// ==UserScript==
// @name Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version
// @namespace https://sleazyfork.org/fr/scripts/415625-hentai-heroes-ocd-season-version
// @description Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.
// @version 0.77.6
// @match https://*.hentaiheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.haremheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.gayharem.com/*
// @match https://*.comixharem.com/*
// @match https://*.hornyheroes.com/*
// @match https://*.pornstarharem.com/*
// @match https://*.transpornstarharem.com/*
// @match https://*.gaypornstarharem.com/*
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant none
// @author Raphael, 1121, Sluimerstand, shal, Tom208, test_anon, 45026831(Numbers)
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* ===========
=========== */
// 0.77.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.77.5: Fixed a bug with hide claimed rewards feature in Lusty Race.
// 0.77.4: Fixed minor things. Added hero ranking at the bottom of the leaderboards.
// 0.77.3: Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.2: Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.1: Refactored some code. Fixed a bug with villains module.
// 0.77.0: Fixed shards update for club champion. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.9: Added labyrinth link in TPSH and GPSH. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.8: Added labyrinth relics sorting. Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.6: Fixed club champion bug following to the game update.
// 0.76.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.4: Fixed Hero data following to test server update.
// 0.76.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.2: Fixed world/villains numbers in PSH.
// 0.76.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.76.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.9: Fixed some issues.
// 0.75.8: Added new worlds in CxH, PSH, TPSH and GPSH.
// 0.75.7: Fixed other bugs.
// 0.75.6: Fixed some bugs following to the game update on test server.
// 0.75.5: Added labyrinth info module. Fixed world links in PSH.
// 0.75.4: Fixed links on Nutaku following to the game's update.
// 0.75.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.75.1: Fixed some bugs.
// 0.75.0: Got partial girls data from events and harem pages.
// 0.74.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.74.8: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.74.7: Changed minor things.
// 0.74.6: Decreased girls data size in localStorage.
// 0.74.5: Fixed a bug with Teams collector. Added the waifu page to get harem girls data.
// 0.74.4: Added a kind of team filter in Harem.
// 0.74.3: Decreased size of girls data in localStorage. Fixed some bugs with new harem.
// 0.74.2: Fixed some bugs relative to the harem girls following to the game's update (girls data list removed).
// 0.74.1: Fixed a bug to hide claimed rewards in Lusty Race.
// 0.74.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.9: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.8: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.7: Fixed another bug with league shortcut.
// 0.73.6: Fixed bugs following to the game's update.
// 0.73.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.73.3: Fixed minor things. Added last world in GH and PSH.
// 0.73.2: Fixed display bugs following to the game update.
// 0.73.1: Fixed a minor bug in league skill filter.
// 0.73.0: Added skill filter for girl selection in the labyrinth. Added a checkbox to select/unselect all skills in 1 click.
// 0.72.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.8: Fixed bugs with "Filter Girls Items" features.
// 0.72.7: Fixed bugs with "Filter Armor Items" features. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.6: Added support to the Kinkoid's game Gay Pornstar Harem. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.5: Added labyrinth shortcut to the sex god path menu. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.4: Changed god sex path menu display on home screen. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.2: Fixed a bug with league sim. Fixed minor things.
// 0.72.1: Fixed some game data in league.
// 0.72.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.9: Added world 18 in HH.
// 0.71.8: Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.7: Fixed minor things. Reorganize mega-event widget on home screen.
// 0.71.6: Fixed changes in stats display in league table.
// 0.71.5: Fixed a bug.
// 0.71.4: Fixed a bug with battle simulations in league table since the PVP mythic booster is no longer displayed. Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.3: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.71.2: Added an option to hide x3 button in league. Fixed minor things.
// 0.71.1: Fixed a bug with boosters circular progress.
// 0.71.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.9: Fixed a bug in Harem update. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.8: Added new world in Comix Harem. Removed bug fix for club champion board following to the ingame fix.
// 0.70.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.5: Added highlight on league opponents' names according to their tier 5 skill.
// 0.70.4: Added tier 5 skill display for Hero on pre-battle screen. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.2: Fixed a bug with sort by team power in league leaderboard.
// 0.70.1: Added sort by team power in league leaderboard. Fixed minor things.
// 0.70.0: Fixed a bug with tier 5 skill filter in harem. Added a booster filter in league leaderboard.
// 0.69.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.69.8: Merged hide opponents and tier 5 skill filter in league leaderboard.
// 0.69.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.69.6: Added tier 5 skill filter in league leaderboard.
// 0.69.5: Fixed a minor bug in season.
// 0.69.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.69.3: Added display of tier 5 skill on pre-battle screen and league leaderboard.
// 0.69.2: Fixed club champion participants display.
// 0.69.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.69.0: Added save of league sim score sort. Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.8: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.6: Fixed a bug with "Contests expiry timer" function.
// 0.68.5: Changed display of skills filter in harem.
// 0.68.4: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.2: Fixed a bug about script loading.
// 0.68.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.68.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.9: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.67.8: Added filters criteria for team filters.
// 0.67.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.6: Added a tooltip on champion girl's pose. Added the display of last season data. Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.5: Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.4: Added a highlight for champion girl's pose. Added last world in PSH. Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.67.1: Fixed minor things. Added shortcuts (in champion module) to navigate between champions.
// 0.67.0: Fixed a bug in the function "get Harem girls data".
// 0.66.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.66.8: Fixed minor things.
// 0.66.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.66.6: Fixed a bug relative to tier 5 skill in fight sim.
// 0.66.5: Added the stun skill in fight sim.
// 0.66.4: Added an option for league sim in the leaderboard. Fixed bug with tier 5 skill in fight sim. Added log for season and league fights.
// 0.66.3: Added tier 5 skill in fight sim (not yet the stun skill).
// 0.66.2: Added skilled girls filters into the harem.
// 0.66.1: Added sim fights on league leaderboard.
// 0.66.0: Fixed minor issues.
// 0.65.9: Taken into account for fights sim the girl skill tier 4. Fixed minor things.
// 0.65.8: Added mega event to the "Hide claimed rewards" feature.
// 0.65.7: Improved league leaderboard display. Fixed minor issues.
// 0.65.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.65.5: Fixed league info tooltip. Renamed localStorage entries which didn't start by 'HHS.'
// 0.65.4: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.65.3: Fixed issues on mobile desktop display.
// 0.65.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.65.1: Fixed a bug with Filter girl equipment feature. Fixed minor things.
// 0.65.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.64.9: Fixed a bug with Hide beaten opponents feature after sorting league table.
// 0.64.8: Fixed a bug on league screen following to the game update.
// 0.64.7: Fixed minor things.
// 0.64.6: Fixed a bug on club champion participants list following to the game update.
// 0.64.5: Fixed minor things on league screen.
// 0.64.4: Fixed league fight simulation on pre battle screen following to the game update.
// 0.64.3: Fixed a bug with gems display in harem.
// 0.64.2: Added team theme display on league leaderboard.
// 0.64.1: Fixed partially league display following to the game update.
// 0.64.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.63.9: Fixed villains name in GH. Added a timer before the disappearance of contests rewards.
// 0.63.8: Fixed another bug with villains list in PSH.
// 0.63.7: Fixed a bug with villains list in PSH.
// 0.63.6: Added last worlds in PSH and TPSH.
// 0.63.5: Added Pantheon links and timer to PSH.
// 0.63.4: Fixed minor things following to the game update.
// 0.63.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.63.2: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.63.1: Fixed a bug.
// 0.63.0: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.62.9: Added Hero progression rewards to the hide claimed rewards feature.
// 0.62.8: Fixed a bug with mythic boosters.
// 0.62.7: Added League Mastery and Season Mastery boosters to the mythic boosters.
// 0.62.6: Fixed a bug with the class girls display in PoP.
// 0.62.5: Fixed different bugs.
// 0.62.4: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.62.3: Fixed a bug with quest link.
// 0.62.2: Fixed stats costs in the market.
// 0.62.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.62.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.61.9: Fixed some bugs with the 'girls shards display' feature following to the game update.
// 0.61.8: Fixed another bug in club champion following to the game update.
// 0.61.7: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.61.6: Fixed minor things.
// 0.61.5: Fixed a bug with hide claimed rewards feature in seasonal event.
// 0.61.4: Fixed the non-display of season stats on opponents selection screen. Fixed a bug in equipment part of the market.
// 0.61.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.61.2: Fixed minor things.
// 0.61.1: Added a sort by Power for the harem teams filter. Added a link to wiki EN in harem when the game is not in English (Thanks to Franck75).
// 0.61.0: Fixed some bugs in girls equipments filter. Improved the equipments filter box display.
// 0.60.9: Fixed some bugs.
// 0.60.8: Fixed some bugs.
// 0.60.7: Added separator values for PoA objectives.
// 0.60.6: Fixed some bugs in market and mythic hero equipment upgrade.
// 0.60.5: Fixed another bug with the display of club champion girl shards following to the game update.
// 0.60.4: Fixed some bugs following to the game update.
// 0.60.3: Fixed a bug with league info tooltip display.
// 0.60.2: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.60.1: Fixed minor things.
// 0.60.0: Fixed minor things.
// 0.59.9: Added an option to remove the no-girl warning window in Pachinko.
// 0.59.8: Added a reset button for hero equipments and girls equipments filters.
// 0.59.7: Fixed a bug with mythic hero equipment upgrade.
// 0.59.6: Added an auto select filter relative to the current girl for girls equipments
// 0.59.5: Added new world in Comix Harem.
// 0.59.4: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.59.3: Fixed minor things.
// 0.59.2: Fixed a bug with champions timer.
// 0.59.1: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.59.0: Added a filter feature for girls equipments.
// 0.58.9: Fixed minor things.
// 0.58.8: Fixed a bug with Activities timer.
// 0.58.7: Fixed a bug with Activities timer due to game update. Added support to the new Kinkoid's game Trans Pornstar Harem.
// 0.58.6: Added new world and villain in Ponstar harem.
// 0.58.5: Minor improvements.
// 0.58.4: Fixed a bug with Sultry Mysteries shop timer.
// 0.58.3: Fixed a bug due to game update.
// 0.58.2: Fixed a bug with timers due to game update.
// 0.58.1: Minor improvements.
// 0.58.0: Minor improvements.
// 0.57.9: Fixed a bug on profile page about tooltip display of equiped equipments. Fixed a change for champion data when he is resting.
// 0.57.8: Fixed a bug about tooltip display of equiped equipments.
// 0.57.7: Fixed a bug in mythic equipment upgrade protection feature.
// 0.57.6: Fixed some minor bugs.
// 0.57.5: Changed the indicator on home screen for a starting event.
// 0.57.4: Removed "Refresh" feature since the game refreshes the home page. Fixed a bug in league info display.
// 0.57.3: Fixed a bug with booster tooltip duration.
// 0.57.2: Fixed a minor bug with the warning about the end of an event.
// 0.57.1: Fixed an issue with champions statistics.
// 0.57.0: Fixed some minor bugs. Fixed a bug with shards display in pachinko.
// 0.56.9: Fixed max values of the ressources following game update.
// 0.56.8: Added an option to hide the x15 button in league.
// 0.56.7: Fixed some minor bugs.
// 0.56.6: Fixed some bugs.
// 0.56.5: Fixed display bugs.
// 0.56.4: Fixed display bugs.
// 0.56.3: Fixed another bug following game update.
// 0.56.2: Fixed a bug in teams collector feature.
// 0.56.1: Fixed a bug with market timer following game update.
// 0.56.0: Fixed bugs following game update.
// 0.55.9: Fixed a bug with DST/non-DST time change.
// 0.55.8: Fixed a bug in league info with mobile display.
// 0.55.7: Fixed some minor bugs.
// 0.55.6: Fixed some minor bugs following game update.
// 0.55.5: Fixed a bug with Harem Teams filter following game update.
// 0.55.4: Fixed some minor bugs following game update.
// 0.55.3: Fixed a bug in league simulation.
// 0.55.2: Fixed battle simulations following game update. Added a notification on home screen for Sultry Mysteries event about the shop refresh.
// 0.55.1: Fixed another bug with the option to hide the "Claim all" button.
// 0.55.0: Fixed a bug with the option to hide the "Claim all" button.
// 0.54.9: Added an option to hide the "Claim all" button in season, PoV and PoG.
// 0.54.8: Moved the "Claim all" button in season far from the "Claim" button to avoid a mis click.
// 0.54.7: Fixed a bug in the daily missions sort by duration (keep the event missions in the first places). Changed a villain name in PSH.
// 0.54.6: Fixed a minor bug.
// 0.54.5: Sorted daily missions by duration
// 0.54.4: Fixed a minor bug and a bug in Hide claimed rewards feature for PoA event.
// 0.54.3: Fixed minor bugs + added awakening infos in harem info.
// 0.54.2: Fixed a bug.
// 0.54.1: Fixed a bug.
// 0.54.0: Added an indicator when an event, season, Pov or Pog is in its last day.
// 0.53.9: Fixed a bug in event trolls location.
// 0.53.8: Fixed a change in event data following game update.
// 0.53.7: Fixed a bug in Gems display in harem on mobile following game update.
// 0.53.6: Fixed a bug in Gems display in harem following game update.
// 0.53.5: Fixed a bug in Hide claimed rewards feature for DP event.
// 0.53.4: Fixed a bug in Hide claimed rewards feature for DP event.
// 0.53.3: Added DP event in Hide claimed rewards feature.
// 0.53.2: Improved Harem info.
// 0.53.1: Added a new world in Pornstar Harem and made Harem info clearer.
// 0.53.0: Fixed a bug in Ponrstar Harem and another bug with Harem filtered girls shortcuts
// 0.52.9: Fixed minor bugs following to Kinkoid changes.
// 0.52.8: Added Pantheon links to Pornstar Harem and Comix Harem.
// 0.52.7: Fixed a bug.
// 0.52.6: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.52.5: Added sultry coins counter in Harem. Prevent mythic booster selling.
// 0.52.4: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.52.3: Fixed a bug with the display of class girl in Places of Power.
// 0.52.2: Fixed a bug with the display of battle skip button and changed the info in harem about the number of missing gems to maximize to lvl 750 every legendary 5-star and mythic girl.
// 0.52.1: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.52.0: Added resonance bonus filter in market equipments filter.
// 0.51.9: Added an info in harem about the number of gems required to maximize to lvl 750 every 5-star and mythic girl.
// 0.51.8: Fixed another tooltip display in league.
// 0.51.7: Fixed waifu animated girl on home screen.
// 0.51.6: Fixed another bug with gems tooltip display following to Kinkoid changes.
// 0.51.5: Fixed bugs with tooltip display following to Kinkoid changes.
// 0.51.4: Fixed minor bug with team power display in season.
// 0.51.3: Fixed minor bugs.
// 0.51.2: Fixed minor changes.
// 0.51.1: Fixed some changes.
// 0.51.0: Fixed minor changes.
/* =========
========= */
// Define jQuery
var $ = window.jQuery;
if ($ == undefined) {
console.log("Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version WARNING: No jQuery found. Probably an error page. Ending the script here")
// Define CSS
var sheet = (function() {
let style = document.createElement('style');
return style.sheet;
var CurrentPage = window.location.pathname;
const lvl_max_player = 1000;
const lvl_max_girl = 750;
/* ==============
============== */
var texts = {
en: {
optionsVillain: 'Fight a villain menu',
optionsTiers: 'Show tiers with available girls',
optionsXPMoney : 'Better XP / Money',
optionsMarket: 'Market information',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Move the market "Restock" button',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filter market armors',
optionsHarem: 'Harem information',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Add some filters to the harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filter the girls equipments',
optionsLeague: 'League information',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Show the league tops',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Show sim in the league table',
optionsSimFight : 'League / Season / Villains sim',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Teams filter',
optionsChampions: 'Champions information and quick navigation',
optionsLinks: 'Shortcuts/Timers',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Labyrinth information',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Show names in Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Change missions background',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Delete the collect money animation',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Set Missions as main tab in Activities',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Customized home screen',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Hide claimed rewards',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Desktop display mode on mobile',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Hide "Claim All" button',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Hide x15 button in league',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Remove the "no-girl" warning in Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer for contests rewards',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Hide x3 button in league',
and: 'and',
or: 'or',
including: 'including',
affection: 'affection',
affections: 'affections',
harem_stats: 'Harem Stats',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charm',
know_how: 'Know-how',
shagger: 'Shagger',
lover: 'Lover',
expert: 'Expert',
Defense_against: 'Defense against ',
specialist_in: 'specialist in ',
harem_levels: 'harem levels',
to_go: 'to go',
unlocked_scenes: 'scenes unlocked',
money_income: 'Money income',
per_hour: 'per hour',
when_all_collectable: 'when all collectable',
required_to_unlock: 'Required to upgrade all haremettes',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Required to get all haremettes to the max level of their awakening level',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Required to get all mythic and 5-star legendary haremettes to the level ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'My stock',
equipments: 'equipments',
boosters: 'boosters',
with_boosters: 'With boosters',
no_boosters: 'No boosters',
books: 'books',
gifts: 'gifts',
Equipments: 'Equipments',
Boosters: 'Boosters',
Books: 'Books',
Gifts: 'Gifts',
equipment: 'equipment',
booster: 'booster',
book: 'book',
gift: 'gift',
Equipment: 'Equipment',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Book',
Gift: 'Gift',
currently_buyable: 'Currently buyable stock',
visit_the: 'Visit the <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Market</a> first.',
not_compatible: 'Your webbrowser is not compatible.',
or_level: 'or level',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: '\'s wiki page',
evolution_costs: 'Upgrade costs are',
world: 'World ',
villain: ' villain',
fight_villain: 'Fight a villain',
you_own: 'You own',
you_can_give: 'You can give a total of',
you_can_sell: 'You can sell everything for',
stat_points_need: 'Stat points buyable to max',
money_need: 'Money required to max',
money_spent: 'Money spent in market',
points_from_level: 'Level-based stat points',
bought_points: 'Market-bought stat points',
equipment_points: 'Equipments stat points',
ginseng_points: 'Boosters stat points',
club_points: 'Club bonus stat points',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starting',
common: 'Common',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Epic',
legendary: 'Legendary',
mythic: 'Mythic',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'To <u>demote</u> you can have a maximum of ',
demote_down: 'To <u>demote</u> you must be passed by players with as few as ',
demote_holdzero: 'To <u>demote</u> you must remain at ',
stagnate_up: 'To <u>not promote</u> you can have a maximum of ',
stagnate_down: 'To <u>not promote</u> you must be passed by players with as few as ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'To <u>not promote</u> you must remain at ',
top4_up: 'To <u>be in the top 4</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top4_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 4</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top15_up: 'To <u>be in the top 15</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top15_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 15</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top30_up: 'To <u>be in the top 30</u> you must have a minimum of ',
top30_hold: 'To <u>stay in the top 30</u> you must have a minimum of ',
points: 'points',
challenges_regen: 'Natural regeneration: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Challenges left: ',
season_fights: 'Season fights: ',
in: 'in',
pop: 'Places',
season: 'Season',
full_in: 'Full in',
ends_at: 'Ends at',
full: 'Full',
league: 'League',
boosters_end: 'Boosters end',
victories: 'Victories',
defeats: 'Defeats',
unknown: 'Unknown',
opponents: 'Opponents',
notPlayed: 'Not played',
leaguePoints: 'Points',
avg: 'Average',
league_ending: 'League ending on ',
league_finished: 'League finished on ',
current_league: 'Current league',
averageScore: 'Average score per fight: ',
scoreExpected: 'Score expected: ',
available_girls: 'Available girls: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filter',
searched_name : 'Searched name',
girl_name: 'Girl name',
searched_class: 'Searched class',
searched_rarity: 'Searched rarity',
team_number: 'Team number',
all: 'All',
team: 'Team',
teams: 'Teams',
save_as: 'Save as',
load_from: 'Load from',
level_range: 'Level range',
searched_aff_category: 'Searched affection category',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Searched affection <BR>level',
aff_lvl: 'Affection level',
zero_star: '0 star',
one_star: '1 star',
two_stars: '2 stars',
three_stars: '3 stars',
four_stars: '4 stars',
five_stars: '5 stars',
six_stars: '6 stars',
time_passed: 'time has passed',
combativity: 'Combativity',
energy: 'Energy',
sort: 'Sort',
hide: 'Hide',
display: 'Display',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Searched blessed girls',
blessed_attributes: 'Blessed girls',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Non-blessed girls',
pantheon: 'Pantheon\'s Stairway',
searched_element: 'Searched Element',
element: 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrix',
submissive: 'Submissive',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Eccentric',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitionist',
physical: 'Physical',
playful: 'Playful',
sensual: 'Sensual',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} since round start',
searched_pose: 'Searched Pose',
visit_teams: 'Visit <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Teams</a> first.',
next: 'Next',
Side_quests : 'Side quests',
Club_champion: 'Club champion',
Current_positions: 'Current positions',
Current_stage: 'Current stage',
Statistics: 'Statistics',
Prev_stage: 'Prev stage',
attempt: 'attempt',
attempts: 'attempts',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gems in stock',
missing_gems: 'Missing gems to maximize each mythic or legendary 5-star girl',
date_on: 'on',
skilledGirls: 'Skilled Girls',
last_season: 'Last Season',
champion_girl_pose: 'Champion\'s girl pose',
none: 'None',
with: 'With',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Tier 5 skill',
already_fought: 'Already fought',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Aries',
2: '♉︎ Taurus',
3: '♊︎ Gemini',
4: '♋︎ Cancer',
5: '♌︎ Leo',
6: '♍︎ Virgo',
7: '♎︎ Libra',
8: '♏︎ Scorpio',
9: '♐︎ Sagittarius',
10: '♑︎ Capricorn',
11: '♒︎ Aquarius',
12: '♓︎ Pisces'},
color: {'F99': 'Pink',
'00F': 'Blue',
'A55': 'Brown',
'0F0': 'Green',
'F0F': 'Purple',
'FD0': 'Golden',
'F00': 'Red',
'B06': 'Dark Pink',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Grey',
'CCC': 'Silver',
'000': 'Black',
'XXX': 'Unknown',
'321': 'Dark',
'B62': 'Dark blond',
'FFF': 'White',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Strawberry blonde',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
fr: {
optionsVillain: 'Menu des combats des trolls',
optionsTiers: 'Montrer les paliers avec filles disponibles',
optionsXPMoney : 'XP / Argent + précis',
optionsMarket: 'Infos marché',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Déplacer le bouton "Remplir" du marché',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrer les équipements du marché',
optionsHarem: 'Infos harem',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Ajouter des filtres dans le harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrer les équipements des filles',
optionsLeague: 'Infos ligue',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Montrer les tops ligue',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Afficher simu dans le classement de ligue',
optionsSimFight: 'Simu ligue / saison / combats de troll',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtre d\'équipes',
optionsChampions: 'Infos + raccourcis champions',
optionsLinks: 'Raccourcis/Timers',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Infos labyrinthe',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Stats de la saison',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Montrer les noms au Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Change l\'arrière-plan des missions',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Désactive l\'animation de récolte d\'argent',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Définir l\'onglet principal Missions dans Activités',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Ecran principal personnalisé',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Masquer les récompenses réclamées',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Mode d\'affichage PC sur mobile',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Masquer le bouton "Tout réclamer"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Masquer le bouton x15 dans la ligue',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Supprimer la fenêtre "pas de fille" au Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer pour les récompenses des compét',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Masquer le bouton x3 dans la ligue',
and: 'et',
or: 'ou',
including: 'dont',
affection: 'affection',
harem_stats: 'Stats du harem',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charme',
know_how: 'Savoir-faire',
shagger: 'Niqueur',
lover: 'Romantique',
expert: 'Expert',
Defense_against: 'Défense contre les ',
specialist_in: 'spécialiste du ',
harem_levels: 'niveaux de harem',
to_go: 'restant',
unlocked_scenes: 'scènes débloquées',
money_income: 'Revenus',
per_hour: 'par heure',
when_all_collectable: 'quand tout est disponible',
required_to_unlock: 'Requis pour débloquer toutes les scènes',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Requis pour obtenir toutes les filles au niveau max de leur palier d\'éveil',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Requis pour obtenir toutes les filles mythiques et légendaires 5 étoiles au niveau ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mes stocks',
equipments: 'équipements',
boosters: 'boosters',
with_boosters: 'Avec boosters',
no_boosters: 'Sans booster',
books: 'livres',
gifts: 'cadeaux',
Equipments: 'Equipements',
Boosters: 'Boosters',
Books: 'Livres',
Gifts: 'Cadeaux',
equipment: 'équipement',
booster: 'booster',
book: 'livre',
gift: 'cadeau',
Equipment: 'Equipement',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Livre',
Gift: 'Cadeau',
currently_buyable: 'Stock disponible au marché',
visit_the: 'Visite le <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">marché</a> first.',
not_compatible: 'Votre navigateur n\'est pas compatible.',
or_level: 'ou niveau',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: 'Page wiki de ',
evolution_costs: 'Ses couts d\'évolution sont',
world: 'Monde ',
villain: ' troll',
fight_villain: 'Combats un troll',
you_own: 'Tu possèdes',
you_can_give: 'Tu peux donner un total de',
you_can_sell: 'Tu peux tout vendre pour',
stat_points_need: 'Nombre de points requis pour max',
money_need: 'Argent demandé pour max',
money_spent: 'Argent dépensé dans le marché',
points_from_level: 'Points donnés par ton niveau',
bought_points: 'Points achetés au marché',
equipment_points: 'Points donnés par ton équipement',
ginseng_points: 'Points donnés par tes boosters',
club_points: 'Points donnés par ton club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Fille de départ',
common: 'Commun',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Épique',
legendary: 'Légendaire',
mythic: 'Mythique',
day: 'j',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous pouvez avoir un maximum de ',
demote_down: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous devez être dépassé par les joueurs qui ont ',
demote_holdzero: 'Pour <u>être rétrogradé</u> vous devez rester avec ',
stagnate_up: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous pouvez avoir un maximum de ',
stagnate_down: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous devez être dépassé par les joueurs qui ont ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Pour <u>ne pas être promu</u> vous devez rester avec ',
top4_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 4</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top4_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 4</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top15_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 15</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top15_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 15</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top30_up: 'Pour <u>être dans le top 30</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
top30_hold: 'Pour <u>rester dans le top 30</u> vous devez avoir un minimum de ',
points: 'points',
challenges_regen: 'Régénération naturelle: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Défis restants: ',
season_fights: 'Combats de Saison: ',
in: 'dans',
pop: 'Lieux',
season: 'Saison',
full_in: 'Remplie dans',
ends_at: 'Fin à',
full: 'Remplie',
league: 'Ligue',
boosters_end: 'Fin boosters',
victories: 'Victoires',
defeats: 'Defaites',
unknown: 'Inconnus',
opponents: 'Adversaires',
notPlayed: 'Non joués',
leaguePoints: 'Points',
avg: 'Moyenne',
league_ending: 'Ligue terminant le ',
league_finished: 'Ligue terminée le ',
current_league: 'Ligue actuelle',
averageScore: 'Score moyen par combat: ',
scoreExpected: 'Score attendu: ',
available_girls: 'Filles disponibles: ',
fights: 'Combats',
won_mojo: 'Mojo gagnés',
lost_mojo: 'Mojo perdus',
won_mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo gagnés',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo perdus',
mojo_avg: 'Moyenne mojo globale',
filter: 'Filtre',
searched_name : 'Nom recherché',
girl_name: 'Nom de la fille',
searched_class: 'Classe recherchée',
searched_rarity: 'Rareté recherchée',
team_number: 'Équipe #',
all: 'Toutes',
team: 'Équipe',
teams: 'Équipes',
save_as: 'Sauver sous',
load_from: 'Charger',
level_range: 'Intervalle de niveaux',
searched_aff_category: 'Catégorie d\'affection recherchée',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Niveau d\'affection recherché',
aff_lvl: 'Niveau d\'affection',
zero_star: '0 étoile',
one_star: '1 étoile',
two_stars: '2 étoiles',
three_stars: '3 étoiles',
four_stars: '4 étoiles',
five_stars: '5 étoiles',
six_stars: '6 étoiles',
time_passed: 'du temps a passé',
combativity: 'Combativité',
energy: 'Énergie',
sort: 'Trier',
hide: 'Masquer',
display: 'Afficher',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Filles bénies recherchées',
blessed_attributes: 'Filles bénies',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Filles non bénies',
pantheon: 'Escaliers du Panthéon',
searched_element : 'Element recherché',
element: 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrice',
submissive: 'Soumise',
voyeur: 'Voyeuse',
eccentric: 'Excentrique',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitioniste',
physical: 'Physique',
playful: 'Joueuse',
sensual: 'Sensuelle',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} depuis le début du tour',
searched_pose: 'Pose recherchée',
visit_teams: 'Visiter d\'abord <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">les équipes</a>.',
next: 'Suiv.',
Side_quests : 'Quêtes secondaires',
Club_champion: 'Champion de club',
Current_positions: 'Positions actuelles',
Current_stage: 'Niveau actuel',
Statistics: 'Statistiques',
Prev_stage: 'Niveau précédent',
attempt: 'essai',
attempts: 'essais',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemmes en stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemmes manquantes pour maxer chaque fille mythique ou légendaire 5 étoiles',
date_on: 'le',
skilledGirls: 'Filles avec compétences',
last_season: 'Saison précédente',
champion_girl_pose: 'Position de la fille du champion',
none: 'Aucune',
with: 'Avec',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Compétences palier 5',
already_fought: 'Déjà combattus',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Bélier',
2: '♉︎ Taureau',
3: '♊︎ Gémeaux',
4: '♋︎ Cancer',
5: '♌︎ Lion',
6: '♍︎ Vierge',
7: '♎︎ Balance',
8: '♏︎ Scorpion',
9: '♐︎ Sagittaire',
10: '♑︎ Capricorne',
11: '♒︎ Verseau',
12: '♓︎ Poissons'},
color: {'F99': 'Rose',
'00F': 'Bleu',
'A55': 'Marron',
'0F0': 'Vert',
'F0F': 'Violet',
'FD0': 'Doré',
'F00': 'Rouge',
'B06': 'Rose sombre',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Gris',
'CCC': 'Argent',
'000': 'Noir',
'XXX': 'Inconnu',
'321': 'Brun',
'B62': 'Châtain',
'FFF': 'Blanc',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Blond vénitien',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
es: {
optionsVillain: 'Menu Pelear contra villano',
optionsTiers: 'Mostrar gradas con chicas disponibles',
optionsXPMoney : 'Mejor XP / Dinero',
optionsMarket: 'Informacion de Mercado',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Mover el botón "Reponer" del mercado',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrar armaduras del mercado',
optionsHarem: 'Informacion de Harén',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Añadir filtros al harén',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrar los equipos de chicas',
optionsLeague: 'Informacion de Liga',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Mostrar los mejores de la liga',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Mostrar simulacion en la clasificación de liga',
optionsSimFight: 'Simulacion de Liga / Temporada / Villano',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtro de equipos',
optionsChampions: 'Informacion + atajos para campeones',
optionsLinks: 'Atajos/Temporizadores',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Información del laberinto',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Mostrar nombres en Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Cambiar el fondo de las misiones',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Desactivar la animación de recogida de dinero',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Establecer misiones como pestaña principal en Actividades',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Pantalla de inicio personalizada',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Ocultar las recompensas reclamadas',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Modo de visualización PC a móvil',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Ocultar el botón "Reclamar todo"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Ocultar el botón x15 en liga',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Eliminar la ventana de "no chica" en Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Temporizador para recompensas de competitiones',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Ocultar el botón x3 en liga',
and: 'y',
or: 'o',
in: 'en',
including: 'incluido',
affection: 'afecto',
harem_stats: 'Estatus del Harén',
haremettes: 'haremettes',
hardcore: 'Folladas',
charm: 'Encanto',
know_how: 'Saber-hacer',
shagger: 'Follador',
lover: 'Amante',
expert: 'Experto',
Defense_against: 'Defensa contra ',
specialist_in: 'especialista en ',
harem_levels: 'niveles de harén',
to_go: 'restante',
unlocked_scenes: 'escenas desbloqueadas',
money_income: 'Ingreso de dinero',
per_hour: 'por hora',
when_all_collectable: 'cuando todo es coleccionable',
required_to_unlock: 'Requerido para desbloquear todas las escenas bloqueadas',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Requerido para obtener todas las chicas al máximo nivel de su despertar nivel',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Requerido para obtener todas las chicas míticas y legendarias de 5 estrellas al nivel ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mi Stock',
equipments: 'equipos',
boosters: 'potenciadores',
with_boosters: 'Con potenciadores',
no_boosters: 'Sin potenciadores',
books: 'libros',
gifts: 'regalos',
Equipments: 'Equipos',
Boosters: 'Potenciadores',
Books: 'Libros',
Gifts: 'Regalos',
equipment: 'equipo',
booster: 'potenciador',
book: 'libro',
gift: 'regalo',
Equipment: 'Equipo',
Booster: 'Potenciador',
Book: 'Libro',
Gift: 'Regalo',
currently_buyable: 'Stocks Comprables Actualmente',
visit_the: 'Visita el <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Mercado</a> primero.',
not_compatible: 'Tu navegador no es compatible.',
or_level: 'o nivel',
restock: 'Restock',
wiki: 'Página wiki de ',
evolution_costs: 'Sus costo de evolucion son',
world: 'Mundo ',
villain: ' villano',
fight_villain: 'Pelear un villano',
you_own: 'Tienes',
you_can_give: 'Puedes dar un total de',
you_can_sell: 'Puedes vender todo por',
stat_points_need: 'Puntos de estatus necesarios para maximo',
money_need: 'Dinero necesario para maximo',
money_spent: 'Dinero usado en el mercado',
points_from_level: 'Puntos de estatus de nivel',
bought_points: 'Puntos comprados del mercado',
equipment_points: 'Puntos de estatus de equipamiento',
ginseng_points: 'Puntos de estatus de los potenciadores',
club_points: 'Puntos de estatus del club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Principiante',
common: 'Común',
rare: 'Raro',
epic: 'Épico',
legendary: 'Legendario',
mythic: 'Mítica',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Para <u>degradar</u> puedes tener un máximo de ',
demote_down: 'Para <u>degradar</u> debes ser superado por jugadores con tan solo ',
demote_holdzero: 'Para <u>degradar</u> debes mantenerte en ',
stagnate_up: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> puedes tener un máximo de ',
stagnate_down: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> debes ser superado por jugadores con tan solo ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Para <u>no promocionar</u> debes mantenerte en ',
top4_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 4 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top4_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 4 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top15_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 15 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top15_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 15 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top30_up: 'Para <u>estar entre los 30 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
top30_hold: 'Para <u>quedar entre los 30 primeros</u> debes tener un mínimo de ',
points: 'puntos',
challenges_regen: 'Regeneracion naturel: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Retos pendientes: ',
pop: 'Lugares',
season: 'Temporada',
full_in: 'Completa',
ends_at: 'Fin a las',
full: 'Completa',
league: 'Liga',
boosters_end: 'Fin potenc.',
victories: 'Victorias',
defeats: 'Derrota',
unknown: 'Desconocido',
opponents: 'Oponentes',
notPlayed: 'No jugado',
leaguePoints: 'Puntos',
avg: 'Media',
league_ending: 'Liga termina el ',
league_finished: 'Liga terminó el ',
current_league: 'Liga actual',
averageScore: 'Puntuación media por combate: ',
scoreExpected: 'Puntuación esperada: ',
available_girls: 'Chicas disponibles: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filtro',
searched_name : 'Nombre buscado',
girl_name: 'Nombre de la chica',
searched_class: 'Clase buscada',
searched_rarity: 'Rareza buscada',
team_number: 'Equipo #',
all: 'Todo',
team: 'Equipo',
teams: 'Equipos',
save_as: 'Guardar como',
load_from: 'Carga',
level_range: 'Rango de nivel',
searched_aff_category: 'Categoría de afecto buscada',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Nivel de afecto buscado',
aff_lvl: 'Nivel de afecto',
zero_star: '0 estrella',
one_star: '1 estrella',
two_stars: '2 estrellas',
three_stars: '3 estrellas',
four_stars: '4 estrellas',
five_stars: '5 estrellas',
six_stars: '6 estrellas',
time_passed: 'del tiempo ha pasado',
combativity: 'Combatividad',
energy: 'Energía',
sort: 'Ordenar',
hide: 'Ocultar',
display: 'Mostrar',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Chicas bendecidas buscadas',
blessed_attributes: 'Benditas chicas',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Chicas no bendecidas',
pantheon: 'Escalera del Panteón',
searched_element : 'Elemento buscado',
element: 'Elemento',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrix',
submissive: 'Sumisa',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Excéntrica',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibicionista',
physical: 'Física',
playful: 'Juguetona',
sensual: 'Sensual',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} desde el comienzo de la ronda',
searched_pose: 'Pose buscada',
visit_teams: 'Visita el <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Equipos</a> primero.',
next: 'Sigui.',
Side_quests : 'Misiones secundarias',
Club_champion: 'Campeón de club',
Current_positions: 'Posiciones actuales',
Current_stage: 'Fase actual',
Statistics: 'Estadísticas',
Prev_stage: 'Fase previa',
attempt: 'intento',
attempts: 'intentos',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemas en stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemas que faltan para maximizar cada chica mítica o legendaria de 5 estrellas',
date_on: 'del',
skilledGirls: 'Chicas con habilidades',
last_season: 'Temporada anterior',
champion_girl_pose: 'Pose de chica campeona',
none: 'Ninguna',
with: 'Con',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Habilidades nivel 5',
already_fought: 'Ya luchó',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Aries',
2: '♉︎ Tauro',
3: '♊︎ Géminis',
4: '♋︎ Cáncer',
5: '♌︎ Leo',
6: '♍︎ Virgo',
7: '♎︎ Libra',
8: '♏︎ Escorpión',
9: '♐︎ Sagitario',
10: '♑︎ Capricornio',
11: '♒︎ Acuario',
12: '♓︎ Piscis'},
color: {'F99': 'Rosa',
'00F': 'Azul',
'A55': 'Marrón',
'0F0': 'Verde',
'F0F': 'Lila',
'FD0': 'Dorado',
'F00': 'Rojo',
'B06': 'Rosa oscuro',
'F90': 'Naranja',
'888': 'Gris',
'CCC': 'Platino',
'000': 'Negro',
'XXX': 'Desconocido',
'321': 'Oscuro',
'B62': 'Marrón',
'FFF': 'Blanco',
'FF0': 'Rubio',
'EB8': 'Rubio rojizo',
'D83': 'Cronce'},
it: {
optionsVillain: 'Menù battaglia Troll',
optionsTiers: 'Mostra i livelli con le ragazze disponibili',
optionsXPMoney : 'Migliora XP / soldi',
optionsMarket: 'Informazioni negozio',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Spostate il pulsante "Rifornisci" del mercato',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filtrare armature di mercato',
optionsHarem: 'Informazioni Harem',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Aggiungere filtri all\'harem',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtrare le attrezzature delle ragazze',
optionsLeague: 'Informazioni sulle Leghe',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Mostra i top della lega',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Visualizzazione simulazione nella classifica della lega',
optionsSimFight: 'Simulazione Leghe / Stagione / Troll',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Filtro delle squadre',
optionsChampions: 'Informazioni + scorciatoie per i campioni',
optionsLinks: 'Scorciatoie/Timer',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Informazioni sul labirinto',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Mostra i nomi in Pachinko',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Cambiare lo sfondo delle missioni',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Disattivare l\'animazione di raccolta dei soldi',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Impostare Missioni come scheda principale in Attività',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Schermata iniziale personalizzata',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Nascondere le ricompense reclamate',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Modalità di visualizzazione PC a cellulare',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Nascondere il pulsante "Rivendica tutto"',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Nascondere il pulsante x15 nella lega',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Rimuovere la finestra "nessuna ragazza" in Pachinko',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timer per i premi dei concorsi',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Nascondere il pulsante x3 nella lega',
and: 'e',
or: 'o',
in: 'in',
including: 'incluso',
affection: 'affetto',
harem_stats: 'Stato dell Harem',
haremettes: 'ragazze dell harem',
hardcore: 'Prono',
charm: 'Fascino',
know_how: 'Competenza',
shagger: 'Scopata',
lover: 'Amante',
expert: 'Esperto',
Defense_against: 'Difesa contro ',
specialist_in: 'specialista in ',
harem_levels: 'livelli harem',
to_go: 'mancanti',
unlocked_scenes: 'scene sbloccate',
money_income: 'Guadagni',
per_hour: 'orario',
when_all_collectable: 'quando si può raccogliere tutto',
