E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.
Currently, there are no plans to change the database structure, I think I have the structure how I want it. Going into the future, about the only thing that would change about the structure would be having the hidden and download tables also have timestamps. Eventually, I should be finished with a pretty major refractor, but it shouldn't change how the script fundamentally works.
Want to add compatibiility
Hi, I made this script https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/372113-sensible-sized-e-hentai-automated-downloads which had compatibility with HEN-TIE's E-H Visited. I actually suggested he port to indexeddb ages ago as well, so I'm glad to see someone has done it.
I wanted to add compatibility to my script for your EhxVisited but just wanted to ask if you had any intention to change the data structure in the future somehow? I don't want to fuck the database up if you change your script and there's an incompatibility.