
        ["Mac OS", /(Mac_PowerPC)|(Macintosh)/],
        ["QNX", /QNX/],
        ["BeOS", /BeOS/],
        ["OS/2", /OS\/2/]
      function detect(userAgent) {
        return typeof document > "u" && typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.product === "ReactNative" ? new ReactNativeInfo() : typeof navigator < "u" ? parseUserAgent(navigator.userAgent) : getNodeVersion();
      function matchUserAgent(ua) {
        return ua !== "" && userAgentRules.reduce(function(matched, _a) {
          var browser = _a[0], regex = _a[1];
          if (matched)
            return matched;
          var uaMatch = regex.exec(ua);
          return !!uaMatch && [browser, uaMatch];
        }, !1);
      function parseUserAgent(ua) {
        var matchedRule = matchUserAgent(ua);
        if (!matchedRule)
          return null;
        var name = matchedRule[0], match2 = matchedRule[1];
        if (name === "searchbot")
          return new BotInfo();
        var versionParts = match2[1] && match2[1].split(".").join("_").split("_").slice(0, 3);
        versionParts ? versionParts.length < REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS && (versionParts = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], versionParts, !0), createVersionParts(REQUIRED_VERSION_PARTS - versionParts.length))) : versionParts = [];
        var version = versionParts.join("."), os = detectOS(ua), searchBotMatch = SEARCHBOT_OS_REGEX.exec(ua);
        return searchBotMatch && searchBotMatch[1] ? new SearchBotDeviceInfo(name, version, os, searchBotMatch[1]) : new BrowserInfo(name, version, os);
      function detectOS(ua) {
        for (var ii = 0, count = operatingSystemRules.length; ii < count; ii++) {
          var _a = operatingSystemRules[ii], os = _a[0], regex = _a[1], match2 = regex.exec(ua);
          if (match2)
            return os;
        return null;
      function getNodeVersion() {
        var isNode = typeof process < "u" && process.version;
        return isNode ? new NodeInfo(process.version.slice(1)) : null;
      function createVersionParts(count) {
        for (var output = [], ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
        return output;
      const supportLanguage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["zh", "en"]), defaultLocale = (() => {
        const languages = castArray(navigator.languages || navigator.language);
        for (const language of languages) {
          const lang = language.split("-")[0];
          if (supportLanguage.has(lang)) return lang;
        return "en";
      var ErrorAction = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ErrorAction2) => (ErrorAction2.GET_INFO = "getInfo", ErrorAction2.DOWNLOAD = "download", ErrorAction2))(ErrorAction || {}), MIME = /* @__PURE__ */ ((MIME2) => (MIME2.JPG = "image/jpeg", MIME2.PNG = "image/png", MIME2))(MIME || {});
      const nHentaiDownloadHosts = [
      var NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2) => (NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2.AUTO = "auto", NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2.RANDOM = "random", NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2.BALANCE = "balance", NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial2))(NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial || {});
      const nHentaiDownloadHostSpecials = [
        /* BALANCE */
      ], availableNHentaiDownloadHost = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
      ]), booleanValidator = (val) => typeof val == "boolean", stringValidator = (val) => typeof val == "string", createNumberValidator = (min, max) => (val) => typeof val == "number" && min <= val && val <= max, trimFormatter = (val) => val.trim(), availableMetaFiles = ["ComicInfoXml", "EzeInfoJson"], availableMetaFileTitleLanguage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["english", "japanese"]), settingDefinitions = {
        language: {
          key: "language",
          default: defaultLocale,
          validator: (val) => supportLanguage.has(val)
        threadNum: {
          key: "thread_num",
          default: 8,
          validator: createNumberValidator(1, 32),
          formatter: (val) => Math.floor(val)
        openOnNewTab: {
          key: "open_on_new_tab",
          default: !0,
          validator: booleanValidator
        customDownloadUrl: {
          key: "custom_download_url",
          default: "",
          validator: stringValidator,
          formatter: trimFormatter
        compressionFilename: {
          key: "cf_name",
          default: "{{japanese}}.zip",
          validator: stringValidator,
          formatter: trimFormatter
        filenameMaxArtistsNumber: {
          key: "cf_name_max_artists_number",
          default: 3,
          validator: createNumberValidator(0, 1 / 0)
        filenameArtistsSeparator: {
          key: "cf_name_artists_separator",
          default: ", ",
          validator: stringValidator
        compressionLevel: {
          key: "c_lv",
          default: 0,
          validator: createNumberValidator(0, 9),
          formatter: (val) => Math.floor(val)
        compressionStreamFiles: {
          key: "c_stream_files",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        streamDownload: {
          key: "stream_download",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        seriesMode: {
          key: "series_mode",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        filenameLength: {
          key: "filename_length",
          default: 0,
          validator: (val) => val === "auto" || typeof val == "number" && val >= 0,
          formatter: (val) => typeof val == "number" ? Math.floor(val) : val
        autoCancelDownloadedManga: {
          key: "auto_cancel_downloaded_doujin",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: {
          key: "auto_retry_when_error_occurs",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        autoShowAll: {
          key: "auto_show_all",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        showIgnoreButton: {
          key: "show_ignore_button",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        preventConsoleClearing: {
          key: "prevent_console_clear",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByEnglish: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_english",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByJapanese: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_japanese",
          default: !0,
          validator: booleanValidator
        judgeDownloadedByPretty: {
          key: "judge_downloaded_by_pretty",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        nHentaiDownloadHost: {
          key: "nHentai_media_host",
          default: "auto",
          validator: (val) => availableNHentaiDownloadHost.has(val)
        addMetaFile: {
          key: "add_meta_file",
          default: () => [],
          validator: (val) => Array.isArray(val),
          formatter: (val) => intersection(val, availableMetaFiles)
        metaFileTitleLanguage: {
          key: "meta_file_title_language",
          default: "english",
          validator: (val) => availableMetaFileTitleLanguage.has(val)
        titleReplacement: {
          key: "title_replacement",
          default: () => [],
          validator: (val) => Array.isArray(val),
          itemValidator: (item) => item && stringValidator(item.from) && stringValidator( && booleanValidator(item.regexp)
        galleryContextmenuPreview: {
          key: "gallery_contextmenu_preview",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
        convertWebpTo: {
          key: "convert_webp_to",
          default: MIME.JPG,
          validator: (val) => [MIME.JPG, MIME.PNG, ""].includes(val)
        convertWebpQuality: {
          key: "convert_webp_quality",
          default: 85,
          validator: (val) => 0 <= val && val <= 100
        customFilenameFunction: {
          key: "custom_title_function",
          default: "",
          validator: stringValidator
        removeAdPage: {
          key: "remove_ad_page",
          default: !1,
          validator: booleanValidator
      }, browserDetect = detect(), DISABLE_STREAM_DOWNLOAD = !!browserDetect && ( === "safari" || === "firefox"), readSettings = () => mapValues(settingDefinitions, ({ key, default: defaultVal, validator, itemValidator }) => {
        const realDefault = typeof defaultVal == "function" ? defaultVal() : defaultVal, val = _GM_getValue(key, realDefault);
        if (!validator(val)) return realDefault;
        if (Array.isArray(val) && itemValidator) {
          const validItems = val.filter(itemValidator);
          if (val.length !== validItems.length)
            return realDefault;
        return val;
      }), initSettings = () => {
        const settings2 = readSettings();
          const key = "_flag_nHentai_media_host_reset_20241207";
          if (!_GM_getValue(key, !1)) {
            const def = settingDefinitions.nHentaiDownloadHost;
            settings2.nHentaiDownloadHost !== def.default && (settings2.nHentaiDownloadHost = def.default, _GM_setValue(def.key, def.default)), _GM_setValue(key, !0);
        return settings2;
      }, writeableSettings = vue.reactive(initSettings()), settings = writeableSettings;
      DISABLE_STREAM_DOWNLOAD && settings.streamDownload && (writeableSettings.streamDownload = !1);
      const startWatchSettings = once(() => {
        const settingRefs = vue.toRefs(writeableSettings);
        forEach(settingRefs, (ref2, key) => {
          const cur = settingDefinitions[key];
          let valChanged = !1;
          const saveValue = (val) => {
            logger.log("update setting", cur.key, vue.toRaw(val)), _GM_setValue(cur.key, val);

            (val) => {
              if (valChanged) {
                valChanged = !1, saveValue(val);
              const applyChange = (newVal) => {
                val = newVal, ref2.value = newVal, valChanged = !0;
              if (!cur.validator(val)) {
                applyChange(typeof cur.default == "function" ? cur.default() : cur.default);
              if (Array.isArray(val) && cur.itemValidator) {
                const validItems = val.filter(cur.itemValidator);
                val.length !== validItems.length && applyChange(validItems);
              if (cur.formatter) {
                const formattedVal = cur.formatter(val);
                (typeof formattedVal == "object" ? !isEqual(val, formattedVal) : val !== formattedVal) && applyChange(formattedVal);
              valChanged || saveValue(val);
            typeof ref2.value == "object" ? { deep: !0 } : void 0
      }), validTitleReplacement = vue.computed(
        () => settings.titleReplacement.filter((item) => item == null ? void 0 : item.from)
      ), customFilenameFunction = vue.computed(() => {
        if (!settings.customFilenameFunction.trim()) return null;
        try {
          return new Function("filename", "gallery", settings.customFilenameFunction);
        } catch {
          return null;
      }), dlQueue = new AsyncQueue(), zipQueue = new AsyncQueue(WORKER_THREAD_NUM);
      dlQueue.canSingleStart = () => !(settings.seriesMode && zipQueue.length);
      zipQueue.emitter.on("finish", () => {
        settings.seriesMode && dlQueue.start().catch(logger.error);
      const _hoisted_1$4 = ["title"], _hoisted_2$2 = { class: "download-item__title" }, _hoisted_3$2 = { class: "download-item__progress-text" }, _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadItem",
        props: {
          item: {},
          index: {}
        setup(__props) {
          const props = __props, title = vue.computed(() => {
            const { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } =;
            return japanese2 || english2 || pretty;
          }), progressWidth = vue.computed(() => {
            const {
              gallery: { pages: pages2 },
            } = props.item, page = pages2.length;
            return compressing ? compressingPercent : page && done ? (100 * done / page).toFixed(2) : 0;
          }), canCancel = vue.computed(() => !props.item.compressing), cancel = () => {
            var _a;
            const { info } = props.index === 0 ? dlQueue.queue[0] : removeAt(dlQueue.queue, props.index);
            (_a = info == null ? void 0 : info.cancel) == null ||;
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
            class: vue.normalizeClass(["download-item", {
              "download-item--error": _ctx.item.error,
              "download-item--compressing": _ctx.item.compressing && !_ctx.item.error,
              "download-item--can-cancel": canCancel.value
            title: title.value
          }, [
            canCancel.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
              key: 0,
              class: "download-item__cancel",
              onClick: cancel
            }, _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = [
              vue.createElementVNode("i", { class: "fa fa-times" }, null, -1)
            ]))) : vue.createCommentVNode("", !0),
            vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$2, vue.toDisplayString(title.value), 1),
            vue.createElementVNode("div", {
              class: "download-item__progress",
              style: vue.normalizeStyle({ width: `${progressWidth.value}%` })
            }, [
              vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, vue.toDisplayString(progressWidth.value) + "%", 1)
            ], 4)
          ], 10, _hoisted_1$4));
      }), _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
        const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
        for (const [key, val] of props)
          target[key] = val;
        return target;
      }, DownloadItem = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$6, [["__scopeId", "data-v-83b954f2"]]), _hoisted_1$3 = { id: "download-panel" }, _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadList",
        props: {
          zipList: {},
          dlList: {}
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$3, [
            (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(_ctx.zipList, (item, index) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(DownloadItem, {
              key: index,
            }, null, 8, ["item", "index"]))), 128)),
            (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(_ctx.dlList, (item, index) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(DownloadItem, {
              key: index,
            }, null, 8, ["item", "index"]))), 128))
      }), DownloadList = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$5, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f37e74c3"]]), _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "DownloadPanel",
        setup(__props) {
          const { title } = document, zipList = vue.computed(() =>{ info }) => info)), dlList = vue.computed(() =>{ info }) => info)), infoList = vue.computed(() => [...zipList.value, ...dlList.value]), error = vue.computed(() => {
            var _a;
            return !!((_a = dlList.value[0]) != null && _a.error);
          }), titleWithStatus = vue.computed(() => error.value ? `[×] ${title}` : `[${infoList.value.length || "✓"}] ${title}`);
          return, (val) => {
            sessionStorage.setItem("downloadQueue", JSON.stringify({ gallery: gallery2 }) => gallery2)));
          }),, (val) => {
            document.title = val;
          }), (_ctx, _cache) => infoList.value.length ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(DownloadList, {
            key: 0,
            "zip-list": zipList.value,
            "dl-list": dlList.value
          }, null, 8, ["zip-list", "dl-list"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", !0);
      var close_bold_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        name: "CloseBold",
        __name: "close-bold",
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
            xmlns: "",
            viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
          }, [
            vue.createElementVNode("path", {
              fill: "currentColor",
              d: "M195.2 195.2a64 64 0 0 1 90.496 0L512 421.504 738.304 195.2a64 64 0 0 1 90.496 90.496L602.496 512 828.8 738.304a64 64 0 0 1-90.496 90.496L512 602.496 285.696 828.8a64 64 0 0 1-90.496-90.496L421.504 512 195.2 285.696a64 64 0 0 1 0-90.496z"
      }), close_bold_default = close_bold_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default, delete_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        name: "Delete",
        __name: "delete",
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
            xmlns: "",
            viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
          }, [
            vue.createElementVNode("path", {
              fill: "currentColor",
              d: "M160 256H96a32 32 0 0 1 0-64h256V95.936a32 32 0 0 1 32-32h256a32 32 0 0 1 32 32V192h256a32 32 0 1 1 0 64h-64v672a32 32 0 0 1-32 32H192a32 32 0 0 1-32-32zm448-64v-64H416v64zM224 896h576V256H224zm192-128a32 32 0 0 1-32-32V416a32 32 0 0 1 64 0v320a32 32 0 0 1-32 32m192 0a32 32 0 0 1-32-32V416a32 32 0 0 1 64 0v320a32 32 0 0 1-32 32"
      }), delete_default = delete_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default, download_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        name: "Download",
        __name: "download",
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
            xmlns: "",
            viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
          }, [
            vue.createElementVNode("path", {
              fill: "currentColor",
              d: "M160 832h704a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H160a32 32 0 1 1 0-64m384-253.696 236.288-236.352 45.248 45.248L508.8 704 192 387.2l45.248-45.248L480 584.704V128h64z"
      }), download_default = download_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default, upload_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        name: "Upload",
        __name: "upload",
        setup(__props) {
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
            xmlns: "",
            viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
          }, [
            vue.createElementVNode("path", {
              fill: "currentColor",
              d: "M160 832h704a32 32 0 1 1 0 64H160a32 32 0 1 1 0-64m384-578.304V704h-64V247.296L237.248 490.048 192 444.8 508.8 128l316.8 316.8-45.312 45.248z"
      }), upload_default = upload_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
      const inBrowser = typeof window < "u", makeSymbol = (name, shareable = !1) => shareable ? Symbol.for(name) : Symbol(name), generateFormatCacheKey = (locale, key, source) => friendlyJSONstringify({ l: locale, k: key, s: source }), friendlyJSONstringify = (json) => JSON.stringify(json).replace(/\u2028/g, "\\u2028").replace(/\u2029/g, "\\u2029").replace(/\u0027/g, "\\u0027"), isNumber = (val) => typeof val == "number" && isFinite(val), isRegExp = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object RegExp]", isEmptyObject = (val) => isPlainObject(val) && Object.keys(val).length === 0, assign = Object.assign, _create$1 = Object.create, create$1 = (obj = null) => _create$1(obj);
      let _globalThis$1;
      const getGlobalThis$1 = () => _globalThis$1 || (_globalThis$1 = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : create$1());
      function escapeHtml(rawText) {
        return rawText.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&apos;");
      const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
      function hasOwn(obj, key) {
        return, key);
      const isArray = Array.isArray, isFunction$1 = (val) => typeof val == "function", isString = (val) => typeof val == "string", isBoolean = (val) => typeof val == "boolean", isObject$3 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val == "object", isPromise = (val) => isObject$3(val) && isFunction$1(val.then) && isFunction$1(val.catch), objectToString = Object.prototype.toString, toTypeString = (value) =>, isPlainObject = (val) => toTypeString(val) === "[object Object]", toDisplayString = (val) => val == null ? "" : isArray(val) || isPlainObject(val) && val.toString === objectToString ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : String(val);
      function join(items, separator = "") {
        return items.reduce((str, item, index) => index === 0 ? str + item : str + separator + item, "");
      function warn(msg, err) {
        typeof console < "u" && (console.warn("[intlify] " + msg), err && console.warn(err.stack));
      const isNotObjectOrIsArray = (val) => !isObject$3(val) || isArray(val);
      function deepCopy(src, des) {
        if (isNotObjectOrIsArray(src) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(des))
          throw new Error("Invalid value");
        const stack = [{ src, des }];
        for (; stack.length; ) {
          const { src: src2, des: des2 } = stack.pop();
          Object.keys(src2).forEach((key) => {
            key !== "__proto__" && (isObject$3(src2[key]) && !isObject$3(des2[key]) && (des2[key] = Array.isArray(src2[key]) ? [] : create$1()), isNotObjectOrIsArray(des2[key]) || isNotObjectOrIsArray(src2[key]) ? des2[key] = src2[key] : stack.push({ src: src2[key], des: des2[key] }));
      function createPosition(line, column, offset) {
        return { line, column, offset };
      function createLocation(start, end, source) {
        return { start, end };
      const CompileErrorCodes = {
        // tokenizer error codes
        EXPECTED_TOKEN: 1,
        // parser error codes
        // generator error codes
        // minifier error codes
      function createCompileError(code, loc, options = {}) {
        const { domain, messages, args } = options, msg = code, error = new SyntaxError(String(msg));
        return error.code = code, loc && (error.location = loc), error.domain = domain, error;
      function defaultOnError(error) {
        throw error;
      const CHAR_SP = " ", CHAR_CR = "\r", CHAR_LF = `
`, CHAR_LS = "\u2028", CHAR_PS = "\u2029";
      function createScanner(str) {
        const _buf = str;
        let _index = 0, _line = 1, _column = 1, _peekOffset = 0;
        const isCRLF = (index2) => _buf[index2] === CHAR_CR && _buf[index2 + 1] === CHAR_LF, isLF = (index2) => _buf[index2] === CHAR_LF, isPS = (index2) => _buf[index2] === CHAR_PS, isLS = (index2) => _buf[index2] === CHAR_LS, isLineEnd = (index2) => isCRLF(index2) || isLF(index2) || isPS(index2) || isLS(index2), index = () => _index, line = () => _line, column = () => _column, peekOffset = () => _peekOffset, charAt = (offset) => isCRLF(offset) || isPS(offset) || isLS(offset) ? CHAR_LF : _buf[offset], currentChar = () => charAt(_index), currentPeek = () => charAt(_index + _peekOffset);
        function next() {
          return _peekOffset = 0, isLineEnd(_index) && (_line++, _column = 0), isCRLF(_index) && _index++, _index++, _column++, _buf[_index];
        function peek() {
          return isCRLF(_index + _peekOffset) && _peekOffset++, _peekOffset++, _buf[_index + _peekOffset];
        function reset() {
          _index = 0, _line = 1, _column = 1, _peekOffset = 0;
        function resetPeek(offset = 0) {
          _peekOffset = offset;
        function skipToPeek() {
          const target = _index + _peekOffset;
          for (; target !== _index; )
          _peekOffset = 0;
        return {
      const EOF = void 0, LITERAL_DELIMITER = "'", ERROR_DOMAIN$3 = "tokenizer";
      function createTokenizer(source, options = {}) {
        const location2 = options.location !== !1, _scnr = createScanner(source), currentOffset = () => _scnr.index(), currentPosition = () => createPosition(_scnr.line(), _scnr.column(), _scnr.index()), _initLoc = currentPosition(), _initOffset = currentOffset(), _context = {
          currentType: 13,
          offset: _initOffset,
          startLoc: _initLoc,
          endLoc: _initLoc,
          lastType: 13,
          lastOffset: _initOffset,
          lastStartLoc: _initLoc,
          lastEndLoc: _initLoc,
          braceNest: 0,
          inLinked: !1,
          text: ""
        }, context = () => _context, { onError } = options;
        function emitError(code, pos, offset, ...args) {
          const ctx = context();
          if (pos.column += offset, pos.offset += offset, onError) {
            const loc = location2 ? createLocation(ctx.startLoc, pos) : null, err = createCompileError(code, loc, {
              domain: ERROR_DOMAIN$3,
        function getToken(context2, type, value) {
          context2.endLoc = currentPosition(), context2.currentType = type;
          const token = { type };
          return location2 && (token.loc = createLocation(context2.startLoc, context2.endLoc)), value != null && (token.value = value), token;
        const getEndToken = (context2) => getToken(
          /* TokenTypes.EOF */
        function eat(scnr, ch) {
          return scnr.currentChar() === ch ? (, ch) : (emitError(CompileErrorCodes.EXPECTED_TOKEN, currentPosition(), 0, ch), "");
        function peekSpaces(scnr) {
          let buf = "";
          for (; scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_SP || scnr.currentPeek() === CHAR_LF; )
            buf += scnr.currentPeek(), scnr.peek();
          return buf;
        function skipSpaces(scnr) {
          const buf = peekSpaces(scnr);
          return scnr.skipToPeek(), buf;
        function isIdentifierStart(ch) {
          if (ch === EOF)
            return !1;
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || // a-z
          cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || // A-Z
          cc === 95;
        function isNumberStart(ch) {
          if (ch === EOF)
            return !1;
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
        function isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2)
            return !1;
          const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2)
            return !1;
          const ch = scnr.currentPeek() === "-" ? scnr.peek() : scnr.currentPeek(), ret = isNumberStart(ch);
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isLiteralStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 2)
            return !1;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === LITERAL_DELIMITER;
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 7)
            return !1;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ".";
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 8)
            return !1;
          const ret = isIdentifierStart(scnr.currentPeek());
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (!(currentType === 7 || currentType === 11))
            return !1;
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === ":";
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          if (currentType !== 9)
            return !1;
          const fn = () => {
            const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
            return ch === "{" ? isIdentifierStart(scnr.peek()) : ch === "@" || ch === "|" || ch === ":" || ch === "." || ch === CHAR_SP || !ch ? !1 : ch === CHAR_LF ? (scnr.peek(), fn()) : isTextStart(scnr, !1);
          }, ret = fn();
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isPluralStart(scnr) {
          const ret = scnr.currentPeek() === "|";
          return scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function isTextStart(scnr, reset = !0) {
          const fn = (hasSpace = !1, prev = "") => {
            const ch = scnr.currentPeek();
            return ch === "{" || ch === "@" || !ch ? hasSpace : ch === "|" ? !(prev === CHAR_SP || prev === CHAR_LF) : ch === CHAR_SP ? (scnr.peek(), fn(!0, CHAR_SP)) : ch === CHAR_LF ? (scnr.peek(), fn(!0, CHAR_LF)) : !0;
          }, ret = fn();
          return reset && scnr.resetPeek(), ret;
        function takeChar(scnr, fn) {
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          return ch === EOF ? EOF : fn(ch) ? (, ch) : null;
        function isIdentifier(ch) {
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || // a-z
          cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || // A-Z
          cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || // 0-9
          cc === 95 || // _
          cc === 36;
        function takeIdentifierChar(scnr) {
          return takeChar(scnr, isIdentifier);
        function isNamedIdentifier(ch) {
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || // a-z
          cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || // A-Z
          cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || // 0-9
          cc === 95 || // _
          cc === 36 || // $
          cc === 45;
        function takeNamedIdentifierChar(scnr) {
          return takeChar(scnr, isNamedIdentifier);
        function isDigit(ch) {
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57;
        function takeDigit(scnr) {
          return takeChar(scnr, isDigit);
        function isHexDigit(ch) {
          const cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
          return cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || // 0-9
          cc >= 65 && cc <= 70 || // A-F
          cc >= 97 && cc <= 102;
        function takeHexDigit(scnr) {
          return takeChar(scnr, isHexDigit);
        function getDigits(scnr) {
          let ch = "", num = "";
          for (; ch = takeDigit(scnr); )
            num += ch;
          return num;
        function readText(scnr) {
          let buf = "";
          for (; ; ) {
            const ch = scnr.currentChar();
            if (ch === "{" || ch === "}" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || !ch)
            if (ch === CHAR_SP || ch === CHAR_LF)
              if (isTextStart(scnr))
                buf += ch,;
              else {
                if (isPluralStart(scnr))
                buf += ch,;
              buf += ch,;
          return buf;
        function readNamedIdentifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "", name = "";
          for (; ch = takeNamedIdentifierChar(scnr); )
            name += ch;
          return scnr.currentChar() === EOF && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0), name;
        function readListIdentifier(scnr) {
          let value = "";
          return scnr.currentChar() === "-" ? (, value += `-${getDigits(scnr)}`) : value += getDigits(scnr), scnr.currentChar() === EOF && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0), value;
        function isLiteral2(ch) {
          return ch !== LITERAL_DELIMITER && ch !== CHAR_LF;
        function readLiteral(scnr) {
          skipSpaces(scnr), eat(scnr, "'");
          let ch = "", literal = "";
          for (; ch = takeChar(scnr, isLiteral2); )
            ch === "\\" ? literal += readEscapeSequence(scnr) : literal += ch;
          const current = scnr.currentChar();
          return current === CHAR_LF || current === EOF ? (emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_SINGLE_QUOTE_IN_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0), current === CHAR_LF && (, eat(scnr, "'")), literal) : (eat(scnr, "'"), literal);
        function readEscapeSequence(scnr) {
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          switch (ch) {
            case "\\":
            case "'":
              return, `\\${ch}`;
            case "u":
              return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 4);
            case "U":
              return readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, ch, 6);
              return emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, currentPosition(), 0, ch), "";
        function readUnicodeEscapeSequence(scnr, unicode, digits) {
          eat(scnr, unicode);
          let sequence = "";
          for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
            const ch = takeHexDigit(scnr);
            if (!ch) {
              emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, currentPosition(), 0, `\\${unicode}${sequence}${scnr.currentChar()}`);
            sequence += ch;
          return `\\${unicode}${sequence}`;
        function isInvalidIdentifier(ch) {
          return ch !== "{" && ch !== "}" && ch !== CHAR_SP && ch !== CHAR_LF;
        function readInvalidIdentifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "", identifiers = "";
          for (; ch = takeChar(scnr, isInvalidIdentifier); )
            identifiers += ch;
          return identifiers;
        function readLinkedModifier(scnr) {
          let ch = "", name = "";
          for (; ch = takeIdentifierChar(scnr); )
            name += ch;
          return name;
        function readLinkedRefer(scnr) {
          const fn = (buf) => {
            const ch = scnr.currentChar();
            return ch === "{" || ch === "@" || ch === "|" || ch === "(" || ch === ")" || !ch || ch === CHAR_SP ? buf : (buf += ch,, fn(buf));
          return fn("");
        function readPlural(scnr) {
          const plural = eat(
            /* TokenChars.Pipe */
          return skipSpaces(scnr), plural;
        function readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) {
          let token = null;
          switch (scnr.currentChar()) {
            case "{":
              return context2.braceNest >= 1 && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.NOT_ALLOW_NEST_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0),, token = getToken(
                /* TokenChars.BraceLeft */
              ), skipSpaces(scnr), context2.braceNest++, token;
            case "}":
              return context2.braceNest > 0 && context2.currentType === 2 && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0),, token = getToken(
                /* TokenChars.BraceRight */
              ), context2.braceNest--, context2.braceNest > 0 && skipSpaces(scnr), context2.inLinked && context2.braceNest === 0 && (context2.inLinked = !1), token;
            case "@":
              return context2.braceNest > 0 && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0), token = readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2), context2.braceNest = 0, token;
            default: {
              let validNamedIdentifier = !0, validListIdentifier = !0, validLiteral = !0;
              if (isPluralStart(scnr))
                return context2.braceNest > 0 && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0), token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr)), context2.braceNest = 0, context2.inLinked = !1, token;
              if (context2.braceNest > 0 && (context2.currentType === 4 || context2.currentType === 5 || context2.currentType === 6))
                return emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNTERMINATED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0), context2.braceNest = 0, readToken(scnr, context2);
              if (validNamedIdentifier = isNamedIdentifierStart(scnr, context2))
                return token = getToken(context2, 4, readNamedIdentifier(scnr)), skipSpaces(scnr), token;
              if (validListIdentifier = isListIdentifierStart(scnr, context2))
                return token = getToken(context2, 5, readListIdentifier(scnr)), skipSpaces(scnr), token;
              if (validLiteral = isLiteralStart(scnr, context2))
                return token = getToken(context2, 6, readLiteral(scnr)), skipSpaces(scnr), token;
              if (!validNamedIdentifier && !validListIdentifier && !validLiteral)
                return token = getToken(context2, 12, readInvalidIdentifier(scnr)), emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN_IN_PLACEHOLDER, currentPosition(), 0, token.value), skipSpaces(scnr), token;
          return token;
        function readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) {
          const { currentType } = context2;
          let token = null;
          const ch = scnr.currentChar();
          switch ((currentType === 7 || currentType === 8 || currentType === 11 || currentType === 9) && (ch === CHAR_LF || ch === CHAR_SP) && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT, currentPosition(), 0), ch) {
            case "@":
              return, token = getToken(
                /* TokenChars.LinkedAlias */
              ), context2.inLinked = !0, token;
            case ".":
              return skipSpaces(scnr),, getToken(
                /* TokenChars.LinkedDot */
            case ":":
              return skipSpaces(scnr),, getToken(
                /* TokenChars.LinkedDelimiter */
              return isPluralStart(scnr) ? (token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr)), context2.braceNest = 0, context2.inLinked = !1, token) : isLinkedDotStart(scnr, context2) || isLinkedDelimiterStart(scnr, context2) ? (skipSpaces(scnr), readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2)) : isLinkedModifierStart(scnr, context2) ? (skipSpaces(scnr), getToken(context2, 11, readLinkedModifier(scnr))) : isLinkedReferStart(scnr, context2) ? (skipSpaces(scnr), ch === "{" ? readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || token : getToken(context2, 10, readLinkedRefer(scnr))) : (currentType === 7 && emitError(CompileErrorCodes.INVALID_LINKED_FORMAT, currentPosition(), 0), context2.braceNest = 0, context2.inLinked = !1, readToken(scnr, context2));
        function readToken(scnr, context2) {
          let token = {
            type: 13
            /* TokenTypes.EOF */
          if (context2.braceNest > 0)
            return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
          if (context2.inLinked)
            return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
          switch (scnr.currentChar()) {
            case "{":
              return readTokenInPlaceholder(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
            case "}":
              return emitError(CompileErrorCodes.UNBALANCED_CLOSING_BRACE, currentPosition(), 0),, getToken(
                /* TokenChars.BraceRight */
            case "@":
              return readTokenInLinked(scnr, context2) || getEndToken(context2);
            default: {
              if (isPluralStart(scnr))
                return token = getToken(context2, 1, readPlural(scnr)), context2.braceNest = 0, context2.inLinked = !1, token;
              if (isTextStart(scnr))
                return getToken(context2, 0, readText(scnr));
          return token;
        function nextToken() {
          const { currentType, offset, startLoc, endLoc } = _context;
          return _context.lastType = currentType, _context.lastOffset = offset, _context.lastStartLoc = startLoc, _context.lastEndLoc = endLoc, _context.offset = currentOffset(), _context.startLoc = currentPosition(), _scnr.currentChar() === EOF ? getToken(
            /* TokenTypes.EOF */
          ) : readToken(_scnr, _context);
        return {
      const ERROR_DOMAIN$2 = "parser", KNOWN_ESCAPES = /(?:\\\\|\\'|\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|\\U([0-9a-fA-F]{6}))/g;
      function fromEscapeSequence(match2, codePoint4, codePoint6) {
        switch (match2) {
          case "\\\\":
            return "\\";
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
          case "\\'":
            return "'";
          default: {
            const codePoint = parseInt(codePoint4 || codePoint6, 16);
            return codePoint <= 55295 || codePoint >= 57344 ? String.fromCodePoint(codePoint) : "�";
      function createParser(options = {}) {
        const location2 = options.location !== !1, { onError } = options;
        function emitError(tokenzer, code, start, offset, ...args) {
          const end = tokenzer.currentPosition();
          if (end.offset += offset, end.column += offset, onError) {
            const loc = location2 ? createLocation(start, end) : null, err = createCompileError(code, loc, {
              domain: ERROR_DOMAIN$2,
        function startNode(type, offset, loc) {
          const node = { type };
          return location2 && (node.start = offset, node.end = offset, node.loc = { start: loc, end: loc }), node;
        function endNode(node, offset, pos, type) {
          location2 && (node.end = offset, node.loc && (node.loc.end = pos));
        function parseText(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), node = startNode(3, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          return node.value = value, endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseList(tokenizer, index) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context, node = startNode(5, offset, loc);
          return node.index = parseInt(index, 10), tokenizer.nextToken(), endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseNamed(tokenizer, key) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context, node = startNode(4, offset, loc);
          return node.key = key, tokenizer.nextToken(), endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseLiteral(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context, node = startNode(9, offset, loc);
          return node.value = value.replace(KNOWN_ESCAPES, fromEscapeSequence), tokenizer.nextToken(), endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer) {
          const token = tokenizer.nextToken(), context = tokenizer.context(), { lastOffset: offset, lastStartLoc: loc } = context, node = startNode(8, offset, loc);
          return token.type !== 11 ? (emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_MODIFIER, context.lastStartLoc, 0), node.value = "", endNode(node, offset, loc), {
            nextConsumeToken: token,
          }) : (token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), node.value = token.value || "", endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), {
        function parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, value) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), node = startNode(7, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          return node.value = value, endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseLinked(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), linkedNode = startNode(6, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          let token = tokenizer.nextToken();
          if (token.type === 8) {
            const parsed = parseLinkedModifier(tokenizer);
            linkedNode.modifier = parsed.node, token = parsed.nextConsumeToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
          switch (token.type !== 9 && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), token = tokenizer.nextToken(), token.type === 2 && (token = tokenizer.nextToken()), token.type) {
            case 10:
              token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), linkedNode.key = parseLinkedKey(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 4:
              token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), linkedNode.key = parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 5:
              token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), linkedNode.key = parseList(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            case 6:
              token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), linkedNode.key = parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || "");
            default: {
              emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_EMPTY_LINKED_KEY, context.lastStartLoc, 0);
              const nextContext = tokenizer.context(), emptyLinkedKeyNode = startNode(7, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc);
              return emptyLinkedKeyNode.value = "", endNode(emptyLinkedKeyNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc), linkedNode.key = emptyLinkedKeyNode, endNode(linkedNode, nextContext.offset, nextContext.startLoc), {
                nextConsumeToken: token,
                node: linkedNode
          return endNode(linkedNode, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), {
            node: linkedNode
        function parseMessage(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), startOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? tokenizer.currentOffset() : context.offset, startLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.endLoc : context.startLoc, node = startNode(2, startOffset, startLoc);
          node.items = [];
          let nextToken = null;
          do {
            const token = nextToken || tokenizer.nextToken();
            switch (nextToken = null, token.type) {
              case 0:
                token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), node.items.push(parseText(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 5:
                token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), node.items.push(parseList(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 4:
                token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), node.items.push(parseNamed(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 6:
                token.value == null && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, getTokenCaption(token)), node.items.push(parseLiteral(tokenizer, token.value || ""));
              case 7: {
                const parsed = parseLinked(tokenizer);
                node.items.push(parsed.node), nextToken = parsed.nextConsumeToken || null;
          } while (context.currentType !== 13 && context.currentType !== 1);
          const endOffset = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastOffset : tokenizer.currentOffset(), endLoc = context.currentType === 1 ? context.lastEndLoc : tokenizer.currentPosition();
          return endNode(node, endOffset, endLoc), node;
        function parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, loc, msgNode) {
          const context = tokenizer.context();
          let hasEmptyMessage = msgNode.items.length === 0;
          const node = startNode(1, offset, loc);
          node.cases = [], node.cases.push(msgNode);
          do {
            const msg = parseMessage(tokenizer);
            hasEmptyMessage || (hasEmptyMessage = msg.items.length === 0), node.cases.push(msg);
          } while (context.currentType !== 13);
          return hasEmptyMessage && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.MUST_HAVE_MESSAGES_IN_PLURAL, loc, 0), endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        function parseResource(tokenizer) {
          const context = tokenizer.context(), { offset, startLoc } = context, msgNode = parseMessage(tokenizer);
          return context.currentType === 13 ? msgNode : parsePlural(tokenizer, offset, startLoc, msgNode);
        function parse2(source) {
          const tokenizer = createTokenizer(source, assign({}, options)), context = tokenizer.context(), node = startNode(0, context.offset, context.startLoc);
          return location2 && node.loc && (node.loc.source = source), node.body = parseResource(tokenizer), options.onCacheKey && (node.cacheKey = options.onCacheKey(source)), context.currentType !== 13 && emitError(tokenizer, CompileErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_LEXICAL_ANALYSIS, context.lastStartLoc, 0, source[context.offset] || ""), endNode(node, tokenizer.currentOffset(), tokenizer.currentPosition()), node;
        return { parse: parse2 };
      function getTokenCaption(token) {
        if (token.type === 13)
          return "EOF";
        const name = (token.value || "").replace(/\r?\n/gu, "\\n");
        return name.length > 10 ? name.slice(0, 9) + "…" : name;
      function createTransformer(ast, options = {}) {
        const _context = {
          helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()
        return { context: () => _context, helper: (name) => (_context.helpers.add(name), name) };
      function traverseNodes(nodes, transformer) {
        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
          traverseNode(nodes[i], transformer);
      function traverseNode(node, transformer) {
        switch (node.type) {
          case 1:
            traverseNodes(node.cases, transformer), transformer.helper(
              /* HelperNameMap.PLURAL */
          case 2:
            traverseNodes(node.items, transformer);
          case 6: {
            traverseNode(node.key, transformer), transformer.helper(
              /* HelperNameMap.LINKED */
            ), transformer.helper(
              /* HelperNameMap.TYPE */
          case 5:
              /* HelperNameMap.INTERPOLATE */
            ), transformer.helper(
              /* HelperNameMap.LIST */
          case 4:
              /* HelperNameMap.INTERPOLATE */
            ), transformer.helper(
              /* HelperNameMap.NAMED */
      function transform(ast, options = {}) {
        const transformer = createTransformer(ast);
          /* HelperNameMap.NORMALIZE */
        ), ast.body && traverseNode(ast.body, transformer);
        const context = transformer.context();
        ast.helpers = Array.from(context.helpers);
      function optimize(ast) {
        const body = ast.body;
        return body.type === 2 ? optimizeMessageNode(body) : body.cases.forEach((c) => optimizeMessageNode(c)), ast;
      function optimizeMessageNode(message) {
        if (message.items.length === 1) {
          const item = message.items[0];
          (item.type === 3 || item.type === 9) && (message.static = item.value, delete item.value);
        } else {
          const values2 = [];
          for (let i = 0; i < message.items.length; i++) {
            const item = message.items[i];
            if (!(item.type === 3 || item.type === 9) || item.value == null)
          if (values2.length === message.items.length) {
            message.static = join(values2);
            for (let i = 0; i < message.items.length; i++) {
              const item = message.items[i];
              (item.type === 3 || item.type === 9) && delete item.value;
      function minify(node) {
        switch (node.t = node.type, node.type) {
          case 0: {
            const resource2 = node;
            minify(resource2.body), resource2.b = resource2.body, delete resource2.body;
          case 1: {
            const plural = node, cases = plural.cases;
            for (let i = 0; i < cases.length; i++)
            plural.c = cases, delete plural.cases;
          case 2: {
            const message = node, items = message.items;
            for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
            message.i = items, delete message.items, message.static && (message.s = message.static, delete message.static);
          case 3:
          case 9:
          case 8:
          case 7: {
            const valueNode = node;
            valueNode.value && (valueNode.v = valueNode.value, delete valueNode.value);
          case 6: {
            const linked = node;
            minify(linked.key), linked.k = linked.key, delete linked.key, linked.modifier && (minify(linked.modifier), linked.m = linked.modifier, delete linked.modifier);
          case 5: {
            const list = node;
            list.i = list.index, delete list.index;
          case 4: {
            const named = node;
            named.k = named.key, delete named.key;
        delete node.type;
      function createCodeGenerator(ast, options) {
        const { sourceMap, filename, breakLineCode, needIndent: _needIndent } = options, location2 = options.location !== !1, _context = {
          code: "",
          column: 1,
          line: 1,
          offset: 0,
          map: void 0,
          needIndent: _needIndent,
          indentLevel: 0
        location2 && ast.loc && (_context.source = ast.loc.source);
        const context = () => _context;
        function push(code, node) {
          _context.code += code;
        function _newline(n, withBreakLine = !0) {
          const _breakLineCode = withBreakLine ? breakLineCode : "";
          push(_needIndent ? _breakLineCode + "  ".repeat(n) : _breakLineCode);
        function indent(withNewLine = !0) {
          const level = ++_context.indentLevel;
          withNewLine && _newline(level);
        function deindent(withNewLine = !0) {
          const level = --_context.indentLevel;
          withNewLine && _newline(level);
        function newline() {
        return {
          helper: (key) => `_${key}`,
          needIndent: () => _context.needIndent
      function generateLinkedNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper } = generator;
        /* HelperNameMap.LINKED */
      )}(`), generateNode(generator, node.key), node.modifier ? (generator.push(", "), generateNode(generator, node.modifier), generator.push(", _type")) : generator.push(", undefined, _type"), generator.push(")");
      function generateMessageNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
        /* HelperNameMap.NORMALIZE */
      )}([`), generator.indent(needIndent());
        const length = node.items.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < length && (generateNode(generator, node.items[i]), i !== length - 1); i++)
          generator.push(", ");
        generator.deindent(needIndent()), generator.push("])");
      function generatePluralNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper, needIndent } = generator;
        if (node.cases.length > 1) {
          /* HelperNameMap.PLURAL */
        )}([`), generator.indent(needIndent());
          const length = node.cases.length;
          for (let i = 0; i < length && (generateNode(generator, node.cases[i]), i !== length - 1); i++)
            generator.push(", ");
          generator.deindent(needIndent()), generator.push("])");
      function generateResource(generator, node) {
        node.body ? generateNode(generator, node.body) : generator.push("null");
      function generateNode(generator, node) {
        const { helper } = generator;
        switch (node.type) {
          case 0:
            generateResource(generator, node);
          case 1:
            generatePluralNode(generator, node);
          case 2:
            generateMessageNode(generator, node);
          case 6:
            generateLinkedNode(generator, node);
          case 8:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 7:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 5:
            /* HelperNameMap.INTERPOLATE */
            /* HelperNameMap.LIST */
          )}(${node.index}))`, node);
          case 4:
            /* HelperNameMap.INTERPOLATE */
            /* HelperNameMap.NAMED */
          )}(${JSON.stringify(node.key)}))`, node);
          case 9:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
          case 3:
            generator.push(JSON.stringify(node.value), node);
      const generate = (ast, options = {}) => {
        const mode = isString(options.mode) ? options.mode : "normal", filename = isString(options.filename) ? options.filename : "message.intl", sourceMap = !!options.sourceMap, breakLineCode = options.breakLineCode != null ? options.breakLineCode : mode === "arrow" ? ";" : `
`, needIndent = options.needIndent ? options.needIndent : mode !== "arrow", helpers = ast.helpers || [], generator = createCodeGenerator(ast, {
        generator.push(mode === "normal" ? "function __msg__ (ctx) {" : "(ctx) => {"), generator.indent(needIndent), helpers.length > 0 && (generator.push(`const { ${join( => `${s}: _${s}`), ", ")} } = ctx`), generator.newline()), generator.push("return "), generateNode(generator, ast), generator.deindent(needIndent), generator.push("}"), delete ast.helpers;
        const { code, map: map2 } = generator.context();
        return {
          map: map2 ? map2.toJSON() : void 0
          // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      function baseCompile$1(source, options = {}) {
        const assignedOptions = assign({}, options), jit = !!assignedOptions.jit, enalbeMinify = !!assignedOptions.minify, enambeOptimize = assignedOptions.optimize == null ? !0 : assignedOptions.optimize, ast = createParser(assignedOptions).parse(source);
        return jit ? (enambeOptimize && optimize(ast), enalbeMinify && minify(ast), { ast, code: "" }) : (transform(ast, assignedOptions), generate(ast, assignedOptions));
      function initFeatureFlags$2() {
        typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ != "boolean" && (getGlobalThis$1().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = !1);
      function format(ast) {
        return (ctx) => formatParts(ctx, ast);
      function formatParts(ctx, ast) {
        const body = resolveBody(ast);
        if (body == null)
          throw createUnhandleNodeError(
            /* NodeTypes.Resource */
        if (resolveType(body) === 1) {
          const cases = resolveCases(body);
          return ctx.plural(cases.reduce((messages, c) => [
            formatMessageParts(ctx, c)
          ], []));
        } else
          return formatMessageParts(ctx, body);
      const PROPS_BODY = ["b", "body"];
      function resolveBody(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_BODY);
      const PROPS_CASES = ["c", "cases"];
      function resolveCases(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_CASES, []);
      function formatMessageParts(ctx, node) {
        const static_ = resolveStatic(node);
        if (static_ != null)
          return ctx.type === "text" ? static_ : ctx.normalize([static_]);
          const messages = resolveItems(node).reduce((acm, c) => [...acm, formatMessagePart(ctx, c)], []);
          return ctx.normalize(messages);
      const PROPS_STATIC = ["s", "static"];
      function resolveStatic(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_STATIC);
      const PROPS_ITEMS = ["i", "items"];
      function resolveItems(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_ITEMS, []);
      function formatMessagePart(ctx, node) {
        const type = resolveType(node);
        switch (type) {
          case 3:
            return resolveValue$1(node, type);
          case 9:
            return resolveValue$1(node, type);
          case 4: {
            const named = node;
            if (hasOwn(named, "k") && named.k)
              return ctx.interpolate(ctx.named(named.k));
            if (hasOwn(named, "key") && named.key)
              return ctx.interpolate(ctx.named(named.key));
            throw createUnhandleNodeError(type);
          case 5: {
            const list = node;
            if (hasOwn(list, "i") && isNumber(list.i))
              return ctx.interpolate(ctx.list(list.i));
            if (hasOwn(list, "index") && isNumber(list.index))
              return ctx.interpolate(ctx.list(list.index));
            throw createUnhandleNodeError(type);
          case 6: {
            const linked = node, modifier = resolveLinkedModifier(linked), key = resolveLinkedKey(linked);
            return ctx.linked(formatMessagePart(ctx, key), modifier ? formatMessagePart(ctx, modifier) : void 0, ctx.type);
          case 7:
            return resolveValue$1(node, type);
          case 8:
            return resolveValue$1(node, type);
            throw new Error(`unhandled node on format message part: ${type}`);
      const PROPS_TYPE = ["t", "type"];
      function resolveType(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_TYPE);
      const PROPS_VALUE = ["v", "value"];
      function resolveValue$1(node, type) {
        const resolved = resolveProps(node, PROPS_VALUE);
        if (resolved)
          return resolved;
        throw createUnhandleNodeError(type);
      const PROPS_MODIFIER = ["m", "modifier"];
      function resolveLinkedModifier(node) {
        return resolveProps(node, PROPS_MODIFIER);
      const PROPS_KEY = ["k", "key"];
      function resolveLinkedKey(node) {
        const resolved = resolveProps(node, PROPS_KEY);
        if (resolved)
          return resolved;
        throw createUnhandleNodeError(
          /* NodeTypes.Linked */
      function resolveProps(node, props, defaultValue) {
        for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
          const prop = props[i];
          if (hasOwn(node, prop) && node[prop] != null)
            return node[prop];
        return defaultValue;
      function createUnhandleNodeError(type) {
        return new Error(`unhandled node type: ${type}`);
      const defaultOnCacheKey = (message) => message;
      let compileCache = create$1();
      function isMessageAST(val) {
        return isObject$3(val) && resolveType(val) === 0 && (hasOwn(val, "b") || hasOwn(val, "body"));
      function baseCompile(message, options = {}) {
        let detectError = !1;
        const onError = options.onError || defaultOnError;
        return options.onError = (err) => {
          detectError = !0, onError(err);
        }, { ...baseCompile$1(message, options), detectError };
      // @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__
      function compile(message, context) {
        if (isString(message)) {
          isBoolean(context.warnHtmlMessage) && context.warnHtmlMessage;
          const cacheKey = (context.onCacheKey || defaultOnCacheKey)(message), cached = compileCache[cacheKey];
          if (cached)
            return cached;
          const { ast, detectError } = baseCompile(message, {
            location: !1,
            jit: !0
          }), msg = format(ast);
          return detectError ? msg : compileCache[cacheKey] = msg;
        } else {
          const cacheKey = message.cacheKey;
          if (cacheKey) {
            const cached = compileCache[cacheKey];
            return cached || (compileCache[cacheKey] = format(message));
          } else
            return format(message);
      let devtools = null;
      function setDevToolsHook(hook) {
        devtools = hook;
      function initI18nDevTools(i18n2, version, meta) {
        devtools && devtools.emit("i18n:init", {
          i18n: i18n2,
      const translateDevTools = /* @__PURE__ */ createDevToolsHook("function:translate");
      function createDevToolsHook(hook) {
        return (payloads) => devtools && devtools.emit(hook, payloads);
      const CoreErrorCodes = {
        // 17
      function createCoreError(code) {
        return createCompileError(code, null, void 0);
      function getLocale(context, options) {
        return options.locale != null ? resolveLocale(options.locale) : resolveLocale(context.locale);
      let _resolveLocale;
      function resolveLocale(locale) {
        if (isString(locale))
          return locale;
        if (isFunction$1(locale)) {
          if (locale.resolvedOnce && _resolveLocale != null)
            return _resolveLocale;
          if ( === "Function") {
            const resolve = locale();
            if (isPromise(resolve))
              throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.NOT_SUPPORT_LOCALE_PROMISE_VALUE);
            return _resolveLocale = resolve;
          } else
            throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.NOT_SUPPORT_LOCALE_ASYNC_FUNCTION);
        } else
          throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.NOT_SUPPORT_LOCALE_TYPE);
      function fallbackWithSimple(ctx, fallback, start) {
        return [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
          ...isArray(fallback) ? fallback : isObject$3(fallback) ? Object.keys(fallback) : isString(fallback) ? [fallback] : [start]
      function resolveWithKeyValue(obj, path) {
        return isObject$3(obj) ? obj[path] : null;
      const VERSION$1 = "10.0.5", NOT_REOSLVED = -1, DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en-US", capitalize = (str) => `${str.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase()}${str.substr(1)}`;
      function getDefaultLinkedModifiers() {
        return {
          upper: (val, type) => type === "text" && isString(val) ? val.toUpperCase() : type === "vnode" && isObject$3(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? val.children.toUpperCase() : val,
          lower: (val, type) => type === "text" && isString(val) ? val.toLowerCase() : type === "vnode" && isObject$3(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? val.children.toLowerCase() : val,
          capitalize: (val, type) => type === "text" && isString(val) ? capitalize(val) : type === "vnode" && isObject$3(val) && "__v_isVNode" in val ? capitalize(val.children) : val
      let _compiler;
      function registerMessageCompiler(compiler) {
        _compiler = compiler;
      let _resolver;
      function registerMessageResolver(resolver) {
        _resolver = resolver;
      let _fallbackContext = null;
      const setFallbackContext = (context) => {
        _fallbackContext = context;
      }, getFallbackContext = () => _fallbackContext;
      let _cid = 0;
      function createCoreContext(options = {}) {
        const onWarn = isFunction$1(options.onWarn) ? options.onWarn : warn, version = isString(options.version) ? options.version : VERSION$1, locale = isString(options.locale) || isFunction$1(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE, _locale = isFunction$1(locale) ? DEFAULT_LOCALE : locale, fallbackLocale = isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || isString(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === !1 ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale, messages = isPlainObject(options.messages) ? options.messages : createResources(_locale), datetimeFormats = isPlainObject(options.datetimeFormats) ? options.datetimeFormats : createResources(_locale), numberFormats = isPlainObject(options.numberFormats) ? options.numberFormats : createResources(_locale), modifiers = assign(create$1(), options.modifiers, getDefaultLinkedModifiers()), pluralRules = options.pluralRules || create$1(), missing = isFunction$1(options.missing) ? options.missing : null, missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : !0, fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : !0, fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat, unresolving = !!options.unresolving, postTranslation = isFunction$1(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null, processor = isPlainObject(options.processor) ? options.processor : null, warnHtmlMessage = isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : !0, escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter, messageCompiler = isFunction$1(options.messageCompiler) ? options.messageCompiler : _compiler, messageResolver = isFunction$1(options.messageResolver) ? options.messageResolver : _resolver || resolveWithKeyValue, localeFallbacker = isFunction$1(options.localeFallbacker) ? options.localeFallbacker : fallbackWithSimple, fallbackContext = isObject$3(options.fallbackContext) ? options.fallbackContext : void 0, internalOptions = options, __datetimeFormatters = isObject$3(internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters) ? internalOptions.__datetimeFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), __numberFormatters = isObject$3(internalOptions.__numberFormatters) ? internalOptions.__numberFormatters : /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), __meta = isObject$3(internalOptions.__meta) ? internalOptions.__meta : {};
        const context = {
          cid: _cid,
        return context.datetimeFormats = datetimeFormats, context.numberFormats = numberFormats, context.__datetimeFormatters = __datetimeFormatters, context.__numberFormatters = __numberFormatters, __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ && initI18nDevTools(context, version, __meta), context;
      const createResources = (locale) => ({ [locale]: create$1() });
      function handleMissing(context, key, locale, missingWarn, type) {
        const { missing, onWarn } = context;
        if (missing !== null) {
          const ret = missing(context, locale, key, type);
          return isString(ret) ? ret : key;
        } else
          return key;
      function updateFallbackLocale(ctx, locale, fallback) {
        const context = ctx;
        context.__localeChainCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), ctx.localeFallbacker(ctx, fallback, locale);
      function isAlmostSameLocale(locale, compareLocale) {
        return locale === compareLocale ? !1 : locale.split("-")[0] === compareLocale.split("-")[0];
      function isImplicitFallback(targetLocale, locales) {
        const index = locales.indexOf(targetLocale);
        if (index === -1)
          return !1;
        for (let i = index + 1; i < locales.length; i++)
          if (isAlmostSameLocale(targetLocale, locales[i]))
            return !0;
        return !1;
      const DEFAULT_MODIFIER = (str) => str, DEFAULT_MESSAGE = (ctx) => "", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE = "text", DEFAULT_NORMALIZE = (values2) => values2.length === 0 ? "" : join(values2), DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE = toDisplayString;
      function pluralDefault(choice, choicesLength) {
        return choice = Math.abs(choice), choicesLength === 2 ? choice ? choice > 1 ? 1 : 0 : 1 : choice ? Math.min(choice, 2) : 0;
      function getPluralIndex(options) {
        const index = isNumber(options.pluralIndex) ? options.pluralIndex : -1;
        return options.named && (isNumber(options.named.count) || isNumber(options.named.n)) ? isNumber(options.named.count) ? options.named.count : isNumber(options.named.n) ? options.named.n : index : index;
      function normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, props) {
        props.count || (props.count = pluralIndex), props.n || (props.n = pluralIndex);
      function createMessageContext(options = {}) {
        const locale = options.locale, pluralIndex = getPluralIndex(options), pluralRule = isObject$3(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction$1(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? options.pluralRules[locale] : pluralDefault, orgPluralRule = isObject$3(options.pluralRules) && isString(locale) && isFunction$1(options.pluralRules[locale]) ? pluralDefault : void 0, plural = (messages) => messages[pluralRule(pluralIndex, messages.length, orgPluralRule)], _list = options.list || [], list = (index) => _list[index], _named = options.named || create$1();
        isNumber(options.pluralIndex) && normalizeNamed(pluralIndex, _named);
        const named = (key) => _named[key];
        function message(key, useLinked) {
          const msg = isFunction$1(options.messages) ? options.messages(key, !!useLinked) : isObject$3(options.messages) ? options.messages[key] : !1;
          return msg || (options.parent ? options.parent.message(key) : DEFAULT_MESSAGE);
        const _modifier = (name) => options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : DEFAULT_MODIFIER, normalize = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction$1(options.processor.normalize) ? options.processor.normalize : DEFAULT_NORMALIZE, interpolate = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isFunction$1(options.processor.interpolate) ? options.processor.interpolate : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATE, type = isPlainObject(options.processor) && isString(options.processor.type) ? options.processor.type : DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DATA_TYPE, ctx = {
          linked: (key, ...args) => {
            const [arg1, arg2] = args;
            let type2 = "text", modifier = "";
            args.length === 1 ? isObject$3(arg1) ? (modifier = arg1.modifier || modifier, type2 = arg1.type || type2) : isString(arg1) && (modifier = arg1 || modifier) : args.length === 2 && (isString(arg1) && (modifier = arg1 || modifier), isString(arg2) && (type2 = arg2 || type2));
            const ret = message(key, !0)(ctx), msg = (
              // The message in vnode resolved with linked are returned as an array by processor.nomalize
              type2 === "vnode" && isArray(ret) && modifier ? ret[0] : ret
            return modifier ? _modifier(modifier)(msg, type2) : msg;
          values: assign(create$1(), _list, _named)
        return ctx;
      const NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION = () => "", isMessageFunction = (val) => isFunction$1(val);
      function translate(context, ...args) {
        const { fallbackFormat, postTranslation, unresolving, messageCompiler, fallbackLocale, messages } = context, [key, options] = parseTranslateArgs(...args), missingWarn = isBoolean(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : context.missingWarn, fallbackWarn = isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : context.fallbackWarn, escapeParameter = isBoolean(options.escapeParameter) ? options.escapeParameter : context.escapeParameter, resolvedMessage = !!options.resolvedMessage, defaultMsgOrKey = isString(options.default) || isBoolean(options.default) ? isBoolean(options.default) ? messageCompiler ? key : () => key : options.default : fallbackFormat ? messageCompiler ? key : () => key : null, enableDefaultMsg = fallbackFormat || defaultMsgOrKey != null && (isString(defaultMsgOrKey) || isFunction$1(defaultMsgOrKey)), locale = getLocale(context, options);
        escapeParameter && escapeParams(options);
        let [formatScope, targetLocale, message] = resolvedMessage ? [
          messages[locale] || create$1()
        ] : resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn), format2 = formatScope, cacheBaseKey = key;
        if (!resolvedMessage && !(isString(format2) || isMessageAST(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2)) && enableDefaultMsg && (format2 = defaultMsgOrKey, cacheBaseKey = format2), !resolvedMessage && (!(isString(format2) || isMessageAST(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2)) || !isString(targetLocale)))
          return unresolving ? NOT_REOSLVED : key;
        let occurred = !1;
        const onError = () => {
          occurred = !0;
        }, msg = isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2 : compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, onError);
        if (occurred)
          return format2;
        const ctxOptions = getMessageContextOptions(context, targetLocale, message, options), msgContext = createMessageContext(ctxOptions), messaged = evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgContext), ret = postTranslation ? postTranslation(messaged, key) : messaged;
        if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
          const payloads = {
            key: isString(key) ? key : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.key : "",
            locale: targetLocale || (isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.locale : ""),
            format: isString(format2) ? format2 : isMessageFunction(format2) ? format2.source : "",
            message: ret
          payloads.meta = assign({}, context.__meta,  {}), translateDevTools(payloads);
        return ret;
      function escapeParams(options) {
        isArray(options.list) ? options.list = => isString(item) ? escapeHtml(item) : item) : isObject$3(options.named) && Object.keys(options.named).forEach((key) => {
          isString(options.named[key]) && (options.named[key] = escapeHtml(options.named[key]));
      function resolveMessageFormat(context, key, locale, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn) {
        const { messages, onWarn, messageResolver: resolveValue2, localeFallbacker } = context, locales = localeFallbacker(context, fallbackLocale, locale);
        let message = create$1(), targetLocale, format2 = null;
        const type = "translate";
        for (let i = 0; i < locales.length && (targetLocale = locales[i], message = messages[targetLocale] || create$1(), (format2 = resolveValue2(message, key)) === null && (format2 = message[key]), !(isString(format2) || isMessageAST(format2) || isMessageFunction(format2))); i++)
          if (!isImplicitFallback(targetLocale, locales)) {
            const missingRet = handleMissing(
              // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            missingRet !== key && (format2 = missingRet);
        return [format2, targetLocale, message];
      function compileMessageFormat(context, key, targetLocale, format2, cacheBaseKey, onError) {
        const { messageCompiler, warnHtmlMessage } = context;
        if (isMessageFunction(format2)) {
          const msg2 = format2;
          return msg2.locale = msg2.locale || targetLocale, msg2.key = msg2.key || key, msg2;
        if (messageCompiler == null) {
          const msg2 = () => format2;
          return msg2.locale = targetLocale, msg2.key = key, msg2;
        const msg = messageCompiler(format2, getCompileContext(context, targetLocale, cacheBaseKey, format2, warnHtmlMessage, onError));
        return msg.locale = targetLocale, msg.key = key, msg.source = format2, msg;
      function evaluateMessage(context, msg, msgCtx) {
        return msg(msgCtx);
      function parseTranslateArgs(...args) {
        const [arg1, arg2, arg3] = args, options = create$1();
        if (!isString(arg1) && !isNumber(arg1) && !isMessageFunction(arg1) && !isMessageAST(arg1))
          throw createCoreError(CoreErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENT);
        const key = isNumber(arg1) ? String(arg1) : (arg1);
        return isNumber(arg2) ? options.plural = arg2 : isString(arg2) ? options.default = arg2 : isPlainObject(arg2) && !isEmptyObject(arg2) ? options.named = arg2 : isArray(arg2) && (options.list = arg2), isNumber(arg3) ? options.plural = arg3 : isString(arg3) ? options.default = arg3 : isPlainObject(arg3) && assign(options, arg3), [key, options];
      function getCompileContext(context, locale, key, source, warnHtmlMessage, onError) {
        return {
          onError: (err) => {
            throw onError && onError(err), err;
          onCacheKey: (source2) => generateFormatCacheKey(locale, key, source2)
      function getMessageContextOptions(context, locale, message, options) {
        const { modifiers, pluralRules, messageResolver: resolveValue2, fallbackLocale, fallbackWarn, missingWarn, fallbackContext } = context, ctxOptions = {
          messages: (key, useLinked) => {
            let val = resolveValue2(message, key);
            if (val == null && (fallbackContext || useLinked)) {
              const [, , message2] = resolveMessageFormat(
                fallbackContext || context,
                // NOTE: if has fallbackContext, fallback to root, else if use linked, fallback to local context
              val = resolveValue2(message2, key);
            if (isString(val) || isMessageAST(val)) {
              let occurred = !1;
              const msg = compileMessageFormat(context, key, locale, val, key, () => {
                occurred = !0;
              return occurred ? NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION : msg;
            } else return isMessageFunction(val) ? val : NOOP_MESSAGE_FUNCTION;
        return context.processor && (ctxOptions.processor = context.processor), options.list && (ctxOptions.list = options.list), options.named && (ctxOptions.named = options.named), isNumber(options.plural) && (ctxOptions.pluralIndex = options.plural), ctxOptions;
      const VERSION = "10.0.5";
      function initFeatureFlags$1() {
        typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ != "boolean" && (getGlobalThis$1().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = !1);
      const I18nErrorCodes = {
        // composer module errors
        // 24
        // legacy module errors
        // i18n module errors
        NOT_INSTALLED: 27,
        // directive module errors
        REQUIRED_VALUE: 28,
        INVALID_VALUE: 29,
        // vue-devtools errors
        // unexpected error
        // not compatible legacy vue-i18n constructor
        // Not available Compostion API in Legacy API mode. Please make sure that the legacy API mode is working properly
      function createI18nError(code, ...args) {
        return createCompileError(code, null, void 0);
      const SetPluralRulesSymbol = makeSymbol("__setPluralRules"), DisposeSymbol = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("__dispose");
      function handleFlatJson(obj) {
        if (!isObject$3(obj))
          return obj;
        for (const key in obj)
          if (hasOwn(obj, key))
            if (!key.includes("."))