required_to_unlock: 'Necessario per sbloccare tutte le scene',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Necessario per livellare tutte le ragazze al massimo livello di risveglio livello',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Necessario per livellare tutte le ragazze mitiche e leggendarie a 5 stelle al livello ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Mio inventario',
equipments: 'attrezzature',
boosters: 'potenziamenti',
with_boosters: 'Con potenziamenti',
no_boosters: 'Senza potenziamenti',
books: 'libri',
gifts: 'regali',
Equipments: 'Attrezzature',
Boosters: 'Potenziamenti',
Books: 'Libri',
Gifts: 'Regali',
equipment: 'attrezzatura',
booster: 'potenziamento',
book: 'libro',
gift: 'regalo',
Equipment: 'Attrezzatura',
Booster: 'Potenziamento',
Book: 'Libro',
Gift: 'Regalo',
currently_buyable: 'Correntemente acquistabili',
visit_the: 'Visita il <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">negozio</a> prima.',
not_compatible: 'Il tuo browser non è compatibile.',
or_level: 'o livello',
restock: 'Rifornimento',
wiki: 'Pagina wiki di ',
evolution_costs: 'Il costo del potenziamento è',
world: 'Mondo ',
villain: ' nemico',
fight_villain: 'Combattimenti',
you_own: 'Possiedi',
you_can_give: 'Puoi dare il massimo a',
you_can_sell: 'Puoi vendere tutto per',
stat_points_need: 'Punti statistica necessari per il massimo',
money_need: 'Soldi necessari per il massimo',
money_spent: 'Soldi spesi al negozio',
points_from_level: 'Punti acquisiti da aumento livello',
bought_points: 'Punti comprati al negozio',
equipment_points: 'Punti statistica da equipaggiamento',
ginseng_points: 'Punti statistica dei potenziamenti',
club_points: 'Punti statistica bonus del Club',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starter',
common: 'Comuni',
rare: 'Rare',
epic: 'Epiche',
legendary: 'Leggendarie',
mythic: 'Mitica',
day: 'g',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi avere al massimo ',
demote_down: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi essere sorpassato da giocatori con ',
demote_holdzero: 'Per <u>il degrado</u> devi rimanere a ',
stagnate_up: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi avere al massimo ',
stagnate_down: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi essere sorpassato da giocatori con ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Per <u>restare</u> devi rimanere a ',
top4_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 4</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top4_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 4</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top15_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 15</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top15_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 15</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top30_up: 'Per <u>essere tra i primi 30</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
top30_hold: 'Per <u>rimanere tra i primi 30</u> devi avere un minimo di ',
points: 'punti',
challenges_regen: 'Rigenerazione naturale: ',
challenges_left: '<br />Combattimenti mancanti: ',
pop: 'Luoghi',
season: 'Stagione',
full_in: 'Piena tra',
ends_at: 'Fine alle',
full: 'Piena',
league: 'Leghe',
boosters_end: 'Fine potenz.',
victories: 'Vittorie',
defeats: 'Sconfitte',
unknown: 'Sconosciuto',
opponents: 'Avversari',
notPlayed: 'Non giocato',
leaguePoints: 'Punti',
avg: 'Medio',
league_ending: 'Fine della lega il ',
league_finished: 'Lega finita il ',
current_league: 'Lega attuale',
averageScore: 'Punteggio medio per combattimento: ',
scoreExpected: 'Punteggio previsto: ',
available_girls: 'Ragazze disponibili: ',
fights: 'Fights',
won_mojo: 'Won mojo',
lost_mojo: 'Lost mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'Won mojo average',
lost_mojo_avg: 'Lost mojo average',
mojo_avg: 'Global mojo average',
filter: 'Filtro',
searched_name : 'Nome ricercato',
girl_name: 'Nome della ragazza',
searched_class: 'Classe ricercata',
searched_rarity: 'Rarità ricercata',
team_number: 'Squadra #',
all: 'Tutti',
team: 'Squadra',
teams: 'Squadre',
save_as: 'Salvare come',
load_from: 'Caricare',
level_range: 'Gamma di livelli',
searched_aff_category: 'Categoria di affetto ricercata',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto ricercato',
aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto',
zero_star: '0 stella',
one_star: '1 stella',
two_stars: '2 stelle',
three_stars: '3 stelle',
four_stars: '4 stelle',
five_stars: '5 stelle',
six_stars: '6 stelle',
time_passed: 'del tempo è passato',
combativity: 'Combattività',
energy: 'Energia',
sort: 'Ordinare',
hide: 'Nascondere',
display: 'Visualizzare',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Cercato ragazze benedette',
blessed_attributes: 'Ragazze benedette',
non_blessed_attributes: 'Ragazze non benedette',
pantheon: 'Scalinata del Pantheon',
searched_element : 'Elemento ricercato',
element: 'Elemento',
dominatrix: 'Dominatrice',
submissive: 'Sottomessa',
voyeur: 'Guardona',
eccentric: 'Eccentrica',
exhibitionist: 'Esibizionista',
physical: 'Fisica',
playful: 'Giocosa',
sensual: 'Sensuale',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} dall\'inizio del round',
searched_pose: 'Posa ricercata',
visit_teams: 'Visita le <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Squadre</a> prima.',
next: 'Pross.',
Side_quests : 'Missioni secondarie',
Club_champion: 'Campione di club',
Current_positions: 'Posizioni attuali',
Current_stage: 'Fase attuale',
Statistics: 'Statistiche',
Prev_stage: 'Fase precedente',
attempt: 'tentativo',
attempts: 'tentativi',
Gems_in_stock: 'Gemme in stock',
missing_gems: 'Gemme mancanti per massimizzare ogni ragazza mitica o leggendaria a 5 stelle',
date_on: 'del',
skilledGirls: 'Ragazze con abilità',
last_season: 'Stagione precedente',
champion_girl_pose: 'Posa della ragazza del campione',
none: 'Nessuna',
with: 'Con',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Abilità livello 5',
already_fought: 'Già combattuti',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Ariete',
2: '♉︎ Toro',
3: '♊︎ Gemelli',
4: '♋︎ Cancro',
5: '♌︎ Leone',
6: '♍︎ Vergine',
7: '♎︎ Bilancia',
8: '♏︎ Scorpione',
9: '♐︎ Sagittario',
10: '♑︎ Capricorno',
11: '♒︎ Aquario',
12: '♓︎ Pesci'},
color: {'F99': 'Rosa',
'00F': 'Blu',
'A55': 'Marrone',
'0F0': 'Verde',
'F0F': 'Viola',
'FD0': 'Dorato',
'F00': 'Rosso',
'B06': 'Rosa scuro',
'F90': 'Arancio',
'888': 'Grigio',
'CCC': 'Argento',
'000': 'Nero',
'XXX': 'Sconosciuto',
'321': 'Scuro',
'B62': 'Castano',
'FFF': 'Bianco',
'FF0': 'Biondo',
'EB8': 'Biondo veneziano',
'D83': 'Bronzo'},
de: {
optionsVillain: 'Widersacher-Menü',
optionsTiers: 'Stufen mit verfügbaren Mädchen anzeigen',
optionsXPMoney : 'Migliora XP / soldi',
optionsMarket: 'Marktplatz-Informationen',
optionsMarketRestockButton: 'Verschieben Sie die Schaltfläche "Auffüllen"',
optionsFilterArmorItems: 'Filter Markt Rüstungen',
optionsHarem: 'Harem-Informationen',
optionsHaremFilters: 'Filter im Harem hinzufügen',
optionsGirlsItemsFilter: 'Filtern der Mädchenausrüstungen',
optionsLeague: 'Liga-Informationen',
optionsLeagueBoard: 'Die Liga-Spitzen anzeigen',
optionsSimLeagueBoardFight: 'Anzeige Simulation in der Liga-Rangliste',
optionsSimFight: 'Liga/Saison/Widersacher-Simulation',
optionsTeamsFilter: 'Mannschaften filtern',
optionsChampions: 'Informationen + Abkürzungen für Champions',
optionsLinks: 'Abkürzungen/Zeitgeber',
optionsLabyrinth: 'Labyrinth-Informationen',
optionsSeasonStats: 'Season stats',
optionsPachinkoNames: 'Namen in Pachinko anzeigen',
optionsMissionsBackground: 'Missionshintergrund ändern',
optionsCollectMoneyAnimation: 'Deaktivieren Sie die Animation "Geld sammeln"',
optionsActivitiesTabChoice: 'Missionen als Hauptregisterkarte in Aktivitäten festlegen',
optionsCustomizedHomeScreen: 'Benutzerdefinierter Startbildschirm',
optionsHideClaimedRewards: 'Beanspruchte Belohnungen ausblenden',
optionsDesktopDisplay: 'Anzeigemodus PC auf Handy',
optionsHideClaimAllButtons: 'Schaltfläche "Alles beanspruchen" ausblenden',
optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton: 'Schaltfläche x15 in der Liga ausblenden',
optionsRemovePachinkoPopup: 'Das Fenster "Kein Mädchen" in Pachinko entfernen',
optionsContestsExpiryTimer: 'Timers für Wettbewerbe Belohnungen',
optionsHideLeaguex3Button: 'Schaltfläche x3 in der Liga ausblenden',
and: 'und',
or: 'oder',
in: 'in',
including: 'einschließlich',
affection: 'Zuneigung',
harem_stats: 'Harem-Statistiken',
haremettes: 'Harem-Mädchen',
hardcore: 'Hardcore',
charm: 'Charme',
know_how: 'Wissen',
shagger: 'Stecher',
lover: 'Liebhaber',
expert: 'Experte',
Defense_against: 'Verteidigung gegen ',
specialist_in: 'spezialisiert auf ',
harem_levels: 'Harem-Levels',
to_go: 'übrig',
unlocked_scenes: 'Szenen freigeschaltet',
money_income: 'Einkommen',
per_hour: 'pro Stunde',
when_all_collectable: 'wenn komplett einsammelbar',
required_to_unlock: 'Erforderlich für alle Mädchen-Upgrades',
required_to_get_tier_max_level: 'Erforderlich für die maximale Mädchen-Level ihrer Erweckungsstufe',
required_to_get_max_level: 'Erforderlich für alle mythischen und legendären 5-Sterne-Mädchen auf Stufe ' + lvl_max_girl,
my_stocks: 'Meine Bestände',
equipments: 'Ausrüstungen',
boosters: 'Booster',
with_boosters: 'Mit Booster',
no_boosters: 'Keine Booster',
books: 'Bücher',
gifts: 'Geschenke',
Equipments: 'Ausrüstungen',
Boosters: 'Booster',
Books: 'Bücher',
Gifts: 'Geschenke',
equipment: 'Ausrüstung',
booster: 'Booster',
book: 'Buch',
gift: 'Geschenk',
Equipment: 'Ausrüstung',
Booster: 'Booster',
Book: 'Buch',
Gift: 'Geschenk',
currently_buyable: 'Aktuelle Marktangebote',
visit_the: 'Besuche zuerst den <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../shop.html') + '">Marktplatz</a>.',
not_compatible: 'Dein Browser ist nicht kompatibel.',
or_level: 'oder Level',
restock: 'neue Angebote',
wiki: '\'s Wiki-Seite',
evolution_costs: 'Die Upgradekosten betragen',
world: 'Welt ',
villain: ' Widersacher',
fight_villain: 'Widersacher',
you_own: 'Du besitzt',
you_can_give: 'Insgesamt verteilbar:',
you_can_sell: 'Du kannst alles verkaufen für',
stat_points_need: 'benötigte Statuspunkte bis Maximum',
money_need: 'nötiges Geld bis Maximum',
money_spent: 'bisher ausgegeben',
points_from_level: 'Statuspunkte durch Heldenlevel',
bought_points: 'gekaufte Statuspunkte',
equipment_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Ausrüstung',
ginseng_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Booster',
club_points: 'Statuspunkte durch Club-Boni',
Xp: 'XP',
starting: 'Starter',
common: 'Gewöhnliche',
rare: 'Seltene',
epic: 'Epische',
legendary: 'Legendäre',
mythic: 'Mythische',
day: 'd',
hour: 'h',
minute: 'm',
second: 's',
demote_up: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> maximal möglich: ',
demote_down: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> musst du überholt werden von Spielern mit höchstens ',
demote_holdzero: 'Für den <u>Abstieg</u> musst du verbleiben bei ',
stagnate_up: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> maximal möglich: ',
stagnate_down: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> musst du überholt werden von Spielern mit höchstens ',
stagnate_holdzero: 'Für den <u>Nichtaufstieg</u> musst du verbleiben bei ',
top4_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 4 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top4_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 4 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top15_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 15 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top15_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 15 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top30_up: 'Um <u>in den Top 30 zu kommen</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
top30_hold: 'Um <u>in den Top 30 zu bleiben</u>, musst du mindestens folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen ',
points: 'Punkte',
challenges_regen: 'Regeneration: ',
challenges_left: '<br />verbleibende Kämpfe: ',
pop: 'Orte',
season: 'Saison',
full_in: 'Voll in',
ends_at: 'Ende um',
full: 'Voll',
league: 'Liga',
boosters_end: 'Booster enden',
victories: 'Siege',
defeats: 'Niederlagen',
unknown: 'Unbekannt',
opponents: 'Gegner',
notPlayed: 'Nicht gespielt',
leaguePoints: 'Punkte',
avg: 'Mittelwert',
league_ending: 'Liga Ende ',
league_finished: 'Liga endete am',
current_league: 'Aktuelle Liga',
averageScore: 'Durchschnitt pro Kampf: ',
scoreExpected: 'Erwartetes Ergebnis: ',
available_girls: 'Freie Mädchen: ',
fights: 'Kämpfe',
won_mojo: 'gewonnenes Mojo',
lost_mojo: 'verlorenes Mojo',
won_mojo_avg: 'im Mittel gewonnenes Mojo',
lost_mojo_avg: 'im Mittel verlorenes Mojo',
mojo_avg: 'Globales mittleres Mojo',
filter: 'Filter',
searched_name : 'Name',
girl_name: 'Mädchen Name',
searched_class: 'Klasse',
searched_rarity: 'Seltenheit',
team_number: 'Team #',
all: 'Alle',
team: 'Mannschaft',
teams: 'Mannschaften',
save_as: 'Speichern',
load_from: 'Laden',
level_range: 'Level',
searched_aff_category: 'Maximale Zuneigung',
searched_aff_lvl: 'Zuneigungslevel',
aff_lvl: 'Zuneigungslevel',
aff_lvl: 'Livello di affetto',
zero_star: '0 Sterne',
one_star: '1 Stern',
two_stars: '2 Sterne',
three_stars: '3 Sterne',
four_stars: '4 Sterne',
five_stars: '5 Sterne',
six_stars: '6 Sterne',
time_passed: 'Zeit ist vergangen',
combativity: 'Kampflust',
energy: 'Energie',
sort: 'Sortieren',
hide: 'Ausblenden',
display: 'Anzeigen',
searched_blessed_attributes: 'Segnungen',
blessed_attributes: 'gesegnet',
non_blessed_attributes: 'nicht gesegnet',
pantheon: 'Aufstieg zum Pantheon',
searched_element : 'Element',
dominatrix: 'Domina',
submissive: 'Unterwürfig',
voyeur: 'Voyeur',
eccentric: 'Exzentrisch',
exhibitionist: 'Exhibitionist',
physical: 'Körperlich',
playful: 'Verspielt',
sensual: 'Sinnlich',
clubChampDuration: '{{duration}} seit Rundenbeginn',
searched_pose: 'Stellung',
visit_teams: 'Besuche zuerst die <a href="' + transformNutakuURL('../teams.html') + '">Teams</a>.',
next: 'Näch.',
Side_quests : 'Nebenquests',
Club_champion: 'Clubmeister',
Current_positions: 'Aktuelle Positionen',
Current_stage: 'Aktuelle Etappe',
Statistics: 'Statistik',
Prev_stage: 'Vorherige Etappe',
attempt: 'Versuch',
attempts: 'Versuche',
Gems_in_stock: 'Edelsteine auf Lager',
missing_gems: 'Fehlende Edelsteine, um jedes mythische oder legendäre 5-Sterne-Mädchen zu maximieren',
date_on: 'am',
skilledGirls: 'Mädchen mit Fertigkeiten',
last_season: 'Letzte Saison',
champion_girl_pose: 'Stellung der Championsmädchen',
none: 'Keine',
with: 'Mit',
tier5_skill_filter: 'Stufe 5 Fertigkeiten',
already_fought: 'Bereits bekämpft',
zodiac: {1: '♈︎ Widder',
2: '♉︎ Stier',
3: '♊︎ Zwillinge',
4: '♋︎ Krebs',
5: '♌︎ Löwe',
6: '♍︎ Jungfrau',
7: '♎︎ Waage',
8: '♏︎ Skorpion',
9: '♐︎ Schütze',
10: '♑︎ Steinbock',
11: '♒︎ Wassermann',
12: '♓︎ Fische'},
color: {'F99': 'Pink',
'00F': 'Blau',
'A55': 'Braun',
'0F0': 'Grün',
'F0F': 'Lila',
'FD0': 'Gold',
'F00': 'Rot',
'B06': 'Dunkelpink',
'F90': 'Orange',
'888': 'Grau',
'CCC': 'Silber',
'000': 'Schwarz',
'XXX': 'Unbekannt',
'321': 'Dunkel',
'B62': 'Dunkelblond',
'FFF': 'Weiß',
'FF0': 'Blond',
'EB8': 'Erdbeerblond',
'D83': 'Bronze'},
// Numbers: rounding to K, M, G and T
function nRounding(num, digits, updown) {
let power = [
{ value: 1, symbol: '' },
{ value: 1E3, symbol: 'K' },
{ value: 1E6, symbol: 'M' },
{ value: 1E9, symbol: 'B' },
{ value: 1E12, symbol: 'T' },
let i;
for (i = power.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (num >= power[i].value) {
if (updown == 1) {
return nThousand(+(Math.ceil(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
else if (updown == 0) {
return nThousand(+(Math.round(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
else if (updown == -1) {
return nThousand(+(Math.floor(num / power[i].value * Math.pow(10, digits)) / Math.pow(10, digits)).toFixed(digits)) + power[i].symbol;
// Thousand spacing
function nThousand(x) {
if(typeof x != 'number') {
return 0;
switch(pageLang){ //atm this shows the numbers equal to the game
case 'ja':
case 'en': return x.toLocaleString("en")
default: return x.toLocaleString("fr")
function localeStringToNumber(s){
let e = s.replace(/[^0-9]/gi,'x').split('x')
case 0: return 0
case 1: return +e[0]
default: break
let f =e.pop()
e = e.toString().replace(/[^0-9]/gi,'')
case 1: return parseFloat(e)+f/10
case 2: return parseFloat(e)+f/100
default: return parseFloat(e+f)
let lang = "en";
const pageLang = $('html')[0].lang.substring(0,2);
if(texts[pageLang]) lang=pageLang;
const labels = texts[lang];
const label = (key) => (labels && labels[key]) || texts.en[key];
let locale = 'fr';
if (lang == 'en') {
locale = 'en'
var DST;
function calculateDST() {
if(((new Date).getUTCMonth() >= 3 && (new Date).getUTCMonth() <= 8) || ((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 9 && (new Date).getUTCDate() < 25))
DST = true;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() >= 10 || (new Date).getUTCMonth() <= 1 || ((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 2 && (new Date).getUTCDate() < 25))
DST = false;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 2 && (new Date).getUTCDate() >= 25) {
if((new Date).getUTCDate() + (7-(new Date).getUTCDay()) <= 31 && (new Date).getUTCDay() != 0)
DST = false;
else {
if((new Date).getUTCHours() >= 1) DST = true;
else DST = false;
else if((new Date).getUTCMonth() == 9 && (new Date).getUTCDate() >= 25) {
if((new Date).getUTCDate() + (7-(new Date).getUTCDay()) <= 31 && (new Date).getUTCDay() != 0)
DST = true;
else {
if((new Date).getUTCHours() >= 1) DST = false;
else DST = true;
starting : [10],
common : [10],
rare : [12],
epic : [14],
legendary : [16],
mythic : [40]
function calculateGirlXPTab() {
for (let i=1; i < (lvl_max_girl-1); i++) {
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.starting[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.common[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.rare[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.epic[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.legendary[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[i] = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[(i-1)] + Math.ceil(GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS.mythic[0]*Math.pow(1.0075, i));
starting: [0, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 275, 350, 500],
common: [0, 40, 60, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 275, 350, 500],
rare: [0, 80, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 550, 700, 1000],
epic: [0, 120, 180, 240, 300, 375, 450, 600, 825, 1050, 1500],
legendary: [0, 160, 240, 320, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1100, 1400, 2000],
mythic: [0, 200, 300, 400, 500, 625, 750, 1000, 1375, 1750, 2500]
const AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT = [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 85, 100];
const AWAKENING_LEVELS = [250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700];
* 1) Girl and Harem synergy bonuses for Attack, Defense, Ego and Harmony are already included in the shown stats
* 2) Countering bonuses are not included in any shown stats
* 1) Crit damage and chance bonuses are additive; Ego and damage bonuses are multiplicative
* 2) Opponent harem synergies are only available to the player in the leagues
const ELEMENTS = {
chance: {
darkness: 'light',
light: 'psychic',
psychic: 'darkness'
egoDamage: {
fire: 'nature',
nature: 'stone',
stone: 'sun',
sun: 'water',
water: 'fire'
"darkness": "Dominatrix",
"light": "Submissive",
"psychic": "Voyeurs",
"fire": "Eccentric",
"nature": "Exhibitionist",
"stone": "Physical",
"sun": "Playful",
"water": "Sensual",
const tier5_Skill_Id = [11, 12, 13, 14];
const timeout = 250;
const mediaMobile = '@media only screen and (max-width: 1025px)';
const mediaDesktop = '@media only screen and (min-width: 1026px)';
const DEFAULT_BOOSTERS = {normal: [], mythic:[]};
const MAX_BOOSTERS = {normal: 4, mythic: 5};
var trolls;
var tierGirlsID = [];
function editTrollsAndTiers() {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hentai' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'horny_s' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'test_h' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hh_eroges') {
trolls = ['Dark Lord', 'Ninja Spy', 'Gruntt', 'Edwarda', 'Donatien', 'Silvanus', 'Bremen', 'Finalmecia', 'Fredy Sih Roko Senseï', 'Karole', 'Jackson’s Crew', 'Pandora Witch', 'Nike', 'Sake', 'WereBunny Police', 'Auga', 'Gross'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[1] = 'Espion Ninja';
trolls[10] = 'Éq. de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Sorcière Pandora';
trolls[14] = 'Police des Lapines-Garous';
if (lang == 'es') {
trolls[0] = 'Señor Oscuro';
trolls[1] = 'Ninja espía';
trolls[10] = 'Tripulación de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Pandora Bruja';
trolls[14] = 'Policía hombres-conejos';
if (lang == 'it') {
trolls[0] = 'Signore Oscuro';
trolls[1] = 'Spia Ninja';
trolls[10] ='Ciurma di Jackson';
trolls[11] ='Strega Pandora';
trolls[14] = 'Polizia del Conigli Mannari';
if (lang == 'de') {
trolls[0] = 'Dunkler Lord';
trolls[1] = 'Ninjaspion';
trolls[10] ='Jacksons Crew';
trolls[11] ='Pandora Hexe';
trolls[14] = 'Wer-Kaninchen Polizei';
tierGirlsID = [
[['8', '9', '10'], ['7270263'], ['979916751']],
[['14', '13', '12'], ['318292466'], ['936580004']],
[['19', '16', '18'], ['610468472'], ['54950499']],
[['29', '28', '26'], ['4749652'], ['345655744']],
[['39', '40', '41'], ['267784162'], ['763020698']],
[['64', '63', '31'], ['406004250'], ['864899873']],
[['85', '86', '84'], ['267120960'], ['536361248']],
[['114', '115', '116'], ['379441499'], ['447396000']],
[['1247315', '4649579', '7968301'], ['46227677'], ['933487713']],
[['1379661', '4479579', '1800186'], ['985085118'], ['339765042']],
[['24316446', '219651566', '501847856'], ['383709663'], ['90685795']],
[['225365882', '478693885', '231765083'], ['155415482'], ['769649470']],
[['86962133', '243793871', '284483399'], [0], [0]],
[['612527302', '167231135', '560979916', '184523411', '549524850', '784911160'], [0], [0]],
[['164866290', '696124016', '841591253'], [0], [0]],
[['344730128', '735302216', '851893423'], [0], [0]],
[['547099506', '572827174', '653889168'], [0], [0]],
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
trolls = ['Dark Lord', 'Ninja Spy', 'Gruntt', 'Edward', 'Donatien', 'Silvanus', 'Bremen', 'Edernas', 'Fredy Sih Roko Senseï', 'Maro', 'Jackson’s Crew', 'Icarus Warlock', 'Sol'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[1] = 'Espion Ninja';
trolls[10] = 'Éq. de Jackson';
trolls[11] = 'Sorcier Icarus';
if (lang == 'de') {
trolls[0] = 'Dunkler Lord';
trolls[1] = 'Ninjaspion';
trolls[10] ='Jacksons Crew';
tierGirlsID = [
[['8', '9', '10'], ['7270263'], ['979916751']],
[['14', '13', '12'], ['318292466'], ['936580004']],
[['19', '16', '18'], ['610468472'], ['54950499']],
[['29', '28', '26'], ['4749652'], ['345655744']],
[['39', '40', '41'], ['267784162'], ['763020698']],
[['64', '63', '31'], ['406004250'], ['864899873']],
[['85', '86', '84'], ['267120960'], ['536361248']],
[['114', '115', '116'], ['379441499'], ['447396000']],
[['1247315', '4649579', '7968301'], ['46227677'], ['933487713']],
[['1379661', '4479579', '1800186'], ['985085118'], ['339765042']],
[['24316446', '219651566', '501847856'], ['383709663'], ['90685795']],
[['225365882', '478693885', '231765083'], ['155415482'], ['769649470']],
[['86962133', '243793871', '284483399'], [0], [0]],
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'comix_c' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_c') {
trolls = ['BodyHack', 'Grey Golem', 'The Nymph', 'Athicus Ho\'ole', 'The Mimic', 'Cockatrice', 'Pomelo', 'Alexa Sl’thor', 'D\'Klong', 'Virtue Man'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['830009523', '907801218', '943323021'], [0], [0]],
[['271746999', '303805209', '701946373'], [0], [0]],
[['743748788', '977228200', '943323021'], [0], [0]],
[['140401381', '232860230', '514994766'], [0], [0]],
[['623293037', '764791769', '801271903'], [0], [0]],
[['921365371', '942523553', '973271744'], [0], [0]],
[['364639341', '879781833', '895546748'], [0], [0]],
[['148877065', '218927643', '340369336'], [0], [0]],
[['258185125', '897951171', '971686222'], [0], [0]],
[['125758004', '233499841', '647307160'], [0], [0]],
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'star_t' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_t') {
trolls = ['Headmistress Asa Akira', 'Sammy Jayne', 'Ivy Winters', 'Sophia Jade', 'Amia Miley', 'Alyssa Reece', 'Kelly Kline', 'Jamie Brooks', 'Jordan Kingsley', null, null, null, 'Sierra Sinn', null, 'Jasmine Jae', null, 'Bella Rose', null, 'Paige Taylor'];
if (lang == 'fr') {
trolls[0] = 'Directrice Asa Akira';
tierGirlsID = [
[['261345306', '795788039', '973280579'], [0], [0]],
[['482529771', '658322339', '833308213'], [0], [0]],
[['117837840', '160370794', '306287449', '828011942'], [0], [0]],
[['564593641', '719705773', '934421949'], [0], [0]],
[['270611414', '464811282', '781232070'], [0], [0]],
[['219241809', '380385497', '879198752'], [0], [0]],
[['165066536', '734325005', '805020628'], [0], [0]],
[['191661045', '369105612', '665836932'], [0], [0]],
[['169356639', '383702874', '943667167'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['169741198', '459885596', '507702178'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['258984943', '837109131', '888135956'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['270920965', '600910475', '799448349'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['832031905', '272818756', '477487889'], [0], [0]],
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'dotcom_startrans' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_startrans') {
trolls = ['Ariel Demure', 'Emma Rose', null, 'Natalie Stone', 'Janie Blade', 'Nikkie Nort', 'Mistress Venom'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['171883542', '229180984', '771348244'], [0], [0]],
[['484962893', '879574564', '910924260'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['334144727', '667194919', '911144911'], [0], [0]],
[['473470854', '708191289', '945710078'], [0], [0]],
[['104549634', '521022556', '526732951'], [0], [0]],
[['317800067', '542090972', '920682672'], [0], [0]],
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'dotcom_stargay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_stargay') {
trolls = ['Tristan Hunter', null, null, null, 'Jimmy Durano', 'Lucca Mazzi'];
tierGirlsID = [
[['374763633', '485499759', '780402171'], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[[0], [0], [0]],
[['290465722', '524315573', '970767946'], [0], [0]],
[['127881092', '680366759', '836998610'], [0], [0]],
let heroData;
function transformNutakuURL(url) {
if (window.location.host.includes('nutaku') && !url.includes("sess=")) {
return url.includes('?') ? `${url}&sess=${window.PLATFORM_SESS}` : `${url}?sess=${window.PLATFORM_SESS}`
return url
/* =========
========= */
function loadSetting(e){
try {var temp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.'+ e))}
catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (temp == null) {
switch (e) {
case 'villain':
return true;
case 'tiers':
return true;
case 'xpMoney':
return true;
case 'market':
return true;
case 'marketRestockButton':
return false;
case 'filterArmorItems':
return true;
case 'harem':
return true;
case 'haremFilter':
return true;
case 'girlsItemsFilter':
return true;
case 'league':
return true;
case 'leagueBoard':
return true;
case 'simLeagueBoardFight':
return true;
case 'hideLeaguex3Button':
return false;
case 'simFight':
return true;
case 'teamsFilter':
return true;
case 'champions':
return true;
case 'links':
return true;
case 'labyrinth':
return true;
case 'seasonStats':
return true;
case 'pachinkoNames':
return true;
case 'missionsBackground':
return true;
case 'collectMoneyAnimation':
return false;
case 'activitiesTabChoice':
return true;
case 'customizedHomeScreen':
return true;
case 'hideClaimedRewards':
return true;
case 'desktopDisplay':
return false;
case 'hideClaimAllButtons':
return false;
case 'hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton':
return false;
case 'contestsExpiryTimer':
return true;
return temp
function loadFeatures() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (window.shared == undefined && window.Hero == undefined) return;
heroData = window.Hero || window.shared.Hero;
if (CurrentPage.includes('home')) options();
try {editTrollsAndTiers();} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
//Features without options
try {
if (CurrentPage.includes('home')) moduleEventEndIndicator();
if(CurrentPage.includes('battle')) skipBattleValues();
if (CurrentPage.includes('activities')) {
} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
// Show which modules are enabled and if so, run them when appropriate
if (loadSetting('villain')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-team') || CurrentPage.includes('waifu'))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('harem'))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {moduleVillain()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('xpMoney')) {
try {moduleXP()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {moduleMoney()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('market')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('shop'))
try {moduleMarket()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('marketRestockButton')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('shop'))
try {moduleMarketRestockButton()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('filterArmorItems')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('shop'))
try {moduleFilterArmorItems()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('mythic-equipment-upgrade'))
try {moduleMythicEquipmentUpgrade()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('harem')) {
if ((CurrentPage.includes('edit-team') || CurrentPage.includes('waifu')) && !loadSetting('villain'))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('harem')) {
try {moduleHarem();} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {haremGetFilteredGirls()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (!loadSetting('villain'))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('/girl/'))
try {haremGirlsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('haremFilter')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('harem')) {
try {moduleHaremFilter()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (!loadSetting('harem'))
try {haremGetFilteredGirls()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('teams'))
try {moduleTeamsCollector()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('/girl/') && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {haremGirlsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('girlsItemsFilter')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('/girl/'))
try {moduleFilterGirlsItems()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('league')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('leagues-pre-battle'))
try {moduleLeagueOpponentsShortcut()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('teams') && !loadSetting('haremFilter'))
try {moduleTeamsCollector()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideLeaguex3Button')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('leagues-pre-battle'))
try {moduleHideLeaguex3Button()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('simFight')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('leagues-pre-battle'))
try {moduleLeagueSim()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('season-arena'))
try {moduleSeasonSim()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('troll-pre-battle') || CurrentPage.includes('pantheon-pre-battle'))
try {moduleBattleSim()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('teamsFilter')) {
try {moduleTeamsFilter()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth-pool-select') != -1)
try {moduleLabyrinthFilter()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('edit-labyrinth-team') != -1)
try {moduleLabyrinthTeamFilter()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('champions')) {
try {moduleChampions()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('clubs'))
try {moduleClubChampionFeatures()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('links')) {
try {moduleLinks()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('labyrinth')) {
try {moduleLabyrinth()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('seasonStats')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('season-battle') || CurrentPage.includes('season.html') || CurrentPage.includes('season-arena'))
try {moduleSeasonStats()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('pachinkoNames')) {
if ((CurrentPage.includes('edit-team') || CurrentPage.includes('waifu')) && !loadSetting('villain') && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {getHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (CurrentPage.includes('harem') && !loadSetting('villain') && !loadSetting('harem'))
try {getNonHaremGirlsData()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
try {modulePachinkoNames()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('missionsBackground')) {
try {moduleMissionsBackground()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('collectMoneyAnimation')) {
try {moduleCollectMoneyAnimation()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('activitiesTabChoice') && CurrentPage == '/home.html') {
try {moduleActivitiesTabChoice()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('customizedHomeScreen') && CurrentPage == '/home.html') {
try {moduleCustomizedHomeScreen()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideClaimedRewards')) {
try {moduleHideClaimedRewards()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('desktopDisplay')) {
try {moduleDesktopDisplay()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideClaimAllButtons')) {
try {moduleHideClaimAllButtons()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton') && CurrentPage.includes('leagues')) {
try {moduleHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (loadSetting('contestsExpiryTimer') && CurrentPage.includes('activities')) {
try {moduleContestsExpiryTimer()} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
}, timeout);
function options() {
// Options menu
$('div#contains_all').append('<a href="#"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/c1F37PYz/icon-options.png" id="hhsButton"></a>');
$('div#contains_all').append('<div id="hhsOptions" class="hhsTooltip" style="display: none;">'
+ '<span class="close-settings-panel"></span>'
+ '<div class="script_setting" style="grid-row-end: span 2;">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="villain"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsVillain + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="tiers"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsTiers + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="xpMoney"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsXPMoney + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="market"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMarket + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="marketRestockButton"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMarketRestockButton + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="filterArmorItems"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsFilterArmorItems + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="harem"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHarem + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="haremFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHaremFilters + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="girlsItemsFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsGirlsItemsFilter + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting" style="grid-row-end: span 3;">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="league"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeague + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="leagueBoard"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLeagueBoard + '<br />'
+ ' <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="simLeagueBoardFight"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSimLeagueBoardFight + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideLeaguex3Button"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideLeaguex3Button + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="simFight"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSimFight + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="teamsFilter"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsTeamsFilter + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="champions"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsChampions + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="links"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLinks + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="labyrinth"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsLabyrinth + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="seasonStats"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsSeasonStats + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="pachinkoNames"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsPachinkoNames + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="missionsBackground"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsMissionsBackground + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="collectMoneyAnimation"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsCollectMoneyAnimation + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="activitiesTabChoice"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsActivitiesTabChoice + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="customizedHomeScreen"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsCustomizedHomeScreen + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideClaimedRewards"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideClaimedRewards + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="desktopDisplay"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsDesktopDisplay + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="hideClaimAllButtons"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsHideClaimAllButtons + '<br />'
+ '</div>'
+ '<div class="script_setting">'
+ '<label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" hhs="contestsExpiryTimer"><span class="slider"></span></label>' + labels.optionsContestsExpiryTimer
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>');
// Show and hide options menu
$('#hhsButton').click(function() {
let x = document.getElementById('hhsOptions');
if (x.style.display == 'none') x.style.display = 'grid';
else x.style.display = 'none';
$(this).attr('checked', loadSetting($(this).attr('hhs')))
$('[hhs]').click(function() {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.'+$(this).attr('hhs'), $(this).prop('checked'))
$('#hhsOptions .close-settings-panel').click(() => {
let x = document.getElementById('hhsOptions');
x.style.display = 'none';
// Dependency of villain menu options
$('[hhs=villain]').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=tiers]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tiers', false)
$('[hhs=tiers]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=villain]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.villain', true)
// Dependency of league info options
$('[hhs=league]').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoard', false);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').prop('checked', false);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', false);
else if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueBoard', true);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', true);
$('[hhs=leagueBoard]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
$('[hhs=simLeagueBoardFight]').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('[hhs=league]').prop('checked', true);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.league', true);
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+ 'transform: translateX(13px);}'
sheet.insertRule('.script_setting {'
+ 'padding-right: 5px;}'
/* ======================
====================== */
function moduleVillain() {
//Create localStorage if it doesn't exist yet
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify('[]'));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify('[]'));
if (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') || localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') == "" || localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned') == 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned', JSON.stringify('[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]'));
let eventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls'));
let mythicEventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls'));
let tierGirlsOwned = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned'));
const girlDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
const girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
let includeTiers = false;
let eventEndTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTime') || 0;
let mythicEventEndTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTime') || 0;
if (loadSetting('tiers')) includeTiers = true;
if (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) > eventEndTime) localStorage.removeItem('HHS.eventTrolls');
if (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) > mythicEventEndTime) localStorage.removeItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls');
if (window.location.search.includes("tab=event") || window.location.search.includes("tab=kinky_event")) {
let eventRemainingTime = parseInt(window.event_data.seconds_until_event_end, 10);
eventEndTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + eventRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTime', eventEndTime);
eventTrolls = [];
let totalGirls = window.event_girls.length;
for (let i=0; i<totalGirls; i++) {
let girlId = window.event_girls[i].id_girl;
let girlRarity = window.event_girls[i].rarity;
let girlName = window.event_girls[i].name;
let girlShards = window.event_girls[i].shards;
let girlLocation = window.event_girls[i].source.anchor_source.url;
if (girlLocation.includes('troll-pre-battle')) eventTrolls.push({id: girlId, troll: girlLocation.substring(35), rarity: girlRarity});
if (girlShards < 100) {
let girlData = {id_girl: girlId,
name: girlName,
shards: girlShards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girlId, girlData);
else girlShardsDictionary.delete(girlId);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify(eventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
if (window.location.search.includes("tab=mythic_event")) {
let eventRemainingTime = parseInt(window.event_data.seconds_until_event_end, 10);
mythicEventEndTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000) + eventRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTime', mythicEventEndTime);
mythicEventTrolls = [];
let totalGirls = window.event_girls.length;
for (let i=0; i<totalGirls; i++) {
let girlId = window.event_girls[i].id_girl;
let girlRarity = window.event_girls[i].rarity;
let girlName = window.event_girls[i].name;
let girlShards = window.event_girls[i].shards;
let girlLocation = window.event_girls[i].source.anchor_source.url;
if (girlLocation.includes('troll-pre-battle')) mythicEventTrolls.push({id: girlId, troll: girlLocation.substring(35), rarity: girlRarity});
if (girlShards < 100) {
let girlData = {id_girl: girlId,
name: girlName,
shards: girlShards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girlId, girlData);
else girlShardsDictionary.delete(girlId);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify(mythicEventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
if (includeTiers) {
//Check if villain tier girls have been collected (to update when new villain is added)
tierGirlsOwned = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
for (let tIdx = 0; tIdx < tierGirlsID.length; tIdx++) {
for (let pIdx = 0; pIdx < tierGirlsID[tIdx].length; pIdx++) {
tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = true;
for (let gIdx = 0; gIdx < tierGirlsID[tIdx][pIdx].length; gIdx++) {
let idGirl = parseInt(tierGirlsID[tIdx][pIdx][gIdx], 10);
if (idGirl == 0) tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = true;
else if (!girlDictionary.get(idGirl)) tierGirlsOwned[tIdx][pIdx] = false;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.tierGirlsOwned', JSON.stringify(tierGirlsOwned));
//Add the actual menu
let trollGems;
let trollRewards;
//To update when new villain is added.
trollGems = [' <span class="fire_gem"></span> <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span> <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span> <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span> <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
//To update when new villain is added.
trollRewards = ['',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
' <span class="book_reward"></span>',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
let currentWorld = heroData.infos.questing.id_world,
trollName = '',
trollNameTiers = '',
trollGemRewards = '',
trollOtherRewards = '',
trollsMenu = '',
//Associate the world ID (first number) to its villain ID (second number): troll_ID: villain_ID
worldID = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 5, 7: 6, 8: 7, 9: 8, 10: 9, 11: 10, 12: 11, 13: 12, 14: 13, 15: 14, 16: 15, 17: 16, 18: 17};
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'star_t' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_t') {
worldID = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 16, 0, 18, 0, 20];
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 5, 7: 6, 8: 7, 9: 8, 10: 9, 14: 11, 16: 12, 18: 13, 20: 14};
//To update when new villain is added.
trollGems = [' <span class="fire_gem"></span> <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span> <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span> <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span> <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
//To update when new villain is added.
trollRewards = ['',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
' <span class="book_reward"></span>',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'dotcom_startrans' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_startrans') {
worldID = [2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8];
trollsId = {2: 1, 3: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 5, 8: 6};
//To update when new villain is added.
trollGems = [' <span class="fire_gem"></span> <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span> <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span> <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span> <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
//To update when new villain is added.
trollRewards = ['',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
' <span class="book_reward"></span>',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'dotcom_stargay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku_stargay') {
worldID = [2, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7];
trollsId = {2: 1, 6: 2, 7: 3};
//To update when new villain is added.
trollGems = [' <span class="fire_gem"></span> <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span> <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span> <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span> <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
' <span class="nature_gem"></span>',
' <span class="stone_gem"></span>',
' <span class="sun_gem"></span>',
' <span class="darkness_gem"></span>',
' <span class="light_gem"></span>',
' <span class="psychic_gem"></span>',
' <span class="water_gem"></span>',
' <span class="fire_gem"></span>',
//To update when new villain is added.
