Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Părere la script-ul Handy Image


Postat în: 05-07-2020
Editat în: 06-07-2020

for clone detection purpose, copy-paste your @matches in Notepad++ or similar and
1. replace https to *
2. replace http to *
3. may be better to replace www. to *
4. replace *:// to *://*
5. replace *://**. to *://*
6. replace *://** to *://*
7. sort all @matches by a-z (use Edit - Line Operations - Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending)
8. copy-paste in empty Excel sheet
9. mark duplicates (tab Home - section Styles - button Conditional Formatting - option Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values…)
10. now check domains from these colored strings in your script editor (commonly by Ctrl+F) with Handy Image

Postat în: 05-07-2020

1,2: * works on both schemes, many sites allow just one 3: same as above, some sites work only with www 4: why bother? it's in chronological order 5: ?

Postat în: 06-07-2020
Editat în: 06-07-2020

okay, if the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain

// @match *://www.imagesnake.com/show*
// @match *://www.imagesnake.com/img*
// @match *://www.imagesnake.com/view*
// @match http://www.imagesnake.org/show*
// @match http://www.imagesnake.org/img*
// @match http://www.imagesnake.org/view*

subclones. set:

// @match *://www.imagesnake.*/show*
// @match *://www.imagesnake.*/img*
// @match *://www.imagesnake.*/view*

Postat în: 06-07-2020
Editat în: 06-07-2020

// @match *://*.wikipedia.org/wiki/*:*.jp*
// @match *://*.wikipedia.org/wiki/*:*.png
// @match *://*.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:*.jp*
// @match *://*.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:*.pn*

subclones. in other languages "File" replaced by analog sometimes. set:

// @match *://*.wiki*edia.org/wiki/*:*.jp*
// @match *://*.wiki*edia.org/wiki/*:*.pn*

Postat în: 06-07-2020

I rewrite topic start

Postat în: 06-07-2020

imagesnake.* wiki*edia.org

again, that would work not only on those two websites but on half of the internet

replace ://. to *:// script doesn't even have that

but anyway, - thank you for your concern, fixed wikimedia for other languages for now.

Postat în: 06-07-2020
Editat în: 06-07-2020

you're welcome :)

P.S. * * . from 5. occurs during text processing in 4.

P.S.S. I think it's time to rewrite this mega script into an addon for some browsers ;)

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