              isObject$3(obj[key]) && handleFlatJson(obj[key]);
            else {
              const subKeys = key.split("."), lastIndex = subKeys.length - 1;
              let currentObj = obj, hasStringValue = !1;
              for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                if (subKeys[i] in currentObj || (currentObj[subKeys[i]] = create$1()), !isObject$3(currentObj[subKeys[i]])) {
                  hasStringValue = !0;
                currentObj = currentObj[subKeys[i]];
              hasStringValue || (currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]] = obj[key], delete obj[key]), isObject$3(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]]) && handleFlatJson(currentObj[subKeys[lastIndex]]);
        return obj;
      function getLocaleMessages(locale, options) {
        const { messages, __i18n, messageResolver, flatJson } = options, ret = isPlainObject(messages) ? messages : isArray(__i18n) ? create$1() : { [locale]: create$1() };
        if (isArray(__i18n) && __i18n.forEach((custom) => {
          if ("locale" in custom && "resource" in custom) {
            const { locale: locale2, resource: resource2 } = custom;
            locale2 ? (ret[locale2] = ret[locale2] || create$1(), deepCopy(resource2, ret[locale2])) : deepCopy(resource2, ret);
          } else
            isString(custom) && deepCopy(JSON.parse(custom), ret);
        }), messageResolver == null && flatJson)
          for (const key in ret)
            hasOwn(ret, key) && handleFlatJson(ret[key]);
        return ret;
      function getComponentOptions(instance) {
        return instance.type;
      function adjustI18nResources(gl, options, componentOptions) {
        let messages = isObject$3(options.messages) ? options.messages : create$1();
        "__i18nGlobal" in componentOptions && (messages = getLocaleMessages(gl.locale.value, {
          __i18n: componentOptions.__i18nGlobal
        const locales = Object.keys(messages);
        locales.length && locales.forEach((locale) => {
          gl.mergeLocaleMessage(locale, messages[locale]);
      let composerID = 0;
      function defineCoreMissingHandler(missing) {
        return (ctx, locale, key, type) => missing(locale, key, vue.getCurrentInstance() || void 0, type);
      function createComposer(options = {}) {
        const { __root, __injectWithOption } = options, _isGlobal = __root === void 0, flatJson = options.flatJson, _ref = inBrowser ? vue.ref : vue.shallowRef;
        let _inheritLocale = isBoolean(options.inheritLocale) ? options.inheritLocale : !0;
        const _locale = _ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.locale.value : isString(options.locale) ? options.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE
        ), _fallbackLocale = _ref(
          // prettier-ignore
          __root && _inheritLocale ? __root.fallbackLocale.value : isString(options.fallbackLocale) || isArray(options.fallbackLocale) || isPlainObject(options.fallbackLocale) || options.fallbackLocale === !1 ? options.fallbackLocale : _locale.value
        ), _messages = _ref(getLocaleMessages(_locale.value, options));
        let _missingWarn = __root ? __root.missingWarn : isBoolean(options.missingWarn) || isRegExp(options.missingWarn) ? options.missingWarn : !0, _fallbackWarn = __root ? __root.fallbackWarn : isBoolean(options.fallbackWarn) || isRegExp(options.fallbackWarn) ? options.fallbackWarn : !0, _fallbackRoot = __root ? __root.fallbackRoot : isBoolean(options.fallbackRoot) ? options.fallbackRoot : !0, _fallbackFormat = !!options.fallbackFormat, _missing = isFunction$1(options.missing) ? options.missing : null, _runtimeMissing = isFunction$1(options.missing) ? defineCoreMissingHandler(options.missing) : null, _postTranslation = isFunction$1(options.postTranslation) ? options.postTranslation : null, _warnHtmlMessage = __root ? __root.warnHtmlMessage : isBoolean(options.warnHtmlMessage) ? options.warnHtmlMessage : !0, _escapeParameter = !!options.escapeParameter;
        const _modifiers = __root ? __root.modifiers : isPlainObject(options.modifiers) ? options.modifiers : {};
        let _pluralRules = options.pluralRules || __root && __root.pluralRules, _context;
        _context = (() => {
          _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(null);
          const ctxOptions = {
            version: VERSION,
            locale: _locale.value,
            fallbackLocale: _fallbackLocale.value,
            messages: _messages.value,
            modifiers: _modifiers,
            pluralRules: _pluralRules,
            missing: _runtimeMissing === null ? void 0 : _runtimeMissing,
            missingWarn: _missingWarn,
            fallbackWarn: _fallbackWarn,
            fallbackFormat: _fallbackFormat,
            unresolving: !0,
            postTranslation: _postTranslation === null ? void 0 : _postTranslation,
            warnHtmlMessage: _warnHtmlMessage,
            escapeParameter: _escapeParameter,
            messageResolver: options.messageResolver,
            messageCompiler: options.messageCompiler,
            __meta: { framework: "vue" }
          }, ctx = createCoreContext(ctxOptions);
          return _isGlobal && setFallbackContext(ctx), ctx;
        })(), updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value);
        function trackReactivityValues() {
          return [_locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value, _messages.value];
        const locale = vue.computed({
          get: () => _locale.value,
          set: (val) => {
            _locale.value = val, _context.locale = _locale.value;
        }), fallbackLocale = vue.computed({
          get: () => _fallbackLocale.value,
          set: (val) => {
            _fallbackLocale.value = val, _context.fallbackLocale = _fallbackLocale.value, updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, val);
        }), messages = vue.computed(() => _messages.value);
        function getPostTranslationHandler() {
          return isFunction$1(_postTranslation) ? _postTranslation : null;
        function setPostTranslationHandler(handler) {
          _postTranslation = handler, _context.postTranslation = handler;
        function getMissingHandler() {
          return _missing;
        function setMissingHandler(handler) {
          handler !== null && (_runtimeMissing = defineCoreMissingHandler(handler)), _missing = handler, _context.missing = _runtimeMissing;
        const wrapWithDeps = (fn, argumentParser, warnType, fallbackSuccess, fallbackFail, successCondition) => {
          let ret;
          try {
            __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__, _isGlobal || (_context.fallbackContext = __root ? getFallbackContext() : void 0), ret = fn(_context);
          } finally {
            __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__, _isGlobal || (_context.fallbackContext = void 0);
          if (
            // for not `te` (e.g `t`)
            isNumber(ret) && ret === NOT_REOSLVED || warnType === "translate exists"
          ) {
            const [key, arg2] = argumentParser();
            return __root && _fallbackRoot ? fallbackSuccess(__root) : fallbackFail(key);
          } else {
            if (successCondition(ret))
              return ret;
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE);
        function t2(...args) {
          return wrapWithDeps((context) => Reflect.apply(translate, null, [context, ...args]), () => parseTranslateArgs(...args), "translate", (root2) => Reflect.apply(root2.t, root2, [...args]), (key) => key, (val) => isString(val));
        function setPluralRules(rules) {
          _pluralRules = rules, _context.pluralRules = _pluralRules;
        function getLocaleMessage(locale2) {
          return _messages.value[locale2] || {};
        function setLocaleMessage(locale2, message) {
          if (flatJson) {
            const _message = { [locale2]: message };
            for (const key in _message)
              hasOwn(_message, key) && handleFlatJson(_message[key]);
            message = _message[locale2];
          _messages.value[locale2] = message, _context.messages = _messages.value;
        function mergeLocaleMessage(locale2, message) {
          _messages.value[locale2] = _messages.value[locale2] || {};
          const _message = { [locale2]: message };
          if (flatJson)
            for (const key in _message)
              hasOwn(_message, key) && handleFlatJson(_message[key]);
          message = _message[locale2], deepCopy(message, _messages.value[locale2]), _context.messages = _messages.value;
        return composerID++, __root && inBrowser && (, (val) => {
          _inheritLocale && (_locale.value = val, _context.locale = val, updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value));
        }),, (val) => {
          _inheritLocale && (_fallbackLocale.value = val, _context.fallbackLocale = val, updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value));
        })), {
          id: composerID,
          get inheritLocale() {
            return _inheritLocale;
          set inheritLocale(val) {
            _inheritLocale = val, val && __root && (_locale.value = __root.locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value = __root.fallbackLocale.value, updateFallbackLocale(_context, _locale.value, _fallbackLocale.value));
          get availableLocales() {
            return Object.keys(_messages.value).sort();
          get modifiers() {
            return _modifiers;
          get pluralRules() {
            return _pluralRules || {};
          get isGlobal() {
            return _isGlobal;
          get missingWarn() {
            return _missingWarn;
          set missingWarn(val) {
            _missingWarn = val, _context.missingWarn = _missingWarn;
          get fallbackWarn() {
            return _fallbackWarn;
          set fallbackWarn(val) {
            _fallbackWarn = val, _context.fallbackWarn = _fallbackWarn;
          get fallbackRoot() {
            return _fallbackRoot;
          set fallbackRoot(val) {
            _fallbackRoot = val;
          get fallbackFormat() {
            return _fallbackFormat;
          set fallbackFormat(val) {
            _fallbackFormat = val, _context.fallbackFormat = _fallbackFormat;
          get warnHtmlMessage() {
            return _warnHtmlMessage;
          set warnHtmlMessage(val) {
            _warnHtmlMessage = val, _context.warnHtmlMessage = val;
          get escapeParameter() {
            return _escapeParameter;
          set escapeParameter(val) {
            _escapeParameter = val, _context.escapeParameter = val;
          t: t2,
          [SetPluralRulesSymbol]: setPluralRules
      const I18nInjectionKey = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("global-vue-i18n");
      function createI18n(options = {}, VueI18nLegacy) {
        const __globalInjection = isBoolean(options.globalInjection) ? options.globalInjection : !0, __instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), [globalScope, __global] = createGlobal(options), symbol = /* @__PURE__ */ makeSymbol("");
        function __getInstance(component) {
          return __instances.get(component) || null;
        function __setInstance(component, instance) {
          __instances.set(component, instance);
        function __deleteInstance(component) {
        const i18n2 = {
          // mode
          get mode() {
            return "composition";
          // install plugin
          async install(app, ...options2) {
            if (app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__ = symbol, app.provide(app.__VUE_I18N_SYMBOL__, i18n2), isPlainObject(options2[0])) {
              const opts = options2[0];
              i18n2.__composerExtend = opts.__composerExtend, i18n2.__vueI18nExtend = opts.__vueI18nExtend;
            let globalReleaseHandler = null;
            __globalInjection && (globalReleaseHandler = injectGlobalFields(app,;
            const unmountApp = app.unmount;
            app.unmount = () => {
              globalReleaseHandler && globalReleaseHandler(), i18n2.dispose(), unmountApp();
          // global accessor
          get global() {
            return __global;
          dispose() {
          // @internal
          // @internal
          // @internal
          // @internal
        return i18n2;
      function useI18n(options = {}) {
        const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance();
        if (instance == null)
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.MUST_BE_CALL_SETUP_TOP);
        if (!instance.isCE && != null && !
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSTALLED);
        const i18n2 = getI18nInstance(instance), gl = getGlobalComposer(i18n2), componentOptions = getComponentOptions(instance), scope = getScope(options, componentOptions);
        if (scope === "global")
          return adjustI18nResources(gl, options, componentOptions), gl;
        if (scope === "parent") {
          let composer2 = getComposer(i18n2, instance, options.__useComponent);
          return composer2 == null && (composer2 = gl), composer2;
        const i18nInternal = i18n2;
        let composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(instance);
        if (composer == null) {
          const composerOptions = assign({}, options);
          "__i18n" in componentOptions && (composerOptions.__i18n = componentOptions.__i18n), gl && (composerOptions.__root = gl), composer = createComposer(composerOptions), i18nInternal.__composerExtend && (composer[DisposeSymbol] = i18nInternal.__composerExtend(composer)), setupLifeCycle(i18nInternal, instance, composer), i18nInternal.__setInstance(instance, composer);
        return composer;
      function createGlobal(options, legacyMode, VueI18nLegacy) {
        const scope = vue.effectScope(), obj = => createComposer(options));
        if (obj == null)
          throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
        return [scope, obj];
      function getI18nInstance(instance) {
        const i18n2 = vue.inject(instance.isCE ? I18nInjectionKey :;
        if (!i18n2)
          throw createI18nError(instance.isCE ? I18nErrorCodes.NOT_INSTALLED_WITH_PROVIDE : I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
        return i18n2;
      function getScope(options, componentOptions) {
        return isEmptyObject(options) ? "__i18n" in componentOptions ? "local" : "global" : options.useScope ? options.useScope : "local";
      function getGlobalComposer(i18n2) {
        return i18n2.mode === "composition" ? :;
      function getComposer(i18n2, target, useComponent = !1) {
        let composer = null;
        const root2 = target.root;
        let current = getParentComponentInstance(target, useComponent);
        for (; current != null; ) {
          const i18nInternal = i18n2;
          if (i18n2.mode === "composition" && (composer = i18nInternal.__getInstance(current)), composer != null || root2 === current)
          current = current.parent;
        return composer;
      function getParentComponentInstance(target, useComponent = !1) {
        return target == null ? null : useComponent && target.vnode.ctx || target.parent;
      function setupLifeCycle(i18n2, target, composer) {
        vue.onMounted(() => {
        }, target), vue.onUnmounted(() => {
          const _composer = composer;
          const dispose = _composer[DisposeSymbol];
          dispose && (dispose(), delete _composer[DisposeSymbol]);
        }, target);
      const globalExportProps = [
      ], globalExportMethods = ["t"];
      function injectGlobalFields(app, composer) {
        const i18n2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
        return globalExportProps.forEach((prop) => {
          const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, prop);
          if (!desc)
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          const wrap2 = vue.isRef(desc.value) ? {
            get() {
              return desc.value.value;
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            set(val) {
              desc.value.value = val;
          } : {
            get() {
              return desc.get && desc.get();
          Object.defineProperty(i18n2, prop, wrap2);
        }), app.config.globalProperties.$i18n = i18n2, globalExportMethods.forEach((method) => {
          const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(composer, method);
          if (!desc || !desc.value)
            throw createI18nError(I18nErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ERROR);
          Object.defineProperty(app.config.globalProperties, `$${method}`, desc);
        }), () => {
          delete app.config.globalProperties.$i18n, globalExportMethods.forEach((method) => {
            delete app.config.globalProperties[`$${method}`];
      if (__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) {
        const target = getGlobalThis$1();
        target.__INTLIFY__ = !0, setDevToolsHook(target.__INTLIFY_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__);
      const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "ConfirmPopup",
        emits: ["confirm"],
        setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
          const emit = __emit, { t: t2 } = useI18n();
          return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElPopconfirm), {
            title: vue.unref(t2)("confirmPopup.title"),
            "confirm-button-text": vue.unref(t2)("confirmPopup.yes"),
            "cancel-button-text": vue.unref(t2)(""),
            placement: "top",
            onConfirm: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => emit("confirm", ...args))
          }, {
            reference: vue.withCtx(() => [
              vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
            _: 3
          }, 8, ["title", "confirm-button-text", "cancel-button-text"]));
      var FileSaver_min$1 = { exports: {} }, FileSaver_min = FileSaver_min$1.exports, hasRequiredFileSaver_min;
      function requireFileSaver_min() {
        return hasRequiredFileSaver_min || (hasRequiredFileSaver_min = 1, function(module2, exports2) {
          (function(a, b) {
          })(FileSaver_min, function() {
            function b(a2, b2) {
              return typeof b2 > "u" ? b2 = { autoBom: !1 } : typeof b2 != "object" && (console.warn("Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object"), b2 = { autoBom: !b2 }), b2.autoBom && /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(a2.type) ? new Blob(["\uFEFF", a2], { type: a2.type }) : a2;
            function c(a2, b2, c2) {
              var d2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
    "GET", a2), d2.responseType = "blob", d2.onload = function() {
                g(d2.response, b2, c2);
              }, d2.onerror = function() {
                console.error("could not download file");
              }, d2.send();
            function d(a2) {
              var b2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
    "HEAD", a2, !1);
              try {
              } catch {
              return 200 <= b2.status && 299 >= b2.status;
            function e(a2) {
              try {
                a2.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
              } catch {
                var b2 = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
                b2.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), a2.dispatchEvent(b2);
            var f = typeof window == "object" && window.window === window ? window : typeof self == "object" && self.self === self ? self : typeof commonjsGlobal == "object" && === commonjsGlobal ? commonjsGlobal : void 0, a = f.navigator && /Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent), g = f.saveAs || (typeof window != "object" || window !== f ? function() {
            } : "download" in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype && !a ? function(b2, g2, h2) {
              var i = f.URL || f.webkitURL, j = document.createElement("a");
              g2 = g2 || || "download", = g2, j.rel = "noopener", typeof b2 == "string" ? (j.href = b2, j.origin === location.origin ? e(j) : d(j.href) ? c(b2, g2, h2) : e(j, = "_blank")) : (j.href = i.createObjectURL(b2), setTimeout(function() {
              }, 4e4), setTimeout(function() {
              }, 0));
            } : "msSaveOrOpenBlob" in navigator ? function(f2, g2, h2) {
              if (g2 = g2 || || "download", typeof f2 != "string") navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(b(f2, h2), g2);
              else if (d(f2)) c(f2, g2, h2);
              else {
                var i = document.createElement("a");
                i.href = f2, = "_blank", setTimeout(function() {
            } : function(b2, d2, e2, g2) {
              if (g2 = g2 || open("", "_blank"), g2 && (g2.document.title = g2.document.body.innerText = "downloading..."), typeof b2 == "string") return c(b2, d2, e2);
              var h2 = b2.type === "application/octet-stream", i = /constructor/i.test(f.HTMLElement) || f.safari, j = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent);
              if ((j || h2 && i || a) && typeof FileReader < "u") {
                var k = new FileReader();
                k.onloadend = function() {
                  var a2 = k.result;
                  a2 = j ? a2 : a2.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, "data:attachment/file;"), g2 ? g2.location.href = a2 : location = a2, g2 = null;
                }, k.readAsDataURL(b2);
              } else {
                var l = f.URL || f.webkitURL, m = l.createObjectURL(b2);
                g2 ? g2.location = m : location.href = m, g2 = null, setTimeout(function() {
                }, 4e4);
            f.saveAs = g.saveAs = g, module2.exports = g;
        }(FileSaver_min$1)), FileSaver_min$1.exports;
      var FileSaver_minExports = requireFileSaver_min();
      function commonjsRequire(path) {
        throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
      var localforage$1 = { exports: {} };
      var hasRequiredLocalforage;
      function requireLocalforage() {
        return hasRequiredLocalforage || (hasRequiredLocalforage = 1, function(module2, exports2) {
          (function(f) {
            module2.exports = f();
          })(function() {
            return function e(t2, n, r) {
              function s(o2, u) {
                if (!n[o2]) {
                  if (!t2[o2]) {
                    var a = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
                    if (!u && a) return a(o2, !0);
                    if (i) return i(o2, !0);
                    var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o2 + "'");
                    throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f;
                  var l = n[o2] = { exports: {} };
                  t2[o2][0].call(l.exports, function(e2) {
                    var n2 = t2[o2][1][e2];
                    return s(n2 || e2);
                  }, l, l.exports, e, t2, n, r);
                return n[o2].exports;
              for (var i = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) s(r[o]);
              return s;
            }({ 1: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
              (function(global2) {
                var Mutation = global2.MutationObserver || global2.WebKitMutationObserver, scheduleDrain;
                if (Mutation) {
                  var called = 0, observer = new Mutation(nextTick2), element = global2.document.createTextNode("");
                  observer.observe(element, {
                    characterData: !0
                  }), scheduleDrain = function() {
           = called = ++called % 2;
                } else if (!global2.setImmediate && typeof global2.MessageChannel < "u") {
                  var channel = new global2.MessageChannel();
                  channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick2, scheduleDrain = function() {
                } else "document" in global2 && "onreadystatechange" in global2.document.createElement("script") ? scheduleDrain = function() {
                  var scriptEl = global2.document.createElement("script");
                  scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    nextTick2(), scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null, scriptEl.parentNode.removeChild(scriptEl), scriptEl = null;
                  }, global2.document.documentElement.appendChild(scriptEl);
                } : scheduleDrain = function() {
                  setTimeout(nextTick2, 0);
                var draining, queue = [];
                function nextTick2() {
                  draining = !0;
                  for (var i, oldQueue, len = queue.length; len; ) {
                    for (oldQueue = queue, queue = [], i = -1; ++i < len; )
                    len = queue.length;
                  draining = !1;
                module3.exports = immediate;
                function immediate(task) {
                  queue.push(task) === 1 && !draining && scheduleDrain();
              }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal < "u" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : {});
            }, {}], 2: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
              var immediate = _dereq_(1);
              function INTERNAL() {
              var handlers2 = {}, REJECTED = ["REJECTED"], FULFILLED = ["FULFILLED"], PENDING = ["PENDING"];
              module3.exports = Promise2;
              function Promise2(resolver) {
                if (typeof resolver != "function")
                  throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
                this.state = PENDING, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, resolver !== INTERNAL && safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);
              Promise2.prototype.catch = function(onRejected) {
                return this.then(null, onRejected);
              }, Promise2.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
                if (typeof onFulfilled != "function" && this.state === FULFILLED || typeof onRejected != "function" && this.state === REJECTED)
                  return this;
                var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);
                if (this.state !== PENDING) {
                  var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
                  unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
                } else
                  this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));
                return promise;
              function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
                this.promise = promise, typeof onFulfilled == "function" && (this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), typeof onRejected == "function" && (this.onRejected = onRejected, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected);
              QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function(value) {
                handlers2.resolve(this.promise, value);
              }, QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(value) {
                unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);
              }, QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function(value) {
                handlers2.reject(this.promise, value);
              }, QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(value) {
                unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);
              function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
                immediate(function() {
                  var returnValue;
                  try {
                    returnValue = func(value);
                  } catch (e) {
                    return handlers2.reject(promise, e);
                  returnValue === promise ? handlers2.reject(promise, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : handlers2.resolve(promise, returnValue);
              handlers2.resolve = function(self2, value) {
                var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);
                if (result.status === "error")
                  return handlers2.reject(self2, result.value);
                var thenable = result.value;
                if (thenable)
                  safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable);
                else {
                  self2.state = FULFILLED, self2.outcome = value;
                  for (var i = -1, len = self2.queue.length; ++i < len; )
                return self2;
              }, handlers2.reject = function(self2, error) {
                self2.state = REJECTED, self2.outcome = error;
                for (var i = -1, len = self2.queue.length; ++i < len; )
                return self2;
              function getThen(obj) {
                var then = obj && obj.then;
                if (obj && (typeof obj == "object" || typeof obj == "function") && typeof then == "function")
                  return function() {
                    then.apply(obj, arguments);
              function safelyResolveThenable(self2, thenable) {
                var called = !1;
                function onError(value) {
                  called || (called = !0, handlers2.reject(self2, value));
                function onSuccess(value) {
                  called || (called = !0, handlers2.resolve(self2, value));
                function tryToUnwrap() {
                  thenable(onSuccess, onError);
                var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);
                result.status === "error" && onError(result.value);
              function tryCatch(func, value) {
                var out = {};
                try {
                  out.value = func(value), out.status = "success";
                } catch (e) {
                  out.status = "error", out.value = e;
                return out;
              Promise2.resolve = resolve;
              function resolve(value) {
                return value instanceof this ? value : handlers2.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);
              Promise2.reject = reject;
              function reject(reason) {
                var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
                return handlers2.reject(promise, reason);
              Promise2.all = all;
              function all(iterable) {
                var self2 = this;
                if ( !== "[object Array]")
                  return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
                var len = iterable.length, called = !1;
                if (!len)
                  return this.resolve([]);
                for (var values2 = new Array(len), resolved = 0, i = -1, promise = new this(INTERNAL); ++i < len; )
                  allResolver(iterable[i], i);
                return promise;
                function allResolver(value, i2) {
                  self2.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function(error) {
                    called || (called = !0, handlers2.reject(promise, error));
                  function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
                    values2[i2] = outValue, ++resolved === len && !called && (called = !0, handlers2.resolve(promise, values2));
              Promise2.race = race;
              function race(iterable) {
                var self2 = this;
                if ( !== "[object Array]")
                  return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
                var len = iterable.length, called = !1;
                if (!len)
                  return this.resolve([]);
                for (var i = -1, promise = new this(INTERNAL); ++i < len; )
                return promise;
                function resolver(value) {
                  self2.resolve(value).then(function(response) {
                    called || (called = !0, handlers2.resolve(promise, response));
                  }, function(error) {
                    called || (called = !0, handlers2.reject(promise, error));
            }, { 1: 1 }], 3: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
              (function(global2) {
                typeof global2.Promise != "function" && (global2.Promise = _dereq_(2));
              }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal < "u" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : {});
            }, { 2: 2 }], 4: [function(_dereq_, module3, exports3) {
              var _typeof = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(obj) {
                return typeof obj;
              } : function(obj) {
                return obj && typeof Symbol == "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
              function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                if (!(instance instanceof Constructor))
                  throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
              function getIDB() {
                try {
                  if (typeof indexedDB < "u")
                    return indexedDB;
                  if (typeof webkitIndexedDB < "u")
                    return webkitIndexedDB;
                  if (typeof mozIndexedDB < "u")
                    return mozIndexedDB;
                  if (typeof OIndexedDB < "u")
                    return OIndexedDB;
                  if (typeof msIndexedDB < "u")
                    return msIndexedDB;
                } catch {
              var idb = getIDB();
              function isIndexedDBValid() {
                try {
                  if (!idb || !
                    return !1;
                  var isSafari = typeof openDatabase < "u" && /(Safari|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/BlackBerry/.test(navigator.platform), hasFetch = typeof fetch == "function" && fetch.toString().indexOf("[native code") !== -1;
                  return (!isSafari || hasFetch) && typeof indexedDB < "u" && // some outdated implementations of IDB that appear on Samsung
                  // and HTC Android devices <4.4 are missing IDBKeyRange
                  // See:
                  // See:
                  typeof IDBKeyRange < "u";
                } catch {
                  return !1;
              function createBlob(parts, properties) {
                parts = parts || [], properties = properties || {};
                try {
                  return new Blob(parts, properties);
                } catch (e) {
                  if ( !== "TypeError")
                    throw e;
                  for (var Builder = typeof BlobBuilder < "u" ? BlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder < "u" ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder < "u" ? MozBlobBuilder : WebKitBlobBuilder, builder = new Builder(), i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1)
                  return builder.getBlob(properties.type);
              typeof Promise > "u" && _dereq_(3);
              var Promise$12 = Promise;
              function executeCallback2(promise, callback) {
                callback && promise.then(function(result) {
                  callback(null, result);
                }, function(error) {
              function executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback) {
                typeof callback == "function" && promise.then(callback), typeof errorCallback == "function" && promise.catch(errorCallback);
              function normalizeKey(key2) {
                return typeof key2 != "string" && (console.warn(key2 + " used as a key, but it is not a string."), key2 = String(key2)), key2;
              function getCallback() {
                if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] == "function")
                  return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
              var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = "local-forage-detect-blob-support", supportsBlobs = void 0, dbContexts = {}, toString2 = Object.prototype.toString, READ_ONLY = "readonly", READ_WRITE = "readwrite";
              function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) {
                for (var length2 = bin.length, buf = new ArrayBuffer(length2), arr = new Uint8Array(buf), i = 0; i < length2; i++)
                  arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i);
                return buf;
              function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2) {
                return new Promise$12(function(resolve) {
                  var txn = idb2.transaction(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE, READ_WRITE), blob2 = createBlob([""]);
                  txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob2, "key"), txn.onabort = function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), resolve(!1);
                  }, txn.oncomplete = function() {
                    var matchedChrome = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/), matchedEdge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\//);
                    resolve(matchedEdge || !matchedChrome || parseInt(matchedChrome[1], 10) >= 43);
                }).catch(function() {
                  return !1;
              function _checkBlobSupport(idb2) {
                return typeof supportsBlobs == "boolean" ? Promise$12.resolve(supportsBlobs) : _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb2).then(function(value) {
                  return supportsBlobs = value, supportsBlobs;
              function _deferReadiness(dbInfo) {
                var dbContext = dbContexts[], deferredOperation = {};
                deferredOperation.promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  deferredOperation.resolve = resolve, deferredOperation.reject = reject;
                }), dbContext.deferredOperations.push(deferredOperation), dbContext.dbReady ? dbContext.dbReady = dbContext.dbReady.then(function() {
                  return deferredOperation.promise;
                }) : dbContext.dbReady = deferredOperation.promise;
              function _advanceReadiness(dbInfo) {
                var dbContext = dbContexts[], deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
                if (deferredOperation)
                  return deferredOperation.resolve(), deferredOperation.promise;
              function _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err) {
                var dbContext = dbContexts[], deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop();
                if (deferredOperation)
                  return deferredOperation.reject(err), deferredOperation.promise;
              function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) {
                return new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  if (dbContexts[] = dbContexts[] || createDbContext(), dbInfo.db)
                    if (upgradeNeeded)
                      _deferReadiness(dbInfo), dbInfo.db.close();
                      return resolve(dbInfo.db);
                  var dbArgs = [];
                  upgradeNeeded && dbArgs.push(dbInfo.version);
                  var openreq =, dbArgs);
                  upgradeNeeded && (openreq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
                    var db = openreq.result;
                    try {
                      db.createObjectStore(dbInfo.storeName), e.oldVersion <= 1 && db.createObjectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE);
                    } catch (ex) {
                      if ( === "ConstraintError")
                        console.warn('The database "' + + '" has been upgraded from version ' + e.oldVersion + " to version " + e.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.');
                        throw ex;
                  }), openreq.onerror = function(e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), reject(openreq.error);
                  }, openreq.onsuccess = function() {
                    var db = openreq.result;
                    db.onversionchange = function(e) {
                    }, resolve(db), _advanceReadiness(dbInfo);
              function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) {
                return _getConnection(dbInfo, !1);
              function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) {
                return _getConnection(dbInfo, !0);
              function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) {
                if (!dbInfo.db)
                  return !0;
                var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName), isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version, isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version;
                if (isDowngrade && (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion && console.warn('The database "' + + `" can't be downgraded from version ` + dbInfo.db.version + " to version " + dbInfo.version + "."), dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version), isUpgrade || isNewStore) {
                  if (isNewStore) {
                    var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
                    incVersion > dbInfo.version && (dbInfo.version = incVersion);
                  return !0;
                return !1;
              function _encodeBlob(blob2) {
                return new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  var reader = new FileReader();
                  reader.onerror = reject, reader.onloadend = function(e) {
                    var base64 = btoa( || "");
                      __local_forage_encoded_blob: !0,
                      data: base64,
                      type: blob2.type
                  }, reader.readAsBinaryString(blob2);
              function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) {
                var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(;
                return createBlob([arrayBuff], { type: encodedBlob.type });
              function _isEncodedBlob(value) {
                return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob;
              function _fullyReady(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2._initReady().then(function() {
                  var dbContext = dbContexts[];
                  if (dbContext && dbContext.dbReady)
                    return dbContext.dbReady;
                return executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback), promise;
              function _tryReconnect(dbInfo) {
                for (var dbContext = dbContexts[], forages = dbContext.forages, i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                  var forage = forages[i];
                  forage._dbInfo.db && (forage._dbInfo.db.close(), forage._dbInfo.db = null);
                return dbInfo.db = null, _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo).then(function(db) {
                  return dbInfo.db = db, _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo) ? _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) : db;
                }).then(function(db) {
                  dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
                  for (var i2 = 0; i2 < forages.length; i2++)
                    forages[i2]._dbInfo.db = db;
                }).catch(function(err) {
                  throw _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err), err;
              function createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries) {
                retries === void 0 && (retries = 1);
                try {
                  var tx = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, mode);
                  callback(null, tx);
                } catch (err) {
                  if (retries > 0 && (!dbInfo.db || === "InvalidStateError" || === "NotFoundError"))
                    return Promise$12.resolve().then(function() {
                      if (!dbInfo.db || === "NotFoundError" && !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName) && dbInfo.version <= dbInfo.db.version)
                        return dbInfo.db && (dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version + 1), _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
                    }).then(function() {
                      return _tryReconnect(dbInfo).then(function() {
                        createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries - 1);
              function createDbContext() {
                return {
                  // Running localForages sharing a database.
                  forages: [],
                  // Shared database.
                  db: null,
                  // Database readiness (promise).
                  dbReady: null,
                  // Deferred operations on the database.
                  deferredOperations: []
              function _initStorage(options) {
                var self2 = this, dbInfo = {
                  db: null
                if (options)
                  for (var i in options)
                    dbInfo[i] = options[i];
                var dbContext = dbContexts[];
                dbContext || (dbContext = createDbContext(), dbContexts[] = dbContext), dbContext.forages.push(self2), self2._initReady || (self2._initReady = self2.ready, self2.ready = _fullyReady);
                var initPromises = [];
                function ignoreErrors() {
                  return Promise$12.resolve();
                for (var j = 0; j < dbContext.forages.length; j++) {
                  var forage = dbContext.forages[j];
                  forage !== self2 && initPromises.push(forage._initReady().catch(ignoreErrors));
                var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0);
                return Promise$12.all(initPromises).then(function() {
                  return dbInfo.db = dbContext.db, _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo);
                }).then(function(db) {
                  return dbInfo.db = db, _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self2._defaultConfig.version) ? _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) : db;
                }).then(function(db) {
                  dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db, self2._dbInfo = dbInfo;
                  for (var k = 0; k < forages.length; k++) {
                    var forage2 = forages[k];
                    forage2 !== self2 && (forage2._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db, forage2._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version);
              function getItem(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.get(key2);
                        req.onsuccess = function() {
                          var value = req.result;
                          value === void 0 && (value = null), _isEncodedBlob(value) && (value = _decodeBlob(value)), resolve(value);
                        }, req.onerror = function() {
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function iterate(iterator, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.openCursor(), iterationNumber = 1;
                        req.onsuccess = function() {
                          var cursor = req.result;
                          if (cursor) {
                            var value = cursor.value;
                            _isEncodedBlob(value) && (value = _decodeBlob(value));
                            var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++);
                            result !== void 0 ? resolve(result) : cursor.continue();
                          } else
                        }, req.onerror = function() {
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function setItem(key2, value, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  var dbInfo;
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    return dbInfo = self2._dbInfo, === "[object Blob]" ? _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db).then(function(blobSupport) {
                      return blobSupport ? value : _encodeBlob(value);
                    }) : value;
                  }).then(function(value2) {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName);
                        value2 === null && (value2 = void 0);
                        var req = store.put(value2, key2);
                        transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                          value2 === void 0 && (value2 = null), resolve(value2);
                        }, transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                          var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function removeItem(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.delete(key2);
                        transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                        }, transaction.onerror = function() {
                        }, transaction.onabort = function() {
                          var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function clear(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.clear();
                        transaction.oncomplete = function() {
                        }, transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function() {
                          var err2 = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function length(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.count();
                        req.onsuccess = function() {
                        }, req.onerror = function() {
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function key(n, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  if (n < 0) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), advanced = !1, req = store.openKeyCursor();
                        req.onsuccess = function() {
                          var cursor = req.result;
                          if (!cursor) {
                          n === 0 || advanced ? resolve(cursor.key) : (advanced = !0, cursor.advance(n));
                        }, req.onerror = function() {
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function keys2(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    createTransaction(self2._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function(err, transaction) {
                      if (err)
                        return reject(err);
                      try {
                        var store = transaction.objectStore(self2._dbInfo.storeName), req = store.openKeyCursor(), keys3 = [];
                        req.onsuccess = function() {
                          var cursor = req.result;
                          if (!cursor) {
                          keys3.push(cursor.key), cursor.continue();
                        }, req.onerror = function() {
                      } catch (e) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function dropInstance(options, callback) {
                callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
                var currentConfig = this.config();
                options = typeof options != "function" && options || {}, || ( = ||, options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName);
                var self2 = this, promise;
                if (!
                  promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments");
                else {
                  var isCurrentDb = === && self2._dbInfo.db, dbPromise = isCurrentDb ? Promise$12.resolve(self2._dbInfo.db) : _getOriginalConnection(options).then(function(db) {
                    var dbContext = dbContexts[], forages = dbContext.forages;
                    dbContext.db = db;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++)
                      forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;
                    return db;
                  options.storeName ? promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                    if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(options.storeName)) {
                      var newVersion = db.version + 1;
                      var dbContext = dbContexts[], forages = dbContext.forages;
                      for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                        var forage = forages[i];
                        forage._dbInfo.db = null, forage._dbInfo.version = newVersion;
                      var dropObjectPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                        var req =, newVersion);
                        req.onerror = function(err) {
                          var db2 = req.result;
                          db2.close(), reject(err);
                        }, req.onupgradeneeded = function() {
                          var db2 = req.result;
                        }, req.onsuccess = function() {
                          var db2 = req.result;
                          db2.close(), resolve(db2);
                      return dropObjectPromise.then(function(db2) {
                        dbContext.db = db2;
                        for (var j = 0; j < forages.length; j++) {
                          var _forage2 = forages[j];
                          _forage2._dbInfo.db = db2, _advanceReadiness(_forage2._dbInfo);
                      }).catch(function(err) {
                        throw (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$12.resolve()).catch(function() {
                        }), err;
                  }) : promise = dbPromise.then(function(db) {
                    var dbContext = dbContexts[], forages = dbContext.forages;
                    for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                      var forage = forages[i];
                      forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                    var dropDBPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                      var req = idb.deleteDatabase(;
                      req.onerror = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                        db2 && db2.close(), reject(req.error);
                      }, req.onblocked = function() {
                        console.warn('dropInstance blocked for database "' + + '" until all open connections are closed');
                      }, req.onsuccess = function() {
                        var db2 = req.result;
                        db2 && db2.close(), resolve(db2);
                    return dropDBPromise.then(function(db2) {
                      dbContext.db = db2;
                      for (var i2 = 0; i2 < forages.length; i2++) {
                        var _forage = forages[i2];
                    }).catch(function(err) {
                      throw (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$12.resolve()).catch(function() {
                      }), err;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              var asyncStorage = {
                _driver: "asyncStorage",
                _support: isIndexedDBValid(),
                keys: keys2,
              function isWebSQLValid() {
                return typeof openDatabase == "function";
              var BASE_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = "~~local_forage_type~", BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/, SERIALIZED_MARKER = "__lfsc__:", SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH = SERIALIZED_MARKER.length, TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = "arbf", TYPE_BLOB = "blob", TYPE_INT8ARRAY = "si08", TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = "ui08", TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY = "uic8", TYPE_INT16ARRAY = "si16", TYPE_INT32ARRAY = "si32", TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = "ur16", TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = "ui32", TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = "fl32", TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = "fl64", TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH = SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH + TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER.length, toString$12 = Object.prototype.toString;
              function stringToBuffer(serializedString) {
                var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75, len = serializedString.length, i, p = 0, encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4;
                serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === "=" && (bufferLength--, serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === "=" && bufferLength--);
                var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength), bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
                for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4)
                  encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i]), encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 1]), encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 2]), encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 3]), bytes[p++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4, bytes[p++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2, bytes[p++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63;
                return buffer;
              function bufferToString(buffer) {
                var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer), base64String = "", i;
                for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3)
                  base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i] >> 2], base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i + 1] >> 4], base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i + 2] >> 6], base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i + 2] & 63];
                return bytes.length % 3 === 2 ? base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + "=" : bytes.length % 3 === 1 && (base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + "=="), base64String;
              function serialize(value, callback) {
                var valueType = "";
                if (value && (valueType = toString$, value && (valueType === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || value.buffer && toString$ === "[object ArrayBuffer]")) {
                  var buffer, marker = SERIALIZED_MARKER;
                  value instanceof ArrayBuffer ? (buffer = value, marker += TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER) : (buffer = value.buffer, valueType === "[object Int8Array]" ? marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY : valueType === "[object Uint8Array]" ? marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY : valueType === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]" ? marker += TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY : valueType === "[object Int16Array]" ? marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY : valueType === "[object Uint16Array]" ? marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY : valueType === "[object Int32Array]" ? marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY : valueType === "[object Uint32Array]" ? marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY : valueType === "[object Float32Array]" ? marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY : valueType === "[object Float64Array]" ? marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY : callback(new Error("Failed to get type for BinaryArray"))), callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer));
                } else if (valueType === "[object Blob]") {
                  var fileReader = new FileReader();
                  fileReader.onload = function() {
                    var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + "~" + bufferToString(this.result);
                    callback(SERIALIZED_MARKER + TYPE_BLOB + str);
                  }, fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(value);
                } else
                  try {
                  } catch (e) {
                    console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value), callback(null, e);
              function deserialize(value) {
                if (value.substring(0, SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH) !== SERIALIZED_MARKER)
                  return JSON.parse(value);
                var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH), type = value.substring(SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH, TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH), blobType;
                if (type === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) {
                  var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX);
                  blobType = matcher[1], serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length);
                var buffer = stringToBuffer(serializedString);
                switch (type) {
                  case TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER:
                    return buffer;
                  case TYPE_BLOB:
                    return createBlob([buffer], { type: blobType });
                  case TYPE_INT8ARRAY:
                    return new Int8Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_UINT8ARRAY:
                    return new Uint8Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY:
                    return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer);
                  case TYPE_INT16ARRAY:
                    return new Int16Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_UINT16ARRAY:
                    return new Uint16Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_INT32ARRAY:
                    return new Int32Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_UINT32ARRAY:
                    return new Uint32Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY:
                    return new Float32Array(buffer);
                  case TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY:
                    return new Float64Array(buffer);
                    throw new Error("Unkown type: " + type);
              var localforageSerializer = {
              function createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, callback, errorCallback) {
                t2.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbInfo.storeName + " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)", [], callback, errorCallback);
              function _initStorage$1(options) {
                var self2 = this, dbInfo = {
                  db: null
                if (options)
                  for (var i in options)
                    dbInfo[i] = typeof options[i] != "string" ? options[i].toString() : options[i];
                var dbInfoPromise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  try {
                    dbInfo.db = openDatabase(, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size);
                  } catch (e) {
                    return reject(e);
                  dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    createDbTable(t2, dbInfo, function() {
                      self2._dbInfo = dbInfo, resolve();
                    }, function(t3, error) {
                  }, reject);
                return dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer, dbInfoPromise;
              function tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback) {
                t2.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, function(t3, error) {
                  error.code === error.SYNTAX_ERR ? t3.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = ?", [dbInfo.storeName], function(t4, results) {
                    results.rows.length ? errorCallback(t4, error) : createDbTable(t4, dbInfo, function() {
                      t4.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback);
                    }, errorCallback);
                  }, errorCallback) : errorCallback(t3, error);
                }, errorCallback);
              function getItem$1(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1", [key2], function(t3, results) {
                        var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null;
                        result && (result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result)), resolve(result);
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function iterate$1(iterator, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT * FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                        for (var rows = results.rows, length2 = rows.length, i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                          var item = rows.item(i), result = item.value;
                          if (result && (result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result)), result = iterator(result, item.key, i + 1), result !== void 0) {
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function _setItem(key2, value, callback, retriesLeft) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    value === void 0 && (value = null);
                    var originalValue = value, dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                      error ? reject(error) : dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                        tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + dbInfo.storeName + " (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", [key2, value2], function() {
                        }, function(t3, error2) {
                      }, function(sqlError) {
                        if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) {
                          if (retriesLeft > 0) {
                            resolve(_setItem.apply(self2, [key2, originalValue, callback, retriesLeft - 1]));
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function setItem$1(key2, value, callback) {
                return _setItem.apply(this, [key2, value, callback, 1]);
              function removeItem$1(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE key = ?", [key2], function() {
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function clear$1(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "DELETE FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function() {
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function length$1(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                        var result = results.rows.item(0).c;
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function key$1(n, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName + " WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", [n + 1], function(t3, results) {
                        var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null;
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function keys$1(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  self2.ready().then(function() {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      tryExecuteSql(t2, dbInfo, "SELECT key FROM " + dbInfo.storeName, [], function(t3, results) {
                        for (var keys3 = [], i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++)
                      }, function(t3, error) {
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function getAllStoreNames(db) {
                return new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                  db.transaction(function(t2) {
                    t2.executeSql("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name <> '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__'", [], function(t3, results) {
                      for (var storeNames = [], i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++)
                    }, function(t3, error) {
                  }, function(sqlError) {
              function dropInstance$1(options, callback) {
                callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
                var currentConfig = this.config();
                options = typeof options != "function" && options || {}, || ( = ||, options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName);
                var self2 = this, promise;
                return ? promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve) {
                  var db;
         === ? db = self2._dbInfo.db : db = openDatabase(, "", "", 0), options.storeName ? resolve({
                    storeNames: [options.storeName]
                  }) : resolve(getAllStoreNames(db));
                }).then(function(operationInfo) {
                  return new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                    operationInfo.db.transaction(function(t2) {
                      function dropTable(storeName) {
                        return new Promise$12(function(resolve2, reject2) {
                          t2.executeSql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + storeName, [], function() {
                          }, function(t3, error) {
                      for (var operations = [], i = 0, len = operationInfo.storeNames.length; i < len; i++)
                      Promise$12.all(operations).then(function() {
                      }).catch(function(e) {
                    }, function(sqlError) {
                }) : promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments"), executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              var webSQLStorage = {
                _driver: "webSQLStorage",
                _initStorage: _initStorage$1,
                _support: isWebSQLValid(),
                iterate: iterate$1,
                getItem: getItem$1,
                setItem: setItem$1,
                removeItem: removeItem$1,
                clear: clear$1,
                length: length$1,
                key: key$1,
                keys: keys$1,
                dropInstance: dropInstance$1
              function isLocalStorageValid() {
                try {
                  return typeof localStorage < "u" && "setItem" in localStorage && // in IE8 typeof localStorage.setItem === 'object'
                } catch {
                  return !1;
              function _getKeyPrefix(options, defaultConfig) {
                var keyPrefix = + "/";
                return options.storeName !== defaultConfig.storeName && (keyPrefix += options.storeName + "/"), keyPrefix;
              function checkIfLocalStorageThrows() {
                var localStorageTestKey = "_localforage_support_test";
                try {
                  return localStorage.setItem(localStorageTestKey, !0), localStorage.removeItem(localStorageTestKey), !1;
                } catch {
                  return !0;
              function _isLocalStorageUsable() {
                return !checkIfLocalStorageThrows() || localStorage.length > 0;
              function _initStorage$2(options) {
                var self2 = this, dbInfo = {};
                if (options)
                  for (var i in options)
                    dbInfo[i] = options[i];
                return dbInfo.keyPrefix = _getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig), _isLocalStorageUsable() ? (self2._dbInfo = dbInfo, dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer, Promise$12.resolve()) : Promise$12.reject();
              function clear$2(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  for (var keyPrefix = self2._dbInfo.keyPrefix, i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                    key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0 && localStorage.removeItem(key2);
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function getItem$2(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo, result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2);
                  return result && (result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result)), result;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function iterate$2(iterator, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  for (var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo, keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix, keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length, length2 = localStorage.length, iterationNumber = 1, i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                    var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                    if (key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
                      var value = localStorage.getItem(key2);
                      if (value && (value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value)), value = iterator(value, key2.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++), value !== void 0)
                        return value;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function key$2(n, callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo, result;
                  try {
                    result = localStorage.key(n);
                  } catch {
                    result = null;
                  return result && (result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length)), result;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function keys$2(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  for (var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo, length2 = localStorage.length, keys3 = [], i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
                    var itemKey = localStorage.key(i);
                    itemKey.indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0 && keys3.push(itemKey.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length));
                  return keys3;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function length$2(callback) {
                var self2 = this, promise = self2.keys().then(function(keys3) {
                  return keys3.length;
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function removeItem$2(key2, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                  localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2);
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function setItem$2(key2, value, callback) {
                var self2 = this;
                key2 = normalizeKey(key2);
                var promise = self2.ready().then(function() {
                  value === void 0 && (value = null);
                  var originalValue = value;
                  return new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                    var dbInfo = self2._dbInfo;
                    dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                      if (error)
                        try {
                          localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key2, value2), resolve(originalValue);
                        } catch (e) {
                          ( === "QuotaExceededError" || === "NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED") && reject(e), reject(e);
                return executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              function dropInstance$2(options, callback) {
                if (callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments), options = typeof options != "function" && options || {}, ! {
                  var currentConfig = this.config();
         = ||, options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;
                var self2 = this, promise;
                return ? promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve) {
                  options.storeName ? resolve(_getKeyPrefix(options, self2._defaultConfig)) : resolve( + "/");
                }).then(function(keyPrefix) {
                  for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var key2 = localStorage.key(i);
                    key2.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0 && localStorage.removeItem(key2);
                }) : promise = Promise$12.reject("Invalid arguments"), executeCallback2(promise, callback), promise;
              var localStorageWrapper = {
                _driver: "localStorageWrapper",
                _initStorage: _initStorage$2,
                _support: isLocalStorageValid(),
                iterate: iterate$2,
                getItem: getItem$2,
                setItem: setItem$2,
                removeItem: removeItem$2,
                clear: clear$2,
                length: length$2,
                key: key$2,
                keys: keys$2,
                dropInstance: dropInstance$2
              }, sameValue = function(x, y) {
                return x === y || typeof x == "number" && typeof y == "number" && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y);
              }, includes = function(array, searchElement) {
                for (var len = array.length, i = 0; i < len; ) {
                  if (sameValue(array[i], searchElement))
                    return !0;
                return !1;
              }, isArray2 = Array.isArray || function(arg) {
                return === "[object Array]";
              }, DefinedDrivers = {}, DriverSupport = {}, DefaultDrivers = {
                INDEXEDDB: asyncStorage,
                WEBSQL: webSQLStorage,
                LOCALSTORAGE: localStorageWrapper
              }, DefaultDriverOrder = [DefaultDrivers.INDEXEDDB._driver, DefaultDrivers.WEBSQL._driver, DefaultDrivers.LOCALSTORAGE._driver], OptionalDriverMethods = ["dropInstance"], LibraryMethods = ["clear", "getItem", "iterate", "key", "keys", "length", "removeItem", "setItem"].concat(OptionalDriverMethods), DefaultConfig = {
                description: "",
                driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(),
                name: "localforage",
                // Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size
                // we can use without a prompt.