trollRewards = ['',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
' <span class="book_reward"></span>',
' <span class="gift_reward"></span>',
for (let i = 0; i < currentWorld-1; i++) {
if (worldID[i] == 0) {}
else {
if (typeof trolls[i] !== typeof undefined && trolls[i] !== false) {
trollName = trolls[i];
trollGemRewards = trollGems[i];
trollOtherRewards = trollRewards[i];
if (includeTiers) {
trollNameTiers = ' ';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][0])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '¹';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][1])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '²';
if (!(tierGirlsOwned[i][2])) {
trollNameTiers = trollNameTiers + '³';
else trollName = labels.world + ' ' + (i + 2) + ' ' + labels.villain;
let type = 'regular';
for (let j = 0, len = eventTrolls.length; j < len; j++) {
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(eventTrolls[j].id, 10)) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(eventTrolls[j].id, 10)).shards : 0;
if (eventTrolls[j].troll == (i + 1) && shards != 100) {
type = `eventTroll ${eventTrolls[j].rarity}`;
for (let j = 0; j < mythicEventTrolls.length; j++) {
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(mythicEventTrolls[j].id, 10)) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(parseInt(mythicEventTrolls[j].id, 10)).shards : 0;
if (mythicEventTrolls[j].troll == (i + 1) && shards != 100) {
type = `mythicEventTroll`;
trollsMenu += `<a class="${type}" href="${transformNutakuURL('/troll-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + trollsId[worldID[i]])}"> ${trollName} ${trollNameTiers} </a> ${trollGemRewards} ${trollOtherRewards} <a class="troll_world_script" href="${transformNutakuURL('/world/' + worldID[i])}"></a> <br />`;
this.$overlay = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay"></div>');
this.$overlay.click(() => {
$('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper').click(() => {
if (!this.$container) {
this.$container = $('<div class="script-fight-a-villain-menu-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
this.$container.append('<div class="TrollsMenu" id="TrollsID">' + trollsMenu + '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('#fight_energy_bar .bar-wrapper {'
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sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay {'
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+ 'background-color: #0808087a;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
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+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'z-index: 9;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-overlay.shown {'
+ 'display: block;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-container {'
+ 'display: none;'
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+ 'justify-content: center;'
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+ 'height: 585px;'
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+ 'font-size: 16px;'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-fight-a-villain-menu-container.shown {'
+ 'display: flex;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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+ 'column-count: 2;'
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+ 'left: 440px;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8);'
+ 'line-height: 28px;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.73);'
+ 'font-size: 14px;'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'pointer-events: all;}}'
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+ 'left: 303px;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8);'
+ 'line-height: 48px;'
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+ 'font-size: 18px !important;'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'color: #fff; '
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'pointer-events: all;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.TrollsMenu a {'
+ 'font-family: \'Carter One\', \'Alegreya Sans\', cursive !important;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255); '
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll {'
+ 'color: #f70 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll:hover {'
+ 'color: #fa0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.common {'
+ 'color: #8d8e9f !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.common:hover {'
+ 'color: #b4b5c9 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.rare {'
+ 'color: #23b56b !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.rare:hover {'
+ 'color: #2bdf84 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.epic {'
+ 'color: #ffb244 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.epic:hover {'
+ 'color: #ffc97b !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.legendary {'
+ 'color: #9370db !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.eventTroll.legendary:hover {'
+ 'color: #b19cd9 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mythicEventTroll {'
+ 'color: #ec0039 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.mythicEventTroll:hover {'
+ 'color: #ff003e !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID a {'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
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sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID a:hover {'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 247, 204);'
+ 'text-decoration: underline;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#TrollsID .darkness_gem, #TrollsID .light_gem, #TrollsID .psychic_gem, #TrollsID .fire_gem, #TrollsID .nature_gem, #TrollsID .stone_gem, #TrollsID .sun_gem, #TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -8px;'
+ 'height: 14px;'
+ 'width: 14px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 14px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#TrollsID .darkness_gem, #TrollsID .light_gem, #TrollsID .psychic_gem, #TrollsID .fire_gem, #TrollsID .nature_gem, #TrollsID .stone_gem, #TrollsID .sun_gem, #TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -15px;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.gift_reward, .book_reward {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -7px;'
+ 'width: 16px;'
+ 'height: 16px;'
+ 'background-size: 16px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'display: inline-block;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.gift_reward, .book_reward {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -15px;'
+ 'width: 22px;'
+ 'height: 22px;'
+ 'background-size: 22px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'display: inline-block;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .darkness_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/darkness.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .light_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/light.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .psychic_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/psychic.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .fire_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/fire.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .nature_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/nature.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .stone_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/stone.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .sun_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/sun.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .water_gem {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/gems/water.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .gift_reward {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/items/K2.png");}'
sheet.insertRule('#TrollsID .book_reward {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/items/XP3.png");}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#TrollsID .troll_world_script {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -6px;'
+ 'height: 18px;'
+ 'width: 18px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 18px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/quest/ico-quest.png");}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#TrollsID .troll_world_script {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -13px;'
+ 'height: 28px;'
+ 'width: 28px;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 28px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/quest/ico-quest.png");}}'
/* ===========
=========== */
function moduleXP() {
function betterXP() {
if (heroData.infos.level < lvl_max_player) {
$('span[hero="xp"]').empty().append(labels.next + ': ');
$('span[hero="xp_max"]').empty().append(' XP');
else {
$('span[hero="xp_max"]').empty().append(' XP');
$('.button_glow').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
/* ==============
============== */
function moduleMoney() {
function betterMoney() {
if (heroData.currencies.soft_currency >= 1E6) {
$('div[hero="soft_currency"]').empty().append(nRounding(heroData.currencies.soft_currency, 3, -1));
$('.button_glow').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
$('#collect_all').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
$('.collect_money').click(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, 3000)
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleMarket() {
let loc2 = $('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container').children();
loc2.each(function() {
let stat = $(this).attr('class');
if (stat == 'caracs-1-container' || stat == 'caracs-2-container' || stat == 'caracs-3-container') {
stat = 'carac' + localeStringToNumber(stat);
$(this).append('<span class="CustomStats"></span><div id="CustomStats' + stat + '" class="StatsTooltip"></div>');
function updateStats() {
let loc2 = $('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container').children();
let levelMoney = 0,
levelPoints = heroData.infos.level * 30;
levelMoney = calculateTotalPrice(levelPoints);
loc2.each(function() {
let stat = $(this).attr('class');
if (stat == 'caracs-1-container' || stat == 'caracs-2-container' || stat == 'caracs-3-container') {
stat = 'carac' + localeStringToNumber(stat);
let boughtPoints = heroData.infos[stat],
remainingPoints = levelPoints - boughtPoints,
spentMoney = calculateTotalPrice(boughtPoints),
remainingMoney = levelMoney - spentMoney;
let totalPoints = heroData.infos.caracs[stat];
let iClass = heroData.infos.class - 1;
let iStat = parseInt(stat.substr(5)) - 1;
let matMul = [[9, 5, 7], [7, 9, 5], [5, 7, 9]];
let skillPoints = matMul[iClass][iStat] * heroData.infos.level;
let equipmentsData = $('#equiped.armor-container .armor .slot-container .slot-container').children(),
itemPoints = 0;
equipmentsData.each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('class').indexOf('slot empty') == -1) {
let equipmentsStats = $(this).attr('data-d'),
statPosStart = equipmentsStats.indexOf(stat + '_equip') + 15,
statPosEnd = equipmentsStats.substr(statPosStart).indexOf(',');
itemPoints = itemPoints + parseInt(equipmentsStats.substr(statPosStart, statPosEnd - 1), 10);
let boostersData = $('#equiped.booster-container .booster .slot-container').children(),
ginsengPoints = 0,
ginsengLegendary = 0;
boostersData.each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('class') != 'slot empty') {
if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '7') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 100;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '8') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 350;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '9') {
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + 1225;
else if ($(this).attr('id_item') == '316') {
ginsengLegendary = ginsengLegendary + 1;
ginsengPoints = ginsengPoints + Math.ceil((skillPoints + boughtPoints + itemPoints + ginsengPoints) * 0.06 * ginsengLegendary);
let clubPoints = totalPoints - skillPoints - boughtPoints - itemPoints - ginsengPoints;
$('#CustomStats' + stat).html(
'<b>' + labels.stat_points_need + ':</b> ' + nThousand(remainingPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.money_need + ':</b> ' + nThousand(remainingMoney) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.money_spent + ':</b> ' + nThousand(spentMoney) + '<br /><br />' +
'<b>' + labels.points_from_level + ':</b> ' + nThousand(skillPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.bought_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(boughtPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.equipment_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(itemPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.ginseng_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(ginsengPoints) + '<br />' +
'<b>' + labels.club_points + ':</b> ' + nThousand(clubPoints) + '<br />'
function calculateTotalPrice(points) {
let last_price = calculateStatPrice(points);
let price = 0;
if (points < 2000) {
price = (7 + last_price) / 2 * points;
else if (points < 4000) {
price = 4012000 + (4009 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 2000);
else if (points < 6000) {
price = 20026000 + (12011 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 4000);
else if (points < 8000) {
price = 56042000 + (24013 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 6000);
else if (points < 10000) {
price = 120060000 + (40015 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 8000);
else if (points < 12000) {
price = 220080000 + (60017 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 10000);
else if (points < 14000) {
price = 364102000 + (84019 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 12000);
else if (points < 16000) {
price = 560126000 + (112021 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 14000);
else if (points < 18000) {
price = 816152000 + (144023 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 16000);
else if (points < 20000) {
price = 1140180000 + (180025 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 18000);
else if (points < 22000) {
price = 1540210000 + (220027 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 20000);
else if (points < 24000) {
price = 2024242000 + (264029 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 22000);
else if (points < 26000) {
price = 2600276000 + (312031 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 24000);
else if (points < 28000) {
price = 3276312000 + (364033 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 26000);
else if (points < 30000) {
price = 4060350000 + (420035 + last_price) / 2 * (points - 28000);
return price;
function calculateStatPrice(points) {
let cost = 0;
if (points < 2000) {
cost = 5 + points * 2;
else if (points < 4000) {
cost = 4005 + (points - 2000) * 4;
else if (points < 6000) {
cost = 12005 + (points - 4000) * 6;
else if (points < 8000) {
cost = 24005 + (points - 6000) * 8;
else if (points < 10000) {
cost = 40005 + (points - 8000) * 10;
else if (points < 12000) {
cost = 60005 + (points - 10000) * 12;
else if (points < 14000) {
cost = 84005 + (points - 12000) * 14;
else if (points < 16000) {
cost = 112005 + (points - 14000) * 16;
else if (points < 18000) {
cost = 144005 + (points - 16000) * 18;
else if (points < 20000) {
cost = 180005 + (points - 18000) * 20;
else if (points < 22000) {
cost = 220005 + (points - 20000) * 22;
else if (points < 24000) {
cost = 264005 + (points - 22000) * 24;
else if (points < 26000) {
cost = 312005 + (points - 24000) * 26;
else if (points < 28000) {
cost = 364005 + (points - 26000) * 28;
else if (points < 30000) {
cost = 420005 + (points - 28000) * 30;
return cost;
let lsMarket = {};
lsMarket.buyable = {};
lsMarket.stocks = {};
lsMarket.restock = {};
let restocktime = 0;
let time = $('#equipement-tab-container .restock-info-timer span').text();
if (time.indexOf('h') > -1) {
restocktime = parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('h')), 10) * 3600;
time = time.substring(time.indexOf('h') + 1);
if (time.indexOf('m') > -1) {
restocktime += parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('m')), 10) * 60;
time = time.substring(time.indexOf('h') + 1);
if (time.indexOf('s') > -1) {
restocktime += parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf('s')), 10);
lsMarket.restock.herolvl = heroData.infos.level;
lsMarket.restock.time = (new Date()).getTime() + restocktime * 1000;
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#player-inventory.armor')[0], {childList: true})
let timer;
$('#shops button').click(function() {
let clickedButton = $(this).attr('rel'),
opened_shop = $('#tabs-switcher').children('.active');
timer = setTimeout(function() {
if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'armor') {
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'booster') {
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'potion') {
if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'buy_all' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('potion');
else if (opened_shop[0].attributes.type.value == 'gift') {
if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'buy_all' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('gift');
}, 2*timeout);
function get_buyableStocks(loc_class) {
let itemsNb = 0,
itemsXp = 0,
itemsPriceYmens = 0,
itemsPriceKobans = 0,
loc = $('#merchant-inventory.' + loc_class);
loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
let item = $(this).data('d');
itemsXp += parseInt(item.item.value, 10);
if (item.item.currency == "sc") {
itemsPriceYmens += parseInt(item.price_buy, 10);
else {
itemsPriceKobans += parseInt(item.price_buy, 10);
lsMarket.buyable[loc_class] = {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp, 'ValueYmens':itemsPriceYmens, 'ValueKobans':itemsPriceKobans};
function equipments_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'armor', 'EquipmentsTooltip', 'equipments', '');
function boosters_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'booster', 'BoostersTooltip', 'boosters', '');
function books_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'potion', 'BooksTooltip', 'books', 'Xp');
function gifts_shop(update) {
tt_create(update, 'gift', 'GiftsTooltip', 'gifts', 'affection');
function tt_create(update, loc_class, tt_class, itemName, itemUnit) {
let itemsNb = 0,
itemsXp = (itemUnit == '') ? -1 : 0,
itemsSell = 0,
loc = $('#player-inventory.' + loc_class);
loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
let item = $(this).data('d'),
Nb = parseInt(item.quantity, 10) || 1;
itemsNb += Nb;
itemsSell += Nb * parseInt(item.price_sell, 10);
if (itemsXp != -1) itemsXp += Nb * parseInt(item.item.value, 10);
let tooltip = labels.you_own + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsNb) + '</b> ' + labels[itemName] + '.<br />' +
(itemsXp == -1 ? '' : labels.you_can_give + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsXp) + '</b> ' + labels[itemUnit] + '.<br />') +
labels.you_can_sell + ' <b>' + nThousand(itemsSell) + '</b> <span class="imgMoney"></span>.';
lsMarket.stocks[loc_class] = (loc_class == 'potion' || loc_class == 'gift') ? {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp} : {'Nb':itemsNb};
localStorage.setItem('HHS.lsMarket', JSON.stringify(lsMarket));
if (update == 0) {
loc.prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="' + tt_class + '">' + tooltip + '</div>');
else {
loc.children('.' + tt_class).html(tooltip);
$('plus').on('click', function (event) {
let stat = 'carac' + $(this).attr('for_carac');
heroData.infos[stat] += window.statsMultiplier[window.statsMultiplierIndex].nb;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
function modulePreventMythicBoosterSelling() {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const sellButton = $('#boosters-tab-container .right-container .bottom-container button[rel=sell]');
if($('#player-inventory.booster .slot.mythic.selected').length) sellButton.prop('disabled', true);
observer.observe($('#player-inventory.booster')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
function focusEquipmentKeeper() {
let selectedEquip;
let previousSelectedEquip;
const observerHero = new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(function() {
selectedEquip = $('#player-inventory-armor .selected')[0];
if (selectedEquip) {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.previousElementSibling;
if (previousSelectedEquip) {
if (previousSelectedEquip.className != "slot-container") {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.nextElementSibling.children[0];
else {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.previousElementSibling.children[0];
else {
previousSelectedEquip = selectedEquip.parentNode.nextElementSibling.children[0];
}, timeout)
observerHero.observe($('#player-inventory-armor')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container button[rel=use]').click(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #equiped .selected')).removeClass('selected');
setTimeout(function() {$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container button[rel=use]').prop('disabled', false)}, 100);
}, timeout);
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'margin-top: -25px;'
+ 'background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/qBDt6yHV/icon-question.png");'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT:hover {'
+ 'cursor: help;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .CustomTT:hover + div {'
+ 'opacity: 1;'
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 99;'
+ 'width: 240px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
+ 'border-radius: 8px;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
+ 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px;'
+ 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
+ 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
+ 'color: #057;'
+ 'opacity: 0;'
+ 'visibility: hidden;'
+ 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip {'
+ 'margin: -50px 0 0 30px;'
+ 'height: 43px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip {'
+ 'margin: -67px 0 0 30px;'
+ 'height: 60px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .EquipmentsTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .BoostersTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .BooksTooltip b, #player-inventory-container .GiftsTooltip b {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-container .imgMoney {'
+ 'background-size: 12px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'width: 12px;'
+ 'height: 14px;'
+ 'vertical-align: text-bottom;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/ic_topbar_soft_currency.png");'
+ 'display: inline-block;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats:hover {'
+ 'cursor: help;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: -550px;'
+ 'margin-top: 0px;'
+ 'background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/qBDt6yHV/icon-question.png");'
+ 'background-size: 18px 18px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'width: 18px;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'visibility: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .CustomStats:hover + div {'
+ 'opacity: 1; '
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .StatsTooltip {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'z-index: 99;'
+ 'margin: -30px 0 0 32px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
+ 'border-radius: 8px;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
+ 'padding: 2px 17px 2px 7px;'
+ 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
+ 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
+ 'text-align: left;'
+ 'white-space: nowrap;'
+ 'opacity: 0;'
+ 'visibility: hidden;'
+ 'color: #057;'
+ 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms;}'
sheet.insertRule('#my-hero-stats-upgrade-tab-container .upgrade-stats-container .StatsTooltip b {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipement-tab-container button[rel=buy_all] {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function moduleMarketRestockButton() {
sheet.insertRule('#books-tab-container .left-container .bottom-container, #gifts-tab-container .left-container .bottom-container {'
+ 'margin-right: 15px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: 114px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'top: 392px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#shops #gifts-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"], #shops #books-tab-container .top-container button[rel="shop_reload"] {'
+ 'top: 380px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#shops [rel="buy"], #shops [rel="buy_all"], #shops [rel="sell"], #shops [rel="shop_reload"], #shops [rel="use"] {'
+ 'max-width: 11rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.restock-timer > p {'
+ 'min-width: 155px;}'
/* ========================
======================== */
function moduleFilterArmorItems() {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero')) {
if (!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero')).resonance_class) {
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-vr'));
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-hr'));
$('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor').prepend($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor .nicescroll-rails-vr'));
$('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor').prepend($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor .nicescroll-rails-hr'));
$('#my-hero-tab-container .my-hero-content-tabs .my-hero-switch-tab[type="armor"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-vr'));
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-hr'));
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="player-stats"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-vr'));
$('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor').prepend($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-armor.armor .nicescroll-rails-hr'));
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="armor"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
$('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor').prepend($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor .nicescroll-rails-vr'));
$('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor').prepend($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory.armor .nicescroll-rails-hr'));
const getFavorites = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) || [];
const setFavorites = (favorites) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES', JSON.stringify(favorites));
const addToFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
if (favorites.includes(id)) {return}
const removeFromFavorites = (id) => {
const favorites = getFavorites()
const index = favorites.indexOf(id)
if (index < 0) {return}
favorites.splice(index, 1)
const getParamFilterHero = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero')) || {subtype: FILTER_DEFAULT, rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, stats: FILTER_DEFAULT, favorites: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class_type: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme_type: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterHero = (paramFilterHero) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.market_paramFilterHero', JSON.stringify(paramFilterHero));
const getParamFilterEquip = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.market_paramFilterEquip')) || {subtype: FILTER_DEFAULT, rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, stats: FILTER_DEFAULT, favorites: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class_type: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme_type: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterEquip = (paramFilterEquip) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.market_paramFilterEquip', JSON.stringify(paramFilterEquip));
const FILTER_DEFAULT = 'all';
const FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON = 'caracs/no_class.png';
const FILTER_OPTIONS = new (class {
get subtype () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/items/ET1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/items/EH1.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/items/EB1.png'},
{value: '4', icon: 'pictures/items/ES1.png'},
{value: '5', icon: 'pictures/items/EF1.png'},
{value: '6', icon: 'pictures/items/EA1.png'}
get rarity () {return [
{value: 'common', bgColor: '#8d8e9f'},
{value: 'rare', bgColor: '#23b56b'},
{value: 'epic', bgColor: '#ffb244'},
{value: 'legendary', bgImage: `url(${window.IMAGES_URL}/legendary.png)`},
{value: 'mythic', bgColor: 'transparent radial-gradient(closest-side at 50% 50%,#f5a866 0,#ec0039 51%,#9e0e27 100%) 0 0 no-repeat padding-box'}
get stats () {return [
{value: 'rainbow', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/16.svg'},
{value: 'hc', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: 'ch', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: 'kh', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'},
{value: 'end', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/4.png'},
{value: 'har', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
get favorites () {return [
{value: true, icon: 'design/ic_star_orange.svg'},
{value: false, icon: 'design/ic_star_white.svg'}
get resonance_class () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'}
get resonance_class_type () {return [
{value: 'damage', icon: 'caracs/damage.png'},
{value: 'ego', icon: 'caracs/ego.png'}
get resonance_theme () {return [
{value: 'multi', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Multicolored.png'},
{value: 'fire', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Eccentric.png'},
{value: 'nature', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Exhibitionist.png'},
{value: 'stone', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Physical.png'},
{value: 'sun', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Playful.png'},
{value: 'water', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Sensual.png'},
{value: 'darkness', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Dominatrix.png'},
{value: 'light', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Submissive.png'},
{value: 'psychic', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Voyeurs.png'}
get resonance_theme_type () {return [
{value: 'defense', icon: 'caracs/deff_undefined.png'},
{value: 'chance', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/5.png'}
subtype: {
flow: 'column',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
rarity: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
stats: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr',
favorites: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr auto',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_class_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_theme: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr 1fr'
resonance_theme_type: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
const STATS_MAP = {
rainbow: [16],
hc:[1, 6, 7, 8, 9],
ch: [2, 6, 10, 11, 12],
kh: [3, 7, 10, 13, 14],
end: [4, 8, 11, 13, 15],
har: [5, 9, 12, 14, 15],
const createGridSelectorItem = ({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage}) => (`<input type="radio" name=${location}-${id} id="${location}-${id}-${value}" value="${value}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == '' + value) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${value}">`
+ `${icon ? `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${icon}">` : ''}`
+ `${bgColor || bgImage ? `<div style="${bgColor?`background:${bgColor};`:''}${bgImage?`background-image:${bgImage};background-size:contain;`:''}"></div>` : ''}`
+ '</label>')
const createGridSelector = ({location, id, options, gridConfig}) => (`<div class="grid-selector" rel="${location}-${id}">`
+ '<div class="clear-selector">'
+ `<input type="radio" name="${location}-${id}" id="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}" class="${(currentFilter(location)[id] == FILTER_DEFAULT) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" value="${FILTER_DEFAULT}" />`
+ `<label for="${location}-${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}">`
+ `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON}" />`
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="selector-options" style="grid-auto-flow:${gridConfig.flow}; grid-template-rows:${gridConfig.rows}; grid-template-columns:${gridConfig.cols}">`
+ `${options.map(option => {
const {value, icon, bgColor, bgImage} = option
return createGridSelectorItem({location, id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage})
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<hr style="margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);">');
const createFilterBox = (location) => {
return $('<div style="position:relative">'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `${['subtype', 'rarity', 'stats', 'favorites'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ `<button id="reset_button-${location}" class="square_blue_btn">Reset</button>`
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="equip_filter_box resonance ${location} form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `<span>${window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_resonance_bonus}</span>`
+ `${['resonance_class', 'resonance_class_type', 'resonance_theme', 'resonance_theme_type'].map(key => createGridSelector({location : location, id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>')
const createFilterBtn = () => {
return $('<label class="equip_filter"><input type="button" class="blue_button_L" value="" /></label>')
const makeEquipKey = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{id_equip},{identifier, subtype}) => [identifier, subtype, id_equip, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip].join('_');
const makeEquipKeyMythic = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype},classIdentifier,classResonance,themeIdentifier,themeResonance) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance].join('_');
const currentFilter = (location) => (location == 'hero') ? this.currentFilterHero : this.currentFilterEquip;
this.currentFilterHero = getParamFilterHero();
this.currentFilterEquip = getParamFilterEquip();
function applyFilter($target, location) {
const favorites = getFavorites()
const $visibleEquips = $target.find('.slot:not(.empty)')
let visibleCount = 0
$visibleEquips.each((i,el) => {
const $el = $(el)
const equipData = $el.data('d')
const {name_add, rarity} = equipData.item
const {subtype} = equipData.skin
const classIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.identifier : 0
const classResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.resonance : 0
const themeIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? (equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.identifier || 'multi') : 0
const themeResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.resonance : 0
const equipKey = (rarity != 'mythic') ? makeEquipKey(equipData, equipData.item, equipData.skin) : makeEquipKeyMythic(equipData, equipData.skin, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance)
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(equipKey)
let $favoriteToggle = $el.find('.favorite-toggle')
if (!$favoriteToggle.length) {
$favoriteToggle = this.$favoriteToggle.clone().attr('data-equip-key', equipKey)
} else {
$favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite', isFavorite)
const subtypeMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.subtype == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.subtype == subtype) : (this.currentFilterEquip.subtype == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.subtype == subtype)
const rarityMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.rarity == rarity) : (this.currentFilterEquip.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.rarity == rarity)
const statsMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.stats == FILTER_DEFAULT || STATS_MAP[this.currentFilterHero.stats].includes(name_add)) : (this.currentFilterEquip.stats == FILTER_DEFAULT || STATS_MAP[this.currentFilterEquip.stats].includes(name_add))
const favoritesMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.favorites == FILTER_DEFAULT || JSON.parse(this.currentFilterHero.favorites) == isFavorite) : (this.currentFilterEquip.favorites == FILTER_DEFAULT || JSON.parse(this.currentFilterEquip.favorites) == isFavorite)
const classIdentifierMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class == classIdentifier) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class == classIdentifier)
const classResonanceMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_class_type == classResonance) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_class_type == classResonance)
const themeIdentifierMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme == themeIdentifier) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme == themeIdentifier)
const themeResonanceMatches = (location == 'hero') ? (this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterHero.resonance_theme_type == themeResonance) : (this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme_type == FILTER_DEFAULT || this.currentFilterEquip.resonance_theme_type == themeResonance)
if ([subtypeMatches, rarityMatches, statsMatches, favoritesMatches, classIdentifierMatches, classResonanceMatches, themeIdentifierMatches, themeResonanceMatches].every(a=>a)) {
} else {
const $container = $target
if (visibleCount < 12) {
const $visibleSlots = $container.find('.slot:visible()')
// pad with empty slots
let toPad = 12 - $visibleSlots.length
while (toPad > 0) {
$container.find('.slot').last().after('<div class="slot empty"></div>')
function checkSelection($target) {
let $selected = $target.find('.selected');
const sellButton = $('#equipement-tab-container .right-container .bottom-container button[rel=sell]');
const equipButton = $('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container .my-inventory-equipement-container .my-inventory .bottom-container button[rel=use]');
if ($selected.length){
if ($selected.is(':visible')) {
// check for favourite
const isFavorite = JSON.parse($selected.find('.favorite-toggle').attr('data-is-favorite'))
if (isFavorite) {
sellButton.prop('disabled', true)
} else {
// change selection
const $container = $target;
const index = $selected.index()
let $newSelection
let newSelection
// first, try after
$newSelection = $container.find(`.slot:gt(${index}):not(.empty):visible()`)
if ($newSelection.length) {
newSelection = $newSelection[0]
if (!newSelection) {
// try before instead
$newSelection = $container.find(`.slot:lt(${index}):not(.empty):visible()`)
if ($newSelection.length) {
newSelection = $newSelection[$newSelection.length - 1]
if (newSelection) {
} else {
// Nothing left visible, disable buttons
sellButton.prop('disabled', true);
equipButton.prop('disabled', true);
$(document).on('market:equips-updated', () => {
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero');
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip');
checkSelection($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'));
checkSelection($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'))
const attachFilterBox = ($target, location) => {
const $btn = createFilterBtn()
const $box = createFilterBox(location)
const $togglable = $box.find('.equip_filter_box')
$btn.click(() => $togglable.toggle())
$(`#reset_button-${location}`).click(() => resetFilter($target, location));
$box.find('input').each((i, input) => {
$(input).click((e) => {
const {value, name} = e.target;
$(`div[rel=${name}] .filter_selected`).removeClass('filter_selected');
let newName = name.split('-')[1]
if (location == 'hero') {
this.currentFilterHero[newName] = value;
else {
this.currentFilterEquip[newName] = value;
applyFilter($target, location)
function resetFilter($target, location) {
let formerSubtype = currentFilter(location).subtype;
let formerRarity = currentFilter(location).rarity;
let formerStats = currentFilter(location).stats;
let formerFavorites = currentFilter(location).favorites;
let formerClass = currentFilter(location).resonance_class;
let formerClassType = currentFilter(location).resonance_class_type;
let formerTheme = currentFilter(location).resonance_theme;
let formerThemeType = currentFilter(location).resonance_theme_type;
currentFilter(location).subtype = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).rarity = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).stats = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).favorites = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_class = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_class_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_theme = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter(location).resonance_theme_type = FILTER_DEFAULT;
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + formerSubtype).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-subtype-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + formerRarity).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-rarity-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + formerStats).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-stats-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + formerFavorites).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-favorites-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + formerClassType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_class_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + formerTheme).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + formerThemeType).removeClass('filter_selected');
$(`#${location}-resonance_theme_type-` + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
if (location == 'hero') setParamFilterHero(this.currentFilterHero);
else setParamFilterEquip(this.currentFilterEquip);
applyFilter($target, location);
this.$favoriteToggle = $('<div class="favorite-toggle"></div>')
this.favoriteToggleCallback = (e) => {
const $favoriteToggle = $(e.target)
const equipKey = `${$favoriteToggle.data('equip-key')}`
const isFavorite = JSON.parse($favoriteToggle.attr('data-is-favorite'))
if (isFavorite) {
} else {
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
attachFilterBox($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
attachFilterBox($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
applyFilter($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'hero')
applyFilter($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container'), 'equip')
const favouriteSafetyObserver1 = new MutationObserver(() => checkSelection($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')))
const favouriteSafetyObserver2 = new MutationObserver(() => checkSelection($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')))
favouriteSafetyObserver1.observe($('#my-hero-equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
favouriteSafetyObserver2.observe($('#equipement-tab-container #player-inventory-container')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
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if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')).zoo_MarketTweaks) {
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+ 'left: -662px !important;'
+ 'top: 10px !important;}'
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sheet.insertRule('.slot:hover .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"], .slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'display: block;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="false"] {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_white.svg");'
+ 'opacity: 0.7;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot .favorite-toggle[data-is-favorite="true"] {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(30, 38, 30, 0.7);'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_orange.svg");}'
sheet.insertRule('.filtered_out {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#player-inventory-armor .slot.empty, #player-inventory .slot.empty, #merchant-inventory .slot.empty {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
/* ==========================
========================== */
function moduleMythicEquipmentUpgrade() {
const fixFavoritesID = () => {
if(!localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) return [];
let favoritesID = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES'));
let newFavoritesID = [];
favoritesID.forEach(id => {
if (id.indexOf('-') != -1) {
let indexBegin = id.indexOf('-') - 3;
let indexEnd = id.lastIndexOf('-') + 3;
else newFavoritesID.push(id);
return newFavoritesID;
const getFavorites = () => JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.EQUIP_FAVORITES')) || [];
const makeEquipKey = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype}) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip].join('_');
const makeEquipKeyMythic = ({level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip},{identifier, subtype},classIdentifier,classResonance,themeIdentifier,themeResonance) => [identifier, subtype, level, carac1_equip, carac2_equip, carac3_equip, endurance_equip, chance_equip, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance].join('_');
function protectFavoriteItems() {
const favorites = fixFavoritesID();
const $visibleEquips = $('.mythic-equipment-panel .mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container .items-container').find('.slot');
if($('.item-container.protected.selected').length > 0) {
$('button#level-up').prop('disabled', true);
for (let i=0; i<$visibleEquips.length; i++) {
const $el = $visibleEquips[i];
const equipData = JSON.parse($el.dataset.d)
const {name_add, rarity} = equipData.item
const {subtype} = equipData.skin
const classIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.identifier : 0
const classResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.class.resonance : 0
const themeIdentifier = (rarity == 'mythic') ? (equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.identifier || 'multi') : 0
const themeResonance = (rarity == 'mythic') ? equipData.resonance_bonuses.theme.resonance : 0
const equipKey = (rarity != 'mythic') ? makeEquipKey(equipData, equipData.skin) : makeEquipKeyMythic(equipData, equipData.skin, classIdentifier, classResonance, themeIdentifier, themeResonance)
const isFavorite = favorites.includes(equipKey)
if (isFavorite) {
let $favoriteToggle = $($el).find('.favorite-toggle')
if (!$favoriteToggle.length) {
$($el).append('<div class="favorite-toggle"></div>');
sheet.insertRule('.item-container.protected .slot .favorite-toggle {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'top: 0px;'
+ 'right: 0px;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design/ic_star_orange.svg");'
+ 'background-size: 22px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-color: rgba(30, 38, 30, 0.7);'
+ 'z-index: 1;'
+ 'border-top-right-radius: 5px;'
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;}'
const favouriteSafetyObserver = new MutationObserver(() => protectFavoriteItems());
favouriteSafetyObserver.observe($('.mythic-equipment-panel .mythic-equipment-container .inventory-section .inventory-container .items-container')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
/* ===================
=================== */
function moduleHarem() {
const haremGirls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'));
let stats = [];
let haremRight = $('#harem_right');
stats.girls = 0;
stats.level_max = 0;
stats.hourlyMoney = 0;
stats.allCollect = 0;
stats.unlockedScenes = 0;
stats.allScenes = 0;
stats.rarities = {starting: 0, common: 0, rare: 0, epic: 0, legendary: 0, mythic: 0};
stats.elements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
stats.caracs = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0};
stats.stars = {affection: 0, money: 0, kobans: 0};
stats.xp = 0;
stats.LMxp = 0;
stats.affection = 0;
stats.money = 0;
stats.kobans = 0;
stats.grades = {starting: {3: 0, 5: 0}, common: {1: 0, 3: 0, 5: 0}, rare: {3: 0, 5: 0}, epic: {3: 0, 5: 0}, legendary: {3: 0, 5: 0}, mythic: {6: 0}};
stats.gemsRequirements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
stats.awakeningStages = {250: 0, 300: 0, 350: 0, 400: 0, 450: 0, 500: 0, 550: 0, 600: 0, 650: 0, 700: 0}
let EvoReq = [];
let starting = [];
starting.push({affection: 90, money: 36000, kobans: 36, taffection: 90, tmoney: 36000, tkobans: 36});
starting.push({affection: 225, money: 90000, kobans: 60, taffection: 315, tmoney: 126000, tkobans: 96});
starting.push({affection: 563, money: 225000, kobans: 114, taffection: 878, tmoney: 351000, tkobans: 210});
starting.push({affection: 1125, money: 450000, kobans: 180, taffection: 2003, tmoney: 801000, tkobans: 390});
starting.push({affection: 2250, money: 900000, kobans: 300, taffection: 4253, tmoney: 1701000, tkobans: 690});
EvoReq.starting = starting;
let commonGirls = [];
commonGirls.push({affection: 180, money: 72000, kobans: 72, taffection: 180, tmoney: 72000, tkobans: 72});
commonGirls.push({affection: 450, money: 180000, kobans: 120, taffection: 630, tmoney: 252000, tkobans: 192});
commonGirls.push({affection: 1125, money: 450000, kobans: 228, taffection: 1755, tmoney: 702000, tkobans: 420});
commonGirls.push({affection: 2250, money: 900000, kobans: 360, taffection: 4005, tmoney: 1602000, tkobans: 780});
commonGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 600, taffection: 8505, tmoney: 3402000, tkobans: 1380});
EvoReq.common = commonGirls;
let rareGirls = [];
rareGirls.push({affection: 540, money: 216000, kobans: 216, taffection: 540, tmoney: 216000, tkobans: 216});
rareGirls.push({affection: 1350, money: 540000, kobans: 360, taffection: 1890, tmoney: 756000, tkobans: 576});
rareGirls.push({affection: 3375, money: 1350000, kobans: 678, taffection: 5265, tmoney: 2106000, tkobans: 1254});
rareGirls.push({affection: 6750, money: 2700000, kobans: 1080, taffection: 12015, tmoney: 4806000, tkobans: 2334});
rareGirls.push({affection: 13500, money: 5400000, kobans: 1800, taffection: 25515, tmoney: 10206000, tkobans: 4134});
EvoReq.rare = rareGirls;
let epicGirls = [];
epicGirls.push({affection: 1260, money: 504000, kobans: 504, taffection: 1260, tmoney: 504000, tkobans: 504});
epicGirls.push({affection: 3150, money: 1260000, kobans: 840, taffection: 4410, tmoney: 1764000, tkobans: 1344});
epicGirls.push({affection: 7875, money: 3150000, kobans: 1578, taffection: 12285, tmoney: 4914000, tkobans: 2922});
epicGirls.push({affection: 15750, money: 6300000, kobans: 2520, taffection: 28035, tmoney: 11214000, tkobans: 5442});
epicGirls.push({affection: 31500, money: 12600000, kobans: 4200, taffection: 59535, tmoney: 23814000, tkobans: 9642});
EvoReq.epic = epicGirls;
let legendGirls = [];
legendGirls.push({affection: 1800, money: 720000, kobans: 720, taffection: 1800, tmoney: 720000, tkobans: 720});
legendGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 1200, taffection: 6300, tmoney: 2520000, tkobans: 1920});
legendGirls.push({affection: 11250, money: 4500000, kobans: 2250, taffection: 17550, tmoney: 7020000, tkobans: 4170});
legendGirls.push({affection: 22500, money: 9000000, kobans: 3600, taffection: 40050, tmoney: 16020000, tkobans: 7770});
legendGirls.push({affection: 45000, money: 18000000, kobans: 6000, taffection: 85050, tmoney: 34020000, tkobans: 13770});
EvoReq.legendary = legendGirls;
let mythicGirls = [];
mythicGirls.push({affection: 4500, money: 1800000, kobans: 1800, taffection: 4500, tmoney: 1800000, tkobans: 1800});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 11250, money: 4500000, kobans: 3000, taffection: 15750, tmoney: 6300000, tkobans: 4800});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 28125, money: 11300000, kobans: 5628, taffection: 43875, tmoney: 17600000, tkobans: 10428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 56250 , money: 22500000, kobans: 9000, taffection: 100125, tmoney: 40100000, tkobans: 19428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 112500, money: 45000000, kobans: 15000, taffection: 212625, tmoney: 85100000, tkobans: 34428});
mythicGirls.push({affection: 225000, money: 90000000, kobans: 18000, taffection: 437625, tmoney: 175100000, tkobans: 52428});
EvoReq.mythic = mythicGirls;
try {
haremGirls.forEach((data) => {
let girl = data[1];
stats.allCollect += girl.salary;
stats.level_max += (250 + girl.awakening_level * 50);
stats.hourlyMoney += Math.round(girl.salary_per_hour);
stats.unlockedScenes += girl.graded;
stats.allScenes += parseInt(girl.nb_grades, 10);
let nbgrades = parseInt(girl.nb_grades, 10);
if (girl.graded != nbgrades) {
stats.affection += EvoReq[girl.rarity][nbgrades - 1].taffection - girl.Affection.cur;
let currentLevelMoney = 0,
currentLevelKobans = 0;
if (girl.graded != 0) {
currentLevelMoney = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tmoney;
currentLevelKobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tkobans;
stats.money += EvoReq[girl.rarity][nbgrades - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
stats.kobans += Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.rarity][nbgrades - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
stats.kobans += EvoReq[girl.rarity][nbgrades - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
let expToMax = (GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[girl.rarity][(250 + girl.awakening_level * 50) - 2] - girl.Xp.cur);
if (expToMax < 0) expToMax = 0;
stats.xp += expToMax;
if(nbgrades >= 5 && (girl.rarity == 'legendary' || girl.rarity == 'mythic')) {
let expToLvlMax = (GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[girl.rarity][lvl_max_girl - 2] - girl.Xp.cur);
if (expToLvlMax < 0) expToLvlMax = 0;
stats.LMxp += expToLvlMax;
//Girls number per awakening stage
let girlLevel = parseInt(girl.level, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < AWAKENING_LEVELS.length; i++) {
if (girlLevel >= AWAKENING_LEVELS[i]) {
//Gems needed only for 5* and mythic girls
if (girl.awakening_level < (AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.rarity].length-1) && nbgrades >= 5 && (girl.rarity == 'legendary' || girl.rarity == 'mythic')) {
for (let i = (girl.awakening_level+1); i < AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.rarity].length; i++) {
stats.gemsRequirements[girl.element] += AWAKENING_GEMS_COST[girl.rarity][i];
} catch(err) {console.log("Visit the team edition page to get harem girls data")}
/*let awakening_lvl_max;
for (let i=0; i < AWAKENING_LEVELS.length; i++) {
if (stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[i]] >= AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[i]) {
awakening_lvl_max = AWAKENING_LEVELS[i];
let MarketStocks;
try {
let lsMarket = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.lsMarket')),
d = new Date(lsMarket.restock.time),
if (new Date() > lsMarket.restock.time || heroData.infos.level > lsMarket.restock.herolvl) {
RestockInfo = '> The <a href="' + transformNutakuURL("../shop.html") + '">Market</a> restocked since your last visit.';
else {
let marketBookTxt = lsMarket.buyable.potion.Nb + ' ' + (lsMarket.buyable.potion.Nb > 1 ? labels.books : labels.book) + ' (' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.Xp) + ' ' + labels.Xp + ')',
marketGiftTxt = lsMarket.buyable.gift.Nb + ' ' + (lsMarket.buyable.gift.Nb > 1 ? labels.gifts : labels.gift) + ' (' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.Xp) + ' ' + labels.affection + ')';
