There is no link in the navigation menu anywehere to upload a script. This is a script sharing site. So uploading scripts and downloading them should be like, um, one of the most easiest tasks to do. It's sad that I have to actually GOOGLE "Greasy fork upload script" to find the actual link to do this. That needs fixed.

Создано: 05.05.2024
Изменено: 05.05.2024

It's already straightforward: To post scripts your first have to sign in, then click "Publish a script you've written", which it's the very first link in your profile page.
Otherwise, just look on the help page ( and you will find "Development - How to write user scripts" guide, which of course includes a link to publish the script.

The main page is meant to guide the users in the process of understanding the purpose and installation of userscripts.


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