                size: 4980736,
                storeName: "keyvaluepairs",
                version: 1
              function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) {
                localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function() {
                  var _args = arguments;
                  return localForageInstance.ready().then(function() {
                    return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args);
              function extend() {
                for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                  var arg = arguments[i];
                  if (arg)
                    for (var _key in arg)
                      arg.hasOwnProperty(_key) && (isArray2(arg[_key]) ? arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key].slice() : arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key]);
                return arguments[0];
              var LocalForage = function() {
                function LocalForage2(options) {
                  _classCallCheck(this, LocalForage2);
                  for (var driverTypeKey in DefaultDrivers)
                    if (DefaultDrivers.hasOwnProperty(driverTypeKey)) {
                      var driver = DefaultDrivers[driverTypeKey], driverName = driver._driver;
                      this[driverTypeKey] = driverName, DefinedDrivers[driverName] || this.defineDriver(driver);
                  this._defaultConfig = extend({}, DefaultConfig), this._config = extend({}, this._defaultConfig, options), this._driverSet = null, this._initDriver = null, this._ready = !1, this._dbInfo = null, this._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady(), this.setDriver(this._config.driver).catch(function() {
                return LocalForage2.prototype.config = function(options) {
                  if ((typeof options > "u" ? "undefined" : _typeof(options)) === "object") {
                    if (this._ready)
                      return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage has been used.");
                    for (var i in options) {
                      if (i === "storeName" && (options[i] = options[i].replace(/\W/g, "_")), i === "version" && typeof options[i] != "number")
                        return new Error("Database version must be a number.");
                      this._config[i] = options[i];
                    return "driver" in options && options.driver ? this.setDriver(this._config.driver) : !0;
                  } else return typeof options == "string" ? this._config[options] : this._config;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.defineDriver = function(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) {
                  var promise = new Promise$12(function(resolve, reject) {
                    try {
                      var driverName = driverObject._driver, complianceError = new Error("Custom driver not compliant; see");
                      if (!driverObject._driver) {
                      for (var driverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat("_initStorage"), i = 0, len = driverMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
                        var driverMethodName = driverMethods[i], isRequired = !includes(OptionalDriverMethods, driverMethodName);
                        if ((isRequired || driverObject[driverMethodName]) && typeof driverObject[driverMethodName] != "function") {
                      var configureMissingMethods = function() {
                        for (var methodNotImplementedFactory = function(methodName) {
                          return function() {
                            var error = new Error("Method " + methodName + " is not implemented by the current driver"), promise2 = Promise$12.reject(error);
                            return executeCallback2(promise2, arguments[arguments.length - 1]), promise2;
                        }, _i = 0, _len = OptionalDriverMethods.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                          var optionalDriverMethod = OptionalDriverMethods[_i];
                          driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] || (driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] = methodNotImplementedFactory(optionalDriverMethod));
                      var setDriverSupport = function(support) {
                        DefinedDrivers[driverName] &&"Redefining LocalForage driver: " + driverName), DefinedDrivers[driverName] = driverObject, DriverSupport[driverName] = support, resolve();
                      "_support" in driverObject ? driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support == "function" ? driverObject._support().then(setDriverSupport, reject) : setDriverSupport(!!driverObject._support) : setDriverSupport(!0);
                    } catch (e) {
                  return executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback), promise;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.driver = function() {
                  return this._driver || null;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.getDriver = function(driverName, callback, errorCallback) {
                  var getDriverPromise = DefinedDrivers[driverName] ? Promise$12.resolve(DefinedDrivers[driverName]) : Promise$12.reject(new Error("Driver not found."));
                  return executeTwoCallbacks(getDriverPromise, callback, errorCallback), getDriverPromise;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.getSerializer = function(callback) {
                  var serializerPromise = Promise$12.resolve(localforageSerializer);
                  return executeTwoCallbacks(serializerPromise, callback), serializerPromise;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.ready = function(callback) {
                  var self2 = this, promise = self2._driverSet.then(function() {
                    return self2._ready === null && (self2._ready = self2._initDriver()), self2._ready;
                  return executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback), promise;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.setDriver = function(drivers, callback, errorCallback) {
                  var self2 = this;
                  isArray2(drivers) || (drivers = [drivers]);
                  var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers);
                  function setDriverToConfig() {
                    self2._config.driver = self2.driver();
                  function extendSelfWithDriver(driver) {
                    return self2._extend(driver), setDriverToConfig(), self2._ready = self2._initStorage(self2._config), self2._ready;
                  function initDriver(supportedDrivers2) {
                    return function() {
                      var currentDriverIndex = 0;
                      function driverPromiseLoop() {
                        for (; currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers2.length; ) {
                          var driverName = supportedDrivers2[currentDriverIndex];
                          return currentDriverIndex++, self2._dbInfo = null, self2._ready = null, self2.getDriver(driverName).then(extendSelfWithDriver).catch(driverPromiseLoop);
                        var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
                        return self2._driverSet = Promise$12.reject(error), self2._driverSet;
                      return driverPromiseLoop();
                  var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet.catch(function() {
                    return Promise$12.resolve();
                  }) : Promise$12.resolve();
                  return this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function() {
                    var driverName = supportedDrivers[0];
                    return self2._dbInfo = null, self2._ready = null, self2.getDriver(driverName).then(function(driver) {
                      self2._driver = driver._driver, setDriverToConfig(), self2._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady(), self2._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers);
                  }).catch(function() {
                    var error = new Error("No available storage method found.");
                    return self2._driverSet = Promise$12.reject(error), self2._driverSet;
                  }), executeTwoCallbacks(this._driverSet, callback, errorCallback), this._driverSet;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.supports = function(driverName) {
                  return !!DriverSupport[driverName];
                }, LocalForage2.prototype._extend = function(libraryMethodsAndProperties) {
                  extend(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties);
                }, LocalForage2.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function(drivers) {
                  for (var supportedDrivers = [], i = 0, len = drivers.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var driverName = drivers[i];
                    this.supports(driverName) && supportedDrivers.push(driverName);
                  return supportedDrivers;
                }, LocalForage2.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function() {
                  for (var i = 0, len = LibraryMethods.length; i < len; i++)
                    callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i]);
                }, LocalForage2.prototype.createInstance = function(options) {
                  return new LocalForage2(options);
                }, LocalForage2;
              }(), localforage_js = new LocalForage();
              module3.exports = localforage_js;
            }, { 3: 3 }] }, {}, [4])(4);
        }(localforage$1)), localforage$1.exports;
      var localforageExports = requireLocalforage();
      const localforage = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(localforageExports);
      function getSerializerPromise(localForageInstance) {
        return getSerializerPromise.result ? getSerializerPromise.result : !localForageInstance || typeof localForageInstance.getSerializer != "function" ? Promise.reject(new Error("localforage.getSerializer() was not available! localforage v1.4+ is required!")) : (getSerializerPromise.result = localForageInstance.getSerializer(), getSerializerPromise.result);
      function executeCallback(promise, callback) {
        callback && promise.then(function(result) {
          callback(null, result);
        }, function(error) {
      function forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, loopFn) {
        function ensurePropGetterMethod(propFn, defaultPropName) {
          var propName = propFn || defaultPropName;
          return (!propFn || typeof propFn != "function") && typeof propName == "string" && (propFn = function(item2) {
            return item2[propName];
          }), propFn;
        var result = [];
        if ( === "[object Array]") {
          keyFn = ensurePropGetterMethod(keyFn, "key"), valueFn = ensurePropGetterMethod(valueFn, "value");
          for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
            var item = items[i];
            result.push(loopFn(keyFn(item), valueFn(item)));
        } else
          for (var prop in items)
            items.hasOwnProperty(prop) && result.push(loopFn(prop, items[prop]));
        return result;
      function setItemsIndexedDB(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this, promise = localforageInstance.ready().then(function() {
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            var dbInfo = localforageInstance._dbInfo, transaction = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, "readwrite"), store = transaction.objectStore(dbInfo.storeName), lastError;
            transaction.oncomplete = function() {
            }, transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function(event) {
              reject(lastError ||;
            function requestOnError(evt) {
              var request2 = || this;
              lastError = request2.error || request2.transaction.error, reject(lastError);
            forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
              value === null && (value = void 0);
              var request2 = store.put(value, key);
              request2.onerror = requestOnError;
        return executeCallback(promise, callback), promise;
      function setItemsWebsql(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this, promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          localforageInstance.ready().then(function() {
            return getSerializerPromise(localforageInstance);
          }).then(function(serializer) {
            var dbInfo = localforageInstance._dbInfo;
              function(t2) {
                var query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + dbInfo.storeName + " (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)", itemPromises = forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
                  return new Promise(function(resolve2, reject2) {
                    serializer.serialize(value, function(value2, error) {
                      error ? reject2(error) : t2.executeSql(query, [key, value2], function() {
                      }, function(t3, error2) {
                Promise.all(itemPromises).then(function() {
                }, reject);
              function(sqlError) {
              /*, function() {
                 if (resolving) {
        return executeCallback(promise, callback), promise;
      function setItemsGeneric(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this, itemPromises = forEachItem(items, keyFn, valueFn, function(key, value) {
          return localforageInstance.setItem(key, value);
        }), promise = Promise.all(itemPromises);
        return executeCallback(promise, callback), promise;
      function localforageSetItems(items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) {
        var localforageInstance = this, currentDriver = localforageInstance.driver();
        return currentDriver === localforageInstance.INDEXEDDB ?, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) : currentDriver === localforageInstance.WEBSQL ?, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback) :, items, keyFn, valueFn, callback);
      function extendPrototype(localforage$$1) {
        var localforagePrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(localforage$$1);
        localforagePrototype && (localforagePrototype.setItems = localforageSetItems, localforagePrototype.setItems.indexedDB = function() {
          return setItemsIndexedDB.apply(this, arguments);
        }, localforagePrototype.setItems.websql = function() {
          return setItemsWebsql.apply(this, arguments);
        }, localforagePrototype.setItems.generic = function() {
          return setItemsGeneric.apply(this, arguments);
      var md5$1 = { exports: {} }, crypt = { exports: {} }, hasRequiredCrypt;
      function requireCrypt() {
        return hasRequiredCrypt || (hasRequiredCrypt = 1, function() {
          var base64map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", crypt$1 = {
            // Bit-wise rotation left
            rotl: function(n, b) {
              return n << b | n >>> 32 - b;
            // Bit-wise rotation right
            rotr: function(n, b) {
              return n << 32 - b | n >>> b;
            // Swap big-endian to little-endian and vice versa
            endian: function(n) {
              if (n.constructor == Number)
                return crypt$1.rotl(n, 8) & 16711935 | crypt$1.rotl(n, 24) & 4278255360;
              for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
                n[i] = crypt$1.endian(n[i]);
              return n;
            // Generate an array of any length of random bytes
            randomBytes: function(n) {
              for (var bytes = []; n > 0; n--)
                bytes.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
              return bytes;
            // Convert a byte array to big-endian 32-bit words
            bytesToWords: function(bytes) {
              for (var words = [], i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8)
                words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << 24 - b % 32;
              return words;
            // Convert big-endian 32-bit words to a byte array
            wordsToBytes: function(words) {
              for (var bytes = [], b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8)
                bytes.push(words[b >>> 5] >>> 24 - b % 32 & 255);
              return bytes;
            // Convert a byte array to a hex string
            bytesToHex: function(bytes) {
              for (var hex = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
                hex.push((bytes[i] >>> 4).toString(16)), hex.push((bytes[i] & 15).toString(16));
              return hex.join("");
            // Convert a hex string to a byte array
            hexToBytes: function(hex) {
              for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
                bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
              return bytes;
            // Convert a byte array to a base-64 string
            bytesToBase64: function(bytes) {
              for (var base64 = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3)
                for (var triplet = bytes[i] << 16 | bytes[i + 1] << 8 | bytes[i + 2], j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                  i * 8 + j * 6 <= bytes.length * 8 ? base64.push(base64map.charAt(triplet >>> 6 * (3 - j) & 63)) : base64.push("=");
              return base64.join("");
            // Convert a base-64 string to a byte array
            base64ToBytes: function(base64) {
              base64 = base64.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/ig, "");
              for (var bytes = [], i = 0, imod4 = 0; i < base64.length; imod4 = ++i % 4)
                imod4 != 0 && bytes.push((base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i - 1)) & Math.pow(2, -2 * imod4 + 8) - 1) << imod4 * 2 | base64map.indexOf(base64.charAt(i)) >>> 6 - imod4 * 2);
              return bytes;
          crypt.exports = crypt$1;
        }()), crypt.exports;
      var charenc_1, hasRequiredCharenc;
      function requireCharenc() {
        if (hasRequiredCharenc) return charenc_1;
        hasRequiredCharenc = 1;
        var charenc = {
          // UTF-8 encoding
          utf8: {
            // Convert a string to a byte array
            stringToBytes: function(str) {
              return charenc.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
            // Convert a byte array to a string
            bytesToString: function(bytes) {
              return decodeURIComponent(escape(charenc.bin.bytesToString(bytes)));
          // Binary encoding
          bin: {
            // Convert a string to a byte array
            stringToBytes: function(str) {
              for (var bytes = [], i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
                bytes.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
              return bytes;
            // Convert a byte array to a string
            bytesToString: function(bytes) {
              for (var str = [], i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)
              return str.join("");
        return charenc_1 = charenc, charenc_1;
      var isBuffer_1, hasRequiredIsBuffer;
      function requireIsBuffer() {
        if (hasRequiredIsBuffer) return isBuffer_1;
        hasRequiredIsBuffer = 1, isBuffer_1 = function(obj) {
          return obj != null && (isBuffer2(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer);
        function isBuffer2(obj) {
          return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer == "function" && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj);
        function isSlowBuffer(obj) {
          return typeof obj.readFloatLE == "function" && typeof obj.slice == "function" && isBuffer2(obj.slice(0, 0));
        return isBuffer_1;
      var hasRequiredMd5;
      function requireMd5() {
        return hasRequiredMd5 || (hasRequiredMd5 = 1, function() {
          var crypt2 = requireCrypt(), utf8 = requireCharenc().utf8, isBuffer2 = requireIsBuffer(), bin = requireCharenc().bin, md52 = function(message, options) {
            message.constructor == String ? options && options.encoding === "binary" ? message = bin.stringToBytes(message) : message = utf8.stringToBytes(message) : isBuffer2(message) ? message =, 0) : !Array.isArray(message) && message.constructor !== Uint8Array && (message = message.toString());
            for (var m = crypt2.bytesToWords(message), l = message.length * 8, a = 1732584193, b = -271733879, c = -1732584194, d = 271733878, i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
              m[i] = (m[i] << 8 | m[i] >>> 24) & 16711935 | (m[i] << 24 | m[i] >>> 8) & 4278255360;
            m[l >>> 5] |= 128 << l % 32, m[(l + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = l;
            for (var FF = md52._ff, GG = md52._gg, HH = md52._hh, II = md52._ii, i = 0; i < m.length; i += 16) {
              var aa = a, bb = b, cc = c, dd = d;
              a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 7, -680876936), d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 1], 12, -389564586), c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 17, 606105819), b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 3], 22, -1044525330), a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 7, -176418897), d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 5], 12, 1200080426), c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 17, -1473231341), b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 7], 22, -45705983), a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 7, 1770035416), d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 9], 12, -1958414417), c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 17, -42063), b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 11], 22, -1990404162), a = FF(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 7, 1804603682), d = FF(d, a, b, c, m[i + 13], 12, -40341101), c = FF(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 17, -1502002290), b = FF(b, c, d, a, m[i + 15], 22, 1236535329), a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 5, -165796510), d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 6], 9, -1069501632), c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 14, 643717713), b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 0], 20, -373897302), a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 5, -701558691), d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 10], 9, 38016083), c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 14, -660478335), b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 4], 20, -405537848), a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 5, 568446438), d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 14], 9, -1019803690), c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 14, -187363961), b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 8], 20, 1163531501), a = GG(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 5, -1444681467), d = GG(d, a, b, c, m[i + 2], 9, -51403784), c = GG(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 14, 1735328473), b = GG(b, c, d, a, m[i + 12], 20, -1926607734), a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 5], 4, -378558), d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 8], 11, -2022574463), c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 11], 16, 1839030562), b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 14], 23, -35309556), a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 1], 4, -1530992060), d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 4], 11, 1272893353), c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 7], 16, -155497632), b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 10], 23, -1094730640), a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 13], 4, 681279174), d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 0], 11, -358537222), c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 3], 16, -722521979), b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 6], 23, 76029189), a = HH(a, b, c, d, m[i + 9], 4, -640364487), d = HH(d, a, b, c, m[i + 12], 11, -421815835), c = HH(c, d, a, b, m[i + 15], 16, 530742520), b = HH(b, c, d, a, m[i + 2], 23, -995338651), a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 0], 6, -198630844), d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 7], 10, 1126891415), c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 14], 15, -1416354905), b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 5], 21, -57434055), a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 12], 6, 1700485571), d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 3], 10, -1894986606), c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 10], 15, -1051523), b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 1], 21, -2054922799), a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 8], 6, 1873313359), d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 15], 10, -30611744), c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 6], 15, -1560198380), b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 13], 21, 1309151649), a = II(a, b, c, d, m[i + 4], 6, -145523070), d = II(d, a, b, c, m[i + 11], 10, -1120210379), c = II(c, d, a, b, m[i + 2], 15, 718787259), b = II(b, c, d, a, m[i + 9], 21, -343485551), a = a + aa >>> 0, b = b + bb >>> 0, c = c + cc >>> 0, d = d + dd >>> 0;
            return crypt2.endian([a, b, c, d]);
          md52._ff = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
            var n = a + (b & c | ~b & d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
            return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
          }, md52._gg = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
            var n = a + (b & d | c & ~d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
            return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
          }, md52._hh = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
            var n = a + (b ^ c ^ d) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
            return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
          }, md52._ii = function(a, b, c, d, x, s, t2) {
            var n = a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + (x >>> 0) + t2;
            return (n << s | n >>> 32 - s) + b;
          }, md52._blocksize = 16, md52._digestsize = 16, md5$1.exports = function(message, options) {
            if (message == null)
              throw new Error("Illegal argument " + message);
            var digestbytes = crypt2.wordsToBytes(md52(message, options));
            return options && options.asBytes ? digestbytes : options && options.asString ? bin.bytesToString(digestbytes) : crypt2.bytesToHex(digestbytes);
        }()), md5$1.exports;
      var md5Exports = requireMd5();
      const md5 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(md5Exports), dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(void 0, {
        year: "numeric",
        month: "2-digit",
        day: "2-digit",
        hour: "2-digit",
        minute: "2-digit",
        second: "2-digit",
        hour12: !1
      }), numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(), removeIllegalFilenameChars = (name) => name.replace(/[/\\:*?"<>|]/g, "");
      const proxyMarker = Symbol("Comlink.proxy"), createEndpoint = Symbol("Comlink.endpoint"), releaseProxy = Symbol("Comlink.releaseProxy"), finalizer = Symbol("Comlink.finalizer"), throwMarker = Symbol("Comlink.thrown"), isObject$2 = (val) => typeof val == "object" && val !== null || typeof val == "function", proxyTransferHandler = {
        canHandle: (val) => isObject$2(val) && val[proxyMarker],
        serialize(obj) {
          const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
          return expose(obj, port1), [port2, [port2]];
        deserialize(port) {
          return port.start(), wrap(port);
      }, throwTransferHandler = {
        canHandle: (value) => isObject$2(value) && throwMarker in value,
        serialize({ value }) {
          let serialized;
          return value instanceof Error ? serialized = {
            isError: !0,
            value: {
              message: value.message,
              stack: value.stack
          } : serialized = { isError: !1, value }, [serialized, []];
        deserialize(serialized) {
          throw serialized.isError ? Object.assign(new Error(serialized.value.message), serialized.value) : serialized.value;
      }, transferHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
        ["proxy", proxyTransferHandler],
        ["throw", throwTransferHandler]
      function isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, origin) {
        for (const allowedOrigin of allowedOrigins)
          if (origin === allowedOrigin || allowedOrigin === "*" || allowedOrigin instanceof RegExp && allowedOrigin.test(origin))
            return !0;
        return !1;
      function expose(obj, ep = globalThis, allowedOrigins = ["*"]) {
        ep.addEventListener("message", function callback(ev) {
          if (!ev || !
          if (!isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, ev.origin)) {
            console.warn(`Invalid origin '${ev.origin}' for comlink proxy`);
          const { id, type, path } = Object.assign({ path: [] },, argumentList = ( || []).map(fromWireValue);
          let returnValue;
          try {
            const parent = path.slice(0, -1).reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj), rawValue = path.reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj);
            switch (type) {
              case "GET":
                returnValue = rawValue;
              case "SET":
                parent[path.slice(-1)[0]] = fromWireValue(, returnValue = !0;
              case "APPLY":
                returnValue = rawValue.apply(parent, argumentList);
              case "CONSTRUCT":
                  const value = new rawValue(...argumentList);
                  returnValue = proxy(value);
              case "ENDPOINT":
                  const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
                  expose(obj, port2), returnValue = transfer(port1, [port1]);
              case "RELEASE":
                returnValue = void 0;
          } catch (value) {
            returnValue = { value, [throwMarker]: 0 };
          Promise.resolve(returnValue).catch((value) => ({ value, [throwMarker]: 0 })).then((returnValue2) => {
            const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue(returnValue2);
            ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables), type === "RELEASE" && (ep.removeEventListener("message", callback), closeEndPoint(ep), finalizer in obj && typeof obj[finalizer] == "function" && obj[finalizer]());
          }).catch((error) => {
            const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue({
              value: new TypeError("Unserializable return value"),
              [throwMarker]: 0
            ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables);
        }), ep.start && ep.start();
      function isMessagePort(endpoint) {
        return === "MessagePort";
      function closeEndPoint(endpoint) {
        isMessagePort(endpoint) && endpoint.close();
      function wrap(ep, target) {
        const pendingListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
        return ep.addEventListener("message", function(ev) {
          const { data } = ev;
          if (!data || !
          const resolver = pendingListeners.get(;
          if (resolver)
            try {
            } finally {
        }), createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [], target);
      function throwIfProxyReleased(isReleased) {
        if (isReleased)
          throw new Error("Proxy has been released and is not useable");
      function releaseEndpoint(ep) {
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), {
          type: "RELEASE"
        }).then(() => {
      const proxyCounter = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), proxyFinalizers = "FinalizationRegistry" in globalThis && new FinalizationRegistry((ep) => {
        const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) - 1;
        proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), newCount === 0 && releaseEndpoint(ep);
      function registerProxy(proxy2, ep) {
        const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) + 1;
        proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.register(proxy2, ep, proxy2);
      function unregisterProxy(proxy2) {
        proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.unregister(proxy2);
      function createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path = [], target = function() {
      }) {
        let isProxyReleased = !1;
        const proxy2 = new Proxy(target, {
          get(_target, prop) {
            if (throwIfProxyReleased(isProxyReleased), prop === releaseProxy)
              return () => {
                unregisterProxy(proxy2), releaseEndpoint(ep), pendingListeners.clear(), isProxyReleased = !0;
            if (prop === "then") {
              if (path.length === 0)
                return { then: () => proxy2 };
              const r = requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
                type: "GET",
                path: => p.toString())
              return r.then.bind(r);
            return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [...path, prop]);
          set(_target, prop, rawValue) {
            const [value, transferables] = toWireValue(rawValue);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
              type: "SET",
              path: [...path, prop].map((p) => p.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
          apply(_target, _thisArg, rawArgumentList) {
            const last2 = path[path.length - 1];
            if (last2 === createEndpoint)
              return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
                type: "ENDPOINT"
            if (last2 === "bind")
              return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path.slice(0, -1));
            const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
              type: "APPLY",
              path: => p.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
          construct(_target, rawArgumentList) {
            const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
            return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
              type: "CONSTRUCT",
              path: => p.toString()),
            }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
        return registerProxy(proxy2, ep), proxy2;
      function myFlat(arr) {
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
      function processArguments(argumentList) {
        const processed =;
        return [ => v[0]), myFlat( => v[1]))];
      const transferCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
      function transfer(obj, transfers) {
        return transferCache.set(obj, transfers), obj;
      function proxy(obj) {
        return Object.assign(obj, { [proxyMarker]: !0 });
      function toWireValue(value) {
        for (const [name, handler] of transferHandlers)
          if (handler.canHandle(value)) {
            const [serializedValue, transferables] = handler.serialize(value);
            return [
                type: "HANDLER",
                value: serializedValue
        return [
            type: "RAW",
          transferCache.get(value) || []
      function fromWireValue(value) {
        switch (value.type) {
          case "HANDLER":
            return transferHandlers.get(;
          case "RAW":
            return value.value;
      function requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, msg, transfers) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          const id = generateUUID();
          pendingListeners.set(id, resolve), ep.start && ep.start(), ep.postMessage(Object.assign({ id }, msg), transfers);
      function generateUUID() {
        return new Array(4).fill(0).map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(16)).join("-");
      const jsContent$1 = `var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key != "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
(function() {
  "use strict";
  var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
  function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
    return x && x.__esModule &&, "default") ? x.default : x;
  function commonjsRequire(path) {
    throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
  var jszip_min = { exports: {} };
  var hasRequiredJszip_min;
  function requireJszip_min() {
    return hasRequiredJszip_min || (hasRequiredJszip_min = 1, function(module, exports) {
      (function(e) {
        module.exports = e();
      })(function() {
        return function s(a, o, h) {
          function u(r, e2) {
            if (!o[r]) {
              if (!a[r]) {
                var t = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire;
                if (!e2 && t) return t(r, !0);
                if (l) return l(r, !0);
                var n = new Error("Cannot find module '" + r + "'");
                throw n.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", n;
              var i = o[r] = { exports: {} };
              a[r][0].call(i.exports, function(e3) {
                var t2 = a[r][1][e3];
                return u(t2 || e3);
              }, i, i.exports, s, a, o, h);
            return o[r].exports;
          for (var l = typeof commonjsRequire == "function" && commonjsRequire, e = 0; e < h.length; e++) u(h[e]);
          return u;
        }({ 1: [function(e, t, r) {
          var d = e("./utils"), c = e("./support"), p = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
          r.encode = function(e2) {
            for (var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o, h = [], u = 0, l = e2.length, f = l, c2 = d.getTypeOf(e2) !== "string"; u < e2.length; ) f = l - u, n = c2 ? (t2 = e2[u++], r2 = u < l ? e2[u++] : 0, u < l ? e2[u++] : 0) : (t2 = e2.charCodeAt(u++), r2 = u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0, u < l ? e2.charCodeAt(u++) : 0), i = t2 >> 2, s = (3 & t2) << 4 | r2 >> 4, a = 1 < f ? (15 & r2) << 2 | n >> 6 : 64, o = 2 < f ? 63 & n : 64, h.push(p.charAt(i) + p.charAt(s) + p.charAt(a) + p.charAt(o));
            return h.join("");
          }, r.decode = function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o = 0, h = 0, u = "data:";
            if (e2.substr(0, u.length) === u) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url.");
            var l, f = 3 * (e2 = e2.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, "")).length / 4;
            if (e2.charAt(e2.length - 1) === p.charAt(64) && f--, e2.charAt(e2.length - 2) === p.charAt(64) && f--, f % 1 != 0) throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length.");
            for (l = c.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(0 | f) : new Array(0 | f); o < e2.length; ) t2 = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++)) << 2 | (i = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 4, r2 = (15 & i) << 4 | (s = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))) >> 2, n = (3 & s) << 6 | (a = p.indexOf(e2.charAt(o++))), l[h++] = t2, s !== 64 && (l[h++] = r2), a !== 64 && (l[h++] = n);
            return l;
        }, { "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 2: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./external"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), s = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), a = e("./stream/DataLengthProbe");
          function o(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) {
            this.compressedSize = e2, this.uncompressedSize = t2, this.crc32 = r2, this.compression = n2, this.compressedContent = i2;
          o.prototype = { getContentWorker: function() {
            var e2 = new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")), t2 = this;
            return e2.on("end", function() {
              if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== t2.uncompressedSize) throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");
            }), e2;
          }, getCompressedWorker: function() {
            return new i(n.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize", this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize", this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32", this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression", this.compression);
          } }, o.createWorkerFrom = function(e2, t2, r2) {
            return e2.pipe(new s()).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(t2.compressWorker(r2)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", t2);
          }, t.exports = o;
        }, { "./external": 6, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./stream/DataLengthProbe": 26, "./stream/DataWorker": 27 }], 3: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./stream/GenericWorker");
          r.STORE = { magic: "\\0\\0", compressWorker: function() {
            return new n("STORE compression");
          }, uncompressWorker: function() {
            return new n("STORE decompression");
          } }, r.DEFLATE = e("./flate");
        }, { "./flate": 7, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28 }], 4: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./utils"), o = function() {
            for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) {
              e2 = r2;
              for (var n2 = 0; n2 < 8; n2++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1;
              t2[r2] = e2;
            return t2;
          t.exports = function(e2, t2) {
            return e2 !== void 0 && e2.length ? n.getTypeOf(e2) !== "string" ? function(e3, t3, r2, n2) {
              var i = o, s = n2 + r2;
              e3 ^= -1;
              for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3[a])];
              return -1 ^ e3;
            }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : function(e3, t3, r2, n2) {
              var i = o, s = n2 + r2;
              e3 ^= -1;
              for (var a = n2; a < s; a++) e3 = e3 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e3 ^ t3.charCodeAt(a))];
              return -1 ^ e3;
            }(0 | t2, e2, e2.length, 0) : 0;
        }, { "./utils": 32 }], 5: [function(e, t, r) {
          r.base64 = !1, r.binary = !1, r.dir = !1, r.createFolders = !0, = null, r.compression = null, r.compressionOptions = null, r.comment = null, r.unixPermissions = null, r.dosPermissions = null;
        }, {}], 6: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = null;
          n = typeof Promise < "u" ? Promise : e("lie"), t.exports = { Promise: n };
        }, { lie: 37 }], 7: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = typeof Uint8Array < "u" && typeof Uint16Array < "u" && typeof Uint32Array < "u", i = e("pako"), s = e("./utils"), a = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), o = n ? "uint8array" : "array";
          function h(e2, t2) {
  , "FlateWorker/" + e2), this._pako = null, this._pakoAction = e2, this._pakoOptions = t2, this.meta = {};
          r.magic = "\\b\\0", s.inherits(h, a), h.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            this.meta = e2.meta, this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o,, !1);
          }, h.prototype.flush = function() {
  , this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push([], !0);
          }, h.prototype.cleanUp = function() {
  , this._pako = null;
          }, h.prototype._createPako = function() {
            this._pako = new i[this._pakoAction]({ raw: !0, level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1 });
            var t2 = this;
            this._pako.onData = function(e2) {
              t2.push({ data: e2, meta: t2.meta });
          }, r.compressWorker = function(e2) {
            return new h("Deflate", e2);
          }, r.uncompressWorker = function() {
            return new h("Inflate", {});
        }, { "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./utils": 32, pako: 38 }], 8: [function(e, t, r) {
          function A(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2 = "";
            for (r2 = 0; r2 < t2; r2++) n2 += String.fromCharCode(255 & e2), e2 >>>= 8;
            return n2;
          function n(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) {
            var a, o, h = e2.file, u = e2.compression, l = s2 !== O.utf8encode, f = I.transformTo("string", s2(, c = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(, d = h.comment, p = I.transformTo("string", s2(d)), m = I.transformTo("string", O.utf8encode(d)), _ = c.length !==, g = m.length !== d.length, b = "", v = "", y = "", w = h.dir, k =, x = { crc32: 0, compressedSize: 0, uncompressedSize: 0 };
            t2 && !r2 || (x.crc32 = e2.crc32, x.compressedSize = e2.compressedSize, x.uncompressedSize = e2.uncompressedSize);
            var S = 0;
            t2 && (S |= 8), l || !_ && !g || (S |= 2048);
            var z = 0, C = 0;
            w && (z |= 16), i2 === "UNIX" ? (C = 798, z |= function(e3, t3) {
              var r3 = e3;
              return e3 || (r3 = t3 ? 16893 : 33204), (65535 & r3) << 16;
            }(h.unixPermissions, w)) : (C = 20, z |= function(e3) {
              return 63 & (e3 || 0);
            }(h.dosPermissions)), a = k.getUTCHours(), a <<= 6, a |= k.getUTCMinutes(), a <<= 5, a |= k.getUTCSeconds() / 2, o = k.getUTCFullYear() - 1980, o <<= 4, o |= k.getUTCMonth() + 1, o <<= 5, o |= k.getUTCDate(), _ && (v = A(1, 1) + A(B(f), 4) + c, b += "up" + A(v.length, 2) + v), g && (y = A(1, 1) + A(B(p), 4) + m, b += "uc" + A(y.length, 2) + y);
            var E = "";
            return E += \`
\\0\`, E += A(S, 2), E += u.magic, E += A(a, 2), E += A(o, 2), E += A(x.crc32, 4), E += A(x.compressedSize, 4), E += A(x.uncompressedSize, 4), E += A(f.length, 2), E += A(b.length, 2), { fileRecord: R.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + E + f + b, dirRecord: R.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + A(C, 2) + E + A(p.length, 2) + "\\0\\0\\0\\0" + A(z, 4) + A(n2, 4) + f + b + p };
          var I = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker"), O = e("../utf8"), B = e("../crc32"), R = e("../signature");
          function s(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
  , "ZipFileWorker"), this.bytesWritten = 0, this.zipComment = t2, this.zipPlatform = r2, this.encodeFileName = n2, this.streamFiles = e2, this.accumulate = !1, this.contentBuffer = [], this.dirRecords = [], this.currentSourceOffset = 0, this.entriesCount = 0, this.currentFile = null, this._sources = [];
          I.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.push = function(e2) {
            var t2 = e2.meta.percent || 0, r2 = this.entriesCount, n2 = this._sources.length;
            this.accumulate ? this.contentBuffer.push(e2) : (this.bytesWritten +=,, { data:, meta: { currentFile: this.currentFile, percent: r2 ? (t2 + 100 * (r2 - n2 - 1)) / r2 : 100 } }));
          }, s.prototype.openedSource = function(e2) {
            this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten, this.currentFile =;
            var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir;
            if (t2) {
              var r2 = n(e2, t2, !1, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
              this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } });
            } else this.accumulate = !0;
          }, s.prototype.closedSource = function(e2) {
            this.accumulate = !1;
            var t2 = this.streamFiles && !e2.file.dir, r2 = n(e2, t2, !0, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
            if (this.dirRecords.push(r2.dirRecord), t2) this.push({ data: function(e3) {
              return R.DATA_DESCRIPTOR + A(e3.crc32, 4) + A(e3.compressedSize, 4) + A(e3.uncompressedSize, 4);
            }(e2), meta: { percent: 100 } });
            else for (this.push({ data: r2.fileRecord, meta: { percent: 0 } }); this.contentBuffer.length; ) this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift());
            this.currentFile = null;
          }, s.prototype.flush = function() {
            for (var e2 = this.bytesWritten, t2 = 0; t2 < this.dirRecords.length; t2++) this.push({ data: this.dirRecords[t2], meta: { percent: 100 } });
            var r2 = this.bytesWritten - e2, n2 = function(e3, t3, r3, n3, i2) {
              var s2 = I.transformTo("string", i2(n3));
              return R.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + "\\0\\0\\0\\0" + A(e3, 2) + A(e3, 2) + A(t3, 4) + A(r3, 4) + A(s2.length, 2) + s2;
            }(this.dirRecords.length, r2, e2, this.zipComment, this.encodeFileName);
            this.push({ data: n2, meta: { percent: 100 } });
          }, s.prototype.prepareNextSource = function() {
            this.previous = this._sources.shift(), this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo), this.isPaused ? this.previous.pause() : this.previous.resume();
          }, s.prototype.registerPrevious = function(e2) {
            var t2 = this;
            return e2.on("data", function(e3) {
            }), e2.on("end", function() {
              t2.closedSource(t2.previous.streamInfo), t2._sources.length ? t2.prepareNextSource() : t2.end();
            }), e2.on("error", function(e3) {
            }), this;
          }, s.prototype.resume = function() {
            return !! && (!this.previous && this._sources.length ? (this.prepareNextSource(), !0) : this.previous || this._sources.length || this.generatedError ? void 0 : (this.end(), !0));
          }, s.prototype.error = function(e2) {
            var t2 = this._sources;
            if (!, e2)) return !1;
            for (var r2 = 0; r2 < t2.length; r2++) try {
            } catch {
            return !0;
          }, s.prototype.lock = function() {
            for (var e2 = this._sources, t2 = 0; t2 < e2.length; t2++) e2[t2].lock();
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../crc32": 4, "../signature": 23, "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utf8": 31, "../utils": 32 }], 9: [function(e, t, r) {
          var u = e("../compressions"), n = e("./ZipFileWorker");
          r.generateWorker = function(e2, a, t2) {
            var o = new n(a.streamFiles, t2, a.platform, a.encodeFileName), h = 0;
            try {
              e2.forEach(function(e3, t3) {
                var r2 = function(e4, t4) {
                  var r3 = e4 || t4, n3 = u[r3];
                  if (!n3) throw new Error(r3 + " is not a valid compression method !");
                  return n3;
                }(t3.options.compression, a.compression), n2 = t3.options.compressionOptions || a.compressionOptions || {}, i = t3.dir, s =;
                t3._compressWorker(r2, n2).withStreamInfo("file", { name: e3, dir: i, date: s, comment: t3.comment || "", unixPermissions: t3.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: t3.dosPermissions }).pipe(o);
              }), o.entriesCount = h;
            } catch (e3) {
            return o;
        }, { "../compressions": 3, "./ZipFileWorker": 8 }], 10: [function(e, t, r) {
          function n() {
            if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n();
            if (arguments.length) throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
            this.files = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.comment = null, this.root = "", this.clone = function() {
              var e2 = new n();
              for (var t2 in this) typeof this[t2] != "function" && (e2[t2] = this[t2]);
              return e2;
          (n.prototype = e("./object")).loadAsync = e("./load"), = e("./support"), n.defaults = e("./defaults"), n.version = "3.10.1", n.loadAsync = function(e2, t2) {
            return new n().loadAsync(e2, t2);
          }, n.external = e("./external"), t.exports = n;
        }, { "./defaults": 5, "./external": 6, "./load": 11, "./object": 15, "./support": 30 }], 11: [function(e, t, r) {
          var u = e("./utils"), i = e("./external"), n = e("./utf8"), s = e("./zipEntries"), a = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), l = e("./nodejsUtils");
          function f(n2) {
            return new i.Promise(function(e2, t2) {
              var r2 = n2.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new a());
              r2.on("error", function(e3) {
              }).on("end", function() {
                r2.streamInfo.crc32 !== n2.decompressed.crc32 ? t2(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")) : e2();
          t.exports = function(e2, o) {
            var h = this;
            return o = u.extend(o || {}, { base64: !1, checkCRC32: !1, optimizedBinaryString: !1, createFolders: !1, decodeFileName: n.utf8decode }), l.isNode && l.isStream(e2) ? i.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")) : u.prepareContent("the loaded zip file", e2, !0, o.optimizedBinaryString, o.base64).then(function(e3) {
              var t2 = new s(o);
              return t2.load(e3), t2;
            }).then(function(e3) {
              var t2 = [i.Promise.resolve(e3)], r2 = e3.files;
              if (o.checkCRC32) for (var n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) t2.push(f(r2[n2]));
              return i.Promise.all(t2);
            }).then(function(e3) {
              for (var t2 = e3.shift(), r2 = t2.files, n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++) {
                var i2 = r2[n2], s2 = i2.fileNameStr, a2 = u.resolve(i2.fileNameStr);
                h.file(a2, i2.decompressed, { binary: !0, optimizedBinaryString: !0, date:, dir: i2.dir, comment: i2.fileCommentStr.length ? i2.fileCommentStr : null, unixPermissions: i2.unixPermissions, dosPermissions: i2.dosPermissions, createFolders: o.createFolders }), i2.dir || (h.file(a2).unsafeOriginalName = s2);
              return t2.zipComment.length && (h.comment = t2.zipComment), h;
        }, { "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 25, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntries": 33 }], 12: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../stream/GenericWorker");
          function s(e2, t2) {
  , "Nodejs stream input adapter for " + e2), this._upstreamEnded = !1, this._bindStream(t2);
          n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype._bindStream = function(e2) {
            var t2 = this;
            (this._stream = e2).pause(), e2.on("data", function(e3) {
              t2.push({ data: e3, meta: { percent: 0 } });
            }).on("error", function(e3) {
              t2.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e3 : t2.error(e3);
            }).on("end", function() {
              t2.isPaused ? t2._upstreamEnded = !0 : t2.end();
          }, s.prototype.pause = function() {
            return !! && (this._stream.pause(), !0);
          }, s.prototype.resume = function() {
            return !! && (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(), !0);
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../stream/GenericWorker": 28, "../utils": 32 }], 13: [function(e, t, r) {
          var i = e("readable-stream").Readable;
          function n(e2, t2, r2) {
  , t2), this._helper = e2;
            var n2 = this;
            e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) {
              n2.push(e3) || n2._helper.pause(), r2 && r2(t3);
            }).on("error", function(e3) {
              n2.emit("error", e3);
            }).on("end", function() {
          e("../utils").inherits(n, i), n.prototype._read = function() {
          }, t.exports = n;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "readable-stream": 16 }], 14: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = { isNode: typeof Buffer < "u", newBufferFrom: function(e2, t2) {
            if (Buffer.from && Buffer.from !== Uint8Array.from) return Buffer.from(e2, t2);
            if (typeof e2 == "number") throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number');
            return new Buffer(e2, t2);
          }, allocBuffer: function(e2) {
            if (Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(e2);
            var t2 = new Buffer(e2);
            return t2.fill(0), t2;
          }, isBuffer: function(e2) {
            return Buffer.isBuffer(e2);
          }, isStream: function(e2) {
            return e2 && typeof e2.on == "function" && typeof e2.pause == "function" && typeof e2.resume == "function";
          } };
        }, {}], 15: [function(e, t, r) {
          function s(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2, i2 = u.getTypeOf(t2), s2 = u.extend(r2 || {}, f);
   = || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), s2.compression !== null && (s2.compression = s2.compression.toUpperCase()), typeof s2.unixPermissions == "string" && (s2.unixPermissions = parseInt(s2.unixPermissions, 8)), s2.unixPermissions && 16384 & s2.unixPermissions && (s2.dir = !0), s2.dosPermissions && 16 & s2.dosPermissions && (s2.dir = !0), s2.dir && (e2 = g(e2)), s2.createFolders && (n2 = _(e2)) &&, n2, !0);
            var a2 = i2 === "string" && s2.binary === !1 && s2.base64 === !1;
            r2 && r2.binary !== void 0 || (s2.binary = !a2), (t2 instanceof c && t2.uncompressedSize === 0 || s2.dir || !t2 || t2.length === 0) && (s2.base64 = !1, s2.binary = !0, t2 = "", s2.compression = "STORE", i2 = "string");
            var o2 = null;
            o2 = t2 instanceof c || t2 instanceof l ? t2 : p.isNode && p.isStream(t2) ? new m(e2, t2) : u.prepareContent(e2, t2, s2.binary, s2.optimizedBinaryString, s2.base64);
            var h2 = new d(e2, o2, s2);
            this.files[e2] = h2;
          var i = e("./utf8"), u = e("./utils"), l = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), a = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), f = e("./defaults"), c = e("./compressedObject"), d = e("./zipObject"), o = e("./generate"), p = e("./nodejsUtils"), m = e("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"), _ = function(e2) {
            e2.slice(-1) === "/" && (e2 = e2.substring(0, e2.length - 1));
            var t2 = e2.lastIndexOf("/");
            return 0 < t2 ? e2.substring(0, t2) : "";
          }, g = function(e2) {
            return e2.slice(-1) !== "/" && (e2 += "/"), e2;
          }, b = function(e2, t2) {
            return t2 = t2 !== void 0 ? t2 : f.createFolders, e2 = g(e2), this.files[e2] ||, e2, null, { dir: !0, createFolders: t2 }), this.files[e2];
          function h(e2) {
            return === "[object RegExp]";
          var n = { load: function() {
            throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
          }, forEach: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2;
            for (t2 in this.files) n2 = this.files[t2], (r2 = t2.slice(this.root.length, t2.length)) && t2.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && e2(r2, n2);
          }, filter: function(r2) {
            var n2 = [];
            return this.forEach(function(e2, t2) {
              r2(e2, t2) && n2.push(t2);
            }), n2;
          }, file: function(e2, t2, r2) {
            if (arguments.length !== 1) return e2 = this.root + e2,, e2, t2, r2), this;
            if (h(e2)) {
              var n2 = e2;
              return this.filter(function(e3, t3) {
                return !t3.dir && n2.test(e3);
            var i2 = this.files[this.root + e2];
            return i2 && !i2.dir ? i2 : null;
          }, folder: function(r2) {
            if (!r2) return this;
            if (h(r2)) return this.filter(function(e3, t3) {
              return t3.dir && r2.test(e3);
            var e2 = this.root + r2, t2 =, e2), n2 = this.clone();
            return n2.root =, n2;
          }, remove: function(r2) {
            r2 = this.root + r2;
            var e2 = this.files[r2];
            if (e2 || (r2.slice(-1) !== "/" && (r2 += "/"), e2 = this.files[r2]), e2 && !e2.dir) delete this.files[r2];
            else for (var t2 = this.filter(function(e3, t3) {
              return, r2.length) === r2;
            }), n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) delete this.files[t2[n2].name];
            return this;
          }, generate: function() {
            throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
          }, generateInternalStream: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2 = {};
            try {
              if ((r2 = u.extend(e2 || {}, { streamFiles: !1, compression: "STORE", compressionOptions: null, type: "", platform: "DOS", comment: null, mimeType: "application/zip", encodeFileName: i.utf8encode })).type = r2.type.toLowerCase(), r2.compression = r2.compression.toUpperCase(), r2.type === "binarystring" && (r2.type = "string"), !r2.type) throw new Error("No output type specified.");
              u.checkSupport(r2.type), r2.platform !== "darwin" && r2.platform !== "freebsd" && r2.platform !== "linux" && r2.platform !== "sunos" || (r2.platform = "UNIX"), r2.platform === "win32" && (r2.platform = "DOS");
              var n2 = r2.comment || this.comment || "";
              t2 = o.generateWorker(this, r2, n2);
            } catch (e3) {
              (t2 = new l("error")).error(e3);
            return new a(t2, r2.type || "string", r2.mimeType);
          }, generateAsync: function(e2, t2) {
            return this.generateInternalStream(e2).accumulate(t2);
          }, generateNodeStream: function(e2, t2) {
            return (e2 = e2 || {}).type || (e2.type = "nodebuffer"), this.generateInternalStream(e2).toNodejsStream(t2);
          } };
          t.exports = n;
        }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./defaults": 5, "./generate": 9, "./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter": 12, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32, "./zipObject": 35 }], 16: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = e("stream");
        }, { stream: void 0 }], 17: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./DataReader");
          function i(e2) {
  , e2);
            for (var t2 = 0; t2 <; t2++) e2[t2] = 255 & e2[t2];
          e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) {
            return[ + e2];
          }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) {
            for (var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.length - 4; 0 <= s; --s) if ([s] === t2 &&[s + 1] === r2 &&[s + 2] === n2 &&[s + 3] === i2) return s -;
            return -1;
          }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) {
            var t2 = e2.charCodeAt(0), r2 = e2.charCodeAt(1), n2 = e2.charCodeAt(2), i2 = e2.charCodeAt(3), s = this.readData(4);
            return t2 === s[0] && r2 === s[1] && n2 === s[2] && i2 === s[3];
          }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) {
            if (this.checkOffset(e2), e2 === 0) return [];
            var t2 = + this.index, + this.index + e2);
            return this.index += e2, t2;
          }, t.exports = i;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 18: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("../utils");
          function i(e2) {
   = e2, this.length = e2.length, this.index = 0, = 0;
          i.prototype = { checkOffset: function(e2) {
            this.checkIndex(this.index + e2);
          }, checkIndex: function(e2) {
            if (this.length < + e2 || e2 < 0) throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + e2 + "). Corrupted zip ?");
          }, setIndex: function(e2) {
            this.checkIndex(e2), this.index = e2;
          }, skip: function(e2) {
            this.setIndex(this.index + e2);
          }, byteAt: function() {
          }, readInt: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2 = 0;
            for (this.checkOffset(e2), t2 = this.index + e2 - 1; t2 >= this.index; t2--) r2 = (r2 << 8) + this.byteAt(t2);
            return this.index += e2, r2;
          }, readString: function(e2) {
            return n.transformTo("string", this.readData(e2));
          }, readData: function() {
          }, lastIndexOfSignature: function() {
          }, readAndCheckSignature: function() {
          }, readDate: function() {
            var e2 = this.readInt(4);
            return new Date(Date.UTC(1980 + (e2 >> 25 & 127), (e2 >> 21 & 15) - 1, e2 >> 16 & 31, e2 >> 11 & 31, e2 >> 5 & 63, (31 & e2) << 1));
          } }, t.exports = i;
        }, { "../utils": 32 }], 19: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./Uint8ArrayReader");
          function i(e2) {
  , e2);
          e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) {
            var t2 = + this.index, + this.index + e2);
            return this.index += e2, t2;
          }, t.exports = i;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 20: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./DataReader");
          function i(e2) {
  , e2);
          e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.byteAt = function(e2) {
            return + e2);
          }, i.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(e2) {
            return -;
          }, i.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(e2) {
            return e2 === this.readData(4);
          }, i.prototype.readData = function(e2) {
            var t2 = + this.index, + this.index + e2);
            return this.index += e2, t2;
          }, t.exports = i;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./DataReader": 18 }], 21: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./ArrayReader");
          function i(e2) {
  , e2);
          e("../utils").inherits(i, n), i.prototype.readData = function(e2) {
            if (this.checkOffset(e2), e2 === 0) return new Uint8Array(0);
            var t2 = + this.index, + this.index + e2);
            return this.index += e2, t2;
          }, t.exports = i;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17 }], 22: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("../utils"), i = e("../support"), s = e("./ArrayReader"), a = e("./StringReader"), o = e("./NodeBufferReader"), h = e("./Uint8ArrayReader");
          t.exports = function(e2) {
            var t2 = n.getTypeOf(e2);
            return n.checkSupport(t2), t2 !== "string" || i.uint8array ? t2 === "nodebuffer" ? new o(e2) : i.uint8array ? new h(n.transformTo("uint8array", e2)) : new s(n.transformTo("array", e2)) : new a(e2);
        }, { "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ArrayReader": 17, "./NodeBufferReader": 19, "./StringReader": 20, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 21 }], 23: [function(e, t, r) {
        }, {}], 24: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../utils");
          function s(e2) {
  , "ConvertWorker to " + e2), this.destType = e2;
          i.inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            this.push({ data: i.transformTo(this.destType,, meta: e2.meta });
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 25: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./GenericWorker"), i = e("../crc32");
          function s() {
  , "Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32", 0);
          e("../utils").inherits(s, n), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            this.streamInfo.crc32 = i(, this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0), this.push(e2);
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../crc32": 4, "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 26: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker");
          function s(e2) {
  , "DataLengthProbe for " + e2), this.propName = e2, this.withStreamInfo(e2, 0);
          n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            if (e2) {
              var t2 = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0;
              this.streamInfo[this.propName] = t2 +;
  , e2);
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 27: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("../utils"), i = e("./GenericWorker");
          function s(e2) {
  , "DataWorker");
            var t2 = this;
            this.dataIsReady = !1, this.index = 0, this.max = 0, = null, this.type = "", this._tickScheduled = !1, e2.then(function(e3) {
              t2.dataIsReady = !0, = e3, t2.max = e3 && e3.length || 0, t2.type = n.getTypeOf(e3), t2.isPaused || t2._tickAndRepeat();
            }, function(e3) {
          n.inherits(s, i), s.prototype.cleanUp = function() {
  , = null;
          }, s.prototype.resume = function() {
            return !! && (!this._tickScheduled && this.dataIsReady && (this._tickScheduled = !0, n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)), !0);
          }, s.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function() {
            this._tickScheduled = !1, this.isPaused || this.isFinished || (this._tick(), this.isFinished || (n.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this), this._tickScheduled = !0));
          }, s.prototype._tick = function() {
            if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return !1;
            var e2 = null, t2 = Math.min(this.max, this.index + 16384);
            if (this.index >= this.max) return this.end();
            switch (this.type) {
              case "string":
                e2 =, t2);
              case "uint8array":
                e2 =, t2);
              case "array":
              case "nodebuffer":
                e2 =, t2);
            return this.index = t2, this.push({ data: e2, meta: { percent: this.max ? this.index / this.max * 100 : 0 } });
          }, t.exports = s;
        }, { "../utils": 32, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 28: [function(e, t, r) {
          function n(e2) {
   = e2 || "default", this.streamInfo = {}, this.generatedError = null, this.extraStreamInfo = {}, this.isPaused = !0, this.isFinished = !1, this.isLocked = !1, this._listeners = { data: [], end: [], error: [] }, this.previous = null;
          n.prototype = { push: function(e2) {
            this.emit("data", e2);
          }, end: function() {
            if (this.isFinished) return !1;
            try {
              this.emit("end"), this.cleanUp(), this.isFinished = !0;
            } catch (e2) {
              this.emit("error", e2);
            return !0;
          }, error: function(e2) {
            return !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused ? this.generatedError = e2 : (this.isFinished = !0, this.emit("error", e2), this.previous && this.previous.error(e2), this.cleanUp()), !0);
          }, on: function(e2, t2) {
            return this._listeners[e2].push(t2), this;
          }, cleanUp: function() {
            this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null, this._listeners = [];
          }, emit: function(e2, t2) {
            if (this._listeners[e2]) for (var r2 = 0; r2 < this._listeners[e2].length; r2++) this._listeners[e2][r2].call(this, t2);
          }, pipe: function(e2) {
            return e2.registerPrevious(this);
          }, registerPrevious: function(e2) {
            if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
            this.streamInfo = e2.streamInfo, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this.previous = e2;
            var t2 = this;
            return e2.on("data", function(e3) {
            }), e2.on("end", function() {
            }), e2.on("error", function(e3) {
            }), this;
          }, pause: function() {
            return !this.isPaused && !this.isFinished && (this.isPaused = !0, this.previous && this.previous.pause(), !0);
          }, resume: function() {
            if (!this.isPaused || this.isFinished) return !1;
            var e2 = this.isPaused = !1;
            return this.generatedError && (this.error(this.generatedError), e2 = !0), this.previous && this.previous.resume(), !e2;
          }, flush: function() {
          }, processChunk: function(e2) {
          }, withStreamInfo: function(e2, t2) {
            return this.extraStreamInfo[e2] = t2, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this;
          }, mergeStreamInfo: function() {
            for (var e2 in this.extraStreamInfo), e2) && (this.streamInfo[e2] = this.extraStreamInfo[e2]);
          }, lock: function() {
            if (this.isLocked) throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
            this.isLocked = !0, this.previous && this.previous.lock();
          }, toString: function() {
            var e2 = "Worker " +;
            return this.previous ? this.previous + " -> " + e2 : e2;
          } }, t.exports = n;
        }, {}], 29: [function(e, t, r) {
          var h = e("../utils"), i = e("./ConvertWorker"), s = e("./GenericWorker"), u = e("../base64"), n = e("../support"), a = e("../external"), o = null;
          if (n.nodestream) try {
            o = e("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter");
          } catch {
          function l(e2, o2) {
            return new a.Promise(function(t2, r2) {
              var n2 = [], i2 = e2._internalType, s2 = e2._outputType, a2 = e2._mimeType;
              e2.on("data", function(e3, t3) {
                n2.push(e3), o2 && o2(t3);
              }).on("error", function(e3) {
                n2 = [], r2(e3);
              }).on("end", function() {
                try {
                  var e3 = function(e4, t3, r3) {
                    switch (e4) {
                      case "blob":
                        return h.newBlob(h.transformTo("arraybuffer", t3), r3);
                      case "base64":
                        return u.encode(t3);
                        return h.transformTo(e4, t3);
                  }(s2, function(e4, t3) {
                    var r3, n3 = 0, i3 = null, s3 = 0;
                    for (r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) s3 += t3[r3].length;
                    switch (e4) {
                      case "string":
                        return t3.join("");
                      case "array":
                        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t3);
                      case "uint8array":
                        for (i3 = new Uint8Array(s3), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) i3.set(t3[r3], n3), n3 += t3[r3].length;
                        return i3;
                      case "nodebuffer":
                        return Buffer.concat(t3);
                        throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '" + e4 + "'");
                  }(i2, n2), a2);
                } catch (e4) {
                n2 = [];
          function f(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2 = t2;
            switch (t2) {
              case "blob":
              case "arraybuffer":
                n2 = "uint8array";
              case "base64":
                n2 = "string";
            try {
              this._internalType = n2, this._outputType = t2, this._mimeType = r2, h.checkSupport(n2), this._worker = e2.pipe(new i(n2)), e2.lock();
            } catch (e3) {
              this._worker = new s("error"), this._worker.error(e3);
          f.prototype = { accumulate: function(e2) {
            return l(this, e2);
          }, on: function(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = this;
            return e2 === "data" ? this._worker.on(e2, function(e3) {
    ,, e3.meta);
            }) : this._worker.on(e2, function() {
              h.delay(t2, arguments, r2);
            }), this;
          }, resume: function() {
            return h.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this;
          }, pause: function() {
            return this._worker.pause(), this;
          }, toNodejsStream: function(e2) {
            if (h.checkSupport("nodestream"), this._outputType !== "nodebuffer") throw new Error(this._outputType + " is not supported by this method");
            return new o(this, { objectMode: this._outputType !== "nodebuffer" }, e2);
          } }, t.exports = f;
        }, { "../base64": 1, "../external": 6, "../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter": 13, "../support": 30, "../utils": 32, "./ConvertWorker": 24, "./GenericWorker": 28 }], 30: [function(e, t, r) {
          if (r.base64 = !0, r.array = !0, r.string = !0, r.arraybuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && typeof Uint8Array < "u", r.nodebuffer = typeof Buffer < "u", r.uint8array = typeof Uint8Array < "u", typeof ArrayBuffer > "u") r.blob = !1;
          else {
            var n = new ArrayBuffer(0);
            try {
              r.blob = new Blob([n], { type: "application/zip" }).size === 0;
            } catch {
              try {
                var i = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)();
                i.append(n), r.blob = i.getBlob("application/zip").size === 0;
              } catch {
                r.blob = !1;
          try {
            r.nodestream = !!e("readable-stream").Readable;
          } catch {
            r.nodestream = !1;
        }, { "readable-stream": 16 }], 31: [function(e, t, s) {
          for (var o = e("./utils"), h = e("./support"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), n = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), u = new Array(256), i = 0; i < 256; i++) u[i] = 252 <= i ? 6 : 248 <= i ? 5 : 240 <= i ? 4 : 224 <= i ? 3 : 192 <= i ? 2 : 1;
          u[254] = u[254] = 1;
          function a() {
  , "utf-8 decode"), this.leftOver = null;
          function l() {
  , "utf-8 encode");
          s.utf8encode = function(e2) {
            return h.nodebuffer ? r.newBufferFrom(e2, "utf-8") : function(e3) {
              var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2 = e3.length, o2 = 0;
              for (i2 = 0; i2 < a2; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a2 && (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o2 += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
              for (t2 = h.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(o2) : new Array(o2), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o2; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a2 && (64512 & (n2 = e3.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2);
              return t2;
          }, s.utf8decode = function(e2) {
            return h.nodebuffer ? o.transformTo("nodebuffer", e2).toString("utf-8") : function(e3) {
              var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = e3.length, a2 = new Array(2 * s2);
              for (t2 = r2 = 0; t2 < s2; ) if ((n2 = e3[t2++]) < 128) a2[r2++] = n2;
              else if (4 < (i2 = u[n2])) a2[r2++] = 65533, t2 += i2 - 1;
              else {
                for (n2 &= i2 === 2 ? 31 : i2 === 3 ? 15 : 7; 1 < i2 && t2 < s2; ) n2 = n2 << 6 | 63 & e3[t2++], i2--;
                1 < i2 ? a2[r2++] = 65533 : n2 < 65536 ? a2[r2++] = n2 : (n2 -= 65536, a2[r2++] = 55296 | n2 >> 10 & 1023, a2[r2++] = 56320 | 1023 & n2);
              return a2.length !== r2 && (a2.subarray ? a2 = a2.subarray(0, r2) : a2.length = r2), o.applyFromCharCode(a2);
            }(e2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", e2));
          }, o.inherits(a, n), a.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            var t2 = o.transformTo(h.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array",;
            if (this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length) {
              if (h.uint8array) {
                var r2 = t2;
                (t2 = new Uint8Array(r2.length + this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver, 0), t2.set(r2, this.leftOver.length);
              } else t2 = this.leftOver.concat(t2);
              this.leftOver = null;
            var n2 = function(e3, t3) {
              var r3;
              for ((t3 = t3 || e3.length) > e3.length && (t3 = e3.length), r3 = t3 - 1; 0 <= r3 && (192 & e3[r3]) == 128; ) r3--;
              return r3 < 0 || r3 === 0 ? t3 : r3 + u[e3[r3]] > t3 ? r3 : t3;
            }(t2), i2 = t2;
            n2 !== t2.length && (h.uint8array ? (i2 = t2.subarray(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.subarray(n2, t2.length)) : (i2 = t2.slice(0, n2), this.leftOver = t2.slice(n2, t2.length))), this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(i2), meta: e2.meta });
          }, a.prototype.flush = function() {
            this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length && (this.push({ data: s.utf8decode(this.leftOver), meta: {} }), this.leftOver = null);
          }, s.Utf8DecodeWorker = a, o.inherits(l, n), l.prototype.processChunk = function(e2) {
            this.push({ data: s.utf8encode(, meta: e2.meta });
          }, s.Utf8EncodeWorker = l;
        }, { "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32 }], 32: [function(e, t, a) {