RestockInfo = '- ' + marketBookTxt + ' = ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.ValueYmens) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> ' + labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.potion.ValueKobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans icon-small"></span>'
+ '<br />- ' + marketGiftTxt + ' = ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.ValueYmens) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> ' + labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(lsMarket.buyable.gift.ValueKobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans icon-small"></span>'
+ '<br /><font style="color: gray;">' + labels.restock + ': ' + d.toLocaleString() + ' (' + labels.or_level + ' ' + (heroData.infos.level+1) + ')</font>';
MarketStocks =
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos market-stocks">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Equipments + '"><span class="equipments-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.armor.Nb) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Boosters + '"><span class="boosters-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.booster.Nb) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Books + '"><span class="books-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Nb) + '<br />(' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ') </span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.Gifts + '"><span class="gifts-icon icon-big"></span><span>' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Nb) + '<br />(' + nThousand(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.Aff + ') </span></span></li></ul>'
+ '<span class="subTitle">' + labels.currently_buyable + ':</span>'
+ RestockInfo;
} catch(e) {
MarketStocks = (window.lsAvailable == 'yes') ? '> ' + labels.visit_the : '> ' + labels.not_compatible;
let StatsString = '<div class="StatsContent">' +
'<div>' +
'<span class="Title">' + labels.harem_stats + ':</span>' +
'<span class="subTitle" style="margin-top: -10px;">' + nThousand(stats.girls) + ' ' + labels.haremettes + '</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-class">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[0] + '"><span carac="1"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[1] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[1] + '"><span carac="2"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[2] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.caracs.split('\n')[2] + '"><span carac="3"></span><span>' + stats.caracs[3] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarities">' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '"><span class="initial">C</span><span>' + (stats.rarities.starting + stats.rarities.common) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">1<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['1'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="common-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.common['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '"><span class="initial">R</span><span>' + stats.rarities.rare + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.rare['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="rare-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.rare['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '"><span class="initial">E</span><span>' + stats.rarities.epic + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.epic['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="epic-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.epic['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '"><span class="initial">L</span><span>' + stats.rarities.legendary + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li style="text-align: center;">' + labels.including + ': </li>' +
'<li></li>' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">3<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.legendary['3'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li class="legendary-rarity"><span class="stars"><span class="initial">5<span class="imgStar icon-small"></span></span><span>' + stats.grades.legendary['5'] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-rarity">' +
'<li class="mythic-rarity"><span class="rarity-tooltip" tooltip="' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '"><span class="initial">M</span><span>' + stats.rarities.mythic + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-elements">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '"><span class="element darkness_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.darkness + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '"><span class="element light_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.light + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '"><span class="element psychic_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.psychic + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '"><span class="element fire_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.fire + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '"><span class="element nature_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.nature + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '"><span class="element stone_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.stone + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '"><span class="element sun_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.sun + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '"><span class="element water_elem icon"></span><span>' + stats.elements.water + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-xp">' +
'<li><span><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + '</span><span>' + nThousand(localeStringToNumber(document.getElementsByClassName('focus_text')[0].innerHTML)) + ' / ' + nThousand(stats.level_max) + ' <br />(' + nThousand(stats.level_max - localeStringToNumber(document.getElementsByClassName('focus_text')[0].innerHTML)) + ')</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_get_tier_max_level + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.XP + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.xp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ' (' + nThousand(stats.xp * 200) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_get_max_level + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.XP + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.LMxp) + ' ' + window.GT.design.XP + ' (' + nThousand(stats.LMxp * 200) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-aff">' +
'<li><span><span class="imgStar icon"></span><span>' + stats.unlockedScenes + ' / ' + stats.allScenes + ' <br />(' + nThousand(stats.allScenes - stats.unlockedScenes) + ' <span class="emptyStar icon-small"></span>)</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.required_to_unlock + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Aff + '</span><span>' + addPriceRow2('', stats.affection, stats.money) + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + window.GT.design.awakening + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-awakening">' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[0] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[0]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[0] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[1] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[1]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[1] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[2] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[2]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[2] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[3] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[3]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[3] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[4] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[4]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[4] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[5] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[5]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[5] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[6] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[6]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[6] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[7] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[7]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[7] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[8] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[8]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[8] + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span><span class="awakening-lvl">' + window.GT.design.Lvl + ' ' + AWAKENING_LEVELS[9] + '</span><span>' + stats.awakeningStages[AWAKENING_LEVELS[9]] + ' / ' + AWAKENING_REQUIREMENT[9] + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_income + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos girls-income">' +
'<li><span><span class="imgMoney icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(stats.hourlyMoney) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span> /' + window.GT.time.h + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + labels.when_all_collectable + '"><span class="initial">' + window.GT.design.Max + '</span><span>' + nThousand(stats.allCollect) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span></span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<span class="subTitle">' + labels.my_stocks + ':</span>' +
'<ul class="grid-harem-infos gems-stock">' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.darkness_gem + '"><span class="gems darkness_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.darkness.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.light_gem + '"><span class="gems light_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.light.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.psychic_gem + '"><span class="gems psychic_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.psychic.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.fire_gem + '"><span class="gems fire_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.fire.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.nature_gem + '"><span class="gems nature_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.nature.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.stone_gem + '"><span class="gems stone_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.stone.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.sun_gem + '"><span class="gems sun_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.sun.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'<li><span tooltip="' + window.GT.design.water_gem + '"><span class="gems water_gem icon"></span><span>' + nThousand(parseInt(window.player_gems_amount.water.amount)) + '</span></span></li>' +
'</ul>' +
MarketStocks +
'</div>' +
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+ '<img f="stats" src="https://i.postimg.cc/8cYj8QmP/icon-info.png">'
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this.$containerHarem = $('<div class="script-harem-info-container fixed_scaled"></div>');
this.$containerHarem.append('<div id="TabsContainer">' + StatsString + '</div>');
function addPriceRow2(rowName, affection, money) {
return '<b>' + rowName + '</b> ' +
nThousand(affection) + ' ' + window.GT.design.Aff + ' (' + nThousand(affection * 417) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>)<br />' +
labels.and + ' ' + nThousand(money) + ' <span class="imgMoney icon-small"></span>';
function addPriceRowGirl(rowName, affection, money, kobans) {
return '<b>' + rowName + ':</b> ' +
nThousand(affection) + ' ' + labels.affection + (affection > 1 && lang == 'fr' ? 's' : '') + ' (' + nThousand(affection * 417) + ' <span class="imgMoney"></span>) ' + labels.and + ' ' +
nThousand(money) + ' <span class="imgMoney"></span> ' + labels.or + ' ' +
nThousand(kobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans"></span><br />';
$('.girls_list').click(function() {
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 3*timeout);
$('#filtering_girls').click(function() {
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 5*timeout);
setTimeout(() => {updateInfo()}, 5*timeout);
function updateInfo() {
haremRight.children('[girl]').each(function() {
let girlID = $(this).attr('girl');
let girl = window.girlsDataList[girlID];
//for Wiki FR
let girlName = girl.name.replaceAll("’", "-").replaceAll("/", "-");
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'comix_c' && window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'nutaku_c' && window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'star_t' && window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'nutaku_t' && window.HH_UNIVERSE != "dotcom_startrans" && window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'nutaku_startrans' && window.HH_UNIVERSE != "dotcom_stargay" && window.HH_UNIVERSE != "nutaku_stargay") {
if ($(this).find('.middle_part .WikiLink h3').length == 0) {
if (!(girl.shards == 100)) {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
$(this).find('.middle_part.missing_girl .dialog-box').after('<div class="WikiLinkDialogbox"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else if (lang == 'en') {
$(this).find('.middle_part.missing_girl .dialog-box').after('<div class="WikiLinkDialogbox"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else {
$(this).find('.middle_part.missing_girl .dialog-box').after('<div class="WikiLinkDialogbox"><a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID + '" target="_blank"> ' + labels.wiki + girl.name + ' </a></div>');
if ((girl.shards == 100) && ($('#harem_right .WikiLink').length == 0)) {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
$(this).find('.middle_part h3').after('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else if (lang == 'en') {
$(this).find('.middle_part h3').after('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + girl.name + labels.wiki + ' </a></div>');
else {
$(this).find('.middle_part h3').after('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID + '" target="_blank"> ' + labels.wiki + girl.name + ' </a></div>');
else {
let newHref = '';
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
newHref = 'https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + girlName;
else if (lang == 'fr') {
newHref = 'http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + girlID;
else {
newHref = 'https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName;
$(this).find('.middle_part .WikiLink a').attr('href', newHref);
let i = 0,
FirstLockedScene = 1,
AffectionTT = labels.evolution_costs + ':<br />',
ScenesLink = '',
girl_quests = $(this).find('.girl_quests');
girl_quests.find('g').each(function() {
let aff = 0,
money = 0,
kobans = 0;
let currentLevelMoney = 0,
currentLevelKobans = 0;
if (girl.graded != 0) {
currentLevelMoney = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tmoney;
currentLevelKobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][girl.graded - 1].tkobans;
if (girl.graded >= i) {
else if ((girl.graded + 1) == i && girl.Affection.level == i) {
money = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
kobans = Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
kobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
else {
aff = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].taffection - girl.Affection.cur;
money = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tmoney - currentLevelMoney;
if (window.hh_nutaku) {
kobans = Math.ceil((EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans) / 6);
else {
kobans = EvoReq[girl.rarity][i - 1].tkobans - currentLevelKobans;
AffectionTT += addPriceRowGirl(i + '</b><span class="imgStar"></span>', aff, money, kobans);
ScenesLink += (ScenesLink == '') ? 'hh_scenes=' : ',';
if ($(this).hasClass('grey') || $(this).hasClass('green')) {
if (FirstLockedScene == 0) {
ScenesLink += '0';
else {
FirstLockedScene = 0;
let isUpgradable = girl_quests.parent().children('.green_text_button');
ScenesLink += (isUpgradable.length) ? '0.' + isUpgradable.attr('href').substr(7) : '0';
else {
let attrHref = $(this).parent().attr('href');
if (typeof attrHref != 'undefined') {
ScenesLink += attrHref.substr(7);
girl_quests.children('a').each(function() {
let attr = $(this).attr('href');
if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false) {
$(this).attr('href', attr + '?' + ScenesLink);
ScenesLink = '';
girl_quests.parent().children('h4').prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="AffectionTooltip">' + AffectionTT + '</div>');
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const elements = Object.keys(ELEMENTS_ICON_NAMES)
const displayGemStock = () => {
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+ `${elements.map(element => `
<td><img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/design/gems/${element}.png"></td>
<td>${nThousand(+window.player_gems_amount[element].amount)} (${nThousand(stats.gemsRequirements[element]-(+window.player_gems_amount[element].amount))})</td>
+ '</tody></table>'.replace(/(\n| {4})/g, '');
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+ 'top: 40px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar img {'
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+ 'margin-right: 3px; '
+ 'margin-bottom: 3px; '
+ 'opacity: 0.5;}'
sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar img:hover {'
+ 'opacity: 1; '
+ 'cursor: pointer;}'
sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar .TopBottomLinks {'
+ 'float: right; '
+ 'margin-top: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar a {'
+ 'color: #008;'
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer a {'
+ 'color: lightcoral;'
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .WikiLink a {'
+ 'color: #87CEFA;'
+ 'text-decoration: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar a:hover, #TabsContainer a:hover, #harem_right .WikiLink a:hover {'
+ 'color: #B14;'
+ 'text-decoration: underline;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .CustomTT {'
+ 'float: right; '
+ 'margin-left: -25px; '
+ 'margin-top: -5px; '
+ 'background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/qBDt6yHV/icon-question.png"); '
+ 'background-size: 18px 18px; '
+ 'width: 18px; '
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+ 'visibility: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .CustomTT:hover {'
+ 'cursor: help;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .CustomTT:hover + div {'
+ 'opacity: 1; '
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .AffectionTooltip {'
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'z-index: 99; '
+ 'margin: 20px 0 0 0; '
+ 'display: block; overflow: auto; '
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215); '
+ 'border-radius: 8px; '
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); '
+ 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px; '
+ 'background-color: #F2F2F2; '
+ 'color: #1E90FF; '
+ 'font: normal 9px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; '
+ 'text-align: left; '
+ 'text-shadow: none; '
+ 'opacity: 0; '
+ 'visibility: hidden; '
+ 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .AffectionTooltip b {'
+ 'font-weight: bold;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .WikiLink {'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#harem_whole .WikiLink {'
+ 'z-index:99;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .WikiLinkDialogbox a {'
+ 'font-size: 14px;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'margin-top: 100px;'
+ 'margin-left: -117px;'
+ 'width: 235px;'
+ 'text-decoration: none; '
+ 'color: #24a0ff !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#harem_whole .WikiLinkDialogbox a:hover {'
+ 'text-decoration: underline;}'
/* ===============
=============== */
function moduleHaremFilter() {
function createAndAttach() {
const $teamsButton = createTeamsButton();
$('#filtering_girls .reset-filters-container').prepend($teamsButton);
const $teamsBox = createTeamsBox();
const bdsmTeams = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary'))
$teamsBox.find('.team-slot-container').click(function () {
$teamsBox.find('.team-selection').css('display', 'none');
$teamsBox.find('.close-team-selection').click(() => $teamsBox.find('.team-selection').css('display', 'none'))
if (bdsmTeams) {
const {teamsDict} = bdsmTeams;
Array.from($('.team-slot-container')).forEach((team) => {
team.addEventListener('click', () => {
const girlDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap')));
let avatarList = [];
let girlsTeam = teamsDict[$(team).attr('data-id-team')].girls;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(girlsTeam));
girlsTeam.forEach((girlId) => {
let avatar = 0;
if (girlDictionary.get(girlId)) avatar = girlDictionary.get(girlId).avatar;
avatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girlId + "/ava" + avatar + "-1200x.webp")
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(avatarList));
function createTeamsButton() {
return $(`<button id="teams-filter" class="square_blue_btn">${labels.teams}</button>`);
function createTeamsBox() {
const bdsmTeams = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary'))
if (!bdsmTeams) {
return $(`
<div style="position:relative">
<div class="team-selection" style="display: none;">
<span class="close-team-selection"></span>
const {teamIds, teamsDict} = bdsmTeams
return $(`
<div style="position:relative">
<div class="team-selection" style="display: none;">
<span class="close-team-selection"></span>
<div class="teams-grid-container rarity-background">
${teamIds.map(teamId => teamsDict[teamId]).map(team => `
<a class="team-slot-container ${team.iconRarity}" data-id-team="${team.teamId}" data-girl-ids='${JSON.stringify(team.girls)}' href="${transformNutakuURL(`/girl/${team.girls[0]}`)}">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls/${team.iconId}/ico${team.iconLevel}.png" />
${team.themeElements ? `
<div class="theme-icons">
${team.themeElements.map(element=>`<img class="theme-icon" src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls_elements/${element}.png"/>`).join('')}
` : ''}
sheet.insertRule('#filtering_girls > .form-wrapper .reset-filters-container {'
+ 'justify-content: space-around;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-selection {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'left: 46px;'
+ 'top: 50px;'
+ 'width: 400px;'
+ 'height: fit-content;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'padding-bottom: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`.teams-grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;
grid-row-gap: 1rem;
padding: 0.4rem 0.9rem 0.4rem 0.9rem;
margin-right: -1rem;
& .team-slot-container > img {
border-radius: 0.4rem;}}`
sheet.insertRule('.teams-grid-container {'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;'
+ 'grid-row-gap: 1rem;'
+ 'padding: 0.4rem 0.9rem 0.4rem 0.9rem;'
+ 'margin-right: -1rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.teams-grid-container .team-slot-container > img {'
+ 'border-radius: 0.4rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.close-team-selection, .close-filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'background-size: cover;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/clubs/ic_xCross.png");'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 35px;'
+ 'top: -16px;'
+ 'right: -17px;'
+ 'cursor: pointer;}'
sheet.insertRule('[rel="select-team"] {'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'height: 36px;'
+ 'padding-top: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.theme-icons {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -10px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.theme-icon {'
+ 'width: 26px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#filtering_girls .form-wrapper .form-control .checkbox-group {'
+ 'margin: 1px 0 5px 0 !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#filtering_girls > .form-wrapper .reset-filters-container, #reset-filters {'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'height: max-content;}'
sheet.insertRule('#teams-filter {'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'height: max-content !important;'
+ 'width: 250px;}'
//Add previous/next arrows on girl screen to navigate easily between the harem filtered girls
function haremGetFilteredGirls() {
setTimeout(function() {
let filteredGirlsList = [];
let filteredAvatarList = [];
let girlsDictionary = [];
if (!$('#harem_left .harem-top-controls .nb_girls').length)
$('#harem_left .harem-top-controls').after('<div class="nb_girls">' + window.GT.design.Girls + ' : '
+ '<span id="girls_nb" style="color: #fff">' + nThousand(Object.keys(window.girlsDataList).length) + '</span></div>');
if (Object.keys(window.girlsDataList).length > 0) {
girlsDictionary = Object.keys(girlsDataList).map(function(cle) {return girlsDataList[cle];})
girlsDictionary.forEach((girl) => {if (girl.shards >= 100) {
filteredAvatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girl.id_girl + "/ava" + girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.charAt(girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.indexOf("ico")+3) + "-1200x.webp");
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(filteredGirlsList));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(filteredAvatarList));
new MutationObserver(() => {
let filteredGirlsList = [];
let filteredAvatarList = [];
let girlsDictionary = [];
$('#girls_nb')[0].textContent = nThousand($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length);
if ($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < $('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length; i++) {
let girl_id = parseInt($($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl')[i]).attr('girl'), 10)
girlsDictionary.forEach((girl) => {if (girl.shards >= 100) {
filteredAvatarList.push(window.IMAGES_URL + "/pictures/girls/" + girl.id_girl + "/ava" + girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.charAt(girlsDataList[girl.id_girl].ico.indexOf("ico")+3) + "-1200x.webp");
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList', JSON.stringify(filteredGirlsList));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList', JSON.stringify(filteredAvatarList));
}).observe($('#harem_left .girls_list')[0], {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'color: #ffb827;'
+ 'letter-spacing: .22px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000,-1px 1px 0 #000,-1px -1px 0 #000,1px -1px 0 #000;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#harem_left .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#harem_left .buttons_container {'
+ 'height: 4rem !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#harem_left .general_girls_console {'
+ 'margin-bottom: -5px !important;}}'
}, 2*timeout);
function haremGirlsShortcut() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>');
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.until-next-grade').length > 0) {
$('p.until-next-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('p.until-max-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.girl_exp_left').length > 0) {
$('p.girl_exp_left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('p.girl-awakening-exp-left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('#gifts_tab').click(function() {
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.until-next-grade').length > 0) {
$('p.until-next-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('p.until-max-grade')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'à l'étoile ";
$('#books_tab').click(function() {
if (!$('#experience #displayGirlXP').length) {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>')
if(pageLang == 'fr' && $('p.girl_exp_left').length > 0) {
$('p.girl_exp_left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
$('p.girl-awakening-exp-left')[0].childNodes[0].textContent = "Jusqu'au lvl. ";
if ($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level').length > 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
$('#displayGirlXP').text(nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.Xp.cur, 10)) + ' XP')
}).observe($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level')[0], {childList: true})
}, 1000);
const idCurrentGirl = parseInt(window.girl.id_girl, 10);
const filteredGirlsList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.filteredGirlsList'));
const filteredAvatarList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.filteredAvatarList'));
const nbGirls = filteredGirlsList.length
const currentIndex = filteredGirlsList.indexOf(idCurrentGirl);
const previousIndex = (nbGirls + currentIndex - 1) % nbGirls;
const nextIndex = (nbGirls + currentIndex + 1) % nbGirls;
const idPreviousGirl = filteredGirlsList[previousIndex];
const idNextGirl = filteredGirlsList[nextIndex];
$('#experience .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=experience') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#experience .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=experience') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#affection .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=affection') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#affection .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=affection') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#equipment .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=equipment') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#equipment .girl-section').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=equipment') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#skills .girl-skills-overlay').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idPreviousGirl + '?resource=skills') + '" id="previous_girl" class="quicknav-skills prev"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[previousIndex] + '"></a>');
$('#skills .girl-skills-overlay').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/girl/' + idNextGirl + '?resource=skills') + '" id="next_girl" class="quicknav-skills next"><img src="' + filteredAvatarList[nextIndex] + '"></a>');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[0]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[0]).css('left', '25px');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[1]).css('position', 'relative');
$($('.girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column')[1]).css('left', '-35px');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('position', 'relative');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('left', '-5px');
$('.girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper').css('top', '-20px');
new MutationObserver(() => {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .bar-section .top-text p:first').after('<span id="displayGirlXP" style="position: absolute; top: -3px; left: 124px; width: 100px; text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(153,68,0,.35); background: linear-gradient(to top,#ff9000 0,#ffec18 100%); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;">' + nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.xp, 10)) + ' XP</span>');
}, 4*timeout);
if ($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level').length > 0) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
$('#displayGirlXP').text(nThousand(parseInt(window.girl.Xp.cur, 10)) + ' XP')
}).observe($('#experience .girl-section .girl-lower-info .girl-resource-section .girl_exp_left .xp-next-level')[0], {childList: true});
}).observe($('#girl-leveler-tabs')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 100px;'
+ 'bottom: 156px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 100px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav.prev {'
+ 'left: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills.prev {'
+ 'margin-left: 20px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav.next {'
+ 'left: 405px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav-skills.next {'
+ 'margin-left: 360px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav img, .quicknav-skills img {'
+ 'opacity: 0.8;'
+ 'width: 100%;}'
sheet.insertRule('.quicknav img:hover, .quicknav-skills img:hover {'
+ 'opacity: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.overlayed-title {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 10px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.overlayed-title {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 5px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#girl-leveler-tabs {'
+ 'top: 5px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#experience .girl-lower-info, #affection .girl-lower-info {'
+ 'margin-top: 5px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#equipment .girl-lower-info {'
+ 'margin-top: -14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#experience .girl-lower-info, #affection .girl-lower-info {'
+ 'margin-top: -5px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#equipment .girl-lower-info {'
+ 'margin-top: -26px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column:nth-child(1) {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'left: 25px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .item-column:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'left: -35px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .girl-section .girl-avatar .girl-avatar-wrapper {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'top: -20px !important;'
+ 'left: -5px !important;}'
function moduleTeamsCollector() {
const ID_FROM_URL_REGEX = /(?<id>[0-9]+)\/ico(?<level>[0-9])(-[0-9]+x)?\.[a-z]+(\?v=[0-9]+)?$/i
const ELEMENT_FROM_URL_REGEX = /(?<element>[A-Z][a-z]+)\.[a-z]+(\?v=[0-9]+)?$/i
const extractIdFromUrl = (url) => {
const matches = url.match(ID_FROM_URL_REGEX)
if (!matches || !matches.groups) {
return {}
const {groups: {id, level}} = matches
return {id, level}
const extractElementFromUrl = (url) => {
const matches = url.match(ELEMENT_FROM_URL_REGEX)
if (!matches || !matches.groups) {
const {groups: {element}} = matches
return element
const teamsDict = {}
const teamIds = []
$('.team-slot-container[data-is-empty!="1"][data-is-locked!="1"]').each((i, slot) => {
const teamId = $(slot).data('id-team')
const icon = $(slot).find('img').attr('girl-ico-src')
const {id: iconId, level: iconLevel} = extractIdFromUrl(icon)
const themeIcons = $(slot).find('.team-slot-themes-container img').map((i,el)=>$(el).attr('src')).toArray()
const themeElements = themeIcons.map(extractElementFromUrl)
const classes = $(slot).attr('class').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ')
const iconRarity = ['mythic', 'legendary', 'epic', 'rare', 'common', 'starting'].find(rarity => classes.includes(rarity))
teamsDict[teamId] = {
const teamsData = window.teams_data;
let i=1;
while(!teamsData[i].locked && teamsData[i].id_team != null) {
const id_team = teamsData[i].id_team;
const girls = [];
for(let j=0; j<teamsData[i].girls_ids.length; j++) {
const girlId = parseInt(teamsData[i].girls_ids[j], 10);
teamsDict[id_team].girls = girls;
const teams = {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.TeamsDictionary', JSON.stringify(teams));
function moduleFilterGirlsItems() {
const getParamFilterGirlsItems = () => localStorage.getItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems')) : {rarity: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_class: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_theme: FILTER_DEFAULT, resonance_figure: FILTER_DEFAULT};
const setParamFilterGirlsItems = (paramFilterGirlsItems) => localStorage.setItem('HHS.paramFilterGirlsItems', JSON.stringify(paramFilterGirlsItems));
const FILTER_DEFAULT = 'all';
const FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON = 'caracs/no_class.png';
const FILTER_OPTIONS = new (class {
get rarity () {return [
{value: 'common', bgColor: '#8d8e9f'},
{value: 'rare', bgColor: '#23b56b'},
{value: 'epic', bgColor: '#ffb244'},
{value: 'legendary', bgImage: `url(${window.IMAGES_URL}/legendary.png)`},
{value: 'mythic', bgColor: 'transparent radial-gradient(closest-side at 50% 50%,#f5a866 0,#ec0039 51%,#9e0e27 100%) 0 0 no-repeat padding-box'}
get resonance_class () {return [
{value: '1', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: 'pictures/misc/items_icons/3.png'}
get resonance_theme () {return [
{value: 'darkness', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Dominatrix.png'},
{value: 'light', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Submissive.png'},
{value: 'psychic', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Voyeurs.png'},
{value: 'fire', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Eccentric.png'},
{value: 'nature', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Exhibitionist.png'},
{value: 'stone', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Physical.png'},
{value: 'sun', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Playful.png'},
{value: 'water', icon: 'pictures/girls_elements/Sensual.png'}
get resonance_figure () {return [
{value: '1', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/1.png'},
{value: '2', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/2.png'},
{value: '3', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/3.png'},
{value: '4', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/4.png'},
{value: '5', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/5.png'},
{value: '6', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/6.png'},
{value: '7', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/7.png'},
{value: '8', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/8.png'},
{value: '9', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/9.png'},
{value: '10', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/10.png'},
{value: '11', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/11.png'},
{value: '12', icon: '/pictures/design/battle_positions/12.png'}
rarity: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
resonance_class: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr'
resonance_theme: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr'
resonance_figure: {
flow: 'row',
cols: '1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr',
rows: '1fr 1fr 1fr'
const createGridSelectorItem = ({id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage}) => (`<input type="radio" name=${id} id="${id}-${value}" value="${value}" class="${(currentFilter[id] == '' + value) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${id}-${value}">`
+ `${icon ? `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${icon}">` : ''}`
+ `${bgColor || bgImage ? `<div style="${bgColor?`background:${bgColor};`:''}${bgImage?`background-image:${bgImage};background-size:contain;`:''}"></div>` : ''}`
+ '</label>')
const createGridSelector = ({id, options, gridConfig}) => (`<div class="grid-selector" rel="${id}">`
+ '<div class="clear-selector">'
+ `<input type="radio" name="${id}" id="${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}" value="${FILTER_DEFAULT}" class="${(currentFilter[id] == FILTER_DEFAULT) ? "filter_selected" : ""}" />`
+ `<label for="${id}-${FILTER_DEFAULT}">`
+ `<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/${FILTER_DEFAULT_ICON}" />`
+ '</label>'
+ '</div>'
+ `<div class="selector-options" style="grid-auto-flow:${gridConfig.flow}; grid-template-rows:${gridConfig.rows}; grid-template-columns:${gridConfig.cols}">`
+ `${options.map(option => {
const {value, icon, bgColor, bgImage} = option
return createGridSelectorItem({id, value, icon, bgColor, bgImage})
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '<hr style="margin-top: 3px;margin-bottom: 3px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.533);">');
const createFilterBox = () => {
return $('<div style="position:relative">'
+ `<div class="girl_equip_filter_box form-wrapper" style="display: none;">`
+ `${['rarity', 'resonance_class', 'resonance_theme', 'resonance_figure'].map(key => createGridSelector({id: key, options: FILTER_OPTIONS[key], gridConfig: FILTER_OPTIONS_GRIDS[key]})).join('')}`
+ '<div class="grid-selector">'
+ '<button id="auto_select_button" class="square_blue_btn"">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_auto_select + '</button>'
+ '<button id="reset_button" class="square_blue_btn"">Reset</button>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>')
const createFilterBtn = () => {
return $('<label class="girl_equip_filter"><input type="button" class="square_blue_btn" value="" /></label>');
let currentFilter = [];
currentFilter = getParamFilterGirlsItems();
function displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure) {
if ($el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').length == 0) {
$el.append('<div class="slot_resonance_bonus"></div>');
if(classIdentifier != 0) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus class" carac="class${classIdentifier}"></span>`);
if (classIdentifier == window.girl.class) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.class').addClass('matched');
if(element != 0 && element != null) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus element">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/girls_elements/${ELEMENTS_ICON_NAMES[element]}.png">
if (element == window.girl.element) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.element').addClass('matched');
if(figure != 0 && figure != null) {
$el.find('.slot_resonance_bonus').append(`<span class="resonance_bonus figure">
<img src="${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/design/battle_positions/${figure}.png">
if (figure == window.girl.figure) $el.find('.resonance_bonus.figure').addClass('matched');
function applyFilter() {
const $visibleEquips = $('#equipment .inventory').find('.inventory-slot.filled-slot .slot:not(.empty)');
const $usedEquips = $('.item-column').find('.slot.filled-slot');
let visibleCount = 0;
$visibleEquips.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const equipData = $el.data('d');
const {rarity} = equipData;
const {element, figure} = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation : 0;
const classIdentifier = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation.class : 0;
displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure);
const rarityMatches = currentFilter.rarity == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.rarity == rarity
const classIdentifierMatches = currentFilter.resonance_class == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_class == classIdentifier
const elementMatches = currentFilter.resonance_theme == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_theme == element
const figureMatches = currentFilter.resonance_figure == FILTER_DEFAULT || currentFilter.resonance_figure == figure
if ([rarityMatches, classIdentifierMatches, elementMatches, figureMatches].every(a=>a)) {
} else {
$usedEquips.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const equipData = $el.data('d');
const {element, figure} = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation : 0;
const classIdentifier = equipData.variation ? equipData.variation.class : 0;
displayResonanceBonus($el, classIdentifier, element, figure);
if (visibleCount < 15) {
const $visibleSlots = $('#equipment .inventory').find('.slot:visible()')
// pad with empty slots
let toPad = 15 - $visibleSlots.length
while (toPad > 0) {
$('#equipment .inventory').find('.slot').last().after('<div class="slot empty"></div>')
const attachFilterBox = () => {
const $btn = createFilterBtn();
const $box = createFilterBox();
const $togglable = $box.find('.girl_equip_filter_box');
$('#equipment .wrapper').append($btn).append($box);
$btn.click(() => $togglable.toggle());
$('#auto_select_button').click(() => autoSelectFilter());
$('#reset_button').click(() => resetFilter());
$box.find('input').each((i, input) => {
$(input).click((e) => {
const {value, name} = e.target;
$(`div[rel=${name}] .filter_selected`).removeClass('filter_selected');
let newName = name.split('-')[0];
currentFilter[newName] = value;
function autoSelectFilter() {
let girlClass = window.girl.class;
let girlElement = window.girl.element;
let girlPosition = window.girl.figure;
let formerClass = currentFilter.resonance_class;
let formerElement = currentFilter.resonance_theme;
let formerPosition = currentFilter.resonance_figure;
currentFilter.resonance_class = girlClass;
currentFilter.resonance_theme = girlElement;
currentFilter.resonance_figure = girlPosition;
$('#resonance_class-' + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + girlClass).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + formerElement).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + girlElement).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + formerPosition).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + girlPosition).addClass('filter_selected');
function resetFilter() {
let formerRarity = currentFilter.rarity;
let formerClass = currentFilter.resonance_class;
let formerElement = currentFilter.resonance_theme;
let formerPosition = currentFilter.resonance_figure;
currentFilter.rarity = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_class = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_theme = FILTER_DEFAULT;
currentFilter.resonance_figure = FILTER_DEFAULT;
$('#rarity-' + formerRarity).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#rarity-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + formerClass).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_class-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + formerElement).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_theme-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + formerPosition).removeClass('filter_selected');
$('#resonance_figure-' + FILTER_DEFAULT).addClass('filter_selected');
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#equipment_tab.underline-tab').length) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .selectric .label')[0], {childList: true});
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .inventory')[0], {childList: true});
}).observe($('#girl-leveler-tabs')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .inventory')[0], {childList: true});
if($('#equipment_tab.underline-tab').length) {
new MutationObserver(() => {
}).observe($('#equipment .selectric .label')[0], {childList: true});
sheet.insertRule('label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#equipment .wrapper label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 890px !important;'
+ 'top: 92px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#equipment .wrapper label.girl_equip_filter {'
+ 'left: 890px !important;'
+ 'top: 72px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .total-from-items .wrapper .form-control {'
+ 'margin-right: 90px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter input {'
+ 'height: 32px;'
+ 'width: 32px;'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'padding: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('label.girl_equip_filter::before {'
+ 'content: " ";'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-size: 24px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/design_v2/search_open.png");'
+ 'pointer-events: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: auto;'
+ 'height: fit-content;'
+ 'z-index: 4;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: rgb(30, 38, 30);'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid rgb(255, 162, 62);}'
sheet.insertRule('#equipment .wrapper .girl_equip_filter_box {'
+ 'left: -818px !important;'
+ 'top: -75px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box label {'
+ 'background: transparent;'
+ 'width: auto;'
+ 'margin: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector {'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'align-items: center;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'flex-direction: column;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector:last-child {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector input {'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options {'
+ 'width: -moz-fit-content;'
+ 'width: fit-content;'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-gap: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options img {'
+ 'height: 26px;'
+ 'width: 26px;'
+ 'margin: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .selector-options div {'
+ 'height: 26px;'
+ 'width: 26px;'
+ 'margin: 2px;'
+ 'border-radius: 5px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .clear-selector {'
+ 'width: fit-content;'
+ 'margin-bottom: 2px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.grid-selector .clear-selector img {'
+ 'height: 28px;'
+ 'width: 28px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.girl_equip_filter_box .grid-selector input.filter_selected + label, .girl_equip_filter_box .grid-selector input:hover + label {'
+ 'background-color: #fff8 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.filtered_out {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus span[carac]::before {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -10px;'
+ 'left: 0px;'
+ 'width: 16px !important;'
+ 'height: 16px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img, .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: -10px;'
+ 'background-size: 20px;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img {'
+ 'width: 16px;'
+ 'height: 16px;'
+ 'left: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'left: 48px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus span[carac]::before, .item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img, .item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'top: 2px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.element img {'
+ 'left: 22px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.item-column .slot_resonance_bonus .resonance_bonus.figure img {'
+ 'left: 42px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.matched img, .matched::before {'
+ 'filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00);}'
sheet.insertRule('#auto_select_button {'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 120px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#reset_button {'
+ 'margin-top: 5px;'
+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 120px !important;}'
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleLeague() {
if (CurrentPage.includes('leagues')) {
if ($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list').length == 0) return;
$('#leagues-tabs').append('<div class="leagues_middle_header_script"></div>');
document.getElementById('change_team').className = "square_blue_btn";
let playersTotal;
let challengesLeft;
let challengesPossibleMinutes;
let challengesPossible;
let challengesDone = 0;
let challengesWon = 0;
let challengesLost = 0;
let HeroPosition;
let HeroPoints;
let maxDemotePoints;
let maxDemoteDiff;
let maxDemoteDisplay;
let textDemote;
let maxStagnatePoints;
let maxStagnateDiff;
let maxStagnateDisplay;
let textStagnate;
let minTop4Points;
let minTop4Diff;
let minTop4Display;
let textTop4;
let minTop15Points;
let textTop15;
let minTop15Display;
let minTop30Points;
let minTop30Diff;
let minTop30Display;
let textTop30;
let avgScore;
let scoreExpected;
let top4Points;
let top5Points;
let top15Points;
let top16Points;
let top30Points;
let top31Points;
let topDemotePoints;
let topNonDemotePoints;
let includeBoard = false;
if (loadSetting('leagueBoard')) {
includeBoard = true;
challengesPossibleMinutes = parseInt(Math.floor(window.season_end_at/60), 10);
challengesPossible = (heroData.energies.challenge.amount != heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount)? Math.floor((challengesPossibleMinutes + (35 - heroData.energies.challenge.next_refresh_ts / 60))/35) + parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10) : Math.floor(challengesPossibleMinutes/35) + parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10);
playersTotal = window.opponents_list.length;
for(let i=0; i<playersTotal; i++) {
let $playerData = $($('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .body-row')[i]);
let fightsDone = 0;
let fightsWon = 0;
let fightsLost = 0;
let fightsData = $playerData.find('div[column = "match_history_sorting"]')[0].children;
for (let i=0; i<fightsData.length; i++) {
switch (fightsData[i].className) {
case "result ":
case "result won":
case "result lost":
let playerPosition = localeStringToNumber($playerData.find('div[column = "place"]')[0].innerText);
let playerPoints = localeStringToNumber($playerData.find('div[column = "player_league_points"]')[0].innerText);
if (fightsData.length == 0) {
HeroPosition = playerPosition;
HeroPoints = playerPoints;
switch (playerPosition) {
case 4:
top4Points = playerPoints;
case 5:
top5Points = playerPoints;
case 15:
top15Points = playerPoints;
case 16:
top16Points = playerPoints;
case 30:
top30Points = playerPoints;
case 31:
top31Points = playerPoints;
case (playersTotal-14):
topDemotePoints = playerPoints;
case (playersTotal-15):
topNonDemotePoints = playerPoints;
challengesDone += fightsDone;
challengesWon += fightsWon;
challengesLost += fightsLost;
challengesLeft = 3*(playersTotal-1)-challengesDone;
avgScore = (challengesDone != 0) ? HeroPoints/challengesDone : 0;
scoreExpected = Math.floor(avgScore*3*(playersTotal-1));
let leagueScore = {
points: HeroPoints,
avg: Math.round(avgScore*100)/100
let oldScore = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueScore')) || {points: 0, avg: 0};
let oldPoints = oldScore.points;
if (HeroPoints > oldPoints) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueScore', JSON.stringify(leagueScore));
if (HeroPosition > (playersTotal - 15)) {
maxDemotePoints = topNonDemotePoints;
maxDemoteDiff = maxDemotePoints - HeroPoints;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxDemotePoints == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_holdzero;
else {
maxDemoteDisplay = '+' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_up;
else {
maxDemotePoints = topDemotePoints
maxDemoteDiff = maxDemotePoints - HeroPoints;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxDemotePoints == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_holdzero;
else {
if (maxDemoteDiff == 0) {
maxDemoteDisplay = '-' + nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
else {
maxDemoteDisplay = nThousand(maxDemoteDiff);
textDemote = labels.demote_down;
if (HeroPosition > 15) {
maxStagnatePoints = top15Points;
maxStagnateDiff = maxStagnatePoints - HeroPoints;
minTop15Points = maxStagnatePoints + 1;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxStagnatePoints == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff+1);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_holdzero;
textTop15 = labels.top15_up;
else {
maxStagnateDisplay = '+' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '+' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff+1);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_up;
textTop15 = labels.top15_up;
else {
maxStagnatePoints = top16Points;
maxStagnateDiff = maxStagnatePoints - HeroPoints;
minTop15Points = top16Points;
if (HeroPoints == 0 && maxStagnatePoints == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '±' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_holdzero;
