Sleazy Fork is available in English. Ferramentas uteis

Adiciona ferramentas úteis ao gerador de imagens Sexy.AI❤️. [🔠Prompts Dinâmicos]. [📚Recurso Completar Tags], [🔎Pesquisar imagens por índice], [🔓Botão Gerar sempre ativado], [🔁Botão Desfazer/Refazer], [🖼️Recurso Manter Imagens] e muito mais

< Feedback em Ferramentas uteis

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 23/11/2023
Editado: 23/11/2023

Script interface showed up once after updating but was buggy. After refresh never showed up again. Tried uninstalling and downgrading. Used to work perfectly

Publicado: 28/11/2023

I'll fix this, every now and then I improve the code and fix some bugs. My script was tested on the brave browser, I don't know if it works on other browsers.

Publicado: 29/11/2023

Seems to be working better, I'll test it thoroughly

Publicado: 01/12/2023
Editado: 01/12/2023

UI appears only in first page load on both sites, it goes away after visiting library. Working fine on chrome tampermonkey, working partially on firefox violentmonkey (no random prompt, tags won't finish loading), haven't tried firefox tampermonkey

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