          var o = e("./support"), h = e("./base64"), r = e("./nodejsUtils"), u = e("./external");
          function n(e2) {
            return e2;
          function l(e2, t2) {
            for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; ++r2) t2[r2] = 255 & e2.charCodeAt(r2);
            return t2;
          e("setimmediate"), a.newBlob = function(t2, r2) {
            try {
              return new Blob([t2], { type: r2 });
            } catch {
              try {
                var n2 = new (self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder)();
                return n2.append(t2), n2.getBlob(r2);
              } catch {
                throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
          var i = { stringifyByChunk: function(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2 = [], i2 = 0, s2 = e2.length;
            if (s2 <= r2) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2);
            for (; i2 < s2; ) t2 === "array" || t2 === "nodebuffer" ? n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.slice(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))) : n2.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e2.subarray(i2, Math.min(i2 + r2, s2)))), i2 += r2;
            return n2.join("");
          }, stringifyByChar: function(e2) {
            for (var t2 = "", r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[r2]);
            return t2;
          }, applyCanBeUsed: { uint8array: function() {
            try {
              return o.uint8array && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length === 1;
            } catch {
              return !1;
          }(), nodebuffer: function() {
            try {
              return o.nodebuffer && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, r.allocBuffer(1)).length === 1;
            } catch {
              return !1;
          }() } };
          function s(e2) {
            var t2 = 65536, r2 = a.getTypeOf(e2), n2 = !0;
            if (r2 === "uint8array" ? n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array : r2 === "nodebuffer" && (n2 = i.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer), n2) for (; 1 < t2; ) try {
              return i.stringifyByChunk(e2, r2, t2);
            } catch {
              t2 = Math.floor(t2 / 2);
            return i.stringifyByChar(e2);
          function f(e2, t2) {
            for (var r2 = 0; r2 < e2.length; r2++) t2[r2] = e2[r2];
            return t2;
          a.applyFromCharCode = s;
          var c = {};
          c.string = { string: n, array: function(e2) {
            return l(e2, new Array(e2.length));
          }, arraybuffer: function(e2) {
            return c.string.uint8array(e2).buffer;
          }, uint8array: function(e2) {
            return l(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length));
          }, nodebuffer: function(e2) {
            return l(e2, r.allocBuffer(e2.length));
          } }, c.array = { string: s, array: n, arraybuffer: function(e2) {
            return new Uint8Array(e2).buffer;
          }, uint8array: function(e2) {
            return new Uint8Array(e2);
          }, nodebuffer: function(e2) {
            return r.newBufferFrom(e2);
          } }, c.arraybuffer = { string: function(e2) {
            return s(new Uint8Array(e2));
          }, array: function(e2) {
            return f(new Uint8Array(e2), new Array(e2.byteLength));
          }, arraybuffer: n, uint8array: function(e2) {
            return new Uint8Array(e2);
          }, nodebuffer: function(e2) {
            return r.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(e2));
          } }, c.uint8array = { string: s, array: function(e2) {
            return f(e2, new Array(e2.length));
          }, arraybuffer: function(e2) {
            return e2.buffer;
          }, uint8array: n, nodebuffer: function(e2) {
            return r.newBufferFrom(e2);
          } }, c.nodebuffer = { string: s, array: function(e2) {
            return f(e2, new Array(e2.length));
          }, arraybuffer: function(e2) {
            return c.nodebuffer.uint8array(e2).buffer;
          }, uint8array: function(e2) {
            return f(e2, new Uint8Array(e2.length));
          }, nodebuffer: n }, a.transformTo = function(e2, t2) {
            if (t2 = t2 || "", !e2) return t2;
            var r2 = a.getTypeOf(t2);
            return c[r2][e2](t2);
          }, a.resolve = function(e2) {
            for (var t2 = e2.split("/"), r2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) {
              var i2 = t2[n2];
              i2 === "." || i2 === "" && n2 !== 0 && n2 !== t2.length - 1 || (i2 === ".." ? r2.pop() : r2.push(i2));
            return r2.join("/");
          }, a.getTypeOf = function(e2) {
            return typeof e2 == "string" ? "string" : === "[object Array]" ? "array" : o.nodebuffer && r.isBuffer(e2) ? "nodebuffer" : o.uint8array && e2 instanceof Uint8Array ? "uint8array" : o.arraybuffer && e2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? "arraybuffer" : void 0;
          }, a.checkSupport = function(e2) {
            if (!o[e2.toLowerCase()]) throw new Error(e2 + " is not supported by this platform");
          }, a.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535, a.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1, a.pretty = function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2 = "";
            for (r2 = 0; r2 < (e2 || "").length; r2++) n2 += "\\\\x" + ((t2 = e2.charCodeAt(r2)) < 16 ? "0" : "") + t2.toString(16).toUpperCase();
            return n2;
          }, a.delay = function(e2, t2, r2) {
            setImmediate(function() {
              e2.apply(r2 || null, t2 || []);
          }, a.inherits = function(e2, t2) {
            function r2() {
            r2.prototype = t2.prototype, e2.prototype = new r2();
          }, a.extend = function() {
            var e2, t2, r2 = {};
            for (e2 = 0; e2 < arguments.length; e2++) for (t2 in arguments[e2])[e2], t2) && r2[t2] === void 0 && (r2[t2] = arguments[e2][t2]);
            return r2;
          }, a.prepareContent = function(r2, e2, n2, i2, s2) {
            return u.Promise.resolve(e2).then(function(n3) {
              return o.blob && (n3 instanceof Blob || ["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf( !== -1) && typeof FileReader < "u" ? new u.Promise(function(t2, r3) {
                var e3 = new FileReader();
                e3.onload = function(e4) {
                }, e3.onerror = function(e4) {
                }, e3.readAsArrayBuffer(n3);
              }) : n3;
            }).then(function(e3) {
              var t2 = a.getTypeOf(e3);
              return t2 ? (t2 === "arraybuffer" ? e3 = a.transformTo("uint8array", e3) : t2 === "string" && (s2 ? e3 = h.decode(e3) : n2 && i2 !== !0 && (e3 = function(e4) {
                return l(e4, o.uint8array ? new Uint8Array(e4.length) : new Array(e4.length));
              }(e3))), e3) : u.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '" + r2 + "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?"));
        }, { "./base64": 1, "./external": 6, "./nodejsUtils": 14, "./support": 30, setimmediate: 54 }], 33: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), i = e("./utils"), s = e("./signature"), a = e("./zipEntry"), o = e("./support");
          function h(e2) {
            this.files = [], this.loadOptions = e2;
          h.prototype = { checkSignature: function(e2) {
            if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(e2)) {
              this.reader.index -= 4;
              var t2 = this.reader.readString(4);
              throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (" + i.pretty(t2) + ", expected " + i.pretty(e2) + ")");
          }, isSignature: function(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = this.reader.index;
            var n2 = this.reader.readString(4) === t2;
            return this.reader.setIndex(r2), n2;
          }, readBlockEndOfCentral: function() {
            this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4), this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2);
            var e2 = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength), t2 = o.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", r2 = i.transformTo(t2, e2);
            this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2);
          }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() {
            this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.reader.skip(4), this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8), this.zip64ExtensibleData = {};
            for (var e2, t2, r2, n2 = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44; 0 < n2; ) e2 = this.reader.readInt(2), t2 = this.reader.readInt(4), r2 = this.reader.readData(t2), this.zip64ExtensibleData[e2] = { id: e2, length: t2, value: r2 };
          }, readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() {
            if (this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8), this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4), 1 < this.disksCount) throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported");
          }, readLocalFiles: function() {
            var e2, t2;
            for (e2 = 0; e2 < this.files.length; e2++) t2 = this.files[e2], this.reader.setIndex(t2.localHeaderOffset), this.checkSignature(s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER), t2.readLocalPart(this.reader), t2.handleUTF8(), t2.processAttributes();
          }, readCentralDir: function() {
            var e2;
            for (this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset); this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER); ) (e2 = new a({ zip64: this.zip64 }, this.loadOptions)).readCentralPart(this.reader), this.files.push(e2);
            if (this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length && this.centralDirRecords !== 0 && this.files.length === 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected " + this.centralDirRecords + " records in central dir, got " + this.files.length);
          }, readEndOfCentral: function() {
            var e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);
            if (e2 < 0) throw this.isSignature(0, s.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER) ? new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory") : new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see");
            var t2 = e2;
            if (this.checkSignature(s.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockEndOfCentral(), this.diskNumber === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === i.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === i.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
              if (this.zip64 = !0, (e2 = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR)) < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");
              if (this.reader.setIndex(e2), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(), !this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir, s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END) && (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0)) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory");
              this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir), this.checkSignature(s.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral();
            var r2 = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize;
            this.zip64 && (r2 += 20, r2 += 12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize);
            var n2 = t2 - r2;
            if (0 < n2) this.isSignature(t2, s.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) || ( = n2);
            else if (n2 < 0) throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing " + Math.abs(n2) + " bytes.");
          }, prepareReader: function(e2) {
            this.reader = n(e2);
          }, load: function(e2) {
            this.prepareReader(e2), this.readEndOfCentral(), this.readCentralDir(), this.readLocalFiles();
          } }, t.exports = h;
        }, { "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./signature": 23, "./support": 30, "./utils": 32, "./zipEntry": 34 }], 34: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = e("./reader/readerFor"), s = e("./utils"), i = e("./compressedObject"), a = e("./crc32"), o = e("./utf8"), h = e("./compressions"), u = e("./support");
          function l(e2, t2) {
            this.options = e2, this.loadOptions = t2;
          l.prototype = { isEncrypted: function() {
            return (1 & this.bitFlag) == 1;
          }, useUTF8: function() {
            return (2048 & this.bitFlag) == 2048;
          }, readLocalPart: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2;
            if (e2.skip(22), this.fileNameLength = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), this.fileName = e2.readData(this.fileNameLength), e2.skip(r2), this.compressedSize === -1 || this.uncompressedSize === -1) throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)");
            if ((t2 = function(e3) {
              for (var t3 in h) if (, t3) && h[t3].magic === e3) return h[t3];
              return null;
            }(this.compressionMethod)) === null) throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + s.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + s.transformTo("string", this.fileName) + ")");
            this.decompressed = new i(this.compressedSize, this.uncompressedSize, this.crc32, t2, e2.readData(this.compressedSize));
          }, readCentralPart: function(e2) {
            this.versionMadeBy = e2.readInt(2), e2.skip(2), this.bitFlag = e2.readInt(2), this.compressionMethod = e2.readString(2), = e2.readDate(), this.crc32 = e2.readInt(4), this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(4), this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(4);
            var t2 = e2.readInt(2);
            if (this.extraFieldsLength = e2.readInt(2), this.fileCommentLength = e2.readInt(2), this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(2), this.internalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(2), this.externalFileAttributes = e2.readInt(4), this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(4), this.isEncrypted()) throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");
            e2.skip(t2), this.readExtraFields(e2), this.parseZIP64ExtraField(e2), this.fileComment = e2.readData(this.fileCommentLength);
          }, processAttributes: function() {
            this.unixPermissions = null, this.dosPermissions = null;
            var e2 = this.versionMadeBy >> 8;
            this.dir = !!(16 & this.externalFileAttributes), e2 == 0 && (this.dosPermissions = 63 & this.externalFileAttributes), e2 == 3 && (this.unixPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes >> 16 & 65535), this.dir || this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) !== "/" || (this.dir = !0);
          }, parseZIP64ExtraField: function() {
            if (this.extraFields[1]) {
              var e2 = n(this.extraFields[1].value);
              this.uncompressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.uncompressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.compressedSize === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.compressedSize = e2.readInt(8)), this.localHeaderOffset === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.localHeaderOffset = e2.readInt(8)), this.diskNumberStart === s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.diskNumberStart = e2.readInt(4));
          }, readExtraFields: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2, i2 = e2.index + this.extraFieldsLength;
            for (this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {}); e2.index + 4 < i2; ) t2 = e2.readInt(2), r2 = e2.readInt(2), n2 = e2.readData(r2), this.extraFields[t2] = { id: t2, length: r2, value: n2 };
          }, handleUTF8: function() {
            var e2 = u.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array";
            if (this.useUTF8()) this.fileNameStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileName), this.fileCommentStr = o.utf8decode(this.fileComment);
            else {
              var t2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath();
              if (t2 !== null) this.fileNameStr = t2;
              else {
                var r2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileName);
                this.fileNameStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r2);
              var n2 = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment();
              if (n2 !== null) this.fileCommentStr = n2;
              else {
                var i2 = s.transformTo(e2, this.fileComment);
                this.fileCommentStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i2);
          }, findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function() {
            var e2 = this.extraFields[28789];
            if (e2) {
              var t2 = n(e2.value);
              return t2.readInt(1) !== 1 || a(this.fileName) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5));
            return null;
          }, findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function() {
            var e2 = this.extraFields[25461];
            if (e2) {
              var t2 = n(e2.value);
              return t2.readInt(1) !== 1 || a(this.fileComment) !== t2.readInt(4) ? null : o.utf8decode(t2.readData(e2.length - 5));
            return null;
          } }, t.exports = l;
        }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./compressions": 3, "./crc32": 4, "./reader/readerFor": 22, "./support": 30, "./utf8": 31, "./utils": 32 }], 35: [function(e, t, r) {
          function n(e2, t2, r2) {
   = e2, this.dir = r2.dir, =, this.comment = r2.comment, this.unixPermissions = r2.unixPermissions, this.dosPermissions = r2.dosPermissions, this._data = t2, this._dataBinary = r2.binary, this.options = { compression: r2.compression, compressionOptions: r2.compressionOptions };
          var s = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), i = e("./stream/DataWorker"), a = e("./utf8"), o = e("./compressedObject"), h = e("./stream/GenericWorker");
          n.prototype = { internalStream: function(e2) {
            var t2 = null, r2 = "string";
            try {
              if (!e2) throw new Error("No output type specified.");
              var n2 = (r2 = e2.toLowerCase()) === "string" || r2 === "text";
              r2 !== "binarystring" && r2 !== "text" || (r2 = "string"), t2 = this._decompressWorker();
              var i2 = !this._dataBinary;
              i2 && !n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), !i2 && n2 && (t2 = t2.pipe(new a.Utf8DecodeWorker()));
            } catch (e3) {
              (t2 = new h("error")).error(e3);
            return new s(t2, r2, "");
          }, async: function(e2, t2) {
            return this.internalStream(e2).accumulate(t2);
          }, nodeStream: function(e2, t2) {
            return this.internalStream(e2 || "nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(t2);
          }, _compressWorker: function(e2, t2) {
            if (this._data instanceof o && this._data.compression.magic === e2.magic) return this._data.getCompressedWorker();
            var r2 = this._decompressWorker();
            return this._dataBinary || (r2 = r2.pipe(new a.Utf8EncodeWorker())), o.createWorkerFrom(r2, e2, t2);
          }, _decompressWorker: function() {
            return this._data instanceof o ? this._data.getContentWorker() : this._data instanceof h ? this._data : new i(this._data);
          } };
          for (var u = ["asText", "asBinary", "asNodeBuffer", "asUint8Array", "asArrayBuffer"], l = function() {
            throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
          }, f = 0; f < u.length; f++) n.prototype[u[f]] = l;
          t.exports = n;
        }, { "./compressedObject": 2, "./stream/DataWorker": 27, "./stream/GenericWorker": 28, "./stream/StreamHelper": 29, "./utf8": 31 }], 36: [function(e, l, t) {
          (function(t2) {
            var r, n, e2 = t2.MutationObserver || t2.WebKitMutationObserver;
            if (e2) {
              var i = 0, s = new e2(u), a = t2.document.createTextNode("");
              s.observe(a, { characterData: !0 }), r = function() {
       = i = ++i % 2;
            } else if (t2.setImmediate || t2.MessageChannel === void 0) r = "document" in t2 && "onreadystatechange" in t2.document.createElement("script") ? function() {
              var e3 = t2.document.createElement("script");
              e3.onreadystatechange = function() {
                u(), e3.onreadystatechange = null, e3.parentNode.removeChild(e3), e3 = null;
              }, t2.document.documentElement.appendChild(e3);
            } : function() {
              setTimeout(u, 0);
            else {
              var o = new t2.MessageChannel();
              o.port1.onmessage = u, r = function() {
            var h = [];
            function u() {
              var e3, t3;
              n = !0;
              for (var r2 = h.length; r2; ) {
                for (t3 = h, h = [], e3 = -1; ++e3 < r2; ) t3[e3]();
                r2 = h.length;
              n = !1;
            l.exports = function(e3) {
              h.push(e3) !== 1 || n || r();
          }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal < "u" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : {});
        }, {}], 37: [function(e, t, r) {
          var i = e("immediate");
          function u() {
          var l = {}, s = ["REJECTED"], a = ["FULFILLED"], n = ["PENDING"];
          function o(e2) {
            if (typeof e2 != "function") throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
            this.state = n, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, e2 !== u && d(this, e2);
          function h(e2, t2, r2) {
            this.promise = e2, typeof t2 == "function" && (this.onFulfilled = t2, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), typeof r2 == "function" && (this.onRejected = r2, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected);
          function f(t2, r2, n2) {
            i(function() {
              var e2;
              try {
                e2 = r2(n2);
              } catch (e3) {
                return l.reject(t2, e3);
              e2 === t2 ? l.reject(t2, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : l.resolve(t2, e2);
          function c(e2) {
            var t2 = e2 && e2.then;
            if (e2 && (typeof e2 == "object" || typeof e2 == "function") && typeof t2 == "function") return function() {
              t2.apply(e2, arguments);
          function d(t2, e2) {
            var r2 = !1;
            function n2(e3) {
              r2 || (r2 = !0, l.reject(t2, e3));
            function i2(e3) {
              r2 || (r2 = !0, l.resolve(t2, e3));
            var s2 = p(function() {
              e2(i2, n2);
            s2.status === "error" && n2(s2.value);
          function p(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = {};
            try {
              r2.value = e2(t2), r2.status = "success";
            } catch (e3) {
              r2.status = "error", r2.value = e3;
            return r2;
          (t.exports = o).prototype.finally = function(t2) {
            if (typeof t2 != "function") return this;
            var r2 = this.constructor;
            return this.then(function(e2) {
              return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() {
                return e2;
            }, function(e2) {
              return r2.resolve(t2()).then(function() {
                throw e2;
          }, o.prototype.catch = function(e2) {
            return this.then(null, e2);
          }, o.prototype.then = function(e2, t2) {
            if (typeof e2 != "function" && this.state === a || typeof t2 != "function" && this.state === s) return this;
            var r2 = new this.constructor(u);
            return this.state !== n ? f(r2, this.state === a ? e2 : t2, this.outcome) : this.queue.push(new h(r2, e2, t2)), r2;
          }, h.prototype.callFulfilled = function(e2) {
            l.resolve(this.promise, e2);
          }, h.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(e2) {
            f(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, e2);
          }, h.prototype.callRejected = function(e2) {
            l.reject(this.promise, e2);
          }, h.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(e2) {
            f(this.promise, this.onRejected, e2);
          }, l.resolve = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = p(c, t2);
            if (r2.status === "error") return l.reject(e2, r2.value);
            var n2 = r2.value;
            if (n2) d(e2, n2);
            else {
              e2.state = a, e2.outcome = t2;
              for (var i2 = -1, s2 = e2.queue.length; ++i2 < s2; ) e2.queue[i2].callFulfilled(t2);
            return e2;
          }, l.reject = function(e2, t2) {
            e2.state = s, e2.outcome = t2;
            for (var r2 = -1, n2 = e2.queue.length; ++r2 < n2; ) e2.queue[r2].callRejected(t2);
            return e2;
          }, o.resolve = function(e2) {
            return e2 instanceof this ? e2 : l.resolve(new this(u), e2);
          }, o.reject = function(e2) {
            var t2 = new this(u);
            return l.reject(t2, e2);
          }, o.all = function(e2) {
            var r2 = this;
            if ( !== "[object Array]") return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
            var n2 = e2.length, i2 = !1;
            if (!n2) return this.resolve([]);
            for (var s2 = new Array(n2), a2 = 0, t2 = -1, o2 = new this(u); ++t2 < n2; ) h2(e2[t2], t2);
            return o2;
            function h2(e3, t3) {
              r2.resolve(e3).then(function(e4) {
                s2[t3] = e4, ++a2 !== n2 || i2 || (i2 = !0, l.resolve(o2, s2));
              }, function(e4) {
                i2 || (i2 = !0, l.reject(o2, e4));
          }, o.race = function(e2) {
            var t2 = this;
            if ( !== "[object Array]") return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
            var r2 = e2.length, n2 = !1;
            if (!r2) return this.resolve([]);
            for (var i2 = -1, s2 = new this(u); ++i2 < r2; ) a2 = e2[i2], t2.resolve(a2).then(function(e3) {
              n2 || (n2 = !0, l.resolve(s2, e3));
            }, function(e3) {
              n2 || (n2 = !0, l.reject(s2, e3));
            var a2;
            return s2;
        }, { immediate: 36 }], 38: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = {};
          (0, e("./lib/utils/common").assign)(n, e("./lib/deflate"), e("./lib/inflate"), e("./lib/zlib/constants")), t.exports = n;
        }, { "./lib/deflate": 39, "./lib/inflate": 40, "./lib/utils/common": 41, "./lib/zlib/constants": 44 }], 39: [function(e, t, r) {
          var a = e("./zlib/deflate"), o = e("./utils/common"), h = e("./utils/strings"), i = e("./zlib/messages"), s = e("./zlib/zstream"), u = Object.prototype.toString, l = 0, f = -1, c = 0, d = 8;
          function p(e2) {
            if (!(this instanceof p)) return new p(e2);
            this.options = o.assign({ level: f, method: d, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: c, to: "" }, e2 || {});
            var t2 = this.options;
            t2.raw && 0 < t2.windowBits ? t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits : t2.gzip && 0 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new s(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
            var r2 = a.deflateInit2(this.strm, t2.level, t2.method, t2.windowBits, t2.memLevel, t2.strategy);
            if (r2 !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]);
            if (t2.header && a.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, t2.header), t2.dictionary) {
              var n2;
              if (n2 = typeof t2.dictionary == "string" ? h.string2buf(t2.dictionary) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(t2.dictionary) : t2.dictionary, (r2 = a.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, n2)) !== l) throw new Error(i[r2]);
              this._dict_set = !0;
          function n(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = new p(t2);
            if (r2.push(e2, !0), r2.err) throw r2.msg || i[r2.err];
            return r2.result;
          p.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2 = this.strm, s2 = this.options.chunkSize;
            if (this.ended) return !1;
            n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : t2 === !0 ? 4 : 0, typeof e2 == "string" ? i2.input = h.string2buf(e2) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? i2.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : i2.input = e2, i2.next_in = 0, i2.avail_in = i2.input.length;
            do {
              if (i2.avail_out === 0 && (i2.output = new o.Buf8(s2), i2.next_out = 0, i2.avail_out = s2), (r2 = a.deflate(i2, n2)) !== 1 && r2 !== l) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = !0);
              i2.avail_out !== 0 && (i2.avail_in !== 0 || n2 !== 4 && n2 !== 2) || ( === "string" ? this.onData(h.buf2binstring(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out))) : this.onData(o.shrinkBuf(i2.output, i2.next_out)));
            } while ((0 < i2.avail_in || i2.avail_out === 0) && r2 !== 1);
            return n2 === 4 ? (r2 = a.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = !0, r2 === l) : n2 !== 2 || (this.onEnd(l), !(i2.avail_out = 0));
          }, p.prototype.onData = function(e2) {
          }, p.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) {
            e2 === l && ( === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = o.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
          }, r.Deflate = p, r.deflate = n, r.deflateRaw = function(e2, t2) {
            return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = !0, n(e2, t2);
          }, r.gzip = function(e2, t2) {
            return (t2 = t2 || {}).gzip = !0, n(e2, t2);
        }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/deflate": 46, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 40: [function(e, t, r) {
          var c = e("./zlib/inflate"), d = e("./utils/common"), p = e("./utils/strings"), m = e("./zlib/constants"), n = e("./zlib/messages"), i = e("./zlib/zstream"), s = e("./zlib/gzheader"), _ = Object.prototype.toString;
          function a(e2) {
            if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(e2);
            this.options = d.assign({ chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: "" }, e2 || {});
            var t2 = this.options;
            t2.raw && 0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16 && (t2.windowBits = -t2.windowBits, t2.windowBits === 0 && (t2.windowBits = -15)), !(0 <= t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 16) || e2 && e2.windowBits || (t2.windowBits += 32), 15 < t2.windowBits && t2.windowBits < 48 && !(15 & t2.windowBits) && (t2.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new i(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
            var r2 = c.inflateInit2(this.strm, t2.windowBits);
            if (r2 !== m.Z_OK) throw new Error(n[r2]);
            this.header = new s(), c.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);
          function o(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = new a(t2);
            if (r2.push(e2, !0), r2.err) throw r2.msg || n[r2.err];
            return r2.result;
          a.prototype.push = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h = this.strm, u = this.options.chunkSize, l = this.options.dictionary, f = !1;
            if (this.ended) return !1;
            n2 = t2 === ~~t2 ? t2 : t2 === !0 ? m.Z_FINISH : m.Z_NO_FLUSH, typeof e2 == "string" ? h.input = p.binstring2buf(e2) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? h.input = new Uint8Array(e2) : h.input = e2, h.next_in = 0, h.avail_in = h.input.length;
            do {
              if (h.avail_out === 0 && (h.output = new d.Buf8(u), h.next_out = 0, h.avail_out = u), (r2 = c.inflate(h, m.Z_NO_FLUSH)) === m.Z_NEED_DICT && l && (o2 = typeof l == "string" ? p.string2buf(l) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(l) : l, r2 = c.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, o2)), r2 === m.Z_BUF_ERROR && f === !0 && (r2 = m.Z_OK, f = !1), r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && r2 !== m.Z_OK) return this.onEnd(r2), !(this.ended = !0);
              h.next_out && (h.avail_out !== 0 && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END && (h.avail_in !== 0 || n2 !== m.Z_FINISH && n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) || ( === "string" ? (i2 = p.utf8border(h.output, h.next_out), s2 = h.next_out - i2, a2 = p.buf2string(h.output, i2), h.next_out = s2, h.avail_out = u - s2, s2 && d.arraySet(h.output, h.output, i2, s2, 0), this.onData(a2)) : this.onData(d.shrinkBuf(h.output, h.next_out)))), h.avail_in === 0 && h.avail_out === 0 && (f = !0);
            } while ((0 < h.avail_in || h.avail_out === 0) && r2 !== m.Z_STREAM_END);
            return r2 === m.Z_STREAM_END && (n2 = m.Z_FINISH), n2 === m.Z_FINISH ? (r2 = c.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(r2), this.ended = !0, r2 === m.Z_OK) : n2 !== m.Z_SYNC_FLUSH || (this.onEnd(m.Z_OK), !(h.avail_out = 0));
          }, a.prototype.onData = function(e2) {
          }, a.prototype.onEnd = function(e2) {
            e2 === m.Z_OK && ( === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = d.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = e2, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
          }, r.Inflate = a, r.inflate = o, r.inflateRaw = function(e2, t2) {
            return (t2 = t2 || {}).raw = !0, o(e2, t2);
          }, r.ungzip = o;
        }, { "./utils/common": 41, "./utils/strings": 42, "./zlib/constants": 44, "./zlib/gzheader": 47, "./zlib/inflate": 49, "./zlib/messages": 51, "./zlib/zstream": 53 }], 41: [function(e, t, r) {
          var n = typeof Uint8Array < "u" && typeof Uint16Array < "u" && typeof Int32Array < "u";
          r.assign = function(e2) {
            for (var t2 =, 1); t2.length; ) {
              var r2 = t2.shift();
              if (r2) {
                if (typeof r2 != "object") throw new TypeError(r2 + "must be non-object");
                for (var n2 in r2) r2.hasOwnProperty(n2) && (e2[n2] = r2[n2]);
            return e2;
          }, r.shrinkBuf = function(e2, t2) {
            return e2.length === t2 ? e2 : e2.subarray ? e2.subarray(0, t2) : (e2.length = t2, e2);
          var i = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) {
            if (t2.subarray && e2.subarray) e2.set(t2.subarray(r2, r2 + n2), i2);
            else for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2];
          }, flattenChunks: function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a;
            for (t2 = n2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) n2 += e2[t2].length;
            for (a = new Uint8Array(n2), t2 = i2 = 0, r2 = e2.length; t2 < r2; t2++) s2 = e2[t2], a.set(s2, i2), i2 += s2.length;
            return a;
          } }, s = { arraySet: function(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) {
            for (var s2 = 0; s2 < n2; s2++) e2[i2 + s2] = t2[r2 + s2];
          }, flattenChunks: function(e2) {
            return [].concat.apply([], e2);
          } };
          r.setTyped = function(e2) {
            e2 ? (r.Buf8 = Uint8Array, r.Buf16 = Uint16Array, r.Buf32 = Int32Array, r.assign(r, i)) : (r.Buf8 = Array, r.Buf16 = Array, r.Buf32 = Array, r.assign(r, s));
          }, r.setTyped(n);
        }, {}], 42: [function(e, t, r) {
          var h = e("./common"), i = !0, s = !0;
          try {
            String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]);
          } catch {
            i = !1;
          try {
            String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
          } catch {
            s = !1;
          for (var u = new h.Buf8(256), n = 0; n < 256; n++) u[n] = 252 <= n ? 6 : 248 <= n ? 5 : 240 <= n ? 4 : 224 <= n ? 3 : 192 <= n ? 2 : 1;
          function l(e2, t2) {
            if (t2 < 65537 && (e2.subarray && s || !e2.subarray && i)) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, h.shrinkBuf(e2, t2));
            for (var r2 = "", n2 = 0; n2 < t2; n2++) r2 += String.fromCharCode(e2[n2]);
            return r2;
          u[254] = u[254] = 1, r.string2buf = function(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a = e2.length, o = 0;
            for (i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a && (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), o += r2 < 128 ? 1 : r2 < 2048 ? 2 : r2 < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
            for (t2 = new h.Buf8(o), i2 = s2 = 0; s2 < o; i2++) (64512 & (r2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2))) == 55296 && i2 + 1 < a && (64512 & (n2 = e2.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))) == 56320 && (r2 = 65536 + (r2 - 55296 << 10) + (n2 - 56320), i2++), r2 < 128 ? t2[s2++] = r2 : (r2 < 2048 ? t2[s2++] = 192 | r2 >>> 6 : (r2 < 65536 ? t2[s2++] = 224 | r2 >>> 12 : (t2[s2++] = 240 | r2 >>> 18, t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 12 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | r2 >>> 6 & 63), t2[s2++] = 128 | 63 & r2);
            return t2;
          }, r.buf2binstring = function(e2) {
            return l(e2, e2.length);
          }, r.binstring2buf = function(e2) {
            for (var t2 = new h.Buf8(e2.length), r2 = 0, n2 = t2.length; r2 < n2; r2++) t2[r2] = e2.charCodeAt(r2);
            return t2;
          }, r.buf2string = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2, a = t2 || e2.length, o = new Array(2 * a);
            for (r2 = n2 = 0; r2 < a; ) if ((i2 = e2[r2++]) < 128) o[n2++] = i2;
            else if (4 < (s2 = u[i2])) o[n2++] = 65533, r2 += s2 - 1;
            else {
              for (i2 &= s2 === 2 ? 31 : s2 === 3 ? 15 : 7; 1 < s2 && r2 < a; ) i2 = i2 << 6 | 63 & e2[r2++], s2--;
              1 < s2 ? o[n2++] = 65533 : i2 < 65536 ? o[n2++] = i2 : (i2 -= 65536, o[n2++] = 55296 | i2 >> 10 & 1023, o[n2++] = 56320 | 1023 & i2);
            return l(o, n2);
          }, r.utf8border = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2;
            for ((t2 = t2 || e2.length) > e2.length && (t2 = e2.length), r2 = t2 - 1; 0 <= r2 && (192 & e2[r2]) == 128; ) r2--;
            return r2 < 0 || r2 === 0 ? t2 : r2 + u[e2[r2]] > t2 ? r2 : t2;
        }, { "./common": 41 }], 43: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) {
            for (var i = 65535 & e2 | 0, s = e2 >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a = 0; r2 !== 0; ) {
              for (r2 -= a = 2e3 < r2 ? 2e3 : r2; s = s + (i = i + t2[n++] | 0) | 0, --a; ) ;
              i %= 65521, s %= 65521;
            return i | s << 16 | 0;
        }, {}], 44: [function(e, t, r) {
        }, {}], 45: [function(e, t, r) {
          var o = function() {
            for (var e2, t2 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; r2++) {
              e2 = r2;
              for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) e2 = 1 & e2 ? 3988292384 ^ e2 >>> 1 : e2 >>> 1;
              t2[r2] = e2;
            return t2;
          t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n) {
            var i = o, s = n + r2;
            e2 ^= -1;
            for (var a = n; a < s; a++) e2 = e2 >>> 8 ^ i[255 & (e2 ^ t2[a])];
            return -1 ^ e2;
        }, {}], 46: [function(e, t, r) {
          var h, c = e("../utils/common"), u = e("./trees"), d = e("./adler32"), p = e("./crc32"), n = e("./messages"), l = 0, f = 4, m = 0, _ = -2, g = -1, b = 4, i = 2, v = 8, y = 9, s = 286, a = 30, o = 19, w = 2 * s + 1, k = 15, x = 3, S = 258, z = S + x + 1, C = 42, E = 113, A = 1, I = 2, O = 3, B = 4;
          function R(e2, t2) {
            return e2.msg = n[t2], t2;
          function T(e2) {
            return (e2 << 1) - (4 < e2 ? 9 : 0);
          function D(e2) {
            for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0;
          function F(e2) {
            var t2 = e2.state, r2 = t2.pending;
            r2 > e2.avail_out && (r2 = e2.avail_out), r2 !== 0 && (c.arraySet(e2.output, t2.pending_buf, t2.pending_out, r2, e2.next_out), e2.next_out += r2, t2.pending_out += r2, e2.total_out += r2, e2.avail_out -= r2, t2.pending -= r2, t2.pending === 0 && (t2.pending_out = 0));
          function N(e2, t2) {
            u._tr_flush_block(e2, 0 <= e2.block_start ? e2.block_start : -1, e2.strstart - e2.block_start, t2), e2.block_start = e2.strstart, F(e2.strm);
          function U(e2, t2) {
            e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2;
          function P(e2, t2) {
            e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2;
          function L(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2 = e2.max_chain_length, s2 = e2.strstart, a2 = e2.prev_length, o2 = e2.nice_match, h2 = e2.strstart > e2.w_size - z ? e2.strstart - (e2.w_size - z) : 0, u2 = e2.window, l2 = e2.w_mask, f2 = e2.prev, c2 = e2.strstart + S, d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2];
            e2.prev_length >= e2.good_match && (i2 >>= 2), o2 > e2.lookahead && (o2 = e2.lookahead);
              if (u2[(r2 = t2) + a2] === p2 && u2[r2 + a2 - 1] === d2 && u2[r2] === u2[s2] && u2[++r2] === u2[s2 + 1]) {
                s2 += 2, r2++;
                while (u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && u2[++s2] === u2[++r2] && s2 < c2);
                if (n2 = S - (c2 - s2), s2 = c2 - S, a2 < n2) {
                  if (e2.match_start = t2, o2 <= (a2 = n2)) break;
                  d2 = u2[s2 + a2 - 1], p2 = u2[s2 + a2];
            while ((t2 = f2[t2 & l2]) > h2 && --i2 != 0);
            return a2 <= e2.lookahead ? a2 : e2.lookahead;
          function j(e2) {
            var t2, r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2 = e2.w_size;
            do {
              if (i2 = e2.window_size - e2.lookahead - e2.strstart, e2.strstart >= f2 + (f2 - z)) {
                for (c.arraySet(e2.window, e2.window, f2, f2, 0), e2.match_start -= f2, e2.strstart -= f2, e2.block_start -= f2, t2 = r2 = e2.hash_size; n2 = e2.head[--t2], e2.head[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ;
                for (t2 = r2 = f2; n2 = e2.prev[--t2], e2.prev[t2] = f2 <= n2 ? n2 - f2 : 0, --r2; ) ;
                i2 += f2;
              if (e2.strm.avail_in === 0) break;
              if (a2 = e2.strm, o2 = e2.window, h2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead, u2 = i2, l2 = void 0, l2 = a2.avail_in, u2 < l2 && (l2 = u2), r2 = l2 === 0 ? 0 : (a2.avail_in -= l2, c.arraySet(o2, a2.input, a2.next_in, l2, h2), a2.state.wrap === 1 ? a2.adler = d(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2) : a2.state.wrap === 2 && (a2.adler = p(a2.adler, o2, l2, h2)), a2.next_in += l2, a2.total_in += l2, l2), e2.lookahead += r2, e2.lookahead + e2.insert >= x) for (s2 = e2.strstart - e2.insert, e2.ins_h = e2.window[s2], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + 1]) & e2.hash_mask; e2.insert && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[s2 + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, e2.prev[s2 & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = s2, s2++, e2.insert--, !(e2.lookahead + e2.insert < x)); ) ;
            } while (e2.lookahead < z && e2.strm.avail_in !== 0);
          function Z(e2, t2) {
            for (var r2, n2; ; ) {
              if (e2.lookahead < z) {
                if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A;
                if (e2.lookahead === 0) break;
              if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), r2 !== 0 && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2)), e2.match_length >= x) if (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - e2.match_start, e2.match_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.match_length, e2.match_length <= e2.max_lazy_match && e2.lookahead >= x) {
                for (e2.match_length--; e2.strstart++, e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart, --e2.match_length != 0; ) ;
              } else e2.strstart += e2.match_length, e2.match_length = 0, e2.ins_h = e2.window[e2.strstart], e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + 1]) & e2.hash_mask;
              else n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart]), e2.lookahead--, e2.strstart++;
              if (n2 && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A;
            return e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, !0), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I;
          function W(e2, t2) {
            for (var r2, n2, i2; ; ) {
              if (e2.lookahead < z) {
                if (j(e2), e2.lookahead < z && t2 === l) return A;
                if (e2.lookahead === 0) break;
              if (r2 = 0, e2.lookahead >= x && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), e2.prev_length = e2.match_length, e2.prev_match = e2.match_start, e2.match_length = x - 1, r2 !== 0 && e2.prev_length < e2.max_lazy_match && e2.strstart - r2 <= e2.w_size - z && (e2.match_length = L(e2, r2), e2.match_length <= 5 && (e2.strategy === 1 || e2.match_length === x && 4096 < e2.strstart - e2.match_start) && (e2.match_length = x - 1)), e2.prev_length >= x && e2.match_length <= e2.prev_length) {
                for (i2 = e2.strstart + e2.lookahead - x, n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, e2.strstart - 1 - e2.prev_match, e2.prev_length - x), e2.lookahead -= e2.prev_length - 1, e2.prev_length -= 2; ++e2.strstart <= i2 && (e2.ins_h = (e2.ins_h << e2.hash_shift ^ e2.window[e2.strstart + x - 1]) & e2.hash_mask, r2 = e2.prev[e2.strstart & e2.w_mask] = e2.head[e2.ins_h], e2.head[e2.ins_h] = e2.strstart), --e2.prev_length != 0; ) ;
                if (e2.match_available = 0, e2.match_length = x - 1, e2.strstart++, n2 && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A;
              } else if (e2.match_available) {
                if ((n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1])) && N(e2, !1), e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--, e2.strm.avail_out === 0) return A;
              } else e2.match_available = 1, e2.strstart++, e2.lookahead--;
            return e2.match_available && (n2 = u._tr_tally(e2, 0, e2.window[e2.strstart - 1]), e2.match_available = 0), e2.insert = e2.strstart < x - 1 ? e2.strstart : x - 1, t2 === f ? (N(e2, !0), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e2.last_lit && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I;
          function M(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) {
            this.good_length = e2, this.max_lazy = t2, this.nice_length = r2, this.max_chain = n2, this.func = i2;
          function H() {
            this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = v, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new c.Buf16(2 * w), this.dyn_dtree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * a + 1)), this.bl_tree = new c.Buf16(2 * (2 * o + 1)), D(this.dyn_ltree), D(this.dyn_dtree), D(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new c.Buf16(k + 1), this.heap = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new c.Buf16(2 * s + 1), D(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0;
          function G(e2) {
            var t2;
            return e2 && e2.state ? (e2.total_in = e2.total_out = 0, e2.data_type = i, (t2 = e2.state).pending = 0, t2.pending_out = 0, t2.wrap < 0 && (t2.wrap = -t2.wrap), t2.status = t2.wrap ? C : E, e2.adler = t2.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1, t2.last_flush = l, u._tr_init(t2), m) : R(e2, _);
          function K(e2) {
            var t2 = G(e2);
            return t2 === m && function(e3) {
              e3.window_size = 2 * e3.w_size, D(e3.head), e3.max_lazy_match = h[e3.level].max_lazy, e3.good_match = h[e3.level].good_length, e3.nice_match = h[e3.level].nice_length, e3.max_chain_length = h[e3.level].max_chain, e3.strstart = 0, e3.block_start = 0, e3.lookahead = 0, e3.insert = 0, e3.match_length = e3.prev_length = x - 1, e3.match_available = 0, e3.ins_h = 0;
            }(e2.state), t2;
          function Y(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2) {
            if (!e2) return _;
            var a2 = 1;
            if (t2 === g && (t2 = 6), n2 < 0 ? (a2 = 0, n2 = -n2) : 15 < n2 && (a2 = 2, n2 -= 16), i2 < 1 || y < i2 || r2 !== v || n2 < 8 || 15 < n2 || t2 < 0 || 9 < t2 || s2 < 0 || b < s2) return R(e2, _);
            n2 === 8 && (n2 = 9);
            var o2 = new H();
            return (e2.state = o2).strm = e2, o2.wrap = a2, o2.gzhead = null, o2.w_bits = n2, o2.w_size = 1 << o2.w_bits, o2.w_mask = o2.w_size - 1, o2.hash_bits = i2 + 7, o2.hash_size = 1 << o2.hash_bits, o2.hash_mask = o2.hash_size - 1, o2.hash_shift = ~~((o2.hash_bits + x - 1) / x), o2.window = new c.Buf8(2 * o2.w_size), o2.head = new c.Buf16(o2.hash_size), o2.prev = new c.Buf16(o2.w_size), o2.lit_bufsize = 1 << i2 + 6, o2.pending_buf_size = 4 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.pending_buf = new c.Buf8(o2.pending_buf_size), o2.d_buf = 1 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.l_buf = 3 * o2.lit_bufsize, o2.level = t2, o2.strategy = s2, o2.method = r2, K(e2);
          h = [new M(0, 0, 0, 0, function(e2, t2) {
            var r2 = 65535;
            for (r2 > e2.pending_buf_size - 5 && (r2 = e2.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) {
              if (e2.lookahead <= 1) {
                if (j(e2), e2.lookahead === 0 && t2 === l) return A;
                if (e2.lookahead === 0) break;
              e2.strstart += e2.lookahead, e2.lookahead = 0;
              var n2 = e2.block_start + r2;
              if ((e2.strstart === 0 || e2.strstart >= n2) && (e2.lookahead = e2.strstart - n2, e2.strstart = n2, N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0) || e2.strstart - e2.block_start >= e2.w_size - z && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A;
            return e2.insert = 0, t2 === f ? (N(e2, !0), e2.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : (e2.strstart > e2.block_start && (N(e2, !1), e2.strm.avail_out), A);
          }), new M(4, 4, 8, 4, Z), new M(4, 5, 16, 8, Z), new M(4, 6, 32, 32, Z), new M(4, 4, 16, 16, W), new M(8, 16, 32, 32, W), new M(8, 16, 128, 128, W), new M(8, 32, 128, 256, W), new M(32, 128, 258, 1024, W), new M(32, 258, 258, 4096, W)], r.deflateInit = function(e2, t2) {
            return Y(e2, t2, v, 15, 8, 0);
          }, r.deflateInit2 = Y, r.deflateReset = K, r.deflateResetKeep = G, r.deflateSetHeader = function(e2, t2) {
            return e2 && e2.state ? e2.state.wrap !== 2 ? _ : (e2.state.gzhead = t2, m) : _;
          }, r.deflate = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2;
            if (!e2 || !e2.state || 5 < t2 || t2 < 0) return e2 ? R(e2, _) : _;
            if (n2 = e2.state, !e2.output || !e2.input && e2.avail_in !== 0 || n2.status === 666 && t2 !== f) return R(e2, e2.avail_out === 0 ? -5 : _);
            if (n2.strm = e2, r2 = n2.last_flush, n2.last_flush = t2, n2.status === C) if (n2.wrap === 2) e2.adler = 0, U(n2, 31), U(n2, 139), U(n2, 8), n2.gzhead ? (U(n2, (n2.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + ( ? 8 : 0) + (n2.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.time), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), U(n2, n2.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), U(n2, n2.level === 9 ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.os), n2.gzhead.extra && n2.gzhead.extra.length && (U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra.length), U(n2, n2.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), n2.gzhead.hcrc && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending, 0)), n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 69) : (U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, 0), U(n2, n2.level === 9 ? 2 : 2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), U(n2, 3), n2.status = E);
            else {
              var a2 = v + (n2.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8;
              a2 |= (2 <= n2.strategy || n2.level < 2 ? 0 : n2.level < 6 ? 1 : n2.level === 6 ? 2 : 3) << 6, n2.strstart !== 0 && (a2 |= 32), a2 += 31 - a2 % 31, n2.status = E, P(n2, a2), n2.strstart !== 0 && (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), e2.adler = 1;
            if (n2.status === 69) if (n2.gzhead.extra) {
              for (i2 = n2.pending; n2.gzindex < (65535 & n2.gzhead.extra.length) && (n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size || (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending !== n2.pending_buf_size)); ) U(n2, 255 & n2.gzhead.extra[n2.gzindex]), n2.gzindex++;
              n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), n2.gzindex === n2.gzhead.extra.length && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 73);
            } else n2.status = 73;
            if (n2.status === 73) if ( {
              i2 = n2.pending;
              do {
                if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) {
                  s2 = 1;
                s2 = n2.gzindex < ? 255 & : 0, U(n2, s2);
              } while (s2 !== 0);
              n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), s2 === 0 && (n2.gzindex = 0, n2.status = 91);
            } else n2.status = 91;
            if (n2.status === 91) if (n2.gzhead.comment) {
              i2 = n2.pending;
              do {
                if (n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size && (n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), F(e2), i2 = n2.pending, n2.pending === n2.pending_buf_size)) {
                  s2 = 1;
                s2 = n2.gzindex < n2.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & n2.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(n2.gzindex++) : 0, U(n2, s2);
              } while (s2 !== 0);
              n2.gzhead.hcrc && n2.pending > i2 && (e2.adler = p(e2.adler, n2.pending_buf, n2.pending - i2, i2)), s2 === 0 && (n2.status = 103);
            } else n2.status = 103;
            if (n2.status === 103 && (n2.gzhead.hcrc ? (n2.pending + 2 > n2.pending_buf_size && F(e2), n2.pending + 2 <= n2.pending_buf_size && (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), e2.adler = 0, n2.status = E)) : n2.status = E), n2.pending !== 0) {
              if (F(e2), e2.avail_out === 0) return n2.last_flush = -1, m;
            } else if (e2.avail_in === 0 && T(t2) <= T(r2) && t2 !== f) return R(e2, -5);
            if (n2.status === 666 && e2.avail_in !== 0) return R(e2, -5);
            if (e2.avail_in !== 0 || n2.lookahead !== 0 || t2 !== l && n2.status !== 666) {
              var o2 = n2.strategy === 2 ? function(e3, t3) {
                for (var r3; ; ) {
                  if (e3.lookahead === 0 && (j(e3), e3.lookahead === 0)) {
                    if (t3 === l) return A;
                  if (e3.match_length = 0, r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++, r3 && (N(e3, !1), e3.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A;
                return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, !0), e3.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, !1), e3.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I;
              }(n2, t2) : n2.strategy === 3 ? function(e3, t3) {
                for (var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3 = e3.window; ; ) {
                  if (e3.lookahead <= S) {
                    if (j(e3), e3.lookahead <= S && t3 === l) return A;
                    if (e3.lookahead === 0) break;
                  if (e3.match_length = 0, e3.lookahead >= x && 0 < e3.strstart && (n3 = a3[i3 = e3.strstart - 1]) === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3]) {
                    s3 = e3.strstart + S;
                    while (n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && n3 === a3[++i3] && i3 < s3);
                    e3.match_length = S - (s3 - i3), e3.match_length > e3.lookahead && (e3.match_length = e3.lookahead);
                  if (e3.match_length >= x ? (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 1, e3.match_length - x), e3.lookahead -= e3.match_length, e3.strstart += e3.match_length, e3.match_length = 0) : (r3 = u._tr_tally(e3, 0, e3.window[e3.strstart]), e3.lookahead--, e3.strstart++), r3 && (N(e3, !1), e3.strm.avail_out === 0)) return A;
                return e3.insert = 0, t3 === f ? (N(e3, !0), e3.strm.avail_out === 0 ? O : B) : e3.last_lit && (N(e3, !1), e3.strm.avail_out === 0) ? A : I;
              }(n2, t2) : h[n2.level].func(n2, t2);
              if (o2 !== O && o2 !== B || (n2.status = 666), o2 === A || o2 === O) return e2.avail_out === 0 && (n2.last_flush = -1), m;
              if (o2 === I && (t2 === 1 ? u._tr_align(n2) : t2 !== 5 && (u._tr_stored_block(n2, 0, 0, !1), t2 === 3 && (D(n2.head), n2.lookahead === 0 && (n2.strstart = 0, n2.block_start = 0, n2.insert = 0))), F(e2), e2.avail_out === 0)) return n2.last_flush = -1, m;
            return t2 !== f ? m : n2.wrap <= 0 ? 1 : (n2.wrap === 2 ? (U(n2, 255 & e2.adler), U(n2, e2.adler >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.adler >> 24 & 255), U(n2, 255 & e2.total_in), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 8 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 16 & 255), U(n2, e2.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (P(n2, e2.adler >>> 16), P(n2, 65535 & e2.adler)), F(e2), 0 < n2.wrap && (n2.wrap = -n2.wrap), n2.pending !== 0 ? m : 1);
          }, r.deflateEnd = function(e2) {
            var t2;
            return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state.status) !== C && t2 !== 69 && t2 !== 73 && t2 !== 91 && t2 !== 103 && t2 !== E && t2 !== 666 ? R(e2, _) : (e2.state = null, t2 === E ? R(e2, -3) : m) : _;
          }, r.deflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2 = t2.length;
            if (!e2 || !e2.state || (s2 = (r2 = e2.state).wrap) === 2 || s2 === 1 && r2.status !== C || r2.lookahead) return _;
            for (s2 === 1 && (e2.adler = d(e2.adler, t2, l2, 0)), r2.wrap = 0, l2 >= r2.w_size && (s2 === 0 && (D(r2.head), r2.strstart = 0, r2.block_start = 0, r2.insert = 0), u2 = new c.Buf8(r2.w_size), c.arraySet(u2, t2, l2 - r2.w_size, r2.w_size, 0), t2 = u2, l2 = r2.w_size), a2 = e2.avail_in, o2 = e2.next_in, h2 = e2.input, e2.avail_in = l2, e2.next_in = 0, e2.input = t2, j(r2); r2.lookahead >= x; ) {
              for (n2 = r2.strstart, i2 = r2.lookahead - (x - 1); r2.ins_h = (r2.ins_h << r2.hash_shift ^ r2.window[n2 + x - 1]) & r2.hash_mask, r2.prev[n2 & r2.w_mask] = r2.head[r2.ins_h], r2.head[r2.ins_h] = n2, n2++, --i2; ) ;
              r2.strstart = n2, r2.lookahead = x - 1, j(r2);
            return r2.strstart += r2.lookahead, r2.block_start = r2.strstart, r2.insert = r2.lookahead, r2.lookahead = 0, r2.match_length = r2.prev_length = x - 1, r2.match_available = 0, e2.next_in = o2, e2.input = h2, e2.avail_in = a2, r2.wrap = s2, m;
          }, r.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)";
        }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./messages": 51, "./trees": 52 }], 47: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = function() {
            this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = !1;
        }, {}], 48: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n, i, s, a, o, h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C;
            r2 = e2.state, n = e2.next_in, z = e2.input, i = n + (e2.avail_in - 5), s = e2.next_out, C = e2.output, a = s - (t2 - e2.avail_out), o = s + (e2.avail_out - 257), h = r2.dmax, u = r2.wsize, l = r2.whave, f = r2.wnext, c = r2.window, d = r2.hold, p = r2.bits, m = r2.lencode, _ = r2.distcode, g = (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1, b = (1 << r2.distbits) - 1;
            e: do {
              p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = m[d & g];
              t: for (; ; ) {
                if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, (y = v >>> 16 & 255) === 0) C[s++] = 65535 & v;
                else {
                  if (!(16 & y)) {
                    if (!(64 & y)) {
                      v = m[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)];
                      continue t;
                    if (32 & y) {
                      r2.mode = 12;
                      break e;
                    e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30;
                    break e;
                  w = 65535 & v, (y &= 15) && (p < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), w += d & (1 << y) - 1, d >>>= y, p -= y), p < 15 && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8, d += z[n++] << p, p += 8), v = _[d & b];
                  r: for (; ; ) {
                    if (d >>>= y = v >>> 24, p -= y, !(16 & (y = v >>> 16 & 255))) {
                      if (!(64 & y)) {
                        v = _[(65535 & v) + (d & (1 << y) - 1)];
                        continue r;
                      e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30;
                      break e;
                    if (k = 65535 & v, p < (y &= 15) && (d += z[n++] << p, (p += 8) < y && (d += z[n++] << p, p += 8)), h < (k += d & (1 << y) - 1)) {
                      e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30;
                      break e;
                    if (d >>>= y, p -= y, (y = s - a) < k) {
                      if (l < (y = k - y) && r2.sane) {
                        e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30;
                        break e;
                      if (S = c, (x = 0) === f) {
                        if (x += u - y, y < w) {
                          for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ;
                          x = s - k, S = C;
                      } else if (f < y) {
                        if (x += u + f - y, (y -= f) < w) {
                          for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ;
                          if (x = 0, f < w) {
                            for (w -= y = f; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ;
                            x = s - k, S = C;
                      } else if (x += f - y, y < w) {
                        for (w -= y; C[s++] = c[x++], --y; ) ;
                        x = s - k, S = C;
                      for (; 2 < w; ) C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], C[s++] = S[x++], w -= 3;
                      w && (C[s++] = S[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = S[x++]));
                    } else {
                      for (x = s - k; C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], C[s++] = C[x++], 2 < (w -= 3); ) ;
                      w && (C[s++] = C[x++], 1 < w && (C[s++] = C[x++]));
            } while (n < i && s < o);
            n -= w = p >> 3, d &= (1 << (p -= w << 3)) - 1, e2.next_in = n, e2.next_out = s, e2.avail_in = n < i ? i - n + 5 : 5 - (n - i), e2.avail_out = s < o ? o - s + 257 : 257 - (s - o), r2.hold = d, r2.bits = p;
        }, {}], 49: [function(e, t, r) {
          var I = e("../utils/common"), O = e("./adler32"), B = e("./crc32"), R = e("./inffast"), T = e("./inftrees"), D = 1, F = 2, N = 0, U = -2, P = 1, n = 852, i = 592;
          function L(e2) {
            return (e2 >>> 24 & 255) + (e2 >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & e2) << 8) + ((255 & e2) << 24);
          function s() {
            this.mode = 0, this.last = !1, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = !1, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, = null, this.lens = new I.Buf16(320), = new I.Buf16(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0;
          function a(e2) {
            var t2;
            return e2 && e2.state ? (t2 = e2.state, e2.total_in = e2.total_out = = 0, e2.msg = "", t2.wrap && (e2.adler = 1 & t2.wrap), t2.mode = P, t2.last = 0, t2.havedict = 0, t2.dmax = 32768, t2.head = null, t2.hold = 0, t2.bits = 0, t2.lencode = t2.lendyn = new I.Buf32(n), t2.distcode = t2.distdyn = new I.Buf32(i), t2.sane = 1, t2.back = -1, N) : U;
          function o(e2) {
            var t2;
            return e2 && e2.state ? ((t2 = e2.state).wsize = 0, t2.whave = 0, t2.wnext = 0, a(e2)) : U;
          function h(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2;
            return e2 && e2.state ? (n2 = e2.state, t2 < 0 ? (r2 = 0, t2 = -t2) : (r2 = 1 + (t2 >> 4), t2 < 48 && (t2 &= 15)), t2 && (t2 < 8 || 15 < t2) ? U : (n2.window !== null && n2.wbits !== t2 && (n2.window = null), n2.wrap = r2, n2.wbits = t2, o(e2))) : U;
          function u(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2;
            return e2 ? (n2 = new s(), (e2.state = n2).window = null, (r2 = h(e2, t2)) !== N && (e2.state = null), r2) : U;
          var l, f, c = !0;
          function j(e2) {
            if (c) {
              var t2;
              for (l = new I.Buf32(512), f = new I.Buf32(32), t2 = 0; t2 < 144; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8;
              for (; t2 < 256; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 9;
              for (; t2 < 280; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 7;
              for (; t2 < 288; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 8;
              for (T(D, e2.lens, 0, 288, l, 0,, { bits: 9 }), t2 = 0; t2 < 32; ) e2.lens[t2++] = 5;
              T(F, e2.lens, 0, 32, f, 0,, { bits: 5 }), c = !1;
            e2.lencode = l, e2.lenbits = 9, e2.distcode = f, e2.distbits = 5;
          function Z(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
            var i2, s2 = e2.state;
            return s2.window === null && (s2.wsize = 1 << s2.wbits, s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = 0, s2.window = new I.Buf8(s2.wsize)), n2 >= s2.wsize ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - s2.wsize, s2.wsize, 0), s2.wnext = 0, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (n2 < (i2 = s2.wsize - s2.wnext) && (i2 = n2), I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, i2, s2.wnext), (n2 -= i2) ? (I.arraySet(s2.window, t2, r2 - n2, n2, 0), s2.wnext = n2, s2.whave = s2.wsize) : (s2.wnext += i2, s2.wnext === s2.wsize && (s2.wnext = 0), s2.whave < s2.wsize && (s2.whave += i2))), 0;
          r.inflateReset = o, r.inflateReset2 = h, r.inflateResetKeep = a, r.inflateInit = function(e2) {
            return u(e2, 15);
          }, r.inflateInit2 = u, r.inflate = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2, a2, o2, h2, u2, l2, f2, c2, d, p, m, _, g, b, v, y, w, k, x, S, z, C = 0, E = new I.Buf8(4), A = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15];
            if (!e2 || !e2.state || !e2.output || !e2.input && e2.avail_in !== 0) return U;
            (r2 = e2.state).mode === 12 && (r2.mode = 13), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, f2 = o2, c2 = h2, x = N;
            e: for (; ; ) switch (r2.mode) {
              case P:
                if (r2.wrap === 0) {
                  r2.mode = 13;
                for (; l2 < 16; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if (2 & r2.wrap && u2 === 35615) {
                  E[r2.check = 0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 2;
                if (r2.flags = 0, r2.head && (r2.head.done = !1), !(1 & r2.wrap) || (((255 & u2) << 8) + (u2 >> 8)) % 31) {
                  e2.msg = "incorrect header check", r2.mode = 30;
                if ((15 & u2) != 8) {
                  e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30;
                if (l2 -= 4, k = 8 + (15 & (u2 >>>= 4)), r2.wbits === 0) r2.wbits = k;
                else if (k > r2.wbits) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid window size", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.dmax = 1 << k, e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 512 & u2 ? 10 : 12, l2 = u2 = 0;
              case 2:
                for (; l2 < 16; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if (r2.flags = u2, (255 & r2.flags) != 8) {
                  e2.msg = "unknown compression method", r2.mode = 30;
                if (57344 & r2.flags) {
                  e2.msg = "unknown header flags set", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.head && (r2.head.text = u2 >> 8 & 1), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 3;
              case 3:
                for (; l2 < 32; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                r2.head && (r2.head.time = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, E[2] = u2 >>> 16 & 255, E[3] = u2 >>> 24 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 4, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 4;
              case 4:
                for (; l2 < 16; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                r2.head && (r2.head.xflags = 255 & u2, r2.head.os = u2 >> 8), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 5;
              case 5:
                if (1024 & r2.flags) {
                  for (; l2 < 16; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  r2.length = u2, r2.head && (r2.head.extra_len = u2), 512 & r2.flags && (E[0] = 255 & u2, E[1] = u2 >>> 8 & 255, r2.check = B(r2.check, E, 2, 0)), l2 = u2 = 0;
                } else r2.head && (r2.head.extra = null);
                r2.mode = 6;
              case 6:
                if (1024 & r2.flags && (o2 < (d = r2.length) && (d = o2), d && (r2.head && (k = r2.head.extra_len - r2.length, r2.head.extra || (r2.head.extra = new Array(r2.head.extra_len)), I.arraySet(r2.head.extra, n2, s2, d, k)), 512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, r2.length -= d), r2.length)) break e;
                r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 7;
              case 7:
                if (2048 & r2.flags) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && ( += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ;
                  if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e;
                } else r2.head && ( = null);
                r2.length = 0, r2.mode = 8;
              case 8:
                if (4096 & r2.flags) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  for (d = 0; k = n2[s2 + d++], r2.head && k && r2.length < 65536 && (r2.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(k)), k && d < o2; ) ;
                  if (512 & r2.flags && (r2.check = B(r2.check, n2, d, s2)), o2 -= d, s2 += d, k) break e;
                } else r2.head && (r2.head.comment = null);
                r2.mode = 9;
              case 9:
                if (512 & r2.flags) {
                  for (; l2 < 16; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  if (u2 !== (65535 & r2.check)) {
                    e2.msg = "header crc mismatch", r2.mode = 30;
                  l2 = u2 = 0;
                r2.head && (r2.head.hcrc = r2.flags >> 9 & 1, r2.head.done = !0), e2.adler = r2.check = 0, r2.mode = 12;
              case 10:
                for (; l2 < 32; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                e2.adler = r2.check = L(u2), l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 11;
              case 11:
                if (r2.havedict === 0) return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, 2;
                e2.adler = r2.check = 1, r2.mode = 12;
              case 12:
                if (t2 === 5 || t2 === 6) break e;
              case 13:
                if (r2.last) {
                  u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2, r2.mode = 27;
                for (; l2 < 3; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                switch (r2.last = 1 & u2, l2 -= 1, 3 & (u2 >>>= 1)) {
                  case 0:
                    r2.mode = 14;
                  case 1:
                    if (j(r2), r2.mode = 20, t2 !== 6) break;
                    u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2;
                    break e;
                  case 2:
                    r2.mode = 17;
                  case 3:
                    e2.msg = "invalid block type", r2.mode = 30;
                u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2;
              case 14:
                for (u2 >>>= 7 & l2, l2 -= 7 & l2; l2 < 32; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if ((65535 & u2) != (u2 >>> 16 ^ 65535)) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", r2.mode = 30;
                if (r2.length = 65535 & u2, l2 = u2 = 0, r2.mode = 15, t2 === 6) break e;
              case 15:
                r2.mode = 16;
              case 16:
                if (d = r2.length) {
                  if (o2 < d && (d = o2), h2 < d && (d = h2), d === 0) break e;
                  I.arraySet(i2, n2, s2, d, a2), o2 -= d, s2 += d, h2 -= d, a2 += d, r2.length -= d;
                r2.mode = 12;
              case 17:
                for (; l2 < 14; ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if (r2.nlen = 257 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ndist = 1 + (31 & u2), u2 >>>= 5, l2 -= 5, r2.ncode = 4 + (15 & u2), u2 >>>= 4, l2 -= 4, 286 < r2.nlen || 30 < r2.ndist) {
                  e2.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 18;
              case 18:
                for (; r2.have < r2.ncode; ) {
                  for (; l2 < 3; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 7 & u2, u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3;
                for (; r2.have < 19; ) r2.lens[A[r2.have++]] = 0;
                if (r2.lencode = r2.lendyn, r2.lenbits = 7, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(0, r2.lens, 0, 19, r2.lencode, 0,, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid code lengths set", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.have = 0, r2.mode = 19;
              case 19:
                for (; r2.have < r2.nlen + r2.ndist; ) {
                  for (; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  if (b < 16) u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.lens[r2.have++] = b;
                  else {
                    if (b === 16) {
                      for (z = _ + 2; l2 < z; ) {
                        if (o2 === 0) break e;
                        o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                      if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.have === 0) {
                        e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30;
                      k = r2.lens[r2.have - 1], d = 3 + (3 & u2), u2 >>>= 2, l2 -= 2;
                    } else if (b === 17) {
                      for (z = _ + 3; l2 < z; ) {
                        if (o2 === 0) break e;
                        o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                      l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 3 + (7 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 3, l2 -= 3;
                    } else {
                      for (z = _ + 7; l2 < z; ) {
                        if (o2 === 0) break e;
                        o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                      l2 -= _, k = 0, d = 11 + (127 & (u2 >>>= _)), u2 >>>= 7, l2 -= 7;
                    if (r2.have + d > r2.nlen + r2.ndist) {
                      e2.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", r2.mode = 30;
                    for (; d--; ) r2.lens[r2.have++] = k;
                if (r2.mode === 30) break;
                if (r2.lens[256] === 0) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", r2.mode = 30;
                if (r2.lenbits = 9, S = { bits: r2.lenbits }, x = T(D, r2.lens, 0, r2.nlen, r2.lencode, 0,, S), r2.lenbits = S.bits, x) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", r2.mode = 30;
                if (r2.distbits = 6, r2.distcode = r2.distdyn, S = { bits: r2.distbits }, x = T(F, r2.lens, r2.nlen, r2.ndist, r2.distcode, 0,, S), r2.distbits = S.bits, x) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid distances set", r2.mode = 30;
                if (r2.mode = 20, t2 === 6) break e;
              case 20:
                r2.mode = 21;
              case 21:
                if (6 <= o2 && 258 <= h2) {
                  e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, R(e2, c2), a2 = e2.next_out, i2 = e2.output, h2 = e2.avail_out, s2 = e2.next_in, n2 = e2.input, o2 = e2.avail_in, u2 = r2.hold, l2 = r2.bits, r2.mode === 12 && (r2.back = -1);
                for (r2.back = 0; g = (C = r2.lencode[u2 & (1 << r2.lenbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if (g && !(240 & g)) {
                  for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.lencode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v;
                if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, r2.length = b, g === 0) {
                  r2.mode = 26;
                if (32 & g) {
                  r2.back = -1, r2.mode = 12;
                if (64 & g) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid literal/length code", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 22;
              case 22:
                if (r2.extra) {
                  for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  r2.length += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra;
                r2.was = r2.length, r2.mode = 23;
              case 23:
                for (; g = (C = r2.distcode[u2 & (1 << r2.distbits) - 1]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !((_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) {
                  if (o2 === 0) break e;
                  o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                if (!(240 & g)) {
                  for (v = _, y = g, w = b; g = (C = r2.distcode[w + ((u2 & (1 << v + y) - 1) >> v)]) >>> 16 & 255, b = 65535 & C, !(v + (_ = C >>> 24) <= l2); ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  u2 >>>= v, l2 -= v, r2.back += v;
                if (u2 >>>= _, l2 -= _, r2.back += _, 64 & g) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid distance code", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.offset = b, r2.extra = 15 & g, r2.mode = 24;
              case 24:
                if (r2.extra) {
                  for (z = r2.extra; l2 < z; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  r2.offset += u2 & (1 << r2.extra) - 1, u2 >>>= r2.extra, l2 -= r2.extra, r2.back += r2.extra;
                if (r2.offset > r2.dmax) {
                  e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30;
                r2.mode = 25;
              case 25:
                if (h2 === 0) break e;
                if (d = c2 - h2, r2.offset > d) {
                  if ((d = r2.offset - d) > r2.whave && r2.sane) {
                    e2.msg = "invalid distance too far back", r2.mode = 30;
                  p = d > r2.wnext ? (d -= r2.wnext, r2.wsize - d) : r2.wnext - d, d > r2.length && (d = r2.length), m = r2.window;
                } else m = i2, p = a2 - r2.offset, d = r2.length;
                for (h2 < d && (d = h2), h2 -= d, r2.length -= d; i2[a2++] = m[p++], --d; ) ;
                r2.length === 0 && (r2.mode = 21);
              case 26:
                if (h2 === 0) break e;
                i2[a2++] = r2.length, h2--, r2.mode = 21;
              case 27:
                if (r2.wrap) {
                  for (; l2 < 32; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 |= n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  if (c2 -= h2, e2.total_out += c2, += c2, c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, a2 - c2)), c2 = h2, (r2.flags ? u2 : L(u2)) !== r2.check) {
                    e2.msg = "incorrect data check", r2.mode = 30;
                  l2 = u2 = 0;
                r2.mode = 28;
              case 28:
                if (r2.wrap && r2.flags) {
                  for (; l2 < 32; ) {
                    if (o2 === 0) break e;
                    o2--, u2 += n2[s2++] << l2, l2 += 8;
                  if (u2 !== (4294967295 & {
                    e2.msg = "incorrect length check", r2.mode = 30;
                  l2 = u2 = 0;
                r2.mode = 29;
              case 29:
                x = 1;
                break e;
              case 30:
                x = -3;
                break e;
              case 31:
                return -4;
              case 32:
                return U;
            return e2.next_out = a2, e2.avail_out = h2, e2.next_in = s2, e2.avail_in = o2, r2.hold = u2, r2.bits = l2, (r2.wsize || c2 !== e2.avail_out && r2.mode < 30 && (r2.mode < 27 || t2 !== 4)) && Z(e2, e2.output, e2.next_out, c2 - e2.avail_out) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (f2 -= e2.avail_in, c2 -= e2.avail_out, e2.total_in += f2, e2.total_out += c2, += c2, r2.wrap && c2 && (e2.adler = r2.check = r2.flags ? B(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2) : O(r2.check, i2, c2, e2.next_out - c2)), e2.data_type = r2.bits + (r2.last ? 64 : 0) + (r2.mode === 12 ? 128 : 0) + (r2.mode === 20 || r2.mode === 15 ? 256 : 0), (f2 == 0 && c2 === 0 || t2 === 4) && x === N && (x = -5), x);