textTop15 = labels.top15_hold;
else {
if (maxStagnateDiff == 0) {
maxStagnateDisplay = '-' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = '-' + nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
else {
maxStagnateDisplay = nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
minTop15Display = nThousand(maxStagnateDiff);
textStagnate = labels.stagnate_down;
textTop15 = labels.top15_hold;
if (HeroPosition > 30) {
minTop30Points = top30Points + 1;
minTop30Diff = minTop30Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop30Diff > 0) {
minTop30Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop30Diff));
textTop30 = labels.top30_up;
else {
minTop30Display = nThousand(minTop30Diff);
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
else {
minTop30Points = top31Points;
minTop30Diff = minTop30Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop30Diff < 0) {
minTop30Display = nThousand(minTop30Diff);
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
else {
minTop30Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop30Diff));
textTop30 = labels.top30_hold;
if (HeroPosition > 4) {
minTop4Points = top4Points + 1;
minTop4Diff = minTop4Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop4Diff > 0) {
minTop4Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop4Diff));
textTop4 = labels.top4_up;
else {
minTop4Display = nThousand(minTop4Diff);
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
else {
minTop4Points = top5Points;
minTop4Diff = minTop4Points - HeroPoints;
if (minTop4Diff > 0) {
minTop4Display = '+' + (nThousand(minTop4Diff));
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
else {
minTop4Display = nThousand(minTop4Diff);
textTop4 = labels.top4_hold;
if (window.current_tier_number == 9) {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<div class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;">' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
+ '<span class="minTop4" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop4 + nThousand(minTop4Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/752/752667.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop4Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop15" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop15 + nThousand(minTop15Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/5259/5259722.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop15Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop30" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop30 + nThousand(minTop30Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/7123/7123659.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + minTop30Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="maxDemote" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textDemote + nThousand(maxDemotePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/892/892505.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;">' + maxDemoteDisplay + '</span>'
+ '</div>');
if (includeBoard == false) {
else if (window.current_tier_number == 1) {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<span class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> ' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
+ '<span class="maxStagnate" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textStagnate + nThousand(maxStagnatePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/HnkyDtG3/icon-league-hold.png" style="margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + maxStagnateDisplay + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop30" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop30 + nThousand(minTop30Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/7123/7123659.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 7px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + minTop30Display + '</span>'
+ '</span>');
if (includeBoard == false) {
else {
$('.leagues_middle_header_script').append('<span class="scriptLeagueInfo">'
+ '<span class="averageScore" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.averageScore + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '<BR>' + labels.scoreExpected + nThousand(scoreExpected) + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/1753/1753830.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> ' + nThousand(Math.round(avgScore*100)/100) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="possibleChallenges" tooltip="" hh_title="' + labels.challenges_regen + challengesPossible + labels.challenges_left + challengesLeft + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/551/551227.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft
+ '<span class="scriptLeagueInfoTooltip possibleChallengesTooltip"></span></span>'
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+ '<span class="maxStagnate" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textStagnate + nThousand(maxStagnatePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/HnkyDtG3/icon-league-hold.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + maxStagnateDisplay + '</span>'
+ '<span class="minTop30" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textTop30 + nThousand(minTop30Points) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/7123/7123659.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + minTop30Display + '</span>'
+ '<span class="maxDemote" tooltip="" hh_title="' + textDemote + nThousand(maxDemotePoints) + ' ' + labels.points + '"><img src="https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/32/892/892505.png" style="height: 15px; width: 16px; margin-left: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px;"> ' + maxDemoteDisplay + '</span>'
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function leagueFilter() {
const LEAGUE_FILTER_DEFAULT = {none: 'checked', with_skill: 'checked', stun: 'checked', shield: 'checked', reflect: 'checked', execute: 'checked', fought: '', with_boosters: 'checked', no_boosters: 'checked'};
let LEAGUE_FILTER = localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueFilter') || JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER_DEFAULT);
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill == undefined) {
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.stun == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.shield == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect == '' && LEAGUE_FILTER.execute == '') LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = '';
else LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'checked';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER));
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.fought == undefined) {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.hide_beaten') == 0) LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = 'checked';
else LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = '';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER));
if (LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters == undefined) {
LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'checked';
LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'checked';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER));
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueFilter') == undefined) localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER_DEFAULT));
$(".leagues_middle_header_script").append('<button id="league_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = `<fieldset id="league_filter_box">
<div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend>${labels.tier5_skill_filter}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_no_skill" name="tier5_skill" value="none" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.none}/>
<label for="none">${labels.none}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_with_skill" name="tier5_skill" value="with_skill" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill}/>
<label for="with_skill">${labels.with}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_stun" name="tier5_skill" value="stun" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.stun}/>
<label for="stun">Stun</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_shield" name="tier5_skill" value="shield" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.shield}/>
<label for="shield">Shield</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_reflect" name="tier5_skill" value="reflect" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect}/>
<label for="reflect">Reflect</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_execute" name="tier5_skill" value="execute" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.execute}/>
<label for="execute">Execute</label>
<div><div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend>${labels.opponents}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_fought" name="opponents" value="fought" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.fought}/>
<label for="none">${labels.already_fought}</label>
<div class="filter_type" style="break-inside: avoid;"><legend style="padding: 15px 0 0;">${labels.Boosters}</legend>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_with_boosters" name="boosters" value="with_boosters" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters}/>
<label for="none">${labels.with_boosters}</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="filter_no_boosters" name="boosters" value="no_boosters" ${LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters}/>
<label for="none">${labels.no_boosters}</label>
return totalHTML;
function createFilterEvents() {
$('#league_filter').on('click', function() {
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#league_filter_box").css('display');
$('#league_filter_box').css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'grid' : 'none');
$('#filter_no_skill').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_skill').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_stun').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_shield').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_reflect').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_execute').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_fought').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_boosters').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_no_boosters').on('change', () => {filterOpponents(); saveFilterParameters();});
$('#filter_with_skill').click(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_stun').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_shield').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_reflect').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_execute').prop('checked', false);
else {
$('#filter_stun').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_shield').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_reflect').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_execute').prop('checked', true);
$('#filter_stun').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_shield').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_reflect').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
$('#filter_execute').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', true);
if (!$('#filter_stun').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_shield').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_reflect').is(':checked') && !$('#filter_execute').is(':checked'))
$('#filter_with_skill').prop('checked', false);
function saveFilterParameters() {
document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.none = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.none = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_with_skill').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.with_skill = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_stun').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.stun = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.stun = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_shield').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.shield = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.shield = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_reflect').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.reflect = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_execute').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.execute = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.execute = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_fought').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.fought = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_with_boosters').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.with_boosters = 'none';
document.querySelector('#filter_no_boosters').checked ? LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'checked' : LEAGUE_FILTER.no_boosters = 'none';
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueFilter', JSON.stringify(LEAGUE_FILTER))
sheet.insertRule('#league_filter_box {'
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+ 'font-size: 18px;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'display: none;'
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+ 'width: max-content;'
+ 'top: 36px;}'
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sheet.insertRule('#league_filter {'
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+ 'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 84px;}'
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sheet.insertRule('#league_filter_box legend {'
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'top: 4px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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+ 'margin-top: -15px;}}'
function filterOpponents() {
const opponents = document.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row:not(.player-row)');
let filterNoSkill = document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked ? 0 : 1;
//let filterWithSkill = document.querySelector('#filter_with_skill').checked ? 0 : 1;
let filterStun = document.querySelector('#filter_stun').checked ? "stun" : "none";
let filterShield = document.querySelector('#filter_shield').checked ? "shield" : "none";
let filterReflect = document.querySelector('#filter_reflect').checked ? "reflect" : "none";
let filterExecute = document.querySelector('#filter_execute').checked ? "execute" : "none";
let filterFought = document.querySelector('#filter_fought').checked ? 1 : 0;
let filterWithBoosters = document.querySelector('#filter_with_boosters').checked ? 0 : 1;
let filterNoBoosters = document.querySelector('#filter_no_boosters').checked ? 1 : 0;
for (let opponent of opponents) {
const tier5 = $(opponent).find('.tier5_skill');
const fights = $(opponent).find('.result.won').length + $(opponent).find('.result.lost').length;
const boosters = $(opponent).find('.boosters .slot');
let boosters_expired = 1;
for (let booster of boosters) {
if (JSON.parse($(booster).attr('data-d')).expiration > 0) boosters_expired = 0;
let matchesNoSkill = (filterNoSkill == tier5.length);
//let matchesWithSkill = (tier5.length > 0) ? true : false;
let matchesStun = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterStun)) : false;
let matchesShield = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterShield)) : false;
let matchesReflect = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterReflect)) : false;
let matchesExecute = (tier5.length > 0) ? (tier5.text().includes(filterExecute)) : false;
let matchesFought = (filterFought == 1 || (fights < 3 && filterFought == 0));
let matchesWithBoosters = ((filterWithBoosters == 0) && (boosters_expired == 0));
let matchesNoBoosters = (filterNoBoosters == 1) && (boosters_expired == 1);
if (document.querySelector('#filter_no_skill').checked) {
if ((matchesNoSkill || (matchesStun || matchesShield || matchesReflect || matchesExecute)) && matchesFought && (matchesWithBoosters || matchesNoBoosters)) $(opponent).addClass('displayOpponent');
else $(opponent).addClass('hiddenOpponent');
else {
if ((matchesNoSkill && (matchesStun || matchesShield || matchesReflect || matchesExecute)) && matchesFought && (matchesWithBoosters || matchesNoBoosters)) $(opponent).addClass('displayOpponent');
else $(opponent).addClass('hiddenOpponent');
sheet.insertRule('.hiddenOpponent {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function stripedLeague() {
let opponents = $('.body-row.displayOpponent');
let isStripe = true;
for (let opponent of opponents) {
if (isStripe) $(opponent).addClass('stripedOpponent')
isStripe = !isStripe;
sheet.insertRule('.stripedOpponent {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(191,40,90,.25) !important;}'
function displayLeaguePlayersInfo() {
let board = document.getElementsByClassName("data-list")[0];
if(!board) return;
let opponents = board.getElementsByClassName("data-row body-row");
let reflectOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.reflectLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let shieldOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.shieldLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let stunOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.stunLeaguePlayers')) || [];
let executeOpponents = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.executeLeaguePlayers')) || [];
for (let i=0; i<opponents.length; i++) {
let team_elements = JSON.parse($($(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"]')[0].children[0]).attr('synergy-data'));
let team_theme = [];
team_elements.forEach((el) => {
if(el.team_girls_count >= 3) {
//Display team theme
if (team_theme.length == 0) team_theme.push('multicolor');
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"] .teamThemeLeague').remove();
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"]').append($('<span class="teamThemeLeague">'));
for(let j=0; j<team_theme.length; j++) {
let left = 11 - (team_theme.length - 1) * 16 + 27 * j;
let icon;
if (team_theme[j] == 'multicolor') icon = 'Multicolored';
else icon = ELEMENTS_ICON_NAMES[team_theme[j]];
$(opponents[i]).find('div[column = "team"] .teamThemeLeague').append($('<img class="teamThemeIcon" style="left: ' + left + 'px; position: absolute;" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/girls_elements/' + icon + '.png">'));
//Display team power
if ($('.data-list :nth-child(' + (i+2) + ')').find('div[column = "team"] .teamPower').length == 0)
$('.data-list :nth-child(' + (i+2) + ')').find('div[column = "team"]').append($('<div class="teamPower">' + nThousand(Math.ceil(parseInt(window.opponents_list[i].player.team.total_power, 10))) + '</div>'));
if (!((window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][0] != null && (window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][1] != null && (window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][2] != null)) {
//Display true opponent defense
const opp_def = window.opponents_list[i].player.defense;
let opponent_defense = opp_def < 10000 ? Math.ceil(opp_def) : (opp_def >= 100000 ? nRounding(opp_def, 0, 1) : nRounding(opp_def, 1, 1));
$($('.data-list').find('#player_defence_stat #stats-defense')[i]).text(opponent_defense);
//Add booster status
if (opponents[i].className.indexOf('player-row') == -1 && $(opponents[i]).find('.boosters .circular-progress').length == 0) {
let opponent_boosters = Array.from($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters .slot'));
opponent_boosters.forEach((booster) => ($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).append(leagueBoosterStatus(booster)));
//Display tier 5 skill
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponents_list[i].player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponents_list[i].player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) stunOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="stun_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) shieldOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="shield_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) reflectOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="reflect_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined) && $(opponents[i]).find('.tier5_skill').length == 0) {
if ($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member') != heroData.infos.id) executeOpponents.push($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'));
($(opponents[i]).find('.boosters ')).after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="execute_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
if (reflectOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#b968e6');
else if (shieldOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', 'orange');
else if (stunOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#14b4d9');
else if (executeOpponents.includes($($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).attr('id-member'))) $($(opponents[i]).find('.nickname')[0]).css('color', '#66cd00');
localStorage.setItem('HHS.reflectLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(reflectOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.shieldLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(shieldOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.stunLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(stunOpponents));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.executeLeaguePlayers', JSON.stringify(executeOpponents));
try {
let player_boosters = [];
if (!(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status') == null || localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status') == undefined)) {
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')).mythic.forEach((booster) => {
let player_carac_dmg = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.damage;
let player_carac_def = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.team.caracs.defense;
window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.defense = player_carac_def;
if (player_boosters.indexOf("MB2") != -1 || player_boosters.indexOf("MB8") != -1) {
player_carac_dmg *= 1.15;
window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player.team.caracs.damage = player_carac_dmg;
let player_dmg = player_carac_dmg < 10000 ? Math.ceil(player_carac_dmg) : (player_carac_dmg >= 100000 ? nRounding(player_carac_dmg, 0, 1) : nRounding(player_carac_dmg, 1, 1));
let player_defense = player_carac_def < 10000 ? Math.ceil(player_carac_def) : (player_carac_def >= 100000 ? nRounding(player_carac_def, 0, 1) : nRounding(player_carac_def, 1, 1));
//Display current player stats
$('.player-row #player_attack_stat #stats-damage').text(player_dmg);
$('.player-row #player_defence_stat #stats-defense').text(player_defense);
//Display sim score
if (loadSetting('simLeagueBoardFight')) {
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight') == undefined) localStorage.setItem('HHS.simLeagueBoardFight', true);
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .body-row .go_pre_battle {'
+ 'opacity: 0;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="can_fight"] .blue_button_L, #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="can_fight"] .blue_button_L {'
+ 'padding: 0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content.hidden_girl .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="boosters"], #leagues .league_content.hidden_girl .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="boosters"] {'
+ 'min-width: 14.5rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="can_fight"], #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="can_fight"] {'
+ 'min-width: 4rem !important;}'
if ($('.head-column[column=can_fight]').length) {
$('.head-column[column=can_fight] > span')[0].firstChild.data = "SIM";
for (let i=0; i<opponents.length; i++) {
if (window.opponents_list[i].player.id_fighter != heroData.infos.id && !((window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][0] != null && (window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][1] != null && (window.opponents_list[i]).match_history[(window.opponents_list[i]).player.id_fighter][2] != null)) {
if($($('.body-row .data-column[column=can_fight]')[i]).find('.matchRating').length == 0) {
$($('.body-row .data-column[column=can_fight]')[i]).append(calcSimResults(window.opponents_list[i]));
} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
function calcSimResults(opponentData) {
let playerData = window.opponents_list.find((el) => el.player.id_fighter == heroData.infos.id).player;
let playerAtk = playerData.team.caracs.damage;
let playerEgo = playerData.team.caracs.ego;
let playerDef = playerData.team.caracs.defense;
let playerCrit = playerData.team.caracs.chance;
let playerElements = [];
playerData.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: playerData.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = opponentData.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = opponentData.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = opponentData.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = opponentData.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
opponentData.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: opponentData.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo * (1+dominanceBonuses.player.ego),
atk: playerAtk * (1+dominanceBonuses.player.attack),
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(playerData.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(playerData.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef * (1-opponentBonuses.defReduce),
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: opponentData.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(opponentData.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(opponentData.player.team.girls)
const {points: calc, win, scoreClass} = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
let probabilityTooltip = `<table class='probabilityTable'>`;
let expectedValue = 0;
const pointGrade=['#fff','#fff','#fff','#ff2f2f','#fe3c25','#fb4719','#f95107','#f65b00','#f26400','#ed6c00','#e97400','#e37c00','#de8400','#d88b00','#d19100','#ca9800','#c39e00','#bba400','#b3aa00','#aab000','#a1b500','#97ba00','#8cbf00','#81c400','#74c900','#66cd00'];
for (let i=25; i>=3; i--) {
if (calc[i]) {
const isW = i>=15
probabilityTooltip += `<tr style='color:${isW?pointGrade[25]:pointGrade[3]};' data-tint='${isW?'w':'l'}'><td>${i}</td><td>${(100*calc[i]).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
expectedValue += i*calc[i];
probabilityTooltip += `<tr class='${scoreClass}'><td>${window.GT.design.leagues_won_letter}</td><td>${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
probabilityTooltip += '</table>';
const $rating = $(`<div class="matchRating" tooltip="" style="color:${pointGrade[Math.round(expectedValue)]};" hh_title="${probabilityTooltip}">${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%<BR> ${expectedValue.toFixed(2)}</div>`)
opponentData.sim_result = $rating;
opponentData.can_fight = expectedValue;
return $rating
function leagueBoosterStatus(booster) {
1: 'green',
0.5: 'yellow',
0.2: 'red'
const buildProgressWrapper = (current, max) => {
const percentage = Math.min(current/max, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = ''
let flashingClass = ''
//if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
if (percentage <= 0.0035 && percentage > 0) {
flashingClass = 'flashing'
if (percentage <= 0) {
flashingClass = 'expired'
const $wrapper = $(`
<div class="circular-progress">
<div class="circle">
<div class="circle-bar left ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)"></div>
<div class="circle-bar right ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)"></div>
return $wrapper
const booster_data = JSON.parse($(booster).attr('data-d'));
let booster_status = buildProgressWrapper(booster_data.expiration, parseInt(booster_data.item.duration, 10)*60);
return booster_status;
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.teamThemeIcon {'
+ 'z-index: 0;'
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.teamThemeIcon {'
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+ 'height: 27px !important;'
+ 'width: 27px !important;'
+ 'top: 0px !important;'
+ 'border: none !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .data-column[column="team"] .button_team_synergy, #leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"] .button_team_synergy {'
+ 'left: 20px !important;'
+ 'top: -6px;'
+ 'background-image: none;'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('.teamPower {'
+ 'font-size: 12px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 15px;'
+ 'left: -16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: 12px;'
+ 'left: -82px;'
+ 'width: max-content;'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn, .tier5_skill > .stun_icn, .tier5_skill > .shield_icn, .tier5_skill > .reflect_icn, .tier5_skill > .execute_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background-position: left;'
+ 'background-size: 17px !important;'
+ 'left: -21px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .boosters {'
+ 'z-index: 0;'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'flex-direction: row;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress {'
+ 'margin-right: 2px;'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 24px;'
+ 'width: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .green {'
+ 'background-color: #01d10b;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .yellow {'
+ 'background-color: #ffc400;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .red {'
+ 'background-color: #ff0000;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .slot {'
+ 'position: absolute !important;'
+ 'height: 20px !important;'
+ 'width: 20px !important;'
+ 'top: 2px !important;'
+ 'left: 2px !important;'
+ 'border-width: 0px !important;'
+ 'z-index: 6 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .slot.size_xs {'
+'border-radius: 0 !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .slot.empty {'
+ 'cursor: inherit !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .empty + .circle {'
+ 'box-shadow: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .empty + .circle .circle-bar {'
+ 'background-color: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle {'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000, 0px 0px 4px #000, 0px 0px 3px #000, 0px 0px 2px #000;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-color: #000000bf;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 100%, 50% 100%, 50% 0%);'
+ 'overflow: hidden;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.flashing {'
+ 'animation-name: flashing-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes flashing-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: #ff0000;}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.expired {'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'animation-name: expired-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes expired-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.75);}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar .progress {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 200%;'
+ 'width: 200%;'
+ 'top: -50%;'
+ 'left: -50%;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(50% -50%, 150% -50%, 150% 150%, 50% 150%);}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.right {'
+ 'transform: rotate(180deg);'
+ 'z-index: 3;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .circular-progress .circle-bar.left .progress {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
if (localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHPlusPlusConfig')).st_leagueTableCompressed) {
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.teamThemeIcon {'
+ 'top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.teamThemeIcon:nth-child(1) {'
+ 'margin-left: -5px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.teamThemeIcon:nth-child(2) {'
+ 'margin-left: 12px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.classLeague {'
+ 'margin-left: 35px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="sim_score"] {'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'align-items: center;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'min-width: 5.5rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'width: 4rem;'
+ 'margin-right: 10px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr {'
+ 'line-height: 16px;'
+ 'color: #fff;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(odd) {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=w] {'
+ 'background-color: #66cd0028;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=l] {'
+ 'background-color: #ff2f2f28;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.winProb {'
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000; '
+ 'line-height: 17px; '
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"] {'
+ 'overflow: visible !important;'
+ 'cursor: pointer !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#leagues .league_content .league_table .data-list .data-row .head-column[column="team"] > span > span {'
+ 'display: inline-block !important;}'
function collectLeagueOpponents() {
let opponents_id = [];
Array.from($('.body-row:not(.player-row)')).forEach((el) => {
if(($(el).find('.result.won').length + $(el).find('.result.lost').length) < 3) opponents_id.push($(el).find('.nickname').attr('id-member'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueOppId', JSON.stringify(opponents_id));
function sortLeagueSimScore() {
let tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
let tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const tdValue = row => row.lastElementChild.lastChild.lastChild == undefined ? 0 : parseFloat(row.lastElementChild.lastChild.lastChild.nodeValue)
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(tdValue(asc ? row1 : row2), tdValue(asc ? row2 : row1));
if (document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="can_fight"] > span > span').className == "upArrow_mix_icn") {
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
else if (document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="can_fight"] > span > span').className == "downArrow_mix_icn") {
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
function sortLeagueTeamPower() {
let tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
const th_name = document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"]');
let tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const tdValue = row => parseInt(Array.from(row.children).find((el) => el.attributes.column.nodeValue == "team").lastElementChild.innerText.replace(/\s/g, ''), 10);
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(tdValue(asc ? row1 : row2), tdValue(asc ? row2 : row1));
if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}') {
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
else if (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"DESC"}') {
asc = false;
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
let classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
function leagueTeamPowerEvent() {
tbody = document.querySelector('.data-list');
tr_player = tbody.querySelectorAll('.data-row.body-row');
let newSort = (localStorage.getItem('leaderboard_sorting') == '{"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}') ? 0 : 1;
newSort = (newSort + 1) % 2;
let listSort = $('.head-column:not([column="team"])');
for (let sort of listSort) {
let arrow = sort.lastElementChild.lastElementChild;
if (arrow.className != "upDownArrows_mix_icn") arrow.className = "upDownArrows_mix_icn";
switch (newSort) {
case 0:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "upArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"team","sorting":"ASC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(true));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
case 1:
document.querySelector('.data-column.head-column[column="team"] > span > span').className = "downArrow_mix_icn";
localStorage.setItem('leaderboard_sorting', JSON.stringify({"column":"team","sorting":"DESC"}));
classe = Array.from(tr_player).sort(compare(false));
classe.forEach(tr => tbody.appendChild(tr));
th_name.addEventListener('click', () => {leagueTeamPowerEvent()});
//Save results of the league
function saveVictories() {
let leagueDateInit = (DST == true) ? 11*3600 : 12*3600;
let current_date_ts = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let date_end_league = leagueDateInit + Math.ceil((current_date_ts - leagueDateInit)/604800)*604800;
let time_results = localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueTime');
if (!time_results) {
time_results = date_end_league;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
//Next Thursday after DST at 12:00 UTC (14:00 Paris time) (03/04/2025)
if (time_results == 1743681600) {
time_results = 1743678000;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
//Next Thursday after non-DST at 11:00 UTC (12:00 Paris time) (31/10/2024)
if (time_results == 1730372400) {
time_results = 1730376000;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', time_results);
if (current_date_ts > time_results) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueTime'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeaguePlayers', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leaguePlayers'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueScore', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueScore'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueVictories'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueDefeats'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl', localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueLvl'));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueTime', date_end_league);
function calculateVictories() {
let nb_opponents = $('.body-row:not(.player-row)').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leaguePlayers', nb_opponents);
let tot_victory = $('.body-row .data-column .result.won').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueVictories', tot_victory);
let tot_defeat = $('.body-row .data-column .result.lost').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueDefeats', tot_defeat);
let tot_notPlayed = 3*nb_opponents - tot_victory - tot_defeat;
let lvl_data = Array.from($('.body-row .data-column[column="level"]'));
let lvl = Array.from(lvl_data, (el) => parseInt(el.innerText, 10));
let lvl_min = Math.min(...lvl);
let lvl_max = Math.max(...lvl);
let lvl_sum = 0;
lvl.forEach((el) => lvl_sum += el);
let lvl_avg = parseInt(lvl_sum / lvl.length, 10);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.leagueLvl', JSON.stringify({min: lvl_min, max: lvl_max, avg: lvl_avg}));
$('span.possibleChallenges span.scriptLeagueInfoTooltip.possibleChallengesTooltip').append('<span id="leagueStats"><u>' + labels.current_league + '</u>'
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.opponents + ' : ' + nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + window.GT.design.level_range + ' : ' + lvl_min + ' ... [' + lvl_avg + '] ... ' + lvl_max
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + tot_victory + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + tot_defeat + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.notPlayed + ' : ' + tot_notPlayed + ' / ' + 3*nb_opponents
+ '</span>');
let old_nb_opponents = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeaguePlayers') || 0;
let old_lvl_min = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).min : 0;
let old_lvl_max = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).max : 0;
let old_lvl_avg = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueLvl')).avg : 0;
let old_score = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueScore')) || {};
let old_tot_victory = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories') ? localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueVictories') : 0;
let old_tot_defeat = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats') ? localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueDefeats') : 0;
let old_tot_notPlayed = 3*old_nb_opponents - old_tot_victory - old_tot_defeat;
let old_points = old_score.points || 0;
let old_avg = old_score.avg || 0;
const options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric'};
let old_date_end_league = new Date(localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime')*1000).toLocaleDateString(undefined, options);
if (localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldLeagueTime')) {
$('span.possibleChallenges span.scriptLeagueInfoTooltip.possibleChallengesTooltip').append('<span id="oldLeagueStats"><BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.league_finished + old_date_end_league
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.opponents + ' : ' + old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + window.GT.design.level_range + ' : ' + old_lvl_min + ' ... [' + old_lvl_avg + '] ... ' + old_lvl_max
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + old_tot_victory + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + old_tot_defeat + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.notPlayed + ' : ' + old_tot_notPlayed + ' / ' + 3*old_nb_opponents
+ '<BR>' + labels.leaguePoints + ' : ' + nThousand(old_points)
+ '<BR>' + labels.avg + ' : ' + nThousand(old_avg)
+ '</span>');
let observeCallback = function() {
let childrenObserved = $('.data-row.head-row')[0].children;
for (let child of childrenObserved) {
if(child.attributes.column.nodeValue != "team") child.addEventListener('click', () => {observeCallback()});
sheet.insertRule('.record_league #last_week {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: -55px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.record_league #this_week {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'left: -95px;}'
function moduleLeagueOpponentsShortcut() {
try {
let opponents_id = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.leagueOppId'));
const current_id = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf('=') + 1);
const previous_id = opponents_id[(opponents_id.length + opponents_id.indexOf(current_id) - 1) % (opponents_id.length)];
const next_id = opponents_id[(opponents_id.indexOf(current_id) + 1) % (opponents_id.length)];
$('.battle-buttons-row').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + previous_id) + '" class="back_button_s" id="previous_league_opp"></a>');
$('.battle-buttons-row').append('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues-pre-battle.html?id_opponent=' + next_id) + '" class="back_button_s" id="next_league_opp"></a>');
sheet.insertRule('#previous_league_opp, #next_league_opp {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('#previous_league_opp {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;'
+ 'left: -4% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_league_opp {'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;'
+ 'left: 5% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.battle-buttons-row {'
+ 'width: 106% !important;'
+ 'margin-left: -16px;'
+ 'justify-content: space-evenly !important;}'
} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
function moduleHideLeaguex3Button() {
/* ============
============ */
function moduleLeagueSim() {
function calculatePower() {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponent_fighter.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponent_fighter.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponent_fighter.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponent_fighter.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponent_fighter.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponent_fighter.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const {points: calc, win, scoreClass} = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
let probabilityTooltip = `<table class='probabilityTable'>`;
let expectedValue = 0;
const pointGrade=['#fff','#fff','#fff','#ff2f2f','#fe3c25','#fb4719','#f95107','#f65b00','#f26400','#ed6c00','#e97400','#e37c00','#de8400','#d88b00','#d19100','#ca9800','#c39e00','#bba400','#b3aa00','#aab000','#a1b500','#97ba00','#8cbf00','#81c400','#74c900','#66cd00'];
for (let i=25; i>=3; i--) {
if (calc[i]) {
const isW = i>=15
probabilityTooltip += `<tr style='color:${isW?pointGrade[25]:pointGrade[3]};' data-tint='${isW?'w':'l'}'><td>${i}</td><td>${(100*calc[i]).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
expectedValue += i*calc[i];
probabilityTooltip += `<tr class='${scoreClass}'><td>${window.GT.design.leagues_won_letter}</td><td>${(100*win).toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>`;
probabilityTooltip += '</table>';
const $rating = $(`<div class="matchRating" tooltip="" style="color:${pointGrade[Math.round(expectedValue)]};" hh_title="${probabilityTooltip}">${(100*win).toFixed(2)}% / ${expectedValue.toFixed(2)}</div>`)
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .average-lvl').after($rating);
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 25px;'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'margin-left: 15px;'
+ 'margin-top: 15px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 10px;'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr {'
+ 'line-height: 16px;'
+ 'color: #fff;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(odd) {'
+ 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=w] {'
+ 'background-color: #66cd0028;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable tr:nth-of-type(even)[data-tint=l] {'
+ 'background-color: #ff2f2f28;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.probabilityTable .close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.winProb {'
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000; '
+ 'line-height: 17px; '
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 75px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
function calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements) {
const bonuses = {
player: {
ego: 0,
attack: 0,
chance: 0
opponent: {
ego: 0,
attack: 0,
chance: 0
{a: playerElements, b: opponentElements, k: 'player'},
{a: opponentElements, b: playerElements, k: 'opponent'}
a.forEach(element => {
if (ELEMENTS.egoDamage[element] && b.includes(ELEMENTS.egoDamage[element])) {
bonuses[k].ego += 0.1
bonuses[k].attack += 0.1
if (ELEMENTS.chance[element] && b.includes(ELEMENTS.chance[element])) {
bonuses[k].chance += 0.2
return bonuses
function countElementsInTeam(elements) {
return elements.reduce((a,b)=>{a[b]++;return a}, {
fire: 0,
stone: 0,
sun: 0,
water: 0,
nature: 0,
darkness: 0,
light: 0,
psychic: 0
function calculateCritChanceShare(ownHarmony, otherHarmony) {
return 0.3*ownHarmony/(ownHarmony+otherHarmony)
function calculateTier4SkillValue(teamGirlsArray) {
let skill_tier_4 = {dmg: 0, def: 0};
teamGirlsArray.forEach((girl) => {
if (girl.skills[9]) skill_tier_4.dmg += girl.skills[9].skill.percentage_value/100;
if (girl.skills[10]) skill_tier_4.def += girl.skills[10].skill.percentage_value/100;
return skill_tier_4;
function calculateTier5SkillValue(teamGirlsArray) {
let skill_tier_5 = {id: 0, value: 0};
const girl = teamGirlsArray[0];
tier5_Skill_Id.forEach((id) => {
if (girl.skills[id]) {
skill_tier_5.id = id;
skill_tier_5.value = (id == 11) ? parseInt(girl.skills[id].skill.display_value_text, 10)/100 : girl.skills[id].skill.percentage_value/100;
return skill_tier_5;
function calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent) {
this.player = player;
this.opponent = opponent;
const setup = x => {
x.critMultiplier = 2 + x.bonuses.critDamage;
x.hp = Math.ceil(x.hp);
this.cache = {};
this.runs = 0;
//Tier 5 skill : Shield
let playerShield = 0;
let opponentShield = 0;
let ret;
try {
// start simulation from player's turn
ret = playerTurn(this.player.hp, this.opponent.hp, 0);
} catch(error) {
return {
points: [],
win: Number.NaN,
loss: Number.NaN,
avgTurns: Number.NaN,
scoreClass: 'minus'
const sum = ret.win + ret.loss;
ret.win /= sum;
ret.loss /= sum;
ret.scoreClass = ret.win>0.9?'plus':ret.win<0.5?'minus':'close';
return ret;
function calculateDmg(x, turns) {
const dmg = x.atk * (1 + x.tier4.dmg) ** turns - x.adv_def * (1 + x.tier4.def) ** turns;
return {
baseAtk : {
probability: 1 - x.critchance,
damageAmount: Math.ceil(dmg)
critAtk : {
probability: x.critchance,
damageAmount: Math.ceil(dmg * x.critMultiplier)
function mergeResult(x, xProbability, y, yProbability) {
const points = {};
Object.entries(x.points).map(([point, probability]) => [point, probability * xProbability])
.concat(Object.entries(y.points).map(([point, probability]) => [point, probability * yProbability]))
.forEach(([point, probability]) => {
points[point] = (points[point] || 0) + probability
const merge = (x, y) => x * xProbability + y * yProbability;
const win = merge(x.win, y.win);
const loss = merge(x.loss, y.loss);
const avgTurns = merge(x.avgTurns, y.avgTurns);
return { points, win, loss, avgTurns };
function playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns) {
turns += 1;
// avoid a stack overflow
const maxAllowedTurns = 50;
if (turns > maxAllowedTurns) throw new Error();
// read cache
const cachedResult = this.cache?.[playerHP]?.[opponentHP];
if (cachedResult) return cachedResult;
// simulate base attack and critical attack
const {baseAtk, critAtk} = calculateDmg(this.player, turns);
const baseAtkResult = playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, baseAtk, turns);
const critAtkResult = playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, critAtk, turns);
// merge result
const mergedResult = mergeResult(baseAtkResult, baseAtk.probability, critAtkResult, critAtk.probability);
// count player's turn
mergedResult.avgTurns += 1;
// write cache
if (!this.cache[playerHP]) this.cache[playerHP] = {};
if (!this.cache[playerHP][opponentHP]) this.cache[playerHP][opponentHP] = {};
this.cache[playerHP][opponentHP] = mergedResult;
return mergedResult;
function playerAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, attack, turns) {
//Tier 5 skill : Stun
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 11 && (turns == 2 || turns == 3)) {
// next turn
return playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns);
let playerDamage = Math.max(0, (attack.damageAmount - opponentShield));
opponentHP -= playerDamage;
//Tier 5 skill : Shield
if (this.player.tier5.id == 12 && turns == 1) {
playerShield = Math.ceil(this.player.tier5.value * this.player.hp);
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 12 && turns > 1) {
opponentShield -= attack.damageAmount;
opponentShield = Math.max(0, opponentShield);
//Tier 5 skill : Reflect
let opponentReflectDmg = 0;
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 13 && (turns == 2 || turns == 3)) {
opponentReflectDmg = Math.ceil(this.opponent.tier5.value * attack.damageAmount);
playerHP -= Math.max(0, (opponentReflectDmg - playerShield));
playerShield -= opponentReflectDmg;
playerShield = Math.max(0, playerShield);
//Tier 5 skill : Execute
if (this.player.tier5.id == 14) {
let opponentHPRate = opponentHP / this.opponent.hp;
if (opponentHPRate <= this.player.tier5.value) {
opponentHP = 0;
// heal on hit
let playerHeal = Math.ceil(this.player.bonuses.healOnHit * playerDamage);
playerHP += playerHeal;
playerHP = Math.min(playerHP, this.player.hp);
// check win
if (opponentHP <= 0) {
const point = Math.min(25, 15 + Math.ceil(10 * playerHP / this.player.hp));
this.runs += 1;
return { points: { [point]: 1 }, win: 1, loss: 0, avgTurns: 0 };
// next turn
return opponentTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns);
function opponentTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns) {
// simulate base attack and critical attack
const {baseAtk, critAtk} = calculateDmg(this.opponent, turns);
const baseAtkResult = opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, baseAtk, turns);
const critAtkResult = opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, critAtk, turns);
// merge result
return mergeResult(baseAtkResult, baseAtk.probability, critAtkResult, critAtk.probability);
function opponentAttack(playerHP, opponentHP, attack, turns) {
//Tier 5 skill : Stun
if (this.player.tier5.id == 11 && (turns == 1 || turns == 2)) {
// next turn
return playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns);
// damage
let opponentDamage = Math.max(0, (attack.damageAmount - playerShield));
playerHP -= opponentDamage;
//Tier 5 skill : Shield
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 12 && turns == 1) {
opponentShield = Math.ceil(this.opponent.tier5.value * this.opponent.hp);
if (this.player.tier5.id == 12) {
playerShield -= attack.damageAmount;
playerShield = Math.max(0, playerShield);
//Tier 5 skill : Reflect
let playerReflectDmg = 0;
if (this.player.tier5.id == 13 && (turns == 1 || turns == 2)) {
playerReflectDmg = Math.ceil(this.player.tier5.value * attack.damageAmount);
opponentHP -= Math.max(0, (playerReflectDmg - opponentShield));
opponentShield -= playerReflectDmg;
opponentShield = Math.max(0, opponentShield);
//Tier 5 skill : Execute
if (this.opponent.tier5.id == 14) {
let playerHPRate = playerHP / this.player.hp;
if (playerHPRate <= this.opponent.tier5.value) {
playerHP = 0;
// heal on hit
let opponentHeal = Math.ceil(this.opponent.bonuses.healOnHit * opponentDamage);
opponentHP += opponentHeal;
opponentHP = Math.min(opponentHP, this.opponent.hp);
// check loss
if (playerHP <= 0) {
const point = Math.max(3, 3 + Math.ceil(10 * (this.opponent.hp - opponentHP) / this.opponent.hp));
this.runs += 1;
return { points: { [point]: 1 }, win: 0, loss: 1, avgTurns: 0 };
// next turn
return playerTurn(playerHP, opponentHP, turns);
/* ============
============ */
function moduleSeasonSim() {
function calculateSeasonPower(idOpponent) {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponents[idOpponent].player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .tier5_skill').remove();
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponents[idOpponent].player.team.girls[0].skills;
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .tier5_skill').remove();
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const simu = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .matchRating').remove();
$('#season-arena .opponents_arena .season_arena_opponent_container.opponent-' + idOpponent + ' .average-lvl').before(`<span class="matchRating ${simu.scoreClass}">${nRounding(100*simu.win, 2, -1)}%</span>`);
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {calculateSeasonPower(0);
observer.observe($('#season-arena .opponents_arena')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']})
sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'top: -23px;'
+ 'left: -70px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'margin-left: 10px;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000;'
+ 'line-height: 17px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'font-size: 16px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.matchRating {'
+ 'font-size: 22px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#season-arena .hero_team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-left: -15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#season-arena .hero_team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-left: -15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.player_team_block.opponent .player-team .average-lvl {'
+ 'margin-top: -1rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.player_team_block.opponent .player-team .average-lvl {'
+ 'font-size: 1rem !important;'
+ 'margin-top: -1rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 67px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
/* ====================
==================== */
function moduleBattleSim() {
let playerAtk = window.hero_data.damage;
let playerEgo = window.hero_data.remaining_ego;
let playerDef = window.hero_data.defense;
let playerCrit = window.hero_data.chance;
let playerElements = [];
window.hero_data.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => playerElements.push(el.type));
const playerBonuses = {
critDamage: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.hero_data.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
let opponentAtk = window.opponent_fighter.player.damage;
let opponentEgo = window.opponent_fighter.player.remaining_ego;
let opponentDef = window.opponent_fighter.player.defense;
let opponentCrit = window.opponent_fighter.player.chance;
let opponentElements = [];
window.opponent_fighter.player.team.theme_elements.forEach((el) => opponentElements.push(el.type));
const opponentBonuses = {
critDamage: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'fire').bonus_multiplier,
critChance: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'stone').bonus_multiplier,
defReduce: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'sun').bonus_multiplier,
healOnHit: window.opponent_fighter.player.team.synergies.find(({element: {type}})=>type == 'water').bonus_multiplier
const dominanceBonuses = calculateDominationBonuses(playerElements, opponentElements);
let player = {
hp: playerEgo,
atk: playerAtk,
adv_def: opponentDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(playerCrit, opponentCrit) + dominanceBonuses.player.chance + playerBonuses.critChance,
bonuses: playerBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.hero_data.team.girls)
let opponent = {
hp: opponentEgo,
atk: opponentAtk,
adv_def: playerDef,
critchance: calculateCritChanceShare(opponentCrit, playerCrit) + dominanceBonuses.opponent.chance + opponentBonuses.critChance,
name: window.opponent_fighter.player.nickname,
bonuses: opponentBonuses,
tier4: calculateTier4SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls),
tier5: calculateTier5SkillValue(window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls)
//Display tier 5 skill
//Player team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.hero_data.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.battle_hero .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
//Opponent team
if ([11, 12, 13, 14].some(index => window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills[index])) {
const skill5_girl = window.opponent_fighter.player.team.girls[0].skills;
if (!(skill5_girl[11] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[11].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[11].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[12] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[12].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[12].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[13] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[13].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[13].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
else if (!(skill5_girl[14] == undefined)) {
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .icon-area').after(`<span class="tier5_skill"><span class="active_skills_icn"></span>${skill5_girl[14].skill.skill_type}/${skill5_girl[14].skill.display_value_text}</span>`)
const simu = calculateBattleProbabilities(player, opponent);
$('#pre-battle .player_team_block.opponent .average-lvl')
.wrap('<div class="gridWrapper"></div>')
.after(`<span class="matchRating ${simu.scoreClass}">${nRounding(100*simu.win, 2, -1)}%</span>`);
sheet.insertRule('.plus {'
+ 'color: #66CD00;}'
sheet.insertRule('.minus {'
+ 'color: #FF2F2F;}'
sheet.insertRule('.close {'
+ 'color: #FFA500;}'
sheet.insertRule('.gridWrapper {'
+ 'display: grid;'
+ 'grid-template-columns: 2fr 1fr;'
+ 'width: 100%;}'
sheet.insertRule('.matchRating {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'font-size: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule('#pre-battle .fighter-team .team-hexagon-container .average-lvl {'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'margin-top: 0px;'
+ 'line-height: 26px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'margin-bottom: -22px;'
+ 'bottom: 26px;'
+ 'left: 75px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.tier5_skill > .active_skills_icn {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: 25px;}'
/* ========================================
TEAMS FILTER (Credit : randomfapper34)
======================================== */
function moduleTeamsFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
$(document).ready(function() {
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-team') || CurrentPage.includes('add-boss-bang-team') || CurrentPage.includes('waifu')) {
arenaGirls = $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container');
girlsData = CurrentPage.includes('waifu') ? window.girlsDataList : window.availableGirls;
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-team') || CurrentPage.includes('add-boss-bang-team')) {
$("h3.panel-title").after('<button id="arena_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
else {
$(".change-girl-panel #filter_girls").after('<button id="arena_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
$(".change-girl-panel #filter_girls").after(createFilterBox("default"));
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#arena_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#arena_filter_box").css('display');
$("#arena_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_blessed_attributes").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skills").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_pose").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_zodiac").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_hair").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_eye").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterBlessedAttributes = $("#filter_blessed_attributes").get(0).value;
let filterSkills = $("#filter_skills").get(0).value;
let filterPose = $("#filter_pose").get(0).value;
let filterZodiac = $("#filter_zodiac").get(0).value;
let filterHair= $("#filter_hair").get(0).value;
let filterEye = $("#filter_eye").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesElement = (girl.element == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesAffCategory = (girl.nb_grades == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (girl.graded == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesBlessedAttributes;
switch (filterBlessedAttributes) {
case 'blessed_attributes':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (girl.blessed_attributes != undefined);
case 'non_blessed_attributes':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (girl.blessed_attributes == undefined);
case 'all':
matchesBlessedAttributes = (filterBlessedAttributes == 'all');
let skills = girl.skill_tiers_info;
let indexSkill = 0;
for (let id=1; id<6; id++) {
if (skills[id])
if(skills[id].skill_points_used > 0) indexSkill = id;
let matchesSkills = (indexSkill >= filterSkills) || (filterSkills == 'all')
let matchesPose = (girl.figure == filterPose) || (filterPose == 'all');
let matchesZodiac = (girl.zodiac == filterZodiac) || (filterZodiac == 'all');
let matchesHair = (girl.hair_color1 == filterHair) || (girl.hair_color2 == filterHair) || (filterHair == 'all');
let matchesEye = (girl.eye_color1 == filterEye) || (girl.eye_color2 == filterEye) || (filterEye == 'all');
return (matchesName && matchesClass && matchesElement && matchesRarity && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesBlessedAttributes && matchesSkills && matchesPose && matchesZodiac && matchesHair && matchesEye) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
//update scroll display
$(".harem-panel-girls").css('overflow', '');
$(".harem-panel-girls").css('overflow', 'hidden');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="arena_filter_box" class="form-wrapper">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.caracs[1] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.caracs[2] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.caracs[3] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_blessed_attributes">' + labels.blessed_attributes + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_blessed_attributes" id="filter_blessed_attributes" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="blessed_attributes">' + labels.blessed_attributes + '</option>'
+ '<option value="non_blessed_attributes">' + labels.non_blessed_attributes + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="skills">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skills" id="filter_skills" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 1</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 2</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 3</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 4</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + window.GT.design.tier + ' ≥ 5</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_pose">' + window.GT.design.filter_pose + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_pose" id="filter_pose" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + window.GT.figures[1] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + window.GT.figures[2] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + window.GT.figures[3] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + window.GT.figures[4] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + window.GT.figures[5] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + window.GT.figures[6] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="7">' + window.GT.figures[7] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="8">' + window.GT.figures[8] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="9">' + window.GT.figures[9] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="10">' + window.GT.figures[10] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="11">' + window.GT.figures[11] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="12">' + window.GT.figures[12] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_zodiac">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_zodiac_sign + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_zodiac" id="filter_zodiac" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[1] + '">' + labels.zodiac[1] + '</option>'
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+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[3] + '">' + labels.zodiac[3] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[4] + '">' + labels.zodiac[4] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[5] + '">' + labels.zodiac[5] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[6] + '">' + labels.zodiac[6] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[7] + '">' + labels.zodiac[7] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[8] + '">' + labels.zodiac[8] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[9] + '">' + labels.zodiac[9] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[10] + '">' + labels.zodiac[10] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[11] + '">' + labels.zodiac[11] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="' + labels.zodiac[12] + '">' + labels.zodiac[12] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
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+ '<select name="filter_hair" id="filter_hair" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F99" style="color: #ff5a81;">' + labels.color['F99'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F00" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + labels.color['F00'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B62" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['B62'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FFF" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['FFF'] + '</option>'
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+ '<option value="00F" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['00F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FF0" style="color: #fff049;">' + labels.color['FF0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0F0" style="color: #00e772;">' + labels.color['0F0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="XXX" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['XXX'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="A55" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['A55'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="000" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['000'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="CCC" style="color: #ccc;">' + labels.color['CCC'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F0F" style="color: #e42eff;">' + labels.color['F0F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F90" style="color: #ff9600;">' + labels.color['F90'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="EB8" style="color: #ffa792;">' + labels.color['EB8'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B06" style="color: #ca0080;">' + labels.color['B06'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="888" style="color: #999;">' + labels.color['888'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FD0" style="color: #ffb923;">' + labels.color['FD0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="D83" style="color: #ca8521;">' + labels.color['D83'] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_eye">' + window.GT.design.haremdex_eye_color + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_eye" id="filter_eye" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F99" style="color: #ff5a81;">' + labels.color['F99'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="00F" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['00F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="A55" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + labels.color['A55'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0F0" style="color: #00e772;">' + labels.color['0F0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F0F" style="color: #e42eff;">' + labels.color['F0F'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FD0" style="color: #ffb923;">' + labels.color['FD0'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F00" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + labels.color['F00'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="B06" style="color: #ca0080;">' + labels.color['B06'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="F90" style="color: #ff9600;">' + labels.color['F90'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="888" style="color: #999;">' + labels.color['888'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="CCC" style="color: #ccc;">' + labels.color['CCC'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="000" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + labels.color['000'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="XXX" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['XXX'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="321" style="color: #67422a; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;">' + labels.color['321'] + '</option>'
+ '<option value="FFF" style="color: #fff;">' + labels.color['FFF'] + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
sheet.insertRule('#arena_filter_box {'
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+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
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sheet.insertRule('.personal_info.hero {'
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sheet.insertRule('#season-arena .season_arena_block.battle_hero .hero_stats div {'
+ 'margin: 0; }');
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+ 'margin-top: 16px !important;}}'
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sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel #arena_filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+'color: #fff;'
+ 'width: 84px;'
+ 'right: 98px;}'
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#waifu-page #arena_filter_box {'
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//Filter on girls selection screen for labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinthFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".team-pool-selection-container").append('<button id="labyrinth_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
function getFilterGirlData() {
arenaGirls = $('.girl-grid .girl-container');
girlsData = $.map(arenaGirls, function(girl, index) {
return JSON.parse($(girl).find('.girl-image').attr("data-new-girl-tooltip"));
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#labyrinth_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display');
$("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skill5").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterSkill5 = $("#filter_skill5").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let affectionStr = girl.graded2;
let affectionCategoryStr = affectionStr.split('</g>');
let affectionCategory = affectionCategoryStr.length-1;
let affectionLvlStr = affectionStr.split('<g >');
let affectionLvl = affectionLvlStr.length-1;
let matchesAffCategory = (affectionCategory == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (affectionLvl == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesElement = (girl.element_data.type == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let skill5Active = 0;
if (girl.skill_tiers_info[5] != undefined) skill5Active = (girl.skill_tiers_info[5].skill_points_used == 0) ? 0 : 1;
let matchesSkill5 = (skill5Active == filterSkill5) || (filterSkill5 == 'all');
return (matchesClass && matchesRarity && matchesName && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesElement && matchesSkill5) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
//update scroll display
$('.girl-grid').css('overflow', '');
$('.girl-grid').css('overflow', 'hidden');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="labyrinth_filter_box" class="form-wrapper">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.design.class_hardcore + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.design.class_charm + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.design.class_knowhow + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_skill5">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + ' ' + window.GT.design.tier + ' 5</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skill5" id="filter_skill5" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value=1>' + window.GT.design.Yes + '</option>'
+ '<option value=0>' + window.GT.design.No + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
sheet.insertRule('#labyrinth_filter_box {'
+ 'columns: 2;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 417px;'
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+ 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
+ 'background-color: #1e261e;'
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.73) 0px 0px;'
+ 'padding: 5px;'
+ 'border: 1px solid #ffa23e;'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.form-control {'
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sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control > .select-group > select > option {'
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sheet.insertRule('.team-pool-selection-container #labyrinth_filter {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
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+ 'top: 6px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.form-wrapper > .form-control label.head-group {'
+ 'text-align: left;}'
//Filter on team selection screen in the labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinthTeamFilter() {
let arenaGirls = undefined;
let girlsData = undefined;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("h3.panel-title").append('<button id="labyrinth_filter" class="square_blue_btn">' + labels.filter + '</button>');
function getFilterGirlData() {
arenaGirls = $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container');
girlsData = $.map(arenaGirls, function(girl, index) {
return JSON.parse($(girl).find('.girl_img').attr("data-new-girl-tooltip"));
function createFilterEvents() {
$("#labyrinth_filter").on('click', function() {
if (typeof arenaGirls == 'undefined' || typeof girlsData == 'undefined') return;
let currentBoxDisplay = $("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display');
$("#labyrinth_filter_box").css('display', currentBoxDisplay == "none" ? 'block' : 'none');
$("#filter_class").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_rarity").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_name").get(0).oninput = filterGirls;
$("#filter_aff_category").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_aff_lvl").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_element").on('change', filterGirls);
$("#filter_skill5").on('change', filterGirls);
function filterGirls() {
let filterClass = $("#filter_class").get(0).selectedIndex;
let filterRarity = $("#filter_rarity").get(0).value;
let filterName = $("#filter_name").get(0).value;
let nameRegex = new RegExp(filterName, "i");
let filterAffCategory = $("#filter_aff_category").get(0).value;
let filterAffLvl = $("#filter_aff_lvl").get(0).value;
let filterElement = $("#filter_element").get(0).value;
let filterSkill5 = $("#filter_skill5").get(0).value;
let girlsFiltered = $.map(girlsData, function(girl, index) {
let matchesClass = (girl.class == filterClass) || (filterClass == 0);
let matchesRarity = (girl.rarity == filterRarity) || (filterRarity == 'all');
let matchesName = (girl.name.search(nameRegex) > -1);
let affectionStr = girl.graded2;
let affectionCategoryStr = affectionStr.split('</g>');
let affectionCategory = affectionCategoryStr.length-1;
let affectionLvlStr = affectionStr.split('<g >');
let affectionLvl = affectionLvlStr.length-1;
let matchesAffCategory = (affectionCategory == filterAffCategory) || (filterAffCategory == 'all');
let matchesAffLvl = (affectionLvl == filterAffLvl) || (filterAffLvl == 'all');
let matchesElement = (girl.element == filterElement) || (filterElement == 'all');
let skill5Active = 0;
if (girl.skill_tiers_info[5] != undefined) skill5Active = (girl.skill_tiers_info[5].skill_points_used == 0) ? 0 : 1;
let matchesSkill5 = (skill5Active == filterSkill5) || (filterSkill5 == 'all');
return (matchesClass && matchesRarity && matchesName && matchesAffCategory && matchesAffLvl && matchesElement && matchesSkill5) ? index : null;
$.each(arenaGirls, function(index, girlElem) {
$(girlElem).css('display', $.inArray(index, girlsFiltered) > -1 ? 'block' : 'none');
//update scroll display
$('.harem-panel-girls').css('overflow', '');
$('.harem-panel-girls').css('overflow', 'hidden');
function createFilterBox() {
let totalHTML = '<div id="labyrinth_filter_box" class="form-wrapper">';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="input-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_name">' + window.GT.design.Name + '</label>'
+ '<input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="filter_name" placeholder="' + labels.girl_name + '" icon="search">'
+ '</div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_class">' + window.GT.design.mythic_equipment_class + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_class" id="filter_class" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="hardcore">' + window.GT.design.class_hardcore + '</option>'
+ '<option value="charm">' + window.GT.design.class_charm + '</option>'
+ '<option value="knowhow">' + window.GT.design.class_knowhow + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_element">' + labels.element + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_element" id="filter_element" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="darkness" style="color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px 1px 0 #24a0ff,-1px -1px 0 #24a0ff,1px -1px 0 #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.darkness_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="light" style="color: #fff;">' + window.GT.design.light_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="psychic" style="color: #7e0c8e;">' + window.GT.design.psychic_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="fire" style="color: #ff2a52;">' + window.GT.design.fire_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="nature" style="color: #00e772;">' + window.GT.design.nature_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="stone" style="color: #cb6f2b;">' + window.GT.design.stone_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="sun" style="color: #fff049;">' + window.GT.design.sun_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '<option value="water" style="color: #24a0ff;">' + window.GT.design.water_flavor_element + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_rarity">' + window.GT.design.selectors_Rarity + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_rarity" id="filter_rarity" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="starting">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_starting + '</option>'
+ '<option value="common">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_common + '</option>'
+ '<option value="rare">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_rare + '</option>'
+ '<option value="epic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_epic + '</option>'
+ '<option value="legendary">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_legendary + '</option>'
+ '<option value="mythic">' + window.GT.design.girls_rarity_mythic + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_skill5">' + window.GT.design.girl_skills + ' ' + window.GT.design.tier + ' 5</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_skill5" id="filter_skill5" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value=1>' + window.GT.design.Yes + '</option>'
+ '<option value=0>' + window.GT.design.No + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_category">' + window.GT.design.affection_category + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_category" id="filter_aff_category" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '<div class="form-control"><div class="select-group" style="break-inside: avoid;">'
+ '<label class="head-group" for="filter_aff_lvl">' + labels.aff_lvl + '</label>'
+ '<select name="filter_aff_lvl" id="filter_aff_lvl" icon="down-arrow">'
+ '<option value="all" selected="selected">' + labels.all + '</option>'
+ '<option value="0">' + labels.zero_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="1">' + labels.one_star + '</option>'
+ '<option value="2">' + labels.two_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="3">' + labels.three_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="4">' + labels.four_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="5">' + labels.five_stars + '</option>'
+ '<option value="6">' + labels.six_stars + '</option>'
+ '</select></div></div>';
totalHTML += '</div>';
return totalHTML;
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sheet.insertRule('.team-context {'
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/* =========================================
========================================= */
function moduleChampions() {
if (sessionStorage.getItem('championsCallBack') && $('.page-shop').length) {
const championsCallBack = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('championsCallBack'));
$('#breadcrumbs .back').after('<span>></span><a class="back" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '" >'
+ $('nav [rel="content"] a[href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '"]').text().trim()
+ '<span class="mapArrowBack_flat_icn"></span></a><span>></span><a class="back" href="'
+ championsCallBack.location + '">'
+ championsCallBack.name + '<span class="mapArrowBack_flat_icn"></span></a>');
else if(CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions-map') != -1) {
const champions_unlocked = $('.champion-lair-girl').length - $('.champion-lair-name.locked').length ;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.nb_champions', champions_unlocked);
else if(CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('/club-champion') != -1) {
const DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA = '{"attempts": {}, "config" : {}, "positions" : {}, "statistics" : {}}';
const personalKey = heroData.infos.id + '/' + window.championData.champion.id;
let championsData = ($('.page-champions').length == 1) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.championsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA) : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubChampionsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA);
let positions = championsData.positions[personalKey];
let positions2 = window.championData.champion.poses;
let statistics = championsData.statistics[window.championData.champion.id];
let attempts = championsData.attempts[personalKey] || 0;
let config = championsData.config[heroData.infos.id] || {};
$('.champions-top__title').append('<span class="champion-lvl">(' + window.GT.design.Lvl + window.championData.champion.level + ')</span>');
let page = (CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) ? $('.page-champions') : $('.page-club_champion');
let isSkipButtonClicked;
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) {
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__draft-box > button', () => {setTimeout(() => {markMatchedPositions()}, 1000)})
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__confirm-team', showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting)
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__skip-champion-cooldown', () => {isSkipButtonClicked = true});
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__draft-box > button', () => {setTimeout(() => {markMatchedPositions()}, 1000)})
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__confirm-team', showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting)
.on('click', '.champions-bottom__skip-champion-cooldown', () => {isSkipButtonClicked = true});
$(window).on('beforeunload', () => {
championsData = (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.championsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA) : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.clubChampionsData') || DEFAULT_CHAMPIONS_DATA);
championsData.positions[personalKey] = positions;
championsData.attempts[personalKey] = attempts;
championsData.statistics[window.championData.champion.id] = statistics;
championsData.config[heroData.infos.id] = Object.keys(config).length? config : undefined;
if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.championsData', JSON.stringify(championsData));
else {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.clubChampionsData', JSON.stringify(championsData));
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, options) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
if (response.positions) {
if (!positions) {
if (!statistics) {
statistics = Array($('.rounds-info__figures .figure').length).fill(0);
response.positions.forEach((e) => statistics[e]++);
attempts = 0;
if (response.final.attacker_ego > 0 || response.final.winner.type == 'hero') {
positions = undefined;
else {
positions = response.positions;
attempts += parseInt($('.champions-bottom__amount-slider .input-field .battles-number')[0].innerText, 10);
else {
if (isSkipButtonClicked) {
isSkipButtonClicked = false;
const restTimer = $('.champions-bottom__rest [timer], .champions-middle__champion-resting[timer]');
if (restTimer.is(':visible')) {
const delayTime = Math.ceil(restTimer.attr('timer') * 1000 - Date.now());
setTimeout(markMatchedPositions, delayTime + 400);
if(CurrentPage.indexOf('/champions/') != -1) championShortcuts();
function showAdditionalInformation() {
if ($('.champions-middle__champion-resting-text').is(':visible') && positions) {
positions = undefined;
if ($('#additionalInformation').is(':visible')) {
if (positions) {
else if (statistics) {
if (positions || statistics) {
function markMatchedPositions() {
$('.girl-selection__girl-box').each(function(index) {
const currentGirlsPose = $(this).find('.girl-box__pose');
const currentGirlsPower = $(this).find('.damage_number');
if (currentGirlsPose.next().length == 0) {
currentGirlsPose.parent().append('<span style="margin-left: 35px;" />');
if (positions2) {
if (currentGirlsPose.attr('src').indexOf(preparePositionImage(positions2[index % positions2.length])) >= 0) {
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'none');
currentGirlsPower.css('color', '#b0ff26');
else if (positions2.some((e) => (preparePositionImage(e) == currentGirlsPose.attr('src')))) {
currentGirlsPose.next().addClass('green-tick-icon empty');
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'hue-rotate(-233deg)');
let newPower = localeStringToNumber(currentGirlsPower.attr('hh_title'))*2;
if (newPower < 100000) currentGirlsPower[0].innerText = nRounding(newPower, 1, 1);
else currentGirlsPower[0].innerText = nRounding(newPower, 0, 1);
currentGirlsPower.css('color', '#009fff');
else {
else if (statistics) {
currentGirlsPose.next().css({'filter': 'invert'});
if (statistics.some((elem, idx) => (elem > 0 && preparePositionImage(idx) == currentGirlsPose.attr('src')))) {
currentGirlsPose.next().addClass('green-tick-icon empty');
currentGirlsPose.next().css('filter', 'hue-rotate(-233deg)');
else {
function showNumberOfTicketsWhileTeamResting() {
if ($('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount').is(':visible') == false) {
$('.champions-bottom__rest').css({'width': '280px'})
.before('<div class="champions-bottom__ticket-amount"><span class="ticket_icn"></span><span cur="ticket">x ' + window.championData.champion.currentTickets + '</span></div>');
function preparePositionImage(positionID) {
return window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/design/battle_positions/' + positionID + '.png';
function createCurrentPositionsInfo() {
let positionsBox = ('<div id="additionalInformation" style="position: absolute; top:' + (config.top || 130) + 'px; right:' + (config.right || -75)
+ 'px;"><div style="border: 2px solid #ffa23e; background-color: rgba(60,20,30,.8); border-radius: 7px; width: max-content;"> ' + labels.Current_positions + ':<div>');
positions.forEach((e) => {
positionsBox += '<img style="height: 48px; width: 48px; cursor: pointer;" src="' + preparePositionImage(e) + '" hh_title="' + window.GT.figures[e]+ '">';
positionsBox += '</div> ' + labels.Current_stage + ': ' + attempts + ' ' + (attempts == 1 ? labels.attempt:labels.attempts) + ' </div></div>';
$('#additionalInformation #ascrail2000-hr').remove();
function createStatisticsInfo() {
let statisticsBox = ('<div id="additionalInformation" style="position: absolute; top:' + (config.top || 130) + 'px; right:' + (config.right || -75)
+ 'px;"><div style="border: 2px solid #ffa23e; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8); border-radius: 7px; width: max-content;"> ' + labels.Statistics + ':'
+ '<div class="scroll-area" style="font-size: 14px; max-width: 208px;"><div>');
let total = statistics.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
let positionList = (statistics.map((elem, idx) => ({'index': idx, 'value': elem}))
.filter((e) => e.index > 0 && e.value > 0)
.sort((a, b) => (a.value == b.value)? a.index - b.index : b.value - a.value));
positionList.forEach((p) => {
statisticsBox += '<div style="display: inline-block; width: 52px; text-align: center;">'
+ '<img style="height: 48px; width: 48px; margin-bottom: -6px; cursor: pointer;" src="'
+ preparePositionImage(p.index) + '" hh_title="' + window.GT.figures[p.index] + '" ><span>'
+ Math.round(p.value / total * 1000) / 10 + '%</span></div>';
statisticsBox += '</div></div>' + (attempts? (' ' + labels.Prev_stage + ': ' + attempts + ' ' + (attempts == 1 ? labels.attempt:labels.attempts) + ' ') : '') + '</div></div>';
$('.champions-over__champion-wrapper').find('.scroll-area > div').css({'width': positionList.length * 52 + 'px'});
if (positionList.length > 4) {
if (window.is_mobile_size()) {
$('.champions-over__champion-wrapper').find('.scroll-area').css({'padding-bottom': '10px', 'margin-bottom': '-5px'});
else {
$('.champions-over__champion-wrapper').find('.scroll-area').css({'padding-bottom': '', 'margin-bottom': '5px'});
$('#additionalInformation #ascrail2000-hr').remove();
function configureInfoBox() {
$('.girl-box__draggable').droppable('option', 'accept', (e) => e.hasClass('girl-box__draggable'));
$('#additionalInformation').on('click', '.eye', (e) => {
config.visible = config.visible == undefined? false : undefined;
cursor: 'move',
start: function () {
$(this).css({'right': ''});
drag: function (event, ui) {
ui.position.top /= window.FullSize.scale;
ui.position.left /= window.FullSize.scale;
stop: function (event, ui) {
config.right = Math.round($(this).parent().width() - ui.position.left - $(this).width());
config.top = Math.round(ui.position.top);
$(this).css({'left': '', 'right': config.right + 'px'});
$(event.originalEvent.target).one('click', (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation());
}).prepend('<a class="eye" style="top: 3px; right: 3px; position: absolute; cursor: pointer;">'
+ '<img src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/quest/ic_eyeclosed.svg" style="width: 30px; display: block;">'
+ '<img src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/quest/ic_eyeopen.svg" style="width: 50px; display: none;">'
+ '</div></a>');
if (config.visible == false) {
$('#additionalInformation .eye').children().toggle();
$('#additionalInformation .eye').next().toggle();
//Add previous/next arrows in Places of Power to navigate easily between them
function championShortcuts() {
const champions_nb = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('HHS.nb_champions'), 10) || 6;
let champions_id = [];
for (let i=1; i<=champions_nb; i++) champions_id.push(i);
const currentChampionId = parseInt(window.championData.champion.id, 10);
$('.champions-over__champion-info').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/' + champions_id[(champions_nb + (currentChampionId-2)) % champions_nb]) + '" class="round_blue_button champion_shortcut" id="previous_champion"></a>');
$('#previous_champion').after('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/' + champions_id[currentChampionId % champions_nb]) + '" class="round_blue_button champion_shortcut" id="next_champion"></a>');
//Highlight champion girl's pose
function highlightGirlPose() {
const girl_figure = window.championData.champion.girl.figure;
window.championData.champion.poses.forEach((pose, index) => {
if(pose == girl_figure) {
$('.champion-pose')[index].setAttribute('tooltip', "");
$('.champion-pose')[index].setAttribute('hh_title', labels.champion_girl_pose);
sheet.insertRule('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount {'
+ 'width: 145px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-bottom__ticket-amount.right {'
+ 'text-align: left !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champion_shortcut {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'top: 5px;'
+ 'pointer-events: auto !important;'
+ 'background-size: 28px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule('#previous_champion {'
+ 'left: -35px;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_champion {'
+ 'left: 260px;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-over__champion-info .round_blue_button {'
+ 'width: 30px !important;'
+ 'height: 30px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.champion-pose.matched {'
+ 'filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00) drop-shadow(0px 0px 3px #00ff00);}'
sheet.insertRule('.champions-over__champion-wrapper {'
+ 'pointer-events: auto !important;}'
/* =======
======= */
function moduleLinks() {
let time_now = window.server_now_ts;
const options = {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'};
// Current page: Homepage
if (CurrentPage.includes('home')) home();
// Current page: Pachinko
else if (CurrentPage.includes('pachinko')) pachinko();
// Current page: Activities
else if (CurrentPage.includes('activities')){
if ($('#activities-tabs').children('[data-tab=pop]').length > 0) pop();
if (window.location.href.includes('?tab=pop&index')) popShortcuts();
// Current page: Champions
else if (CurrentPage.includes('champions')) champions();
// Current page: Market
else if (CurrentPage.includes('shop')) collectBoostersFromMarket();
else if ((CurrentPage.includes('map')) || (CurrentPage.includes('world')) || (CurrentPage.includes('quest'))) questTitle();
else if (CurrentPage.includes('path-of-valor')) pov();
else if (CurrentPage.includes('path-of-glory')) pog();
else if (CurrentPage == '/season.html') season();
function calculateTime(deadline) {
let currentTime = new Date();
let remaining = Math.floor((deadline - currentTime.getTime())/1000);
return convertToTimeFormat(remaining);
function convertToTimeFormat(remainingTime) {
let remM = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60);
let remS = remainingTime - remM*60;
if(remainingTime < 0){
remM = 0;
remS = 0;
if(remM > 59){
let remH = Math.floor(remM / 60);
let remD = Math.floor(remH / 24);
remM -= remH * 60;
remH -= remD * 24;
//if (remD > 0) return remD + labels.day + " " + remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " ";
if (remD > 0) return remD + labels.day + " " + remH + labels.hour + " ";
return remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " ";
else if(remM > 0){
if (remS > 9) return remM + labels.minute + " " + remS + labels.second;
else return remM + labels.minute + " 0" + remS + labels.second;
if (remS > 9 || remS < 1) return remS + labels.second;
else return "0" + remS + labels.second;
function convertToTimeFormatMinutes(remainingTime) {
let remM = Math.floor(remainingTime /60);
let remS = remainingTime - remM*60;
if(remainingTime < 0){
remM = 0;
remS = 0;
if(remM > 59){
let remH = Math.floor(remM / 60);
remM -= remH * 60;
return remH + labels.hour + " " + remM + labels.minute + " "
else if(remM > 0) return remM + labels.minute;
else if(remS < 10 & remS > 0) return "0" + remS + labels.second;
return remS + labels.second;
function parseTime(remainingTimeStr) {
let indexDay = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.day);
let indexHour = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.hour);
let indexMinute = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.minute);
let indexSecond = remainingTimeStr.indexOf(labels.second);
let day = indexDay == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(0, indexDay).trim());
let hour = indexHour == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexDay+1, indexHour).trim());
let minute = indexMinute == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexHour+1, indexMinute).trim());
let second = indexSecond == -1 ? 0 : parseInt(remainingTimeStr.substring(indexMinute+1, indexSecond).trim());
return (day*24*3600 + hour*3600 + minute*60 + second);
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.LeagueExists") == 1 && heroData.infos.level >= 20) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="league_counter" id="LeagueTimer">'
+ '<span class="league_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/leagues.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="league_bar" class="tier_bar_league"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="league_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptLeagueAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptLeagueTimer" rel="league_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="2100" timeonload="24"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonExists") == 1) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="scriptSeasonInfo" id="FightSeason">'
+ '<span class="season_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/season-arena.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="kisses_bar" class="tier_bar_season"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="kisses_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptSeasonAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.kiss.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptSeasonTimer" rel="season_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="3600" timeonload="24"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (heroData.infos.level >= 15 && heroData.energies.worship != undefined) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="scriptPantheonInfo" id="FightPantheon">'
+ '<span class="pantheon_icn" tooltip=""></span>'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/pantheon.html') + '">'
+ '<div id="worship_bar" class="tier_bar_pantheon"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="worship_data" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<span id="scriptPantheonAttempts">0</span>/<span rel="max">' + heroData.energies.worship.max_regen_amount + '</span>'
+ '<span id="scriptPantheonTimer" rel="pantheon_count_txt" timeforsinglepoint="8640"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.nb_Pop") > 0) {
$('header .currency').before('<div class="pop_timer" id="PoPTimer" tooltip="">'
+ '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop') + '">'
+ '<div id="pop_bar" class="tier_bar_pop"></div>'
+ '<div class="white_text centered_s" style="width: 100%;">'
+ '<div id="pop_data" style="width: 100%;">' + labels.pop
+ '<span id="scriptPoPTimer" rel="pop_count_txt"></span>'
+ '</a></div></div></div>');
$('#fight_energy_bar .hudBattlePts_mix_icn')[0].className = "trollPts_icn";
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
$('#quest_energy_bar .hudEnergy_mix_icn')[0].className = "energy_icn";
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('tooltip', "");
function scriptTimers(){
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.LeagueExists") == 1 && heroData.infos.level >= 20) leagueBattles();
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonExists") == 1) seasonBattles();
if (heroData.energies.worship != undefined && heroData.infos.level >= 15) pantheonBattles();
}, 1000);
function questTitle(){
$('#breadcrumbs').css('z-index', '99');
$('#breadcrumbs').css('top', '67px');
$('.ico-quest[href="/quest/1305"]').css('top', '0%');
function questLink() {
let quest_link = heroData.infos.questing.current_url;
if (!quest_link.includes('quest') && heroData.infos.questing.id_world >= (trolls.length+1)) {
quest_link = "/champions-help.html";
else {
quest_link = "/quest/" + heroData.infos.questing.id_quest;
const $energybar = $('#quest_energy_bar .energy_counter_bar .bar-wrapper .over');
$energybar.prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL(quest_link) + '"></a>');
function questTooltip() {
let current_quest_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.amount, 10);
const max_quest_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_quest = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.seconds_per_point, 10);
let remaining_quest_time = parseInt(heroData.energies.quest.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_remaining_quest_time = remaining_quest_time + Math.max(0, (max_quest_energy-current_quest_energy-1))*time_for_new_quest;
let full_quest_date = time_now + full_remaining_quest_time;
if (current_quest_energy >= max_quest_energy) {
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
else {
document.querySelector('.energy_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_quest_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
document.querySelector('.energy_counter_bar').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.energy + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_quest_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_quest_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
function trollTooltip() {
let current_troll_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.amount, 10);
const max_troll_energy = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_troll = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.seconds_per_point, 10);
let remaining_troll_time = parseInt(heroData.energies.fight.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_remaining_troll_time = remaining_troll_time + Math.max(0, (max_troll_energy-current_troll_energy-1))*time_for_new_troll;
let full_troll_date = time_now + full_remaining_troll_time;
if (current_troll_energy >= max_troll_energy) {
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.combativity + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
else {
document.querySelector('.trollPts_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.combativity + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + calculateTime(full_troll_date*1000) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(full_troll_date*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(full_troll_date*1000).toLocaleDateString());
function pop(){
let current_date_sec = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let popDate = current_date_sec;
let popTime = 0;
let popRemainingTime = 0;
let popList = [];
let popId = 0;
let popAll = document.getElementsByClassName("pop_thumb");
for (let i=0; i<popAll.length; i++) {
let className = popAll[i].className;
if (!className.includes('greyed')) {
let id = parseInt(popAll[i].attributes.pop_id.nodeValue, 10);
if ((id >= 7 && id <= 9) || (id >= 13 && id <= 15)) {
$('div.pop_thumb_container:nth-child(3)').after($('div.pop_thumb_container:nth-child(' + (i+1) + ')'));
let nb_Pop = popList.length
localStorage.setItem("HHS.nb_Pop", nb_Pop);
function update() {
for (let i=0; i<popList.length; i++) {
if (popList[i].className.includes('pop_thumb_selected')) {
popId = (i+1);
if (popList[i].attributes[2].value == "pending_reward") {
popDate = current_date_sec;
popTime = 0;
else if (popList[i].attributes[2].value == "can_start") {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start", "true");
else {
let id = parseInt(popList[i].attributes.pop_id.nodeValue, 10);
popRemainingTime = parseInt(window.pop_data[id].remaining_time, 10);
popDate = current_date_sec + popRemainingTime;
popTime = window.pop_data[id].time_to_finish;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start", "false");
if (current_date_sec > localStorage.getItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1))) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1), popDate);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popTime" + (i+1), popTime);
let button = document.querySelector('#pop_info .pop_central_part.dark_subpanel_box button.blue_button_L');
button.addEventListener('click', function(){
popRemainingTime = parseTime($('.pop_remaining > span:nth-child(1)')[0].innerText);
popDate = current_date_sec + popRemainingTime;
popTime = popRemainingTime;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pop_" + popId + "_can_start", "false");
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + popId, popDate);
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popTime" + popId, popTime);
function displayClassGirl() {
let girls = $('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view')[0].children;
for (let i=0; i<girls.length; i++) {
let girl_class = 0;
try {
if (girls[i].children[0].children[0].attributes["data-new-girl-tooltip"] != undefined) {
let girl_pose = parseInt(JSON.parse(girls[i].children[0].children[0].attributes["data-new-girl-tooltip"].nodeValue).position_img.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""), 10);
if (girl_pose < 5) girl_class = 1;
else if (girl_pose > 4 && girl_pose < 9) girl_class = 2;
else girl_class = 3;
$($('#pop #pop_info .pop_right_part .grid_view .not_selected')[i]).find('.girl_action').append($('<img class="classGirl" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'));
} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
sheet.insertRule('.classGirl {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: -98px;'
+ 'left: 25px;'
+ 'border: none;}'
let button2 = document.querySelector('#rewards_popup .popup_buttons button.blue_button_L');
button2.addEventListener('click', function(){
function popTimer() {
let current_date_sec = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
const nb_Pop = localStorage.getItem("HHS.nb_Pop") || 0;
let popDate = [];
let popTime = [];
let time_remaining = 0;
let pop_percent = 100;
let pop_can_start = false;
if (nb_Pop > 0) {
for (let i=0; i<nb_Pop; i++){
if (localStorage.getItem("HHS.pop_" + (i+1) + "_can_start") == "true") {
pop_can_start = true;
else {
let popDate_i = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1)), 10) || 0;
let popTime_i = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.popTime" + (i+1)), 10) || 0;
if (popDate_i == 0) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.popDate" + (i+1), popDate_i);
let popDateMin = Math.min(...popDate);
if (popDateMin == Infinity) {
popDateMin = current_date_sec;
time_remaining = popDateMin - current_date_sec || 0;
let index = popDate.indexOf(popDateMin);
pop_percent = Math.min(100, ((popTime[index]-(popDate[index]-current_date_sec))/popTime[index])*100);
$('#scriptPoPTimer').html(" " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"pop_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(time_remaining) + "</span>");
$('#pop_bar').css('width', pop_percent + '%');
if (time_remaining > 0) {
$('.tier_bar_pop').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
document.querySelector('#PoPTimer').setAttribute('hh_title', labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(popDateMin*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(popDateMin*1000).toLocaleDateString());
if (pop_can_start == true) {
$('#scriptPoPTimer').css('color', 'orange');
else {
$('#scriptPoPTimer').css('color', '#8ec3ff');
else {
$('.tier_bar_pop').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
//Add previous/next arrows in Places of Power to navigate easily between them
function popShortcuts() {
let currentPop = $('.pop_thumb_selected')[0].attributes.pop_id.nodeValue;
let popList = [];
let popAll = document.getElementsByClassName("pop_thumb");
for (let i=0; i<popAll.length; i++) {
let className = popAll[i].className;
if (!className.includes('greyed')) {
let currentIndex = popList.indexOf(currentPop);
let previousPop = (currentIndex == 0) ? popList[popList.length - 1] : popList[currentIndex-1];
let nextPop = (currentIndex == popList.length - 1) ? popList[0] : popList[currentIndex+1];
$('.pop_right_part').prepend('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop&index=' + previousPop) + '" class="back_button" id="previous_pop"></a>');
$('.pop_right_part a:nth-child(1)').after('<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop&index=' + nextPop) + '" class="back_button" id="next_pop"></a>');
sheet.insertRule('#previous_pop {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879564.png) !important;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#previous_pop {'
+ 'bottom: 4px;'
+ 'right: 301px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#previous_pop {'