          }, r.inflateEnd = function(e2) {
            if (!e2 || !e2.state) return U;
            var t2 = e2.state;
            return t2.window && (t2.window = null), e2.state = null, N;
          }, r.inflateGetHeader = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2;
            return e2 && e2.state && 2 & (r2 = e2.state).wrap ? ((r2.head = t2).done = !1, N) : U;
          }, r.inflateSetDictionary = function(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2 = t2.length;
            return e2 && e2.state ? (r2 = e2.state).wrap !== 0 && r2.mode !== 11 ? U : r2.mode === 11 && O(1, t2, n2, 0) !== r2.check ? -3 : Z(e2, t2, n2, n2) ? (r2.mode = 31, -4) : (r2.havedict = 1, N) : U;
          }, r.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)";
        }, { "../utils/common": 41, "./adler32": 43, "./crc32": 45, "./inffast": 48, "./inftrees": 50 }], 50: [function(e, t, r) {
          var D = e("../utils/common"), F = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0], N = [16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78], U = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0], P = [16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64];
          t.exports = function(e2, t2, r2, n, i, s, a, o) {
            var h, u, l, f, c, d, p, m, _, g = o.bits, b = 0, v = 0, y = 0, w = 0, k = 0, x = 0, S = 0, z = 0, C = 0, E = 0, A = null, I = 0, O = new D.Buf16(16), B = new D.Buf16(16), R = null, T = 0;
            for (b = 0; b <= 15; b++) O[b] = 0;
            for (v = 0; v < n; v++) O[t2[r2 + v]]++;
            for (k = g, w = 15; 1 <= w && O[w] === 0; w--) ;
            if (w < k && (k = w), w === 0) return i[s++] = 20971520, i[s++] = 20971520, o.bits = 1, 0;
            for (y = 1; y < w && O[y] === 0; y++) ;
            for (k < y && (k = y), b = z = 1; b <= 15; b++) if (z <<= 1, (z -= O[b]) < 0) return -1;
            if (0 < z && (e2 === 0 || w !== 1)) return -1;
            for (B[1] = 0, b = 1; b < 15; b++) B[b + 1] = B[b] + O[b];
            for (v = 0; v < n; v++) t2[r2 + v] !== 0 && (a[B[t2[r2 + v]]++] = v);
            if (d = e2 === 0 ? (A = R = a, 19) : e2 === 1 ? (A = F, I -= 257, R = N, T -= 257, 256) : (A = U, R = P, -1), b = y, c = s, S = v = E = 0, l = -1, f = (C = 1 << (x = k)) - 1, e2 === 1 && 852 < C || e2 === 2 && 592 < C) return 1;
            for (; ; ) {
              for (p = b - S, _ = a[v] < d ? (m = 0, a[v]) : a[v] > d ? (m = R[T + a[v]], A[I + a[v]]) : (m = 96, 0), h = 1 << b - S, y = u = 1 << x; i[c + (E >> S) + (u -= h)] = p << 24 | m << 16 | _ | 0, u !== 0; ) ;
              for (h = 1 << b - 1; E & h; ) h >>= 1;
              if (h !== 0 ? (E &= h - 1, E += h) : E = 0, v++, --O[b] == 0) {
                if (b === w) break;
                b = t2[r2 + a[v]];
              if (k < b && (E & f) !== l) {
                for (S === 0 && (S = k), c += y, z = 1 << (x = b - S); x + S < w && !((z -= O[x + S]) <= 0); ) x++, z <<= 1;
                if (C += 1 << x, e2 === 1 && 852 < C || e2 === 2 && 592 < C) return 1;
                i[l = E & f] = k << 24 | x << 16 | c - s | 0;
            return E !== 0 && (i[c + E] = b - S << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0), o.bits = k, 0;
        }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 51: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = { 2: "need dictionary", 1: "stream end", 0: "", "-1": "file error", "-2": "stream error", "-3": "data error", "-4": "insufficient memory", "-5": "buffer error", "-6": "incompatible version" };
        }, {}], 52: [function(e, t, r) {
          var i = e("../utils/common"), o = 0, h = 1;
          function n(e2) {
            for (var t2 = e2.length; 0 <= --t2; ) e2[t2] = 0;
          var s = 0, a = 29, u = 256, l = u + 1 + a, f = 30, c = 19, _ = 2 * l + 1, g = 15, d = 16, p = 7, m = 256, b = 16, v = 17, y = 18, w = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0], k = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13], x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7], S = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], z = new Array(2 * (l + 2));
          var C = new Array(2 * f);
          var E = new Array(512);
          var A = new Array(256);
          var I = new Array(a);
          var O, B, R, T = new Array(f);
          function D(e2, t2, r2, n2, i2) {
            this.static_tree = e2, this.extra_bits = t2, this.extra_base = r2, this.elems = n2, this.max_length = i2, this.has_stree = e2 && e2.length;
          function F(e2, t2) {
            this.dyn_tree = e2, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = t2;
          function N(e2) {
            return e2 < 256 ? E[e2] : E[256 + (e2 >>> 7)];
          function U(e2, t2) {
            e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = t2 >>> 8 & 255;
          function P(e2, t2, r2) {
            e2.bi_valid > d - r2 ? (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, U(e2, e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = t2 >> d - e2.bi_valid, e2.bi_valid += r2 - d) : (e2.bi_buf |= t2 << e2.bi_valid & 65535, e2.bi_valid += r2);
          function L(e2, t2, r2) {
            P(e2, r2[2 * t2], r2[2 * t2 + 1]);
          function j(e2, t2) {
            for (var r2 = 0; r2 |= 1 & e2, e2 >>>= 1, r2 <<= 1, 0 < --t2; ) ;
            return r2 >>> 1;
          function Z(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1), a2 = 0;
            for (n2 = 1; n2 <= g; n2++) s2[n2] = a2 = a2 + r2[n2 - 1] << 1;
            for (i2 = 0; i2 <= t2; i2++) {
              var o2 = e2[2 * i2 + 1];
              o2 !== 0 && (e2[2 * i2] = j(s2[o2]++, o2));
          function W(e2) {
            var t2;
            for (t2 = 0; t2 < l; t2++) e2.dyn_ltree[2 * t2] = 0;
            for (t2 = 0; t2 < f; t2++) e2.dyn_dtree[2 * t2] = 0;
            for (t2 = 0; t2 < c; t2++) e2.bl_tree[2 * t2] = 0;
            e2.dyn_ltree[2 * m] = 1, e2.opt_len = e2.static_len = 0, e2.last_lit = e2.matches = 0;
          function M(e2) {
            8 < e2.bi_valid ? U(e2, e2.bi_buf) : 0 < e2.bi_valid && (e2.pending_buf[e2.pending++] = e2.bi_buf), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0;
          function H(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
            var i2 = 2 * t2, s2 = 2 * r2;
            return e2[i2] < e2[s2] || e2[i2] === e2[s2] && n2[t2] <= n2[r2];
          function G(e2, t2, r2) {
            for (var n2 = e2.heap[r2], i2 = r2 << 1; i2 <= e2.heap_len && (i2 < e2.heap_len && H(t2, e2.heap[i2 + 1], e2.heap[i2], e2.depth) && i2++, !H(t2, n2, e2.heap[i2], e2.depth)); ) e2.heap[r2] = e2.heap[i2], r2 = i2, i2 <<= 1;
            e2.heap[r2] = n2;
          function K(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2, i2, s2, a2, o2 = 0;
            if (e2.last_lit !== 0) for (; n2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2] << 8 | e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * o2 + 1], i2 = e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + o2], o2++, n2 === 0 ? L(e2, i2, t2) : (L(e2, (s2 = A[i2]) + u + 1, t2), (a2 = w[s2]) !== 0 && P(e2, i2 -= I[s2], a2), L(e2, s2 = N(--n2), r2), (a2 = k[s2]) !== 0 && P(e2, n2 -= T[s2], a2)), o2 < e2.last_lit; ) ;
            L(e2, m, t2);
          function Y(e2, t2) {
            var r2, n2, i2, s2 = t2.dyn_tree, a2 = t2.stat_desc.static_tree, o2 = t2.stat_desc.has_stree, h2 = t2.stat_desc.elems, u2 = -1;
            for (e2.heap_len = 0, e2.heap_max = _, r2 = 0; r2 < h2; r2++) s2[2 * r2] !== 0 ? (e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 = r2, e2.depth[r2] = 0) : s2[2 * r2 + 1] = 0;
            for (; e2.heap_len < 2; ) s2[2 * (i2 = e2.heap[++e2.heap_len] = u2 < 2 ? ++u2 : 0)] = 1, e2.depth[i2] = 0, e2.opt_len--, o2 && (e2.static_len -= a2[2 * i2 + 1]);
            for (t2.max_code = u2, r2 = e2.heap_len >> 1; 1 <= r2; r2--) G(e2, s2, r2);
            for (i2 = h2; r2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[1] = e2.heap[e2.heap_len--], G(e2, s2, 1), n2 = e2.heap[1], e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = r2, e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = n2, s2[2 * i2] = s2[2 * r2] + s2[2 * n2], e2.depth[i2] = (e2.depth[r2] >= e2.depth[n2] ? e2.depth[r2] : e2.depth[n2]) + 1, s2[2 * r2 + 1] = s2[2 * n2 + 1] = i2, e2.heap[1] = i2++, G(e2, s2, 1), 2 <= e2.heap_len; ) ;
            e2.heap[--e2.heap_max] = e2.heap[1], function(e3, t3) {
              var r3, n3, i3, s3, a3, o3, h3 = t3.dyn_tree, u3 = t3.max_code, l2 = t3.stat_desc.static_tree, f2 = t3.stat_desc.has_stree, c2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_bits, d2 = t3.stat_desc.extra_base, p2 = t3.stat_desc.max_length, m2 = 0;
              for (s3 = 0; s3 <= g; s3++) e3.bl_count[s3] = 0;
              for (h3[2 * e3.heap[e3.heap_max] + 1] = 0, r3 = e3.heap_max + 1; r3 < _; r3++) p2 < (s3 = h3[2 * h3[2 * (n3 = e3.heap[r3]) + 1] + 1] + 1) && (s3 = p2, m2++), h3[2 * n3 + 1] = s3, u3 < n3 || (e3.bl_count[s3]++, a3 = 0, d2 <= n3 && (a3 = c2[n3 - d2]), o3 = h3[2 * n3], e3.opt_len += o3 * (s3 + a3), f2 && (e3.static_len += o3 * (l2[2 * n3 + 1] + a3)));
              if (m2 !== 0) {
                do {
                  for (s3 = p2 - 1; e3.bl_count[s3] === 0; ) s3--;
                  e3.bl_count[s3]--, e3.bl_count[s3 + 1] += 2, e3.bl_count[p2]--, m2 -= 2;
                } while (0 < m2);
                for (s3 = p2; s3 !== 0; s3--) for (n3 = e3.bl_count[s3]; n3 !== 0; ) u3 < (i3 = e3.heap[--r3]) || (h3[2 * i3 + 1] !== s3 && (e3.opt_len += (s3 - h3[2 * i3 + 1]) * h3[2 * i3], h3[2 * i3 + 1] = s3), n3--);
            }(e2, t2), Z(s2, u2, e2.bl_count);
          function X(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4;
            for (a2 === 0 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), t2[2 * (r2 + 1) + 1] = 65535, n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], ++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2 || (o2 < u2 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * i2] += o2 : i2 !== 0 ? (i2 !== s2 && e2.bl_tree[2 * i2]++, e2.bl_tree[2 * b]++) : o2 <= 10 ? e2.bl_tree[2 * v]++ : e2.bl_tree[2 * y]++, s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4));
          function V(e2, t2, r2) {
            var n2, i2, s2 = -1, a2 = t2[1], o2 = 0, h2 = 7, u2 = 4;
            for (a2 === 0 && (h2 = 138, u2 = 3), n2 = 0; n2 <= r2; n2++) if (i2 = a2, a2 = t2[2 * (n2 + 1) + 1], !(++o2 < h2 && i2 === a2)) {
              if (o2 < u2) for (; L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), --o2 != 0; ) ;
              else i2 !== 0 ? (i2 !== s2 && (L(e2, i2, e2.bl_tree), o2--), L(e2, b, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 2)) : o2 <= 10 ? (L(e2, v, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 3, 3)) : (L(e2, y, e2.bl_tree), P(e2, o2 - 11, 7));
              s2 = i2, u2 = (o2 = 0) === a2 ? (h2 = 138, 3) : i2 === a2 ? (h2 = 6, 3) : (h2 = 7, 4);
          var q = !1;
          function J(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
            P(e2, (s << 1) + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) {
              M(e3), U(e3, r3), U(e3, ~r3), i.arraySet(e3.pending_buf, e3.window, t3, r3, e3.pending), e3.pending += r3;
            }(e2, t2, r2);
          r._tr_init = function(e2) {
            q || (function() {
              var e3, t2, r2, n2, i2, s2 = new Array(g + 1);
              for (n2 = r2 = 0; n2 < a - 1; n2++) for (I[n2] = r2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << w[n2]; e3++) A[r2++] = n2;
              for (A[r2 - 1] = n2, n2 = i2 = 0; n2 < 16; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2]; e3++) E[i2++] = n2;
              for (i2 >>= 7; n2 < f; n2++) for (T[n2] = i2 << 7, e3 = 0; e3 < 1 << k[n2] - 7; e3++) E[256 + i2++] = n2;
              for (t2 = 0; t2 <= g; t2++) s2[t2] = 0;
              for (e3 = 0; e3 <= 143; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++;
              for (; e3 <= 255; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 9, e3++, s2[9]++;
              for (; e3 <= 279; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 7, e3++, s2[7]++;
              for (; e3 <= 287; ) z[2 * e3 + 1] = 8, e3++, s2[8]++;
              for (Z(z, l + 1, s2), e3 = 0; e3 < f; e3++) C[2 * e3 + 1] = 5, C[2 * e3] = j(e3, 5);
              O = new D(z, w, u + 1, l, g), B = new D(C, k, 0, f, g), R = new D(new Array(0), x, 0, c, p);
            }(), q = !0), e2.l_desc = new F(e2.dyn_ltree, O), e2.d_desc = new F(e2.dyn_dtree, B), e2.bl_desc = new F(e2.bl_tree, R), e2.bi_buf = 0, e2.bi_valid = 0, W(e2);
          }, r._tr_stored_block = J, r._tr_flush_block = function(e2, t2, r2, n2) {
            var i2, s2, a2 = 0;
            0 < e2.level ? (e2.strm.data_type === 2 && (e2.strm.data_type = function(e3) {
              var t3, r3 = 4093624447;
              for (t3 = 0; t3 <= 31; t3++, r3 >>>= 1) if (1 & r3 && e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3] !== 0) return o;
              if (e3.dyn_ltree[18] !== 0 || e3.dyn_ltree[20] !== 0 || e3.dyn_ltree[26] !== 0) return h;
              for (t3 = 32; t3 < u; t3++) if (e3.dyn_ltree[2 * t3] !== 0) return h;
              return o;
            }(e2)), Y(e2, e2.l_desc), Y(e2, e2.d_desc), a2 = function(e3) {
              var t3;
              for (X(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, e3.l_desc.max_code), X(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, e3.d_desc.max_code), Y(e3, e3.bl_desc), t3 = c - 1; 3 <= t3 && e3.bl_tree[2 * S[t3] + 1] === 0; t3--) ;
              return e3.opt_len += 3 * (t3 + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, t3;
            }(e2), i2 = e2.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, (s2 = e2.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3) <= i2 && (i2 = s2)) : i2 = s2 = r2 + 5, r2 + 4 <= i2 && t2 !== -1 ? J(e2, t2, r2, n2) : e2.strategy === 4 || s2 === i2 ? (P(e2, 2 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), K(e2, z, C)) : (P(e2, 4 + (n2 ? 1 : 0), 3), function(e3, t3, r3, n3) {
              var i3;
              for (P(e3, t3 - 257, 5), P(e3, r3 - 1, 5), P(e3, n3 - 4, 4), i3 = 0; i3 < n3; i3++) P(e3, e3.bl_tree[2 * S[i3] + 1], 3);
              V(e3, e3.dyn_ltree, t3 - 1), V(e3, e3.dyn_dtree, r3 - 1);
            }(e2, e2.l_desc.max_code + 1, e2.d_desc.max_code + 1, a2 + 1), K(e2, e2.dyn_ltree, e2.dyn_dtree)), W(e2), n2 && M(e2);
          }, r._tr_tally = function(e2, t2, r2) {
            return e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit] = t2 >>> 8 & 255, e2.pending_buf[e2.d_buf + 2 * e2.last_lit + 1] = 255 & t2, e2.pending_buf[e2.l_buf + e2.last_lit] = 255 & r2, e2.last_lit++, t2 === 0 ? e2.dyn_ltree[2 * r2]++ : (e2.matches++, t2--, e2.dyn_ltree[2 * (A[r2] + u + 1)]++, e2.dyn_dtree[2 * N(t2)]++), e2.last_lit === e2.lit_bufsize - 1;
          }, r._tr_align = function(e2) {
            P(e2, 2, 3), L(e2, m, z), function(e3) {
              e3.bi_valid === 16 ? (U(e3, e3.bi_buf), e3.bi_buf = 0, e3.bi_valid = 0) : 8 <= e3.bi_valid && (e3.pending_buf[e3.pending++] = 255 & e3.bi_buf, e3.bi_buf >>= 8, e3.bi_valid -= 8);
        }, { "../utils/common": 41 }], 53: [function(e, t, r) {
          t.exports = function() {
            this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0;
        }, {}], 54: [function(e, t, r) {
          (function(e2) {
            (function(r2, n) {
              if (!r2.setImmediate) {
                var i, s, t2, a, o = 1, h = {}, u = !1, l = r2.document, e3 = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(r2);
                e3 = e3 && e3.setTimeout ? e3 : r2, i = {} === "[object process]" ? function(e4) {
                  process.nextTick(function() {
                } : function() {
                  if (r2.postMessage && !r2.importScripts) {
                    var e4 = !0, t3 = r2.onmessage;
                    return r2.onmessage = function() {
                      e4 = !1;
                    }, r2.postMessage("", "*"), r2.onmessage = t3, e4;
                }() ? (a = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", r2.addEventListener ? r2.addEventListener("message", d, !1) : r2.attachEvent("onmessage", d), function(e4) {
                  r2.postMessage(a + e4, "*");
                }) : r2.MessageChannel ? ((t2 = new MessageChannel()).port1.onmessage = function(e4) {
                }, function(e4) {
                }) : l && "onreadystatechange" in l.createElement("script") ? (s = l.documentElement, function(e4) {
                  var t3 = l.createElement("script");
                  t3.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    c(e4), t3.onreadystatechange = null, s.removeChild(t3), t3 = null;
                  }, s.appendChild(t3);
                }) : function(e4) {
                  setTimeout(c, 0, e4);
                }, e3.setImmediate = function(e4) {
                  typeof e4 != "function" && (e4 = new Function("" + e4));
                  for (var t3 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++) t3[r3] = arguments[r3 + 1];
                  var n2 = { callback: e4, args: t3 };
                  return h[o] = n2, i(o), o++;
                }, e3.clearImmediate = f;
              function f(e4) {
                delete h[e4];
              function c(e4) {
                if (u) setTimeout(c, 0, e4);
                else {
                  var t3 = h[e4];
                  if (t3) {
                    u = !0;
                    try {
                      (function(e5) {
                        var t4 = e5.callback, r3 = e5.args;
                        switch (r3.length) {
                          case 0:
                          case 1:
                          case 2:
                            t4(r3[0], r3[1]);
                          case 3:
                            t4(r3[0], r3[1], r3[2]);
                            t4.apply(n, r3);
                    } finally {
                      f(e4), u = !1;
              function d(e4) {
                e4.source === r2 && typeof == "string" && === 0 && c(;
            })(typeof self > "u" ? e2 === void 0 ? this : e2 : self);
          }).call(this, typeof commonjsGlobal < "u" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : {});
        }, {}] }, {}, [10])(10);
    }(jszip_min)), jszip_min.exports;
  var jszip_minExports = requireJszip_min(), JSZip = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(jszip_minExports);
  const proxyMarker = Symbol("Comlink.proxy"), createEndpoint = Symbol("Comlink.endpoint"), releaseProxy = Symbol("Comlink.releaseProxy"), finalizer = Symbol("Comlink.finalizer"), throwMarker = Symbol("Comlink.thrown"), isObject = (val) => typeof val == "object" && val !== null || typeof val == "function", proxyTransferHandler = {
    canHandle: (val) => isObject(val) && val[proxyMarker],
    serialize(obj) {
      const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
      return expose(obj, port1), [port2, [port2]];
    deserialize(port) {
      return port.start(), wrap(port);
  }, throwTransferHandler = {
    canHandle: (value) => isObject(value) && throwMarker in value,
    serialize({ value }) {
      let serialized;
      return value instanceof Error ? serialized = {
        isError: !0,
        value: {
          message: value.message,
          stack: value.stack
      } : serialized = { isError: !1, value }, [serialized, []];
    deserialize(serialized) {
      throw serialized.isError ? Object.assign(new Error(serialized.value.message), serialized.value) : serialized.value;
  }, transferHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
    ["proxy", proxyTransferHandler],
    ["throw", throwTransferHandler]
  function isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, origin) {
    for (const allowedOrigin of allowedOrigins)
      if (origin === allowedOrigin || allowedOrigin === "*" || allowedOrigin instanceof RegExp && allowedOrigin.test(origin))
        return !0;
    return !1;
  function expose(obj, ep = globalThis, allowedOrigins = ["*"]) {
    ep.addEventListener("message", function callback(ev) {
      if (!ev || !
      if (!isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, ev.origin)) {
        console.warn(\`Invalid origin '\${ev.origin}' for comlink proxy\`);
      const { id, type, path } = Object.assign({ path: [] },, argumentList = ( || []).map(fromWireValue);
      let returnValue;
      try {
        const parent = path.slice(0, -1).reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj), rawValue = path.reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj);
        switch (type) {
          case "GET":
            returnValue = rawValue;
          case "SET":
            parent[path.slice(-1)[0]] = fromWireValue(, returnValue = !0;
          case "APPLY":
            returnValue = rawValue.apply(parent, argumentList);
          case "CONSTRUCT":
              const value = new rawValue(...argumentList);
              returnValue = proxy(value);
          case "ENDPOINT":
              const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
              expose(obj, port2), returnValue = transfer(port1, [port1]);
          case "RELEASE":
            returnValue = void 0;
      } catch (value) {
        returnValue = { value, [throwMarker]: 0 };
      Promise.resolve(returnValue).catch((value) => ({ value, [throwMarker]: 0 })).then((returnValue2) => {
        const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue(returnValue2);
        ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables), type === "RELEASE" && (ep.removeEventListener("message", callback), closeEndPoint(ep), finalizer in obj && typeof obj[finalizer] == "function" && obj[finalizer]());
      }).catch((error) => {
        const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue({
          value: new TypeError("Unserializable return value"),
          [throwMarker]: 0
        ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables);
    }), ep.start && ep.start();
  function isMessagePort(endpoint) {
    return === "MessagePort";
  function closeEndPoint(endpoint) {
    isMessagePort(endpoint) && endpoint.close();
  function wrap(ep, target) {
    const pendingListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
    return ep.addEventListener("message", function(ev) {
      const { data } = ev;
      if (!data || !
      const resolver = pendingListeners.get(;
      if (resolver)
        try {
        } finally {
    }), createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [], target);
  function throwIfProxyReleased(isReleased) {
    if (isReleased)
      throw new Error("Proxy has been released and is not useable");
  function releaseEndpoint(ep) {
    return requestResponseMessage(ep, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), {
      type: "RELEASE"
    }).then(() => {
  const proxyCounter = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), proxyFinalizers = "FinalizationRegistry" in globalThis && new FinalizationRegistry((ep) => {
    const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) - 1;
    proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), newCount === 0 && releaseEndpoint(ep);
  function registerProxy(proxy2, ep) {
    const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) + 1;
    proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.register(proxy2, ep, proxy2);
  function unregisterProxy(proxy2) {
    proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.unregister(proxy2);
  function createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path = [], target = function() {
  }) {
    let isProxyReleased = !1;
    const proxy2 = new Proxy(target, {
      get(_target, prop) {
        if (throwIfProxyReleased(isProxyReleased), prop === releaseProxy)
          return () => {
            unregisterProxy(proxy2), releaseEndpoint(ep), pendingListeners.clear(), isProxyReleased = !0;
        if (prop === "then") {
          if (path.length === 0)
            return { then: () => proxy2 };
          const r = requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
            type: "GET",
            path: => p.toString())
          return r.then.bind(r);
        return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [...path, prop]);
      set(_target, prop, rawValue) {
        const [value, transferables] = toWireValue(rawValue);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "SET",
          path: [...path, prop].map((p) => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
      apply(_target, _thisArg, rawArgumentList) {
        const last = path[path.length - 1];
        if (last === createEndpoint)
          return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
            type: "ENDPOINT"
        if (last === "bind")
          return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path.slice(0, -1));
        const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "APPLY",
          path: => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
      construct(_target, rawArgumentList) {
        const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "CONSTRUCT",
          path: => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
    return registerProxy(proxy2, ep), proxy2;
  function myFlat(arr) {
    return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
  function processArguments(argumentList) {
    const processed =;
    return [ => v[0]), myFlat( => v[1]))];
  const transferCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  function transfer(obj, transfers) {
    return transferCache.set(obj, transfers), obj;
  function proxy(obj) {
    return Object.assign(obj, { [proxyMarker]: !0 });
  function toWireValue(value) {
    for (const [name, handler] of transferHandlers)
      if (handler.canHandle(value)) {
        const [serializedValue, transferables] = handler.serialize(value);
        return [
            type: "HANDLER",
            value: serializedValue
    return [
        type: "RAW",
      transferCache.get(value) || []
  function fromWireValue(value) {
    switch (value.type) {
      case "HANDLER":
        return transferHandlers.get(;
      case "RAW":
        return value.value;
  function requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, msg, transfers) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const id = generateUUID();
      pendingListeners.set(id, resolve), ep.start && ep.start(), ep.postMessage(Object.assign({ id }, msg), transfers);
  function generateUUID() {
    return new Array(4).fill(0).map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(16)).join("-");
  var jsQR$2 = { exports: {} }, jsQR$1 = jsQR$2.exports, hasRequiredJsQR;
  function requireJsQR() {
    return hasRequiredJsQR || (hasRequiredJsQR = 1, function(module, exports) {
      (function(root, factory) {
        module.exports = factory();
      })(typeof self < "u" ? self : jsQR$1, function() {
        return (
          function(modules) {
            var installedModules = {};
            function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
              if (installedModules[moduleId])
                return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
              var module2 = installedModules[moduleId] = {
                i: moduleId,
                l: !1,
                exports: {}
              return modules[moduleId].call(module2.exports, module2, module2.exports, __webpack_require__), module2.l = !0, module2.exports;
            return __webpack_require__.m = modules, __webpack_require__.c = installedModules, __webpack_require__.d = function(exports2, name, getter) {
              __webpack_require__.o(exports2, name) || Object.defineProperty(exports2, name, {
                configurable: !1,
                enumerable: !0,
                get: getter
            }, __webpack_require__.n = function(module2) {
              var getter = module2 && module2.__esModule ? (
                function() {
                  return module2.default;
              ) : (
                function() {
                  return module2;
              return __webpack_require__.d(getter, "a", getter), getter;
            }, __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) {
              return, property);
            }, __webpack_require__.p = "", __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3);
            /* 0 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitMatrix = (
                /** @class */
                function() {
                  function BitMatrix2(data, width) {
                    this.width = width, this.height = data.length / width, = data;
                  return BitMatrix2.createEmpty = function(width, height) {
                    return new BitMatrix2(new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height), width);
                  }, BitMatrix2.prototype.get = function(x, y) {
                    return x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height ? !1 : !![y * this.width + x];
                  }, BitMatrix2.prototype.set = function(x, y, v) {
          [y * this.width + x] = v ? 1 : 0;
                  }, BitMatrix2.prototype.setRegion = function(left, top, width, height, v) {
                    for (var y = top; y < top + height; y++)
                      for (var x = left; x < left + width; x++)
                        this.set(x, y, !!v);
                  }, BitMatrix2;
              exports2.BitMatrix = BitMatrix;
            /* 1 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
              function addOrSubtractGF(a, b) {
                return a ^ b;
              exports2.addOrSubtractGF = addOrSubtractGF;
              var GenericGF = (
                /** @class */
                function() {
                  function GenericGF2(primitive, size, genBase) {
                    this.primitive = primitive, this.size = size, this.generatorBase = genBase, this.expTable = new Array(this.size), this.logTable = new Array(this.size);
                    for (var x = 1, i = 0; i < this.size; i++)
                      this.expTable[i] = x, x = x * 2, x >= this.size && (x = (x ^ this.primitive) & this.size - 1);
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.size - 1; i++)
                      this.logTable[this.expTable[i]] = i;
           = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([0])), = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([1]));
                  return GenericGF2.prototype.multiply = function(a, b) {
                    return a === 0 || b === 0 ? 0 : this.expTable[(this.logTable[a] + this.logTable[b]) % (this.size - 1)];
                  }, GenericGF2.prototype.inverse = function(a) {
                    if (a === 0)
                      throw new Error("Can't invert 0");
                    return this.expTable[this.size - this.logTable[a] - 1];
                  }, GenericGF2.prototype.buildMonomial = function(degree, coefficient) {
                    if (degree < 0)
                      throw new Error("Invalid monomial degree less than 0");
                    if (coefficient === 0)
                    var coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(degree + 1);
                    return coefficients[0] = coefficient, new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, coefficients);
                  }, GenericGF2.prototype.log = function(a) {
                    if (a === 0)
                      throw new Error("Can't take log(0)");
                    return this.logTable[a];
                  }, GenericGF2.prototype.exp = function(a) {
                    return this.expTable[a];
                  }, GenericGF2;
              exports2.default = GenericGF;
            /* 2 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1), GenericGFPoly = (
                /** @class */
                function() {
                  function GenericGFPoly2(field, coefficients) {
                    if (coefficients.length === 0)
                      throw new Error("No coefficients.");
                    this.field = field;
                    var coefficientsLength = coefficients.length;
                    if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients[0] === 0) {
                      for (var firstNonZero = 1; firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients[firstNonZero] === 0; )
                      if (firstNonZero === coefficientsLength)
                        this.coefficients =;
                      else {
                        this.coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(coefficientsLength - firstNonZero);
                        for (var i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++)
                          this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[firstNonZero + i];
                    } else
                      this.coefficients = coefficients;
                  return = function() {
                    return this.coefficients.length - 1;
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.isZero = function() {
                    return this.coefficients[0] === 0;
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.getCoefficient = function(degree) {
                    return this.coefficients[this.coefficients.length - 1 - degree];
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.addOrSubtract = function(other) {
                    var _a;
                    if (this.isZero())
                      return other;
                    if (other.isZero())
                      return this;
                    var smallerCoefficients = this.coefficients, largerCoefficients = other.coefficients;
                    smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length && (_a = [largerCoefficients, smallerCoefficients], smallerCoefficients = _a[0], largerCoefficients = _a[1]);
                    for (var sumDiff = new Uint8ClampedArray(largerCoefficients.length), lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length, i = 0; i < lengthDiff; i++)
                      sumDiff[i] = largerCoefficients[i];
                    for (var i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++)
                      sumDiff[i] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(smallerCoefficients[i - lengthDiff], largerCoefficients[i]);
                    return new GenericGFPoly2(this.field, sumDiff);
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.multiply = function(scalar) {
                    if (scalar === 0)
                    if (scalar === 1)
                      return this;
                    for (var size = this.coefficients.length, product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size), i = 0; i < size; i++)
                      product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], scalar);
                    return new GenericGFPoly2(this.field, product);
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.multiplyPoly = function(other) {
                    if (this.isZero() || other.isZero())
                    for (var aCoefficients = this.coefficients, aLength = aCoefficients.length, bCoefficients = other.coefficients, bLength = bCoefficients.length, product = new Uint8ClampedArray(aLength + bLength - 1), i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
                      for (var aCoeff = aCoefficients[i], j = 0; j < bLength; j++)
                        product[i + j] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(product[i + j], this.field.multiply(aCoeff, bCoefficients[j]));
                    return new GenericGFPoly2(this.field, product);
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.multiplyByMonomial = function(degree, coefficient) {
                    if (degree < 0)
                      throw new Error("Invalid degree less than 0");
                    if (coefficient === 0)
                    for (var size = this.coefficients.length, product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size + degree), i = 0; i < size; i++)
                      product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], coefficient);
                    return new GenericGFPoly2(this.field, product);
                  }, GenericGFPoly2.prototype.evaluateAt = function(a) {
                    var result = 0;
                    if (a === 0)
                      return this.getCoefficient(0);
                    var size = this.coefficients.length;
                    if (a === 1)
                      return this.coefficients.forEach(function(coefficient) {
                        result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(result, coefficient);
                      }), result;
                    result = this.coefficients[0];
                    for (var i = 1; i < size; i++)
                      result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(this.field.multiply(a, result), this.coefficients[i]);
                    return result;
                  }, GenericGFPoly2;
              exports2.default = GenericGFPoly;
            /* 3 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var binarizer_1 = __webpack_require__(4), decoder_1 = __webpack_require__(5), extractor_1 = __webpack_require__(11), locator_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
              function scan(matrix) {
                var locations = locator_1.locate(matrix);
                if (!locations)
                  return null;
                for (var _i = 0, locations_1 = locations; _i < locations_1.length; _i++) {
                  var location_1 = locations_1[_i], extracted = extractor_1.extract(matrix, location_1), decoded = decoder_1.decode(extracted.matrix);
                  if (decoded)
                    return {
                      binaryData: decoded.bytes,
                      data: decoded.text,
                      chunks: decoded.chunks,
                      version: decoded.version,
                      location: {
                        topRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, 0),
                        topLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, 0),
                        bottomRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, location_1.dimension),
                        bottomLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, location_1.dimension),
                        topRightFinderPattern: location_1.topRight,
                        topLeftFinderPattern: location_1.topLeft,
                        bottomLeftFinderPattern: location_1.bottomLeft,
                        bottomRightAlignmentPattern: location_1.alignmentPattern
                return null;
              var defaultOptions = {
                inversionAttempts: "attemptBoth"
              function jsQR2(data, width, height, providedOptions) {
                providedOptions === void 0 && (providedOptions = {});
                var options2 = defaultOptions;
                Object.keys(options2).forEach(function(opt) {
                  options2[opt] = providedOptions[opt] || options2[opt];
                var shouldInvert = options2.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options2.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst", tryInvertedFirst = options2.inversionAttempts === "onlyInvert" || options2.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst", _a = binarizer_1.binarize(data, width, height, shouldInvert), binarized = _a.binarized, inverted = _a.inverted, result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? inverted : binarized);
                return !result && (options2.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options2.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst") && (result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? binarized : inverted)), result;
              jsQR2.default = jsQR2, exports2.default = jsQR2;
            /* 4 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0), REGION_SIZE = 8, MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE = 24;
              function numBetween(value, min, max) {
                return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
              var Matrix = (
                /** @class */
                function() {
                  function Matrix2(width, height) {
                    this.width = width, = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height);
                  return Matrix2.prototype.get = function(x, y) {
                    return[y * this.width + x];
                  }, Matrix2.prototype.set = function(x, y, value) {
          [y * this.width + x] = value;
                  }, Matrix2;
              function binarize(data, width, height, returnInverted) {
                if (data.length !== width * height * 4)
                  throw new Error("Malformed data passed to binarizer.");
                for (var greyscalePixels = new Matrix(width, height), x = 0; x < width; x++)
                  for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                    var r = data[(y * width + x) * 4 + 0], g = data[(y * width + x) * 4 + 1], b = data[(y * width + x) * 4 + 2];
                    greyscalePixels.set(x, y, 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);
                for (var horizontalRegionCount = Math.ceil(width / REGION_SIZE), verticalRegionCount = Math.ceil(height / REGION_SIZE), blackPoints = new Matrix(horizontalRegionCount, verticalRegionCount), verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++)
                  for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
                    for (var sum = 0, min = 1 / 0, max = 0, y = 0; y < REGION_SIZE; y++)
                      for (var x = 0; x < REGION_SIZE; x++) {
                        var pixelLumosity = greyscalePixels.get(hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + x, verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + y);
                        sum += pixelLumosity, min = Math.min(min, pixelLumosity), max = Math.max(max, pixelLumosity);
                    var average = sum / Math.pow(REGION_SIZE, 2);
                    if (max - min <= MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE && (average = min / 2, verticalRegion > 0 && hortizontalRegion > 0)) {
                      var averageNeighborBlackPoint = (blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion - 1) + 2 * blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion) + blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion - 1)) / 4;
                      min < averageNeighborBlackPoint && (average = averageNeighborBlackPoint);
                    blackPoints.set(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion, average);
                var binarized = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height), inverted = null;
                returnInverted && (inverted = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height));
                for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++)
                  for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
                    for (var left = numBetween(hortizontalRegion, 2, horizontalRegionCount - 3), top_1 = numBetween(verticalRegion, 2, verticalRegionCount - 3), sum = 0, xRegion = -2; xRegion <= 2; xRegion++)
                      for (var yRegion = -2; yRegion <= 2; yRegion++)
                        sum += blackPoints.get(left + xRegion, top_1 + yRegion);
                    for (var threshold = sum / 25, xRegion = 0; xRegion < REGION_SIZE; xRegion++)
                      for (var yRegion = 0; yRegion < REGION_SIZE; yRegion++) {
                        var x = hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + xRegion, y = verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + yRegion, lum = greyscalePixels.get(x, y);
                        binarized.set(x, y, lum <= threshold), returnInverted && inverted.set(x, y, !(lum <= threshold));
                return returnInverted ? { binarized, inverted } : { binarized };
              exports2.binarize = binarize;
            /* 5 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0), decodeData_1 = __webpack_require__(6), reedsolomon_1 = __webpack_require__(9), version_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
              function numBitsDiffering(x, y) {
                for (var z = x ^ y, bitCount = 0; z; )
                  bitCount++, z &= z - 1;
                return bitCount;
              function pushBit(bit, byte) {
                return byte << 1 | bit;
              var FORMAT_INFO_TABLE = [
                { bits: 21522, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 0 } },
                { bits: 20773, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 1 } },
                { bits: 24188, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 2 } },
                { bits: 23371, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 3 } },
                { bits: 17913, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 4 } },
                { bits: 16590, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 5 } },
                { bits: 20375, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 6 } },
                { bits: 19104, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 7 } },
                { bits: 30660, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 0 } },
                { bits: 29427, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 1 } },
                { bits: 32170, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 2 } },
                { bits: 30877, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 3 } },
                { bits: 26159, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 4 } },
                { bits: 25368, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 5 } },
                { bits: 27713, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 6 } },
                { bits: 26998, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 7 } },
                { bits: 5769, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 0 } },
                { bits: 5054, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 1 } },
                { bits: 7399, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 2 } },
                { bits: 6608, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 3 } },
                { bits: 1890, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 4 } },
                { bits: 597, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 5 } },
                { bits: 3340, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 6 } },
                { bits: 2107, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 7 } },
                { bits: 13663, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 0 } },
                { bits: 12392, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 1 } },
                { bits: 16177, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 2 } },
                { bits: 14854, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 3 } },
                { bits: 9396, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 4 } },
                { bits: 8579, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 5 } },
                { bits: 11994, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 6 } },
                { bits: 11245, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 7 } }
              ], DATA_MASKS = [
                function(p) {
                  return (p.y + p.x) % 2 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return p.y % 2 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return p.x % 3 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return (p.y + p.x) % 3 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return (Math.floor(p.y / 2) + Math.floor(p.x / 3)) % 2 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return p.x * p.y % 2 + p.x * p.y % 3 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return (p.y * p.x % 2 + p.y * p.x % 3) % 2 === 0;
                function(p) {
                  return ((p.y + p.x) % 2 + p.y * p.x % 3) % 2 === 0;
              function buildFunctionPatternMask(version) {
                var dimension = 17 + 4 * version.versionNumber, matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(dimension, dimension);
                matrix.setRegion(0, 0, 9, 9, !0), matrix.setRegion(dimension - 8, 0, 8, 9, !0), matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 8, 9, 8, !0);
                for (var _i = 0, _a = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _i < _a.length; _i++)
                  for (var x = _a[_i], _b = 0, _c = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
                    var y = _c[_b];
                    x === 6 && y === 6 || x === 6 && y === dimension - 7 || x === dimension - 7 && y === 6 || matrix.setRegion(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, !0);
                return matrix.setRegion(6, 9, 1, dimension - 17, !0), matrix.setRegion(9, 6, dimension - 17, 1, !0), version.versionNumber > 6 && (matrix.setRegion(dimension - 11, 0, 3, 6, !0), matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 11, 6, 3, !0)), matrix;
              function readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo) {
                for (var dataMask = DATA_MASKS[formatInfo.dataMask], dimension = matrix.height, functionPatternMask = buildFunctionPatternMask(version), codewords = [], currentByte = 0, bitsRead = 0, readingUp = !0, columnIndex = dimension - 1; columnIndex > 0; columnIndex -= 2) {
                  columnIndex === 6 && columnIndex--;
                  for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
                    for (var y = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - i : i, columnOffset = 0; columnOffset < 2; columnOffset++) {
                      var x = columnIndex - columnOffset;
                      if (!functionPatternMask.get(x, y)) {
                        var bit = matrix.get(x, y);
                        dataMask({ y, x }) && (bit = !bit), currentByte = pushBit(bit, currentByte), bitsRead === 8 && (codewords.push(currentByte), bitsRead = 0, currentByte = 0);
                  readingUp = !readingUp;
                return codewords;
              function readVersion(matrix) {
                var dimension = matrix.height, provisionalVersion = Math.floor((dimension - 17) / 4);
                if (provisionalVersion <= 6)
                  return version_1.VERSIONS[provisionalVersion - 1];
                for (var topRightVersionBits = 0, y = 5; y >= 0; y--)
                  for (var x = dimension - 9; x >= dimension - 11; x--)
                    topRightVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), topRightVersionBits);
                for (var bottomLeftVersionBits = 0, x = 5; x >= 0; x--)
                  for (var y = dimension - 9; y >= dimension - 11; y--)
                    bottomLeftVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), bottomLeftVersionBits);
                for (var bestDifference = 1 / 0, bestVersion, _i = 0, VERSIONS_1 = version_1.VERSIONS; _i < VERSIONS_1.length; _i++) {
                  var version = VERSIONS_1[_i];
                  if (version.infoBits === topRightVersionBits || version.infoBits === bottomLeftVersionBits)
                    return version;
                  var difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightVersionBits, version.infoBits);
                  difference < bestDifference && (bestVersion = version, bestDifference = difference), difference = numBitsDiffering(bottomLeftVersionBits, version.infoBits), difference < bestDifference && (bestVersion = version, bestDifference = difference);
                if (bestDifference <= 3)
                  return bestVersion;
              function readFormatInformation(matrix) {
                for (var topLeftFormatInfoBits = 0, x = 0; x <= 8; x++)
                  x !== 6 && (topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topLeftFormatInfoBits));
                for (var y = 7; y >= 0; y--)
                  y !== 6 && (topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topLeftFormatInfoBits));
                for (var dimension = matrix.height, topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = 0, y = dimension - 1; y >= dimension - 7; y--)
                  topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
                for (var x = dimension - 8; x < dimension; x++)
                  topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
                for (var bestDifference = 1 / 0, bestFormatInfo = null, _i = 0, FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1 = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE; _i < FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1.length; _i++) {
                  var _a = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1[_i], bits = _a.bits, formatInfo = _a.formatInfo;
                  if (bits === topLeftFormatInfoBits || bits === topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits)
                    return formatInfo;
                  var difference = numBitsDiffering(topLeftFormatInfoBits, bits);
                  difference < bestDifference && (bestFormatInfo = formatInfo, bestDifference = difference), topLeftFormatInfoBits !== topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits && (difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits, bits), difference < bestDifference && (bestFormatInfo = formatInfo, bestDifference = difference));
                return bestDifference <= 3 ? bestFormatInfo : null;
              function getDataBlocks(codewords, version, ecLevel) {
                var ecInfo = version.errorCorrectionLevels[ecLevel], dataBlocks = [], totalCodewords = 0;
                if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.forEach(function(block) {
                  for (var i2 = 0; i2 < block.numBlocks; i2++)
                    dataBlocks.push({ numDataCodewords: block.dataCodewordsPerBlock, codewords: [] }), totalCodewords += block.dataCodewordsPerBlock + ecInfo.ecCodewordsPerBlock;
                }), codewords.length < totalCodewords)
                  return null;
                codewords = codewords.slice(0, totalCodewords);
                for (var shortBlockSize = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].dataCodewordsPerBlock, i = 0; i < shortBlockSize; i++)
                  for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_1 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_1.length; _i++) {
                    var dataBlock = dataBlocks_1[_i];
                if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.length > 1)
                  for (var smallBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].numBlocks, largeBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[1].numBlocks, i = 0; i < largeBlockCount; i++)
                    dataBlocks[smallBlockCount + i].codewords.push(codewords.shift());
                for (; codewords.length > 0; )
                  for (var _a = 0, dataBlocks_2 = dataBlocks; _a < dataBlocks_2.length; _a++) {
                    var dataBlock = dataBlocks_2[_a];
                return dataBlocks;
              function decodeMatrix(matrix) {
                var version = readVersion(matrix);
                if (!version)
                  return null;
                var formatInfo = readFormatInformation(matrix);
                if (!formatInfo)
                  return null;
                var codewords = readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo), dataBlocks = getDataBlocks(codewords, version, formatInfo.errorCorrectionLevel);
                if (!dataBlocks)
                  return null;
                for (var totalBytes = dataBlocks.reduce(function(a, b) {
                  return a + b.numDataCodewords;
                }, 0), resultBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(totalBytes), resultIndex = 0, _i = 0, dataBlocks_3 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_3.length; _i++) {
                  var dataBlock = dataBlocks_3[_i], correctedBytes = reedsolomon_1.decode(dataBlock.codewords, dataBlock.codewords.length - dataBlock.numDataCodewords);
                  if (!correctedBytes)
                    return null;
                  for (var i = 0; i < dataBlock.numDataCodewords; i++)
                    resultBytes[resultIndex++] = correctedBytes[i];
                try {
                  return decodeData_1.decode(resultBytes, version.versionNumber);
                } catch {
                  return null;
              function decode(matrix) {
                if (matrix == null)
                  return null;
                var result = decodeMatrix(matrix);
                if (result)
                  return result;
                for (var x = 0; x < matrix.width; x++)
                  for (var y = x + 1; y < matrix.height; y++)
                    matrix.get(x, y) !== matrix.get(y, x) && (matrix.set(x, y, !matrix.get(x, y)), matrix.set(y, x, !matrix.get(y, x)));
                return decodeMatrix(matrix);
              exports2.decode = decode;
            /* 6 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitStream_1 = __webpack_require__(7), shiftJISTable_1 = __webpack_require__(8), Mode;
              (function(Mode2) {
                Mode2.Numeric = "numeric", Mode2.Alphanumeric = "alphanumeric", Mode2.Byte = "byte", Mode2.Kanji = "kanji", Mode2.ECI = "eci";
              })(Mode = exports2.Mode || (exports2.Mode = {}));
              var ModeByte;
              (function(ModeByte2) {
                ModeByte2[ModeByte2.Terminator = 0] = "Terminator", ModeByte2[ModeByte2.Numeric = 1] = "Numeric", ModeByte2[ModeByte2.Alphanumeric = 2] = "Alphanumeric", ModeByte2[ModeByte2.Byte = 4] = "Byte", ModeByte2[ModeByte2.Kanji = 8] = "Kanji", ModeByte2[ModeByte2.ECI = 7] = "ECI";
              })(ModeByte || (ModeByte = {}));
              function decodeNumeric(stream, size) {
                for (var bytes = [], text = "", characterCountSize = [10, 12, 14][size], length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize); length >= 3; ) {
                  var num = stream.readBits(10);
                  if (num >= 1e3)
                    throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 999");
                  var a = Math.floor(num / 100), b = Math.floor(num / 10) % 10, c = num % 10;
                  bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b, 48 + c), text += a.toString() + b.toString() + c.toString(), length -= 3;
                if (length === 2) {
                  var num = stream.readBits(7);
                  if (num >= 100)
                    throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 99");
                  var a = Math.floor(num / 10), b = num % 10;
                  bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b), text += a.toString() + b.toString();
                } else if (length === 1) {
                  var num = stream.readBits(4);
                  if (num >= 10)
                    throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 9");
                  bytes.push(48 + num), text += num.toString();
                return { bytes, text };
              var AlphanumericCharacterCodes = [
                " ",
              function decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size) {
                for (var bytes = [], text = "", characterCountSize = [9, 11, 13][size], length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize); length >= 2; ) {
                  var v = stream.readBits(11), a = Math.floor(v / 45), b = v % 45;
                  bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0), AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b].charCodeAt(0)), text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a] + AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b], length -= 2;
                if (length === 1) {
                  var a = stream.readBits(6);
                  bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0)), text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a];
                return { bytes, text };
              function decodeByte(stream, size) {
                for (var bytes = [], text = "", characterCountSize = [8, 16, 16][size], length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize), i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                  var b = stream.readBits(8);
                try {
                  text += decodeURIComponent( {
                    return "%" + ("0" + b2.toString(16)).substr(-2);
                } catch {
                return { bytes, text };
              function decodeKanji(stream, size) {
                for (var bytes = [], text = "", characterCountSize = [8, 10, 12][size], length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize), i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                  var k = stream.readBits(13), c = Math.floor(k / 192) << 8 | k % 192;
                  c < 7936 ? c += 33088 : c += 49472, bytes.push(c >> 8, c & 255), text += String.fromCharCode(shiftJISTable_1.shiftJISTable[c]);
                return { bytes, text };
              function decode(data, version) {
                for (var _a, _b, _c, _d, stream = new BitStream_1.BitStream(data), size = version <= 9 ? 0 : version <= 26 ? 1 : 2, result = {
                  text: "",
                  bytes: [],
                  chunks: [],
                }; stream.available() >= 4; ) {
                  var mode = stream.readBits(4);
                  if (mode === ModeByte.Terminator)
                    return result;
                  if (mode === ModeByte.ECI)
                    stream.readBits(1) === 0 ? result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.ECI,
                      assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(7)
                    }) : stream.readBits(1) === 0 ? result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.ECI,
                      assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(14)
                    }) : stream.readBits(1) === 0 ? result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.ECI,
                      assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(21)
                    }) : result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.ECI,
                      assignmentNumber: -1
                  else if (mode === ModeByte.Numeric) {
                    var numericResult = decodeNumeric(stream, size);
                    result.text += numericResult.text, (_a = result.bytes).push.apply(_a, numericResult.bytes), result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.Numeric,
                      text: numericResult.text
                  } else if (mode === ModeByte.Alphanumeric) {
                    var alphanumericResult = decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size);
                    result.text += alphanumericResult.text, (_b = result.bytes).push.apply(_b, alphanumericResult.bytes), result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.Alphanumeric,
                      text: alphanumericResult.text
                  } else if (mode === ModeByte.Byte) {
                    var byteResult = decodeByte(stream, size);
                    result.text += byteResult.text, (_c = result.bytes).push.apply(_c, byteResult.bytes), result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.Byte,
                      bytes: byteResult.bytes,
                      text: byteResult.text
                  } else if (mode === ModeByte.Kanji) {
                    var kanjiResult = decodeKanji(stream, size);
                    result.text += kanjiResult.text, (_d = result.bytes).push.apply(_d, kanjiResult.bytes), result.chunks.push({
                      type: Mode.Kanji,
                      bytes: kanjiResult.bytes,
                      text: kanjiResult.text
                if (stream.available() === 0 || stream.readBits(stream.available()) === 0)
                  return result;
              exports2.decode = decode;
            /* 7 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitStream = (
                /** @class */
                function() {
                  function BitStream2(bytes) {
                    this.byteOffset = 0, this.bitOffset = 0, this.bytes = bytes;
                  return BitStream2.prototype.readBits = function(numBits) {
                    if (numBits < 1 || numBits > 32 || numBits > this.available())
                      throw new Error("Cannot read " + numBits.toString() + " bits");
                    var result = 0;
                    if (this.bitOffset > 0) {
                      var bitsLeft = 8 - this.bitOffset, toRead = numBits < bitsLeft ? numBits : bitsLeft, bitsToNotRead = bitsLeft - toRead, mask = 255 >> 8 - toRead << bitsToNotRead;
                      result = (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead, numBits -= toRead, this.bitOffset += toRead, this.bitOffset === 8 && (this.bitOffset = 0, this.byteOffset++);
                    if (numBits > 0) {
                      for (; numBits >= 8; )
                        result = result << 8 | this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & 255, this.byteOffset++, numBits -= 8;
                      if (numBits > 0) {
                        var bitsToNotRead = 8 - numBits, mask = 255 >> bitsToNotRead << bitsToNotRead;
                        result = result << numBits | (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead, this.bitOffset += numBits;
                    return result;
                  }, BitStream2.prototype.available = function() {
                    return 8 * (this.bytes.length - this.byteOffset) - this.bitOffset;
                  }, BitStream2;
              exports2.BitStream = BitStream;
            /* 8 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports2.shiftJISTable = {
                32: 32,
                33: 33,
                34: 34,
                35: 35,
                36: 36,
                37: 37,
                38: 38,
                39: 39,
                40: 40,
                41: 41,
                42: 42,
                43: 43,
                44: 44,
                45: 45,
                46: 46,
                47: 47,
                48: 48,
                49: 49,
                50: 50,
                51: 51,
                52: 52,
                53: 53,
                54: 54,
                55: 55,
                56: 56,
                57: 57,
                58: 58,
                59: 59,
                60: 60,
                61: 61,
                62: 62,
                63: 63,
                64: 64,
                65: 65,
                66: 66,
                67: 67,
                68: 68,
                69: 69,
                70: 70,
                71: 71,
                72: 72,
                73: 73,
                74: 74,
                75: 75,
                76: 76,
                77: 77,
                78: 78,
                79: 79,
                80: 80,
                81: 81,
                82: 82,
                83: 83,
                84: 84,
                85: 85,
                86: 86,
                87: 87,
                88: 88,
                89: 89,
                90: 90,
                91: 91,
                92: 165,
                93: 93,
                94: 94,
                95: 95,
                96: 96,
                97: 97,
                98: 98,
                99: 99,
                100: 100,
                101: 101,
                102: 102,
                103: 103,
                104: 104,
                105: 105,
                106: 106,
                107: 107,
                108: 108,
                109: 109,
                110: 110,
                111: 111,
                112: 112,
                113: 113,
                114: 114,
                115: 115,
                116: 116,
                117: 117,
                118: 118,
                119: 119,
                120: 120,
                121: 121,
                122: 122,
                123: 123,
                124: 124,
                125: 125,
                126: 8254,
                33088: 12288,
                33089: 12289,
                33090: 12290,
                33091: 65292,
                33092: 65294,
                33093: 12539,
                33094: 65306,
                33095: 65307,
                33096: 65311,
                33097: 65281,
                33098: 12443,
                33099: 12444,
                33100: 180,
                33101: 65344,
                33102: 168,
                33103: 65342,
                33104: 65507,
                33105: 65343,
                33106: 12541,
                33107: 12542,
                33108: 12445,
                33109: 12446,
                33110: 12291,
                33111: 20189,
                33112: 12293,
                33113: 12294,
                33114: 12295,
                33115: 12540,
                33116: 8213,
                33117: 8208,
                33118: 65295,
                33119: 92,
                33120: 12316,
                33121: 8214,
                33122: 65372,
                33123: 8230,
                33124: 8229,
                33125: 8216,
                33126: 8217,
                33127: 8220,
                33128: 8221,
                33129: 65288,
                33130: 65289,
                33131: 12308,
                33132: 12309,
                33133: 65339,
                33134: 65341,
                33135: 65371,
                33136: 65373,
                33137: 12296,
                33138: 12297,
                33139: 12298,
                33140: 12299,
                33141: 12300,
                33142: 12301,
                33143: 12302,
                33144: 12303,
                33145: 12304,
                33146: 12305,
                33147: 65291,
                33148: 8722,
                33149: 177,
                33150: 215,
                33152: 247,
                33153: 65309,
                33154: 8800,
                33155: 65308,
                33156: 65310,
                33157: 8806,
                33158: 8807,
                33159: 8734,
                33160: 8756,
                33161: 9794,
                33162: 9792,
                33163: 176,
                33164: 8242,
                33165: 8243,
                33166: 8451,
                33167: 65509,
                33168: 65284,
                33169: 162,
                33170: 163,
                33171: 65285,
                33172: 65283,
                33173: 65286,
                33174: 65290,
                33175: 65312,
                33176: 167,
                33177: 9734,
                33178: 9733,
                33179: 9675,
                33180: 9679,
                33181: 9678,
                33182: 9671,
                33183: 9670,
                33184: 9633,
                33185: 9632,
                33186: 9651,
                33187: 9650,
                33188: 9661,
                33189: 9660,
                33190: 8251,
                33191: 12306,
                33192: 8594,
                33193: 8592,
                33194: 8593,
                33195: 8595,
                33196: 12307,
                33208: 8712,
                33209: 8715,
                33210: 8838,
                33211: 8839,
                33212: 8834,
                33213: 8835,
                33214: 8746,
                33215: 8745,
                33224: 8743,
                33225: 8744,
                33226: 172,
                33227: 8658,
                33228: 8660,
                33229: 8704,
                33230: 8707,
                33242: 8736,
                33243: 8869,
                33244: 8978,
                33245: 8706,
                33246: 8711,
                33247: 8801,
                33248: 8786,
                33249: 8810,
                33250: 8811,
                33251: 8730,
                33252: 8765,
                33253: 8733,
                33254: 8757,
                33255: 8747,
                33256: 8748,
                33264: 8491,
                33265: 8240,
                33266: 9839,
                33267: 9837,
                33268: 9834,
                33269: 8224,
                33270: 8225,
                33271: 182,
                33276: 9711,
                33359: 65296,
                33360: 65297,
                33361: 65298,
                33362: 65299,
                33363: 65300,
                33364: 65301,
                33365: 65302,
                33366: 65303,
                33367: 65304,
                33368: 65305,
                33376: 65313,
                33377: 65314,
                33378: 65315,
                33379: 65316,
                33380: 65317,
                33381: 65318,
                33382: 65319,
                33383: 65320,
                33384: 65321,
                33385: 65322,
                33386: 65323,
                33387: 65324,
                33388: 65325,
                33389: 65326,
                33390: 65327,
                33391: 65328,
                33392: 65329,
                33393: 65330,
                33394: 65331,
                33395: 65332,
                33396: 65333,
                33397: 65334,
                33398: 65335,
                33399: 65336,
                33400: 65337,
                33401: 65338,
                33409: 65345,
                33410: 65346,
                33411: 65347,
                33412: 65348,
                33413: 65349,
                33414: 65350,
                33415: 65351,
                33416: 65352,
                33417: 65353,
                33418: 65354,
                33419: 65355,
                33420: 65356,
                33421: 65357,
                33422: 65358,
                33423: 65359,
                33424: 65360,
                33425: 65361,
                33426: 65362,
                33427: 65363,
                33428: 65364,
                33429: 65365,
                33430: 65366,
                33431: 65367,
                33432: 65368,
                33433: 65369,
                33434: 65370,
                33439: 12353,
                33440: 12354,
                33441: 12355,
                33442: 12356,
                33443: 12357,
                33444: 12358,
                33445: 12359,
                33446: 12360,
                33447: 12361,
                33448: 12362,
                33449: 12363,
                33450: 12364,
                33451: 12365,
                33452: 12366,
                33453: 12367,
                33454: 12368,
                33455: 12369,
                33456: 12370,
                33457: 12371,
                33458: 12372,
                33459: 12373,
                33460: 12374,
                33461: 12375,
                33462: 12376,
                33463: 12377,
                33464: 12378,
                33465: 12379,
                33466: 12380,
                33467: 12381,
                33468: 12382,
                33469: 12383,
                33470: 12384,
                33471: 12385,
                33472: 12386,
                33473: 12387,
                33474: 12388,
                33475: 12389,
                33476: 12390,
                33477: 12391,
                33478: 12392,
                33479: 12393,
                33480: 12394,
                33481: 12395,
                33482: 12396,
                33483: 12397,
                33484: 12398,
                33485: 12399,
                33486: 12400,
                33487: 12401,
                33488: 12402,
                33489: 12403,
                33490: 12404,
                33491: 12405,
                33492: 12406,
                33493: 12407,
                33494: 12408,
                33495: 12409,
                33496: 12410,
                33497: 12411,
                33498: 12412,
                33499: 12413,
                33500: 12414,
                33501: 12415,
                33502: 12416,
                33503: 12417,
                33504: 12418,
                33505: 12419,
                33506: 12420,
                33507: 12421,
                33508: 12422,
                33509: 12423,
                33510: 12424,
                33511: 12425,
                33512: 12426,
                33513: 12427,
                33514: 12428,
                33515: 12429,
                33516: 12430,
                33517: 12431,
                33518: 12432,
                33519: 12433,
                33520: 12434,
                33521: 12435,
                33600: 12449,
                33601: 12450,
                33602: 12451,
                33603: 12452,
                33604: 12453,
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                35925: 34952,
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                35927: 20418,
                35928: 20670,
                35929: 21009,
                35930: 20804,
                35931: 21843,
                35932: 22317,
                35933: 29674,
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                35936: 24418,
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                35940: 24935,
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                35943: 25658,
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                35961: 36605,
                35962: 38938,
                35963: 40335,
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                35965: 36814,
                35966: 39912,
                35968: 21127,
                35969: 25119,
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                35971: 28608,
                35972: 38553,
                35973: 26689,
                35974: 20625,
                35975: 27424,
                35976: 27770,
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                35980: 34880,
                35981: 35363,
                35982: 26376,
                35983: 20214,
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                35990: 21927,
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                35999: 26908,
                36e3: 27177,
                36001: 29309,
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                36015: 38522,
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                36018: 40568,
                36019: 20803,
                36020: 21407,
                36021: 21427,
                36022: 24187,
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                36033: 20046,
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                36035: 21476,
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                36060: 20116,
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                36066: 23087,
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                36072: 29786,
                36073: 30849,
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                36077: 37264,
                36078: 20062,
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                36228: 21083,
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                36233: 25335,
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                36235: 35946,
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                36238: 20811,
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                36240: 21578,
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                36242: 31296,
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                36257: 20170,
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                36287: 22352,
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                36293: 26368,
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                36310: 25998,
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                36313: 35009,
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                36316: 21092,
                36317: 22312,
                36318: 26448,
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                36321: 20916,
                36322: 22338,
                36323: 38442,
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                36416: 23519,
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                36501: 27503,
                36502: 20107,
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                36526: 24335,
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                36531: 23437,
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                36533: 19971,
                36534: 21489,
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                36539: 24713,
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                36543: 36074,
                36544: 23455,
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                36548: 26612,
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                36568: 20511,
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                36577: 33509,
                36578: 23490,
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                36581: 20027,
                36582: 21462,
                36583: 23432,
                36584: 25163,
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                36594: 20754,
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                36602: 22234,
                36603: 21454,
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                36697: 20160,
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                36700: 21313,
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                36710: 21460,
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                36744: 20966,
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                36749: 28186,
                36750: 24246,
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                36763: 37604,
                36764: 38500,
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                36928: 25325,
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                36937: 34645,
                36938: 36785,
                36939: 23611,
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                36943: 21767,
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                36972: 20154,
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                36981: 35338,
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                36989: 22259,
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                37e3: 31883,
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                37026: 19990,
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                37029: 26159,
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                37032: 21218,
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                37063: 38587,
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                37078: 36447,
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                37081: 25305,
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                37083: 25666,
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                37093: 20185,
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                37105: 26676,
                37106: 27849,
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                37199: 21069,
                37200: 21892,
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                38e3: 24259,
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                38131: 27147,
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                38352: 29255,
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                59626: 38893,
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                59825: 39757,
                59826: 39758,
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                59833: 39830,
                59834: 39831,
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                59853: 39921,
                59854: 39920,
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                59856: 39956,
                59857: 39945,
                59858: 39955,
                59859: 39948,
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                59861: 39944,
                59862: 39954,
                59863: 39946,
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                59884: 40200,
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                59976: 40327,
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                59988: 40378,
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                60016: 40618,
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                60020: 40654,
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                60022: 40656,
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                60026: 40669,
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                60028: 40677,
                60029: 40680,
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                60034: 40695,
                60035: 40697,
                60036: 40699,
                60037: 40700,
                60038: 40701,
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                60040: 40712,
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                60042: 40725,
                60043: 40737,
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                60045: 40766,
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                60048: 40788,
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                60050: 40799,
                60051: 40800,
                60052: 40801,
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                60054: 40807,
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                60056: 40810,
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                60058: 40818,
                60059: 40822,
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                60061: 40860,
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            /* 9 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1), GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
              function runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, a, b, R) {
                var _a;
       < && (_a = [b, a], a = _a[0], b = _a[1]);
                for (var rLast = a, r = b, tLast =, t =; >= R / 2; ) {
                  var rLastLast = rLast, tLastLast = tLast;
                  if (rLast = r, tLast = t, rLast.isZero())
                    return null;
                  r = rLastLast;
                  for (var q =, denominatorLeadingTerm = rLast.getCoefficient(, dltInverse = field.inverse(denominatorLeadingTerm); >= && !r.isZero(); ) {
                    var degreeDiff = -, scale = field.multiply(r.getCoefficient(, dltInverse);
                    q = q.addOrSubtract(field.buildMonomial(degreeDiff, scale)), r = r.addOrSubtract(rLast.multiplyByMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
                  if (t = q.multiplyPoly(tLast).addOrSubtract(tLastLast), >=
                    return null;
                var sigmaTildeAtZero = t.getCoefficient(0);
                if (sigmaTildeAtZero === 0)
                  return null;
                var inverse = field.inverse(sigmaTildeAtZero);
                return [t.multiply(inverse), r.multiply(inverse)];
              function findErrorLocations(field, errorLocator) {
                var numErrors =;
                if (numErrors === 1)
                  return [errorLocator.getCoefficient(1)];
                for (var result = new Array(numErrors), errorCount = 0, i = 1; i < field.size && errorCount < numErrors; i++)
                  errorLocator.evaluateAt(i) === 0 && (result[errorCount] = field.inverse(i), errorCount++);
                return errorCount !== numErrors ? null : result;
              function findErrorMagnitudes(field, errorEvaluator, errorLocations) {
                for (var s = errorLocations.length, result = new Array(s), i = 0; i < s; i++) {
                  for (var xiInverse = field.inverse(errorLocations[i]), denominator = 1, j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    i !== j && (denominator = field.multiply(denominator, GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(1, field.multiply(errorLocations[j], xiInverse))));
                  result[i] = field.multiply(errorEvaluator.evaluateAt(xiInverse), field.inverse(denominator)), field.generatorBase !== 0 && (result[i] = field.multiply(result[i], xiInverse));
                return result;
              function decode(bytes, twoS) {
                var outputBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.length);
                for (var field = new GenericGF_1.default(285, 256, 0), poly = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, outputBytes), syndromeCoefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(twoS), error = !1, s = 0; s < twoS; s++) {
                  var evaluation = poly.evaluateAt(field.exp(s + field.generatorBase));
                  syndromeCoefficients[syndromeCoefficients.length - 1 - s] = evaluation, evaluation !== 0 && (error = !0);
                if (!error)
                  return outputBytes;
                var syndrome = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, syndromeCoefficients), sigmaOmega = runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, field.buildMonomial(twoS, 1), syndrome, twoS);
                if (sigmaOmega === null)
                  return null;
                var errorLocations = findErrorLocations(field, sigmaOmega[0]);
                if (errorLocations == null)
                  return null;
                for (var errorMagnitudes = findErrorMagnitudes(field, sigmaOmega[1], errorLocations), i = 0; i < errorLocations.length; i++) {
                  var position = outputBytes.length - 1 - field.log(errorLocations[i]);
                  if (position < 0)
                    return null;
                  outputBytes[position] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(outputBytes[position], errorMagnitudes[i]);
                return outputBytes;
              exports2.decode = decode;
            /* 10 */
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                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 13,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 17,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }]
                  infoBits: null,
                  versionNumber: 2,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 18],
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                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 34 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 28 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }]
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                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 }]
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                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
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                  infoBits: 84390,
                  versionNumber: 20,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },
                        { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 41 },
                        { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 87683,
                  versionNumber: 21,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 50, 72, 94],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }
                  infoBits: 92361,
                  versionNumber: 22,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 50, 74, 98],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 111 },
                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 112 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }]
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
                      ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }]
                  infoBits: 96236,
                  versionNumber: 23,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 74, 102],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
                        { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 102084,
                  versionNumber: 24,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 54, 80, 106],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 30, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
                        { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }
                  infoBits: 102881,
                  versionNumber: 25,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58, 84, 110],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
                        { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 110507,
                  versionNumber: 26,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
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                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 114 },
                        { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 33, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }
                  infoBits: 110734,
                  versionNumber: 27,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90, 118],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
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                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
                        { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 8, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
                        { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
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                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
                        { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
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                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
                        { numBlocks: 37, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 126325,
                  versionNumber: 30,
                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130],
                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
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                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
                        { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 127568,
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                        { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
                        { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 133589,
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                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
                  infoBits: 136944,
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                  alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142],
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                        { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
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                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }
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                        { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }
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                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 }
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                        { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
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                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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                        { numBlocks: 41, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
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                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 }
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                        { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
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                        { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
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                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
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                        { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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                        { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
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                        { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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                  errorCorrectionLevels: [
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                        { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 119 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
                        { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
                        { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
                        { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 }
                      ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
                      ecBlocks: [
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                        { numBlocks: 61, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }
            /* 11 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
              function squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
                var dx3 = p1.x - p2.x + p3.x - p4.x, dy3 = p1.y - p2.y + p3.y - p4.y;
                if (dx3 === 0 && dy3 === 0)
                  return {
                    a11: p2.x - p1.x,
                    a12: p2.y - p1.y,
                    a13: 0,
                    a21: p3.x - p2.x,
                    a22: p3.y - p2.y,
                    a23: 0,
                    a31: p1.x,
                    a32: p1.y,
                    a33: 1
                var dx1 = p2.x - p3.x, dx2 = p4.x - p3.x, dy1 = p2.y - p3.y, dy2 = p4.y - p3.y, denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1, a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator, a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;
                return {
                  a11: p2.x - p1.x + a13 * p2.x,
                  a12: p2.y - p1.y + a13 * p2.y,
                  a21: p4.x - p1.x + a23 * p4.x,
                  a22: p4.y - p1.y + a23 * p4.y,
                  a31: p1.x,
                  a32: p1.y,
                  a33: 1
              function quadrilateralToSquare(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
                var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);
                return {
                  a11: sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a32,
                  a12: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a33,
                  a13: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a23 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a22,
                  a21: sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a33,
                  a22: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a31,
                  a23: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a21 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a23,
                  a31: sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a31,
                  a32: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a32,
                  a33: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a22 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a21
              function times(a, b) {
                return {
                  a11: a.a11 * b.a11 + a.a21 * b.a12 + a.a31 * b.a13,
                  a12: a.a12 * b.a11 + a.a22 * b.a12 + a.a32 * b.a13,
                  a13: a.a13 * b.a11 + a.a23 * b.a12 + a.a33 * b.a13,
                  a21: a.a11 * b.a21 + a.a21 * b.a22 + a.a31 * b.a23,
                  a22: a.a12 * b.a21 + a.a22 * b.a22 + a.a32 * b.a23,
                  a23: a.a13 * b.a21 + a.a23 * b.a22 + a.a33 * b.a23,
                  a31: a.a11 * b.a31 + a.a21 * b.a32 + a.a31 * b.a33,
                  a32: a.a12 * b.a31 + a.a22 * b.a32 + a.a32 * b.a33,
                  a33: a.a13 * b.a31 + a.a23 * b.a32 + a.a33 * b.a33
              function extract(image, location) {
                for (var qToS = quadrilateralToSquare({ x: 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 6.5, y: location.dimension - 6.5 }, { x: 3.5, y: location.dimension - 3.5 }), sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(location.topLeft, location.topRight, location.alignmentPattern, location.bottomLeft), transform = times(sToQ, qToS), matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(location.dimension, location.dimension), mappingFunction = function(x2, y2) {
                  var denominator = transform.a13 * x2 + transform.a23 * y2 + transform.a33;
                  return {
                    x: (transform.a11 * x2 + transform.a21 * y2 + transform.a31) / denominator,
                    y: (transform.a12 * x2 + transform.a22 * y2 + transform.a32) / denominator
                }, y = 0; y < location.dimension; y++)
                  for (var x = 0; x < location.dimension; x++) {
                    var xValue = x + 0.5, yValue = y + 0.5, sourcePixel = mappingFunction(xValue, yValue);
                    matrix.set(x, y, image.get(Math.floor(sourcePixel.x), Math.floor(sourcePixel.y)));
                return {
              exports2.extract = extract;
            /* 12 */
            function(module2, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
              Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
              var MAX_FINDERPATTERNS_TO_SEARCH = 4, MIN_QUAD_RATIO = 0.5, MAX_QUAD_RATIO = 1.5, distance = function(a, b) {
                return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2) + Math.pow(b.y - a.y, 2));
              function sum(values) {
                return values.reduce(function(a, b) {
                  return a + b;
              function reorderFinderPatterns(pattern1, pattern2, pattern3) {
                var _a, _b, _c, _d, oneTwoDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern2), twoThreeDistance = distance(pattern2, pattern3), oneThreeDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern3), bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight;
                return twoThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance && twoThreeDistance >= oneThreeDistance ? (_a = [pattern2, pattern1, pattern3], bottomLeft = _a[0], topLeft = _a[1], topRight = _a[2]) : oneThreeDistance >= twoThreeDistance && oneThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance ? (_b = [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3], bottomLeft = _b[0], topLeft = _b[1], topRight = _b[2]) : (_c = [pattern1, pattern3, pattern2], bottomLeft = _c[0], topLeft = _c[1], topRight = _c[2]), (topRight.x - topLeft.x) * (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y) - (topRight.y - topLeft.y) * (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x) < 0 && (_d = [topRight, bottomLeft], bottomLeft = _d[0], topRight = _d[1]), { bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight };
              function computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix) {
                var moduleSize = (sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, bottomLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + // Divide by 7 since the ratio is 1:1:3:1:1
                sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, topRight, matrix, 5)) / 7 + sum(countBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeft, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topRight, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7) / 4;
                if (moduleSize < 1)
                  throw new Error("Invalid module size");
                var topDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize), sideDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize), dimension = Math.floor((topDimension + sideDimension) / 2) + 7;
                switch (dimension % 4) {
                  case 0:
                  case 2:
                return { dimension, moduleSize };
              function countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, length) {
                var switchPoints = [{ x: Math.floor(origin.x), y: Math.floor(origin.y) }], steep = Math.abs(end.y - origin.y) > Math.abs(end.x - origin.x), fromX, fromY, toX, toY;
                steep ? (fromX = Math.floor(origin.y), fromY = Math.floor(origin.x), toX = Math.floor(end.y), toY = Math.floor(end.x)) : (fromX = Math.floor(origin.x), fromY = Math.floor(origin.y), toX = Math.floor(end.x), toY = Math.floor(end.y));
                for (var dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX), dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY), error = Math.floor(-dx / 2), xStep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1, yStep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1, currentPixel = !0, x = fromX, y = fromY; x !== toX + xStep; x += xStep) {
                  var realX = steep ? y : x, realY = steep ? x : y;
                  if (matrix.get(realX, realY) !== currentPixel && (currentPixel = !currentPixel, switchPoints.push({ x: realX, y: realY }), switchPoints.length === length + 1))
                  if (error += dy, error > 0) {
                    if (y === toY)
                    y += yStep, error -= dx;
                for (var distances = [], i = 0; i < length; i++)
                  switchPoints[i] && switchPoints[i + 1] ? distances.push(distance(switchPoints[i], switchPoints[i + 1])) : distances.push(0);
                return distances;
              function countBlackWhiteRun(origin, end, matrix, length) {
                var _a, rise = end.y - origin.y, run = end.x - origin.x, towardsEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2)), awayFromEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, { x: origin.x - run, y: origin.y - rise }, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2)), middleValue = towardsEnd.shift() + awayFromEnd.shift() - 1;
                return (_a = awayFromEnd.concat(middleValue)).concat.apply(_a, towardsEnd);
              function scoreBlackWhiteRun(sequence, ratios) {
                var averageSize = sum(sequence) / sum(ratios), error = 0;
                return ratios.forEach(function(ratio, i) {
                  error += Math.pow(sequence[i] - ratio * averageSize, 2);
                }), { averageSize, error };
              function scorePattern(point, ratios, matrix) {
                try {
                  var horizontalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: -1, y: point.y }, matrix, ratios.length), verticalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: point.x, y: -1 }, matrix, ratios.length), topLeftPoint = {
                    x: Math.max(0, point.x - point.y) - 1,
                    y: Math.max(0, point.y - point.x) - 1
                  }, topLeftBottomRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, topLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length), bottomLeftPoint = {
                    x: Math.min(matrix.width, point.x + point.y) + 1,
                    y: Math.min(matrix.height, point.y + point.x) + 1
                  }, bottomLeftTopRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, bottomLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length), horzError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(horizontalRun, ratios), vertError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(verticalRun, ratios), diagDownError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(topLeftBottomRightRun, ratios), diagUpError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeftTopRightRun, ratios), ratioError = Math.sqrt(horzError.error * horzError.error + vertError.error * vertError.error + diagDownError.error * diagDownError.error + diagUpError.error * diagUpError.error), avgSize = (horzError.averageSize + vertError.averageSize + diagDownError.averageSize + diagUpError.averageSize) / 4, sizeError = (Math.pow(horzError.averageSize - avgSize, 2) + Math.pow(vertError.averageSize - avgSize, 2) + Math.pow(diagDownError.averageSize - avgSize, 2) + Math.pow(diagUpError.averageSize - avgSize, 2)) / avgSize;
                  return ratioError + sizeError;
                } catch {
                  return 1 / 0;
              function recenterLocation(matrix, p) {
                for (var leftX = Math.round(p.x); matrix.get(leftX, Math.round(p.y)); )
                for (var rightX = Math.round(p.x); matrix.get(rightX, Math.round(p.y)); )
                for (var x = (leftX + rightX) / 2, topY = Math.round(p.y); matrix.get(Math.round(x), topY); )
                for (var bottomY = Math.round(p.y); matrix.get(Math.round(x), bottomY); )
                var y = (topY + bottomY) / 2;
                return { x, y };
              function locate(matrix) {
                for (var finderPatternQuads = [], activeFinderPatternQuads = [], alignmentPatternQuads = [], activeAlignmentPatternQuads = [], _loop_1 = function(y2) {
                  for (var length_1 = 0, lastBit = !1, scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], _loop_2 = function(x2) {
                    var v = matrix.get(x2, y2);
                    if (v === lastBit)
                    else {
                      scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length_1], length_1 = 1, lastBit = v;
                      var averageFinderPatternBlocksize = sum(scans) / 7, validFinderPattern = Math.abs(scans[0] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[1] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[2] - 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[3] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[4] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize && !v, averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize = sum(scans.slice(-3)) / 3, validAlignmentPattern = Math.abs(scans[2] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[3] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize && Math.abs(scans[4] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize && v;
                      if (validFinderPattern) {
                        var endX_1 = x2 - scans[3] - scans[4], startX_1 = endX_1 - scans[2], line = { startX: startX_1, endX: endX_1, y: y2 }, matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                          return startX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX || endX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX || startX_1 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_1 >= q.bottom.endX && scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO && scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO;
                        matchingQuads.length > 0 ? matchingQuads[0].bottom = line : activeFinderPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
                      if (validAlignmentPattern) {
                        var endX_2 = x2 - scans[4], startX_2 = endX_2 - scans[3], line = { startX: startX_2, y: y2, endX: endX_2 }, matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                          return startX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX || endX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX || startX_2 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_2 >= q.bottom.endX && scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO && scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO;
                        matchingQuads.length > 0 ? matchingQuads[0].bottom = line : activeAlignmentPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
                  }, x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++)
                  finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                    return q.bottom.y !== y2 && q.bottom.y - >= 2;
                  })), activeFinderPatternQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                    return q.bottom.y === y2;
                  }), alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                    return q.bottom.y !== y2;
                  })), activeAlignmentPatternQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                    return q.bottom.y === y2;
                }, y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++)
                finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                  return q.bottom.y - >= 2;
                })), alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads);
                var finderPatternGroups = finderPatternQuads.filter(function(q) {
                  return q.bottom.y - >= 2;
                }).map(function(q) {
                  var x = ( + + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4, y2 = ( + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
                  if (matrix.get(Math.round(x), Math.round(y2))) {
                    var lengths = [ -, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, q.bottom.y - + 1], size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length, score = scorePattern({ x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y2) }, [1, 1, 3, 1, 1], matrix);
                    return { score, x, y: y2, size };
                }).filter(function(q) {
                  return !!q;
                }).sort(function(a, b) {
                  return a.score - b.score;
                }).map(function(point, i, finderPatterns) {
                  if (i > MAX_FINDERPATTERNS_TO_SEARCH)
                    return null;
                  var otherPoints = finderPatterns.filter(function(p, ii) {
                    return i !== ii;
                  }).map(function(p) {
                    return { x: p.x, y: p.y, score: p.score + Math.pow(p.size - point.size, 2) / point.size, size: p.size };
                  }).sort(function(a, b) {
                    return a.score - b.score;
                  if (otherPoints.length < 2)
                    return null;
                  var score = point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score;
                  return { points: [point].concat(otherPoints.slice(0, 2)), score };
                }).filter(function(q) {
                  return !!q;
                }).sort(function(a, b) {
                  return a.score - b.score;
                if (finderPatternGroups.length === 0)
                  return null;
                var _a = reorderFinderPatterns(finderPatternGroups[0].points[0], finderPatternGroups[0].points[1], finderPatternGroups[0].points[2]), topRight = _a.topRight, topLeft = _a.topLeft, bottomLeft = _a.bottomLeft, alignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft), result = [];
                alignment && result.push({
                  alignmentPattern: { x: alignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: alignment.alignmentPattern.y },
                  bottomLeft: { x: bottomLeft.x, y: bottomLeft.y },
                  dimension: alignment.dimension,
                  topLeft: { x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y },
                  topRight: { x: topRight.x, y: topRight.y }
                var midTopRight = recenterLocation(matrix, topRight), midTopLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, topLeft), midBottomLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, bottomLeft), centeredAlignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, midTopRight, midTopLeft, midBottomLeft);
                return centeredAlignment && result.push({
                  alignmentPattern: { x: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.y },
                  bottomLeft: { x: midBottomLeft.x, y: midBottomLeft.y },
                  topLeft: { x: midTopLeft.x, y: midTopLeft.y },
                  topRight: { x: midTopRight.x, y: midTopRight.y },
                  dimension: centeredAlignment.dimension
                }), result.length === 0 ? null : result;
              exports2.locate = locate;
              function findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft) {
                var _a, dimension, moduleSize;
                try {
                  _a = computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix), dimension = _a.dimension, moduleSize = _a.moduleSize;
                } catch {
                  return null;
                var bottomRightFinderPattern = {
                  x: topRight.x - topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x,
                  y: topRight.y - topLeft.y + bottomLeft.y
                }, modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = (distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) + distance(topLeft, topRight)) / 2 / moduleSize, correctionToTopLeft = 1 - 3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns, expectedAlignmentPattern = {
                  x: topLeft.x + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.x - topLeft.x),
                  y: topLeft.y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.y - topLeft.y)
                }, alignmentPatterns = {
                  var x = ( + + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4, y = ( + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
                  if (matrix.get(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y))) {
                    var lengths = [ -, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, q.bottom.y - + 1];
                    sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
                    var sizeScore = scorePattern({ x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y) }, [1, 1, 1], matrix), score = sizeScore + distance({ x, y }, expectedAlignmentPattern);
                    return { x, y, score };
                }).filter(function(v) {
                  return !!v;
                }).sort(function(a, b) {
                  return a.score - b.score;
                }), alignmentPattern = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && alignmentPatterns.length ? alignmentPatterns[0] : expectedAlignmentPattern;
                return { alignmentPattern, dimension };
    }(jsQR$2)), jsQR$2.exports;
  var jsQRExports = requireJsQR(), jsQR = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(jsQRExports);
  const isColorImg = (data) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 16) {
      const r = data[i], g = data[i + 1], b = data[i + 2];
      if (!(r === g && r === b)) return !0;
    return !1;
  }, qrCodeWhiteList = [
    // fanbox
    // twitter
    // fantia
    // 棉花糖
    // dlsite
    // hitomi
  ], options = { inversionAttempts: "attemptBoth" }, getQrCode = (img, width, height) => {
    var _a;
    try {
      const binaryData = (_a = jsQR(img, width, height, options)) == null ? void 0 : _a.binaryData;
      return binaryData ? new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(binaryData)) : !1;
    } catch {
  }, getImgData = async (data) => {
    const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(new Blob([data])), canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(bitmap.width, bitmap.height), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    return ctx.drawImage(bitmap, 0, 0), ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  }, scanImgBlock = (img, sx, sy, w, h) => {
    if (w === img.width && h === img.height) return getQrCode(, w, h);
    const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(new ArrayBuffer(w * h * 4));
    for (let y = 0, height = sy + h; y < height; y++)
      for (let x = 0, width = sx + w; x < width; x++) {
        const i = (y * w + x) * 4, target = ((y + sy) * img.width + (x + sx)) * 4;
        data[i] =[target], data[i + 1] =[target + 1], data[i + 2] =[target + 2], data[i + 3] =[target + 3];
    return getQrCode(data, w, h);
  }, toGray = (r, g, b) => Math.round(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b), isAdImg = async (data) => {
    const imgData = await getImgData(data);
    if (!isColorImg( return !1;
    for (let i = 0; i <; i += 4) {
      const val = toGray([i],[i + 1],[i + 2]) < 200 ? 0 : 255;[i] = val,[i + 1] = val,[i + 2] = val,[i + 3] = 255;
    let text = getQrCode(, imgData.width, imgData.height);
    if (!text) {
      const w = Math.floor(imgData.width / 2), h = Math.floor(imgData.height / 2);
      for (const args of [
        [w, h],
        // ↘
        [0, h],
        // ↙
        [w, 0],
        // ↗
        [0, 0]
        // ↖
        if (text = scanImgBlock(imgData, ...args, w, h), text) break;
    return text ? qrCodeWhiteList.every((reg) => !reg.test(text)) : !1;
  }, getAdPage = async (list, isAdPage, adList = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) => {
    let i = list.length - 1, normalNum = 0;
    for (; i >= list.length - 10 && !(i <= 2); i--) {
      if (adList.has(i)) continue;
      const item = list[i];
      if (!item) break;
      if (await isAdPage(item)) adList.add(i);
      else {
        if (normalNum >= 2) break;
        normalNum += 1;
    let adNum = 0;
    for (i = Math.min(...adList); i < list.length; i++) {
      if (adList.has(i)) {
        adNum += 1;
      adNum >= 2 || adList.has(i - 1) && adList.has(i + 1) ? adList.add(i) : adNum = 0;
    return adList;
  class DisposableJSZip {
    constructor() {
      __publicField(this, "zip", new JSZip());
      __publicField(this, "adRemoved", !1);
    file({ name, data }) {, data);
    files(files) {
      files.forEach(({ name, data }) => {, data);
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type
    async unzipFile({ data, path, type }) {
      var _a;
      return (_a = (await JSZip.loadAsync(data)).file(path)) == null ? void 0 : _a.async(type);
    async generateAsync(options2, onUpdate) {
      options2 != null && options2.removeAdPage && await this.removeAd();
      const data = await{ ...options2, type: "uint8array" }, onUpdate);
      return transfer(data, [data.buffer]);
    async generateStream(options2, onUpdate, onEnd) {
      options2 != null && options2.removeAdPage && await this.removeAd();
      const stream ={ ...options2, type: "uint8array" }), zipStream = new ReadableStream({
        start: (controller) => {
          stream.on("error", (e) => {
            controller.error(e), onEnd == null || onEnd();
          }), stream.on("end", () => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              controller.close(), onEnd == null || onEnd();
          }), stream.on("data", (data, metaData) => {
            controller.enqueue(data), onUpdate == null || onUpdate(metaData);
          }), stream.resume();
      return transfer({ zipStream }, [zipStream]);
    async removeAd() {
      if (this.adRemoved) return;
      const imgFiles = [];
      Object.values( => {
        const i = parseInt(;
        Number.isNaN(i) || imgFiles.push({ i, obj });
      }), imgFiles.sort((a, b) => a.i - b.i);
      try {
        const adList = await getAdPage(
          async ({ obj }) => isAdImg(await obj._data)
        if (!adList.size) {
          console.log("[nhentai-helper] no ad pages detected");
        const adPages = [...adList.values()].map((i) => imgFiles[i].obj);
        console.log("[nhentai-helper] ad pages detected:", =>, adPages.forEach((obj) => {
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("[nhentai-helper] remove ad page", error);
`, blob$1 = typeof self < "u" && self.Blob && new Blob([jsContent$1], { type: "text/javascript;charset=utf-8" });
      function WorkerWrapper$1(options) {
        let objURL;
        try {
          if (objURL = blob$1 && (self.URL || self.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob$1), !objURL) throw "";
          const worker = new Worker(objURL, {
            name: options == null ? void 0 :
          return worker.addEventListener("error", () => {
            (self.URL || self.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(objURL);
          }), worker;
        } catch {
          return new Worker(
            "data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(jsContent$1),
              name: options == null ? void 0 :
        } finally {
          objURL && (self.URL || self.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(objURL);
      const getTransferableData = (files) =>{ data }) => data).filter((data) => typeof data != "string");
      class JSZipWorkerPool {
        constructor() {
          __publicField(this, "pool", []);
          __publicField(this, "waitingQueue", []);
          __publicField(this, "unzipFile", async (params) => {
            const worker = await this.acquireWorker(), zip = await new worker.JSZip(), clean = () => {
              zip[releaseProxy](), this.releaseWorker(worker);
            try {
              return await zip.unzipFile(transfer(params, []));
            } catch (error) {
              throw clean(), error;
          for (let id = 0; id < WORKER_THREAD_NUM; id++)
              idle: !0
        async createWorker() {
          return wrap(new WorkerWrapper$1());
        waitIdleWorker() {
          return new Promise((resolve) => {
        async acquireWorker() {
          let worker = this.pool.find(({ idle }) => idle);
          return worker || (worker = await this.waitIdleWorker()), worker.JSZip || (worker.JSZip = await this.createWorker()), worker.idle = !1, worker;
        releaseWorker(worker) {
          if (worker.idle = !0, !this.waitingQueue.length) return;
          removeAt(this.waitingQueue, 0)(worker);
        async generateAsync(files, options, onUpdate) {
          const worker = await this.acquireWorker(), zip = await new worker.JSZip();
          try {
            return await zip.files(transfer(files, getTransferableData(files))), await zip.generateAsync(
              proxy((metaData) => {
                metaData.currentFile && (onUpdate == null || onUpdate({ workerId:, ...metaData }));
          } finally {
            zip[releaseProxy](), this.releaseWorker(worker);
        async generateStream(files, options, onUpdate) {
          const worker = await this.acquireWorker(), zip = await new worker.JSZip();
          try {
            await zip.files(transfer(files, getTransferableData(files)));
            const { zipStream } = await zip.generateStream(
              proxy((metaData) => {
                metaData.currentFile && (onUpdate == null || onUpdate({ workerId:, ...metaData }));
            return zipStream;
          } finally {
            zip[releaseProxy](), this.releaseWorker(worker);
      const jszipPool = new JSZipWorkerPool();
      class JSZip {
        constructor() {
          __publicField(this, "files", []);
        file(name, data) {
          this.files.push({ name, data });
        generateAsync(options, onUpdate) {
          const { files } = this;
          return this.files = [], jszipPool.generateAsync(files, options, onUpdate);
        generateStream(options, onUpdate) {
          const { files } = this;
          return this.files = [], jszipPool.generateStream(files, options, onUpdate);
      __publicField(JSZip, "unzipFile", (params) => jszipPool.unzipFile(params));
      class DownloadHistory {
        constructor(name) {
          __publicField(this, "store");
          __publicField(this, "ready");
 = name, = localforage.createInstance({
            name: "nhentai_helper",
            storeName: name
          }), this.ready = => !0).catch((e) => (logger.error(e), !1));
        async add(key) {
          if (await this.ready)
            try {
              await, !0), logger.log(`mark "${key}" as downloaded`);
            } catch (e) {
        async del(key) {
          if (await this.ready)
            try {
              await, logger.log(`unmark "${key}" as downloaded`);
            } catch (e) {
        async has(key) {
          if (!await this.ready) return !1;
          try {
            return await === !0;
          } catch (e) {
          return !1;
        async size() {
          return await this.ready ? : NaN;
        async import(keys2) {
          if (!await this.ready) throw new Error(`store ${} cannot ready`);
          try {
            await => ({ key: gid2, value: !0 })));
          } catch (e) {
        async export() {
          if (!await this.ready) throw new Error(`store ${} cannot ready`);
        async clear() {
          await this.ready && await;
      const gidHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_gid"), enTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_en"), jpTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history"), prettyTitleHistory = new DownloadHistory("dl_history_pretty"), normalizeTitle = (title) => title.replace(/\s/g, ""), getTitleMd5 = (title) => md5(normalizeTitle(title)), markAsDownloaded = (gid2, { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = {}) => {
        gidHistory.add(String(gid2)), english2 && enTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(english2)), japanese2 && jpTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(japanese2)), pretty && prettyTitleHistory.add(getTitleMd5(pretty));
      }, unmarkAsDownloaded = (gid2, { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = {}) => {
        gidHistory.del(String(gid2)), english2 && enTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(english2)), japanese2 && jpTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(japanese2)), pretty && prettyTitleHistory.del(getTitleMd5(pretty));
      }, isDownloadedByGid = (gid2) => gidHistory.has(String(gid2)), isDownloadedByTitle = async ({
        english: english2,
        japanese: japanese2,
      } = {}) => {
        if (settings.judgeDownloadedByJapanese && japanese2) {
          const md5v2 = getTitleMd5(japanese2);
          if (await jpTitleHistory.has(md5v2)) return !0;
          const md5v1 = md5(japanese2);
          if (await jpTitleHistory.has(md5v1))
            return jpTitleHistory.add(md5v2), jpTitleHistory.del(md5v1), !0;
        return !!(settings.judgeDownloadedByEnglish && english2 && await enTitleHistory.has(getTitleMd5(english2)) || settings.judgeDownloadedByPretty && pretty && await enTitleHistory.has(getTitleMd5(pretty)));
      }, getDownloadNumber = () => gidHistory.size(), EXPORT_HEADER_GID = "gid:", EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP = "title:", EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN = "title_en:", EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY = "title_pretty:", EXPORT_SEPARATOR = ",", EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME = "history.txt", exportDownloadHistory = async () => {
        try {
          const gids = await gidHistory.export(), jpTitles = await jpTitleHistory.export(), enTitles = await enTitleHistory.export(), prettyTitles = await prettyTitleHistory.export(), text = `${EXPORT_HEADER_GID}${gids.join(EXPORT_SEPARATOR)}
${EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY}${prettyTitles.join(EXPORT_SEPARATOR)}`, zip = new JSZip();
          zip.file(EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME, text);
          const data = await zip.generateAsync({
            compression: "DEFLATE",
            compressionOptions: { level: 9 }
          }), filename = `nhentai-helper-download-history-${dateTimeFormatter.format([^\d]/g, "")}.zip`;
          return FileSaver_minExports.saveAs(new File([data], filename, { type: "application/zip" })), logger.log("export download history", filename), !0;
        } catch (error) {
        return !1;
      }, importDownloadHistory = async (data) => {
        try {
          const str = await JSZip.unzipFile({ data, path: EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME, type: "string" });
          if (!str)
            return logger.error("zip doesn't contain file", EXPORT_TEXT_FILENAME), !1;
          const lines = str.split(`
          for (const line of lines)
            if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_GID)) {
              const gids = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_GID, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await gidHistory.import(gids);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_JP, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await jpTitleHistory.import(titles);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_EN, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await enTitleHistory.import(titles);
            } else if (line.startsWith(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY)) {
              const titles = line.replace(EXPORT_HEADER_TITLE_PRETTY, "").split(EXPORT_SEPARATOR);
              await prettyTitleHistory.import(titles);
          return !0;
        } catch (error) {
        return !1;
      }, clearDownloadHistory = async () => {
        try {
          return await gidHistory.clear(), await enTitleHistory.clear(), await jpTitleHistory.clear(), await prettyTitleHistory.clear(), !0;
        } catch (error) {
        return !1;
      }, isSameTitleString = (title1, title2) => !!title1 && !!title2 && normalizeTitle(title1) === normalizeTitle(title2), isSameTitle = (title1, title2) => !!(settings.judgeDownloadedByJapanese && isSameTitleString(title1.japanese, title2.japanese) || settings.judgeDownloadedByEnglish && isSameTitleString(title1.english, title2.english) || settings.judgeDownloadedByPretty && isSameTitleString(title1.pretty, title2.pretty));
      var core = {}, hasRequiredCore;
      function requireCore() {
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          const removeAllChildNodes = (parent) => {
            for (; parent.firstChild; )
          exports2.removeAllChildNodes = removeAllChildNodes;
          const strToHash = (s) => {
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              return renderFunctionalComponent(comp);
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              return => (0, exports2._render)(c)).flat();
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              return (0, exports2._render)(comp.component);
            if (typeof comp == "object")
              return [];
            console.warn("Something unexpected happened with:", comp);
          exports2._render = _render;
          const renderFunctionalComponent = (fncComp) => {
            const { component, props } = fncComp;
            return (0, exports2._render)(component(props));
          }, renderClassComponent = (classComp) => {
            const { component, props } = classComp, hash = (0, exports2.strToHash)(component.toString());
            component.prototype._getHash = () => hash;
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            if (props && props.children && (Array.isArray(children) ? Array.isArray(props.children) ? children = [...props.children, ...children] : children.push(props.children) : Array.isArray(props.children) ? children = props.children : children = [props.children]), (0, exports2.isSSR)() && _nano.ssrTricks.isWebComponent(tagNameOrComponent)) {
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                throw new Error("document is not defined");
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              console.log("ERROR:", err.message, `
 > Please read:`);
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            const element = tagNameOrComponent === "svg" ? hNS("svg") : document.createElement(tagNameOrComponent), isEvent = (el, p) => p.indexOf("on") !== 0 ? !1 : el._ssr ? !0 : typeof el[p] == "object" || typeof el[p] == "function";
            for (const p in props) {
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          exports2.h = h2;
        }(core)), core;
      var coreExports = requireCore();
      const readFile = (file) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
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      }), pickFile = (accept) => new Promise((resolve) => {
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            type: "file",
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              resolve((_a = input.files) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]);
      }), pickAndReadFile = async (accept) => {
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      }, showMessage = (params) => elementPlus.ElMessage({ ...params, appendTo: _monkeyWindow.document.body }), _hoisted_1$2 = { class: "nhentai-helper-setting-help-buttons no-sl" }, _hoisted_2$1 = ["id"], _hoisted_3$1 = { id: "nhentai-helper-setting-dialog" }, _hoisted_4$1 = {
        class: "asterisk-example no-sl",
        style: { "margin-bottom": "18px" }
      }, _hoisted_5$1 = { class: "inline-item" }, _hoisted_6$1 = { class: "inline-item__name" }, _hoisted_7$1 = { class: "inline-item" }, _hoisted_8 = { class: "inline-item__name" }, _hoisted_9 = { style: { color: "var(--el-text-color-regular)", "font-size": "var(--el-form-label-font-size)" } }, _hoisted_10 = {
        key: 0,
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      }, _hoisted_12 = { class: "monospace" }, _hoisted_13 = { class: "no-sl" }, _hoisted_14 = { class: "no-sl" }, _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "SettingsDialog",
        setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) {
          const threadNumMarks = {
            1: "1",
            4: "4",
            8: "8",
            16: "16",
            32: {
              label: "32",
              style: { whiteSpace: "nowrap" }
          }, compressionLevelMarks = {
            0: "0",
            1: "1",
            9: "9"
          }, { t: t2, locale } = useI18n(), show = vue.ref(!1), downloadedNum = vue.ref(NaN), filenameLengthNumber = vue.computed({
            get: () => typeof writeableSettings.filenameLength == "number" ? writeableSettings.filenameLength : 0,
            set: (val) => {
              writeableSettings.filenameLength = val;
          }), filenameLengthAuto = vue.computed({
            get: () => writeableSettings.filenameLength === "auto",
            set: (val) => {
              writeableSettings.filenameLength = val ? "auto" : 0;
          }), refreshDownloadNum = async () => {
            downloadedNum.value = await getDownloadNumber();
          }, open2 = () => {
            show.value = !0, refreshDownloadNum();
          }, openHelp = () => {
              locale.value === "zh" ? "" : "",
              { active: !0, setParent: !0 }
          }, exporting = vue.ref(!1), importing = vue.ref(!1), clearing = vue.ref(!1), showMessageBySucceed = (succeed) => {
              type: succeed ? "success" : "error",
              message: succeed ? "Succeed" : "Failed, please check console for error message"
          }, exportHistory = async () => {
            exporting.value = !0;
            const succeed = await exportDownloadHistory();
            exporting.value = !1, showMessageBySucceed(succeed);
          }, importHistory = async () => {
            const data = await pickAndReadFile("application/zip");
            if (!data) return;
            importing.value = !0;
            const succeed = await importDownloadHistory(data);
            importing.value = !1, refreshDownloadNum(), showMessageBySucceed(succeed);
          }, clearHistory = async () => {
            clearing.value = !0;
            const succeed = await clearDownloadHistory();
            clearing.value = !1, refreshDownloadNum(), showMessageBySucceed(succeed);
          }, addTitleReplacement = () => {
            writeableSettings.titleReplacement.push({ from: "", to: "", regexp: !1 });
          }, delTitleReplacement = (index) => {
            writeableSettings.titleReplacement.splice(index, 1);
            () => writeableSettings.language,
            (val) => {
              locale.value = val;
          ), __expose({ open: open2 }), (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDialog), {
            id: "nhentai-helper-setting-dialog-outside",
            modelValue: show.value,
            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[30] || (_cache[30] = ($event) => show.value = $event),
            center: !0,
            top: "50px"
          }, {
            header: vue.withCtx(({ titleId, titleClass }) => [
              vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$2, [
                vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElButton), {
                  size: "small",
                  onClick: openHelp
                }, {
                  default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                    vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("setting.helpButton")), 1)
                  _: 1
              vue.createElementVNode("span", {
                id: titleId,
                class: vue.normalizeClass([titleClass, "no-sl"])
              }, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("setting.title")), 11, _hoisted_2$1)
            default: vue.withCtx(() => [
              vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [
                vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$1, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("setting.asteriskTip")), 1),
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                  "label-width": "auto",
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                }, {
                  default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElSelect), {
                          modelValue: vue.unref(writeableSettings).language,
                          "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => vue.unref(writeableSettings).language = $event)
                        }, {
                          default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                            vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElOption), {
                              label: "English",
                              value: "en"
                            vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElOption), {
                              label: "中文",
                              value: "zh"
                          _: 1
                        }, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
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                      class: "m-b-32",
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                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                          modelValue: vue.unref(writeableSettings).threadNum,
                          "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => vue.unref(writeableSettings).threadNum = $event),
                          min: 1,
                          max: 32,
                          marks: threadNumMarks
                        }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["label"]),
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), {
                      class: "refresh-required",
                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.openOnNewTab")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                        }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
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                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), {
                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.compressionFilename")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                          placeholder: vue.unref(settingDefinitions).compressionFilename.default,
                          onBlur: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = ($event) => {
                            vue.unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename || (vue.unref(writeableSettings).compressionFilename = vue.unref(settingDefinitions).compressionFilename.default);
                        }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["label"]),
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), { label: "└ {{artist}}" }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$1, [
                          vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_6$1, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("setting.maxNumber")), 1),
                          vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElInputNumber), {
                            modelValue: vue.unref(writeableSettings).filenameMaxArtistsNumber,
                            "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = ($event) => vue.unref(writeableSettings).filenameMaxArtistsNumber = $event),
                            size: "small",
                            min: 0,
                            "value-on-clear": vue.unref(settingDefinitions).filenameMaxArtistsNumber.default,
                            "step-strictly": !0,
                            style: { width: "90px" }
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "value-on-clear"])
                        vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7$1, [
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                            size: "small",
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                            style: { width: "50px" }
                          }, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
                      _: 1
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                      class: "m-b-32",
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                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                          min: 0,
                          max: 9,
                          marks: compressionLevelMarks
                        }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
                    }, 8, ["label"]),
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), {
                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.filenameLength")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                          class: "m-l-16",
                          label: vue.unref(t2)("")
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                      _: 1
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                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.convertWebpTo")
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                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                              default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                                vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("common.disabled")), 1)
                              _: 1
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                              value: vue.unref(MIME).JPG
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                              default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[31] || (_cache[31] = [
                              _: 1
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                              value: vue.unref(MIME).PNG
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                              default: vue.withCtx(() => _cache[32] || (_cache[32] = [
                              _: 1
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                          _: 1
                        }, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
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                      key: 0,
                      label: `└ ${vue.unref(t2)("setting.convertWebpQuality")} (0~100)`
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                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                          size: "small",
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                          "value-on-clear": vue.unref(settingDefinitions).convertWebpQuality.default,
                          "step-strictly": !0
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                      _: 1
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                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), {
                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.removeAdPage")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                      _: 1
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                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.autoCancelDownloadedManga")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                        }, null, 8, ["modelValue"])
                      _: 1
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                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElFormItem), {
                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs")
                    }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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                      _: 1
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                      label: vue.unref(t2)("setting.autoShowAll")
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                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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        streamFiles: settings.compressionStreamFiles,
        compression: settings.compressionLevel > 0 ? "DEFLATE" : "STORE",
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          compressingPercent: "0",
          error: !1
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              , key) && (newObj[key] = obj[key]);
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                          return !0;
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                        if (haystack.hasOwnProperty(key) && haystack[key] === needle)
                          return !0;
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                      return v.toString(16);
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                        return letter.toUpperCase();
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                      return name = camelCase(name), cssProps[name] || (cssProps[name] = getVendorProp(name));
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                          properties.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (value = properties[prop], value !== void 0 && properties.hasOwnProperty(prop) && applyCss(element, prop, value));
                        applyCss(element, args[1], args[2]);
                  function addListener(el, events, cb) {
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                    hasClass(oldList, name) || (element.className = newList.substring(1));
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                    element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
                  function classList(element) {
                    return (" " + (element && element.className || "") + " ").replace(/\s+/gi, " ");
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                      setTimeout(function() {
                        Object.keys(API.Store).forEach(function(id) {
                          API.Store.hasOwnProperty(id) && API.Store[id].options.visibilityControl && API.Store[id].resume();
                        }), API.queueRenderAll();
                      }, 100);
                    visibilityChange && addListener(document, visibilityChange, onVisibilityChange), addListener(window, "blur", onBlur), addListener(window, "focus", onFocus);
                  function createAudioElements(ref2) {
                    if (ref2.hasSound) {
                      var audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
                      ref2.options.sounds.sources.forEach(function(s) {
                        var source = document.createElement("source");
                        source.src = s, source.type = "audio/" + getExtension(s), audioElement.appendChild(source);
                      }), ref2.barDom ? ref2.barDom.appendChild(audioElement) : document.querySelector("body").appendChild(audioElement), audioElement.volume = ref2.options.sounds.volume, ref2.soundPlayed || (, ref2.soundPlayed = !0), audioElement.onended = function() {
                  function getExtension(fileName) {
                    return fileName.match(/\.([^.]+)$/)[1];
                /* 1 */
                function(module22, exports22, __webpack_require__) {
                  Object.defineProperty(exports22, "__esModule", {
                    value: !0
                  }), exports22.Defaults = exports22.Store = exports22.Queues = exports22.DefaultMaxVisible = exports22.docTitle = exports22.DocModalCount = exports22.PageHidden = void 0, exports22.getQueueCounts = getQueueCounts, exports22.addToQueue = addToQueue, exports22.removeFromQueue = removeFromQueue, exports22.queueRender = queueRender, exports22.queueRenderAll = queueRenderAll, exports22.ghostFix = ghostFix, = build, exports22.hasButtons = hasButtons, exports22.handleModal = handleModal, exports22.handleModalClose = handleModalClose, exports22.queueClose = queueClose, exports22.dequeueClose = dequeueClose, = fire, exports22.openFlow = openFlow, exports22.closeFlow = closeFlow;
                  var _utils = __webpack_require__(0), Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);
                  function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                    if (obj && obj.__esModule)
                      return obj;
                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null)
                      for (var key in obj)
              , key) && (newObj[key] = obj[key]);
                    return newObj.default = obj, newObj;
                  exports22.PageHidden = !1;
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                    originalTitle: null,
                    count: 0,
                    changed: !1,
                    timer: -1
                  }, docTitle = exports22.docTitle = {
                    increment: function() {
                      DocTitleProps.count++, docTitle._update();
                    decrement: function() {
                      if (DocTitleProps.count--, DocTitleProps.count <= 0) {
                    _update: function() {
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                    _clear: function() {
                      DocTitleProps.changed && (DocTitleProps.count = 0, document.title = DocTitleProps.originalTitle, DocTitleProps.changed = !1);
                  }, DefaultMaxVisible = exports22.DefaultMaxVisible = 5, Queues = exports22.Queues = {
                    global: {
                      maxVisible: DefaultMaxVisible,
                      queue: []
                  }, Store = exports22.Store = {};
                  exports22.Defaults = {
                    type: "alert",
                    layout: "topRight",
                    theme: "mint",
                    text: "",
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                    progressBar: !0,
                    closeWith: ["click"],
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                      open: "noty_effects_open",
                      close: "noty_effects_close"
                    id: !1,
                    force: !1,
                    killer: !1,
                    queue: "global",
                    container: !1,
                    buttons: [],
                    callbacks: {
                      beforeShow: null,
                      onShow: null,
                      afterShow: null,
                      onClose: null,
                      afterClose: null,
                      onClick: null,
                      onHover: null,
                      onTemplate: null
                    sounds: {
                      sources: [],
                      volume: 1,
                      conditions: []
                    titleCount: {
                      conditions: []
                    modal: !1,
                    visibilityControl: !1
                     * @param {string} queueName
                     * @return {object}
                  function getQueueCounts() {
                    var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "global", count = 0, max = DefaultMaxVisible;
                    return Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName) && (max = Queues[queueName].maxVisible, Object.keys(Store).forEach(function(i) {
                      Store[i].options.queue === queueName && !Store[i].closed && count++;
                    })), {
                      current: count,
                      maxVisible: max
                  function addToQueue(ref2) {
                    Queues.hasOwnProperty(ref2.options.queue) || (Queues[ref2.options.queue] = { maxVisible: DefaultMaxVisible, queue: [] }), Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue.push(ref2);
                  function removeFromQueue(ref2) {
                    if (Queues.hasOwnProperty(ref2.options.queue)) {
                      var queue = [];
                      Object.keys(Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue).forEach(function(i) {
                        Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue[i].id !== && queue.push(Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue[i]);
                      }), Queues[ref2.options.queue].queue = queue;
                  function queueRender() {
                    var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "global";
                    if (Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName)) {
                      var noty2 = Queues[queueName].queue.shift();
                      noty2 &&;
                  function queueRenderAll() {
                    Object.keys(Queues).forEach(function(queueName) {
                  function ghostFix(ref2) {
                    var ghostID = Utils.generateID("ghost"), ghost = document.createElement("div");
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                      height: Utils.outerHeight(ref2.barDom) + "px"
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                  function build(ref2) {
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                  function buildButtons(ref2) {
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                      }), ref2.options.buttons.forEach(function(btn) {
                      }), buttons.outerHTML;
                    return "";
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                    ref2.options.modal && (DocModalCount === 0 && createModal(), exports22.DocModalCount = DocModalCount += 1);
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                      var modal = document.querySelector(".noty_modal");
                      modal && (Utils.removeClass(modal, "noty_modal_open"), Utils.addClass(modal, "noty_modal_close"), Utils.addListener(modal, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
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                    Utils.addClass(modal, "noty_modal"), body.insertBefore(modal, body.firstChild), Utils.addClass(modal, "noty_modal_open"), Utils.addListener(modal, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
                      Utils.removeClass(modal, "noty_modal_open");
                  function findOrCreateContainer(ref2) {
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                  function queueClose(ref2) {
                    ref2.options.timeout && (ref2.options.progressBar && ref2.progressDom && Utils.css(ref2.progressDom, {
                      transition: "width " + ref2.options.timeout + "ms linear",
                      width: "0%"
                    }), clearTimeout(ref2.closeTimer), ref2.closeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, ref2.options.timeout));
                  function dequeueClose(ref2) {
                    ref2.options.timeout && ref2.closeTimer && (clearTimeout(ref2.closeTimer), ref2.closeTimer = -1, ref2.options.progressBar && ref2.progressDom && Utils.css(ref2.progressDom, {
                      transition: "width 0ms linear",
                      width: "100%"
                  function fire(ref2, eventName) {
                    ref2.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && ref2.listeners[eventName].forEach(function(cb) {
                      typeof cb == "function" && cb.apply(ref2);
                  function openFlow(ref2) {
                    fire(ref2, "afterShow"), queueClose(ref2), Utils.addListener(ref2.barDom, "mouseenter", function() {
                    }), Utils.addListener(ref2.barDom, "mouseleave", function() {
                  function closeFlow(ref2) {
                    delete Store[], ref2.closing = !1, fire(ref2, "afterClose"), Utils.remove(ref2.barDom), ref2.layoutDom.querySelectorAll(".noty_bar").length === 0 && !ref2.options.container && Utils.remove(ref2.layoutDom), (Utils.inArray("docVisible", ref2.options.titleCount.conditions) || Utils.inArray("docHidden", ref2.options.titleCount.conditions)) && docTitle.decrement(), queueRender(ref2.options.queue);
                /* 2 */
                function(module22, exports22, __webpack_require__) {
                  Object.defineProperty(exports22, "__esModule", {
                    value: !0
                  }), exports22.NotyButton = void 0;
                  var _utils = __webpack_require__(0), Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);