+ 'bottom: 0px;'
+ 'right: 317px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#next_pop {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'background-image: url(https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/64/2879/2879593.png) !important;'
+ 'background-size: 38px;'
+ 'background-position: center;'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#next_pop {'
+ 'bottom: 4px;'
+ 'right: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#next_pop {'
+ 'bottom: 0px;'
+ 'right: 15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('button[rel=pop_finish] {'
+ 'margin-right: 16px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_finish] {'
+ 'margin-top: -22px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_auto_assign] {'
+ 'height: auto !important;'
+ 'min-height: 56px;'
+ 'max-width: 210px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ 'button[rel=pop_auto_assign] {'
+ 'height: auto !important;'
+ 'min-height: 40px;'
+ 'max-width: 210px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_right_part .grid_view {'
+ 'height: 320px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#pop .pop_right_part .grid_view {'
+ 'height: 330px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#pop .pop_rewards_container.pop_rewards_page {'
+ 'margin-top: 15px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop_info .pop_left_part .shards_bar_wrapper.shards_bar_page {'
+ 'margin-top: 380px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule('#pop .pop_rewards_container .pop_rewards .reward_wrap > div {'
+ 'margin-right: 35px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > button[rel="pop_action"] {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > button[rel="pop_claim"] {'
+ 'margin-top: 0px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part .pop_remaining_state {'
+ 'top: -15px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#pop .pop_central_part > .hh_bar {'
+ 'margin-top: 17px !important;}}'
function leagueBattles(){
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let attempts = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.amount, 10);
const max_attempts = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_battle = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.seconds_per_point, 10);
let league_next_battle_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.challenge.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let league_time_full = time_now + league_next_battle_in + Math.max(0, (max_attempts-attempts-1))*time_for_new_battle;
let remaining_full_time = league_time_full-time;
let remaining_next_battle = remaining_full_time%time_for_new_battle;
if ((attempts < max_attempts) && (CurrentPage.indexOf('leagues') == -1)) {
attempts = max_attempts - Math.max(0, Math.ceil(remaining_full_time/time_for_new_battle));
let league_percent = (Math.min(attempts, max_attempts)/max_attempts)*100;
$('#league_bar').css('width', league_percent + '%');
if(attempts < max_attempts) {
$('#scriptLeagueTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(remaining_next_battle) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.league_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.league + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(remaining_full_time) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date(league_time_full*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date(league_time_full*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_league').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.league_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.league + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_league').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function seasonBattles(){
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let timestamp_last_kiss = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.update_ts, 10);
let current_kisses = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.amount, 10);
const max_kisses_number = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_kiss = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.seconds_per_point, 10);
let new_kiss_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.kiss.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_time_remaining = new_kiss_in + Math.max(0, (max_kisses_number-current_kisses-1))*time_for_new_kiss;
let season_date_full = time_now + full_time_remaining;
let season_time_remaining = season_date_full - time;
let current_date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let all_kisses = current_kisses;
let time_passed_sec = current_date - timestamp_last_kiss;
if (current_kisses < max_kisses_number) {
all_kisses = max_kisses_number - Math.max(0, Math.ceil((season_date_full - current_date)/time_for_new_kiss));
let kisses_percent = (Math.min(all_kisses, max_kisses_number)/max_kisses_number)*100;
$('#kisses_bar').css('width', kisses_percent + '%');
if (all_kisses < max_kisses_number) {
$('#scriptSeasonTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"season_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(Math.floor(time_for_new_kiss - (time_passed_sec%time_for_new_kiss))) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.season_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.season + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(season_time_remaining) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_season').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.season_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.season + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_season').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function pantheonBattles() {
let time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let timestamp_last_worship = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.update_ts, 10);
let current_worships = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.amount, 10);
const max_worships_number = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.max_regen_amount, 10);
const time_for_new_worship = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.seconds_per_point, 10);
let new_worship_in = parseInt(heroData.energies.worship.next_refresh_ts, 10);
let full_time_remaining = new_worship_in + Math.max(0, (max_worships_number-current_worships-1))*time_for_new_worship;
let pantheon_date_full = time_now + full_time_remaining;
let pantheon_time_remaining = pantheon_date_full - time;
let current_date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
let all_worships = current_worships;
let time_passed_sec = current_date - timestamp_last_worship;
if (current_worships < max_worships_number) {
all_worships = max_worships_number - Math.max(0, Math.ceil((pantheon_date_full - current_date)/time_for_new_worship));
let worships_percent = (Math.min(all_worships, max_worships_number)/max_worships_number)*100;
$('#worship_bar').css('width', worships_percent + '%');
if (all_worships < max_worships_number) {
$('#scriptPantheonTimer').html(" +1 " + labels.in + " <span rel=\"pantheon_count\">" + convertToTimeFormat(Math.floor(time_for_new_worship - (time_passed_sec%time_for_new_worship))) + "</span>");
document.querySelector('.pantheon_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.pantheon + '</h5>'
+ labels.full_in + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + convertToTimeFormat(pantheon_time_remaining) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.ends_at + ' <span class="orange" rel="timer">' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options) + '</span><BR>'
+ labels.date_on + ' ' + new Date((time_now + full_time_remaining)*1000).toLocaleDateString());
$('.tier_bar_pantheon').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(90deg,#780049,#c80053)');
else {
document.querySelector('.pantheon_icn').setAttribute('hh_title', '<h5 class="">' + labels.pantheon + '</h5>'
+ '<span class="orange" rel="timer">' + labels.full + '</span>');
$('.tier_bar_pantheon').css('background-image', 'linear-gradient(to top,#008ed5 0,#05719c 100%)');
function home() {
//Check if the player have access to the league or if the league exists
if ($('a[href$="leagues.html"][rel="leaderboard"]').length == 0) localStorage.setItem("HHS.LeagueExists", 0);
else localStorage.setItem("HHS.LeagueExists", 1);
if ($('#homepage .main-container .middle-container .waifu-and-right-side-container .right-side-container .event-container .season-button .h_container').length == 0) localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonExists", 0);
else localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonExists", 1);
//Missions timer
let next_missions_remaining_date = 0;
if (window.missions_datas.reward == false && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
next_missions_remaining_date = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.nextMissionsDate"), 10);
if (time_now*1000 < next_missions_remaining_date) {
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer1" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(next_missions_remaining_date) + '</span></div>');
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer2" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(next_missions_remaining_date) + '</span></div>');
else if (window.missions_datas.reward == true && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar1 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer1" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(time_now) + '</span></div>');
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer span[rel="expires"]').remove();
$('#home_missions_bar2 .mission-timer-container .timer').append('<div style="width: 77px; font-size: 13px !important; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration: none;"><span id="missionsTimer2" style="text-align: left;">' + calculateTime(time_now) + '</span></div>');
//Market timer
if($('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer-box .timerClock_icn').length == 0) {
let market = $('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer-box');
market.append('<div class="timer"><span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<span rel="expires">0s</span></div>');
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container a[rel="shop"] .notif-position .additional-menu-data .timer').css('display', 'flex');
if ($('.script-booster-status .slot:not(.mythic):not(.empty)').length > 0) $('#homepage a[rel=shop]').find('.expired_notification_icn').remove();
//Pachinko timer
let pachinkoTime = localStorage.getItem("HHS.pachinkoTime");
let pachinko = $('a[href$="pachinko.html"]>.notif-position>span');
pachinko.append('<div id="home_pachinko_bar">'
+'<div class="pachinko-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPachinkoTimer">' + calculateTime(pachinkoTime) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Champions timer
let championsTime = (parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10) > time_now*1000) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10) : (parseInt($('.champion-timer').attr('timer'), 10)*1000 || parseInt($('#champion-timer').attr('timer'), 10)*1000 || 0);
if (championsTime > time_now*1000){
let champions = $('a[rel="sex-god-path"]>.notif-position>span');
champions.append('<div id="home_champions_bar">'
+'<div class="champions-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptChampionsTimer">' + calculateTime(championsTime) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
if (lang != "en") {
champions.css('height', '81px');
//PoV timer
let povTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.PovTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.PovTime");
if (heroData.infos.level >= 30) {
let pov = $('a[rel="path-of-valor"]>.notif-position>.pov-widget>.h_container');
pov.append('<div id="home_pov_bar">'
+ '<div class="pov-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPovTime">' + calculateTime(povTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//PoG timer
let pogTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.PogTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.PogTime");
if (heroData.infos.level >= 30) {
let pog = $('a[rel="path-of-glory"]>.notif-position>.pov-widget>.h_container');
pog.append('<div id="home_pog_bar">'
+ '<div class="pog-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptPogTime">' + calculateTime(pogTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Season timer
let seasonTime = (localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonTime") == "NaN") ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("HHS.SeasonTime");
let season = $('a[rel="season"]>.notif-position>.seasons_button>.h_container');
season.after('<div id="home_season_bar">'
+ '<div class="season-timer-container">'
+ '<span class="timerClock_icn"></span>'
+ '<div class="text"><span id="scriptSeasonTime">' + calculateTime(seasonTime*1000) + '</span></div>'
+ '</div></div>');
//Add sub-menus for Champions
let championsMenu_map = '<a class="champions_menu champions_map" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions-map.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.Champions + '</a>';
if (heroData.infos.questing.id_world > 3 || (heroData.infos.questing.id_world == 3 && heroData.infos.questing.id_quest > 5)) {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hentai' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'test_h' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hh_eroges' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
let championsMenu_Romero = '<a class="champions_menu champion1" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/1') + '">Romero</a>';
let championsMenu_Whaty = '<a class="champions_menu champion2" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/2') + '">Whaty</a>';
let championsMenu_Matsuda = '<a class="champions_menu champion3" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/3') + '">Matsuda</a>';
let championsMenu_Ryu = '<a class="champions_menu champion4" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/4') + '">Ryu</a>';
let championsMenu_Visor = '<a class="champions_menu champion5" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/5') + '">Visor</a>';
let championsMenu_Alban = '<a class="champions_menu champion6" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/champions/6') + '">Alban</a>';
if (heroData.infos.questing.id_world > 3 || (heroData.infos.questing.id_world == 3 && heroData.infos.questing.id_quest > 5)) {
if (heroData.energies.worship != undefined) {
let championsMenu_pantheon = '<a class="champions_menu pantheon" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/pantheon.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.pantheon + '</a>';
if (heroData.infos.level >= 15) {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
let championsMenu_labyrinth = '<a class="champions_menu labyrinth" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/labyrinth-entrance.html') + '">' + window.GT.design.labyrinth + '</a>';
//Club champion shortcut
let clubChampion = '<a class="clubChampion" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/club-champion.html') + '">' + labels.Club_champion + '</a>';
//Add sub-menus for Activities
let dailyGoalsMenu = '<a class="daily_goals_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=daily_goals') + '">' + window.GT.design.daily_goals + '</a>';
let missionsMenu = '<a class="missions_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=missions') + '">' + window.GT.design.missions + '</a>';
let contestsMenu = '<a class="contests_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=contests') + '">' + window.GT.design.contests + '</a>';
let popMenu = '<a class="pop_menu" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/activities.html?tab=pop') + '">' + labels.pop + '</a>';
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE != 'horny_s') {
//Add sub-menus for Market
let marketMenu_equipments = '<a class="market_menu equipments" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop.html?type=armor') + '">' + labels.Equipments + '</a>';
let marketMenu_boosters = '<a class="market_menu boosters" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=booster') + '">' + labels.Boosters + '</a>';
let marketMenu_books = '<a class="market_menu books" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=potion') + '">' + labels.Books + '</a>';
let marketMenu_gifts = '<a class="market_menu gifts" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop?type=gift') + '">' + labels.Gifts + '</a>';
//Quests shortcuts
let currentQuest = '<a class="current_quest" href="' + transformNutakuURL(heroData.infos.questing.current_url) + '">' + window.GT.design.current_quest + '</a>';
let sideQuests = '<a class="side_quests" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/side-quests.html') + '">' + labels.Side_quests + '</a>';
if (heroData.infos.questing.id_world > 1) {
//Phone messages
if ($('a.messenger-link').length > 0) {
if (heroData.energies.reply.amount < heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount) {
let phone_messages_end_date = window.server_now_ts + heroData.energies.reply.recharge_time;
$('a.messenger-link').append('<span class=script_phone_messages>' + heroData.energies.reply.amount + ' / ' + heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount + '<BR>'
+ '+1 ' + labels.in + ' ' + convertToTimeFormatMinutes(heroData.energies.reply.next_refresh_ts) + '</span>');
else {
$('a.messenger-link').append('<span class=script_phone_messages>' + heroData.energies.reply.amount + ' / ' + heroData.energies.reply.max_regen_amount + '<BR>'
+ labels.full + '</span>');
if (window.missions_datas.reward == false && window.missions_datas.remaining_time == null) {
}, 1000);
function pachinko() {
let pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
let pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
if ($('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)').length && ($('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "great" || $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "equipment" || $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value == "mythic")) {
let button = document.querySelector('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (button.attributes["data-free"].value == "true") {
setTimeout(() => {
pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
}, 4*timeout)
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function() {
if ($('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "great" && $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "equipment" && $('.playing-zone')[0].attributes[1].value != "mythic") {
if ($('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)').length) {
let button = document.querySelector('#playzone-replace-info > div.btns-section > button.blue_button_L:nth-child(1)');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (button.attributes["data-free"].value == "true") {
setTimeout(() => {
pachinkoTimeMin = Math.min(window.pachinkoVar.next_equipment_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_great_game, window.pachinkoVar.next_mythic_game);
pachinkoTime = window.server_now_ts*1000 + pachinkoTimeMin*1000;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.pachinkoTime", pachinkoTime);
}, 4*timeout)
observer.observe($('.playing-zone')[0], {childList: false, subtree: false, attributes: true})
function activities() {
let next_missions_remaining_time = $('#missions .new-missions-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp');
localStorage.setItem("HHS.nextMissionsDate", (time_now + parseInt(next_missions_remaining_time, 10))*1000);
function champions(){
if (CurrentPage == "/champions-map.html") {
let time_min_champions = time_now + 15*60 + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++){
let time_champion = (time_now + parseInt($('a.champion-lair[href$="champions/' + (i+1) + '"] > div.champion-lair-name.map-label-link > div').attr('data-time'), 10)) || time_min_champions;
time_min_champions = Math.min(time_min_champions, parseInt(time_champion, 10));
if (time_min_champions == time_now + 15*60 + 1) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", time_now*1000);
else {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", time_min_champions*1000);
else {
let current_timer = parseInt($('.champions-bottom__rest .rest-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let current_min = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10);
if (current_min < time_now*1000) {
current_min = (time_now + 15*60 + 1)*1000;
if ((current_timer*1000) < current_min) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", (time_now + current_timer)*1000);
if ($('button.champions-bottom__start-battle').length > 0) {
let button = document.querySelector('.champions-bottom__wrapper .champions-bottom__footer .champions-bottom__buttons-wrapper button.champions-bottom__start-battle');
button.addEventListener('click', function(){
let champion_timer = new Date().getTime() + (15*60)*1000;
let champion_min = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("HHS.championsTime"), 10);
if (champion_timer < champion_min || champion_min < new Date().getTime()) {
localStorage.setItem("HHS.championsTime", champion_timer);
function pov() {
let povTimer = parseInt($('.pov-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10) || parseInt($('.potions-paths-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let pov_end_time = time_now + povTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.PovTime", pov_end_time);
function pog() {
let pogTimer = parseInt($('.potions-paths-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
let pog_end_time = time_now + pogTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.PogTime", pog_end_time);
function season() {
let seasonTimer = window.season_sec_untill_event_end;
let season_end_time = time_now + seasonTimer;
localStorage.setItem("HHS.SeasonTime", season_end_time);
function addBoosterStatus() {
1: 'green',
0.5: 'yellow',
0.2: 'red'
this.activeBoosters = {};
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS;
boosterStatus.normal = boosterStatus.normal.filter(({endAt}) => endAt > window.server_now_ts)
Object.keys(boosterStatus).forEach(key => {
if (boosterStatus[key].length < MAX_BOOSTERS[key]) {
// fill the rest with empty
boosterStatus[key] = [...boosterStatus[key], ...Array(MAX_BOOSTERS[key]-boosterStatus[key].length).fill({empty:true})]
const $boosterStatusHTML = $('<a class="script-booster-status" href="' + transformNutakuURL('/shop.html?type=player-stats&subtab=booster') + '"></a>')
const buildNormalSlot = (data) => {
const {empty, id_item, ico, identifier, rarity, endAt} = {...data, ...data.item}
if (empty) {
return '<div class="slot empty"></div>'
data.expiry = endAt - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000));
data.expiration = endAt - (Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000));
const formattedDate = new Date(endAt * 1000).toLocaleTimeString(undefined, options).replace(/(\d)/g, (x)=>`${x}<i></i>`)
return $(`
<div class="slot ${rarity}" booster-item-tooltip="" id_item="${id_item}" data-d="${JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"/g, '"')}" additional-tooltip-info="${JSON.stringify({additionalText: `<span class="script-tooltip"></span>${labels.ends_at + ' ' + formattedDate}`}).replace(/"/g, '"')}">
<img src="${ico || `${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/items/${identifier}.png`}"/>
const buildMythicSlot = (data) => {
const {empty, id_item, ico, identifier} = {...data, ...data.item}
if (empty) {
return '<div class="slot mythic empty"></div>'
return $(`
<div class="slot mythic" booster-item-tooltip="" id_item="${id_item}" data-d="${JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"/g, '"')}" additional-tooltip-info="${JSON.stringify({additionalText: '<span class="script-tooltip"></span>'}).replace(/"/g, '"')}">
<img src="${ico || `${window.IMAGES_URL}/pictures/items/${identifier}.png`}"/>
const buildProgressWrapper = (current, max, useTimer) => {
const percentage = Math.min(current/max, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = ''
let flashingClass = ''
if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
if (percentage <= 0.0035) {
flashingClass = 'flashing'
const $wrapper = $(`
<div class="circular-progress">
<div class="circle">
<div class="circle-bar left ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)"></div>
<div class="circle-bar right ${flashingClass}">
<div class="progress ${colorClass}" style="transform: rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)"></div>
${useTimer ? '<div class="dummy-timer-target" style="display: none;"></div>' : ''}
return $wrapper
const buildSlotAndAddTooltip = (buildSlot, data, replaceEmpty) => {
const {empty, id_member_booster_equipped, usages_remaining, endAt, item} = data
const {rarity, default_usages, duration} = item || {}
const $slot = buildSlot(data)
let current = 0
let max = 1
let useTimer = false
const isMythic = rarity == 'mythic'
if (!empty) {
if (isMythic) {
current = usages_remaining
max = default_usages
} else {
let normalisedDuration = duration == 1440 ? 86400 : duration
current = endAt - window.server_now_ts
max = normalisedDuration
useTimer = true
const $progressWrapper = buildProgressWrapper(current, max, useTimer)
if (replaceEmpty) {
$boosterStatusHTML.find(`.circular-progress:has(.empty${isMythic? '.mythic':':not(.mythic)'})`).first().replaceWith($progressWrapper)
} else {
if (!empty && isMythic) {
const id_m_i = id_member_booster_equipped
this.activeBoosters[id_m_i] = $progressWrapper
boosterStatus.normal.forEach(data => {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(buildNormalSlot, data)
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach(data => {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(buildMythicSlot, data)
$('header .currency').before($boosterStatusHTML)
$(document).on('boosters:equipped', (event, {id_item, isMythic, new_id}) => {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const newBoosterData = boosterStatus[isMythic ? 'mythic' : 'normal'].find(data=>data.id_item == id_item&&(new_id && data.id_member_booster_equipped == new_id))
if (newBoosterData) {
const $slotToReplace = $boosterStatusHTML.find(`.slot.empty${isMythic ? '.mythic' : ':not(.mythic)'}`)
if ($slotToReplace.length) {
buildSlotAndAddTooltip(isMythic ? buildMythicSlot : buildNormalSlot, newBoosterData, true)
} else {
// wat
console.log('somehow equipped a new equip but have no empty slot????')
} else {
console.log('can\'t find data in LS for new booster with id', new_id, 'and itemid', id_item)
$(document).on('boosters:updated-mythic', () => {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || {normal: [], mythic: []}
const boostersByIdmi = {}
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach(function(data) {
boostersByIdmi[data.id_member_booster_equipped] = data
Object.entries(this.activeBoosters).forEach(([id_m_i, $elem]) => {
const updatedData = boostersByIdmi[id_m_i]
if (!updatedData) {
// Booster has expired
$elem.find('.slot').attr('class', 'slot mythic empty').empty().attr('data-d', '').attr('tooltip-id', '').attr('id_item', '')
$elem.find('.progress').css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)')
} else {
const {item: {default_usages}, usages_remaining} = updatedData
const percentage = Math.min(usages_remaining/default_usages, 1)
const firstHalf = Math.min(percentage, 0.5) * 2
const secondHalf = Math.max(percentage - 0.5, 0) * 2
let colorClass = 'green'
if (percentage > 0) {
Object.entries(CIRCULAR_THRESHOLDS).forEach(([threshold, className]) => {
if (percentage <= threshold) {
colorClass = className
const $left = $elem.find('.left .progress')
const $right = $elem.find('.right .progress')
$left.css('transform', `rotate(${180 * secondHalf}deg)`).attr('class', `progress ${colorClass}`)
$right.css('transform', `rotate(${180 * firstHalf}deg)`).attr('class', `progress ${colorClass}`)
const $slot = $elem.find('.slot')
$slot.attr('data-d', JSON.stringify(updatedData))
$slot.data('d', updatedData)
new MutationObserver(() => {
// Nasty hack. Wish there was a better way of setting a custom class on a tooltip
}).observe(document.body, {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status {'
+ 'z-index:15;'
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+ 'grid-gap: 3px;'
+ 'grid-template-columns: repeat(9, 1fr);}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.script-booster-status {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 37px;'
+ 'left: 10px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.script-booster-status {'
+ 'position: fixed;'
+ 'top: 57px;'
+ 'left: 20px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'height: 24px;'
+ 'width: 24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .green {'
+ 'background-color: #01d10b;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .yellow {'
+ 'background-color: #ffc400;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .red {'
+ 'background-color: #ff0000;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .slot {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 20px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'top: 2px;'
+ 'left: 2px;'
+ 'z-index: 6;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .slot.empty {'
+ 'cursor: inherit !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .empty + .circle {'
+ 'box-shadow: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .empty + .circle .circle-bar {'
+ 'background-color: transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle {'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000, 0px 0px 4px #000, 0px 0px 3px #000, 0px 0px 2px #000;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 100%;'
+ 'width: 100%;'
+ 'background-color: #000000bf;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 0% 100%, 50% 100%, 50% 0%);'
+ 'overflow: hidden;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.flashing {'
+ 'animation-name: flashing-background;'
+ 'animation-duration: 3s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes flashing-background {'
+ '0% {background-color: #000000bf;}'
+ '50% {background-color: #ff0000;}'
+ '100% {background-color: #000000bf;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar .progress {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 200%;'
+ 'width: 200%;'
+ 'top: -50%;'
+ 'left: -50%;'
+ 'clip-path: polygon(50% -50%, 150% -50%, 150% 150%, 50% 150%);}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.right {'
+ 'transform: rotate(180deg);'
+ 'z-index: 3;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status .circular-progress .circle-bar.left .progress {'
+ 'z-index: 1;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status-item .season_rewards_tier_info, .script-booster-status-item .item-price {'
+ 'display: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status {'
+ 'grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-booster-status > .circular-progress > .slot {'
+ 'border-width: 0px !important;}'
function collectBoostersFromMarket() {
setTimeout(function() {
const activeSlots = $('#equiped .booster .slot:not(.empty):not(.mythic)').map((i, el)=> $(el).data('d')).toArray()
const activeMythicSlots = $('#equiped .booster .slot:not(.empty).mythic').map((i, el)=> $(el).data('d')).toArray()
const boosterStatus = {
normal: activeSlots.map((data) => ({...data, endAt: window.server_now_ts + data.expiration})),
mythic: activeMythicSlots,
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
}, timeout)
function getClubStatus() {
if (window.location.pathname.includes('clubs') && window.membersList) {
const {upgradesInformation: {upgrades}, membersList} = window;
const clubStatus = {
memberIds: membersList.map(({id_member}) => id_member)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.club_status', JSON.stringify(clubStatus));
function getClubXPBonus() {
const clubStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.club_status'));
if (clubStatus) {
return clubStatus.upgrades.experience_gain.bonus;
} else if (window.Chat_vars && window.Chat_vars.CLUB_ID) {
return 0.1;
} else {
return 0;
function collectBoostersFromHeroUpdate() {
const originalHeroUpdate = heroData.update.bind(heroData)
const hookedUpdate = (field, value, add) => {
if (field == 'xp') {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const travelMemories = boosterStatus.mythic.find(({item: {identifier}}) => identifier == 'MB6')
if (travelMemories) {
const {cur: oldValue, level} = heroData.infos.Xp
let atmBonus = 0.05
if (level < 300) {
atmBonus = 0.2
const clubBonus = getClubXPBonus()
const diff = value - oldValue
const extra = Math.ceil(Math.floor(diff/(1+clubBonus+atmBonus))*atmBonus)
travelMemories.usages_remaining -= extra
boosterStatus.mythic = boosterStatus.mythic.filter(({usages_remaining}) => usages_remaining > 0)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
return originalHeroUpdate(field, value, add)
heroData.update = hookedUpdate
function collectBoostersFromAjaxResponses () {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(opt && opt.data && opt.data.search && ~opt.data.search(/(action|class)/)) {
setTimeout(function() {
if(!xhr || !xhr.responseText || !xhr.responseText.length) {
const boosterStatus = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.booster_status')) || DEFAULT_BOOSTERS
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(opt.data)
const mappedParams = ['action', 'class', 'type', 'id_item', 'number_of_battles', 'battles_amount'].map(key => ({[key]: searchParams.get(key)})).reduce((a,b)=>Object.assign(a,b),{})
const {action, class: className, type, id_item, number_of_battles, battles_amount} = mappedParams
const {success, equipped_booster} = response
if (!success) {
if (action == 'market_equip_booster' && type == 'booster') {
const idItemParsed = parseInt(id_item)
//const isMythic = idItemParsed >= 632 && idItemParsed <= 638
const isMythic = idItemParsed >= 632
const boosterData = equipped_booster
if (boosterData) {
const clonedData = {...boosterData}
if (isMythic) {
} else {
boosterStatus.normal.push({...clonedData, endAt: clonedData.lifetime})
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
$(document).trigger('boosters:equipped', {id_item, isMythic, new_id: clonedData.id_member_booster_equipped})
let mythicUpdated = false
let sandalwood, allMastery, leagueMastery, seasonMastery, headband, watch, cinnamon, perfume;
boosterStatus.mythic.forEach((booster) => {
if (booster.item != undefined || booster.item != null) {
switch (booster.item.identifier) {
case 'MB1':
sandalwood = booster;
case 'MB2':
allMastery = booster;
case 'MB3':
headband = booster;
case 'MB4':
watch = booster;
case 'MB5':
cinnamon = booster;
case 'MB7':
perfume = booster;
case 'MB8':
leagueMastery = booster;
case 'MB9':
seasonMastery = booster;
if (sandalwood && action == 'do_battles_trolls') {
const isMultibattle = parseInt(number_of_battles) > 1
const {rewards} = response
if (rewards && rewards.data && rewards.data.shards) {
let drops = 0
rewards.data.shards.forEach(({previous_value, value}) => {
if (isMultibattle) {
// Can't reliably determine how many drops, assume MD where each drop would be 1 shard.
const shardsDropped = value - previous_value
drops += Math.floor(shardsDropped/2)
} else {
sandalwood.usages_remaining -= drops
mythicUpdated = true
if (allMastery && (action == 'do_battles_leagues' || action == 'do_battles_seasons')) {
allMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (leagueMastery && (action == 'do_battles_leagues')) {
leagueMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (seasonMastery && (action == 'do_battles_seasons')) {
seasonMastery.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (headband && (action == 'do_battles_pantheon' || action == 'do_battles_trolls')) {
headband.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (watch && className == 'TeamBattle') {
watch.usages_remaining -= parseInt(battles_amount)
mythicUpdated = true
if (cinnamon && action == 'do_battles_seasons') {
cinnamon.usages_remaining -= parseInt(number_of_battles)
mythicUpdated = true
if (perfume && action == 'start' && className == 'TempPlaceOfPower') {
mythicUpdated = true
boosterStatus.mythic = boosterStatus.mythic.filter(({usages_remaining}) => usages_remaining > 0)
localStorage.setItem('HHS.booster_status', JSON.stringify(boosterStatus));
if (mythicUpdated) {
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+ 'margin-top: -58px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.promo_quest_discount_text {'
+ 'position : absolute !important;'
+ 'left: 292px !important;'
+ 'top: -3px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '.promo_fight_discount_text {'
+ 'margin-left: -66px !important; '
+ 'margin-top: -58px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.promo_fight_discount_text {'
+ 'position : absolute !important;'
+ 'left: 495px !important;'
+ 'top: -3px !important;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '.labyrinth-splash-page .page-title {'
+ 'margin-top: 10px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#hero_club .club-main-container .top-row .page-title {'
+ 'margin-top: 6px;}}'
//Add some informations on edit team page in the labyrinth
function moduleLabyrinth() {
function displayTeamGirlClass() {
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-labyrinth-team')) {
Array.from($('.player-team .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).parent().parent().parent().parent().after($('<img class="classGirlTeam" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'))
Array.from($('.harem-panel-girls .girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).after($('<img class="classGirlList" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'))
else if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pre-battle')) {
Array.from($('.girl_img')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).parent().parent().after($('<img class="classGirlTeam" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'))
else if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pool-select')) {
Array.from($('.girl-image')).forEach((girl) => {
let girl_class = JSON.parse($(girl).attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).class;
$(girl).after($('<img class="classGirlList" src="' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/pictures/misc/items_icons/' + girl_class + '.png">'))
function displayGirlOrder() {
if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pre-battle')) {
const player_speeds = Object.values(window.hero_fighter.fighters).map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position}
const opponent_speeds = window.opponent_fighter.fighters.map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position+7}
const girl_speeds = [...player_speeds, ...opponent_speeds].sort((a, b) => b.speed-a.speed)
girl_speeds.forEach(({position, girl_id}, i) => {
$(`.${position < 7 ? 'player' : 'opponent'}-panel .team-member-container[data-girl-id="${girl_id}"]`).append(`<div class="team-order-number">${i+1}</div>`)
else if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-labyrinth-team')) {
const opponent_speeds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS')) || [];
let girl_speeds;
let selected;
const getTeam = () => {
const player_speeds = [];
$('.team-member-container').each((i, el) => {
const girl_id = parseInt($(el).attr('data-girl-id'))
if (girl_id) {
const speed = JSON.parse($(el).find('.team-member>img').attr('data-new-girl-tooltip')).battle_caracs.speed
const position = $(el).data('team-member-position')
player_speeds.push({speed: speed, girl_id: girl_id, position: position})
girl_speeds = [...player_speeds, ...opponent_speeds].sort((a,b) => a.position-b.position).sort((a,b) => b.speed-a.speed);
const getSelected = () => {
let new_selected;
const $container = $('.team-member-container.selected');
const player_speeds = girl_speeds.filter(({position}) => position < 7);
if ($container.length) {
const position = parseInt($container.attr('data-team-member-position'));
const new_id = parseInt($container.attr('data-girl-id')) || 0;
const index = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7);
new_selected = {index: index, girl_id: new_id, position: position, method: 'selected'};
else if (player_speeds.length) {
const girl = player_speeds.at(-1);
const index = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === girl.girl_id && position < 7);
new_selected = {index: index, girl_id: girl.girl_id, position: girl.position, method: 'slowest girl'};
else {
new_selected = {index: -1, girl_id: 0, position: 0, method: 'no girl'};
if (!selected || (selected.girl_id != new_selected.girl_id) || new_selected.girl_id === 0) {
selected = new_selected;
const addToHex = () => {
girl_speeds.forEach(({position, girl_id}, i) => {
if (position < 7) {
const $container = $(`.team-member-container[data-girl-id="${girl_id}"]`);
$container.append(`<div class="team-order-number">${i+1}</div>`);
const addToPanel = () => {
const {index, position} = selected;
const hasPosition = girl_speeds.findIndex((g) => g.position === position);
$('.harem-girl-container .girl_img').each((i, el) => {
const new_speed = $(el).data('new-girl-tooltip').battle_caracs.speed;
const new_id = parseInt($(el).parent().attr('id_girl'));
let new_girl_speeds;
const inTeam = girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7);
if (inTeam > -1) {
if (index > -1) {
new_girl_speeds = girl_speeds.map(e => ({...e}));
new_girl_speeds[inTeam].position = girl_speeds[index].position;
new_girl_speeds[index].position = girl_speeds[inTeam].position;
} else {
new_girl_speeds = girl_speeds;
} else {
const new_girl = {speed: new_speed, girl_id: new_id, position: position};
if (hasPosition > -1) {
new_girl_speeds = [...girl_speeds.slice(0, index), new_girl, ...girl_speeds.slice(index+1)];
} else {
new_girl_speeds = [...girl_speeds, new_girl];
new_girl_speeds = new_girl_speeds.sort((a, b) => a.position-b.position).sort((a, b) => b.speed-a.speed);
const order = new_girl_speeds.findIndex(({girl_id, position}) => girl_id === new_id && position < 7) + 1;
$(el).before(`<div class="team-order-number">${order}</div>`);
const hex_observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
hex_observer.observe($('.team-hexagon')[0], {subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-girl-id']});
$('.team-member-container, .harem-girl-container').click(() => {
function collectGirlSpeed() {
if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pool-select')) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS', JSON.stringify([]));
else if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pre-battle')) {
const opponent_speeds = opponent_fighter.fighters.map(({speed, id_girl, position}) => {
return {speed: speed, girl_id: id_girl, position: position+7};
localStorage.setItem('HHS.LABYRINTH_SPEEDS', JSON.stringify(opponent_speeds));
function sortingRelics() {
function sortingRelicTitle(relic1, relic2) {
return (relic1.children[0].firstChild.textContent).localeCompare(relic2.children[0].firstChild.textContent);
function rarityRelicValue(relic) {
let rarity = relic.classList[1].substring(0, relic.classList[1].indexOf('-'));
switch (rarity) {
case 'mythic':
return 0;
case 'legendary':
return 1;
case 'epic':
return 2;
case 'rare':
return 3;
case 'common':
return 4;
function sortingRelicRarity(relic1, relic2) {
return rarityRelicValue(relic1) - rarityRelicValue(relic2);
function sortRelics(relic1, relic2) {
let value = sortingRelicTitle(relic1, relic2);
if (value == 0) value = sortingRelicRarity(relic1, relic2);
return value;
let relics = $('.relic-container');
let sortedRelics = [...relics].sort(sortRelics);
sortedRelics.forEach((relic) => {$('.relics-grid').append(relic)});
function powerRelicsValue() {
let powerElements = {darkness: 0, light: 0, psychic: 0, fire: 0, nature: 0, stone: 0, sun: 0, water: 0};
let powerRelics = [];
let relics = $('.team-relic-icon').children().parent().parent().parent();
Array.from(relics).forEach((relic) => {
let value = ($(relic).find('.relic-description')[0].textContent.match(/\d.\d/) || $(relic).find('.relic-description')[0].textContent.match(/\d/))[0];
let indexElement = $($(relic).find('.team-relic-icon').children()[0]).attr('class').indexOf('_element_relic_icn');
let element = $($(relic).find('.team-relic-icon').children()[0]).attr('class').substring(0, indexElement);
powerRelics.push({element: element, value: value})
powerRelics.forEach((relic) => {
powerElements[relic.element] += parseFloat(relic.value)
console.log('Power relics value: ' + powerElements);
function displayNbGirls() {
$('h3.panel-title').append('<div class="nb_girls">' + window.GT.design.Girls + ' : '
+ '<span id="girls_nb" style="color: #fff">' + $('.harem-panel-girls .harem-girl-container').length + '</span></div>');
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-labyrinth-team') || CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pre-battle') || CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth-pool-select')) {
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-labyrinth-team')) displayNbGirls();
if (CurrentPage.includes('edit-labyrinth-team')) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe($('.player-team .team-hexagon')[0], {attributes: true, subtree: true});
if (CurrentPage.includes('labyrinth.html')) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('.relics-grid').length > 0) {
observer.observe($('#relics_tab_container .relics-container')[0], {childList: true, attributes: false, once: true});
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlList, .classGirlTeam {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'border: none;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlList {'
+ 'height: 24px !important;'
+ 'width: 24px !important;'
+ 'top: 0px;'
+ 'left: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel .classGirlList {'
+ 'position: relative !important;'
+ 'top: -82px;'
+ 'left: -24px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-pool-select-panel .girl-power-container {'
+ 'margin-top: -25px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlTeam {'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: 65px;'
+ 'left: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.classGirlTeam {'
+ 'height: 17px !important;'
+ 'width: 17px !important;'
+ 'top: 65px;'
+ 'left: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.labyrinth-battle .classGirlTeam {'
+ 'top: 45px !important;'
+ 'left: 3px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.team-order-number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'width: 1.5rem;'
+ 'height: 1.5rem;'
+ 'font-size: 0.8rem;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'background: linear-gradient(90deg,#333750 0,#1e9fdf 100%);'
+ 'border-radius: 1.5rem;'
+ 'border: 2px solid #fff;'
+ 'z-index: 2;}'
sheet.insertRule('.harem-panel-girls .team-order-number {'
+ 'top: 50px;'
+ 'left: 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel .team-hexagon .team-order-number {'
+ 'top: 4px;}'
sheet.insertRule('h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-weight: 400;'
+ 'color: rgb(255, 184, 39);'
+ 'letter-spacing: 0.22px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ 'text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ 'h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ 'h3.panel-title .nb_girls {'
+ 'font-size: 18px;}}'
sheet.insertRule('.change-team-panel .panel-title {'
+ 'margin-bottom: 0rem !important;}'
/* ==============
============== */
function moduleSeasonStats() {
const resetUTCHour = 12;
let seasonDateEndData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd') || JSON.stringify({day: 0, month: 0, year: 0, hour: 0});
let seasonDateEnd = JSON.parse(seasonDateEndData);
let currentDay = new Date().getUTCDate();
let currentMonth = new Date().getUTCMonth();
let currentYear = new Date().getUTCFullYear();
let currentHour = new Date().getUTCHours();
if (seasonDateEnd.hour == 0) {
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
if ((currentDay == 1) && (currentHour < 12)) seasonDateEnd.month = currentMonth;
else seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = currentYear;
if (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) seasonDateEnd.year += 1;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
if ((currentMonth == seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentDay >= seasonDateEnd.day) && (currentHour >= seasonDateEnd.hour)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if ((currentMonth == seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentDay > seasonDateEnd.day)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if ((currentMonth > seasonDateEnd.month) && (currentYear == seasonDateEnd.year)) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (seasonDateEnd.year + 1) : seasonDateEnd.year;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
else if (currentYear > seasonDateEnd.year) {
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats'));
seasonDateEnd.day = 1;
seasonDateEnd.month = (currentMonth + 1)%12;
seasonDateEnd.year = (seasonDateEnd.month == 0) ? (currentYear + 1) : currentYear;
seasonDateEnd.hour = (seasonDateEnd.month > 2 && seasonDateEnd.month < 10) ? (resetUTCHour - 1) : resetUTCHour;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonDateEnd', JSON.stringify(seasonDateEnd));
let seasonStatsData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.SeasonStats') || JSON.stringify({fights: 0, victories: 0, losses: 0, won_mojo: 0, lost_mojo: 0, won_mojo_avg: 0, lost_mojo_avg: 0, mojo_avg: 0});
let seasonStats = JSON.parse(seasonStatsData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonStats', JSON.stringify(seasonStats));
let fights = seasonStats.fights;
let victories = seasonStats.victories;
let losses = seasonStats.losses;
let won_mojo = seasonStats.won_mojo;
let lost_mojo = seasonStats.lost_mojo;
let won_mojo_avg = seasonStats.won_mojo_avg;
let lost_mojo_avg = seasonStats.lost_mojo_avg;
let mojo_avg = seasonStats.mojo_avg;
let oldSeasonStatsData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats') || JSON.stringify({fights: 0, victories: 0, losses: 0, won_mojo: 0, lost_mojo: 0, won_mojo_avg: 0, lost_mojo_avg: 0, mojo_avg: 0});
let oldSeasonStats = JSON.parse(oldSeasonStatsData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.oldSeasonStats', JSON.stringify(oldSeasonStats));
let old_fights = oldSeasonStats.fights;
let old_victories = oldSeasonStats.victories;
let old_losses = oldSeasonStats.losses;
let old_won_mojo = oldSeasonStats.won_mojo;
let old_lost_mojo = oldSeasonStats.lost_mojo;
let old_won_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.won_mojo_avg;
let old_lost_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.lost_mojo_avg;
let old_mojo_avg = oldSeasonStats.mojo_avg;
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-battle') != -1) {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(opt.data)
if(searchParams.get('action') == 'do_battles_seasons') {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
fights +=1;
if (response.rewards.data.rewards[0].type == "victory_points") {
victories += 1;
won_mojo += localeStringToNumber(response.rewards.data.rewards[0].value);
won_mojo_avg = Math.floor(won_mojo/victories*100)/100;
mojo_avg = Math.floor((won_mojo-lost_mojo)/fights*100)/100;
else {
losses += 1;
lost_mojo += localeStringToNumber(response.rewards.data.rewards[1].value.substring(1));
lost_mojo_avg = Math.floor(lost_mojo/losses*100)/100;
mojo_avg = Math.floor((won_mojo-lost_mojo)/fights*100)/100;
seasonStats.fights = fights;
seasonStats.victories = victories;
seasonStats.won_mojo = won_mojo;
seasonStats.won_mojo_avg = won_mojo_avg;
seasonStats.losses = losses;
seasonStats.lost_mojo = lost_mojo;
seasonStats.lost_mojo_avg = lost_mojo_avg;
seasonStats.mojo_avg = mojo_avg;
localStorage.setItem('HHS.SeasonStats', JSON.stringify(seasonStats));
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') == -1) {
$('div#seasons_tab_title').append('<span class="scriptSeasonStats" style="color: #8ec3ff; margin-left: 54px; font-size: 16px">Stats'
+ '<span class="scriptSeasonStatsTooltip">' + labels.fights + ' : ' + fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + mojo_avg + '<BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR>' + labels.last_season
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.fights + ' : ' + old_fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(old_victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(old_losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_mojo_avg + '</span>'
+ '</span>');
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') != -1) {
$('#season-arena .player_team_block.battle_hero .personal_info').append('<div class="scriptSeasonStatsArena" style="color: #8ec3ff; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 28px; font-size: 16px">Stats'
+ '<span class="scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena">' + labels.fights + ' : ' + fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + mojo_avg + '<BR>_______________________'
+ '<BR>' + labels.last_season
+ '<br />'
+ '<BR>' + labels.fights + ' : ' + old_fights
+ '<BR>' + labels.victories + ' : ' + nThousand(old_victories)
+ ' / ' + labels.defeats + ' : ' + nThousand(old_losses)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_won_mojo)
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo + ' : ' + nThousand(old_lost_mojo)
+ '<BR><BR>' + labels.won_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_won_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.lost_mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_lost_mojo_avg
+ '<BR>' + labels.mojo_avg + ' : ' + old_mojo_avg
+ '</span>'
+ '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsTooltip {'
+ 'visibility: hidden; '
+ 'font-size: 12px; '
+ 'background-color: black; '
+ 'color: #fff; '
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; '
+ 'border: 2px solid #905312; '
+ 'border-radius: 6px; '
+ 'background-color: rgba(32,3,7,.9); '
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'margin-top: 35px; '
+ 'margin-left: -112px; '
+ 'width: 90%; '
+ 'z-index: 100;}'
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsTooltip::after {'
+ 'content: " "; '
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'bottom: 100%; '
+ 'left: 50%; '
+ 'margin-top: 3px; '
+ 'margin-left: -10px; '
+ 'border-width: 10px; '
+ 'border-style: solid; '
+ 'border-color: transparent transparent #905312 transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStats:hover .scriptSeasonStatsTooltip {'
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena {'
+ 'visibility: hidden; '
+ 'font-size: 12px; '
+ 'background-color: black; '
+ 'color: #fff; '
+ 'text-align: center; '
+ 'padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; '
+ 'border: 2px solid #905312; '
+ 'border-radius: 6px; '
+ 'background-color: rgba(32,3,7,.9); '
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'margin-top: 30px; '
+ 'margin-left: -112px; '
+ 'width: max-content; '
+ 'z-index: 100;}'
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena::after {'
+ 'content: " "; '
+ 'position: absolute; '
+ 'bottom: 100%; '
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+ 'margin-left: -10px; '
+ 'border-width: 10px; '
+ 'border-style: solid; '
+ 'border-color: transparent transparent #905312 transparent;}'
sheet.insertRule('.scriptSeasonStatsArena:hover .scriptSeasonStatsTooltipArena {'
+ 'visibility: visible;}'