                  function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                    if (obj && obj.__esModule)
                      return obj;
                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null)
                      for (var key in obj)
              , key) && (newObj[key] = obj[key]);
                    return newObj.default = obj, newObj;
                  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor))
                      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                  exports22.NotyButton = function NotyButton2(html, classes, cb) {
                    var _this = this, attributes = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
                    return _classCallCheck(this, NotyButton2), this.dom = document.createElement("button"), this.dom.innerHTML = html, = = || Utils.generateID("button"), this.cb = cb, Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function(propertyName) {
                      _this.dom.setAttribute(propertyName, attributes[propertyName]);
                    }), Utils.addClass(this.dom, classes || "noty_btn"), this;
                /* 3 */
                function(module22, exports22, __webpack_require__) {
                  Object.defineProperty(exports22, "__esModule", {
                    value: !0
                  var _createClass = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
                    function defineProperties(target, props) {
                      for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                        var descriptor = props[i];
                        descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || !1, descriptor.configurable = !0, "value" in descriptor && (descriptor.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
                    return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
                      return protoProps && defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps), staticProps && defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps), Constructor;
                  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor))
                      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                  exports22.Push = function() {
                    function Push2() {
                      var workerPath = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : "/service-worker.js";
                      return _classCallCheck(this, Push2), this.subData = {}, this.workerPath = workerPath, this.listeners = {
                        onPermissionGranted: [],
                        onPermissionDenied: [],
                        onSubscriptionSuccess: [],
                        onSubscriptionCancel: [],
                        onWorkerError: [],
                        onWorkerSuccess: [],
                        onWorkerNotSupported: []
                      }, this;
                    return _createClass(Push2, [{
                      key: "on",
                      value: function(eventName) {
                        var cb = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : function() {
                        return typeof cb == "function" && this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && this.listeners[eventName].push(cb), this;
                    }, {
                      key: "fire",
                      value: function(eventName) {
                        var _this = this, params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : [];
                        this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && this.listeners[eventName].forEach(function(cb) {
                          typeof cb == "function" && cb.apply(_this, params);
                    }, {
                      key: "create",
                      value: function() {
                        console.log("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET");
                       * @return {boolean}
                    }, {
                      key: "isSupported",
                      value: function() {
                        var result = !1;
                        try {
                          result = window.Notification || window.webkitNotifications || navigator.mozNotification || window.external && window.external.msIsSiteMode() !== void 0;
                        } catch {
                        return result;
                       * @return {string}
                    }, {
                      key: "getPermissionStatus",
                      value: function() {
                        var perm = "default";
                        if (window.Notification && window.Notification.permissionLevel)
                          perm = window.Notification.permissionLevel;
                        else if (window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission)
                          switch (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission()) {
                            case 1:
                              perm = "default";
                            case 0:
                              perm = "granted";
                              perm = "denied";
                        else window.Notification && window.Notification.permission ? perm = window.Notification.permission : navigator.mozNotification ? perm = "granted" : window.external && window.external.msIsSiteMode() !== void 0 && (perm = window.external.msIsSiteMode() ? "granted" : "default");
                        return perm.toString().toLowerCase();
                       * @return {string}
                    }, {
                      key: "getEndpoint",
                      value: function(subscription) {
                        var endpoint = subscription.endpoint, subscriptionId = subscription.subscriptionId;
                        return subscriptionId && endpoint.indexOf(subscriptionId) === -1 && (endpoint += "/" + subscriptionId), endpoint;
                       * @return {boolean}
                    }, {
                      key: "isSWRegistered",
                      value: function() {
                        try {
                          return navigator.serviceWorker.controller.state === "activated";
                        } catch {
                          return !1;
                       * @return {void}
                    }, {
                      key: "unregisterWorker",
                      value: function() {
                        var self2 = this;
                        "serviceWorker" in navigator && navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) {
                          var _iteratorNormalCompletion = !0, _didIteratorError = !1, _iteratorError = void 0;
                          try {
                            for (var _iterator = registrations[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = !0) {
                              var registration = _step.value;
                          } catch (err) {
                            _didIteratorError = !0, _iteratorError = err;
                          } finally {
                            try {
                              !_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return && _iterator.return();
                            } finally {
                              if (_didIteratorError)
                                throw _iteratorError;
                       * @return {void}
                    }, {
                      key: "requestSubscription",
                      value: function() {
                        var _this2 = this, userVisibleOnly = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : !0, self2 = this, current = this.getPermissionStatus(), cb = function(result) {
                          result === "granted" ? ("onPermissionGranted"), "serviceWorker" in navigator ? navigator.serviceWorker.register(_this2.workerPath).then(function() {
                            navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) {
                    "onWorkerSuccess"), serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.subscribe({
                              }).then(function(subscription) {
                                var key = subscription.getKey("p256dh"), token = subscription.getKey("auth");
                                self2.subData = {
                                  endpoint: self2.getEndpoint(subscription),
                                  p256dh: key ? window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(key))) : null,
                                  auth: token ? window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(token))) : null
                                },"onSubscriptionSuccess", [self2.subData]);
                              }).catch(function(err) {
                      "onWorkerError", [err]);
                          }) :"onWorkerNotSupported")) : result === "denied" && ("onPermissionDenied"), _this2.unregisterWorker());
                        current === "default" ? window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission ? window.Notification.requestPermission(cb) : window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission && window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(cb) : cb(current);
                    }]), Push2;
                /* 4 */
                function(module22, exports22, __webpack_require__) {
                  (function(process2, global2) {
                    var require2;
                    (function(global22, factory) {
                      module22.exports = factory();
                    })(this, function() {
                      function objectOrFunction(x) {
                        var type = typeof x;
                        return x !== null && (type === "object" || type === "function");
                      function isFunction2(x) {
                        return typeof x == "function";
                      var _isArray = void 0;
                      Array.isArray ? _isArray = Array.isArray : _isArray = function(x) {
                        return === "[object Array]";
                      var isArray2 = _isArray, len = 0, vertxNext = void 0, customSchedulerFn = void 0, asap = function(callback, arg) {
                        queue[len] = callback, queue[len + 1] = arg, len += 2, len === 2 && (customSchedulerFn ? customSchedulerFn(flush) : scheduleFlush());
                      function setScheduler(scheduleFn) {
                        customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn;
                      function setAsap(asapFn) {
                        asap = asapFn;
                      var browserWindow = typeof window < "u" ? window : void 0, browserGlobal = browserWindow || {}, BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver, isNode = typeof self > "u" && typeof process2 < "u" && {} === "[object process]", isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray < "u" && typeof importScripts < "u" && typeof MessageChannel < "u";
                      function useNextTick() {
                        return function() {
                          return process2.nextTick(flush);
                      function useVertxTimer() {
                        return typeof vertxNext < "u" ? function() {
                        } : useSetTimeout();
                      function useMutationObserver() {
                        var iterations = 0, observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush), node = document.createTextNode("");
                        return observer.observe(node, { characterData: !0 }), function() {
                 = iterations = ++iterations % 2;
                      function useMessageChannel() {
                        var channel = new MessageChannel();
                        return channel.port1.onmessage = flush, function() {
                          return channel.port2.postMessage(0);
                      function useSetTimeout() {
                        var globalSetTimeout = setTimeout;
                        return function() {
                          return globalSetTimeout(flush, 1);
                      var queue = new Array(1e3);
                      function flush() {
                        for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
                          var callback = queue[i], arg = queue[i + 1];
                          callback(arg), queue[i] = void 0, queue[i + 1] = void 0;
                        len = 0;
                      function attemptVertx() {
                        try {
                          var r = require2, vertx = __webpack_require__(9);
                          return vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext, useVertxTimer();
                        } catch {
                          return useSetTimeout();
                      var scheduleFlush = void 0;
                      isNode ? scheduleFlush = useNextTick() : BrowserMutationObserver ? scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver() : isWorker ? scheduleFlush = useMessageChannel() : browserWindow === void 0 ? scheduleFlush = attemptVertx() : scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();
                      function then(onFulfillment, onRejection) {
                        var _arguments = arguments, parent = this, child = new this.constructor(noop2);
                        child[PROMISE_ID] === void 0 && makePromise(child);
                        var _state = parent._state;
                        return _state ? function() {
                          var callback = _arguments[_state - 1];
                          asap(function() {
                            return invokeCallback(_state, child, callback, parent._result);
                        }() : subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection), child;
                      function resolve$1(object) {
                        var Constructor = this;
                        if (object && typeof object == "object" && object.constructor === Constructor)
                          return object;
                        var promise = new Constructor(noop2);
                        return resolve(promise, object), promise;
                      var PROMISE_ID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(16);
                      function noop2() {
                      var PENDING = void 0, FULFILLED = 1, REJECTED = 2, GET_THEN_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
                      function selfFulfillment() {
                        return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself");
                      function cannotReturnOwn() {
                        return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");
                      function getThen(promise) {
                        try {
                          return promise.then;
                        } catch (error) {
                          return GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error, GET_THEN_ERROR;
                      function tryThen(then$$1, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
                        try {
                          then$$, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
                        } catch (e) {
                          return e;
                      function handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then$$1) {
                        asap(function(promise2) {
                          var sealed = !1, error = tryThen(then$$1, thenable, function(value) {
                            sealed || (sealed = !0, thenable !== value ? resolve(promise2, value) : fulfill(promise2, value));
                          }, function(reason) {
                            sealed || (sealed = !0, reject(promise2, reason));
                          }, "Settle: " + (promise2._label || " unknown promise"));
                          !sealed && error && (sealed = !0, reject(promise2, error));
                        }, promise);
                      function handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {
                        thenable._state === FULFILLED ? fulfill(promise, thenable._result) : thenable._state === REJECTED ? reject(promise, thenable._result) : subscribe(thenable, void 0, function(value) {
                          return resolve(promise, value);
                        }, function(reason) {
                          return reject(promise, reason);
                      function handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1) {
                        maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor && then$$1 === then && maybeThenable.constructor.resolve === resolve$1 ? handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable) : then$$1 === GET_THEN_ERROR ? (reject(promise, GET_THEN_ERROR.error), GET_THEN_ERROR.error = null) : then$$1 === void 0 ? fulfill(promise, maybeThenable) : isFunction2(then$$1) ? handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then$$1) : fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
                      function resolve(promise, value) {
                        promise === value ? reject(promise, selfFulfillment()) : objectOrFunction(value) ? handleMaybeThenable(promise, value, getThen(value)) : fulfill(promise, value);
                      function publishRejection(promise) {
                        promise._onerror && promise._onerror(promise._result), publish(promise);
                      function fulfill(promise, value) {
                        promise._state === PENDING && (promise._result = value, promise._state = FULFILLED, promise._subscribers.length !== 0 && asap(publish, promise));
                      function reject(promise, reason) {
                        promise._state === PENDING && (promise._state = REJECTED, promise._result = reason, asap(publishRejection, promise));
                      function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
                        var _subscribers = parent._subscribers, length = _subscribers.length;
                        parent._onerror = null, _subscribers[length] = child, _subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment, _subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection, length === 0 && parent._state && asap(publish, parent);
                      function publish(promise) {
                        var subscribers = promise._subscribers, settled = promise._state;
                        if (subscribers.length !== 0) {
                          for (var child = void 0, callback = void 0, detail = promise._result, i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3)
                            child = subscribers[i], callback = subscribers[i + settled], child ? invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail) : callback(detail);
                          promise._subscribers.length = 0;
                      function ErrorObject() {
                        this.error = null;
                      var TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
                      function tryCatch(callback, detail) {
                        try {
                          return callback(detail);
                        } catch (e) {
                          return TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e, TRY_CATCH_ERROR;
                      function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
                        var hasCallback = isFunction2(callback), value = void 0, error = void 0, succeeded = void 0, failed = void 0;
                        if (hasCallback) {
                          if (value = tryCatch(callback, detail), value === TRY_CATCH_ERROR ? (failed = !0, error = value.error, value.error = null) : succeeded = !0, promise === value) {
                            reject(promise, cannotReturnOwn());
                        } else
                          value = detail, succeeded = !0;
                        promise._state !== PENDING || (hasCallback && succeeded ? resolve(promise, value) : failed ? reject(promise, error) : settled === FULFILLED ? fulfill(promise, value) : settled === REJECTED && reject(promise, value));
                      function initializePromise(promise, resolver) {
                        try {
                          resolver(function(value) {
                            resolve(promise, value);
                          }, function(reason) {
                            reject(promise, reason);
                        } catch (e) {
                          reject(promise, e);
                      var id = 0;
                      function nextId() {
                        return id++;
                      function makePromise(promise) {
                        promise[PROMISE_ID] = id++, promise._state = void 0, promise._result = void 0, promise._subscribers = [];
                      function Enumerator$1(Constructor, input) {
                        this._instanceConstructor = Constructor, this.promise = new Constructor(noop2), this.promise[PROMISE_ID] || makePromise(this.promise), isArray2(input) ? (this.length = input.length, this._remaining = input.length, this._result = new Array(this.length), this.length === 0 ? fulfill(this.promise, this._result) : (this.length = this.length || 0, this._enumerate(input), this._remaining === 0 && fulfill(this.promise, this._result))) : reject(this.promise, validationError());
                      function validationError() {
                        return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array");
                      Enumerator$1.prototype._enumerate = function(input) {
                        for (var i = 0; this._state === PENDING && i < input.length; i++)
                          this._eachEntry(input[i], i);
                      }, Enumerator$1.prototype._eachEntry = function(entry, i) {
                        var c = this._instanceConstructor, resolve$$1 = c.resolve;
                        if (resolve$$1 === resolve$1) {
                          var _then = getThen(entry);
                          if (_then === then && entry._state !== PENDING)
                            this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);
                          else if (typeof _then != "function")
                            this._remaining--, this._result[i] = entry;
                          else if (c === Promise$2) {
                            var promise = new c(noop2);
                            handleMaybeThenable(promise, entry, _then), this._willSettleAt(promise, i);
                          } else
                            this._willSettleAt(new c(function(resolve$$12) {
                              return resolve$$12(entry);
                            }), i);
                        } else
                          this._willSettleAt(resolve$$1(entry), i);
                      }, Enumerator$1.prototype._settledAt = function(state, i, value) {
                        var promise = this.promise;
                        promise._state === PENDING && (this._remaining--, state === REJECTED ? reject(promise, value) : this._result[i] = value), this._remaining === 0 && fulfill(promise, this._result);
                      }, Enumerator$1.prototype._willSettleAt = function(promise, i) {
                        var enumerator = this;
                        subscribe(promise, void 0, function(value) {
                          return enumerator._settledAt(FULFILLED, i, value);
                        }, function(reason) {
                          return enumerator._settledAt(REJECTED, i, reason);
                      function all$1(entries) {
                        return new Enumerator$1(this, entries).promise;
                      function race$1(entries) {
                        var Constructor = this;
                        return isArray2(entries) ? new Constructor(function(resolve2, reject2) {
                          for (var length = entries.length, i = 0; i < length; i++)
                            Constructor.resolve(entries[i]).then(resolve2, reject2);
                        }) : new Constructor(function(_, reject2) {
                          return reject2(new TypeError("You must pass an array to race."));
                      function reject$1(reason) {
                        var Constructor = this, promise = new Constructor(noop2);
                        return reject(promise, reason), promise;
                      function needsResolver() {
                        throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor");
                      function needsNew() {
                        throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
                      function Promise$2(resolver) {
                        this[PROMISE_ID] = nextId(), this._result = this._state = void 0, this._subscribers = [], noop2 !== resolver && (typeof resolver != "function" && needsResolver(), this instanceof Promise$2 ? initializePromise(this, resolver) : needsNew());
                      Promise$2.all = all$1, Promise$2.race = race$1, Promise$2.resolve = resolve$1, Promise$2.reject = reject$1, Promise$2._setScheduler = setScheduler, Promise$2._setAsap = setAsap, Promise$2._asap = asap, Promise$2.prototype = {
                        constructor: Promise$2,
                          The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,
                          which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the
                          reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
                            // user is available
                          }, function(reason){
                            // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why
                          The return value of `then` is itself a promise.  This second, 'downstream'
                          promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment
                          or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.
                          findUser().then(function (user) {
                          }, function (reason) {
                            return 'default name';
                          }).then(function (userName) {
                            // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it
                            // will be `'default name'`
                          findUser().then(function (user) {
                            throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');
                          }, function (reason) {
                            throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');
                          }).then(function (value) {
                            // never reached
                          }, function (reason) {
                            // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.
                            // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.
                          If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.
                          findUser().then(function (user) {
                            throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');
                          }).then(function (value) {
                            // never reached
                          }).then(function (value) {
                            // never reached
                          }, function (reason) {
                            // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here
                          Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be
                          retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the
                          fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending
                          until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.
                          findUser().then(function (user) {
                            return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
                          }).then(function (comments) {
                            // The user's comments are now available
                          If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.
                          findUser().then(function (user) {
                            return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
                          }).then(function (comments) {
                            // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here
                          }, function (reason) {
                            // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here
                          Simple Example
                          Synchronous Example
                          let result;
                          try {
                            result = findResult();
                            // success
                          } catch(reason) {
                            // failure
                          Errback Example
                          findResult(function(result, err){
                            if (err) {
                              // failure
                            } else {
                              // success
                          Promise Example;
                            // success
                          }, function(reason){
                            // failure
                          Advanced Example
                          Synchronous Example
                          let author, books;
                          try {
                            author = findAuthor();
                            books  = findBooksByAuthor(author);
                            // success
                          } catch(reason) {
                            // failure
                          Errback Example
                          function foundBooks(books) {
                          function failure(reason) {
                          findAuthor(function(author, err){
                            if (err) {
                              // failure
                            } else {
                              try {
                                findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {
                                  if (err) {
                                  } else {
                                    try {
                                    } catch(reason) {
                              } catch(error) {
                              // success
                          Promise Example;
                              // found books
                            // something went wrong
                          @method then
                          @param {Function} onFulfilled
                          @param {Function} onRejected
                          Useful for tooling.
                          @return {Promise}
                          `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same
                          as the catch block of a try/catch statement.
                          function findAuthor(){
                            throw new Error('couldn't find that author');
                          // synchronous
                          try {
                          } catch(reason) {
                            // something went wrong
                          // async with promises
                            // something went wrong
                          @method catch
                          @param {Function} onRejection
                          Useful for tooling.
                          @return {Promise}
                        catch: function(onRejection) {
                          return this.then(null, onRejection);
                      function polyfill$1() {
                        var local = void 0;
                        if (typeof global2 < "u")
                          local = global2;
                        else if (typeof self < "u")
                          local = self;
                          try {
                            local = Function("return this")();
                          } catch {
                            throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment");
                        var P = local.Promise;
                        if (P) {
                          var promiseToString = null;
                          try {
                            promiseToString =;
                          } catch {
                          if (promiseToString === "[object Promise]" && !P.cast)
                        local.Promise = Promise$2;
                      return Promise$2.polyfill = polyfill$1, Promise$2.Promise = Promise$2, Promise$2;
                  }).call(exports22, __webpack_require__(7), __webpack_require__(8));
                /* 5 */
                function(module22, exports22) {
                /* 6 */
                function(module22, exports22, __webpack_require__) {
                  Object.defineProperty(exports22, "__esModule", {
                    value: !0
                  var _createClass = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
                    function defineProperties(target, props) {
                      for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                        var descriptor = props[i];
                        descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || !1, descriptor.configurable = !0, "value" in descriptor && (descriptor.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
                    return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
                      return protoProps && defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps), staticProps && defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps), Constructor;
                  var _es6Promise = __webpack_require__(4), _es6Promise2 = _interopRequireDefault(_es6Promise), _utils = __webpack_require__(0), Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils), _api = __webpack_require__(1), API = _interopRequireWildcard(_api), _button = __webpack_require__(2), _push = __webpack_require__(3);
                  function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
                    if (obj && obj.__esModule)
                      return obj;
                    var newObj = {};
                    if (obj != null)
                      for (var key in obj)
              , key) && (newObj[key] = obj[key]);
                    return newObj.default = obj, newObj;
                  function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
                    return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
                  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
                    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor))
                      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
                  var Noty2 = function() {
                    function Noty22() {
                      var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
                      return _classCallCheck(this, Noty22), this.options = Utils.deepExtend({}, API.Defaults, options), = || Utils.generateID("bar"), this.closeTimer = -1, this.barDom = null, this.layoutDom = null, this.progressDom = null, this.showing = !1, this.shown = !1, this.closed = !1, this.closing = !1, this.killable = this.options.timeout || this.options.closeWith.length > 0, this.hasSound = this.options.sounds.sources.length > 0, this.soundPlayed = !1, this.listeners = {
                        beforeShow: [],
                        onShow: [],
                        afterShow: [],
                        onClose: [],
                        afterClose: [],
                        onClick: [],
                        onHover: [],
                        onTemplate: []
                      }, this.promises = {
                        show: null,
                        close: null
                      }, this.on("beforeShow", this.options.callbacks.beforeShow), this.on("onShow", this.options.callbacks.onShow), this.on("afterShow", this.options.callbacks.afterShow), this.on("onClose", this.options.callbacks.onClose), this.on("afterClose", this.options.callbacks.afterClose), this.on("onClick", this.options.callbacks.onClick), this.on("onHover", this.options.callbacks.onHover), this.on("onTemplate", this.options.callbacks.onTemplate), this;
                    return _createClass(Noty22, [{
                      key: "on",
                      value: function(eventName) {
                        var cb = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : function() {
                        return typeof cb == "function" && this.listeners.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && this.listeners[eventName].push(cb), this;
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "show",
                      value: function() {
                        var _this = this;
                        this.options.killer === !0 ? Noty22.closeAll() : typeof this.options.killer == "string" && Noty22.closeAll(this.options.killer);
                        var queueCounts = API.getQueueCounts(this.options.queue);
                        if (queueCounts.current >= queueCounts.maxVisible || API.PageHidden && this.options.visibilityControl)
                          return API.addToQueue(this), API.PageHidden && this.hasSound && Utils.inArray("docHidden", this.options.sounds.conditions) && Utils.createAudioElements(this), API.PageHidden && Utils.inArray("docHidden", this.options.titleCount.conditions) && API.docTitle.increment(), this;
                        if (API.Store[] = this,, "beforeShow"), this.showing = !0, this.closing)
                          return this.showing = !1, this;
                        if (, API.handleModal(this), this.options.force ? this.layoutDom.insertBefore(this.barDom, this.layoutDom.firstChild) : this.layoutDom.appendChild(this.barDom), this.hasSound && !this.soundPlayed && Utils.inArray("docVisible", this.options.sounds.conditions) && Utils.createAudioElements(this), Utils.inArray("docVisible", this.options.titleCount.conditions) && API.docTitle.increment(), this.shown = !0, this.closed = !1, API.hasButtons(this) && Object.keys(this.options.buttons).forEach(function(key) {
                          var btn = _this.barDom.querySelector("#" + _this.options.buttons[key].id);
                          Utils.addListener(btn, "click", function(e) {
                            Utils.stopPropagation(e), _this.options.buttons[key].cb();
                        }), this.progressDom = this.barDom.querySelector(".noty_progressbar"), Utils.inArray("click", this.options.closeWith) && (Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_close_with_click"), Utils.addListener(this.barDom, "click", function(e) {
                          Utils.stopPropagation(e),, "onClick"), _this.close();
                        }, !1)), Utils.addListener(this.barDom, "mouseenter", function() {
                , "onHover");
                        }, !1), this.options.timeout && Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout"), this.options.progressBar && Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_progressbar"), Utils.inArray("button", this.options.closeWith)) {
                          Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_close_with_button");
                          var closeButton = document.createElement("div");
                          Utils.addClass(closeButton, "noty_close_button"), closeButton.innerHTML = "×", this.barDom.appendChild(closeButton), Utils.addListener(closeButton, "click", function(e) {
                            Utils.stopPropagation(e), _this.close();
                          }, !1);
                        return, "onShow"), === null ? = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve) {
                        }) : typeof == "function" ? = new _es6Promise2.default( : (Utils.addClass(this.barDom,, = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve) {
                          Utils.addListener(_this.barDom, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
                            Utils.removeClass(_this.barDom,, resolve();
                        })), {
                          var _t = _this;
                          setTimeout(function() {
                          }, 100);
                        }), this;
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "stop",
                      value: function() {
                        return API.dequeueClose(this), this;
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "resume",
                      value: function() {
                        return API.queueClose(this), this;
                       * @param {int|boolean} ms
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "setTimeout",
                      value: function(_setTimeout) {
                        function setTimeout2(_x) {
                          return _setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
                        return setTimeout2.toString = function() {
                          return _setTimeout.toString();
                        }, setTimeout2;
                      }(function(ms) {
                        if (this.stop(), this.options.timeout = ms, this.barDom) {
                          this.options.timeout ? Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout") : Utils.removeClass(this.barDom, "noty_has_timeout");
                          var _t = this;
                          setTimeout(function() {
                          }, 100);
                        return this;
                       * @param {string} html
                       * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "setText",
                      value: function(html) {
                        var optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1;
                        return this.barDom && (this.barDom.querySelector(".noty_body").innerHTML = html), optionsOverride && (this.options.text = html), this;
                       * @param {string} type
                       * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "setType",
                      value: function(type) {
                        var _this2 = this, optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1;
                        if (this.barDom) {
                          var classList = Utils.classList(this.barDom).split(" ");
                          classList.forEach(function(c) {
                            c.substring(0, 11) === "noty_type__" && Utils.removeClass(_this2.barDom, c);
                          }), Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_type__" + type);
                        return optionsOverride && (this.options.type = type), this;
                       * @param {string} theme
                       * @param {boolean} optionsOverride
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "setTheme",
                      value: function(theme) {
                        var _this3 = this, optionsOverride = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1;
                        if (this.barDom) {
                          var classList = Utils.classList(this.barDom).split(" ");
                          classList.forEach(function(c) {
                            c.substring(0, 12) === "noty_theme__" && Utils.removeClass(_this3.barDom, c);
                          }), Utils.addClass(this.barDom, "noty_theme__" + theme);
                        return optionsOverride && (this.options.theme = theme), this;
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "close",
                      value: function() {
                        var _this4 = this;
                        return this.closed ? this : this.shown ? (, "onClose"), this.closing = !0, this.options.animation.close === null ? this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve) {
                        }) : typeof this.options.animation.close == "function" ? this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(this.options.animation.close.bind(this)) : (Utils.addClass(this.barDom, this.options.animation.close), this.promises.close = new _es6Promise2.default(function(resolve) {
                          Utils.addListener(_this4.barDom, Utils.animationEndEvents, function() {
                            _this4.options.force ? Utils.remove(_this4.barDom) : API.ghostFix(_this4), resolve();
                        })), this.promises.close.then(function() {
                          API.closeFlow(_this4), API.handleModalClose(_this4);
                        }), this.closed = !0, this) : (API.removeFromQueue(this), this);
                      // API functions
                       * @param {boolean|string} queueName
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }], [{
                      key: "closeAll",
                      value: function() {
                        var queueName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : !1;
                        return Object.keys(API.Store).forEach(function(id) {
                          queueName ? API.Store[id].options.queue === queueName && API.Store[id].killable && API.Store[id].close() : API.Store[id].killable && API.Store[id].close();
                        }), this;
                       * @param {Object} obj
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "overrideDefaults",
                      value: function(obj) {
                        return API.Defaults = Utils.deepExtend({}, API.Defaults, obj), this;
                       * @param {int} amount
                       * @param {string} queueName
                       * @return {Noty}
                    }, {
                      key: "setMaxVisible",
                      value: function() {
                        var amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : API.DefaultMaxVisible, queueName = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "global";
                        return API.Queues.hasOwnProperty(queueName) || (API.Queues[queueName] = { maxVisible: amount, queue: [] }), API.Queues[queueName].maxVisible = amount, this;
                       * @param {string} innerHtml
                       * @param {String} classes
                       * @param {Function} cb
                       * @param {Object} attributes
                       * @return {NotyButton}
                    }, {
                      key: "button",
                      value: function(innerHtml) {
                        var classes = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : null, cb = arguments[2], attributes = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {};
                        return new _button.NotyButton(innerHtml, classes, cb, attributes);
                       * @return {string}
                    }, {
                      key: "version",
                      value: function() {
                        return "3.1.4";
                       * @param {String} workerPath
                       * @return {Push}
                    }, {
                      key: "Push",
                      value: function(workerPath) {
                        return new _push.Push(workerPath);
                    }]), Noty22;
                  exports22.default = Noty2, Utils.visibilityChangeFlow(), module22.exports = exports22.default;
                /* 7 */
                function(module22, exports22) {
                  var process2 = module22.exports = {}, cachedSetTimeout, cachedClearTimeout;
                  function defaultSetTimout() {
                    throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
                  function defaultClearTimeout() {
                    throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
                  (function() {
                    try {
                      typeof setTimeout == "function" ? cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout : cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
                    } catch {
                      cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
                    try {
                      typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout : cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
                    } catch {
                      cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
                  function runTimeout(fun) {
                    if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout)
                      return setTimeout(fun, 0);
                    if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout)
                      return cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout, setTimeout(fun, 0);
                    try {
                      return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
                    } catch {
                      try {
                        return, fun, 0);
                      } catch {
                        return, fun, 0);
                  function runClearTimeout(marker) {
                    if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout)
                      return clearTimeout(marker);
                    if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout)
                      return cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(marker);
                    try {
                      return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
                    } catch {
                      try {
                        return, marker);
                      } catch {
                        return, marker);
                  var queue = [], draining = !1, currentQueue, queueIndex = -1;
                  function cleanUpNextTick() {
                    !draining || !currentQueue || (draining = !1, currentQueue.length ? queue = currentQueue.concat(queue) : queueIndex = -1, queue.length && drainQueue());
                  function drainQueue() {
                    if (!draining) {
                      var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
                      draining = !0;
                      for (var len = queue.length; len; ) {
                        for (currentQueue = queue, queue = []; ++queueIndex < len; )
                          currentQueue && currentQueue[queueIndex].run();
                        queueIndex = -1, len = queue.length;
                      currentQueue = null, draining = !1, runClearTimeout(timeout);
                  process2.nextTick = function(fun) {
                    var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
                    if (arguments.length > 1)
                      for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
                        args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
                    queue.push(new Item(fun, args)), queue.length === 1 && !draining && runTimeout(drainQueue);
                  function Item(fun, array) {
           = fun, this.array = array;
         = function() {
          , this.array);
                  }, process2.title = "browser", process2.browser = !0, process2.env = {}, process2.argv = [], process2.version = "", process2.versions = {};
                  function noop2() {
                  process2.on = noop2, process2.addListener = noop2, process2.once = noop2, = noop2, process2.removeListener = noop2, process2.removeAllListeners = noop2, process2.emit = noop2, process2.prependListener = noop2, process2.prependOnceListener = noop2, process2.listeners = function(name) {
                    return [];
                  }, process2.binding = function(name) {
                    throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
                  }, process2.cwd = function() {
                    return "/";
                  }, process2.chdir = function(dir) {
                    throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
                  }, process2.umask = function() {
                    return 0;
                /* 8 */
                function(module22, exports22) {
                  var g;
                  g = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
                    return this;
                  try {
                    g = g || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this");
                  } catch {
                    typeof window == "object" && (g = window);
                  module22.exports = g;
                /* 9 */
                function(module22, exports22) {
        }(noty$1)), noty$1.exports;
      var notyExports = requireNoty();
      const Noty = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(notyExports);
      const _create = Object.create, create = (obj = null) => _create(obj);
      let _globalThis;
      const getGlobalThis = () => _globalThis || (_globalThis = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : create()), isFunction = (val) => typeof val == "function", isObject$1 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val == "object";
      function initFeatureFlags() {
        typeof __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ != "boolean" && (getGlobalThis().__INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__ = !1);
      const pathStateMachine = [];
        /* States.BEFORE_PATH */
      ] = {
        w: [
          /* States.BEFORE_PATH */
        i: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        "[": [
          /* States.IN_SUB_PATH */
        o: [
          /* States.AFTER_PATH */
        /* States.IN_PATH */
      ] = {
        w: [
          /* States.IN_PATH */
        ".": [
          /* States.BEFORE_IDENT */
        "[": [
          /* States.IN_SUB_PATH */
        o: [
          /* States.AFTER_PATH */
        /* States.BEFORE_IDENT */
      ] = {
        w: [
          /* States.BEFORE_IDENT */
        i: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        0: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        /* States.IN_IDENT */
      ] = {
        i: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        0: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        w: [
          /* Actions.PUSH */
        ".": [
          /* Actions.PUSH */
        "[": [
          /* Actions.PUSH */
        o: [
          /* Actions.PUSH */
        /* States.IN_SUB_PATH */
      ] = {
        "'": [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        '"': [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        "[": [
          /* Actions.INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */
        "]": [
          /* Actions.PUSH_SUB_PATH */
        o: 8,
        l: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        /* States.IN_SINGLE_QUOTE */
      ] = {
        "'": [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        o: 8,
        l: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        /* States.IN_DOUBLE_QUOTE */
      ] = {
        '"': [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        o: 8,
        l: [
          /* Actions.APPEND */
      const literalValueRE = /^\s?(?:true|false|-?[\d.]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")\s?$/;
      function isLiteral(exp) {
        return literalValueRE.test(exp);
      function stripQuotes(str) {
        const a = str.charCodeAt(0), b = str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1);
        return a === b && (a === 34 || a === 39) ? str.slice(1, -1) : str;
      function getPathCharType(ch) {
        if (ch == null)
          return "o";
        switch (ch.charCodeAt(0)) {
          case 91:
          // [
          case 93:
          // ]
          case 46:
          // .
          case 34:
          // "
          case 39:
            return ch;
          case 95:
          // _
          case 36:
          // $
          case 45:
            return "i";
          case 9:
          // Tab (HT)
          case 10:
          // Newline (LF)
          case 13:
          // Return (CR)
          case 160:
          // No-break space (NBSP)
          case 65279:
          // Byte Order Mark (BOM)
          case 8232:
          // Line Separator (LS)
          case 8233:
            return "w";
        return "i";
      function formatSubPath(path) {
        const trimmed = path.trim();
        return path.charAt(0) === "0" && isNaN(parseInt(path)) ? !1 : isLiteral(trimmed) ? stripQuotes(trimmed) : "*" + trimmed;
      function parse(path) {
        const keys2 = [];
        let index = -1, mode = 0, subPathDepth = 0, c, key, newChar, type, transition, action, typeMap;
        const actions = [];
          /* Actions.APPEND */
        ] = () => {
          key === void 0 ? key = newChar : key += newChar;
        }, actions[
          /* Actions.PUSH */
        ] = () => {
          key !== void 0 && (keys2.push(key), key = void 0);
        }, actions[
          /* Actions.INC_SUB_PATH_DEPTH */
        ] = () => {
            /* Actions.APPEND */
          ](), subPathDepth++;
        }, actions[
          /* Actions.PUSH_SUB_PATH */
        ] = () => {
          if (subPathDepth > 0)
            subPathDepth--, mode = 4, actions[
              /* Actions.APPEND */
          else {
            if (subPathDepth = 0, key === void 0 || (key = formatSubPath(key), key === !1))
              return !1;
              /* Actions.PUSH */
        function maybeUnescapeQuote() {
          const nextChar = path[index + 1];
          if (mode === 5 && nextChar === "'" || mode === 6 && nextChar === '"')
            return index++, newChar = "\\" + nextChar, actions[
              /* Actions.APPEND */
            ](), !0;
        for (; mode !== null; )
          if (index++, c = path[index], !(c === "\\" && maybeUnescapeQuote())) {
            if (type = getPathCharType(c), typeMap = pathStateMachine[mode], transition = typeMap[type] || typeMap.l || 8, transition === 8 || (mode = transition[0], transition[1] !== void 0 && (action = actions[transition[1]], action && (newChar = c, action() === !1))))
            if (mode === 7)
              return keys2;
      const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
      function resolveValue(obj, path) {
        if (!isObject$1(obj))
          return null;
        let hit = cache.get(path);
        if (hit || (hit = parse(path), hit && cache.set(path, hit)), !hit)
          return null;
        const len = hit.length;
        let last2 = obj, i = 0;
        for (; i < len; ) {
          const val = last2[hit[i]];
          if (val === void 0 || isFunction(last2))
            return null;
          last2 = val, i++;
        return last2;
      const resource$1 = {
        common: {
          settings: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Settings" } },
          auto: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Auto" } },
          english: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "English" } },
          japanese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Japanese" } },
          chinese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Chinese" } },
          pretty: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Pretty" } },
          filter: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Filter" } },
          none: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "None" } },
          disabled: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Disabled" } },
          abbr: {
            english: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "EN" } },
            japanese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "JP" } },
            chinese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "CN" } }
        setting: {
          title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 6, k: { t: 7, v: "common.settings" } }] } },
          advanceTitle: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Advance Settings" } },
          helpButton: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Help" } },
          asteriskTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "means refresh is required to take effect" } },
          downloadThread: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Download thread" } },
          openOnNewTab: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Open on new tab" } },
          compressionFilename: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Compression filename" } },
          maxNumber: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Max number" } },
          separator: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Separator" } },
          compressionLevel: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Compression level" } },
          filenameLength: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Filename length" } },
          convertWebpTo: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Convert webp to" } },
          convertWebpQuality: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Quality" } },
          removeAdPage: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Remove ads pages" } },
          autoCancelDownloadedManga: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Auto cancel downloaded manga" } },
          autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Auto retry when error occurs" } },
          autoShowAll: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Auto show all" } },
          showIgnoreButton: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: 'Show "Ignore" button' } },
          judgeDownloadedMangaByTitle: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Judge downloaded manga by title" } },
          customDownloadUrl: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Custom download URL" } },
          compressionStreamFiles: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: 'Compression "streamFiles"' } },
          seriesMode: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Series mode" } },
          streamDownload: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Stream download" } },
          preventConsoleClearing: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Prevent console clearing" } },
          nHentaiDownloadHost: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "nHentai download host" } },
          nHentaiDownloadHostOption: {
            auto: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Auto (recommended)" } },
            random: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Random" } },
            balance: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Balance" } }
          addMetaFile: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Add metadata file" } },
          metaFileTitleLanguage: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Title language" } },
          titleReplacement: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Title replacement" } },
          galleryContextmenuPreview: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Context menu preview" } },
          customFilenameFunction: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Custom filename function" } },
          history: {
            title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Download History" } },
            downloadedNumberTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: "You have downloaded " }, { t: 4, k: "num" }, { t: 3, v: " manga on this site using nHentai Helper." }] } },
            import: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Import" } },
            export: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Export" } },
            clear: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Clear" } },
            importTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Tip: Import will not clear the existing history, but merges with it." } }
        dialog: {
          yes: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "YES" } },
          no: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "NO" } },
          action: {
            getInfo: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "getting information" } },
            download: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "downloading" } }
          downloadAgainConfirm: ({ named }) => `<i>${named("title")}</i> is already downloaded${named("hasQueue") ? " or in queue" : ""}.<br>Do you want to download again?`,
          errorRetryConfirm: ({ linked, named }) => `Error occurred while ${linked(`message.dialog.action.${named("action")}`)}, retry?`,
          errorRetryTip: ({ linked, named }) => `Error occurred while ${linked(`message.dialog.action.${named("action")}`)}, retrying...`,
          downloadedTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: "<i>" }, { t: 4, k: "title" }, { t: 3, v: "</i> is already downloaded or in queue." }] } },
          getMediaUrlTemplateFailed: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: 'Fail to get image download url. Please set "' }, { t: 6, k: { t: 9, v: "setting.customDownloadUrl" } }, { t: 3, v: '" manually, or open a github issue to report with current url.' }] } }
        button: {
          download: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Download" } },
          downloading: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Downloading" } },
          compressing: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Compressing" } },
          ignore: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Ignore this" } },
          unignore: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Ignore this" } }
        input: {
          downloadSpecifiedPages: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Download specified pages (e.g. -5,7-10,12,14,18-)" } }
        confirmPopup: {
          title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Are you sure?" } },
          yes: { t: 0, b: { static: "", t: 2, i: [] } },
          no: { t: 0, b: { static: "", t: 2, i: [] } }
        meta: {
          id: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "ID" } },
          parody: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Parodies" } },
          character: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Characters" } },
          tag: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Tags" } },
          artist: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Artists" } },
          group: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Groups" } },
          language: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Languages" } },
          category: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Categories" } },
          page: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Pages" } },
          upload: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "Upload Date" } }
      }, resource = {
        common: {
          settings: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "设置" } },
          auto: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自动" } },
          english: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "英文" } },
          japanese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "日文" } },
          chinese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "中文" } },
          pretty: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "简略" } },
          filter: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "过滤" } },
          none: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "无" } },
          disabled: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "禁用" } },
          abbr: {
            english: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "英" } },
            japanese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "日" } },
            chinese: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "中" } }
        setting: {
          title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 6, k: { t: 7, v: "common.settings" } }] } },
          advanceTitle: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "进阶设置" } },
          helpButton: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "帮助" } },
          asteriskTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "表示刷新页面才能生效" } },
          downloadThread: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载线程数" } },
          openOnNewTab: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "在新选项卡打开" } },
          compressionFilename: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "压缩文件名" } },
          maxNumber: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "最大数量" } },
          separator: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "分隔符" } },
          compressionLevel: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "压缩等级" } },
          filenameLength: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "文件名长度" } },
          convertWebpTo: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "转换 webp 为" } },
          convertWebpQuality: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "质量" } },
          removeAdPage: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "移除广告页" } },
          autoCancelDownloadedManga: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自动取消下载过的本子" } },
          autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "发生错误时自动重试" } },
          autoShowAll: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自动显示全部" } },
          showIgnoreButton: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "显示“忽略”按钮" } },
          judgeDownloadedMangaByTitle: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "用标题判断本子是否下载过" } },
          customDownloadUrl: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自定义下载地址" } },
          compressionStreamFiles: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: '压缩 "streamFiles" 选项' } },
          seriesMode: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "串行模式" } },
          streamDownload: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "流式下载" } },
          preventConsoleClearing: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "阻止控制台清空" } },
          nHentaiDownloadHost: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "nHentai 下载节点" } },
          nHentaiDownloadHostOption: {
            auto: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自动(推荐)" } },
            random: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "随机" } },
            balance: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "均衡" } }
          addMetaFile: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "添加元数据文件" } },
          metaFileTitleLanguage: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "标题语言" } },
          titleReplacement: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "标题替换" } },
          galleryContextmenuPreview: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "右击预览" } },
          customFilenameFunction: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "自定义文件名函数" } },
          history: {
            title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载历史" } },
            downloadedNumberTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: "你在这个站点上已经用 nHentai 助手下载了 " }, { t: 4, k: "num" }, { t: 3, v: " 个本子" }] } },
            import: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "导入" } },
            export: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "导出" } },
            clear: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "清空" } },
            importTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "提示:导入会将导入的历史记录与现有历史记录合并,不会清空现有历史记录" } }
        dialog: {
          yes: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "是的" } },
          no: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "算了" } },
          action: {
            getInfo: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "获取信息" } },
            download: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载" } }
          downloadAgainConfirm: ({ named }) => `《${named("title")}》已下载过${named("hasQueue") ? "或在队列中" : ""},你希望再次下载吗?`,
          errorRetryConfirm: ({ linked, named }) => `${linked(`message.dialog.action.${named("action")}`)}发生错误,是否重试?`,
          errorRetryTip: ({ linked, named }) => `${linked(`message.dialog.action.${named("action")}`)}发生错误,重试中……`,
          downloadedTip: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: "《" }, { t: 4, k: "title" }, { t: 3, v: "》已经下载过或在队列中" }] } },
          getMediaUrlTemplateFailed: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3, v: "获取图片下载地址失败,请手动设置“" }, { t: 6, k: { t: 9, v: "setting.customDownloadUrl" } }, { t: 3, v: "”,或前往 github issue 或脚本页面反馈并附带当前网址" }] } }
        button: {
          download: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载" } },
          downloading: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载中" } },
          compressing: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "压缩中" } },
          ignore: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "忽略" } },
          unignore: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "不再忽略" } }
        input: {
          downloadSpecifiedPages: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "下载指定页面(例:-5,7-10,12,14,18-)" } }
        confirmPopup: {
          title: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "真的吗?" } },
          yes: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "真的" } },
          no: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "算了" } }
        meta: {
          id: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "ID" } },
          parody: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "模仿" } },
          character: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "角色" } },
          tag: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "标签" } },
          artist: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "作者" } },
          group: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "团体" } },
          language: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "语言" } },
          category: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "分类" } },
          page: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "页数" } },
          upload: { t: 0, b: { t: 2, i: [{ t: 3 }], s: "上传时间" } }
      const i18n = createI18n({
        legacy: !1,
        locale: settings.language,
        fallbackLocale: "en",
        messages: { en: resource$1, zh: resource }
      }), { t: t$3 } =, notyConfirmOption = {
        type: "error",
        layout: "bottomRight",
        theme: "nest",
        timeout: !1,
        closeWith: []
      }, downloadAgainConfirm = async (title, hasQueue = !1) => hasQueue && settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga ? (downloadedTip(title), !1) : new Promise((resolve) => {
        const n = new Noty({
          text: t$3("dialog.downloadAgainConfirm", { title, hasQueue }),
          buttons: [
            Noty.button(t$3("dialog.yes"), "btn btn-noty-blue btn-noty", () => {
              n.close(), resolve(!0);
            Noty.button(t$3(""), "btn btn-noty-green btn-noty", () => {
              n.close(), resolve(!1);
      }), errorRetryConfirm = (action, noCb, yesCb) => {
        if (settings.autoRetryWhenErrorOccurs) {
          errorRetryTip(action), yesCb == null || yesCb();
        const n = new Noty({
          text: t$3("dialog.errorRetryConfirm", { action }),
          buttons: [
            Noty.button(t$3(""), "btn btn-noty-blue btn-noty", () => {
              n.close(), noCb == null || noCb();
            Noty.button(t$3("dialog.yes"), "btn btn-noty-green btn-noty", () => {
              n.close(), yesCb == null || yesCb();
      }, downloadedTip = (title) => {
        new Noty({
          type: "info",
          layout: "bottomRight",
          theme: "nest",
          closeWith: [],
          timeout: 4e3,
          text: t$3("dialog.downloadedTip", { title })
      }, errorRetryTip = (action) => {
        new Noty({
          type: "warning",
          layout: "bottomRight",
          theme: "nest",
          closeWith: [],
          timeout: 3e3,
          text: t$3("dialog.errorRetryTip", { action })
      var StreamSaver = { exports: {} };
      var hasRequiredStreamSaver;
      function requireStreamSaver() {
        return hasRequiredStreamSaver || (hasRequiredStreamSaver = 1, function(module2) {
          ((name, definition) => {
            module2.exports = definition();
          })("streamSaver", () => {
            const global2 = typeof window == "object" ? window : this;
            global2.HTMLElement || console.warn("streamsaver is meant to run on browsers main thread");
            let mitmTransporter = null, supportsTransferable = !1;
            const test = (fn) => {
              try {
              } catch {
            }, ponyfill = global2.WebStreamsPolyfill || {}, isSecureContext = global2.isSecureContext;
            let useBlobFallback = /constructor/i.test(global2.HTMLElement) || !!global2.safari || !!global2.WebKitPoint;
            const downloadStrategy = isSecureContext || "MozAppearance" in ? "iframe" : "navigate", streamSaver = {
              WritableStream: global2.WritableStream || ponyfill.WritableStream,
              supported: !0,
              version: { full: "2.0.5", major: 2, minor: 0, dot: 5 },
              mitm: ""
            function makeIframe(src) {
              if (!src) throw new Error("meh");
              const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
              return iframe.hidden = !0, iframe.src = src, iframe.loaded = !1, = "iframe", iframe.isIframe = !0, iframe.postMessage = (...args) => iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(...args), iframe.addEventListener("load", () => {
                iframe.loaded = !0;
              }, { once: !0 }), document.body.appendChild(iframe), iframe;
            function makePopup(src) {
              const options = "width=200,height=100", delegate = document.createDocumentFragment(), popup = {
                frame:, "popup", options),
                loaded: !1,
                isIframe: !1,
                isPopup: !0,
                remove() {
                addEventListener(...args) {
                dispatchEvent(...args) {
                removeEventListener(...args) {
                postMessage(...args) {
              }, onReady = (evt) => {
                evt.source === popup.frame && (popup.loaded = !0, global2.removeEventListener("message", onReady), popup.dispatchEvent(new Event("load")));
              return global2.addEventListener("message", onReady), popup;
            try {
              new Response(new ReadableStream()), isSecureContext && !("serviceWorker" in navigator) && (useBlobFallback = !0);
            } catch {
              useBlobFallback = !0;
            test(() => {
              const { readable } = new TransformStream(), mc = new MessageChannel();
              mc.port1.postMessage(readable, [readable]), mc.port1.close(), mc.port2.close(), supportsTransferable = !0, Object.defineProperty(streamSaver, "TransformStream", {
                configurable: !1,
                writable: !1,
                value: TransformStream
            function loadTransporter() {
              mitmTransporter || (mitmTransporter = isSecureContext ? makeIframe(streamSaver.mitm) : makePopup(streamSaver.mitm));
            function createWriteStream(filename, options, size) {
              let opts = {
                size: null,
                pathname: null,
                writableStrategy: void 0,
                readableStrategy: void 0
              }, bytesWritten = 0, downloadUrl = null, channel = null, ts = null;
              if (Number.isFinite(options) ? ([size, options] = [options, size], console.warn("[StreamSaver] Deprecated pass an object as 2nd argument when creating a write stream"), opts.size = size, opts.writableStrategy = options) : options && options.highWaterMark ? (console.warn("[StreamSaver] Deprecated pass an object as 2nd argument when creating a write stream"), opts.size = size, opts.writableStrategy = options) : opts = options || {}, !useBlobFallback) {
                loadTransporter(), channel = new MessageChannel(), filename = encodeURIComponent(filename.replace(/\//g, ":")).replace(/['()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
                const response = {
                  transferringReadable: supportsTransferable,
                  pathname: opts.pathname || Math.random().toString().slice(-6) + "/" + filename,
                  headers: {
                    "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8",
                    "Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''" + filename
                opts.size && (response.headers["Content-Length"] = opts.size);
                const args = [response, "*", [channel.port2]];
                if (supportsTransferable) {
                  const transformer = downloadStrategy === "iframe" ? void 0 : {
                    // This transformer & flush method is only used by insecure context.
                    transform(chunk, controller) {
                      if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array))
                        throw new TypeError("Can only write Uint8Arrays");
                      bytesWritten += chunk.length, controller.enqueue(chunk), downloadUrl && (location.href = downloadUrl, downloadUrl = null);
                    flush() {
                      downloadUrl && (location.href = downloadUrl);
                  ts = new streamSaver.TransformStream(
                  const readableStream = ts.readable;
                  channel.port1.postMessage({ readableStream }, [readableStream]);
                channel.port1.onmessage = (evt) => {
         ? downloadStrategy === "navigate" ? (mitmTransporter.remove(), mitmTransporter = null, bytesWritten ? location.href = : downloadUrl = : (mitmTransporter.isPopup && (mitmTransporter.remove(), mitmTransporter = null, downloadStrategy === "iframe" && makeIframe(streamSaver.mitm)), makeIframe( : && (chunks = [], channel.port1.postMessage("abort"), channel.port1.onmessage = null, channel.port1.close(), channel.port2.close(), channel = null);
                }, mitmTransporter.loaded ? mitmTransporter.postMessage(...args) : mitmTransporter.addEventListener("load", () => {
                }, { once: !0 });
              let chunks = [];
              return !useBlobFallback && ts && ts.writable || new streamSaver.WritableStream({
                write(chunk) {
                  if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array))
                    throw new TypeError("Can only write Uint8Arrays");
                  if (useBlobFallback) {
                  channel.port1.postMessage(chunk), bytesWritten += chunk.length, downloadUrl && (location.href = downloadUrl, downloadUrl = null);
                close() {
                  if (useBlobFallback) {
                    const blob2 = new Blob(chunks, { type: "application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8" }), link = document.createElement("a");
                    link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob2), = filename,;
                  } else
                abort() {
                  chunks = [], channel.port1.postMessage("abort"), channel.port1.onmessage = null, channel.port1.close(), channel.port2.close(), channel = null;
              }, opts.writableStrategy);
            return streamSaver;
        }(StreamSaver)), StreamSaver.exports;
      var StreamSaverExports = requireStreamSaver();
      class MultiThread {
        constructor(tasks, taskFunc, params) {
          __publicField(this, "threads", []);
          __publicField(this, "taskIndex", 0);
          __publicField(this, "started", !1);
          __publicField(this, "aborted", !1);
          this.tasks = tasks, this.taskFunc = taskFunc, this.params = params;
        startThread(threadId) {
          let abortFunc;
          const threadPromise = (async () => {
            for (; !this.aborted; ) {
              const i = this.taskIndex++;
              if (i >= this.tasks.length) break;
              const { abort, promise } = await this.taskFunc(this.tasks[i], threadId, this.params);
              abortFunc = abort, await promise;
          return {
            abort: () => abortFunc == null ? void 0 : abortFunc(),
            promise: threadPromise
        start() {
          if (this.started) throw new Error("Multi-thread started.");
          this.started = !0;
          for (let threadId = 0; threadId < settings.threadNum; threadId++)
          return {
            abort: () => {
              this.aborted = !0, this.threads.forEach(({ abort }) => abort());
            promise: Promise.all({ promise }) => promise)).then()
      class RequestAbortError extends Error {
        constructor(url) {
          super(`Request abort ${url}`);
      const isAbortError = (e) => e instanceof RequestAbortError, request = (params) => {
        const { url: urlGetter, responseType, retry = 3, on404 } = params;
        let abortFunc;
        const dataPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          try {
            const url = typeof urlGetter == "function" ? urlGetter() : urlGetter, req = _GM_xmlhttpRequest({
              method: "GET",
              onerror: (e) => {
                retry === 0 ? (logger.error("Network error", url, e), reject(e)) : (logger.warn("Network error, retry", url, e), setTimeout(() => {
                  const { abort, dataPromise: dataPromise2 } = request({ ...params, retry: retry - 1 });
                  abortFunc = abort, resolve(dataPromise2);
                }, 1e3));
              onload: (r) => {
                const { status, response } = r;
                if (status === 200) resolve(response);
                else if (retry === 0) reject(r);
                else {
                  const additionRetry = status === 404 ? on404 == null ? void 0 : on404(r) : !1;
                  logger.warn("Request error, retry", status, url, r), setTimeout(() => {
                    const { abort, dataPromise: dataPromise2 } = request({
                      retry: retry - (additionRetry ? 0 : 1)
                    abortFunc = abort, resolve(dataPromise2);
                  }, 1e3);
            abortFunc = () => {
              req.abort(), logger.log("Request abort", url), reject(new RequestAbortError(url));
          } catch (error) {
        return {
          abort: () => abortFunc == null ? void 0 : abortFunc(),
      }, getText = (url) => request({ url }).dataPromise, fetchJSON = (url) => fetch(url).then((r) => r.json());
      class Counter {
        constructor(keys2) {
          __publicField(this, "key");
          __publicField(this, "countMap");
          __publicField(this, "countKeys");
          __publicField(this, "blackList", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
          if (!keys2.length) throw new Error("Counter no key");
          this.countKeys = [...keys2], this.reset();
        get availableKeys() {
          return without(this.countKeys, ...this.blackList);
        add(key) {
        del(key) {
        ban(key) {
          return this.blackList.add(key), this.availableKeys.length > 0;
        getMin(key) {
          return this.updateKey(key), minBy(this.availableKeys, (key2) => this.countMap[key2]);
        getRandom(key) {
          return this.updateKey(key), sample(this.availableKeys);
        updateKey(key) {
          this.key !== key && (this.key = key, this.reset());
        reset() {
          this.countMap = Object.fromEntries( => [key, 0])), this.blackList.clear();
      const loadHTML = (html) => {
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        return $(parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html").body);
      class OrderCache extends Map {
        constructor(maxSize) {
          __publicField(this, "order", []);
          this.maxSize = maxSize;
        set(key, value) {
          if (!super.has(key)) {
            if (super.size + 1 > this.maxSize) {
              const delKey = this.order.shift();
              delKey && super.delete(delKey);
          return super.set(key, value);
        delete(key) {
          const has = super.delete(key);
          return has && this.order.splice(
            this.order.findIndex((val) => val === key),
          ), has;
        clear() {
          super.clear(), this.order = [];
      var NHentaiImgExt = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NHentaiImgExt2) => (NHentaiImgExt2.j = "jpg", NHentaiImgExt2.p = "png", NHentaiImgExt2.g = "gif", NHentaiImgExt2.w = "webp", NHentaiImgExt2))(NHentaiImgExt || {});
      const nHentaiImgExtReversed = invert(NHentaiImgExt), getTypeFromExt = (ext) => nHentaiImgExtReversed[ext.toLowerCase()], nHentaiDownloadHostCounter = new Counter(nHentaiDownloadHosts), getNHentaiDownloadHost = (mid) => {
        switch (settings.nHentaiDownloadHost) {
          case NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.RANDOM:
            return nHentaiDownloadHostCounter.getRandom(mid);
          case NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.BALANCE:
            return nHentaiDownloadHostCounter.getMin(mid);
            return settings.nHentaiDownloadHost;
      }, getMediaDownloadUrl = (mid, filename) => `https://${getNHentaiDownloadHost(mid)}/galleries/${mid}/${filename}`, getMediaDownloadUrlByWebpage = async (gid2, mid, filename) => (await getCompliedMediaUrlTemplate(gid2))({ mid, filename }), getGalleryFromApi = (gid2) => {
        const url = `${gid2}`;
        return fetchJSON(url);
      }, fixGalleryObj = (gallery2, gid2) => (gid2 && ( = Number(gid2)), Array.isArray(gallery2.images.pages) || (gallery2.images.pages = Object.values(gallery2.images.pages)), gallery2), getGalleryFromWebpage = async (gid) => {
        var _a;
        let doc = document;
        if (!IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL) {
          const html = await getText(`/g/${gid}`);
          doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
        const match = (_a = /gallery(\(\{[\s\S]+\}\));/.exec(doc.body.innerHTML)) == null ? void 0 : _a[1];
        if (match)
          try {
            const gallery = eval(match);
            return logger.log("get gallery by script tag success"), fixGalleryObj(gallery, gid);
          } catch {
            logger.warn("get gallery by script tag failed");
        const $doc = $(doc.body), english = $doc.find(selector.englishTitle).text(), japanese = $doc.find(selector.japaneseTitle).text(), pages = [];
        let mediaId = "";
        if ($doc.find(selector.thumbnailContainerImage).each((i, img) => {
          const src = img.dataset.src ?? img.src, width = img.getAttribute("width"), height = img.getAttribute("height"), match2 = /\/([0-9a-z]+)\/(\d+)t?\.([^/]+)$/i.exec(src);
          if (!match2) return;
          const [, mid, index, ext] = match2;
          mediaId || (mediaId = mid);
          const t2 = getTypeFromExt(ext);
          t2 && (pages[Number(index) - 1] = {
            t: t2,
            w: width ? Number(width) : void 0,
            h: height ? Number(height) : void 0
        }), !english && !japanese || !mediaId || !pages.length)
          throw new Error("Get gallery info error.");
        const getTags = (type, elContains) => {
          const $tags = $doc.find(selector.tag(elContains));
          return filter(
            Array.from($tags).map((el) => {
              var _a2, _b;
              if (!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
              const name = (_a2 = el.querySelector(selector.tagName)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.innerText.trim(), count = (_b = el.querySelector(selector.tagCount)) == null ? void 0 : _b.innerText.trim();
              return name ? {
                url: el.getAttribute("href") || void 0,
                count: count ? Number(count) : void 0
              } : void 0;
        }, tags = [
          ...getTags("parody", "Parodies"),
          ...getTags("character", "Characters"),
          ...getTags("tag", "Tags"),
          ...getTags("artist", "Artists"),
          ...getTags("group", "Groups"),
          ...getTags("language", "Languages"),
          ...getTags("category", "Categories")
        ], pageNum = Number($doc.find(selector.pagesTag).text() || 0);
        if (pageNum > 0 && pageNum !== pages.length) {
          const defaultPage = { t: "j" };
          for (let i = pages.length; i < pageNum; i++)
        const uploadDateStr = $doc.find(selector.uploadDateTag).attr("datetime"), uploadDate = uploadDateStr ? new Date(uploadDateStr) : void 0;
        return {
          id: Number(gid),
          media_id: mediaId,
          title: {
            english: english || japanese,
            japanese: japanese || english,
            pretty: ""
          images: {
          num_pages: pageNum || pages.length,
          upload_date: uploadDate && String(uploadDate) !== "Invalid Date" ? Math.floor(uploadDate.getTime() / 1e3) : void 0
      }, getCFNameArtists = (tags2) => {
        const artists = map(
          tags2.filter(({ name, type }) => type === "artist" && name),
        if (!artists.length) return "none";
        const maxNum = settings.filenameMaxArtistsNumber;
        return maxNum && artists.length > maxNum ? "various" : artists.join(settings.filenameArtistsSeparator);
      }, galleryCache = new OrderCache(100), getGallery = async (gid2) => {
        gid2 = String(gid2);
        const cached = galleryCache.get(gid2);
        if (cached) return cached;
        const gallery2 = IS_NHENTAI ? await getGalleryFromApi(gid2) : await getGalleryFromWebpage(gid2);
        return galleryCache.set(gid2, gallery2), gallery2;
      }, getGalleryInfo = async (gid2) => {
        const gallery2 = await (async () => {
          var _a;
          if (gid2) return getGallery(gid2);
          const gidFromUrl = (_a = /^\/g\/(\d+)/.exec(location.pathname)) == null ? void 0 : _a[1], localGallery = _unsafeWindow._gallery ??;
          if (localGallery) return fixGalleryObj(localGallery, gidFromUrl);
          if (gidFromUrl) return getGallery(gidFromUrl);
          throw new Error("Cannot get gallery info.");
        })(), {
          images: { pages: pages2 },
          tags: tags2,
        } = gallery2, { english: english2, japanese: japanese2, pretty } = title, infoPages ={ t: t2, w, h: h2 }, i) => ({ i: i + 1, t: NHentaiImgExt[t2], w, h: h2 })), info = {
          gid: id,
          mid: media_id,
          pages: infoPages,
          cfName: removeIllegalFilenameChars(
              english: applyTitleReplacement(english2 || japanese2),
              japanese: applyTitleReplacement(japanese2 || english2),
              pretty: applyTitleReplacement(pretty || english2 || japanese2),
              pages: num_pages,
              artist: getCFNameArtists(tags2)
          tags: tags2,
          uploadDate: upload_date,
          gallery: gallery2
        return logger.log("info", info), info;
      }, fetchMediaUrlTemplate = async (gid2) => {
        var _a, _b, _c;
        const onlineViewUrl = ((_b = (_a = document.querySelector(selector.galleryHref)) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("href")) == null ? void 0 : _b.replace(/\/+$/, "").replace(/\d+$/, gid2).concat("/1")) ?? ((_c = document.querySelector(selector.thumbnailHref)) == null ? void 0 : _c.getAttribute("href"));
        if (!onlineViewUrl)
          throw new Error("get media url failed: cannot find a gallery");
        logger.log(`fetching media url template by ${onlineViewUrl}`);
        const onlineViewHtml = await getText(onlineViewUrl), $img = loadHTML(onlineViewHtml).find(selector.mediaImage), imgSrc = $img.attr("data-src") || $img.attr("src");
        if (!imgSrc)
          throw new Error("get media url failed: cannot find an image src");
        const template2 = imgSrc.replace(/\/[0-9a-z]+\/\d+\.[^/]+$/i, "/{{mid}}/{{filename}}");
        return MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE || _GM_setValue(MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_KEY, template2), template2;
      }, fetchThumbMediaUrlTemplate = async (gid2) => {
        var _a, _b;
        const detailUrl = (_b = (_a = document.querySelector(selector.galleryHref)) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("href")) == null ? void 0 : _b.replace(/\d+(\/)?$/, `${gid2}$1`);
        if (!detailUrl)
          throw new Error("get detail url failed: cannot find a gallery");
        logger.log(`fetching thumb media url template by ${detailUrl}`);
        const detailHtml = await getText(detailUrl), $img = loadHTML(detailHtml).find(selector.thumbnailContainerImage), imgSrc = $img.attr("data-src") || $img.attr("src");
        if (!imgSrc)
          throw new Error("get thumb media url failed: cannot find an image src");
        const template2 = imgSrc.replace(/\/[0-9a-z]+\/\d+t\.[^/]+$/i, "/{{mid}}/{{filename}}");
        return _GM_setValue(THUMB_MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_KEY, template2), template2;
      }, mediaUrlTemplateGidCache = {}, getMediaUrlTemplate = async (getter, cacheKey, gid2) => {
        if (MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE && (mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey] || (mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey].has(gid2)))
          return mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey].get(gid2);
        try {
          const promise = getter(gid2);
          MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE && !mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey].has(gid2) && mediaUrlTemplateGidCache[cacheKey].set(gid2, promise);
          const template2 = await promise;
          return logger.log(`use media url template: ${template2}`), template2;
        } catch (error) {
          if (logger.error(error), MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE)
          else {
            const cachedTemplate = _GM_getValue(cacheKey);
            if (cachedTemplate)
              return logger.warn(`try to use cached media url template: ${cachedTemplate}`), cachedTemplate;
          throw error;
      }, getCompliedMediaUrlTemplate = (MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE ? identity : once)(
        async (gid2) => compileTemplate(await getMediaUrlTemplate(fetchMediaUrlTemplate, MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_KEY, gid2))
      ), getCompliedThumbMediaUrlTemplate = (MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_MAY_CHANGE ? identity : once)(
        async (gid2) => compileTemplate(
          IS_NHENTAI ? "{{mid}}/{{filename}}" : await getMediaUrlTemplate(fetchThumbMediaUrlTemplate, THUMB_MEDIA_URL_TEMPLATE_KEY, gid2)
      ), applyTitleReplacement = (title) => validTitleReplacement.value.length ? validTitleReplacement.value.reduce((pre, { from, to, regexp }) => {
        try {
          return pre.replaceAll(regexp ? new RegExp(from, "g") : from, to);
        } catch {
          return pre;
      }, title) : title;
      let textareaEl;
      const encodeHtml = (text) => {
        textareaEl || (textareaEl = document.createElement("textarea")), textareaEl.innerText = text;
        const encodedText = textareaEl.innerHTML;
        return textareaEl.innerHTML = "", encodedText;
      }, encodeXml = (text) => encodeHtml(text).replace(/&nbsp;/g, " "), langMap = {
        chinese: "zh",
        english: "en",
        japanese: "ja"
      class ComicInfoXmlBuilder {
        constructor(info) {
          __publicField(this, "serializer", new XMLSerializer());
          __publicField(this, "doc", document.implementation.createDocument(null, "ComicInfo"));
          if (this.setRootNS(), this.appendElement(
            settings.metaFileTitleLanguage in info.title ? info.title[settings.metaFileTitleLanguage] : info.title.english
          ), this.appendElement(
            `Created by nHentai Helper (Tsuk1ko/nhentai-helper) on ${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()}`
          ), info.uploadDate) {
            const date = new Date(info.uploadDate * 1e3);
            this.appendElement("Year", date.getUTCFullYear()), this.appendElement("Month", date.getUTCMonth() + 1), this.appendElement("Day", date.getUTCDate());
          const getTags2 = (type) => info.tags.filter((t2) => t2.type === type), artistTags = getTags2("artist");
          artistTags.length && this.appendElement("Writer", map(artistTags, "name").join(", "));
          const tags2 = getTags2("tag");
          tags2.length && this.appendElement("Tags", map(tags2, "name").join(", ")), this.appendElement("Web", `${location.origin}/g/${info.gid}`), this.appendElement("PageCount", info.pages.length);
          const languageTag = info.tags.find(({ type, name }) => type === "language" && name in langMap);
          languageTag && this.appendElement("LanguageISO", langMap[]), this.appendElement("Format", /\[digital\]/i.test(info.title.english) ? "Digital" : "TBP"), this.appendElement("Manga", "Yes");
          const characterTags = getTags2("character");
          characterTags.length && this.appendElement("Characters", map(characterTags, "name").join(", "));
          const pagesEl = this.createElement("Pages"), pageEls =
            ({ i, w, h: h2 }) => this.createElement("Page", void 0, { Image: i, ImageWidth: w, ImageHeight: h2 })
          pagesEl.append(...pageEls), this.root.append(pagesEl);
        build() {
          return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        get root() {
          return this.doc.documentElement;
        setRootNS() {
          this.root.setAttribute("xmlns:xsd", ""), this.root.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
        createElement(name, value, attrs) {
          const el = this.doc.createElement(name);
          return isNil(value) || (el.innerHTML = encodeXml(String(value))), attrs && forEach(attrs, (v, k) => {
            isNil(v) || el.setAttribute(k, String(v));
          }), el;
        appendElement(name, value, attrs) {
          this.root.append(this.createElement(name, value, attrs));
      class EzeInfoJsonBuilder {
        constructor(info) {
          __publicField(this, "data");
          var _a;
          const date = info.uploadDate ? new Date(info.uploadDate * 1e3) : void 0;
 = {
            gallery_info: {
              title: info.title.english,
              title_title_original: info.title.japanese,
              link: `${location.origin}/g/${info.gid}`,
              category: (_a = info.tags.find(({ type }) => type === "category")) == null ? void 0 :,
              tags: mapValues(groupBy(info.tags, "type"), (tags2) => map(tags2, "name")),
              upload_date: date ? [
                date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
              ] : void 0,
              source: {
                site: location.origin,
                gid: info.gid
        build() {
          return JSON.stringify(;
        getLanguageInfo(info) {
          let language, translated = !1;
          return info.tags.filter(({ type }) => type === "language").forEach(({ name }) => {
            if (name === "translated") {
              translated = !0;
            language = name;
          }), { language, translated };
      const metaBuilderMap = {
        ComicInfoXml: { name: "ComicInfo.xml", Builder: ComicInfoXmlBuilder },
        EzeInfoJson: { name: "info.json", Builder: EzeInfoJsonBuilder }
      }, generateMetaFiles = (info) => {
        if (!settings.addMetaFile.length) return [];
        const files = [];
        for (const key of settings.addMetaFile)
          if (key in metaBuilderMap) {
            const { name, Builder } = metaBuilderMap[key];
              data: new Builder(info).build()
        return files;
      }, jsContent = `(function() {
  "use strict";
  const proxyMarker = Symbol("Comlink.proxy"), createEndpoint = Symbol("Comlink.endpoint"), releaseProxy = Symbol("Comlink.releaseProxy"), finalizer = Symbol("Comlink.finalizer"), throwMarker = Symbol("Comlink.thrown"), isObject = (val) => typeof val == "object" && val !== null || typeof val == "function", proxyTransferHandler = {
    canHandle: (val) => isObject(val) && val[proxyMarker],
    serialize(obj) {
      const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
      return expose(obj, port1), [port2, [port2]];
    deserialize(port) {
      return port.start(), wrap(port);
  }, throwTransferHandler = {
    canHandle: (value) => isObject(value) && throwMarker in value,
    serialize({ value }) {
      let serialized;
      return value instanceof Error ? serialized = {
        isError: !0,
        value: {
          message: value.message,
          stack: value.stack
      } : serialized = { isError: !1, value }, [serialized, []];
    deserialize(serialized) {
      throw serialized.isError ? Object.assign(new Error(serialized.value.message), serialized.value) : serialized.value;
  }, transferHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
    ["proxy", proxyTransferHandler],
    ["throw", throwTransferHandler]
  function isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, origin) {
    for (const allowedOrigin of allowedOrigins)
      if (origin === allowedOrigin || allowedOrigin === "*" || allowedOrigin instanceof RegExp && allowedOrigin.test(origin))
        return !0;
    return !1;
  function expose(obj, ep = globalThis, allowedOrigins = ["*"]) {
    ep.addEventListener("message", function callback(ev) {
      if (!ev || !
      if (!isAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigins, ev.origin)) {
        console.warn(\`Invalid origin '\${ev.origin}' for comlink proxy\`);
      const { id, type, path } = Object.assign({ path: [] },, argumentList = ( || []).map(fromWireValue);
      let returnValue;
      try {
        const parent = path.slice(0, -1).reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj), rawValue = path.reduce((obj2, prop) => obj2[prop], obj);
        switch (type) {
          case "GET":
            returnValue = rawValue;
          case "SET":
            parent[path.slice(-1)[0]] = fromWireValue(, returnValue = !0;
          case "APPLY":
            returnValue = rawValue.apply(parent, argumentList);
          case "CONSTRUCT":
              const value = new rawValue(...argumentList);
              returnValue = proxy(value);
          case "ENDPOINT":
              const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel();
              expose(obj, port2), returnValue = transfer(port1, [port1]);
          case "RELEASE":
            returnValue = void 0;
      } catch (value) {
        returnValue = { value, [throwMarker]: 0 };
      Promise.resolve(returnValue).catch((value) => ({ value, [throwMarker]: 0 })).then((returnValue2) => {
        const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue(returnValue2);
        ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables), type === "RELEASE" && (ep.removeEventListener("message", callback), closeEndPoint(ep), finalizer in obj && typeof obj[finalizer] == "function" && obj[finalizer]());
      }).catch((error) => {
        const [wireValue, transferables] = toWireValue({
          value: new TypeError("Unserializable return value"),
          [throwMarker]: 0
        ep.postMessage(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, wireValue), { id }), transferables);
    }), ep.start && ep.start();
  function isMessagePort(endpoint) {
    return === "MessagePort";
  function closeEndPoint(endpoint) {
    isMessagePort(endpoint) && endpoint.close();
  function wrap(ep, target) {
    const pendingListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
    return ep.addEventListener("message", function(ev) {
      const { data } = ev;
      if (!data || !
      const resolver = pendingListeners.get(;
      if (resolver)
        try {
        } finally {
    }), createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [], target);
  function throwIfProxyReleased(isReleased) {
    if (isReleased)
      throw new Error("Proxy has been released and is not useable");
  function releaseEndpoint(ep) {
    return requestResponseMessage(ep, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), {
      type: "RELEASE"
    }).then(() => {
  const proxyCounter = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), proxyFinalizers = "FinalizationRegistry" in globalThis && new FinalizationRegistry((ep) => {
    const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) - 1;
    proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), newCount === 0 && releaseEndpoint(ep);
  function registerProxy(proxy2, ep) {
    const newCount = (proxyCounter.get(ep) || 0) + 1;
    proxyCounter.set(ep, newCount), proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.register(proxy2, ep, proxy2);
  function unregisterProxy(proxy2) {
    proxyFinalizers && proxyFinalizers.unregister(proxy2);
  function createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path = [], target = function() {
  }) {
    let isProxyReleased = !1;
    const proxy2 = new Proxy(target, {
      get(_target, prop) {
        if (throwIfProxyReleased(isProxyReleased), prop === releaseProxy)
          return () => {
            unregisterProxy(proxy2), releaseEndpoint(ep), pendingListeners.clear(), isProxyReleased = !0;
        if (prop === "then") {
          if (path.length === 0)
            return { then: () => proxy2 };
          const r = requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
            type: "GET",
            path: => p.toString())
          return r.then.bind(r);
        return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, [...path, prop]);
      set(_target, prop, rawValue) {
        const [value, transferables] = toWireValue(rawValue);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "SET",
          path: [...path, prop].map((p) => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
      apply(_target, _thisArg, rawArgumentList) {
        const last = path[path.length - 1];
        if (last === createEndpoint)
          return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
            type: "ENDPOINT"
        if (last === "bind")
          return createProxy(ep, pendingListeners, path.slice(0, -1));
        const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "APPLY",
          path: => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
      construct(_target, rawArgumentList) {
        const [argumentList, transferables] = processArguments(rawArgumentList);
        return requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, {
          type: "CONSTRUCT",
          path: => p.toString()),
        }, transferables).then(fromWireValue);
    return registerProxy(proxy2, ep), proxy2;
  function myFlat(arr) {
    return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
  function processArguments(argumentList) {
    const processed =;
    return [ => v[0]), myFlat( => v[1]))];
  const transferCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  function transfer(obj, transfers) {
    return transferCache.set(obj, transfers), obj;
  function proxy(obj) {
    return Object.assign(obj, { [proxyMarker]: !0 });
  function toWireValue(value) {
    for (const [name, handler] of transferHandlers)
      if (handler.canHandle(value)) {
        const [serializedValue, transferables] = handler.serialize(value);
        return [
            type: "HANDLER",
            value: serializedValue
    return [
        type: "RAW",
      transferCache.get(value) || []
  function fromWireValue(value) {
    switch (value.type) {
      case "HANDLER":
        return transferHandlers.get(;
      case "RAW":
        return value.value;
  function requestResponseMessage(ep, pendingListeners, msg, transfers) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const id = generateUUID();
      pendingListeners.set(id, resolve), ep.start && ep.start(), ep.postMessage(Object.assign({ id }, msg), transfers);
  function generateUUID() {
    return new Array(4).fill(0).map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(16)).join("-");
    convertWebpTo: async (data, type, quality) => {
      const bitmap = await createImageBitmap(new Blob([data], { type: "image/webp" })), canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(bitmap.width, bitmap.height);
      const buffer = await (await canvas.convertToBlob({ type, quality })).arrayBuffer();
      return transfer({ buffer, type }, [buffer]);
`, blob = typeof self < "u" && self.Blob && new Blob([jsContent], { type: "text/javascript;charset=utf-8" });
      function WorkerWrapper(options) {
        let objURL;
        try {
          if (objURL = blob && (self.URL || self.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob), !objURL) throw "";
          const worker = new Worker(objURL, {
            name: options == null ? void 0 :
          return worker.addEventListener("error", () => {
            (self.URL || self.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(objURL);
          }), worker;
        } catch {
          return new Worker(
            "data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(jsContent),
              name: options == null ? void 0 :
        } finally {
          objURL && (self.URL || self.webkitURL).revokeObjectURL(objURL);
      const mimeToExt = {
        [MIME.JPG]: "jpg",
        [MIME.PNG]: "png"
      var _worker;
      class ImgConverter {
        constructor() {
          __privateAdd(this, _worker);
        async convertWebpTo(...args) {
          const worker = await this.getWorker(), { buffer, type } = await worker.convertWebpTo(...args);
          return {
            ext: mimeToExt[type] || "unknown"
        async getWorker() {
          return __privateGet(this, _worker) || __privateSet(this, _worker, this.createWorker()), __privateGet(this, _worker);
        async createWorker() {
          return wrap(new WorkerWrapper());
      _worker = new WeakMap();
      const imgConverter = new ImgConverter(), downloadGalleryByInfo = async (info, { progressDisplayController, rangeCheckers } = {}) => {
        info.done = 0;
        let { mid, pages: pages2, cfName } =;
        if (customFilenameFunction.value) {
          const result = customFilenameFunction.value(cfName,;
          if (typeof result != "string" || !result.trim())
            throw new Error(`Custom filename function illegal result: ${result}`);
          cfName = removeIllegalFilenameChars(result);
        rangeCheckers != null && rangeCheckers.length && (pages2 = pages2.filter(({ i }) => rangeCheckers.some((check) => check(i))));
        let aborted = !1;
        info.cancel = () => {
          aborted = !0, progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.reset();
        }, progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.bindInfo(info), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
        const zip = new JSZip(), metaFiles = generateMetaFiles(;
        metaFiles.length && metaFiles.forEach(({ name, data }) => {
          zip.file(name, data);
        const { convertWebpTo, convertWebpQuality } = settings, downloadTask = async (page, threadID, { filenameLength, customDownloadUrl }) => {
          if (info.error) return { abort: () => {
          }, promise: Promise.resolve() };
          const useCounter = IS_NHENTAI && (settings.nHentaiDownloadHost === NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.BALANCE || settings.nHentaiDownloadHost === NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.RANDOM), usedCounterKeys = [];
          let urlGetterError;
          const urlGetter = await (async () => {
            if (customDownloadUrl)
              return compileTemplate(customDownloadUrl)({ mid, index: page.i, ext: page.t });
            const filename = `${page.i}.${page.t}`;
            return IS_NHENTAI && settings.nHentaiDownloadHost !== NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.AUTO ? useCounter ? () => {
              const url = getMediaDownloadUrl(mid, filename);
              if (logger.log(`[${threadID}] ${url}`), settings.nHentaiDownloadHost === NHentaiDownloadHostSpecial.BALANCE) {
                const counterKey = new URL(url).host;
                usedCounterKeys.push(counterKey), nHentaiDownloadHostCounter.add(counterKey);
              return url;
            } : getMediaDownloadUrl(mid, filename) : getMediaDownloadUrlByWebpage(String(, mid, filename);
          })().catch((e) => {
            urlGetterError = e;
          if (!urlGetter || urlGetterError)
            throw info.error = !0, urlGetterError && urlGetterError instanceof Error ? urlGetterError : new Error("No available url");
          typeof urlGetter != "function" && logger.log(`[${threadID}] ${urlGetter}`);
          const { abort: abort2, dataPromise } = request({
            url: urlGetter,
            responseType: "arraybuffer",
            on404: useCounter ? (e) => {
              const counterKey = new URL(e.finalUrl).host;
              return logger.warn(`[${threadID}] ban ${counterKey} because 404`), nHentaiDownloadHostCounter.ban(counterKey);
            } : void 0
          return {
            abort: () => {
              logger.log(`[${threadID}] abort`), abort2();
            promise: dataPromise.then(async (data) => {
              if (data) {
                const filename = String(page.i).padStart(filenameLength || 0, "0");
                if (page.t === NHentaiImgExt.w && convertWebpTo) {
                  const { buffer, ext } = await imgConverter.convertWebpTo(
                    convertWebpQuality / 100
                  zip.file(`${filename}.${ext}`, buffer);
                } else zip.file(`${filename}.${page.t}`, data);
              info.done++, progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
            }).catch((e) => {
              if (!isAbortError(e))
                throw info.error = !0, e;
            }).finally(() => {
              usedCounterKeys.length && usedCounterKeys.forEach((key) => {
        }, multiThread = new MultiThread(pages2, downloadTask, {
          filenameLength: settings.filenameLength === "auto" ? Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.max({ i }) => Number(i))))) : settings.filenameLength,
          customDownloadUrl: settings.customDownloadUrl
        }), { abort, promise } = multiThread.start();
        if (info.cancel = () => {
          aborted = !0, abort(), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.reset();
        }, aborted || await promise, !aborted)
          return async () => {
            info.compressing = !0, progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.updateProgress(), logger.log("start compressing", cfName);
            let lastZipFile = "";
            const onCompressionUpdate = ({ workerId, percent, currentFile }) => {
              lastZipFile !== currentFile && currentFile && (lastZipFile = currentFile, logger.log(`[${workerId}] compressing ${percent.toFixed(2)}%`, currentFile)), info.compressingPercent = percent.toFixed(2), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.updateProgress();
            if (settings.streamDownload) {
              logger.log("stream mode on");
              const fileStream = StreamSaverExports.createWriteStream(cfName);
              await (await zip.generateStream(getCompressionOptions(), onCompressionUpdate)).pipeTo(fileStream);
            } else {
              const data = await zip.generateAsync(getCompressionOptions(), onCompressionUpdate);
              FileSaver_minExports.saveAs(new File([data], cfName, { type: "application/zip" }));
            logger.log("completed", cfName), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.complete(), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.unbindInfo();
      }, addDownloadGalleryTask = (gallery2, { progressDisplayController, markGalleryDownloaded } = {}) => {
        const info = createMangaDownloadInfo(gallery2, !0);
        info.cancel = () => {
          progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.reset();
        }, dlQueue.push(async () => {
          const zipFunc = await downloadGalleryByInfo(info, { progressDisplayController }).catch((e) => {
            throw progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.error(), errorRetryConfirm(
              () => {
              () => {
                info.error = !1, dlQueue.restartFromError().catch(logger.error);
            ), e;
          zipFunc && (zipQueue.push(async () => {
            try {
              await zipFunc(), markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title), markGalleryDownloaded == null || markGalleryDownloaded();
            } catch (error) {
              error || logger.warn("user abort stream download"), logger.error(error), progressDisplayController == null || progressDisplayController.error();
          }, info), zipQueue.start().catch(logger.error));
        }, info), dlQueue.start().catch(logger.error);
      }, defaultClassName = {
        greyButton: "btn btn-secondary"
      }, siteMap = {
        "": {
          greyButton: "mbtn grey"
      }, className = { ...defaultClassName, ...siteMap[location.hostname] }, { t: t$2 } =;
      class ProgressDisplayController {
        constructor(enableHeadTxt = !1, docTitle) {
          __publicField(this, "downloadBtn");
          __publicField(this, "btnTxt");
          __publicField(this, "info");
          this.enableHeadTxt = enableHeadTxt, this.docTitle = docTitle, this.btnTxt = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("span", { class: "download-zip-txt" }, this.defaultBtnText()), this.downloadBtn = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("button", { class: `${className.greyButton} nhentai-helper-btn download-zip-btn` }, /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("i", { class: "fa fa-download" }), " ", this.btnTxt);
        get compressingHeadText() {
          return this.enableHeadTxt ? `${t$2("button.compressing")} ${getDownloadExt()} ` : "";
        get downloadingHeadText() {
          return this.enableHeadTxt ? `${t$2("button.downloading")} ${getDownloadExt()} ` : "";
        defaultBtnText(suffix) {
          return this.enableHeadTxt ? `${t$2("")} ${getDownloadExt()}${suffix ? ` ${suffix}` : ""}` : suffix ?? "";
        bindInfo(info) {
 = info;
        unbindInfo() {
 = void 0;
        lockBtn(text) {
          this.downloadBtn.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"), text && (this.btnTxt.innerText = text);
        releaseBtn() {
        complete() {
          this.setDocTitle("✓"), this.btnTxt.innerText = this.defaultBtnText("✓"), this.releaseBtn();
        reset() {
          this.setDocTitle(), this.btnTxt.innerText = this.defaultBtnText(), this.releaseBtn();
        error() {
          this.releaseBtn(), this.btnTxt.innerText = "Error", this.setDocTitle("×");
        updateProgress() {
          if (! return;
          const { done, compressing, compressingPercent } =;
          if (compressing)
            this.setDocTitle(`${compressingPercent}%`), this.btnTxt.innerText = `${this.compressingHeadText}${compressingPercent}%`;
          else {
            const total =;
            this.setDocTitle(`${done}/${total}`), this.btnTxt.innerText = `${this.downloadingHeadText}${done}/${total}`;
        setDocTitle(prefix) {
          this.docTitle && (document.title = prefix ? `[${prefix}] ${this.docTitle}` : this.docTitle);
      const { t: t$1 } =;
      class IgnoreController {
        constructor(text = !0, status = !1) {
          __publicField(this, "ignoreBtn");
          __publicField(this, "icon");
          __publicField(this, "text");
          this.status = status, this.icon = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("i", { class: this.iconClass }), text && (this.text = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("span", null, this.btnText)), this.ignoreBtn = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("button", { class: `${className.greyButton} nhentai-helper-btn ignore-btn` }, this.icon, " ", this.text);
        setStatus(status) {
          this.status = status, this.updateBtn();
        getStatus() {
          return this.status;
        get iconClass() {
          return this.status ? "fa fa-eye-slash" : "fa fa-eye";
        get btnText() {
          return this.status ? t$1("button.unignore") : t$1("button.ignore");
        updateBtn() {
          this.icon.className = this.iconClass, this.text && (this.text.innerText = this.btnText);
      const { t } =, initDetailPage = async () => {
        const progressDisplayController = new ProgressDisplayController(!0, document.title), { downloadBtn } = progressDisplayController, pagesInput = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h(
            class: "pages-input",
            placeholder: t("input.downloadSpecifiedPages"),
            onKeydown: (e) => {
              e.key === "Enter" &&;
        let ignoreController;
        if (settings.showIgnoreButton) {
          const gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo(), isDownloaded = await isDownloadedByGid(gallery2.gid);
          ignoreController = new IgnoreController(!0, isDownloaded);
          const { ignoreBtn } = ignoreController;
          ignoreBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
            const ignore = ignoreController.getStatus();
            ignore ? unmarkAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title) : markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title), ignoreController.setStatus(!ignore);
          }), $(selector.infoButtons).append(ignoreBtn);
        downloadBtn.addEventListener("click", async () => {
          var _a;
          const gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo(), rangeCheckers = pagesInput.value.split(",").filter((range) => /^\s*(?:\d+(?:\s*-\s*)?\d*|-\d+)\s*$/.test(range)).map((range) => {
            const [start, end] = range.split("-").map((num) => parseInt(num));
            return Number.isNaN(start) ? (page) => page <= end : end === void 0 ? (page) => page === start : Number.isNaN(end) ? (page) => page >= start : (page) => start <= page && page <= end;
          try {
            if ((await isDownloadedByGid(gallery2.gid) || await isDownloadedByTitle(gallery2.title)) && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english)) {
              progressDisplayController.reset(), markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title), ignoreController == null || ignoreController.setStatus(!0);
            await ((_a = await downloadGalleryByInfo(createMangaDownloadInfo(gallery2), {
            })) == null ? void 0 : _a()), markAsDownloaded(gallery2.gid, gallery2.title), ignoreController == null || ignoreController.setStatus(!0);
          } catch (error) {
            progressDisplayController.error(), logger.error(error);
        }), applyAutoShowAll();
      }, applyAutoShowAll = () => {
        settings.autoShowAll && getShowAllBtn().then(($btn) => $btn.trigger("click")).catch(logger.error);
      function tryOnScopeDispose(fn) {
        return vue.getCurrentScope() ? (vue.onScopeDispose(fn), !0) : !1;
      function toValue(r) {
        return typeof r == "function" ? r() : vue.unref(r);
      const isClient = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
      typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
      const toString = Object.prototype.toString, isObject = (val) => === "[object Object]", noop = () => {
      function createFilterWrapper(filter2, fn) {
        function wrapper(...args) {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            Promise.resolve(filter2(() => fn.apply(this, args), { fn, thisArg: this, args })).then(resolve).catch(reject);
        return wrapper;
      const bypassFilter = (invoke) => invoke();
      function pausableFilter(extendFilter = bypassFilter) {
        const isActive = vue.ref(!0);
        function pause() {
          isActive.value = !1;
        function resume() {
          isActive.value = !0;
        const eventFilter = (...args) => {
          isActive.value && extendFilter(...args);
        return { isActive: vue.readonly(isActive), pause, resume, eventFilter };
      function getLifeCycleTarget(target) {
        return vue.getCurrentInstance();
      function watchWithFilter(source, cb, options = {}) {
        const {
          eventFilter = bypassFilter,
        } = options;
      function watchPausable(source, cb, options = {}) {
        const {
          eventFilter: filter2,
        } = options, { eventFilter, pause, resume, isActive } = pausableFilter(filter2);
        return { stop: watchWithFilter(
        ), pause, resume, isActive };
      function tryOnMounted(fn, sync = !0, target) {
        getLifeCycleTarget() ? vue.onMounted(fn, target) : sync ? fn() : vue.nextTick(fn);
      const defaultWindow = isClient ? window : void 0;
      function unrefElement(elRef) {
        var _a;
        const plain = toValue(elRef);
        return (_a = plain == null ? void 0 : plain.$el) != null ? _a : plain;
      function useEventListener(...args) {
        let target, events2, listeners, options;
        if (typeof args[0] == "string" || Array.isArray(args[0]) ? ([events2, listeners, options] = args, target = defaultWindow) : [target, events2, listeners, options] = args, !target)
          return noop;
        Array.isArray(events2) || (events2 = [events2]), Array.isArray(listeners) || (listeners = [listeners]);
        const cleanups = [], cleanup = () => {
          cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn()), cleanups.length = 0;
        }, register = (el, event, listener, options2) => (el.addEventListener(event, listener, options2), () => el.removeEventListener(event, listener, options2)), stopWatch =
          () => [unrefElement(target), toValue(options)],
          ([el, options2]) => {
            if (cleanup(), !el)
            const optionsClone = isObject(options2) ? { ...options2 } : options2;
              ...events2.flatMap((event) => => register(el, event, listener, optionsClone)))
          { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }
        ), stop = () => {
          stopWatch(), cleanup();
        return tryOnScopeDispose(stop), stop;
      const _global = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, globalKey = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__", handlers = /* @__PURE__ */ getHandlers();
      function getHandlers() {
        return globalKey in _global || (_global[globalKey] = _global[globalKey] || {}), _global[globalKey];
      function getSSRHandler(key, fallback) {
        return handlers[key] || fallback;
      function guessSerializerType(rawInit) {
        return rawInit == null ? "any" : rawInit instanceof Set ? "set" : rawInit instanceof Map ? "map" : rawInit instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof rawInit == "boolean" ? "boolean" : typeof rawInit == "string" ? "string" : typeof rawInit == "object" ? "object" : Number.isNaN(rawInit) ? "any" : "number";
      const StorageSerializers = {
        boolean: {
          read: (v) => v === "true",
          write: (v) => String(v)
        object: {
          read: (v) => JSON.parse(v),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(v)
        number: {
          read: (v) => Number.parseFloat(v),
          write: (v) => String(v)
        any: {
          read: (v) => v,
          write: (v) => String(v)
        string: {
          read: (v) => v,
          write: (v) => String(v)
        map: {
          read: (v) => new Map(JSON.parse(v)),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v.entries()))
        set: {
          read: (v) => new Set(JSON.parse(v)),
          write: (v) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(v))
        date: {
          read: (v) => new Date(v),
          write: (v) => v.toISOString()
      }, customStorageEventName = "vueuse-storage";
      function useStorage(key, defaults2, storage, options = {}) {
        var _a;
        const {
          flush = "pre",
          deep = !0,
          listenToStorageChanges = !0,
          writeDefaults = !0,
          mergeDefaults = !1,
          window: window2 = defaultWindow,
          onError = (e) => {
        } = options, data = (shallow ? vue.shallowRef : vue.ref)(typeof defaults2 == "function" ? defaults2() : defaults2);
        if (!storage)
          try {
            storage = getSSRHandler("getDefaultStorage", () => {
              var _a2;
              return (_a2 = defaultWindow) == null ? void 0 : _a2.localStorage;
          } catch (e) {
        if (!storage)
          return data;
        const rawInit = toValue(defaults2), type = guessSerializerType(rawInit), serializer = (_a = options.serializer) != null ? _a : StorageSerializers[type], { pause: pauseWatch, resume: resumeWatch } = watchPausable(
          () => write(data.value),
          { flush, deep, eventFilter }
        window2 && listenToStorageChanges && tryOnMounted(() => {
          storage instanceof Storage ? useEventListener(window2, "storage", update) : useEventListener(window2, customStorageEventName, updateFromCustomEvent), initOnMounted && update();
        }), initOnMounted || update();
        function dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue, newValue) {
          if (window2) {
            const payload = {
              storageArea: storage
            window2.dispatchEvent(storage instanceof Storage ? new StorageEvent("storage", payload) : new CustomEvent(customStorageEventName, {
              detail: payload
        function write(v) {
          try {
            const oldValue = storage.getItem(key);
            if (v == null)
              dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue, null), storage.removeItem(key);
            else {
              const serialized = serializer.write(v);
              oldValue !== serialized && (storage.setItem(key, serialized), dispatchWriteEvent(oldValue, serialized));
          } catch (e) {
        function read(event) {
          const rawValue = event ? event.newValue : storage.getItem(key);
          if (rawValue == null)
            return writeDefaults && rawInit != null && storage.setItem(key, serializer.write(rawInit)), rawInit;
          if (!event && mergeDefaults) {
            const value =;
            return typeof mergeDefaults == "function" ? mergeDefaults(value, rawInit) : type === "object" && !Array.isArray(value) ? { ...rawInit, ...value } : value;
          } else return typeof rawValue != "string" ? rawValue :;
        function update(event) {
          if (!(event && event.storageArea !== storage)) {
            if (event && event.key == null) {
              data.value = rawInit;
            if (!(event && event.key !== key)) {
              try {
                (event == null ? void 0 : event.newValue) !== serializer.write(data.value) && (data.value = read(event));
              } catch (e) {
              } finally {
                event ? vue.nextTick(resumeWatch) : resumeWatch();
        function updateFromCustomEvent(event) {
        return data;
      function useSessionStorage(key, initialValue, options = {}) {
        const { window: window2 = defaultWindow } = options;
        return useStorage(key, initialValue, window2 == null ? void 0 : window2.sessionStorage, options);
      const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "language-filter" }, _sfc_main$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "LanguageFilter",
        setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) {
          const { t: t2 } =, languageFilter = useSessionStorage("languageFilter", [], {
            listenToStorageChanges: !1
          }), options = IS_NHENTAI_TO ? [
            ["japanese", "2"],
            ["english", "19"],
            ["chinese", "10197"]
          ] : IS_NHENTAI_XXX ? [
            ["japanese", "2"],
            ["english", "1"],
            ["chinese", "3"]
          ] : [
            ["japanese", "6346"],
            ["english", "12227"],
            ["chinese", "29963"]
            (val) => {
            { deep: !0, immediate: !0 }
          ), __expose({
            filterLanguage: ($node) => {
              filterLanguage(languageFilter.value, $node);
          }), (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("li", _hoisted_1$1, [
            vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElSelect), {
              modelValue: vue.unref(languageFilter),
              "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => vue.isRef(languageFilter) ? languageFilter.value = $event : null),
              class: "filter-select",
              multiple: "",
              "collapse-tags": "",
              "collapse-tags-tooltip": "",
              placeholder: vue.unref(t2)("common.filter")
            }, {
              default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(vue.unref(options), ([key, val]) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElOption), {
                  label: vue.unref(t2)(`common.abbr.${key}`),
                  value: val
                }, {
                  default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                    vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)(`common.${key}`)), 1)
                  _: 2
                }, 1032, ["label", "value"]))), 128))
              _: 1
            }, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"])
      }), LanguageFilter = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-e2153767"]]), filterLanguage = (tags2, $node) => {
        const attrName = IS_NHENTAI_XXX ? "data-languages" : "data-tags", getNode = $node ? (selector2) => $node.find(selector2) : (selector2) => $(selector2);
        if (getNode("nhentai-helper-hidden"), tags2.length) {
          const notSelector = => `:not([${attrName}~=${tag}])`).join("");
      }, mountLanguageFilter = () => {
        var _a;
        const menuLeft = document.querySelector(selector.menuLeft);
        if (!menuLeft) return {};
        const vnode = vue.h(LanguageFilter);
        return vue.render(vnode, menuLeft), ((_a = vnode.component) == null ? void 0 : ?? {};
      }, createAppAndMount = (component, appInitFunc) => {
        const el = document.createElement("div");
        const app = vue.createApp(component);
        return appInitFunc == null || appInitFunc(app), app.mount(el);
      }, _hoisted_1 = { class: "info-label bold" }, _hoisted_2 = { class: "info-label bold" }, _hoisted_3 = { class: "bold" }, _hoisted_4 = { class: "info-label bold" }, _hoisted_5 = { class: "bold" }, _hoisted_6 = { class: "info-label bold" }, _hoisted_7 = { class: "scroll-container-inner" }, POPOVER_MAX_WIDTH = 720, POPOVER_THUMB_MORE_COL_WIDTH = 640, _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
        __name: "GalleryMiniPopover",
        setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) {
          const TAG_TYPES = [
          ], getTagSortIndex = (type) => {
            const index = TAG_TYPES.findIndex((t22) => t22 === type);
            return index === -1 ? 999 : index;
          }, { t: t2 } = useI18n(), visible = vue.ref(!1), virtualRef = vue.ref(), popoverRef = vue.ref(), popoverPlacement = vue.ref("right"), popoverWidth = vue.ref(0), gallery2 = vue.ref(null), title = vue.computed(() => {
            var _a;
            const t22 = (_a = gallery2.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.title;
            return t22 ? t22.japanese || t22.english || t22.pretty : "";
          }), groupedTags = vue.computed(() => {
            var _a;
            const tags2 = (_a = gallery2.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.tags;
            return tags2 ? Object.entries(groupBy(tags2, "type")).sort(
              ([a], [b]) => getTagSortIndex(a) - getTagSortIndex(b)
            ) : [];
          }), galleryLink = vue.computed(() => {
            var _a;
            return `${location.origin}/g/${(_a = gallery2.value) == null ? void 0 :}/`;
          }), pageThumbs = vue.ref([]), pageThumbsColSpan = vue.computed(
            () => popoverWidth.value >= POPOVER_THUMB_MORE_COL_WIDTH ? 6 : 8
          ), pageThumbsColNum = vue.computed(
            () => popoverWidth.value >= POPOVER_THUMB_MORE_COL_WIDTH ? 4 : 3
          ), pageThumbWidth = vue.computed(
            () => (popoverWidth.value - 24 - (pageThumbsColNum.value - 1) * 8) / pageThumbsColNum.value
          ), pageThumbScrollHeight = vue.computed(() => Math.max(0,, "height")) * 1.5), limitTagLength = (tags2, maxLength) => {
            const result = tags2.slice(0, maxLength), larger = tags2.length - result.length;
            return larger > 0 && result.push({ type: "__limit__", name: "__limit__", count: larger }), result;
          }, isLimitTag = (tag) => tag.type === "__limit__";
          let thumbUrlTemplate;
          const getThumbInfo = ({ t: t22, w, h: h2 }, i) => {
            var _a;
            return {
              url: thumbUrlTemplate({
                mid: (_a = gallery2.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.media_id,
                filename: `${i + 1}t.${NHentaiImgExt[t22]}`
              height: w && h2 ? Math.floor(pageThumbWidth.value * Math.min(h2 / w, 1.8)) : 0
          }, formatNumber = (num) => num >= 1e6 ? `${Math.floor(num / 1e6)}M` : num >= 1e3 ? `${Math.floor(num / 1e3)}K` : num, openTagUrl = (path) => {
            path && _GM_openInTab(`${location.origin}${path}`, { active: !0, setParent: !0 });
          let loadingGid = "";
          const open2 = async (el, gid2) => {
            var _a, _b, _c;
            if (virtualRef.value === el) return;
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              Math.round(showRight ? bodyWidth - rect.right : rect.left) - 16
            ), visible.value = !0, gallery2.value = null, pageThumbs.value = [];
            try {
              loadingGid = gid2, thumbUrlTemplate || (thumbUrlTemplate = await getCompliedThumbMediaUrlTemplate(gid2));
              const loadedGallery = await getGallery(gid2);
              if (loadingGid !== gid2) return;
              gallery2.value = loadedGallery, pageThumbs.value = loadedGallery.images.pages.slice(0, 12).map(getThumbInfo), await vue.nextTick(), (_c = (_b = (_a = popoverRef.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.popperRef) == null ? void 0 : _b.popperInstanceRef) == null || _c.update();
            } catch (error) {
            } finally {
              loadingGid === gid2 && (loadingGid = "");
          }, addPageThumbLine = () => {
            const curLength = pageThumbs.value.length;
            if (curLength >= gallery2.value.images.pages.length) return;
            const curLines = Math.ceil(curLength / pageThumbsColNum.value);
              ...gallery2.value.images.pages.slice(curLength, (curLines + 1) * pageThumbsColNum.value).map((img, i) => getThumbInfo(img, curLength + i))
          }, handleScrollWheel = (e) => {
            const { scrollTop, clientHeight, scrollHeight } = e.currentTarget;
            (scrollTop + clientHeight === scrollHeight && e.deltaY > 0 || scrollTop === 0 && e.deltaY < 0) && e.preventDefault();
          }, close = () => {
            visible.value && (visible.value = !1);
          return, (val) => {
            val ? (window.addEventListener("scroll", close), window.addEventListener("resize", close)) : (window.removeEventListener("scroll", close), window.removeEventListener("resize", close));
          }), vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => {
            window.removeEventListener("scroll", close), window.removeEventListener("resize", close);
          }), __expose({ open: open2 }), (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElPopover), {
            ref_key: "popoverRef",
            ref: popoverRef,
            visible: visible.value,
            "onUpdate:visible": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => visible.value = $event),
            "virtual-ref": virtualRef.value,
            "virtual-triggering": "",
            placement: popoverPlacement.value,
            trigger: "contextmenu",
            width: popoverWidth.value,
            "hide-after": 0
          }, {
            default: vue.withCtx(() => [
              gallery2.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
                key: 0,
                class: vue.normalizeClass(["gallery-mini-popover", `lang-${vue.unref(settings).language}`]),
                onWheel: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = vue.withModifiers(() => {
                }, ["prevent"]))
              }, [
                vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDescriptions), {
                  title: title.value,
                  column: 1
                }, {
                  extra: vue.withCtx(() => [
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElButton), {
                      class: "popover-close-btn",
                      icon: vue.unref(close_bold_default),
                      circle: "",
                      text: "",
                      onClick: close
                    }, null, 8, ["icon"])
                  default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDescriptionsItem), null, {
                      label: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_1, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("")), 1)
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElLink), {
                          type: "primary",
                          target: "_blank",
                          underline: !1,
                          href: galleryLink.value
                        }, {
                          default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                            vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(, 1)
                          _: 1
                        }, 8, ["href"])
                      _: 1
                    (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(groupedTags.value, ([type, tags2]) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDescriptionsItem), { key: type }, {
                      label: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)(`meta.${type}`)), 1)
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(limitTagLength(tags2, 10), (tag) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElTag), {
                          key: ??,
                          class: vue.normalizeClass(["info-tag", { "info-tag--pointer": !isLimitTag(tag) }]),
                          type: "info",
                          effect: "dark",
                          "disable-transitions": "",
                          onClick: () => openTagUrl(tag.url)
                        }, {
                          default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                            isLimitTag(tag) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
                              vue.createTextVNode("+" + vue.toDisplayString(tag.count), 1)
                            ], 64)) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
                              vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_3, vue.toDisplayString(, 1),
                              vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(tag.count ? ` | ${formatNumber(tag.count)}` : void 0), 1)
                            ], 64))
                          _: 2
                        }, 1032, ["class", "onClick"]))), 128))
                      _: 2
                    }, 1024))), 128)),
                    gallery2.value.num_pages ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDescriptionsItem), { key: 0 }, {
                      label: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_4, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("")), 1)
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElTag), {
                          class: "info-tag",
                          type: "info",
                          effect: "dark",
                          "disable-transitions": ""
                        }, {
                          default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                            vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_5, vue.toDisplayString(gallery2.value.num_pages), 1)
                          _: 1
                      _: 1
                    })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", !0),
                    gallery2.value.upload_date ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElDescriptionsItem), { key: 1 }, {
                      label: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_6, vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(t2)("meta.upload")), 1)
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        vue.createTextVNode(" " + vue.toDisplayString(new Date(gallery2.value.upload_date * 1e3).toLocaleString()), 1)
                      _: 1
                    })) : vue.createCommentVNode("", !0)
                  _: 1
                }, 8, ["title"]),
                pageThumbs.value.length ? vue.withDirectives((vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
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                  class: "scroll-container",
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                }, [
                  vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_7, [
                    vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElRow), { gutter: 8 }, {
                      default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                        (vue.openBlock(!0), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(pageThumbs.value, ({ url, height }) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElCol), {
                          key: url,
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                          default: vue.withCtx(() => [
                            vue.createVNode(vue.unref(elementPlus.ElImage), {
                              src: url,
                              style: vue.normalizeStyle({ "min-height": `${height}px` })
                            }, null, 8, ["src", "style"])
                          _: 2
                        }, 1032, ["span"]))), 128))
                      _: 1
                ], 36)), [
                  [vue.unref(elementPlus.ElInfiniteScroll), addPageThumbLine]
                ]) : vue.createCommentVNode("", !0)
              ], 34)) : vue.withDirectives((vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
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                onWheel: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = vue.withModifiers(() => {
                }, ["prevent"]))
              }, null, 544)), [
                [vue.unref(elementPlus.vLoading), !0]
            _: 1
          }, 8, ["visible", "virtual-ref", "placement", "width"]));
      }), GalleryMiniPopover = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-92b53433"]]), initApp = once(
        () => createAppAndMount(GalleryMiniPopover, (app) => {
      ), openGalleryMiniPopover = (el, gid2) => {
        initApp().open(el, gid2);
      }, initListPage = () => {
        const { filterLanguage: filterLanguage2 } = mountLanguageFilter();
        initShortcut(), restoreDownloadQueue();
        const contentEl = document.querySelector(selector.galleryList);
        contentEl && new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
          mutations.forEach(({ addedNodes }) => {
            addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
              const $el = $(node);
              $el.find(, filterLanguage2 == null || filterLanguage2($el);
        }).observe(contentEl, { childList: !0 });
      }, initShortcut = () => {
        const ignoreActiveElTags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"]);
        $(document).on("keydown", (event) => {
          var _a;
          const activeElTag = ((_a = document.activeElement) == null ? void 0 : _a.tagName) || "";
          if (!ignoreActiveElTags.has(activeElTag))
            switch (event.key) {
              case "ArrowLeft":
              case "ArrowRight":
      }, restoreDownloadQueue = () => {
        const galleriesJson = sessionStorage.getItem("downloadQueue");
        if (galleriesJson)
          try {
            const galleries = JSON.parse(galleriesJson);
            for (const gallery2 of galleries)
          } catch (error) {
      }, initGallery = function() {
        var _a;
        const $gallery = $(this);
        if ($gallery.attr("init")) return;
        $gallery.attr("init", "true"), $gallery.addClass("nhentai-helper-gallery");
        const $a = $gallery.find(selector.galleryCover);
        settings.openOnNewTab && $a.attr("target", "_blank");
        const gid2 = (_a = /\/g\/([0-9]+)/.exec($a.attr("href"))) == null ? void 0 : _a[1];
        if (!gid2) return;
        const enTitle = $gallery.find(selector.galleryCaption).text().trim(), progressDisplayController = new ProgressDisplayController(), { downloadBtn } = progressDisplayController;
        let ignoreController, galleryTitle;
        const markGalleryDownloaded = () => {
          $gallery.addClass("downloaded"), ignoreController == null || ignoreController.setStatus(!0);
        }, unmarkGalleryDownloaded = () => {
          $gallery.removeClass("downloaded"), ignoreController == null || ignoreController.setStatus(!1);
        Promise.all([isDownloadedByGid(gid2), isDownloadedByTitle({ english: enTitle })]).then(
          ([gidDownloaded, titleDownloaded]) => {
            const downloaded = gidDownloaded || titleDownloaded;
            if (downloaded && markGalleryDownloaded(), settings.showIgnoreButton) {
              ignoreController = new IgnoreController(!1, downloaded);
              const { ignoreBtn } = ignoreController;
              ignoreBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
                ignoreController.getStatus() ? (unmarkGalleryDownloaded(), unmarkAsDownloaded(gid2, galleryTitle)) : (markGalleryDownloaded(), markAsDownloaded(gid2, galleryTitle));
              }), $gallery.append(ignoreBtn);
        let skipDownloadedCheck = !1;
        const startDownload = async () => {
          if (settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga || progressDisplayController.lockBtn("Wait"), !skipDownloadedCheck && await isDownloadedByGid(gid2)) {
            const title = $gallery.find(selector.galleryCaption).text();
            if (!await downloadAgainConfirm(title, !0)) {
              progressDisplayController.reset(), markGalleryDownloaded();
            skipDownloadedCheck = !0;
          settings.autoCancelDownloadedManga && progressDisplayController.lockBtn("Wait");
          let gallery2;
          try {
            gallery2 = await getGalleryInfo(gid2), galleryTitle = gallery2.title;
          } catch (error) {
            logger.error(error), progressDisplayController.error(), errorRetryConfirm(ErrorAction.GET_INFO, void 0, startDownload);
          if (!skipDownloadedCheck) {
            if (await isDownloadedByTitle(gallery2.title) && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english, !0)) {
              progressDisplayController.reset(), markAsDownloaded(gid2, gallery2.title), markGalleryDownloaded();
            if (dlQueue.queue.some(
                info: {
                  gallery: { title }
              }) => isSameTitle(title, gallery2.title)
            ) && !await downloadAgainConfirm(gallery2.title.japanese || gallery2.title.english, !0)) {
          addDownloadGalleryTask(gallery2, { progressDisplayController, markGalleryDownloaded });
        downloadBtn.addEventListener("click", startDownload), this.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => {
          settings.galleryContextmenuPreview && (e.preventDefault(), openGalleryMiniPopover(this, gid2));
      class StyleInjector {
        constructor(style) {
          __publicField(this, "styleNode");
          this.styleNode = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("style", null, style);
        inject() {
        remove() {
      const initOnlineViewPage = () => {
        IS_NHENTAI || initViewMode();
      }, initViewMode = () => {
        const style = new StyleInjector(
          `${selector.mediaImage}{width:auto;max-width:calc(100vw - 20px);max-height:100vh}`
        ), viewModeText = ["[off]", "[on]"];
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        applyOnlineViewStyle(!!viewMode, style);
        const btnText = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("span", null, viewModeText[viewMode]), btn = /* @__PURE__ */ coreExports.h("button", { id: "online-view-mode-btn", class: className.greyButton }, "100% view height ", btnText);
        btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
          viewMode = 1 - viewMode, _GM_setValue("online_view_mode", viewMode), btnText.innerText = viewModeText[viewMode], applyOnlineViewStyle(!!viewMode, style);
        }), $(selector.pageContainer).prepend(btn);
      }, applyOnlineViewStyle = (enable, style) => {
        enable ? style.inject() : style.remove();
      }, initPage = () => {
        $("body").addClass(`nhentai-helper-${location.hostname.replace(/\./g, "_")}`), IS_PAGE_MANGA_LIST ? (initListPage(), applyPjax()) : IS_PAGE_MANGA_DETAIL ? initDetailPage().catch(logger.error) : IS_PAGE_ONLINE_VIEW && initOnlineViewPage();
      }, applyPjax = () => {
        $(document).pjax(selector.pjaxTrigger, {
          container: selector.pjaxTarget,
          fragment: selector.pjaxTarget,
          timeout: 1e4
        }), $(document).on("pjax:end", () => {
          $(selector.pjaxRemoveParam).each(function() {
            const $this = $(this), href = $this.attr("href");
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            url.searchParams.delete("_pjax"), $this.attr("href", isPathname ? `${url.pathname}${}` : url.href);
          }), applyLazyLoad();
      }, applyLazyLoad = () => {
        const { _n_app } = _unsafeWindow;
        _n_app && (_n_app.install_lazy_loader(), _n_app.install_blacklisting());
      }, initSettingsDialogApp = once(
        () => createAppAndMount(SettingsDialog, (app) => {
      ), openSettingsDialog = () => {
      _GM_registerMenuCommand("common.settings"), openSettingsDialog);

})(jQuery, Vue, ElementPlus);