/* ==================================
PACHINKO NAMES (Credit : Shinya)
================================== */
function modulePachinkoNames() {
if ($('#pachinko_whole').length){
const jsonMapData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap');
const jsonShardsMapData = localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap') || '[]';
if (!jsonMapData) {
const localizationMap = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonMapData).concat(JSON.parse(jsonShardsMapData)));
const targetNode = document.getElementById('pachinko_whole');
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer){
let text = $('#playzone-replace-info');
if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO').length != 0 && text.find('.HHMI-INFO1').length != 0) {
} else if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO').length == 0 && $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.girl_shards').length) {
const rewards = $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.girl_shards').attr('data-rewards')
const regex = /id_girl\":\d+/g;
const found = rewards.match(regex);
let girls1 = displayWikiGirlsNames(found);
if (found.length > 10){
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11px");
text.css("line-height", "13px");
text.css("margin-top", "61px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("height", "52px");
text.css("width", "410px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-96px");
text.css("left", "-60px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
text.css("overflow-y", "scroll");
else if (found.length > 3){
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11px");
text.css("line-height", "15px");
text.css("margin-top", "55px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("height", "60px");
text.css("width", "390px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-90px");
text.css("left", "-55px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
else {
text = text.find('.game-rewards');
text.css("fontSize", "11.5px");
text.css("margin-top", "55px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO">' + labels.available_girls + girls1 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO');
text.css("width", "390px");
text.css("position", "relative");
text.css("top", "-85px");
text.css("left", "-55px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
if (text.find('.HHMI-INFO1').length == 0 && $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.pachinko-pool-girl').length) {
const rewards = $('#playzone-replace-info').find('.pachinko-pool-girl').attr('data-rewards')
const regex = /id_girl\":\d+/g;
const found = rewards.match(regex);
let girls2 = displayHaremGirlsNames(found);
text = text.find('.pachinko_img');
text.css("fontSize", "11.5px");
text.append('<div class="HHMI-INFO1">' + window.GT.design.mythic_pachinko_current_selection + ': ' + girls2 + '</div>');
text = text.find('.HHMI-INFO1');
text.css("width", "283px");
text.css("position", "absolute");
text.css("top", "9px");
text.css("left", "48px");
text.css("text-align", "center");
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
function displayHaremGirlsNames(found) {
let girls = "";
for (let i = 0, j = found.length; i < j; i++) {
const raw = found[i];
const id = parseInt(raw.match(/\d+/g), 10);
const name = localizationMap.get(id) ? localizationMap.get(id).name : 'Unknown';
let girlName = name.replaceAll("’", "-").replaceAll("/", "-");
if (id == 145462484) girlName = girlName.concat('-', 'Usagi');
let element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/harem/' + id) + '"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
if (girls != ""){
girls += ", " + element;
} else {
girls += element;
return girls;
function displayWikiGirlsNames(found) {
let girls = "";
for (let i = 0, j = found.length; i < j; i++){
const raw = found[i];
const id = parseInt(raw.match(/\d+/g), 10);
const name = localizationMap.get(id) ? localizationMap.get(id).name : 'Unknown';
let girlName = name.replaceAll("’", "-").replaceAll("/", "-");
if (id == 145462484) girlName = girlName.concat('-', 'Usagi');
let element;
if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gay' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'gh_eroges') {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + name + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else if (lang == 'fr' && (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hentai' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'test_h' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hh_eroges')) {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="http://hentaiheroes.go.yj.fr/?id=' + id + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else if (window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hentai' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'nutaku' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'test_h' || window.HH_UNIVERSE == 'hh_eroges') {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + girlName + '" target="_blank"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
else {
element = (girlName != 'Unknown') ? '<a href="' + transformNutakuURL('/harem/' + id) + '"> ' + name + ' </a>' : name;
if (girls != ""){
girls += ", " + element;
} else {
girls += element;
return girls;
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+ 'font-size: 10px !important;}'
//CSS rules to improve the display of the missions
function moduleMissionsBackground() {
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.common {'
+ 'background: #ffffff20;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.rare {'
+ 'background: #32bc4f30;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.epic {'
+ 'background: #ffb24440;}'
sheet.insertRule('#missions .missions_wrap .mission_object.mission_entry.legendary {'
+ 'background: #6ebeff40;}'
//CSS rule to not display the collect money animation
function moduleCollectMoneyAnimation() {
sheet.insertRule('.collect_img {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
//Change the defaut tab in Activities to Missions
function moduleActivitiesTabChoice() {
$('#homepage').find('[rel=activities]')[0].href = transformNutakuURL("/activities.html?tab=missions");
//Change items order on home screen
function moduleCustomizedHomeScreen() {
if ($('a[rel="clubs"]').length) $('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="clubs"]'));
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$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="leaderboard"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="shop"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="harem"]'));
$('#homepage .main-container .left-side-container .quest-container').after($('a[rel="activities"]'));
$('a[rel="map"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/design/menu/map.svg" style="left: 0px;">');
$('a[rel="activities"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/design/menu/missions.svg" style="right: 0px;">');
$('a[rel="harem"] > .notif-position > span:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(1)').after('<img class="script-home-icon" src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/design/harem.svg" style="left: 0px;">');
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
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sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
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//Hide claimed rewards in Season, PoV, PoG, PoA, DP, Hero and mega-events
function moduleHideClaimedRewards() {
//PoV and PoG rewards
if(CurrentPage == "/path-of-valor.html" || CurrentPage == "/path-of-glory.html") {
const POV_REM_PER_GROUP = 0.3 + 3.6; // margin-top + height
let hidden = false;
let $groupsToHide = $('.potions-paths-tier:not(.unclaimed):has(.claimed-slot)');
let $groupsRemaining = $('.potions-paths-tier.unclaimed');
let claimedCount = $groupsToHide.length;
let unclaimedCount = $groupsRemaining.length;
const heightPattern = /height: ?(?<existingLength>[0-9.a-z%]+);?/;
let existingLengthStr;
let newLength;
const $progressBar = $('.potions-paths-progress-bar .potions-paths-progress-bar-current');
const styleAttr = $progressBar.attr('style');
const assertHidden = () => {
$groupsToHide = $('.potions-paths-tier:not(.unclaimed):has(.claimed-slot)');
$groupsRemaining = $('.potions-paths-tier.unclaimed');
claimedCount = $groupsToHide.length;
unclaimedCount = $groupsRemaining.length;
if (claimedCount == 0) {
// nothing to do
hidden = true;
if (styleAttr) $progressBar.attr('style', styleAttr.replace(heightPattern, `height:${newLength};`));
const assertShown = () => {
hidden = false
if (styleAttr) $progressBar.attr('style', styleAttr.replace(heightPattern, `height:${existingLengthStr};`))
const progressBarLength = () => {
if (styleAttr) {
const matches = styleAttr.match(heightPattern);
if (matches && matches.groups) existingLengthStr = matches.groups.existingLength;
if (existingLengthStr) {
newLength = existingLengthStr;
if (existingLengthStr.endsWith('px')) {
const existingLength = parseInt(existingLengthStr);
newLength = Math.round(existingLength - (claimedCount * POV_PX_PER_GROUP)) + 'px';
} else if (existingLengthStr.endsWith('rem')) {
const existingLength = parseFloat(existingLengthStr);
newLength = existingLength - (claimedCount * POV_REM_PER_GROUP) + 'rem';
scrollTop: Math.max(0, (unclaimedCount * POV_PX_PER_GROUP) - 150)
}, 100)
const toggle = () => {
if (hidden) assertShown();
else assertHidden();
function eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $rewards, $rewardsRow, start_px, width_px, freePath, paidPath, freeClaimedRewards, paidClaimedRewards, claimableRewards, $progressBar, nbDisplayedRewards, $girls, nbTimeout) {
let rewards_unclaimed = 0;
let rewards_hidden = 0;
let progress_bar_width = 0;
let progress_bar_width_hidden = 0;
let init = true;
const fixWidth = () => {$rewardsRow.css('width', 'max-content');}
const assertHidden = (shouldScroll) => {
rewards_hidden = 0;
rewards_unclaimed = 0;
$rewards.each((i, el) => {
const $free = $(el).find(freePath);
const $pass = $(el).find(paidPath);
if ($free.hasClass(freeClaimedRewards) && ($pass.hasClass(paidClaimedRewards) || !bonusRewardsUnlocked)) $(el).addClass('script-hide-claimed');
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length || CurrentPage == "/season.html")
if ($free.hasClass(claimableRewards) || $pass.hasClass(claimableRewards)) rewards_unclaimed += 1;
if (CurrentPage == "/member-progression.html") rewards_unclaimed = $('.tier').length - ($('.tier.available').length + $('.tier.claimed').length);
else if(!($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length || CurrentPage == "/season.html")) rewards_unclaimed = $('button.purple_button_L.button_glow').length;
rewards_hidden = $('.script-hide-claimed').length;
progress_bar_width = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - 1) * width_px, 10);
progress_bar_width_hidden = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed - 1) * width_px, 10);
$progressBar.css('width', progress_bar_width_hidden + 'px');
function hideClaimedRewards() {
let scroll_left_px = parseInt(width_px * Math.max(0, (rewards_unclaimed - nbDisplayedRewards)), 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = scroll_left_px} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (shouldScroll) {
if (init) {
setTimeout(function() {
init = false;
}, nbTimeout*timeout);
else hideClaimedRewards();
const assertShown = (shouldScroll) => {
$progressBar.css('width', progress_bar_width + 'px');
if (shouldScroll) {
let scroll_right_px = parseInt((rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - nbDisplayedRewards) * width_px, 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = scroll_right_px} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
const toggle = () => {
if ($('.script-hide-claimed').length) assertShown(true);
else assertHidden(true);
//Season rewards
if(CurrentPage == "/season.html") {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#gsp_btn_holder').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementById('rewards_container');
const start_px = 0;
const width_px = 69.6;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.rewards_pair'), $('#rewards_row'), start_px, width_px, '.free_reward', '.pass_reward', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_claimed', 'reward_is_claimable', $(''), 4, $('#girls_holder'), 6);
//PoA and DP events
if(CurrentPage == "/event.html") {
//PoA event
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=path_event_"]').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#nc-poa-tape-blocker').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('scroll-area poa')[0];
const start_px = 0;
const width_px = 75;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.nc-poa-reward-pair'), $('#nc-poa-tape-rewards'), start_px, width_px, '.nc-poa-free-reward', '.nc-poa-locked-reward', 'claimed', 'claimed', 'claimable', $(''), 7, $('#poa-content .girls'), 6);
sheet.insertRule('#events .nc-panel-body .nc-poa-reward-pair {'
+'margin: 0 !important;}'
//DP event
if($('a.active[href*="?tab=dp_event_"]').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#nc-poa-tape-blocker').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('player-progression-container')[0];
const start_px = 40;
const width_px = 96;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.tiers-progression .tier-container'), $('.tiers-progression'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.paid-slot', 'claimed', 'claimed', '', $('.dp-progress-bar-current'), 4, $('#dp-content .right-container'), 4);
sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container .tiers-progression .tier-container {'
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sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container {'
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sheet.insertRule('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container, #dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container #nc-poa-tape-blocker {'
+ 'z-index: 10;'
+ 'width: 57rem !important;}'
//Hero rewards
if(CurrentPage == "/member-progression.html") {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#pass_holder').length == 1);
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('tiers-container hh-scroll')[0];
const start_px = 70;
const width_px = 104;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.tiers-container .tiers .tier'), $('.tiers-container .tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.paid-slots', 'claimed-slot', 'claimed-slot', '', $('.progress-bar-current'), 3, $('.page-girl'), 4);
//Mega-events (Lusty Race, Hot Assembly, Seasonal Event)
if(CurrentPage == "/seasonal.html") {
const $rowScroll = document.getElementsByClassName('mega-progress-bar-section hh-scroll')[0];
//Lusty Race
if ($('.mega-tiers-section .mega-tier-container.double-tier').length) {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = (!$('#get_mega_pass_kobans_btn').length == 1);
const start_px = 50;
const width_px = 77;
eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.mega-tier-container'), $('.mega-progress-bar-tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.free-slot', '.pass-slot', 'claimed', 'paid-claimed', '', $('.mega-progress-bar-current'), 6, $('#home_tab_container .girls-reward-container'), 4);
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .double-tier {'
+ 'width: ' + width_px + 'px !important;}'
//Seasonal event and Hot Assembly
else {
const bonusRewardsUnlocked = false;
const start_px = 70;
const width_px = 92;
//eventsRewardsDisplay(bonusRewardsUnlocked, $rowScroll, $('.mega-tier-container'), $('.mega-progress-bar-tiers'), start_px, width_px, '.mega-tier', '', 'claimed', 'claimed', '', $('.mega-progress-bar-current'), 4, $('#home_tab_container .girls-reward-container'), 4);
let rewards_unclaimed = 0;
let rewards_hidden = 0;
let scroll_width = 0;
let scroll_width_hidden = 0;
let init = true;
const assertHidden = (shouldScroll) => {
$('.mega-tier-container').each((i, el) => {
const $reward = $(el).find('.mega-tier');
if ($reward.hasClass('claimed')) $(el).addClass('script-hide-claimed');
rewards_unclaimed = $('.mega-tier').length - ($('.mega-tier.available').length + $('.mega-tier.claimed').length);
rewards_hidden = $('.script-hide-claimed').length;
scroll_width = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - 1) * width_px, 10);
scroll_width_hidden = parseInt(start_px + (rewards_unclaimed - 1) * width_px, 10);
$('.mega-progress-bar-current').css('width', scroll_width_hidden + 'px');
function hideClaimedRewards() {
let left = parseInt(width_px * Math.max(0, (rewards_unclaimed - 4)), 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = left} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
if (shouldScroll) {
if (init) {
setTimeout(function() {
init = false;
}, 3*timeout);
else hideClaimedRewards();
const assertShown = (shouldScroll) => {
$('.mega-progress-bar-current').css('width', scroll_width + 'px');
if (shouldScroll) {
let right = parseInt((rewards_unclaimed + rewards_hidden - 4) * width_px, 10);
try {$rowScroll.scrollLeft = right} catch(err) {console.log(err.name + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + err.stack)}
const toggle = () => {
if ($('.script-hide-claimed').length) assertShown(true);
else assertHidden(true);
$('#home_tab_container .girls-reward-container').click(()=>{toggle()});
sheet.insertRule('.mega-event-panel .mega-event-container .tabs-section #home_tab_container .bottom-container .right-part-container .mega-tiers-section .mega-progress-bar-section .mega-progress-bar-tiers .mega-tier-container {'
+ 'width: ' + width_px + 'px !important;}'
//Force desktop display on mobile
function moduleDesktopDisplay() {
setTimeout(function() {
let viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=1026px, user-scalable=0');
if (CurrentPage.includes('event')) {
$('#events .scroll-area').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#events .scroll-area').css('touch-action', '');
$('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
$('#dp-content .left-container .tiers-container .player-progression-container').css('touch-action', '');
else if (CurrentPage.includes('shop')) {
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="armor"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.armor').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.armor').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="booster"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.booster').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.booster').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="potion"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.potion').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.potion').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
$('#tabs-switcher .market-menu-switch-tab[type="gift"]')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#player-inventory.gift').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#player-inventory.gift').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: false});
else if (CurrentPage.includes('girl')) {
if (window.location.search.includes('experience')) {
$('#experience .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#experience .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
$('#gifts_tab')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#affection .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#affection .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: true});
else {
$('#affection .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#affection .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
$('#books_tab')[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#experience .inventory').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#experience .inventory').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout);
}, {once: true});
else if (CurrentPage.includes('seasonal')) {
$('.seasonal-progress-bar-section').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('.seasonal-progress-bar-section').css('touch-action', '');
else if (CurrentPage.includes('activities')) {
$('#missions .missions_wrap').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('#missions .missions_wrap').css('touch-action', '');
else if (CurrentPage.includes('member-progression')) {
$('.tiers-container').css('overflow', 'auto');
$('.tiers-container').css('touch-action', '');
}, timeout)
//Hide Claim All button in season, PoV and PoG
function moduleHideClaimAllButtons() {
if(CurrentPage == "/season.html" || CurrentPage == "/path-of-valor.html" || CurrentPage == "/path-of-glory.html" || CurrentPage == "/member-progression.html") {
sheet.insertRule('button#claim-all {'
+ 'display: none !important;}'
function moduleHideMultipleLeagueBattlesButton() {
function moduleEventEndIndicator() {
const THRESHOLD = 24*60*60;
function annotateEventWidget () {
const $eventTimers = $('.event-widget .timer')
$eventTimers.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const timeleft = $el.data('timeStamp');
const link = $el.parent().parent().attr('href')
if (timeleft < THRESHOLD && link != "#") {
else if (timeleft < THRESHOLD && link == "#") {
function annotateSeasonalWidget () {
const $eventTimers = $('.mega-event .timer')
$eventTimers.each((i, el) => {
const $el = $(el);
const timeleft = $el.data('timeStamp');
if (timeleft < THRESHOLD) {
function annotatePathEvents () {
['Pov', 'Pog', 'Season'].forEach(type => annotatePathEvent(type));
function annotatePathEvent (type) {
const endTime = localStorage.getItem('HHS.' + type + 'Time');
const {server_now_ts} = window;
if (endTime && endTime > server_now_ts && endTime - THRESHOLD < server_now_ts) {
$('#script' + type + 'Time').addClass('script-ending-soon')
sheet.insertRule('.script-ending-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-seasons-and-path;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-event-ending-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-events;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('.script-event-starting-soon {'
+ 'animation-name: pulsing-starting-events;'
+ 'animation-duration: 4s;'
+ 'animation-iteration-count: infinite;}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-events {'
+ '0% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); color: #8ec3ff;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-starting-events {'
+ '0% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: green;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(0, 180, 0, 0.8); color: #8ec3ff;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 0.8; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: green;}}'
sheet.insertRule('@keyframes pulsing-seasons-and-path {'
+ '0% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}'
+ '50% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); color: white;}'
+ '100% {opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(32, 3, 7, 0); color: red;}}'
//Add contests expiration timer in Activities
function moduleContestsExpiryTimer() {
if (!window.contests.finished) return;
const contestExpiration = 21*24*3600 - 3600;
function displayExpiryTimer() {
window.contests.finished.forEach(function(contest) {
const remainingTime = contestExpiration + contest.remaining_time;
let days = Math.floor(remainingTime/3600/24);
let hours = Math.floor((remainingTime - days*24*3600)/3600);
let minutes = Math.floor((remainingTime - days*24*3600 - hours*3600)/60);
if (days == 0) $('#contests .contest[id_contest=' + contest.id_contest + ']').children('.contest_header').append('<div class="contest_expiration_timer">' + window.GT.design.expires_in + " : " + hours + labels.hour + " " + minutes + labels.minute + '</div>');
else $('#contests .contest[id_contest=' + contest.id_contest + ']').children('.contest_header').append('<div class="contest_expiration_timer">' + window.GT.design.expires_in + " : " + days + labels.day + " " + hours + labels.hour + '</div>');
new MutationObserver(() => {displayExpiryTimer()}).observe($('#contests')[0], {childList: true})
sheet.insertRule('.contest_expiration_timer {'
+ 'position: relative;'
+ 'z-index: 100;'
+ 'bottom: 107px;'
+ 'left: 11px;'
+ 'font-size: 14px;}'
//Stop background switching during Orgy Days event (Credit: Finderkeeper)
function stopOrgyBackgroundSwitching() {
if ($("body[ page ]").attr("page") != "map") {
$("#bg_all").replaceWith( $("#bg_all").clone() );
$("#bg_all > div > img").not($("#bg_all > div > img")[Math.floor(Math.random()*$("#bg_all > div > img").length)]).remove();
$("#bg_all > div > img").css("opacity","1");
$("#bg_all > div > img").css("display","block");
//Get data for girls already got
function getHaremGirlsData() {
if ($('.harem-girl-container').length){
if (!(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap') == null || localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap') == undefined)) {
if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNMap'))[0].length == 2) localStorage.removeItem('HHS.HHPNMap');
let girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
let girlsData = CurrentPage.includes('waifu') ? window.girlsDataList : window.availableGirls;
let girlNameDictionary = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girl_data = {Affection: {cur: 0},
Xp: {cur: 0},
awakening_level: 0,
avatar: null,
class: null,
element: null,
figure: null,
graded: null,
id_girl: null,
level: null,
name: null,
nb_grades: null,
rarity: null,
salary: null,
salary_per_hour: null}
girl_data.Affection.cur = girlsData[i].Affection.cur;
girl_data.Xp.cur = girlsData[i].Xp.cur;
girl_data.awakening_level = girlsData[i].awakening_level;
girl_data.avatar = girlsData[i].avatar.charAt(girlsData[i].avatar.indexOf('ava') + 3)
girl_data.class = girlsData[i].class;
girl_data.element = girlsData[i].element;
girl_data.figure = girlsData[i].figure;
girl_data.graded = girlsData[i].graded;
girl_data.id_girl = parseInt(girlsData[i].id_girl, 10);
girl_data.level = girlsData[i].level;
girl_data.name = girlsData[i].name;
girl_data.nb_grades = girlsData[i].nb_grades;
girl_data.rarity = girlsData[i].rarity;
girl_data.salary = girlsData[i].salary;
girl_data.salary_per_hour = girlsData[i].salary_per_hour;
girlNameDictionary.set(girl_data.id_girl, girl_data);
if (girlNameDictionary.size > 0){
let json = JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlNameDictionary.entries()));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNMap', json);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
function getNonHaremGirlsData() {
const girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
new MutationObserver(() => {
if ($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < $('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl').length; i++) {
let girl_id = parseInt($($('#harem_left .girls_list .harem-girl')[i]).attr('girl'), 10);
let girl_shards = girlsDataList[girl_id].shards || 0;
let girl_name = girlsDataList[girl_id].name;
if (girl_shards < 100) {
let girlData = {id_girl: girl_id,
name: girl_name,
shards: girl_shards}
girlShardsDictionary.set(girl_id, girlData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
}).observe($('#harem_left .girls_list')[0], {childList: true})
//Display the number of shards for girls
function displayGirlsShards() {
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('clubs') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('pachinko') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('season-') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('leagues') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth') != -1) {
let girlShardsDictionary = (!localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')) ? new Map(): new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap')));
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-pre-battle') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('pachinko') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') != -1) {
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('clubs') != -1) {
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth.html') != -1) {
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-battle') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('season-battle') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('leagues') != -1 || CurrentPage.indexOf('labyrinth') != -1) {
function displayTrollGirlsShards() {
if(($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards')) && (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-pre-battle') != -1)) {
let girlsData = JSON.parse($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards'));
for (let i=0; i < girlsData.length; i++) {
let girlId = girlsData[i].id_girl;
if (!girlId) return;
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).shards : 0;
let name = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).name : '';
$($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).find('.girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number">' + shards + '</p>'
+ '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle #shard_number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -0.25em;'
+ 'left: -8px;'
+ 'color: #80058b;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;'
+ 'width: 28px;'
+ 'text-align: right;'
+ 'font-size: 11px !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle .shards_troll .shard_troll {'
+ 'background-image: url("' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png");'
+ 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
+ 'background-size: contain;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -4px;'
+ 'margin-left: -1px;'
+ 'width: 20px;'
+ 'height: 20px;}'
if (girlsData.length > 1) {
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle #shard_number, .page-troll-pre-battle .shards_troll .shard_troll {'
+ 'margin-left: 0px;'
+ 'margin-bottom: 2px;}'
else {
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle #shard_number, .page-troll-pre-battle .shards_troll .shard_troll {'
+ 'margin-left: 0px;'
+ 'margin-bottom: 2px;}'
else if (($($('.slot.girl_ico')[0]).attr('data-rewards')) && ((window.location.href.indexOf('league-battle') != -1) || (CurrentPage.indexOf('season-arena') != -1))) {
$('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards .shards').remove();
for (let i=0; i < $('.slot.girl_ico').length; i++) {
let girlId = JSON.parse($($('.slot.girl_ico')[i]).attr('data-rewards'))[0].id_girl;
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).shards : 0;
let name = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).name : '';
$($('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards .shards')[i]).remove();
$($('.slot.girl_ico').find('.slot_girl_shards')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; position: absolute; margin-left: -31px; width: 20px; height: 20px;"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number">' + shards + '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('.page-troll-pre-battle #shard_number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -0.25em;'
+ 'left: -5px;'
+ 'color: #80058b;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;'
+ 'width: 28px;'
+ 'text-align: right;'
+ 'margin-top: -14px;'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.page-season_arena #shard_number {'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'bottom: -15px;'
+ 'color: #80058b;'
+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;'
+ 'width: 24px;'
+ 'text-align: right;'
+ 'margin-left: -24px;'
+ 'font-size: 11px;}'
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if ($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico').length == 0) return;
else if(($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico')[0]).find('.girl_ico .shards_troll')).length != 0) return;
else {
if ($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico img')[0]).attr('src').indexOf('girls/') == -1) return;
else {
for (let i=0; i < $('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico').length; i++) {
let idGirlStr = $($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico img')[i]).attr('src');
let indexStart = idGirlStr.indexOf('girls/') + 'girls/'.length;
let indexEnd = idGirlStr.indexOf('/ico');
let girlId = parseInt(idGirlStr.substring(indexStart, indexEnd), 10);
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).shards : 0;
let name = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).name : '';
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico .shards_troll')[i]).remove();
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll_tooltip" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; top: 24px; margin-left: 2px; width: 15px; height: 15px;"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number_tooltip" style="position: absolute; bottom: -1px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -6px; font-size: 9px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('#hh_comix .hh_tooltip_new .slot.girl_ico .girl_ico {'
+ 'font-weight : bold !important;}'
let observer1 = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if ($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico').length == 0) return;
else if(($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot')[0]).find('.girl_ico .shards_troll')).length != 0) return;
else {
if ($($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico img')[0]).attr('src').indexOf('girls/') == -1) return;
else {
for (let i=0; i < $('.hh_tooltip_new .slot').length; i++) {
let idGirlStr = $($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot img')[i]).attr('src');
let indexStart = idGirlStr.indexOf('girls/') + 'girls/'.length;
let indexEnd = idGirlStr.indexOf('/ico');
let girlId = parseInt(idGirlStr.substring(indexStart, indexEnd), 10);
let shards = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).shards : 0;
let name = girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId) ? girlShardsDictionary.get(girlId).name : '';
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico .shards_troll')[i]).remove();
$($('.hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico')[i]).append('<div class="shards_troll" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<span class="shard_troll_tooltip" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; top: 27px; margin-left: 2px; width: 15px; height: 15px;"></span>'
+ '<p id="shard_number_tooltip" style="position: absolute; bottom: -0.25em; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-top: -10px; margin-left: -6px; font-size: 9px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '</p></div>');
sheet.insertRule('#hh_comix .hh_tooltip_new .slot .girl_ico {'
+ 'font-weight : bold !important;}'
if (CurrentPage.indexOf('troll-pre-battle') != -1) observer.observe($('.page-troll-pre-battle')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false});
else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('pachinko') != -1) observer1.observe($('.page-pachinko')[0], {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false});
function displayClubChampionGirlsShards() {
if ($('#club_champions_tab').length == 0) return;
let clubChampionTab = document.querySelector('#club_champions_tab');
clubChampionTab.addEventListener('click', function(){
if(!$('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper').length) return;
let name = $($('.shards')[0]).attr('name');
let shards = parseInt($($('.shards')[0]).attr('shards'), 10);
let girls = $('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper');
for (let i=0; i < girls.length; i++) {
$('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper:nth-child(' + (i+1) + ') .slot.slot_girl_shards').append('<div class="club_shards" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<p id="club_shard_number" style="position: absolute; bottom: 14px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -46px; font-size: 12px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '<span class="club_shard" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: block; position: relative; bottom: 1.75em; margin-left: 15px; width: 25px; height: 25px;"></span>'
+ '</p></div>');
function displayLabyrinthGirlsShards() {
let labyShopTab = document.querySelector('#shop_tab');
labyShopTab.addEventListener('click', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if(!$('.slot_girl_shards').length > 0) return;
let girls = $('.slot_girl_shards');
for (let i=0; i < girls.length; i++) {
let name = $($('.shards')[i]).attr('name');
let shards = parseInt($($('.shards')[i]).attr('shards'), 10);
$($('.slot_girl_shards')[i]).append('<div class="laby_shards" shards="' + shards + '" name="' + name + '" shards-tooltip="">'
+ '<p id="laby_shard_number" style="position: absolute; top: -13px; padding-left: 10px; color: #80058b; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px 1px 0 #fff,-1px -1px 0 #fff,1px -1px 0 #fff;; width: 28px; text-align: right; margin-left: -46px; font-size: 12px;">'
+ '<span>' + shards + '</span>'
+ '<span class="laby_shard" style="background-image: url(' + window.IMAGES_URL + '/shards.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: block; position: relative; bottom: 1.75em; margin-left: 15px; width: 25px; height: 25px;"></span>'
+ '</p></div>');
}, 2*timeout)
function updateTrollGirlsShards() {
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(!opt.data) return;
if(~opt.data.search(/action=do_battles_(league|seasons|trolls)/i)) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!response || !response.success) return;
if(!response.rewards.lose) {
if(response.rewards.data.shards) {
let eventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.eventTrolls'));
let mythicEventTrolls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls'));
response.rewards.data.shards.forEach(function(shard) {
let idGirl = shard.id_girl;
let name = shard.name;
let newShards = shard.value;
let girlData = {id_girl: idGirl,
name: name,
shards: Math.min(newShards, 100)}
if (newShards >= 100) {
eventTrolls = eventTrolls.filter((girl) => girl.id != idGirl);
mythicEventTrolls = mythicEventTrolls.filter((girl) => girl.id != idGirl);
else girlShardsDictionary.set(idGirl, girlData);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.eventTrolls', JSON.stringify(eventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.mythicEventTrolls', JSON.stringify(mythicEventTrolls));
localStorage.setItem('HHS.HHPNShardsMap', JSON.stringify(Array.from(girlShardsDictionary.entries())));
else return;
//Remove button to access to club champion's positions during cooldown + add some datas about participation of club members
function moduleClubChampionFeatures() {
if ($('#club_champions_tab').length == 0) return;
function highlightMembersParticipation() {
let clubMembers = window.members_list;
let championPartipants = window.club_champion_data.fight.participants;
let listChampionParticipantsId = [];
championPartipants.forEach((participant) => {
clubMembers.forEach((member) => {
if (!listChampionParticipantsId.includes(member.id_member)) {
Array.from($('#club_members #members .body-row .avatar')).find((el) => $(el).attr('id-member') == member.id_member).parentElement.parentElement.style.color = '#ffa07a';
let clubChampionTab = document.querySelector('#club_champions_tab');
clubChampionTab.addEventListener('click', () => {
if ($('.club_champions_details_container').length) {
$('button.orange_button_L.btn_skip_team_cooldown').css('display', 'none');
if (!$('button.orange_button_L.btn_skip_champion_cooldown').length) {
$('.challenge_container').css('display', 'block');
let participants = window.club_champion_data.fight.participants;
let participants_number = participants.length;
let club_members = window.members_list.length ;
function calculateParticipation() {
let championImpress = localeStringToNumber((JSON.parse($('.club_champions_bar_container').attr('champion-healing-tooltip')).impression_info).split('/')[1]);
let list = $('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row .data-column:nth-child(4) .impression');
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
let impress = localeStringToNumber($(list[i]).attr('tooltip'));
if (impress <= 0) {
for (let i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
let impress = Math.max(0, localeStringToNumber($(list[i]).attr('tooltip')));
let percentage = Math.floor((impress/championImpress)*10000)/100;
let shards = Math.ceil(percentage - 0.501) + Math.round(0.6 * Math.sqrt(parseInt(participants_number, 10)));
let textImpress = '' + nThousand(localeStringToNumber($($($('.club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4) .impression')[0]).attr('tooltip').trim()));
let newTextImpress = textImpress.concat(' / ', nThousand(percentage), '%');
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').empty();
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').append('<div>' + newTextImpress + '</div>');
$($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).find('.data-column:nth-child(4)').append('<div>' + shards + ' <span class="shard"></span></div>');
if ($($('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .body-row')[i]).attr('class') == "data-row body-row player-row" && $('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span').length == 2) {
$('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText = parseInt($('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText, 10) != 100 ? shards : $('.slot_girl_shards .shards p span')[1].innerText;
($('.girl-shards-reward-wrapper .shards')[1]).attributes['shards'].nodeValue = parseInt($($('.club_shards')[0]).attr('shards'), 10) + shards;
let sortImpression = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=challenge_impression_done]');
sortImpression.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortChallenges = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=challenge_count]');
sortChallenges.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortName = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=nickname]');
sortName.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortLevel = document.querySelector('.club-champion-members-challenges .head-row .head-column[column=level]');
sortLevel.addEventListener('click', function(){
function calculateTime(event_time, server_time) {
let days = parseInt((server_time - event_time)/1000/3600/24);
let hours = parseInt((server_time - event_time)/1000/3600 - days*24);
let minutes = parseInt(((server_time - event_time)/1000 - days*24*3600 - hours*3600)/60);
return {daysLeft: days,
hoursLeft: hours,
minutesLeft: minutes}
function addTimeSinceStart () {
const $timerFight = $('.club_champions_timer_fight');
if (!$timerFight.length || !window.club_champion_data.fight.active) {
const duration = calculateTime(window.club_champion_data.fight.start_time * 1e3, window.server_now_ts * 1e3);
const durationString = `${duration.daysLeft > 0 ? `${duration.daysLeft}${window.GT.time.d} ` : ''}${duration.hoursLeft > 0 ? `${duration.hoursLeft}${window.GT.time.h} ` : ''}${duration.minutesLeft > 0 ? `${duration.minutesLeft}${window.GT.time.m}` : ''}`.trim();
if ($('.club_champion_start').length == 0)
$('.club_champions_impression').append(`<span class="club_champion_start">${label('clubChampDuration').replace('{{duration}}', durationString)}</span>`);
function fixTimerBar () {
const $clubChampionsBar = $('.club_champions_bar');
// Fix silly code putting a localised decimal separator as a CSS rule value
$clubChampionsBar.attr('style', $clubChampionsBar.attr('style').replace(',','.'));
$('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges').prepend('<div class="club-members-participants">Participants: ' + participants_number + ' / ' + club_members + '</div>');
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .body-row .data-column:nth-child(4) {'
+ 'display: flex !important;'
+ 'flex-direction: column;'
+ 'line-height: 1.2;'
+ 'font-size: 0.9rem;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .data-list .data-row .data-column:nth-child(4) {'
+ 'width: 11rem !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-champion-members-challenges .data-list .data-row .data-column:nth-child(3) {'
+ 'text-align: center;}'
sheet.insertRule('.shard {'
+ 'height: 1rem;'
+ 'width: 1rem;'
+ 'display: inline-block;'
+ 'background-size: 140%;'
+ 'background-position: center;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_champion_start {'
+ 'display: flex;'
+ 'color: #24a0ff;'
+ 'letter-spacing: 1px;'
+ 'justify-content: center;'
+ 'font-size: 12px;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club-wrapper > .club-container .club_champions_details_container .club_champions_impression {'
+ 'width: 92% !important;}'
sheet.insertRule('.club_champions_timer_fight {'
+ 'margin-left: -5px;'
+ 'width: 104%;}'
sheet.insertRule('#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'left: 500px;}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaMobile} {`
+ '#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'top: 15px;}}'
sheet.insertRule(`${mediaDesktop} {`
+ '#club_champions .club-champion-members-challenges .club-members-participants {'
+ 'top: 25px;}}'
let clubMembersTab = document.querySelector('#club-tabs #club_members_tab');
clubMembersTab.addEventListener('click', function(){
function clubMembersTabHighlight() {
let sortClubLevel = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=level]');
sortClubLevel.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubNames = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=nickname]');
sortClubNames.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubGirls = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=count_girls]');
sortClubGirls.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubMojo = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=mojo]');
sortClubMojo.addEventListener('click', function(){
let sortClubContribution = document.querySelector('#members .head-row .head-column[column=contribution_points]');
sortClubContribution.addEventListener('click', function(){
// Show final values when skipping battle
function skipBattleValues() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeout);
$(document).ajaxComplete(function(evt, xhr, opt) {
if(~opt.data.search(/action=do_battles_(league|seasons|trolls|pantheon|boss_bang)/i)) {
if(!xhr.responseText.length) return;
let respBattleData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if(!respBattleData || !respBattleData.success) return;
//We already spent some combativity, let's show this to the player:
if(~location.pathname.indexOf("troll-battle") && ~location.search.search(/number_of_battles=\d+/i)) {
let nBattlesCount = parseInt(location.search.match(/number_of_battles=(\d+)/i)[1]);
if($.isNumeric(nBattlesCount)) {
heroData.update("energy_fight", -1 * nBattlesCount, true);
if(!respBattleData.rounds) return;
let arrRounds = respBattleData.rounds;
let rewards = respBattleData.rewards;
let nPlayerInitialEgo = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-value').data("total-ego");
let nOpponentInitialEgo = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-value').data("total-ego");
let nPlayerFinalEgo = 0;
let nOpponentFinalEgo = 0;
let nRoundsLen = arrRounds.length;
if(nRoundsLen >= 2) {
let arrLastRounds = [arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 2], arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1]];
if(!arrLastRounds[1].opponent_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[1].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else if(!arrLastRounds[1].hero_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[1].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrLastRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[nRoundsLen - 1].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
if(nRoundsLen == 1) {
if(!arrRounds[0].opponent_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = nPlayerInitialEgo;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else if(!arrRounds[0].hero_hit) {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = nOpponentInitialEgo;
else {
nPlayerFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].opponent_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
nOpponentFinalEgo = arrRounds[0].hero_hit.defender.remaining_ego;
else {
throw new Error("incorrect amount of rounds");
$('#new-battle-skip-btn').on("click", function() {
let $playerBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-initial-bar');
let $playerDamageBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-damage-bar');
let $playerHealBar = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-heal-bar');
let $opponentBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-initial-bar');
let $opponentDamageBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-damage-bar');
let $opponentHealBar = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-heal-bar');
let $playerEgo = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-ego-value');
let $opponentEgo = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-ego-value');
let $playerDamageDone = $('.new-battle-opponent .new-battle-hero-damage-taken-text');
let $opponentDamageDone = $('.new-battle-player .new-battle-hero-damage-taken-text');
let $criticalDamageIndicator = $('.new-battle-hero-container .new-battle-hero-critical-text');
$playerDamageDone.css('opacity', '0');
$opponentDamageDone.css('opacity', '0');
$criticalDamageIndicator.css('opacity', '0');
$playerHealBar.css('opacity', '0');
$opponentHealBar.css('opacity', '0');
let strPlayerCurEgo = $playerEgo.text().split(window.GT.ego)[1].replace(/[, ]/g, "");
let nPlayerCurEgo = nPlayerInitialEgo;
if($.isNumeric(strPlayerCurEgo)) {
nPlayerCurEgo = parseInt(strPlayerCurEgo);
let strOpponentCurEgo = $opponentEgo.text().split(window.GT.ego)[1].replace(/[, ]/g, "");
let nOpponentCurEgo = nOpponentInitialEgo;
if($.isNumeric(strOpponentCurEgo)) {
nOpponentCurEgo = parseInt(strOpponentCurEgo);
let nPlayerCompleteAtk = nOpponentCurEgo - nOpponentFinalEgo;
let nOpponentCompleteAtk = nPlayerCurEgo - nPlayerFinalEgo;
let fPlayerEgoBarWidth = nPlayerFinalEgo <= 0 ? 0 : nPlayerFinalEgo / nPlayerInitialEgo * 100.0;
let fOpponentEgoBarWidth = nOpponentFinalEgo <= 0 ? 0 : nOpponentFinalEgo / nOpponentInitialEgo * 100.0;
let arrPlayerAnimationSequence = [
{ e: $playerBar, p: { width: fPlayerEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $playerDamageBar, p: { width: fPlayerEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $playerDamageDone, p: { opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -20, translateZ: 0 }, o: {
duration: 300,
sequenceQueue: false,
complete: function(elm) {
$playerEgo.text(window.GT.ego + " " + nThousand(Math.ceil(nPlayerFinalEgo)));
$(elm).velocity({ translateY: 0 }, 0)
let arrOpponentAnimationSequence = [
{ e: $opponentBar, p: { width: fOpponentEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $opponentDamageBar, p: { width: fOpponentEgoBarWidth.toFixed(2) + "%" }, o: { duration: 200 } },
{ e: $opponentDamageDone, p: { opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -20, translateZ: 0 }, o: {
duration: 300,
sequenceQueue: false,
complete: function(elm) {
$opponentEgo.text(window.GT.ego + " " + nThousand(Math.ceil(nOpponentFinalEgo)));
$(elm).velocity({ translateY: 0 }, 0)
$('.velocity-animating').velocity("stop", true);
const Reward = window.Reward ? window.Reward : shared.reward_popup.Reward;
setTimeout(function() {Reward.handlePopup(rewards)}, 800);
//Fix a bug with decimal separator in daily goals
function fixDailyGoalsBug() {
for(let i = 0; i < $('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill').length; i++){
$('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill')[i].attributes.style.value = $('#daily_goals .objective-progress-bar-fill')[i].attributes.style.value.replace(',', '.');
//Sort daily missions by duration
function sortDailyMissions() {
const compare = (asc) => (row1, row2) => {
const missionDuration = row => parseInt(JSON.parse(row.attributes['data-d'].value).duration, 10)
const tri = (v1, v2) => v1 - v2;
return tri(missionDuration(asc ? row1 : row2), missionDuration(asc ? row2 : row1));
let missions = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.mission_object:not(.legendary)')).sort(compare(true));
missions.forEach(tr => document.querySelector('.missions_wrap').appendChild(tr));
//Display a notification on home screen when Sultry Mysteries event's shop is refreshed
function notifySultryMysteriesShopRefresh() {
if(CurrentPage == "/event.html") {
if(!$('a.active[href*="?tab=sm_event_"]').length) return;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if(!$('#shop_tab.underline-tab').length) return;
let sm_shop_timer = parseInt($('#shop_tab_container .shop-timer.timer').attr('data-time-stamp'), 10);
localStorage.setItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer', window.server_now_ts + sm_shop_timer);
}, 1000);
observer.observe($('#shop_tab')[0], {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
if(CurrentPage == "/home.html") {
if(!localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>')
else if(window.server_now_ts >= localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>');
else if(localStorage.getItem('HHS.sm_shop_timer') == NaN && $($('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]')).attr('href') != "#") {
$('.event-widget .event-thumbnail .event-timer.bar-wrapper .over[rel="sm_event"]').append('<span class="button-notification-icon expired_notification_icn" style="top: 0px;right: 229px;"></span>');
//Fix girl stats tooltip position
function fixGirlStatsTooltipPosition() {
new MutationObserver(() => {
if (parseInt($('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top'), 10) < 0 || parseInt($('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top'), 10) > 360) {
$('.hh_tooltip_new.new_girl_tooltip').css('top', 0)
}).observe(document.body, {childList: true});
//Girl tooltip in event widget
sheet.insertRule('#events .nc-event-reward-container .nc-event-reward-info {'
+ 'z-index: 10 !important;'
+ 'top: -4px !important;'
+ 'left: 0rem !important;}'
//Display stats screen instead of girls screen
function fixProfilePopup() {
const default_hero_page_popup = window.shared.general.hero_page_popup;
window.shared = {
general: {
hero_page_popup: (info) => {
if (info && !info.page) {
info.page = 'profile'
return default_hero_page_popup(info)
function fixLeaderboardHeroDisplay() {
function displayHeroRank(button, leaderboard) {
document.getElementById(button).addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
if($(leaderboard + ' #outer-hero-row')[0].children.length == 0) {
Array.from($(leaderboard + ' .leaderboard_row.hero-row').children()).forEach((child) => {
$(leaderboard + ' #outer-hero-row')[0].append(child.cloneNode(true));
}, 1000)
if(CurrentPage.includes("seasonal.html")) {
displayHeroRank('mega-event-tabs', '#top_ranking_tab_container');
else if(CurrentPage.includes("path-of-valor.html") || CurrentPage.includes("path-of-glory.html")) {
displayHeroRank('pov_leaderboard_tab', '#pov_leaderboard_tab_container');
displayHeroRank('pog_leaderboard_tab', '#pog_leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(CurrentPage.includes("season.html")) {
displayHeroRank('leaderboard_btn', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(CurrentPage.includes("labyrinth.html")) {
displayHeroRank('labyrinth_leaderboard_tab', '#labyrinth_leaderboard_tab_container');
else if(CurrentPage.includes("pantheon.html")) {
displayHeroRank('leaderboard_tab', '#leaderboard_tab_container');
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